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11, NOVEMBER 2000 1489

Investigation of Mode Coupling in Step Index Plastic

Optical Fibers Using the Power Flow Equation
Alexander Djordjevich and Svetislav Savović

Abstract—Using the power flow equation, we have examined the where

mode coupling caused by intrinsic perturbation effects of the step angular power distribution;
index plastic optical fiber. A numerical solution has been obtained distance from the input end of the fiber;
by the explicit finite difference method. Results show the state of
mode coupling along the fiber. They indicate that the equilibrium propagation angle with respect to the core axis;
mode distribution is achieved at much shorter lengths compared coupling coefficient assumed constant [5], [6];
to the case with glass fibers. modal attenuation.
Index Terms—Coupled mode analysis, detectors, diffusion equa- Because is negligible [8] except for ( is angle of
tions, finite difference methods, local area networks, optical fibers. total internal reflection), equation (1) reduces to the following
form of the diffusion equation:

T RANSMISSION characteristics of step index (SI) plastic

optical fibers (POFs) depend strongly upon the rate of
mode coupling (power transfer from one mode to another)
Its boundary conditions are:
caused by intrinsic perturbation effects within some coupling
length from the input fiber end. These effects reduce modal (3)
dispersion, allowing for increased bandwidth when used in
local area networks (LANs) [1]. However, they significantly The first condition means that the mode with infinitely high loss
change output-field properties and degrade the beam quality, cannot carry power. The second one indicates that the coupling
with particularly unpredictable consequences for the power de- is limited to the modes propagating with .
livery and sensory systems. The case is perhaps most dramatic The solution of equation (2) for the steady state power distri-
when measuring the deformation curvature of structures under bution is given by [6]:
mechanical loading [2], because the said mechanism of mode
coupling interferes with the signal modulation. This is but one (4)
example requiring an effective means of calculating the rate of
mode coupling that is due to intrinsic perturbation effects of
where is the Bessel function of the first kind and zero order
the fiber—which is presented in this paper.
and (m ) is the attenuation coefficient. We
Work has been reported using geometric optics (ray ap-
used this solution to test our numerical results for the case of the
proximation) to investigate the mode coupling and predict
fiber length at which the power distribution becomes indepen-
output-field patterns [3]. By employing the power flow equa-
dent of the launching conditions.
tion, these patterns have been predicted [4]–[6] as a function of
the launching conditions and fiber length.
The magnitude of the coupling length for achieving the
equilibrium mode distribution (EMD) as well as all transition In the 1970s and 1980s, implicit finite difference methods
states along are determined in this letter by an explicit finite (IFDMs) were generally preferred over explicit ones (EFDMs).
difference method (EFDM) applied to the power flow equation This trend has been changing with the advancement of com-
for a SI POF. We tested our results against experimental findings puters, shifting the emphasis to EFDM [9]. We now report, to
by Jiang et al. [7]. our knowledge for the first time, the solution of the power flow
equation using EFDM.
II. POWER FLOW EQUATION Being often unconditionally stable, IFDM allows larger step
lengths than EFDM. Nevertheless, this does not translate into
Gloge’s power flow equation is [4]:
IFDMs higher computational efficiency because extremely
large matrices must be manipulated at each calculation step.
We find that the EFDM algorithm is also simpler in addition to
being more efficient computationally.
Manuscript received April 12, 2000; revised June 28, 2000. This work was Equation (2) can be expressed as
supported by the University Grants Council and City University of Hong Kong.
The authors are with the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Publisher Item Identifier S 1041-1135(00)09568-9. (5)

1041–1135/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 1. Normalized output angular power distribution at different fiber lengths calculated for four Gaussian input angles  =
0 (solid line), 5 (dashed line),
10 (dotted line) and 15 (dashed–dotted line) with FWHM = 2 for: (a) z = 1 m; (b) z = 15 m; (c) z = 20 m and (d) z = 50 m (open circles represent
analytical steady state solution).

In order to apply EFDM, we have discretized the solution space where is a grid dimension in the direction. In
using the central difference scheme for both order to prevent the problem of singularity at grid points ,
and , and a forward difference scheme for the we have used the following relation:
derivative [9]. Equation (5) now reads


The most sensitive point in achieving stability of a difference

(6) scheme is the choice of step lengths and . We obtained
that, for and m, the Von Neu-
where indexes and refer to the discretization step lengths mann stability condition [9] ( is amplification factor)
and for angle and length , respectively. This is a simple is satisfied. With the coupling coefficient in (6) in the range
formula for at the ( )th mesh point in terms of the 10 –3.1 10 rad /m (this range being broader than that de-
known values along the th distance row. The truncation error rived in [1], [4], [5]), we obtained at every calcula-
for the difference equation (6) is . Using a small tion step. Therefore, we have achieved the stability of our dif-
enough value of , the truncation errors can be reduced until ference scheme for all types of SI fibers. Needless to say, all re-
the accuracy achieved is within the error tolerance. alistic values of the critical angle can also be accommodated.
In the difference form, the boundary conditions (3) become Together, these features make our difference scheme suitable for
treatment of different kinds of optical fibers (e.g., liquid-core,
(7) glass optical fibers and POFs). A typical solution run takes up

Authorized licensed use limited to: BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF POST AND TELECOM. Downloaded on December 11,2022 at 09:22:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

to 11 minutes on a Pentium 300 MHz personal computer for the as short a coupling length as that of reference [7]. For the fiber
longest fiber analyzed (of length m). length of m, Fig. 1(d) shows normalized curves of the
While this method can accommodate arbitrary launching con- output angular distribution for the four different launch angles
ditions, we used Gaussian launching beam distribution of the (solid line), as well as the steady state analytical solution of
form equation (2) (open circles), where m . Results are
in good agreement, with the relative error below 0.2%. These re-
(9) sults showed a much shorter coupling length than that for glass
optical fibers that is typically in a range of several kilometers
with , where is the mean value of the incidence [11], which may be attributed to the stronger intrinsic perturba-
angle distribution, with the full width at half maximum FWHM tion effects in POFs.
( is standard deviation). This distri-
bution is particularly suitable for collimated beams of light. A
launching angular distribution of a light-emitting diode source
can be accommodated with appropriately large value of . We report on the implementation of the explicit finite dif-
ference method for the solution of the time-independent power
IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS flow equation in the case of an SI POF. In order to estimate the
rate of mode coupling, a dependence of the output angular dis-
To facilitate result comparison, we analyze mode coupling in
tribution on the fiber length has been investigated for various
the case of an SI POF used in the experiment reported earlier
launch angles. Our numerical results agree with the analytical
[7]. The fiber diameter is mm, the refractive indices
solution reported earlier for the steady state coupling condition.
of the core and cladding are and ,
The coupling length for the SI POF (NA ) has been found
respectively, with the theoretical numerical aperture NA
to be approximately 20 m. This agrees with previously reported
and the critical angle . The number of modes in this
experiments for the same fiber. We also show a negligible mode
SI multimode optical fiber, for nm, is:
coupling in very short SI POFs ( m). This is in contrast to
(NA) [10]. This large number of modes may
the graded POFs which have typical coupling lengths of about
be represented by a continuum as required for application of
2 m [1]. Such information is of interest for application of this
equation (2). Coupling coefficient is required in that equation.
fiber in LANs and in designing fiber optic sensors.
It was found that rad /m [1]—which we have
adopted in this work.
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