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1-She had some problems when she first jolned the class, but bob Is ....for her.

Aindulging in b) looking up c) halting on d) moving by

2-Crop rotation .... .of preserving sollfertility
a)it is one method b) one method is one methol d )a method Is one
3 in front of a camera lens changes the color of the llght that reaches the
HA RlIter placed b) Afilter is placed c) Placed a filter d) When a fllter placed fllms.
4-the organs taste are the .whlch are mainly located on the tongue. es
ATaste buds, groups of cells b) Taste buds, are groups of cells
c) Groups of cells, are taste buds d) Taste buds, these are
5- people with ulcers must eat
a) bold b) barren bland d) bulky
6 incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places that they have never seen.
what makes the monarch butterflies' migration
b) the migration of the monarch butterflles, which ls
) that makes the monarch butterflies' migration
d) the migrtion of the monarch butterflles Is
atowards shore ,Its shape is changed by its collslon with the shallow sea bottom algl
a) Awave's rolling SAs a wave rolls c) A wave rolls d) During a wave rolls
8-the airline. sent me to Atlanta but my luggage to
a) beckoned
montreal As a wwe Us
b) bartered c) bolstered d) blundered
9) automaticteller machines provide a.......means of banking twenty-four hours a day
Aconvenient b) crooked c) cocky
10) he was ... .drunk. he couldn't even walk proper
d) cordlal dytlConvenlent mesms
a) flat Mblind c) fast d) bone
11 )he was never seen again . he just seemed to disapper into ..air
Athin b) wide c) broad d) light
le de- ay adb
12) Iwouldn't employ him .he's .......dle .
a)dog bone c) stone ) flat bone
13) Despite his ....... tle style, Mark is no spy. a
Coy a) Free agent b) Free living Acloak and dagger d)drump beat
14 ) he strolled into the classroom and a notebook computer lying on the table near the door.e
a walk out to b) walk in off walk off with d) walk out on
15) Idon't know what to.. ..her .one minute she's friendly and the next _he'sjncredibly rude.
make of b) appear in c) glint in d) seem to
16) he couldn't hear a thing he was
a) pitch b) dog c) bone
Stene deak
17 )burning rubber produces an .....smoke.
a) agile b) austere c) arid dacrid 23-l
18) most minnows are tiny fish, but sqnaw fish which can weigh as much as 30 pounds, are actually ....minnoWs
a) grave b)gaudy c) gregarious huge
19 )we are having inclement weather.
a) dry b) sunny c) mild Astormy Ineleme
20) scientist cannot agree on . related tÛ other orders of insects.
howfleas are b) that fleas are c) howare fleas Fleas
d) fleas that are
21 )Fred's beliefs about a supreme being reveal that he is less of an .....that he thinks he is.
a) a steward b) a ruffian c) a chaperon #an athelsto reve-Gis
22)a thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ..... .coldest water
in theb) the c) although the d) of the
23) small sailboats can easily capsize .......h.ey are not handled carefully
Aifb) but c)which d) so
cRsize cli
24) the refugees made an arduous journey through the mountains aros
strenuousb)amusing c) tranquil d)facile
refugees GKa
25) after the tragic loss of his family in the accldent, he never recovered his stability ,and later did himself in
a) he waS admitted to hospital bhe commltted sulclde
c) he cited the occurrence
26) Icouldn't have helped you if you
d) he gave himself up Comntte p l
.here yesterday
a) was b)are c) were had been
27)....e..twO major art museums. The fogy
Harvard university has b) there at Harvard unlversity
c) Harvard university with its d) at Harvard university
28 ) .relations with friends and acquaintances ,play a major role in the social development of adolescents
a) by peer group relations, we mean b) peer group relations are
c) what are called peer group relations are peer group relatlons, that
29) in 1821,the city of Indianaplios ,Indiana was laid out in a design ..after that of Washington,D.C
a) that patterned b) was patterned c) a pattern patterned
30 )the room is so messy, you will be........if this room isn't cleaned up by noon
a) praised grounded c) saluted d) appreciated
31)when swimmers allow fear to over where, they stop making rational decisions and begin to.......
A flounder b) floss c) flunk d) flush
32)every child feels displaced to some degree when a new
a) Friend b) colleague c) principle
..arrive. Flowndo ll
33) She ....elieved that she could get away with not paying her
a)mistakable b) mistaken Amistakenly d) mistake taxesacs
34)he did not wear a helmet when he rode his motor cycle, thereby ........s.evere injury in case of an accident
a) risked b) risk c) risks risking
35 ) To
a) whose
were you speaking to a few minutes ago?
Hwhom c) who's d) who o whom wheelsbád
36) Mayor smith is to be removed from office. mayor smith is accused of
a) energetic b)dynamic c) productive sÅ ineffective
37) skidding on the treacherous ice on the road ,my car ......ut of control
a)spin Mspun d)spinned
38) Ido not . agree with you
a) entire Sentirely c) retire d) rarely
39) Iwould be careful with my answer if I
a) am b) had been c) will be were
40 )this soup is very......... think you might need to add some water to it
a) thin thick
c) fat d)sick
41)contrary to puplic opinion,our employees want an increase in their wages, than more time off what do employees
want exactly?
higher salaries b) greater freedom c) more training d) more time
42) Iam still not very good ........grammar
a) by b)of dat d)to
43)living ..base suits me better
on b) at c) in d) of
44)it is wrong to cheat on a test
Jtocheat is wrong b) cheat is wrong c) is wrong to cheat d) cheating it is wrong
45 )our supervisor tells us all the time to follow the
c) instructing d) instructor
instructions b) instructer
46) neither the players nor thecoach......much energy today a
a) have b) is having c) having has
47) the news .....t.o be very bad
a) appear b) have been c) have appeared appears

