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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 106 Kota Kinabalu, Thursday, April 20, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

759 Filipinos Lumadan All students

deported folks get land are
from after waiting potential
Sandakan for 40 years leaders

Instead of asking for endless reports, says Chamber. Immigration also singled out

Just restore Labuan’s status

Sohan Das and Nikko Fabian
LABUAN: The Labuan Chinese
Chamber of Commerce questioned
the need for yet another report on
what is necessary to uplift the
island’s economy. It feels if the new
unity government is serious in help-
Wong Daniel
ing Labuan all it needs to do is
restore the tax-free tobacco sales.
Chamber Chairman Datuk Wong Kii Yii announced the appointment of Labuan
said all economic sectors in the island DAP pioneer, Jeremy Wong, as a Special
protested when the special privilege with- officer in charge if Labuan affairs, besides
drawn under Budget 2021 by the previous visiting the Customs department.
government. Meanwhile, Labuan Chamber of Com-
“Numerous appeals, including memo- merce (LCC) Chairman Daniel Doughty
randa, were submitted to the Ministry of said it would provide a comprehensive
Finance and other agencies and there were report. It said LCC recognises the impor-
high expectations that the new Anwar-led tance of having a thriving economy that
government would restore this colonial- benefits all stakeholders as an organiza-
era privilege in the revised 2023 budget tion that represents the interests of local
but was not done,” he said. businesses, industries and entrepreneurs
Wong said that the island was strug- on the island since 1977.
gling following the withdrawal was not an “We see this as a positive step towards
unknown matter. He said even Prime Min- addressing the challenges faced by our
ister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, when he local business community and further
visited Kota Kinabalu, admitted Labuan’s enhancing Labuan’s position as the
economy was sluggish and called for joint regional oil and gas development hub,
efforts to address the problem. trans shipment hub for BIMP EAGA, an
“Hence, what is the need for any new international business and financial cen-
One of the prisoners receiving her OBB presented by Kesumawati (second from right) while Mohammad Sa’ad
full report on the Labuan situation as sug- tre,” the Chamber said.
(third from right) and Head of Parole and Community Services Division Jomison Gondikit (right) looks on.
gested by the Deputy Finance Minister. “LCC does not believe in sending a half
This could be misconstrued as a way to fur- baked report to the MOF for the sake of
ther delay action on Labuan when the just reporting, our aim is to produce a
comprehensive economic report and rec-
solution is so simple.
“If with the stroke of pen Labuan’s sta-
tus could be revoked, it could also be
restored with the same stroke and it is all
ommendations that would position
Labuan to pivot towards a thriving econ-
omy that brings value to the island and
415 prisoners in Sabah, Labuan freed
up to the Ministry,” said Wong. nearby states, moving away from a silo Sherell Jeffrey, Mardinah Jikur rehabilitation which was 18.6 per cent last leaf.
He said there were reportedly plans to mindset when planning and growing an and Lagatah Toyos year. In SANDAKAN, five prisoners were
take the Federal Government to court on island economy.” KOTA KINABALU: Some 415 prisoners in Inmates eligible for OBB are those serv- released. Sandakan Prisons Director Ab
the matter as Labuan’s privileges were sup- It said it would reach out to multidisci- Sabah and Labuan were freed as part of ing less than a year and had served one- Nasif Sarahan said all were serving less
posed to be untouched under the terms of plinary professionals and academics, the Licensed Prisoner Release (OBB) pro- third of their sentence, have completed or than a year for substance abuse and fights.
the handover of the territory to Federal in engage with all levels of communities, gramme between January and March this are currently completing the rehabilita- Ab Nasif noted the effectiveness of reha-
1984 to become a Federal Territory. business communities, and all relevant year. It was initiated in 2020. tion programme and have a guarantee bilitation in the community among pris-
He said another bone in the throat is stakeholders on the ground for their input. Sabah ranked the highest in number of from their employer, family, or a non-gov- oners compared to undergoing
the immigration cheeks implemented at “We will be able to compile it in 4 to 6 prisoners released nationwide, followed ernmental organisation to provide a place rehabilitation in prison.
the ferry terminal here and Menumbok months time,” he said. by Selangor. For the record, a total of 1,436 to live as well as a job. He said rehabilitation is important in
without proper study and adequate facili- Past feedback revealed that Labuan’s prisoners in Sabah and Labuan were Upon release, they are monitored by ensuring family and community support
ties not ready. poor economy stemmed from uncertain released under OBB since 2020. the District Parole Officer in their area via for them (prisoners) and being accepted
“This caused a downturn in visitors to and ineffective policies and governance Currently, 200 prisoners in Sabah are home visits, employer visits or phone calls. in the community after the end of the sen-
the island and is affecting tourists.” matters. undergoing the programme in terms of There are 191 females doing time at the tence. Two of those freed, aged 44 and 29,
Wong also expressed regret that “The report will be backed by credible monitoring. On Wednesday, 38 were Kota Kinabalu prisons, which can accom- were grateful for the opportunity to meet
Deputy Finance Minister Steven Sim, dur- data and done professionally. The support released under the programme held simul- modate up to 400 at any given time. A their families this festive season.
ing his maiden visit here, did not even and collaboration of the Labuan Authority taneously nationwide for the first time. total of 2,576 males are serving time in KK “Drugs brings a lot of problems and I
bother to engage with the Chamber. and government agencies in Labuan are From the 38, some 15 are from the Kota prisons that can house 1,329 at any given hope youngsters, especially, will stay away
The Deputy Finance Minister only offi- essential in sharing their data to ensure Kinabalu Central Prison, one from the time. from substance abuse,” said one.
ciated a DAP convention where he the report’s success.” Kota Kinabalu Women’s Prison, 10 from “We hope by having this OBB pro- Family members of those released
Tawau Prisons, five from Sandakan Prisons gramme, more prisoners will be able to under OBB were equally happy.
and six from the Labuan Correctional Cen- complete their remaining prison time and “This is our chance to celebrate the fes-

