RFH Lesson1-1

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Restoring the Faithful Heart

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You can never objectify yourself. The closest you can come is feedback from
the environment, what others say, and the occasional mirror you stare
into. And, when we try to measure our subjective worth the best we can distill
are estimations of worth to others. Emotions are sometimes complex, or
diametrically in contrast such as happiness or anger. And of course there is an
ever-changing landscape for our perception of self.

Difficult though it may be, we are relentless in trying to know our selves and
assessing our potential in life.

Have you ever noticed, however, that the more you look into yourself the less
you observe about others and the world around you?

And by contrast the more you observe everything around you and make some
effort to care for it, the less concerned you are about who you are and any
other form of self-analysis.

All these things considered does it make sense that the center of our being is a
great unknown empowered by faith.

Read these first words of the Bible:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the
earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surges of the deep, and
the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Clearly there was nothing but God. What majestic tsunami of faith poured out
the energy of creation from NOTHING...? And to this day there is a black hole at
the center of our universe?
If God is at the center of our being, then perhaps that Divine and Holy Being
rests within a field of NOTHING, our connection is likely to be accessed,
touched, and activated only by faith.

It is no wonder that the greatest mystics of all times, including the great
Buddha, have described their pinnacle experience as one of infinite "nothing".
In the same state of awe, it Is it no wonder that our most advanced scientists
today are searching for self-replenishing energy in the "0" point field of non-
unformed energy potential.

In these three examples we see one commonality. God create something from
nothing. The mystics held onto their comprehension of nothing, yet live within
physical reality. And physicists are not content just to know about the "O"
point field. They want to put it into useful application.

So we know there is a bridge. That is the new frontier.

But what is the bridge between nothing and something? It's my contention
that its faith. However, to understand that, we need to more accurately
estimate the nature of faith. It is my goal for this webinar to help you see that
faith is not just the wish or idea that something might be possible. It's so much
more. It's what you call upon when you reach for power to cross the great
divide between nothing and something.

Before we go any further let's don't be confused about "nothing". We are not
talking about insignificance or irrelevance like an event or conversation one
could describe as "nothing"(unimportant). I am presenting to you an element
of existence that has no matter energy, space, time or any property that could
be perceived or described as physical.

My contention is this property is faith. Jeshua said that if you have so little
faith as a mustard seed you can say to the mountain, come, and it will
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
obey. How could a mountain move without resistance except through
“nothing” holding it back? My friends that makes faith a POWER of the first
degree. Not some wishful dream or just surrendering to
unconsciousness. How much power is in a black hole? There’s enough to hold
an entire universe together.

We have all heard the old adage (which is actually great wisdom, what you
don't say is more powerful than what you do say? Every salesman who has
ever been coached on selling learns this for one of the first lessons: after you
present a product, then say nothing until the customer speaks. Most answers
come to us from the void. Hence the refreshing power of a good night's sleep.

We cannot head straight into a discussion of nothing, for then it would become
something. However we can stalk it and attract ourselves to it and vice
versa. So was an essential introduction to the Faithful Heart.

Therefore next we must identify what it is. Discussions of the heart were
central to the teachings of Jeshua. In both Love Without End and The Keys of
Jeshua he refers to the heart in many contexts. Most especially he details with
great clarity the hearts intelligence. And the attributes of higher bearing that
comprise the temple of our being, the Sacred Heart. He says with no
reservation that our physical heart is created at conception and is directly
influenced by higher intelligence available to it for the duration of life. We
don't always listen or follow it's directives. But they are available.

In his teachings to me he reserved this subject until troubles of life began

mounting layer upon layer. What it seems to me is that the Faithful Heart is a
function of the heart at a higher level of infinite potential. There are layers of
many common elements of life, why not the heart? A familiar example can be
observed in condensation of matter from simple elements such as hydrogen
and oxygen to form a gas that can condense to water. Then as temperatures
affect the state of water it can boil into steam, returning to gas. Or freeze solid
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
to provide a surface for skating and winter sports. Yet it's all the same element
functioning at different levels of density and condensation.

Without needing to know all the ways and means of how it's done, let us just
behold and marvel at how a Faithful Heart conjoined with the Creator of all
existence can provide greater strength to the Sacred Heart and more
understanding, with better application into life for the hearts intelligence.
The seven intelligences of the heart are:

We will refer to them occasionally in this course, although our study is directed
more toward our hearts connection with the universe and the very presence of
God within. We cannot describe God. We can barely describe the universe. So
we will necessarily be circling around this great subject of faith and the center
of our being connected with God.