ag) she speaks RussBan very
a) good well ) better d) goodly
49) many deer .seen on the mountains during the summer Jeoral, neithed Dg
a) be Mare c)can d) is
50) that was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the
......up again that night
a) idea b) source A toplc d) subject
51) we need to contact the manufacturer to ask about the operation of the machine, the person who we
0S .........
should talk to
a) the owner b) themessanger the maker d) the delivery person
52) during the last storm many houses
a) have been destroying b) destroying c) destroyed were destroyed
53)there was a crack in the back part of the airplane
a) cockpit b)wing c) bow rear
54) they said ...had to pay it
we b) us c) our d)their
55) do not have .friends.
a) more b)much many
56)one more ticket .to my sister yesterday
a) given wasgiven c) gave d) gives
57) tom ..on his project for more than three hours now.
A has been working b) has worked c) been working d) is working
58) it was 2 a.m. but Iwas stilI ...... awake
wide b) open c) sound d)flat Wideawee
59) it was .......dar klcouldn't see a thing
a) wide b) flat pitch d) stark
60) before currency came into use, people used the
Ystem exchanging food directly for goods.
a) blunder b) bias c) brisk barter
61) the head of an academic department at a university, should be not only adistinguished scholar but also an
a) able s b) ailment Aagiled) abrupt
62) after numerous times trying toapply for a visa his plans to immigrate fizzled (6a
a) worked b)impressed c) succeeded failed
63) Icould have helped youif you ......he.r eyesterday.
had been b) were c) was d) are
64) .... .1900 these were some 300 bicycle factories in the U.S, and they produced over a million bicycle.
a) because in Hin c) it was in d) that in
65)contrary to the outcome of our last successful skirmish with the enemy, we were knocked off this time like sitting
a) our strategy paid off b) the enemy was so Scared
Contfar toGas
c) the ducks were shot at P the enemy was victorious
66) .they are tropical bird,parrots can live in temperate or even coid climates.
a) nevertheless b)despite deventhough d) but
67)the refugees made an arduous journey through the mountains.
a) tranquil b)facile c) amusing Astrenuous
68) for long time our business was not going very well but now things have started to
a) glaze with Hperk up c) muster down d) hover over
69).........the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.
a) the Canadian adoption of b) it was adopted by Canada ) Adopted by Canada Canada adopted
70)contrary topublic opinion our employees want an increase in their wages, rather than more time off what do
employees want exactly ?
higher salaries b) greater freedom c) more training d) more time
71)many deer seen on the mountains during the summer.
a) be are c) can d)is
72) it is hard for me to swallow because Ihave a sore ... SwAaw
a) wrist b) ankle l o throat d) knee
73 wetland provide...for many species of birds reptiles mammls
a) rumor b) remnant c) riddles refuge C
and amphibians
sPeles l
74) she's not quite .......the job as a teacher she knows her stuff but cannot keep control of the class
cut out for b) sum off in c) shut down to d) point out for
75)employees will be given 20$ .for expenses
a) fees b)wages per diem d) salaries
76) if Iam trying to. meals better .ineed to consult a nutritionist
a) exceed b) portion A scale d) part
77) the teacher asked " do yos knowhow to solve this math problem ?I think it's insoluble " the teacher thinks nobody

