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“I A M ”


P. O. Box 1 133

C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 3 8 , BY

C H I C A G O ,

“ I AM”
P R I N T E D IN U. S. A.
*Note: Where Decrees are mentioned the first num­
ber is the Paper Bound Volume; the one in Brackets
is the New Cloth Bound Volume No. V.


H, “Mighty I AM Presence” ! Oh, Beloved Mighty
Unfed Flame! Descend into our midst in the Fulness
of Thy Mighty Power and abide with us always. Blaze forth
visible to the physical sight of all mankind! Enfold us within
Thy Dazzling Heart! Let Thy Clarion Call envelope the
earth! Speak through every human heart, until all hear Thy
Blessed Voice and obey Its Mighty Command for Perfec­
tion. Reveal Thy Eternal Law of Life, the Mighty Truth
and Reality which Thou art! Set mankind free and hold Thy
Dominion within us all forever!
The Mighty Presence of the Unfed Flame is within this
Holy Temple! Let all of earth keep silent before It forever
and be at Peace; in humble, grateful, loving, adoring obedi­
ence and full acceptance of Its Mighty Presence forever!
Keep us humble before Thee! Positive to the world and
forever in the Service of the Ascended Host of Light.
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14. Leader says: “ In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ we
HE Ascended Master Saint Germain requests that every meet­
ing be opened by issuing (standing) each of the following call unto Thee, Archangel Michael, Astrea, and Oromasis, Prince
Decrees 3 times. Visualize and feel the activity. of the Fiery Element! Lead Your Mighty Legions of Angels of
the Blue Lightning of Divine Love through the earth and its
1. Mighty Cosmic Light, come forth and do Your Perfect Work
atmosphere; to cleanse and purify all that is not of the Pure
Christ. We thank Thee Thou dost always answer our every call.”
2. The Forces of Light move into action with Full Power and are Entire Group silently repeats and feels all words spoken.
Victorious NOW! 15. Songs. Entire Group repeats out loud Note No. 4 before singing.
3. Mighty Arcturus, come forth in That Light as of a Thousand 16. Group remains standing and repeats out loud, with arms up­
Suns and consume all human selfishness and discord from the lifted, Note No. 5. (Only raise hands to about the shoulders and
planet! do N O T become fanatical in any way. This is simply a receptive
4. The Light of God never fails, and the “ Mighty I AM Presence” position and acknowledges the body as a “ Grail” or “ Cup of
is that Light! Light.” )
17. Silence of 5 minutes, pouring out Praise and Adoration to your
5. We say to all human creation: “ You have no Power! Your day
own “ Mighty I AM Presence.”
is done! Be thou dissolved and consumed from the face of the
earth forever! 18. Visualize the wall of steely White Light around North, South
and Central America with a Great Golden Heart of Divine Love
6. The limitless Legions of Light now sweep across the face of the hovering over each one; and sending out Great Rays of Violet
earth, and all human darkness disappears! Flame to purify everything.
7. Announcements. 19. Leader says: “ Saint Germain and Jesus have told us that it is in
8. B rie f moment o f Silence with attention focused on the the Silence that the Great Power is generated, and the Spoken
“ M IG H T Y I AM PR ESEN C E.” Word is the release of that Power.” So let us, with all the earnest­
ness at our command, send out the Decrees which our Beloved
9. Invocation. Leader asks all to repeat silently and feel whatever
Masters have suggested. All issue out loud, Decrees as noted in
words are spoken so that the entire Group sends up the words
Notes Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9.
as one Voice. Example Note No. 1.
20. Charging of Gas Belts. All join in together, as described in
10. Entire Group issues Entity Decree out loud. No. 58 (71),* Note No. 10.
“ I A M ” Decree Book.
2 1. Leader reads from Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence,
1 1 . Explanation of the Chart. Read description from Feb. 1936 and The “ I A M ” Discourses, other books of the Saint Germain
Feb. 1937 “ Voice of the I AM .” Series, or “ The Voice of the ‘ I A M ’.”
