Questions On Amphibian COnservation

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What is the main topic of the video?

A) The importance of frogs in ecosystem balance
B) Threats to frog populations worldwide
C) Efforts to conserve frog species
D) The life cycle of frogs

What is the role of Dr. Kerry M. Kriger in frog conservation?

A) He is a renowned frog researcher.
B) He is a veterinarian specializing in frog care.
C) He is the founder of the nonprofit organization "Save the Frogs."
D) He is a wildlife photographer capturing images of endangered frog species.

Why are frogs considered important for ecosystem balance?

A) They are major predators of insects and pests.
B) They help control water pollution.
C) They serve as indicators of environmental health.
D) All of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a threat to frog populations discussed in the video?
A) Climate change
B) Habitat loss
C) Overfishing
D) Pollution

What is the significance of frogs' permeable skin?

A) It allows them to breathe underwater.
B) It makes them susceptible to diseases and toxins.
C) It enables them to camouflage effectively.
D) It helps them regulate their body temperature.

What is the primary focus of the "Save the Frogs" organization?

A) Captive breeding programs for endangered frogs
B) Lobbying for legislation to protect frog habitats
C) Raising awareness about the importance of frogs and their conservation
D) Establishing protected areas exclusively for frog species

Why are amphibians particularly vulnerable to environmental changes?

A) They have low reproductive rates.
B) They have specialized habitat requirements.
C) They are sensitive to pollution and habitat degradation.
D) All of the above.

What is the concept of "citizen science" in frog conservation?

A) Involving the general public in scientific research and data collection
B) Training frogs to interact with humans
C) Conducting experiments on frogs in captivity
D) Using frog calls to communicate with humans
What are one-way individuals can contribute to frog conservation efforts?
A) Keeping frogs as pets
B) Purchasing frog-related
C) Participating in habitat restoration projects
D) Collecting frogs from the wild for scientific study

How does Dr. Kerry M. Kriger inspire others to join frog conservation efforts?
A) Through educational campaigns and workshops
B) By personally rescuing and rehabilitating injured frogs
C) By offering monetary rewards for frog sightings
D) By advocating for frog consumption as a sustainable food source

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