a) look it over work it out c) chip it d) hand it in

78 )you are not allowed to fish from this lake. it's
a) guaranteed 9forbidden c) accessible d) regulated
Forbldden Saa
79)tom was exceedingly fond of horses and hunting . he ...doing this
a)regrets likes c) talks d) hates
80) the meeting ......o.rhalf themorning without reaching any decisions . exceedlngly
dragged on b) dragged to c) dragged off d) dragged in
81) we leave everyday at 7:00 but this morning we 8:00
A left b)are leaving c) are left d) leave
82) she has a dream .being an engineer
a) for Mabout ) at d) on
83) intelligence and good honor are among her personality
3Lrraits b) requirements c) rewards d) potentials
84 )this tiny device fits into the ... of your hand
a) toes b) finger c) arm
85 ) to be fair, laws must be
a) vaguely
.....applied to allpeople
uniformly c) urgently d) viatly
86) it was .cold to play outside yesterday
a) much b) bad c) very o too
87) Darkness began to fall, the sounds of nocturnal began to rise, mysterious unidentifiable sounds began to emerge
so to flush out any intruders sgt don lobbed several grenades around the platoon position he ....sonne bombs
a) stole b) hid threw ey d) saved
88) one cause of the American revolution was a ...........over taxation.
a) b) draw back c) desist dis put A
89)the bark of a tree thickens
a) it gets older b) byage c)as older fwith age
90)do you like ccer?
a) to playing b) for playing c) play playing
91)........Jose limon's dance troupe often toured abroad touteaÀ
a)The U.S state department, which sponsored it b) The sponsorship of the U.S state department
c) The U.S state department sponsored it sponsored by the U.S state department
92)penicillin can have an effect on aperson who is allergic to it .
a) awkward Sadverse c) aroma d) anxious
93) it's an amazing price .cheap
a) paper Hdirt c) stone d)rock
94) the democratic party isolder than the other major American political party,
Ait is therepublican party b) the Republican party
c) the Republican party djwhicn the Republican party
95)... .added to a liguid,an antlfreeze lowers
when b) As is
t) It is
temperature of that liquid
96) These d)That
.are extremely heavy
Aboxes b) box's
97) thescotts' house c) box d) boxes
a) seeming
.better looking than any other house on the street
98)when tom was young he seems c) seem d) is seening
a) was skipping always ..classes at school
b)skips c) were skip
99)the team went ...a 5 Kilometer road run road rur1 skipped
a) at b) in c) of Mon
100) one more ticket .to mysister yesterday
a) gave b) gives Awas
101) didI.........asleep last night while glven d) given
a)fell watching T.V?
MFall c) fill d)feel
102)this armchair is portable
a) It is expensive
b) it is valuable eit is movable d) it is comfortable
103) in some countries the right to vote is still
a) denies b) deny c) denying denied
104) Joe has a new pair of shoes ..?
a) can b) haven't he
105) In the savanna ............f buffalos are doesn't he d)do he
a) packs everywhere herdsado
106) she had a Sherdsswarms mind.
d) flocks
buffalos Gusd
Arazor b) fast
107) In class student sometimes
c) knife d) crystal YeZorShar sla
a) awhite lie
introduce distract the teacher from his subject.
Ha red herring c) a green belt d) a red tape
108) Most flowers. ..inthe spring
S22Abloom b) brace c) bun d)blend
109) the USO is a service organization which
a) luster entertains the U.S troops and improves their
110) students.. morale c) lull d) lack the end of this year
a) are going to examine
111) steel is not as
b) willexamine c) willbe
...joined cast iron .it doesn't break as easily
are goingtok :
gtobe examined rooS sl
a) blatant
112) it was in 1875
britle c) brilliant d) brisk
...joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at
a) as Anna winlock b) Anna winlock,who Harvard University