EU puts ban on imports tre. The bulk are serving time for drug-
related offences and have met the
requirements and stages established by
rehabilitation in the community,” said
Mohammad Sa’ad Bantalani, Deputy
Director of Kota Kinabalu Prisons Central.
tive season together because we have
never celebrated without them,” said
mothers and wives to some of the OBBs.
the Prisons Department in order to be eli- Earlier, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Siblings, children, grandchildren and
that speed up deforestation gible for the programme.
“The OBB programme is part of the
Anwar Ibrahim announced the Licensed
Prisoner Release Ihsan Madani scheme
other relatives were also present to wel-
come the prisoners.
approach taken by Prisons to provide which would see more than 1,000 convicts In TAWAU, Rusdi Ismail was among 10
STRASBOURG (France): The inmates the opportunity to go through released under licence throughout prisoners released. He had been in and
European Parliament rehabilitation with the community in Ramadan and Syawal. out of prison four times for drugs in three
adopted a new EU law on addition to reducing expenses and over- One of the beneficiaries, Sarah (not her years and swore not to repeat his mis-
Wednesday that will ban crowding in prisons,” said Kota Kinabalu real name) is relieved to be able to return takes.
imports deemed to be driv- Women’s Prisons Director Kesumawati home and celebrate Hari Raya with her The 32-year-old from Kunak said he
ing deforestation, throwing Ilas, Wednesday. family. The 24-year-old had been in jail for would find work and spend valuable time
the bloc’s trade muscle She said the programme is effective three months for drug abuse. with his family because he was moved by
behind a global fight against and proven through the achievement of Another prisoner Noro (not his real the acceptance of those who remain will-
climate change. the recidivism rate which is 0.24 per cent name), aged 36, who has been in and out ing to wait for his homecoming.
The legislation, which has compared to prisoners who undergo full of prison thrice, is eager to turn over a new See Page 2, Col. 5
to get final approval from the
European Union’s member
countries, would apply to
coffee, cocoa, soy, timber,
palm oil, cattle, printing
Raya aid extended to three more volunteer bodies
An aggregate area of land bigger than the
paper and rubber, and SHAH ALAM: The Gov- Meanwhile, the Finance Ministry said country’s system is damaged, due to the
European Union has been deforested around
derived products, coming ernment has decided to 26,000 people from the three volunteer leadership at the top,” he said when speak-
the world over the past three decades.
from countries around the extend the Aidilfitri Spe- bodies would receive the Aidilfitri Special ing at a breaking of fast and presentation
world. cial Financial Aid to Financial Aid involving an allocation of contributions to Tahfiz students and
Imports that come from land that was cratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Mexico three more volunteer RM7.8 million. orphans at the Ahmadi Mosque, Kampung
deforested after December 31, 2020 will be and Guatemala. bodies, namely the Terri- Last March 29, the Government Rantau Panjang.
prohibited in the huge EU market. The United Nations’ Food and Agricul- torial Army Regiment, announced that more than 200,000 peo- He said although various slogans
Companies sending such merchandise ture Organisation estimates that an aggre- Armed Forces Reserve ple comprising members of the Malaysia related to Malays, Islam, unity and justice
to Europe will have to show a certificate gate area of land bigger than the European Force (PSAT) and Malaysian Maritime Vol- Volunteers Corps Department, Malaysia were used by previous leaders, all of them
guaranteeing they do not come from such Union, or some 420 million hectares unteer Corps (PSMM). Civil Defence Force, police volunteers and had no effect and meaning if there was no
zones, with checks conducted on a sliding (more than one billion acres), has been Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar volunteer firefighters would receive the sincerity and determination to practise
scale according to how high risk the deforested around the world over the past Ibrahim (pic) said this was in response to Aidilfitri financial aid of RM300 each. them.
exporting country is ranked. three decades. applications submitted by these bodies. Meanwhile, Anwar wants the people “We entrust the leadership and the
The European Union is the second- The EU legislation is “the first law in the “There were applications made for and leaders to work together to clean up leadership keeps changing, how many
biggest market for consumption of the world that will bring about the end of allowance for volunteers, namely territo- the country from the past problems, espe- prime ministers have changed over the
targeted products after China. imported deforestation,” one MEP, Pascal rial army volunteers (Territorial Army Reg- cially those involving corruption. years... but the situation is still the same,
The European Parliament estimates Canfin, said. iment), armed forces volunteers (PSAT) He said the country’s Muslims and peo- corruption is still rampant.
Europe is responsible for around 10 per- “All the studies show Europeans don’t and maritime volunteers (PSMM). ple cannot empower Malaysia to become “So I want to change, I want Muslims in
cent of deforestated land around the want to contribute to deforestation, but they “All will come under the category of a Madani nation if they are not willing to Malaysia including in Selangor to change
planet. aren’t able to know—when they take their Aidilfitri aid for volunteers,” he told make changes at all levels, from the top to this perception, as the leader for coopera-
Illegal production has spurred massive cup of coffee in the morning or a mug of hot reporters after a walkabout to meet with bottom. tion and responsible for cleaning the
deforestation in countries such as Brazil, chocolate—that in fact they are accomplices traders at the PKNS Ramadan Bazaar, here, “That’s why my harsh and decisive country from the mess of the past,” he said.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, the Demo- to imported deforestation,” he said. – AFP Wednesday. action starts from the top because the – Bernama
2 Local TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

