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Listen up!
Trimester: V
Date: 14/07/2022
Full name: Diego Taboada

Conversation #1
Man: I hear that Joe caused quiet a storm last night
Woman: It wasn’t Joe who caused the rockets
Man: Oh really? Who was it then?
Woman: It was Bill who caused trouble
Man: Why does that not surprise me?
Woman: I know right? shocker

Conversation #2
Woman: How was your time in New York?
Man: Oh, I couldn’t wait to leave
Woman: really? Was it to crowded for your taste?
Man: No, it wasn’t the crow that I hated
Woman: Really? What was it?
Man: It was the constant need to spent money that I didn’t like
Woman: Yeah, the big apple is expensive for sure

Conversation #3
Man: How was the movie?
Woman: Oh… It was a let down, not recommended
Man: Really? Did it have a bad plot?
Woman: No, it wasn’t the story that bothered me
Man: Then what did?
Woman: It was the over use of special effects I didn’t like
Man: Sounds like I should skip it
Woman: Yeah, I’d give it a miss

Conversation #4
Man: I hear we lost a contract, did we over bid?
Woman: No, it wasn’t the price that they disliked
Man: Really? What was it then?
Woman: It was the strict time frame they disapproved of
Man: Well, maybe we can counter offer
Woman: I doubt it, I think that should be selled

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