The first circle I want to make is more powerful than you think at first. Just
stay with me and enjoy a special gift from my own life I have to offer.

Since the age of 3 I knew I wanted to be an artist. But my idea of what an artist
was has changed greatly in the course decades living and creating it. Not just
with my understanding, but social changes as well. When I was a girl, the word
artist usually referred to someone in the visual arts. Of course that was a very
limited and narrow perception. Today applies to artists in all media.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

I'm glad it has broadened because it shows we are coming closer to a real
understanding of what it means.

I have to admit my ignorance as a child and even young adult. I not only
thought an artist was a painter, but a painter was as good as he could make a
rose look like a rose. I didn't realize the correct word for that talent was
artisan. As I went through college I was given straight A's for my work because
I was the finest little artisan you can imagine. My professors could not refuse
me that acknowledgment. Although they were contentious that I refused any
form of abstract art and frankly did not understand it. They saw something I
was missing and knew I needed to learn it if I was ever to become an artist. I
really didn't yet know why Van Gogh was immortalized when the chairs and
buildings he painted were crooked and there were waves of energy in the
sky. I didn't get it. I had a long ways to go and my teachers knew it. So they
denied me entrance into grad school as a painter but awarded me the finest
fellowship in art history in the whole university system.

I too began to realize my blind spots and fixed beliefs. But I didn't know what
they were or how yo fix then. By the grace of God I was allowed the time and
experience I needed. It was only through experiences of creating that I could
discover what art really is from the inside out. And that's how it ties into the
vast and uncharted field of faith.

One day I was looking at a picture of Van Gogh's Sunflowers. They are
stunning and I was trying to figure out what exactly made them so exquisitely
haunting. My mind still couldn’t get it so I decided to stretch a canvas same
size and mix up same colors. I was very good at color perception and could
match almost any color perfectly. Most of Van Gogh's paintings were whipped
out in a few hours, so I knew this would be a quick little exercise of
discovery. It was. And a massive failure. My painting was similar but had
nothing of the charm, grace, or life of his. Still dense I came up with a new
plan. It would work but not the way I expected. My new plan was to get real
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
sunflowers and a vase similar to the one he painted. Then I would paint the
flowers and vase in a style similar to his. Of course that was destined to fail as
a painting. But the whole project was so absurd I finally got the answer I

I had been trying to paint how the flowers looked, while trying also to copy his
style of art. By shocking contrast I finally saw that Van Gogh was painting his
EXPERIENCE OF THE FLOWERS. That's why the energetic brush strokes were
necessary. Why colors in the shadow were necessary. Why every flower petal
was unique. He was in communion with the flower and painted the
communion. When he painted a person or place he painted his experience of
the person or place and not the thing itself. Perhaps it was his psychosis that
led him to the intangible world of spirit between ourselves and the physical
elements of our life.

One thing I can say for sure is that the logical and practical side of my mind had
kept me from understanding that true art is an act of faith to bring into
existence the manifest presence our experiences of living.

I still think a lot of abstract art is just mush or superficial decoration because it
was a fad enforced on young minds when the world was changing like like
crazy (perhaps that was the experience). But there are great abstract
paintings that move us with the energy of timeless radience. Perhaps it was
the artist’s experience of moving through a wheat field at sunset with long
dark shadows injecting deep purple stroked into a field of golden light. This
applies to authors as well. One thing I can say for certain is John Steinbeck
could not have written the novels he did except that he lived among the
characters he portrayed. Earnest Hemingway could not have relayed
adventures so vividly had he not traveled the world. Pablo Picasso could not
have painted the painful moments of the early 20th century if he had not gone
through the Spanish revolution. But don't think it all has to be painful or
challenging. Monet painted his own gardens and they are still in Giverney for
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
you to visit. When you feel life within my painting of The Lamb And the Lion
it's because I faithfully painted the experience and never doubted that it was
real. And that became a book and that became equally alive because I
experienced every word he spoke.

It was in that painting that I was given my final answer of faith. I could have
turned and run from what others might deny

I could have been self-deprecating and just said I'm stressed and
delusional. I'm just seeing and hearing things. Instead I opened my eyes and
ears to behold a miracle. I dared to explore the experience and then allows it
to manifest through me.

Faith is what brings into manifest revelation experience that was available to

Hebrews 11:1 states: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen.

I want to emphasize that last part of the verse. Because Faith sees what we
cannot see with our ordinary senses. It gives us vital information from a very
high place close to God.