Ewon defends election 759 Filipinos deported from S’kan

promise on air fares

KOTA KINABALU: respond to netizens criticisms. council of ministers who have been
Entrepreneur Devel- He said people must understand that assigned to ensure that action is taken on
opment and Cooper- the government is comprised of different the offer raised.
atives Minister coalitions such as BN, GRS, GPS, Warisan “But the main thing is that the govern-
Datuk Ewon and independent parties that support the ment has agreed to increase the number of
Benedick (pic) formation of a Unity Government. flights throughout the holiday season, and
defended his parlia- He said he is sure the Transport Minis- I believe it has reduced ticket prices to
mentary election ter is discussing with airline companies to some extent; it’s just that they’re still a lit-
promise of RM199 reduce fare during the festive period. tle high,” he said.
air fares between “At the Cabinet level, we have agreed Fares for flights from Kuala Lumpur to
Kuala Lumpur and here, saying it was that the manifesto offered by all of these Kota Kinabalu offered by several airlines
A TOTAL of 95 Filipinos (regular passengers) and 759 deportees returned to the
based on the Pakatan Harapan manifesto. coalitions should be a priority to be imple- ahead of Hari Raya range between RM400
Philippines from Sandakan to celebrate Aidilfitri with their families.
“This is not my manifesto alone; it is a mented as a common manifesto. and RM1,200.
They arrived in Zamboanga City late Wednesday afternoon after a 16-hour
manifesto in the Pakatan Harapan offer “That is why, even though only Pakatan A one-way economy ticket from Kota

MP wants govt to intervene

journey on board M/V Antonia 1.
and can be read in the Pakatan Harapan Harapan made this offer in its manifesto, Kinabalu to Tawau, on the other hand, was

The deportees comprised 719 adults and 40 children aged below 12.
Kita Boleh offer,” he said, when asked to it is being acted on by members of the close to RM600.
The vessel arrived at the Sandakan Port at 4.40pm on Tuesday with some
171 passengers from Zamboanga City.

D-G Noor
After boarding of deportees and regular passengers, the vessel sailed back
to its original port at 1.30am on Wednesday.