12. Drawing of Electronic Tube of Light Substance. All repeat out 22. Group repeats out loud Notes Nos. 1 1 , 12 and 13. No. 13 is
loud words of Note No. 2. repeated three times, with the attention focused in the heart area
13. Release of Violet Flame. All repeat out loud Note No. 3. as a Golden Light ever expanding.
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23. Healing work. Leader, with entire Group silently repeating, NOTES INVOCATION
calls to the “ Mighty I AM Presence” to release Its Mighty
j Thou Infinite, Mighty, All-powerful, Active Presence—God—
Healing Currents to heal the body and illumine the mind.
Visualize the individual being absorbed into and becoming the Thou Mighty “ I AM ” Presence, Creator of all that is! Always
Majestic in Thy Conquering Presence! We -ever grow in deeper
Luminous Presence of Jesus, Saint Germain, or any other
Ascended Master. praise, thanks and gratitude to Thee for Thy Life, Light, Love and
Intelligent Power manifest everywhere in the Universe! We give
24. Project your Love and Gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, Power only to Thee. We forever withdraw all power we have ever
Donald, Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Mighty Divine Director given to outer things, and stand serene in Thy Majestic Presence,
and the Great Host of Ascended Masters. Then offer It up to Love, Wisdom and Power. Enable us to understand and feel Thy
your “ Presence” from whence It came. Visualize your Love, as Radiant Power, always active in our Beings and worlds.
It leaves your heart area, becoming a blazing Golden Ray of Thou Mighty, Supreme Ruler of the Universe! Whose Law is Jus­
Divine Love. tice, Whose Power is Invincible! Protect America in Thy Great
25. Group issues out loud Special Decrees which Mr. and Mrs. Blazing Loving Presence! Reveal to the authorities of the United
Ballard request in the “ I A M ” Decree Book and “ The Voice of States of America any wrong activities! “ I A M ” the Mighty Channel
the ‘ I A M ’,” especially the Divine Director’s Decree regarding of Justice, claiming all now and for all time; that they serve only the
war in Europe, page 41, April 1937 “ The Voice of the T A M ’,” “ Light of God that never fails” and America! No human thought
and Decrees No. 32 (37); 41 (50); and 68 (83), in Decree Book.* shall enter in! No human hand shall be raised against Her; for She is
sealed within the Love of the Great Ascended Host of Light forever!
26. Benediction. Entire Group repeats silently words spoken by Mighty God of the Universe! Thy Love, Light, Wisdom, Intelli­
Leader. The entire Service is conducted in the most sacred way gence and Justice shall fill every office in this land! All political graft
possible but with a happy dignity; exactly as if Saint Germain, shall be wiped out forever! and Thou shalt reign through Thy Cre­
Jesus, Nada and the Great Divine Director were present in ation—through Thy Children in Perfect Justice to all!
Their Visible, Tangible Bodies. No questions are permitted to Mighty Light of the Universe! Blaze forth Thy Rays into the
be asked during the Service and no discussion. Written questions hearts of mankind everywhere! Let there be Light! Light! Light!
may be answered by Leader using the “ I A M ” books or “ The Let there be MORE L IG H T ! T H E PU RE C H R IST L IG H T !
Voice of the ‘ I A M ’,” so that no personality enters into it in any T H E G R E A T CO SM IC L IG H T ! T H E L IG H T OF GOD T H A T
way whatever. Group should disperse as quietly as possible N EV ER F A IL S! Descend into the earth with Thy Legions of
praising and glorifying the “ Mighty I AM Presence,” and hold­ Light! Place the feet of mankind securely upon the Pathway of
ing the Power that has been drawn for their blessing. Light! Lead them back once more into that Light and Perfection
from whence they came! To that end, raise the Liquid Light in our
bodies, and the bodies of all mankind! Take It back into Thyself!
Make us Pure and Wholly Perfect as Thou art! Make us crystal-clear
Temples of Pure Christ Light through which will ever blaze Thy
Mighty, Golden, Miracle-working Lightning of Divine Love to
create Thy Perfection everywhere!
