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First Semester 2022-2023

My dear students,
I welcome you to class and happy that you are taking MODMATH, and very much want you to be
successful. Success is important to both you and me. Abiding by the rules below will be of significant help to
bring about this success.

By enrolling in this course, you demonstrate that you want to learn and that you are willing to spend a
significant amount of time and make a determined effort to accomplish that goal. In order to maximize your
independent learning, you will have to spend a number of hours studying online. The more you study, the
more you will learn! You’ll have 9 weeks’ access to the course.

In this course you’ll be provided several modules with lesson presentations, lecture video sources,
mathematical articles, practice exercises, formative assessments, summative assessments and must-have
resources. And you’ll learn the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic
dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

Student’s Responsibilities and Requirements

1. I will form a commitment towards the completion of all agreed course requirements.
2. I shall ask relevant questions to the topics presented in each module. I’ll take advantage of all the
communication options that are available in the course (e.g., online consultation, email, discussion boards,
chat areas) to facilitate learning.
Do not let all your questions or lecture concerns build up until you are overwhelmed. Put questions in the
discussion board provided in each module.
3. I will participate in all course orientation provided by the school to become accustomed to the learning
environment in which the course will operate.
4. I will use at all engagements my DLSL email account as a primary means of communication.
5. I will maintain the security of my username and password
6. I will properly plan for all course activities.
7. I will organize online class engagements and manage time by paying careful attention to the course’s
schedule and deadlines.
8. I will read course documents and learning materials to become familiar with course expectations.
9. I will attend online class by logging into the Canvas Borderfree Learning Management Platform regularly
and participate in all academic activities required by the instructor.
10. I will observe academic honesty.
11. I will read and observe IP (Intellectual Property) guidelines – Review of Intellectual Property and
Copyrights in Borderfree Education at De La Salle Lipa and Guide to Copyright Courseware’s Ownership,
Control, and Protection at De La Salle Lipa.
12. Any final course grade related inquiry shall be made in writing noted by the parent/guardian and addressed
to the Dean.

Remember to always represent your best efforts possible. If you expect yourself to do your best, you
can reach your potential! Have a good and productive semester!!!

The MODMATH course requires the students to submit personal information, picture/s including
themselves, and responses to various course requirements that may be attributed to their names.


By submitting these requirements, I am giving my consent to my teacher that such will only be utilized
and/or graded for the purpose of complying with the standards of the course.
Likewise, I agree and give my permission to my teacher that all VCE sessions will be recorded and each
recording be shared to the class via announcements. Thank you!


Kurt Judd P. Atienza

Student’s Signature over Printed Name


Name: Kurt Judd P. Atienza

1 x1 photo

Scholarship (if any): St. Solomon Leclerq

Section/Subject: IT1A – Mathematics in the Modern World

DLSL E-mail Add:

Mobile No.: 09062639166

Home Address: Hi-wood, Bagong Pook, Lipa City, Batangas

Expected Grade: 4.00

Name of Parent/Guardian: Elizabeth Atienza

Parent/Guardian’s Contact No.: 09556681139

Expectations (to the Subject):

Expectations (to the Teacher):

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