The deportation exercise was carried out by personnel from the Sabah
Lagatah Toyos ernment to intervene in dealing with Immigration Department, police, port personnel and other relevant local
TAWAU: Kal- the recurring issue during the festive authorities, including officials from the Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur

abakan Member season. and M/V Antonia 1 crew.
of Parliament “We hope the Government will inter- Meanwhile, it was reported that Indonesians living in the country are start-
Datuk Andi vene to ensure that the price of plane ing to travel home to celebrate Aidilfitri in their hometowns, and the ferry ter-
Muhammad tickets is affordable in light of the cur- minal here has become busier and livelier than usual.
Suryady Bandy rent situation and economy. A check at the Tawau Ferry Terminal found that people of various ages had

Anti-hop Bill: Engagement

(pic) suggested “We hope the Minister of Transport KUALA LUMPUR: been waiting since early in the morning to buy tickets to board the ferry to
that airlines will come up with specific initiatives Health Minister Dr Nunukan, Indonesia. – Nikko Fabian
expand the and alternatives to ensure that ticket Zaliha Mustafa on
Wednesday thanked

session and studies needed

schedule and tim- prices can be controlled and are afford-
ing of domestic and international able for people who want to go home for Health Director-Gen-
flights in Sabah and consider two-way Eid with their families,” he added. eral Tan Sri Dr Noor
travel. Andi said the problem was high- Hisham Abdullah
He believes this would prevent air lighted during the previous Parliament (pic) for his 35 years
ticket prices from skyrocketing every session, but that there may be some lim- of service and contri-
time the holiday season arrives. its in the Transport Ministry. bution to public
“However, one of the Ministry’s healthcare. KOTA KINABALU: It party.
“If the flight time is increased, for
responsibilities is to assist the people, Dr Zaliha said Dr Noor Hisham recorded is important for the “For that reason, the provisions of the
example Kuala Lumpur-Tawau-Kuala
not to mention that the prices of goods several engagements and achievements State Government law related to anti-hopping need to take
Lumpur, the ticket price will undoubt-
both locally and globally during the period to hold an engage- into account various factors.
edly go down…there are currently fewer are rising while people’s income is stag-
and his tenure was fully utilised to build a ment session with “The basis is a commitment to the
flights and when seats are full, the air- nant,” he said.
resilient healthcare system for Malaysians to stakeholders and democratic system and the need to bal-
fare rises,” he said. He said many Tawau residents were
be on par with foreign countries. non-governmental ance between party decision factors and
He said this in response to the exor- affected by the high cost of flight tickets
“Celebrating Health Director-General organisations voter sentiment.
bitant price of flying to Sabah and and that holiday flights abroad were (NGOs) before “The anti-hopping law also needs to be
substantially cheaper. Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah’s retire-
Sarawak, which has irritated many Saba- tabling the anti- avoided as a tool for party leaders to turn
ment. This ceremony is to honour and to
hans and Sarawakians working in the “All they want to do is return to their hopping bill in the Sabah Legislative their backs on the values and norms of
express gratitude for the dedicated service
peninsula. village and be with their love ones... The Assembly (DUN) this year, said Telupid democracy itself,” he said.
that Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham has given
Additionally, Andi, who is also Assis- Government must address this issue by

Call for stern govt action

throughout his time with the Ministry. Assemblyman Jonnybone Kurum (pic). He was responding to the statement by
tant Minister of Industrial Development considering the two-way journey there He said before tabling the bill the State Warisan President and Senallang Assem-
“I am confident that Tan Sri’s service will
and Entrepreneurship, urged the Gov- and back,” he said. not end here. In fact, his expertise is still Government also needs to examine the blyman Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal who
needed for the development of national propriety of fully adopting the provisions plans to table a Private Bill Related to

against airline companies

health and medical practice. of the national anti-hop law for expan- Anti-Hopping in the DUN.
“On behalf of MOH, I would like to wish sion to the State. Jonnybone said in principle, the
happy retirement and express our deepest “Among things that need to be studied expansion of the provisions of the law
appreciation to Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham for is the definition and form of actions that related to anti-hopping as soon as possi-
his service, dedication and contribution to are categorised as party-hopping which ble is highly agreed upon as a reform and
the ministry,” she said in a post on Facebook, leads to the dropping of assemblyman strengthening of the implementation of
Wednesday. status. the democratic system in Sabah.
TAWAU: The State Government needs to tinues to be a burden for approximately Dr Noor Hisham, who was regarded a “For example, can the decision of an “We are grateful that today almost all
take strict action against airline compa- 400,000 Sabahans living throughout national hero when the country was faced assemblyman who does not leave the parties in Sabah support the implemen-
nies regarding the issue of ticket prices Peninsular Malaysia, particularly the B40 with the Covid-19 pandemic, will retire this party but does not agree with the party tation of the provisions of the anti-hop-
that are excessively high during the fes- group. Friday after over three decades of govern- leader’s decision in a matter involving the ping law.
tive season, said Muhammad Faisal Several media outlets have previously ment service. Dr Noor Hisham was also affairs of the DUN be considered as ‘hop- “This includes parties who have been
Mohamad Mohidin. reported that domestic flight tickets in recipient of the 1442H/2020 Tokoh Maal ping’? ‘victims’ and parties who have ‘benefited’
The Private Secretary to a Dewan this country are more expensive a few Hijrah award at the national level. “As is happening to some BN assembly- from various forms of ‘political hopping’,
Negara member said the State Govern- days before Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Meanwhile, Dr Noor Hisham said all he men in Sabah now. They contested on the as Shafie and Parti Warisan themselves
ment must consider the difficulties expe- Flights to Sabah in economy class cost wanted to do was to take a break after serv- BN ticket and won against Parti Warisan, once ‘benefited the hopping’ to seize the
rienced by the B40 group and students RM1,123 one way from Kuala Lumpur to ing the Health Ministry (MOH) for 35 years. but were forced by party leaders to State Government in May 2018. The State
who are desperate to return home for the Kota Kinabalu on flights scheduled at “Take a rest first,” he said when met by change the Chief Minister with a Chief Government led by him was formed after
festival, noting that the issue has been 9.15am and 10pm. the media after clocking out at 4.17pm on Minister-candidate they did not agree receiving opposing assemblymen who
ongoing for a long time and is frequently Meanwhile, flights from Kuala Lumpur his last working day at the MOH, Wednes- with from the party they were fighting jumped from Barisan Nasional (BN),” he

