RFH Lesson4

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Restoring the Faithful Heart

Lesson 4

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“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for

and the certainty of that which we cannot see.” Hebrew:11-1

It is my greatest pleasure and privilege to be with you on this Sunday before

Christmas and present what I know and have learned about this most sacred
subject for which Christ was born, lived, and died to teach all humanity,
through which we could all be lifted into eternal life.

But I have to admit that it isn’t easy to speak about something so close into the
presence of God, so much that it is an eternal mystery and virtually the
presence of God within us.

It was hard enough to speak and write about the Sacred Heart, and the Sacred
Heart is more describable than the Faithful Heart, simply because it reaches
into the world in which we live. Much like the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Heart is
here to counsel and guide our ways into life.

It is the nature of our being that we find our power in the center of any
function or activity. When we are in focus we bring our mind into its most
optimum function and success. Our physical heart is the center of our physical
life. In our families, businesses, and communities we look for leadership that
can be the center of our reason for being together. When that center is strong,
responsible, and caring for all its members there is great benefit for all. Human
life is centered. Its highest the center within life through which all effects and
events of life can be that can be observed and managed is the Sacred Heart.
Through the lenses of Unity, Love, Life, Wisdom, Respect, Justice, and
Kindness we can see more clearly what is possible at the highest level of
integrity or performance.
There is one other center we need to look at now. It is the highest, because it
is our centered connection with God. By studying this highest power given to
humankind, we can begin to understand (or at least view more clearly) our
most mysterious capacity of faith. There is no question that Jeshua put faith
above all else: our ability to heal and be healed, to move mountains, and to
become like unto him. That’s because faith is our connection with God, hence
the mystery, hence our inability to describe the very center of it.

However, we can describe attributes of faith, and that it the purpose of this
course. To give you a more certain pathway for standing firmly in your own
faith without having to know all the answers, or ways and means to rise above
the problems of life.

In “Love Without End” the chapter that comes closest to presenting and
summarizing this power is Chapter 9 “The Blessed Life.” This chapter focused
on the meaning of the Beatitudes that Jeshua perched in his Sermon on the
Mount. Despite the beautiful descriptions he provided, we are led to the edge
of faith in each one. We really don’t know why we are blessed. We just are,
and we don’t have to know anything except the expression of faith within it.

Faith humbles the mind, because it offers no reasons, and makes no apology
for it. Words about it lead us into poetry. However, there are some passages
from the last chapter of “The Keys of Jeshua” that lead us very near a portrait
of the “aithful Heart.

“The secret is to see beyond limiting illusion. You are not trapped inside a
prescribed form that has a particular height, weight, gender, and age. You can
directly experience your true nature and see that it lives everywhere at once
across space and time. As you do that, you will have the ultimate realization of
arriving in the place of your destiny and discovering that you were there all
along. When you can move through the past and future, and be within them
both as if they were now; when your journeys of the heart are as real as your
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
journeys of the body; then you will begin the most difficult, the most powerful
expansion of all. You begin to exceed all the limits you have ever known and
discover the meaning of compassion.

“Your quest is to discover that flesh and bone do not bind you; you are actually
the embodiment of love; and you are reduced by nothing unless you give it
consent to bind you. Each soul is an unlimited presence of freedom and endless
possibility. Your whole body, in every dimension, is nothing more than your
soul in manifest form. Break the chains of your judgment and your limiting
beliefs, and you break the chains of your body as well. The path that I have
given you does not take you toward something or away from something. It is
both a practical and mystical path of moving through the infinity of your own
true being. This is your path of freedom. This is ‘The Way.’” The Keys of Jeshua, P. 337.

The greatest miracles of life are the ones we could not see or know before they
happened. In the book of Matthew 25:13 Jeshua warns us not to expect the
coming of God by way of any planned or predictable patterns: “Therefore
keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” (of God’s

I love the writings of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry so much because he touches on

the grandeur of faith and the graceful mysteries of its ways.

‘It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to
the eye.’

‘What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.”

One of our greatest confusions with faith comes from viewing it as BELIEF.

While belief is essential to shaping our life, it can be analyzed, shaped, focused
and revised according to prevailing circumstances. Belief formulation is one of
the favorite tools for motivational coaching. And, negative beliefs are the
bread and butter of psychoanalysis.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

Yes, beliefs are powerful, but they saturated with ideas and thoughts “about
something.” So they do not take us to the heart of God where the real peace
and power of sanctuary can be found through faith.

If you care to read the Book of Job you will find a long and torrid road through
failure, diseases, betrayal, loss of family and fortune. On every step and effort
toward recovery he applied the various protocols of belief, ranging from prayer
to sacrifice, from charity to forgiveness, from service to affirmations and
proclamation. But in the end nothing worked. A beautifully written book of
vivid and heart rendering prose, yet it communicated nothing until he finally
surrendered that he knew nothing and had no power in himself. As he said, all
knowledge belongs to God, and he was just a speck of dust in the great
panorama of eternity. His conclusion was that if he had God he had everything,
and nothing else mattered.

Many people have interpreted this book as a study in dissolving ego to become
a higher person. While there is probably something of that in the fabric on this
tapestry, I don’t believe that was the essence of Jobs story. You see, Job was a
humble man love by his family and tribe. He was a good leader and God had
showed favor on him with great wealth. God just wanted to challenge him to
the next level, which was the discovery of faith.