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“ Mighty I AM Presence” ! All I am, or have, or ever hope to be, 2 “ Mighty I AM Presence,” enfold me now in my Mighty, Magic,
or have, is Thine! Come forth! Control and manifest through my Electronic Tube of Ascended Masters Light-Substance! Make It so
body, brain, mind and will! Pour forth Thy Full Glory and Perfec­ powerful that no human creation can pass through! See that It keeps
tion on earth as Thou art in the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light! me invisible, invincible and invulnerable to everything but Thy
We thank Thee. * * * Almighty Perfection, and infinitely sensitive to Thee, Beloved
“ Mighty I AM Presence.” (Visualize and feel it.)
Beloved Master Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, Mighty Divine
Director and Great Ascended Host of Light! We greet Thee and _ “ Mighty I AM Presence,” blaze up through me now your
bless Thee, in the Name of the “ Mighty I AM Presence” ! We give J Mighty Consuming Violet Flame, the purifying Power of Divine
our heart’s Love in praise and thanks to Thee, for releasing to the Love, in Its most powerful, dynamic activity! Consume cause, effect
Children of earth this glorious Understanding of the “ Mighty I AM and record forever, of all human concepts, desires and feelings in my
Presence.” We, as one, offer ourselves as a channel so humbly, so Being and world, and every mistake for which my outer self is respon­
gratefully, so reverently, so earnestly, so joyously! Use us in every sible! Replace it with the Ascended Masters’ Electronic Substance of
way You can in the Service of the Light! We are ready! We are will­ Light, Love, Purity and Perfection, and hold Your Dominion within
ing! We are loving, adoring, obedience to the Light! We ask You to me forever! (Visualize and feel it.)
focus into our meeting place Your Mightiest Rays of Light, that . Before singing songs or issuing decrees: “ Mighty I AM Pres-
They may be a constant Source of Radiation; to protect, illumine, i ence,” seize our music and decrees, qualify them with Saint
heal, bless, prosper and encourage all who are here tonight. We Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness and with the combined
thank Thee. Love of the Ascended Host; amplify them with the Power of a
In the Name of the “ Mighty I AM Presence,” we greet Thee and Thousand Suns, and blaze them throughout the earth to produce
bless Thee, Great Cosmic Messengers, Cyclopea, Mighty Silent Perfection everywhere.
Watcher, Great Divine Director, wondrous Legion of Light and Great r “ Mighty I AM Presence” and Great Divine Director! Seize pos-
Angelic Host! We give praise and thanks for the Mighty Harmonious 3 session of America, the Government and her people! Control her
Accomplishment which YOU alone are bringing about! and with the resources and direct her activities by Thy Almighty Perfection!
desire to render our conscious cooperation, we call upon Thee, Thou Envelope her in that Invincible Wall of Light through which naught
Infinite “ Mighty I AM Presence” ! Do Thou so illumine the Under­ can pass but the Perfection of the Ascended Masters! and keep it
standing of the Children of Light everywhere, that we may all assist eternally sustained! (Visualize and feel it.)
without limit!
z ' Saint Germain’s wish: “ God, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ is
In the Name of the “ Mighty I AM Presence,” we greet Thee and governing with Invincible Power EVERYW H ERE in the hearts
bless Thee, Sanat Kumara, the Lords of the Flame, the Tall Master and minds of mankind.” (P. 322 of The “ I A M ” Discourses.)
from Venus (Victory) and Thy Associates! We accept the full Power
of the Unfed Flame in Its Limidess, Cosmic Activity! Keep it eter­ _ Jesus’ Decree: “ In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’
nally sustained and the Only Acting Presence within mankind and / such freedom, health, prosperity and harmonious action shall
the earth forever. We thank Thee it is done. Accept our gratitude come forth for America and the world now as have never before been
and praise! experienced on earth.” (P. 355 of The “ I AM ” Discourses.)

