Taboada Persuading

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Persuasive people know their audience inside and out, and they use this knowledge to
speak their audience’s language. The key here is to avoid getting too caught up in the
back and forth of the discussion. The person you are speaking with is a person, not an
opponent or a target. No matter how compelling your argument, if you fail to connect on a
personal level, he or she will doubt everything you say. Persuasive people establish their
ideas assertively and confidently, without being aggressive or pushy.

For me, Ethos is the most persuasive. Audiences are more likely to be persuaded by the
speaker’s credibility, while they can only remember 5% content. But I guess pathos is also
of great significance since many speeches for motivating public attention tend to use more
pathos, which leaves audiences a strong impression. However, since logos are taken less
attention, it becomes a potentially misleading fact that the speaker might convey fault
ideas. This requires audiences to have critical thinking to figure out the truth from the
appearance of ethos and pathos.

Ethos calls upon the ethics, or what we'd call the values, of the speaker. Pathos elicits
emotions in the audience. Finally, logos puts logic into play by using evidence and facts.
Good persuasive advertising technique is when you balance all three.

Ethos is used to convey the writer's credibility and authority. When evaluating a piece of
writing, the reader must know if the writer is qualified to comment on this issue. pathos is
most effective when used in the introduction and conclusion. You want to grab readers'
attention in the beginning and to leave them with conviction at the end and emotion is a
useful tool for those purposes. Logos is used to show examples, studies and statistics to
uphold any claims that are made in the writing. Without logos, the writing would not be a
factually based informative piece of work.

What might be some other ways to persuade people? Aristotle also mentioned a fourth
mode of persuasion, although he didn't group it with the other three in his teachings. This
mode is known as kairos, which translates from Greek to opportune or right moment.
When applying the mode of persuasion known as kairos, the speaker or writer must take
advantage of or create the ideal moment to deliver a message
Part II: Persuade me!

Research showed that excessive homework is associated with high stress levels,
physical health problems and lack of balance in children's lives; 56% of the students in
the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives,” according to the CNN
story(ETHOS). If classtime is used properly, there is enough time in the day to include
review, a new concept, and independent practice during school
time(LOGOS). Teachers should not give us homework because it waste time.We
hardly have time to go outside and play with our friends. Sometimes you stay up to late
than you get tired of doing your homework but your parents will say,"Finish your
homework". Sometimes if we don't finish our homework then we can't go nowhere.That
is why we should not have homework(PATHOS).

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