Genesis 21:1–3. Abraham would become the great grandfather of all major
western religions. But first God would test his faith, or perhaps teach him what
faith really was. God told him to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, on a mountain.
Abraham loved his son very much. He did not want to sacrifice Isaac, and
human sacrifice was abhorrent to him. But Abraham wanted to obey God. He
was put to the most agonizing test, a trial which he passed completely because
of his total faith in God. God told Abraham, "Take your son, your only son,
Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a
burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." Abraham tied up
Isaac and just as he pulled out his knife, an angel swooped down and took the
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
knife from his hand. God did not intend for Isaac to die. But he had to teach
Abraham the lesson of faith.

15 And the angel of the Lord came to Abraham a second time from heaven 16
and said, “By myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done
this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you,
and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand
that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his[d]
enemies, 18 and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,
because you have obeyed my voice.” 19

Examples such as this and the story of Job, not to mention that God allowed
his only son to die on the cross, are why most people are afraid to pray for
faith, and choose to believe instead. The discovery of faith can be a hard road,
but the time has come to have an understanding that will make it more
approachable and your comfort to embrace it more possible.

As you discover more you will find that faith is that place within you which is
God. Your little piece of real estate is infinite. To hold on to your faith is actually
to hold on to the only inch of real security you have in a very dangerous universe,
despite all illusions to the contrary. It ironic, and yet the ultimate simplicity.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Leonardo Da Vinci

Having said that, all the more I do not want to omit from this lesson a
discussion of the Sacred Heart. You would be asking me forever, WHATS THE
CONNECTION? The Sacred Heart is our safe ground that provides sanctuary
and counsel for us within the within the physical presence of life we are
walking through and sharing with others. The sacred heart will offer us
sanctuary from the world, and all the dimensions of intelligence and wisdom
within it. It will provide our most caring connection to humanity, whether in
family, community, or globally. But most likely it will not move mountains. The
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
Sacred Heart is your safety in the world, your center of love for self and others.
In order to provide for those indispensable needs it is situated in the world and
in your own body.

The Faithful Heart is not in a physical location, so it has all the option to move
even the universe around if need be. Your Faithful Heart is wherever you find
God. God is your protection and your strength and your launching point into
what may be an amazing new future.

In knowing this you can cease to be amazed that so many genius creations
began after a man or woman “hit bottom.” The story of Neale Donald Walsch
Or J.K. Rawlings who both went from rags to riches from sleeping on a park

Now I don’t recommend sleeping on a park bench as a recipe for success. If you
did it that way, and for such reasons you would only get cold and hungry, and
feel pretty stupid.

A great starting point for everyone is the Sacred Heart and mastery of all its
pinnacles of intelligence. Here’s what Jeshua had to say about it in “Love
Without End.”

“Most often when I spoke of the temple, I was referring to the Sacred Heart
and not to an architectural edifice. Just as surely when I referred to the
Kingdom of Heaven, I was referring to the zone of perfection, which is the
bond between God and man, and is found within the Sacred Heart. God is the
author of perfection. Wherever that perfection dwells, Heaven unfolds. Man’s
doorway to that perfection is the Sacred Heart. Seek it first, and all else shall be
given to you.

“The heart is a magnetic vortex through which the blessings of all essences and
potentialities are received, integrated and focused into living. Through the laws
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
of electromagnetism, that power is converted into life energy. The heart, being
essentially magnetic, functions best through innocent awareness, which
attracts and receives. Acts of judgment, which divide and repel, will shut the
door of the heart behind you. If you would make the heart strong, you must
first learn to perceive with innocence, accept, and forgive. As you empower the
heart it will open to you. At first, you may simply notice this change as more
passion for living, more peaceful sleep, or better digestion of food. The heart is
the center of your health and quality of living; therefore those things will be
addressed first. As you progress in your affirmations of the heart, however,
your life will begin to have more abundant fruits, and you will have the energy
needed to make more dramatic changes. Eventually, what you gain from your
heart visitations will surpass your fondest dreams. There will be levels of
energy which are transformational and transmutational.”

“All reality including material existence arises from infinity, not the other way
around. Infinity stands with God as prior cause. As a child of God, you stand
with infinity also. Infinity is the unlimited potential of God, which first
manifested as awareness, then as Love Without End h178g love, next as spirit,
and finally as an infinite supply of adamantine particles that can be arranged
with endless possibilities. Now remember that as an aspect of God, you are
part of infinity, not part of the resulting structure. This position, in the order of
things, allows you to have a viewpoint of infinity and to look upon the vastness
of physical existence without being overwhelmed by it. This is how you can be
an individual, utterly unique in a universe that thrives on duplication,
replication, and similarity. You remain enduringly yourself, for you are part of
infinity and thus incomprehensible to the physical universe. You are an
expansion point of God's infinity, and the viewpoint from which you perceive
infinity is your heart. The heart is your gift from God. It is your eternal bond
with the Father.”

“The heart is magnetic, silent, and still. The feeling of being there is like one of
resting in a peaceful heavenly lake, or floating in a vacuous space. As a
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
magnetic center, your heart is the great generator of all your life energy, and
whenever you empower your heart you raise your energy level physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Within the heart you will also find clarity,
resolve, steadfastness, intent, stillness, respect, justice, kindness, and
perceptions of greatness.”

As you learn more about the Sacred Heart you will also have opportunities to
tie it in with greater bits of understanding about the Faithful Heart. There is no
question that you will be called into your faith more than once in your life. The
better armed you are to embrace it and trust in God, the more ready you are
for a transformational experience.

In that state you will be a light unto the world as was our beloved brother and Son
of God. As was written in John 5:35 “He was a burning and a shining light: and
you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.”

When I am on the edge of a faith driven opportunity to embrace life at a higher

level where understanding has not yet been provided, my favorite passage
from the Bible is Psalms 23

1The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff will comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: You anoint my
head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will
dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020


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