Mcqs of Chemistry

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Sadat Public School and College kattan Payeen Dir U

Chemistry class 9th

Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling the corresponding bubble on the MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. It is
mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet to the Superintendent within given time.


Time: 15 Minutes Marks: 13 Name of

students:_____________________ Roll Number:_________________________

Q1: Think and Choose the correct option. (13)

I. which one of the Following is the example of diatomic Molecule:

 𝐻  𝑁𝑂  𝐶𝑂  𝐶𝑂

II. Which of the Following is heterogeneous Mixture?

 Alloy  Coffee  Vinegar  Ice cream

III. P-subshell has

 One orbitals  Two orbitals  Three orbitals  Four orbitals

IV. Nucleus was discovered by

 Democritus  Bohr  Dalton  Rutherford

V. The Maximum number of Electrons in 2 shell is

 2  8  18  32

VI. Alpha particles have a charge of

 Positive  Negative  Zero  None of these

VII. Solid sphere Model was presented by

 Thomson  Dalton  Bohr  None of these

VIII. The exist Location of Electron is

 Sub shell  Energy level  Orbital  Shell

IX. Free Radical have a charge

 Positive  Negative  Neutral  Zero

X. The Net charge on Atom is

 Positive  Negative  Neutral  Zero

XI. Element is made up from

 Atoms  cations  Anions  Both B and C

XII. which one represent Mole of hydrogen atom

 1g  1mol  1 amu  None of these

XIII. The lowest energy level is

 N  L  M  K

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