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Kurt Judd P.


An Assessment of Accessibility to a Computer of the residents of Barangay San Isidro,

Malvar, Batangas

I. Introduction
There are finally opportunities open in the barrio of San Isidro in Malvar in the province
of Batangas during the current situation, it has only one sitio named Bulihan. Residents could
be employed or still looking for work or a job as it is their own passion. Businesses tend to
boom as people stay at home managing their businesses, but there are other ways to earn money
in town besides building a business.
Additionally, living in the town of Malvar is open to new businesses or employees in
hospitals and schools. Working in institutions or in homes requires some knowledge of how
computers do its work. It is easy for a person to disremembered use of a computer. According
to a dictionary, if someone is computer-literate, they have enough skills and knowledge to be
able to use a computer. Specifically, some person who has knowledge of spreadsheets, word
processors, and database programs.
Moreover, the research paper is conducted by the researcher as there are tenured and non-
teaching employees or business owners who are not fond of computers. It is to asses computer
attunement of employees’ or business company. The study recommendation shall help
respondents of their own discretion. The researchers will have to solicit responses from
respondents. It is tricky to store data and use a computer for convoluted transactions.
Statement of the problem
The researcher decided to conduct a study which focuses mainly on the perception of the
residents of Barangay San Isidro regarding accessibility of computer.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the residents in terms of:
a. Age Group
b. Sex

2. To what extent do the residents perceive their accessibility of computer by themselves in

terms of:
a. Laptop
b. Desktop
c. Phone
Survey Questionnaire
PRIVACY NOTICE: To maintain your privacy, this document will be treated with the
utmost confidentiality. Only partners in charge of validation and approval of your request will be
allowed to access the form and request responses. By participating, completing, and submitting
this form, you have expressed your consent for us to collect and process your personal data. Only
personnel authorized to process your data will be given access to such. It is understood that
whatever information provided herewith is true and correct. All information provided will be for
the sole use intended for its purpose to comply with the provisions of special assessment in the
academic policies in line with the implementation of the hybrid learning in SY 2022 - 2023. Any
personal information will not be shared or processed for any other purpose without expressed
consent. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Animo La Salle!

Respectfully Yours,
Kurt Judd P. Atienza

I. Demographic Profile
The following statements ask for the accessibility to a computer by the residents of
barangay/community of San Isidro, Malvar, Batangas. Kindly choose the number that corresponds
to your answer.
Note that:
1- To a Very Low Extent
2- To a Low Extent
3- To a High Extent
4- To a Very High Extent

Age ( ) 18-29 years old

( ) 30 years old and Above
Sex ( ) Male
( )A Female
Part II. Education/ ICT Literacy

QR code of google form questionnaire

III. Data

This section displays the results gathered from the survey conducted in relation to the
respondents’ demographic profile and perception about accessibility to a computer.
Respondent’s Demographic Profile
Respondents’ Perception
IV. Data Presentation
This section discusses the results of the survey by the researcher presented in either tabular
form or graphical form supported with corresponding implications. The collected data
presented in this part will provide answers to the research questions aforementioned.
Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1
Respondents’ Age Group
Frequency Percent
18-29 years old 1 8%
30 years old and above 12 92%
Total 13 100%

Table 1 shows the age group of the respondents with 30 years old and above getting
the highest frequency of 12 or 53.3% of the overall respondents. On the other hand, the
latter 18-29 years old had a frequency of one (1) or eight percent (8%), thus totaling 13
respondents or a 100%. To sum up, the age group of 30 years and above is more likely
interested in the discussion about accessibility to a computer of Barangay San Isidro.








7 6
Male Female
Table 2
Respondents’ Sex
Frequency Percent

Male 7 54%

Female 6 46%

Total 13 100

Table 2 displays the demographic of the respondents in terms of sex. The male
group acquired a higher frequency of seven (7) or 54% in the total number of respondents
than the female group who attained a frequency of six (6) or 46% of the total respondents.
In conclusion, male respondents are more interested in the discussion about accessibility
to a computer of Barangay San Isidro than female respondents.


46%, 46% Male 7

54%, 54% Female 6
Table 3
Accessibility to a Computer

Mean Interpretation
There is access for basic education (public 3.54
1 Very High Extent
elementary/ high school) in the community.
There are provisions for alternative means of
2 education for special groups of people in the 3.54 Very High Extent
community (out-of-school youth, indigent, PWDs).
Members of the community have access to
3 3.31 High Extent
scholarship programs in and beyond the community.
There are programs related to education that are
implemented by local government officials in the 2.38
4 Low Extent
community (ex. reading and arithmetic programs for
children, reading programs for challenged youth).
There are online computer facilities available in the
5 3.08 High Extent
community, either barangay- or privately owned.
The local government owns or has access to
6 computers and other related equipment for use in the 3.38 High Extent
There are programs related to information
technology or computer literacy that are
7 2.46 Low Extent
implemented by local government officials in the
Composite Mean 3.10 High Extent

Table 4 shows the scope of the respondents’ perceptions of accessibility to a

computer in the barangay. Based on the data gathered, the statements “There is access for
basic education (public elementary/ high school) in the community” and “There are
provisions for alternative means of education for special groups of people in the community
(out-of-school youth, indigent, PWDs)” both with a weighted mean of 3.54, interpreted as
“Very high extent,” have ranked as the top. On the other hand, the bottom ranked “There
are programs related to education that are implemented by local government officials in
the community (ex. reading and arithmetic programs for children, reading programs for
challenged youth)” has a weighted mean of 2.38 and interpreted as “Low Extent.”
The data accumulated in the table has a composite mean of 3.10, which is evaluated
as "High Extent". Gaining access to a computer is regarded as satisfactory. The researcher
believes that the accessibility of computers in the community has high availability. They
should implement new programs that are connected to education. And any person going to
move to the barangay for their studies has good support from the government to help them
achieve their education.
V. References

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