that Anna winlock d) Anna winlock then
113)A thick layer of fat called biubber keeps
whales warm even ......coldest water.
a) of the b) the c) although the
114) His performance in dealing with the ongoing issues A in the
a) productivity
was a remarkable display of political savy.
know how c) personality
115) El freth's Ally in Philadelphia is the oldest d) behavior
a) houses dating
residential street in the U.S which ..from 1728
b) the dates of the houses houses are
116) we shouldn't dated d) the dating of houses
...about our last winning game ,as we still have harder
a) recite b)strive bragd) conceal games ahead of U.S.
117) In the U.S ,.........s generally the
a) in which water treatme responsibility of municipal governments
water treatment c)for vwater treatment d) where water
118) she .very badly on the exam, so she'll have to retake it. treatment
did b) makes c) is taking d) does
119) after a ..... ..meal of fried chicken at home with Mrsswift sandy was so
ft a s t y b )salty joyful
c) terrible d) awful
120) the teacher gives
too much homework b)too many homeworks c) too much homeworks d)
homework much
121) ' quite humid today.
al not very b)slight A very d) a little bit
12?) D not sit in that seat it
a) lust has been painting has Just been painted c) has just painted d) painted
123) A thermostat maintains and .............the temperature of the room
Aregulates b) requires c) installs d) causes malntalns Xla
124) the check has tomorrow
Ato be ashed b) are cashed c) be cashed d) cashed
125) .. .back home in a fewweeks is something, Ianticipate
a)to be go going c) go d) to going
126) we ought not to smoke in class,
a) do we
127) the box was
b)don't A should we d) ought we
.heavy that I could not carryit.
ought Gáy
a)very b) too A so d) much
128) do you have to buy me 6 bottles of milk ?
much money b)money enough c) a money d) many money
129) lam sorry that l youyesterday.
a) am being able to wasn't able toc) am able to d) was able to
130) Idread ...tothe dentist.
a)go b)gone c) goes A going
131) what do we call the reddish-brown stuff that forms on metal
a) sand b) skin c) rash rust slo
132)the sting in her
a) fleshy b)bony
.knees brought tear to her eyes
133) if you decide to save some money each month for an important youshosld...
a) hand it out b) throw it out
134)the commander just issued the
c) give it up fset it asidlo
..order for those remaining.
Aevacuation b) regulation c)instruction d) impression
135) if youdonate money to acharitabl organization you make a.
a) concession M contribution S c ) contribtion
136) she was fired after she was caught stealing from her employed
discharged b) employed c) disengaged d) hired
137) the victim failing the timely arrival of the medics. Criticlsm slasil
adied b) dead c) was dead d) die
138) profane criticism was received after the government failed to manage the crisis the government policy
a) fruitful in vain c) pragmatic d) prominent
139) his innovations and his unconventionalviews about the new production line caused alarm and in 1953 he resigned
his views were
a) rapid b) placid c) idealistic unorthodoxs
140) .Ruth stenos turned to Asian dances to find inspiration for her choreography
a) that the dancer Mthe dancer c) it was the dancer d) the dancer was
141)she went to bed at 7:00p.m and she was .asleep by 10:00p.m
Xfast b) bone c) flat d) blind
142) Most minnows are tiny fish but squawfish ,which can weight asa much as 30 pound, are actually
a) gaudy Mhugec) grave d) gregarious
143)the vivgin islands located in the Caribbean have a ..climate sg
a) baffle b) blurry c) brittle balmy
144) at the ceremony as the announcer mention something about a fallen comrade we suddenly heard the bugle call
what did they hear ?
a) maps b) flaps c) laps taps