Man missing
discussed in the Dewan Rakyat and to Kuching in Sarawak were RM1,025 and day. against. added.
Dewan Negara. RM1,009. “Alhamdulilah, everything went “Can their action of not following the
“When will this issue be resolved? According to Muhammad Faisal, the smoothly, Covid-19 cases too have reduced instructions of the party leader be consid-

after boats
When it’s time for them to return to their Sabah Government must deal with the and we are able to keep the situation under ered as ‘hopping’, when since the begin-
hometowns, they are charged a very issue decisively by devising the best pos- control and yes, I have been looking forward ning of the election the voters also chose

collide in
A rare gesture
unreasonable ticket price,” he said. sible mechanism to deliver sufficient ben- to retiring,” said Dr Noor Hisham. – them not only on the basis of the party

Glad to leave
He said the long-standing issue con- efits to the people. Bernama but on the basis of rejecting the opposing

prison grounds Semporna

From Page One KOTA KINABALU: A giant billboard in Bukit SEMPORNA: A man has been reported
“I will live with my stepmother’s family Garam, Kinabatangan, that displayed Raya missing after two boats collided near the
in Kunak, look for work and try to better greetings from Kinabatangan Member of Parlia- Hotel Seafest waters here, at 2pm, on Tues-
myself,” said the eighth of 10 siblings. ment Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin raised day.
He said time in prison taught him many many eyebrows. Semporna Fire and Rescue Station Chief
valuable lessons, including strengthening This is because it featured both his wives, Abdul Kadir Ab Halalan said they were
his religious knowledge, learning the Datin Seri Nor Asidah Alimudin and Datin Seri only notified of the incident at 11am on
importance of duty and appreciating oth- Zizie Izette Abdul Samad. Wednesday. 8
ers. They said other leaders usually only featured He said they were informed that the
“All the officers treat the prisoners well...I their first wives while others remained in the collision resulted in one of the boats cap-
do not want to go in again. I do not want to background, even unseen. sizing.
be separated from my family anymore,” said It is understood that the former Deputy Chief A search and rescue team has been
the former restaurant staff. “After this, I will Minister previously had a fasting month greet- deployed to the area and the man has yet

