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Homework #3 (HW3): Quantifying Propositions


DIRECTION: Quantify the following propositions.

1. Not all roses are red.

∃x(Rose(x) ∧ ¬Red(x))
2. Nobody is perfect.
3. There is some news that every student heard.
∃x(News(x) ∧ ∀y(Student(y) → Heard(y, x)))
4. Either every fruit is bitter or every fruit is sweet.
(∀x(Fruit(x) → Bitter(x)) ∨ ∀x(Fruit(x) → Sweet(x)))
5. Barking dogs don’t bite.
∀x(Barking(x) → ¬Bites(x))
6. No student likes any exams.
∀x(Student(x) → ∀y(Exam(y) → ¬Likes(x, y)))
7. Hyun-bin has a cat.
∃x(Cat(x) ∧ Has(Hyun-bin, x))
8. All students will pass the exam.
∃x(Cat(x) ∧ Has(Hyun-bin, x))
9. Some students will pass all the exams.\
∃x(Cat(x) ∧ Has(Hyun-bin, x))
10.Everybody is looking forward to summer vacation.
∀x(Person(x) → LookingForwardTo(x, SummerVacation))

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