145) Mountain climbing is an .sport
a) astute b) anxious c) austere arduous
146) when Isaw him in a new sports car,lwas ..with him.
green b)black c) red d) yellow
147) rationing is a system for .scarce resources
a)adapting allotting abandoning d) appraising
148) After the workers are drained working on the project they might uses
alotting Gayaás
time off the workers are ..........
a) relaxed b) well off c) chilled Afatigued
149)spoken language isgenerally more ... than written language.
a)capable b)cautious c) caustic casual
150)the medic applied atourniquet to stop the flow of blood
a) plastic bag band of cloth c) piece of wood d) piece of leather
151) Ahmed ....first director of the Smithsonian institute was president's
advisor on scientific matters
a) was the b)as the the d) to be the
152) Iwish those kids would stop making such a rocket
a) bad words b) silly mistakes c) bad remarks loud noise
153) ..the united states the general movement of air masses is from west to east
across b) it's across c)to cross d) they cross
154) ........dvertising is so widespread in the U.S it has had an enormous effect on
American life
a)why b)on account of
155) Aerodynamics is the study of forces
c) thereon since
..on an object as it moves through
widesprea sig
The atmosphere
a) acted Macting c) act d)are acting
156) Idon't ...agree with you
a) entire b)rarely c) retire Aentirely
157) How do you .these low test scores ?Iknow the explanation
a) make up b account forc) get across d)think
158) Idropped peter ... then I head back to work
off b) out c) in d) by
159) plumber use
a) strainer b) hubcap wrench d) mixer
160) i'm pleased to hear that you're got job.
a) terrible b) most terribly c) most terribly
161) I bought .amount of sugar
a) a few Halittle c) money d) much
162)A fall the jobs mark could have chosen, he now regrets a police
a) been b) be Abeingd)had been
163) tom.... amanger next month
a) will promote b)will be promoting willget promoted d) promotes
164) we leave everyday at 7:00 but this morning we..... 8:00
a) are leaving b)leave c) are left Aleft
165) the meeting is scheduled .the afternoon
a) at Min c) on d) by
166) the normal behavior might depend on ..of the person
Agenetic b) environment c) diet d) story live
167) .repeated assurances that the product is safe many people have stopped is safe many people have
stopped buyingit.
a) because of despite c) despite of d) in spite
168) Ihave never been to England and
a) my brother hasn't neither b) so not my brother ) also my brother too gmy brother hasn't either
169) They spoke .well for foreigners
a) red b) incredible c) terrible unbelievably
A191 - 190-
193- A-192 are picture....
The each
a)189) a) 188) 187) writes a)186) this Xit) 185)don'putt a) 184)
you complete
183)Wemore a)
was cloth 181) Awhidh
I a)harder 180)
notdo a)179) Agroundeda)178) 177) gotate a)176) a)175) a)174) a)173) draw a)172) a)171) a)face 170)
slim ecologist A
- had toA it's products a le t it did flashy
paints arealthough
Joe what you.....very After All needs This A:the part the we The some must Iheard heMixed the to
for to never you
b- is the acts face
ecologists . . b- be book course Wasatch
is of are room damaged
overweight too some beginners a bracelet a snow
use competitors and the planning on
seen as with teach eneoulers
Is ...seed lot forget part
skinny. was preserve
natural our is if
the awasC- placed of is ....initems Food b)hardly b) of
Rocky th e flamnmable .are
narrow strong painted range so pie he b)drawn air been b) .this
workknown .shocked costs that weather ship b)
call term each of can'prison
t the messy like have
He a
b) of havingto
deleted complete b) mountains appreciated
b) a b)
... b) subjectincreasinglyb)
a b)the b)wrote b)
were th e surprise Hhad
seen the
C-mean "gallery
"gallery strip lately, famous flowering
.by a years
ago as Rocky eatenwas am l every
c- picture
to bewater
if shift you you
being be you by much forcast
sure fact
of painted required putc) other teach at
that so his
Jewelry 4 mountains is party wil .before a
forestforestwords tough are and as at .extends it about beautiful college
that linked
plant on resources answer that
isn't the night be............. inflammable combustible people
d-blunt artist the hasto c) to
not oil for c)
d-what b- along you spreadd) c)
vanished is A can' t ring we thatthere drawn c) do ? over
that internet run was guilty c) from John
paintingd- covered d)it's b) material most c) and blew woman
"gallery A d) b) you long
as 10K.Mwritten it put .what B:l a is please is
each can't hard it
part south if c) today
do grass a will is part the awas gas tought
by it short complete a
thiswere c)
c) eaten definite
possibility not before distance
forest" do buy Worktoo of leup
t c)
ecologist d) in d) be of praised room candels explosive
d a was have to
40 d)
d) we Flowers o***o**oss.. never people
protective coat d)
outsourcing the the east don't.
eachdense quickly one
has difficult will
put both
min need drawnbeenhas
is been
RockyRocky to cleaned seen by
norther nonflammableof d) electronic
call the hardless
know I d) mixture A d)
to snow Are despite
a disseminated written
preserve mountains that
"gallery completely she
up you
ecologist by
saluted d) d)got seen d) Actylene
d) never
likes communications
tought people
noon it'll
forest" ? lon
et eaten be
use humid mixture
the much
brecelet is but