O Suggested by Jesus on Christmas 1935: “ In the Name of the “ In the Name, by the Power, through the Love, in the Authority,
‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the books of the Saint Germain Series, and unto the Glory of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ we now offer
the periodical known as ‘The Voice of the “ I A M ” ,’ and the ourselves as a channel to You, Blessed Master Saint Germain, Jesus,
Radio transcriptions, SH A LL BE the most sought-after books, Nada, Great Divine Director and Legions of Light! Blaze through us!
periodical and transcriptions on the face of this Planet, to the up- Blaze through us! Blaze through us! Thy Mighty Golden Power of
liftment of God’s children everywhere” ! Divine Love and C H A R G E the energy in the gas belts below the
earth’s surface with that Mighty Power” !
Activity of the Blue Ray: As the words are spoken, visualize your Note: On the word “ CH ARG E” bring the hands down to your
y own “ Presence” projecting the Blue Lightning from Its Hands sides with dynamic energy, but be perfectly relaxed. Visualize and
into the condition or place you direct: “ Mighty I AM Presence,” feel Great Cosmic Streams of Golden Light-Substance blazing
down through you from Great Beings above you. This actually
project the Blue Lightning of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love takes place, streaming like an avalanche through your body, hands
into— and feet, flooding into the gas belts below the earth’s surface. Con­
tinue by saying:
1. Europe! blast the cause, effect and record of all war and dis­
“ In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ I command this
turbing conditions from the face of the earth forever: especially—
Golden Light-Substance to blaze into the Heart of the earth! to flood
2. Into the Federal, State and Municipal Government of the instantly the entire interior of the earth and all Beings within it! and
United States of America! to be eternally sustained until this whole Planet becomes a Great
3. Into every activity that seeks to interfere with the success of the Golden Sun of Light.”
“ I AM ” Work under the Ascended Master Saint Germain! Note: Hold this picture clearly for a brief period until you visualize
the entire earth become a Great Golden Sun. Feel the Power
4. Into any banking, commercial, communistic or other activities surging through you! An intense activity takes place. Continue
that do not serve the “ Light of God that never fails,” ! and blast their by now raising your hands to the Presence and the Ascended Mas­
ters once more, and repeat out loud:
cause, effect and record from the face of the earth forever.
“ Bring into manifestation the Perfection ordained for this Planet
Note: You can use this in any vicious activity. Never do it with under the Great God Plan of the Ascended Masters. See that every
a feeling of irritation. Never draw the Blue Ray through your own
body; always from your “ Presence” to the condition direct; as It individual upon this Planet serves the Light; and gives all credit and
always consumes the discord, and releases the pure Electronic Force acknowledgment to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and the Ascended
to accomplish Its Mighty Work. I f the call is earnest enough, the Host of Light. We thank Thee, and we bless Thee, ‘Mighty I AM
Great Divine Director will step through and give the Help needed.
Presence,’ and Great Ascended Hosts of Light, in the Name of the
T _ Charging the Gas Belts: Leader: “ In the Name of the ‘Mighty ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ ” !
I AM Presence,’ we now offer ourselves as a channel, through Conclude by issuing Decree No. 22 (26) from Decree Book.*
which the Ascended Masters can charge the Gas Belts and the in­ _ _ “ Mighty I AM Presence,” Great Host of Ascended Masters,
terior of the earth with the Golden Essence of Divine Love, to render Mighty Legion of Light, Great Angelic Host, and Great Cos­
a transcendent service for the earth and all mankind. Let us all stand, mic Beings! Come forth in Your Infinite Power! Charge my Being
make the Sign of the Heart, Head and Hand, in salutation to the and world, Saint Germain’s Activity of the “ I AM ,” America and
Ascended Masters, raise our hands to the ‘Presence’ and repeat out all who serve the Light throughout the world, with Thy Invincible
loud together: Protection, eternally sustained.
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T - “ Mighty I AM Presence,” Come forth in Your Infinite DECREE FOR T H E A S C E N S IO N
Ascended Master Power! Charge my mind, Being, world and
activity, and that of all the Children of Light everywhere, with the T . “ Mighty I AM Presence,” take complete command of my
Great Divine Director’s Ascended Master Consciousness, Instan­ T - mind and body now! Prepare me for what YO U would have
taneous Activity and Fulfillment; that we may have the Full Benefit me do. I am ready and I am willing, and see that I make my Ascen­
of His Consciousness made physically manifest now, eternally sus­ sion in this embodiment!
tained. I A M TH E R E S U R R E C T IO N A N D TH E L I F E ! I A M TH E
You must make the call. You cannot receive Limitless Assistance A S C E N S IO N IN TH E L IG H T ! Beloved Master Saint Germain,
unless you do. We have been told repeatedly, that for any activity to Jesus, Nada and Great Divine Director, give me Your Limitless
be released into the physical octave, the call must come from the Assistance to the attainment of my Ascension in this embodiment.
physical octave. It cannot come into our Beings and worlds in any I shall endeavor to live accordingly. SO H ELP M E, “ M IG H T Y
other way! I AM PR ESEN C E.” With all the Love of my Heart, I thank Thee!
Saint Germain says: “ Prayer is not intensive enough to release
the energy needed to control the Forces that rock a Planet.” You “ In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ I hereby pledge
must call to the “ Mighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended Masters and decree that I shall never again recognize or enter into criticism,
for They are the Only Ones who can. Unless you let go of every­ condemnation, judgment or discussion of the deeds or words of any
thing else and be 100% for the “ I A M ” (as Jesus suggests in His Group Leader or student of the ‘ I AM ,’ or any other individual or
1935 Christmas Day Discourse), you cannot be intensive enough in any thing; that where improvement seems desirable, I shall imme­
your call to release the Power of Protection. YOU M U ST M A K E diately call the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into action to produce
YO U R M A XIM U M E FFO R T NOW! Your Light is going to be PER FEC T IO N and hold IT S DOM INION forever, and I shall
used to the limit from now on! You M U ST see that the Great­ endeavor to so live that the Ascended Masters CAN work through
est Light expands in the shortest time! me at any moment! SO H E L P M E, ‘M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E : ”
Note: Write out this Ascension Decree in ink and sign your name. Then
“ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! expand Thy Light in every cell of consume it in the Flame by burning it up 24 hours after signing.
J my body until Its Radiance blazes through my flesh, eternally
sustained.” (Visualize and feel it.)
The Law of this Work is Loving, Humble Co-operation. People
only get free by giving! The Ascended Masters give everything, and
so They have everything! Intense application is asked by Saint Ger­
main of all the students! This is the Eleventh Hour request! TH E
N E C E S S IT Y I S V E R Y G R E A T !

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