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Assignment: Critical thoughts

Trimester: IV
Date: 13/02/2023
Full name: Diego Rafael Taboada

Critical discourse analysis is a methodology that enables a vigorous assessment of
what is meant when language is used to describe and explain. There is a proliferation
of terms within critical discourse analysis which is reflective of the various influences
in the development of the methodology. The role of critical discourse analyst is to
analyze relations between discourse and other elements of the social, and to analyze
relations between linguistic/semiotic elements of social events and linguistic/semiotic
facets of social structure and social practice (Fairclough, 1993). Discourse analysis is
interpretative and explanatory. Critical analysis implies a systematic methodology and
a relationship between the text and its social conditions, ideologies and power-
relations. Critical discourse analysis can be seen as aiming to critically investigate
issues of related texts. It aims to help the analyst understand the social problems that
are mediated by mainstream ideology and power relationships, all perpetuated by the
use of written texts in our daily and professional lives .

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