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College of Education, Arts, and Sciences

Physical Education Area


What will be your course of action to encourage members of

your community to actively participate in this kind of
activity (circuit training)? Identify your five course of action
and number your answer according to priority.

Encouraging active participation in circuit training is a key focus for individuals dedicated to promoting physical
exercise. A strategic approach that leverages incentives, community building, education, variety, and
accessibility can create a community of individuals who are passionate about the numerous health benefits that
circuit training offers. The goal is to create an engaged and motivated community of participants.
1. Incentivize Active Participation: To encourage members of our community to engage in circuit training, we
must incentivize their involvement. We can achieve this by implementing a reward system that offers
tangible incentives such as gift cards, fitness gear, or certificates of recognition. These incentives will provide
a motivation for individuals to participate and strive for excellence in their training.
2. Train and Unite: Encouraging group participation in circuit training can help foster a supportive and
synergistic environment. This can be achieved by scheduling regular group activities, arranging social events
after training sessions, or forming groups based on shared interests and goals. By creating a collaborative
atmosphere, individuals will feel more motivated and encouraged to participate in circuit training.
3. Know and Grow: Elevating awareness of the benefits of circuit training is crucial to encouraging
participation. This can be done through informative sessions, educational posters and flyers, or utilizing
online resources. By educating members of the community on the positive impact circuit training can have
on their health and well-being, they will be more likely to embrace this form of exercise.
4. Diversifying Offerings: To keep circuit training activities engaging and stimulating, it is important to diversify
the offerings. This can include a range of activities such as high-intensity interval training, bodyweight
exercises, weight lifting, and more. By providing a broad spectrum of options, individuals will be able to
discover activities that align with their interests and abilities, thereby increasing their motivation to
5. Improving Accessibility: Improving accessibility to circuit training activities is paramount to promoting
participation. This can be done through the provision of equipment, scheduling activities at convenient
times, offering transportation services, or offering financial assistance to those in need. By improving
accessibility, members of our community will be able to participate and reap the benefits of circuit training.

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