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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) VI

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

1. To compute the unit ______ of each finished output, add the total expenses of
materials used and the cost of labor divided by the total number of units produced.
a. Cost b. Earned c. Gain d. Revenue

2. The process of whitening or removing the color by sunlight exposure is called


a. Pyrography b. Preserving c. Bleaching d. Dyeing

3. Your teacher ask you to make a coin bank out of bamboo. You applied varnish to
make it presentable and shiny. The process of applying colors into the material is
called ____________.

a. Dyeing b. Pyrography c. Bleaching d. Preserving

4. To have an additional income, you bought 5 bibingka for P20.00. If you want to
have 20% profit, how much would the bibingka cost if you sell each to your

a. 24.00 b. 25.00 c. 24.50 d. 26.00

5. Which of the following statements is NOT correct in preparing the project plan?

a. Consider the benefits that we can get out of the product.

b. Prepare the tools and equipment needed.
c. Choose the expensive materials.
d. Prepare or plan first before doing your project.

6. A person who does not engage in any deceptive fraudulent acts and always displays
sincerity is _______________.

a. caring b. faithful c. innovative d. honest

7. ___________ is one way of connecting two or more people from different points in the
globe using video, audio, and the internet simultaneously and in real-time.

a. Blog b. E-mail c. YouTube d. Google Meet

Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

8. Never _______ to any instant messages, phone calls, video calls, or screen sharing
requests from someone you do not know.

a. reply b. refuse c. forward text d. accept pictures

9. A Wiki is a type of ________ that allows users to link web page content using any
Web browser.

a. Link b. Post c. Server d. Commenting feature

10. Which of the following statement is a SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE use of Wiki/blog.

a. Trust all information taken from the internet

b. Use words that are offensive to people
c. Post information that is true and is based on facts
d. Attack personalities you do not like in wiki/blogs

11. Which of the following is TRUE about online surveys?

I. Online survey is answerable using paper and pen.

II. It is used to gain a deeper understanding of people's opinions in many
III. It is a questionnaire created as web forms with a database, which is completed
by respondents over the internet.
IV. It can reveal respondents’ true opinions as well as enabling them to share
ideas with you in safe and comfortable environment.
a. I, II and III b. II, III and IV c. I, III and IV d. I, II and IV

12. Maritess wants to put a formula in one of the cells to compute her average. Making
use of the excel application, what symbol will she use to start her formula?

a. ? b. = c. > d. <

13. If you will be asked to create a multimedia presentation of a report in one of your
subjects, what application will you use?

a. MS Excel b. MS PowerPoint c. MS Word d. MS Publisher

14. Mr. Tee gave a task to his class to create an online survey about the favorite
subject of all grade 6 pupils in Don Protacio Elementary School. What online survey
tools they are going to use in making a set of questions?

a. Google Form b. Facebook c. Twitter d. Tiktok

Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

15. Which of the following situation shows the correct values in attending an online

a. Rolly is playing while others are reporting

b. David attended the online class undressed
c. Paz always observed the proper dress code
d. Tony plays loud music to interrupt the class

16. Construct a word out of the jumbled letter DAIOU which means “a transmitted
sound from any communicating device”. The word that will be form is__________.


17. Cristina made an Achara. After computing the total cost plus the labor cost of
P40.00. Help her to decide how many percent of the total computation she will use to
have a total sale of P99.00. Below is the list of ingredients she used.

Vinegar------------------ P 5.00
Carrots-------------------P 15.00
Onion-------------------- P 10.00
Bell pepper------------- P 10.00
Ginger------------------- P 5.00
Other ingredients ----- P 5.00
Total P 50.00

a. 9% b. 10% c. 11% d. 12%

18. Tonio lives on a farm surrounded by bamboo trees. His teacher in TLE asks him to
make a simple product that can be sold in the market for their Income Generating
Project (IGP) in a very short time. What possible product will he produce?

a. Laundry Basket b. Coin Bank c. Fruit Basket d. Chair

19. The Grade six pupils of Don Protacio Elementary School gathered data about the
favorite subject of all grade 6 pupils. Interpret the data below. What subject is the
favorite of all grade 6 pupils?



Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

a. Math b. Science c. Filipino d. TLE

20. What do we call a program such as zoom, skype, google meet and other programs
used by a computer to function?

a. Word Processing b. spreadsheet c. hardware d. software

21. How are wikis and blogs different?

a. both wiki and blog can be edited by another user or group.

b. wiki allows us to add, edit or delete content while blog does not allow others
to modify.
c. wiki does not allow others to modify content while blogs allow us to edit or
delete content.
d. both wiki and blog are a good way to stay current in your field and read
about what others are doing.

22.____________is a part of the spreadsheet that shows the content of the current cell
and allows you to create and view formulas in a spreadsheet.

a. Formula Bar b. Title Bar c. Tool Bar d. Status Bar

23. Rica is one of the Grade six pupils who will answer an online survey which is
limited to one response only. How many times can she submit her response?

a. once b. twice c. thrice d. as many as she wants

24. It is one of the google application that allows us to save our files in the cloud and
provides us with 15GB storage for free.

a. Google Calendar b. Google Drive c. Google Mail d. Google Meet

25. Because of the prevalent incidence of hacking, it is recommended that you choose
a strong ________ for your email, messenger, zoom and all of your electronic account.

a. letter b. number c. password d. symbol

Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Prepared by:



Education Program Supervisor


1. A 14. A
2. C 15. C
3. A 16. C
4. A 17. B
5. C 18. B
6. A 19. A
7. D 20. D
8. A 21. B
9. C 22. A
10. C 23. A
11. B 24. B
12. B 25. C
13. B

Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address:

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