Evacuation of M’sians in Sudan when situation permits

be more careful in choosing friends so as ing card also with both wives. – Sherell Jeffrey to be found as at press time. – Lagatah
not to get trapped again.” he said. Toyos
Prisoner Management Director Ajidin
Salleh reminded all the OBBs to appreciate
their early release by not repeating mistakes
or crimes.
“Don’t waste this privilege (early
release)... Hopefully this is your last step PUTRAJAYA: The process of bringing evaluation, the safe route out is by air is more than 2,000 people were reported humanitarian aid operations after three
here in the prison. Know that when you are back 32 Malaysians who are stranded in via Khartoum International Airport, to be injured, and the number of casual- of its staff became victims in this battle,”
in prison, there are responsibilities that you Sudan will be carried out as soon as the nonetheless, the airport is still not in ties is feared to be increasing because of he said.
leave behind, there are children and wives situation permits, said Foreign Minister operation as it has become a target of the restrictions on access to the battle- Regarding the developments in
that you leave behind. Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir. the battle. field and Sudan’s health services are cur- Tunisia following the arrest of the top
“Prison life provides you with meals and Speaking at a media conference on Violent fighting broke out on Satur- rently operating at a minimal level. leader of the Ennahda Party, Rached
clothing, but think about the responsibili- the situation in Sudan here Wednesday, day (April 16) between the Sudanese Sharing the latest developments at Ghannouchi, reportedly detained by the
ties you leave behind, think about the meals Zambry said all Malaysian citizens are Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramili- the Petronas Complex in Sudan which Tunisian authorities on Monday, Zambry
and welfare of your children, spouse and safe at seven locations and are provided tary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khar- was taken by force last Monday, he said said Wisma Putra is closely following the
parents,” he said. with food and medicine for two weeks. toum and other cities, with both sides SAF which is still occupying the building developments and hoped that the coun-
He also reminded OBBs to learn to adapt
“At the Cabinet meeting today, Prime accusing each other of fuelling the con- have made the roof in block B a post to try would soon reach a solution so that
to society and not isolate themselves,
Minister Anwar Ibrahim ordered such flict. monitor any activities that may threaten the situation would return to stability.
because those who are released are those
who want to start afresh. efforts to be conducted as soon as the Tensions between the two military the SAF headquarters. “The best thing is for them to come
At the same time, he reminded families situation allows. forces have escalated since Wednesday Describing the situation of unrest in up with a solution at the national level
and employers to open their hearts to help “I wish to stress the commitment of in the Merowe region of northern Sudan Sudan as very complex, Zambry said the and reach a consensus to stop the unsta-
and welcome these prisoners so that they the Government to ensure the safety of after the RSF took military vehicles to a World Health Organisation (WHO) and ble situation in the country,” he said.
will not return to their old ways of engaging Malaysians in Sudan, as the priority,” he location near a military airbase there the World Food Programme (WPF) have He said Malaysia will not interfere in
in crime. He also said that 16,073 prisoners said, adding a special team will bring which SAF considered illegal. expressed their respective concerns the affairs of other countries but if a
out of the 17,760 who applied for the OBB back the Malaysians as soon as possible. Zambry said based on the latest about the situation. country is not peaceful, it will affect the
nationwide have been released since 2020. Zambry said based on the current reports, 185 people were killed while “WFP, for example, has stopped its international community. – Bernama
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 Local 3

Lumadan folks get land

after waiting for 40 years
Iskandar Dzulkifli years ago be rejected. for handling the matter during the
LUMADAN: Seventeen Kg Karangan house- “Thank you to Sawit Kinabalu for being lengthy time it did not have a solution and
hold heads living on land owned by Sawit concerned about our plight and of course successfully resolving the issue under
Kinabalu can breathe a sigh of relief after I am happy because the gift of this land lot Bacho’s administration in the end.
40 years, as the land is being gazetted as a is like an Aidilfitri ‘gift’ for all of us,” he “Thankfully the government that exists
village reserve. said. today led by Hajiji takes a people-centric Ruslan (fifth left) witnessing the handing over of the
land lot by Bacho (second right) to the District Officer.

Police summonses payable in court

Lumadan Assemblyman Datuk Ruslan Another resident, Haslinda Buang, 33, approach in solving issues, in line with the
Muharam announced the good news dur- also shared the same relief, because she aspirations of Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ).
ing the Sawit Kinabalu Lot Handover, pre- had been living on the same land with her “This shows that the Chief Minister is a

ineligible for RM50 special offer

sented by Sawit Kinabalu Group Managing parents since she was born up until person who cares about the people’s prob-
Director Datuk Bacho Jansie in Kg becoming a mother herself. lems,” he said.
Karangan, here. She also appreciated those who played Additionally, Bacho said in addition to
Representatives of the 17 heads of fam- their role in making their dreams come handing over the land in Kg Karangan, the
ilies involved also witnessed Bacho hand- true, especially Ruslan, Bacho and the group has taken the same approach in sev-
ing over the 10-acre government-linked Lumadan Native Chief. eral other areas, involving 661 acres owned KUALA LUMPUR: Summonses which are to announced by the prime minister yester-
company (GLC) land lot to Beaufort Dis- “I am very grateful, my worries are gone by Sawit Kinabalu. be paid in court are not eligible for the day is different and is lower than the 60%
trict Officer Mohd Nazri Ajun for the and as a family we greatly appreciate the He said the company has handed over special rate of RM50 announced by Prime discount for each summons.”
gazetting process. role of the parties who made our dreams 331 acres of land to residents in Pitas so it Minister Anwar Ibrahim Tuesday. Mat Kasim said members of the public
One of the recipients of the land lot, come true,” she said. can be gazetted as a village, including 130 Bukit Aman traffic investigation and can settle their summonses online via the
Adek Awang Mokti, 67, described it as the Meanwhile, Ruslan who is also Assis- acres in Kota Marudu and 200 acres in enforcement department director Mat MyBayar Saman application.
most meaningful gift after almost 40 years tant Minister to the Chief Minister said the Semporna. Kasim Karim said the offer announced yes- They can also do so in person at all traf-
living on the land with his late mother, gazette is the result of Chief Minister “This noble effort will ease Sawit Kina- terday was different from the up to 60pc fic counters at police contingent and dis-
father and other relatives. Datuk Seri Hajiji Mohd Noor’s concern balu’s management in obtaining Sustain- discount on summonses offered in con- trict headquarters nationwide from April
He was also relieved as he no longer has and commitment to fill the needs of the able Palm Oil (MSPO) and SPO junction with the 216th Police Day recently. 21 to May 21.
to worry about having to relocate, should people. certification after the land-related issues He said the Police Day discount earlier Mat Kasim said police were also not
their application to occupy the land two He also praised Sawit Kinabalu’s efforts are resolved,” he said. did not cover some summonses. Among limiting the total number of traffic sum-
them were accident cases, non-com- monses which can be paid by the people
poundable offences, beating the red light during this period and welcomed them to
and summonses with warrant status. settle all summonses they have received. –