194. | Imy jacket on the nal
a- scuttled b- stainedipped d- soiled
195- They by their grandmother in france
a- handed out b- handed overbrought up d- brought out
196- They will squander money 2 weeks in the sun
a- save money waste money C- with drew d- set it
197- contrary to public opinion John Is a very fine man even though he is sometime.. in
devious b- shrewd c- amiable d- brusque
198 -Believe or not, Jone violate order in the first skirmish
a- obey order f disobey order c- save order d- salute order
199-The troops in the field need to take hot showers as soon as possible. We are concerned about their
A. hydraulics B. hyena hygiene D. hyphen
200- The young man found himself unable to resist the magic effect of the perfume as it ---- in the air.
A. crawled lingered C. wandered D. misled
201- Though uncle Bill used to climb mountains, he is, not before. Linsere
A-lntelligent B- Antisocial C- Aged Agile
202-- My uncle....a nice house in Spain.
has B, are have C. have D. having
203- They selected two items from the menufor breakfast.
A. Picked throughB. Picked up Picked out D. Picked over
204- He hurt his shin,so it is hard for
A. eat B. yawn C. speak kneel
205- Did you see the black shirt around here, it is ..... eneel
mine b. by me c. me d. their
206- we frequently visit our family in their home
a. always b. never often d. seldom
207- Monkeys are as primates
a. compelled classified b. clashed d. tip
208- To be fair laws must be apply to al! people
a. vaguely b. urgently
209- The pulse indicates the
uniformly d. viably indleates
a. brain's intelligence b. body temperature C. stomach capacity heart beat
210- This party is very ..
loud b. loudly c. louder d. loudest
211- At that time tomorrow, I...... On my way to the club
a. go b. am going will go d. be going
212- Of your two daughters which one is ...
a. the older b. oldest the oldest d. the old
213- Igot this part of shoes for a half price
onsale b. to sale c. in sale d. for sale
214- Ration is a system for Scarce resources

allotting b. abandoning c. appraising d. adapting

215- We are planning a surprise for John please don't ...