The information of faith is not always what we want to hear, but it is always
what we need to hear and its always for our good. You may have experienced
it as that “sixth sense” that told you a car was heading toward you in the
wrong lane but you couldn’t see through the fog. You changed lanes and
didn’t know why. Faith may have been the intuitive guidance that told you to
stop putting off a trip to your doctor about that pain in your stomach. Faith
gave you courage and strength to do the right thing. And it turned out to be
very serious, but also very fixable. The same think about checking the tires on

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

your car before a long trip. On the brighter side faith tells you that your soon
to be born grandchild will be safely delivered and perfect in every way.

What faith will NOT do is tell you to run to the hills where you will find gold. It
will not tell you to jump into a new profession just because it’s the latest trend
economically. Faith will account for your talents, interests, and character
before it makes recommendations. It is more likely to say “Be patient and wait
on God to bring what you need.”

Faith is not blind optimism, and it did not betray all of your wasteful pursuits of
blind optimism!

If I were going to give a character and face to Faith it would be female and I
would see her as the handmaiden of the Holy Spirit. She is the wise comforter
who searches your heart and character and tells you when you really can do
something. She looks for the best in you and steers you away from those
things that will not bring success or happiness to you.

I would say that faith is our highest relationship with life. When it is broken,
our life sinks to a much lower level of engagement.

In the last thirty years of ministry I have been contacted by many people who
were wounded in body or soul, or perhaps judged and exiled. I looked closer
and saw something courageous, gifted, and valuable. Their lives changed. And
it's NOT because I had a sanctimonious attitude of "believing the best in
people" or preached a good sermon. It’s because I looked for the best in every
person and formed our relationship on that. I showed up as a person who was
experiencing their goodness. Comparing this to painting, I was painting real
flowers instead of copying pictures that told me how flowers should be

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

You have to be careful about falling into the subtle side of judgment, because it
is prevalent in so many things. With faith, however, you don’t have to worry at
all. There is no judgment in faith. Just try this for yourself. Put your attention
on something where your faith is unshakable, then try to judge. It will be
impossible. By contrast, wherever you have judgment your faith it weak.

Let’s now quickly look at what we will study in depth in the next three lessons.
What exactly is the Faithful Heart? What makes it stronger? What makes it
weaker? Does it really ever break? And, how can we restore it?

There were several reasons for this long and somewhat indirect approach to
the Faithful Heart, and one of them is that the Faithful Heart is navigating and
traveling more on the softer side of life.

The softer side of life is where we focus on our experiences of life more than
on the event or thing itself.

In the last hundred years of rapid accelerations of science, engineering,

mechanics, and digital programming we have tried to push everything to the
hard side of life for quantitative measurement and clinical proof. This has
brougnt so much of our faith into question. Not so much as a direct assault
since we still have churches, spiritual gatherings, and countless therapies that
draw their strength from natural connections with higher energy and power.
However, the soft side of life is not so much part of our daily activity and
thinking as it once was.

For example, in the $4.2 TRILLION WORLD OF WELLNESS, people often chase
transformative habits or miracle products to help them live longer, healthier.
There is a seemingly infinite number of superfoods, stem cell infusions, and
detox programs, each costing a pretty penny.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

But according to a growing body of research, some of the most influential
factors shaping longevity don't cost a dime. Scientists NOW call these factors
soft health drivers. The recognition of them is HUGE. These soft health driven
include social service, relationships, kindness, conscientiousness, optimism,
and volunteerism. They can make everyday living better — and add years to
your life.

Yes, diet and exercise are still important, but we have a new maxim: The soft
drivers of health would say: “WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PUTTING MORE EFFORT
What you eat and how you move your body still matter for living long: Diet and
exercise can lower our mortality risk by about 35 percent. But at the same time,
social connections — with friends, family, romantic partners, community
members, and neighbors — can lower the mortality risk by about 45 percent to
65 percent.

Soft health drivers have positive effects on emotions, which in turn, have
cascading positive effects on physiology. The underlying mechanisms appear to
be connected with tamping down stress and inflammation, increasing feel-
good chemicals like oxytocin and serotonin, and supporting brain health.
Rather than invest in the latest fitness tracker or protein additive, soft health
drivers require an afternoon volunteering at the local food bank or simply a call
to a family member.

For decades we were losing ground for the softer side of life, which caused a
tremendous erosion of faith.

There was a time in our ancient past, however, when wisdom guided scientific
and practical pursuits.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

The faithful Heart, as with any creation of God has certain laws that are
necessary to understand and follow in order to have the best experience with
it. This is what we will examine closely in Lesson 2.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020


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