Miri logging firm hits back at

“But the special summons rate FMT

groups for pressuring it to drop suit

PETALING JAYA: Miri-based timber com- management certification process under

State Govt ready to review regulatory barriers

Safar (9th left) together with industry leaders at the function.
pany Samling Plywood has criticised a the Malaysian Timber Certification
group of civil society organisations for Scheme (MTCS).
urging it to withdraw its defamation suit “Despite that, SAVE Rivers continues to
against NGO SAVE Rivers and its board. level the same accusations against Sam-
Samling said it is disappointing that ling, seriously harming and tarnishing
they have sought to stifle its rights to seek Samling’s reputation as a result. Samling
Mohd Izham Bin Hashim “From this point onwards, we look for- governance practices in the civil service, he appropriate legal remedy without under- had no other option but to resort to filing
KOTA KINABALU: The State Government is ward a more detailed assessment and feed- affirmed the state government has issued standing the context that led to the cur- the claim,” it said, adding it only took legal
prepared to review regulatory barriers to back on amendment of policies, legislation Guidelines and Circulars for Best Practices rent position. action a day before the expiry of the one-
facilitate the implementation of the Sabah and enactment from appointed members in the Public Sector. “Instead of justifying their position in a year limitation for defamation suits.
Maju Jaya (SMJ) plan to ensure more busi- in the Pemudahcara SMJ,” he said. This was followed by the Sabah Good Malaysian court, SAVE Rivers and those Yesterday, FMT reported that 160 civil
ness-friendly policies for industry players Safar noted this move will not only meet Regulatory Practices which was launched responsible have now resorted to external society organisations sent a solidarity let-
To this objective, State Secretary Datuk the expectations of stakeholders but also by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor on and overseas pressure tactics to force a ter to Samling, one month before the start
Seri Safar Untong described the establish- prevent corrupt practices, leakages and Sept 19, 2021, and establishment of the withdrawal of the pending claim,” it said of the trial scheduled for May 15, to urge it
ment of the Pemudahcara SMJ as a mani- boost public confidence in the govern- Guideline Book for the Implementation of in a statement today. to withdraw its defamation suit against
festation of public-private sector ment. Best Practices Policies in Sabah (GRP It also denied allegations that its deci- SAVE Rivers and its board of directors.
cooperation which acts as a conducive Furthermore, he hoped the participa- Sabah). sion to commence action amounted to a Simon Siah, counsel for SAVE Rivers,
platform to receive input and new recom- tion of pemudahcara SMJ and industry “These three documents serve as an Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participa- said the United Nations special rappor-
mendations from industry players to players in the review of polices and regula- important reference point for all legal tion (SLAPP). teurs on Human Rights Defenders, and
improve trade policies and other relevant tions can simplify the system delivery coordinators at every ministry department, Samling said about a year before initi- Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the
issues. process especially with regards to invest- agencies in implementing policies review ating legal action, it had taken all efforts Business and Human Rights Resource Cen-
“It is hoped the policies review process ment matters. of their respective agencies in a more sys- possible to address and clarify any misun- tre have recognised that Samling’s suit
involving ordinances and enactments can He pointed such proactive measures to tematic, transparent and effective manner, derstanding and misinformation with may be classified as a SLAPP.
be continued with the involvement of establish good work process fosters a con- “he said. SAVE Rivers. Samling is suing SAVE Rivers for alleged
Pemudahcara SMJ to eliminate bureau- ducive, healthy business climate, and thus With this, Safar reminded public ser- These efforts included reaching out to defamatory statements with regards to
cracy and allow improvements to be made increases the government’s revenue vants to continue enhancing the effective- those at the NGO to clarify matters, but it consultations of local communities under
in an organised manner,” he said at the stream, creates job opportunities and ness of service delivery system which was “flatly refused”. the MTCS. It is seeking an apology, an
launch of the Pemudahcara SMJ ceremony drives the state economy forward. should exceed the expectation of users. It also claimed to have engaged with injunction to stop the NGO from reporting
held in conjunction with an iftar function. In his message, Safar also called upon “It’s also vital for Permanent Secretaries the leaders of the local community and community claims and RM5 million in
He admitted previous amendments of members of the public service to strive of Ministries, District Officers and public organised a seminar to brief on the forest damages. – FMT
policies were formulated from the depart- towards enhancing governance to boost servants to give their level best in enhanc-
ment’s point of view and that of the public the confidence of all stakeholders. ing service delivery in line with the