a. let in . let on c. let up d. let over
216 for their strong fiber include flax and her
a. plants are grown plants grown
c. to grow plants d. plants that grow
217- Usually political cartoons on the editorial section of newspaper
A. appear b. where appearance
C. when they appear d. by appearance
218- Dynamite is ordinarily detonated called a blasting cap
a. a device is used b. the use of adevice with a device d. that adevice
219- If lam trying to My meals better, I need to consult nutritionist
a. exceed b. part Scale d. portion
220- They want to add
facilities like swimming pool leisute Fadlitlesjase
221- They head of an academic department at the universityshould be not only
distinguished scholar but also an
a. ailment b. able C. abruptagile
222-when writing are search papers,writers must ...... the sources they use
a. compel cite c. coax d. clash ite als
223 ....... relations with friends and acquaintances, play a major role in the social development of adolescents
a. bypeer group relations, we mean b. peer group relations are
C. what are called peer group relation arepeer group relation, that
224 - Major Smith is to be removed from office, Major Smith is accused of being ..
a. energetic b. dynamic c. productive ineffective
225-I don't have ... friends, but i love the ones i have
a. more b. much many d. money
226- Tom ......on his project for more than three hours now
has been working b. has worked c. been working d. is working
227- Can you swim 5 KM in 5 minutes? Ican definitely that
a. to do b. done c. doing A. do
228- You should be fine and speak
Openly 2 á
229-Ispent .....time in the restaurant.
a. boned b. shocked
shocking d. bore
230- Listening: did you work hard yesterday?
Yes, it was along long day. B. No., it hardened at no time.
231- Anna is the presidernt of. of her career
a. Mode b. Gene Apex
232-I want to read the instructor's written evaluation but students don't have..To the lanel internet
233- Oranges. ...inthe cold countries
.Aren't grown b. hadn't been grown
234- In some countries uses of seat belts?
belts l
A)Curvel b)corious compulsory
235-) Bicycle In the hall.
a) be must be leaving must be left c)must left d)left
236-)He stay with his boss, he home.
a)direct Sdirectly
237- Either of the magazines on my desk ...recently published.
a)were is c)has d)are
238- he keep acting as if he..... my boss.
a)is b)waswere d)are
239- seating belt considered..........inmany states
240- Smoking .......a.t base.
a)doesn't allowed isn't allowed
241 - in a hoteldowntown
242- Respiration ... .... lung
243- buy apartment in downtown is prissily
244 - ........s.. .. bland a
245-no attend .ithink you understand the problem.
( if as but - when)
246-my sister has idea to visit America .....seems to be
good idea
(which that -where -what)
247-. ....economics
(in on)
248-it is the collapse that the market did
(With - out -off for)
249-it takes me along time ....n the left in London.
(Used to drive -used to driving - get used to driveget used to
250-because off the (embargol of transportation it reduce the spoiling indriving)
251-it takes me return back home án hour to
(An hour drive -adrive of an hour -a drive hour -an hour of
252-........with she was depressed in home and work
(Which -what who -how)
253-it was a great exception implicate, I don't tell the truth
(for from- against -with)
254-ahmed .ought to study for tomorrow exam
Yes, I ...
(Will -would -should -must)
255- He sit with his children, he sit with his...
(Green -greens the green -the greens)
256-why does you escape from me?
Nothing, Ihave appointment with the doctor
257-ahmed will do well with the job ....the right side of his boss
(As wellas long as - as far as -as soon as)
258-try as I.... Icould not turn the key
(should would -could-/might )
259-youmust phone me as soon as you .....home
(Get are getting will get)
260- Capital punishment done .....wear the last half century | do out with =stop = get ride o )
(off by over without off)
261 .almost impossible to capture (complete)
(It isbeing)
262-he repaired his bike....
(Him self 2by himsel)
263-his grandfather ... In front of the market
(Drop off -drop in drop out -drop on)
264- .... ..your house repainted every year.
(Are you got -/have you got)
265-unfortunatly their house .....while they were at the restaurant celebration.
(Got burgled- has been burgled - has been burgled - was burgled)
266- advantage
(o with)
267- Try as I
(Could / might) Protest Gai-ael
268-The protest ènough
(Complied amazed- attested)
(In on)
270-what are the times of traveling buses? From air port to down town every hours

271-do you have any money?Thave spent all change I had
272-can lask you?lask about atour to France
275- Scandal
278-We donot want to interfaith our visitor 's plans.....a.nyway (in-on)
279-The waiter ...sames to his table (show-showed)
280-The report had to be amended (it had to be changed)
281-I was afraid he......understand (Cannot you might not hasnot will not)

282-Willthey understand the preflight instructions.. Preparatory G i

283-Youcan swim,...? Cannot yOu, might not hasnot will not)

284-He has to get by with what he has ...... Manage suffer be careful )

285-What will you .at noon (Doing have doing be doing are doing )
286-The driver told her where.... (Will get off to get off getting off)
287-He has labored all his life.... Worked) laboreda
288-I would like to own a larger car, but iam afraid that I cannot afford the up keep (Cost of maintenance)

289-When we heard the explosion our first ....was to hit the floor (Impulse thing jump noise) \nwse
290-If she left home an hour ago,she .....arrived at school now .(Ought to be should have )
291-If anna had not know how to swim she....have drawon when the boat sank

Must did shouid might

292-DO you want this book or do you want over there (That this which)
293-We want you.......nglishwell (To learn learning )
294-Some children have protested their parents decision by not .....Eats eating)
295-Could you mind tell us where ......? The hospital is is the hospital

296-The teacher is sitting ...her disk (At to In with)

297-Mr and mrs loam live ..awhitehouse with green shutters and doors( On in )
298-What did you have ..lunch ( On - in tor )

299-Theclass .......eing consulted by adoctor (Isnot are not will )

300-......they had no chance of winning

They fight as bravely bravely as they fought they bravely fought bravely as fighting
302-ntolerable ...unbearable

303 Eccentric =peculiar strange Irregular

304- He acts as if he ....a beautiful woman before

Did never seen never seen was never seen had never seen

305- When tom was young he always ...........his classes (Was escaping escaped)
306-We want you ....english will( Learning to learn learn )
307-The fuel supply was adequate. (Sufficient adjusted)
clent Concluston youzsl
308-If you jump to conclusion you
Are in agood physical condition Make adecision without fact
309-Billwasnot in the class this morning bob wasnot there....
Either neither too
310-Would you please switch the plates?
Certainly, I will......Exchangethem clean them)
311-Hennery jotted down the word 3tted Gy9ás
Used it in the right way he wrote it in some paper

312-1 left him asleep 5 minute he at the meeting

Must be cannot be may not be should not

314- The principal was appointed by the board of education Rloluted Gua
Named educated
315- the accident proved to be fatal (some one killed)
316-by this time... will have +Pp/
317-he ended up at the zoo(had an accident finally arrive)
318-he said that he for 2 hours
was watching E Watching
had been had been watched was being watching

319-the medicine taste.........bad well badly worse)

320-Iwas to stay .....f.rance for aweek or 2 (In on of at)

321-He decided not to wear alhelmet when he rode his motocycle thereby....sever injury in case of an accident.
Risk risking risked risks

322-We werenot allowed in some parts of the forest last winter while the trees
Were being cut down, had been cut down

323- to go to the side of an enemy is to (entrap - outflank -circle- attract )

324-free snakes and drinks following the meeting is called( refreshments entertainment)
325-aperson who had the same job in different system is called...
(partipart - commander captain - counterpart
326-i .... My jacket on a nail (rip - ripped was riped )
327- Conservation ia


329-speaking of budget we need more funds (food -supplies -data -appropriation)

330- Have you finished work yet? Yes.ok in 15 minutes
Imeet meets iamgoing to meet I willmeet
331- Idid not like . . .of the choise(both - either so- neither)

332-ifouned the man quite changed I...him for years

Hadnot seen havenot seen hasnot seen

333-what we want (is are an a)some cakes.

334-he are alot.( so did so Idid )
335- robben is ......than smith.( talent - talented - more talent moree talented )
336- let me tell you that....two years for this copany before.(had beenlooking have ben looking)
337- need to reach me I will be at the hotel.( would - should - might - can )

338- doesthe food tastes .....(bad- badly - worst )

339-the medicine tastes....? (bad - badly)
340-thermometers occasionally reads ...freezing (below under)

341-contrary to r public opinion he is avery fine man eventhough heis manner.
(showed devious.)
342- the new comers will ..the building (will show - will have shown -will be shown )

343-foster relationship=enhance
344-... went to bed Ifallasleep immediately.( as - while - since as though)
345-could you check my book .... For error.( up - out

346-yes. That is aright ..... guess estimate think )

347- she was secretary before she .....ome .(married- got married)
348-she left home 2 hours ago . she ....have arrived by now.( must can could - could not )
349-the adapt new techniques in the company.( use add discover)
350- my refusal to his offer is unequivocal ( obsCure- hazy - clear- ambivalent)

351-vital to =essential.
352- he involved ourselves in the assignment with unfaltering determination.
(vacillating - halting tentative abiding
353- he finally turned in at night (went to bed reading)


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