Man sets himself on fire after Seda: Practise

service. To realise its mission of ensuring best Malaysia Madani concept, “he said.

failing law exams for 3rd time sustainable

SEGAMAT: A man set himself on fire before behind failed stop in time and collided
being rescued by a petrol station owner in with the back of the lorry,” said Ahmad.
an incident here on Tuesday. The burnt man was sent to Segamat
Segamat District police chief Superin- Hospital by ambulance for treatment.

Redonah presenting a sourvenir to Mohd Razali.

Gagasan Rakyat Wanita wing

tendent Ahmad Zamry Marinsah said the Medical officers said he sustained KUALA LUMPUR: Sustainable Energy
24-year-old man used a lighter to ignite burns to nearly 70 per cent of his body, Development Authority (Seda) Malaysia
the petrol he had poured on himself at a and is being held in the hospital for fur- recommends that those planning to leave

announces its exco, committee

Petron gas station on Jalan Ibrahim. ther treatment. their homes during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri
“The petrol station owner, who is in his In a statement, the man said he holidays practise sustainable energy man-
60s, managed to save the victim by putting attempted suicide because he was agement, including reducing excessive
out the blaze using a fire extinguisher,” he ashamed to face his family after failing his energy consumption.
said in a statement. However, the victim law degree examinations a third time. In a statement Wednesday, it said that
then ran towards and sat in the middle of Police are conducting further investiga- this can be achieved by consuming energy
the Seremban-Johor Baru road. tions to verify the information. with prudence, including turning off KOTA KINABALU: Parti Gagasan Rakyat Bureau), Dayang Masni (Religion
“A lorry driver passing through the road Those with information related to this lights and electronic equipment when not Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Wanita Chief Bureau), Mastura (Women and Commu-
stopped his vehicle when he saw the man case can contact the Segamat district Con- Datuk Redonah Bahanda said the move- nity Bureau), Erveana (Law Bureau) and

Use face masks, umbrellas: Minister

in use, using energy-efficient equipment
in the middle of the road, but the car trol Centre’s hotline at 07-9324222. and lighting such as LED light bulbs, and ment’s exco and committee at the State Luvita Koisun (Housing and Urban
positioning furniture properly so as not to level has been formed Monday. Bureau).
obstruct airflow or affect the temperature She said Sahramah Jamaludin was The Heads of Coordinators are Has-
in the house. appointed Wanita Movement’s Perma- rina Golkhan (Kudat, Kota Marudu),
“Preparing Raya dishes also involves the nent Chairperson, while her Deputy Jamaliah Antalip (Kota Belud, Tuaran),
PUTRAJAYA: The public is advised to use Ahmad was reported to have said that the
use of a lot of energy. Changing existing Chairperson is Halijah Din with Aziah Salmi Sarinoh (Sepanggar, Putatan),
face masks, umbrellas and hats to avoid haze is expected to be worse this year
equipment to energy-efficient appliances Atoh as the Vice Chairperson and Salmah Sait (Penampang, Kota Kina-
direct exposure to the hot weather and compared to the last three years as plan-
that have a four-or five-star rating by the Fahzean Mohiddin as the Assistant Secre- balu), Dayang Hairena Awang Basir
haze currently affecting the country, said tation and industrial activities have
Energy Commission will be able to con- tary. (Papar, Kimanis), Datuk Surinam
Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa. returned to normal operations.
tribute to energy savings,” read the state- The rest are Datuk Jamaliah Antalip Sadikun (Beauford, Sipitang), Datuk
She said people should also avoid Based on monitoring of the hot
ment. (Assistant Treasurer), Annabell @ Amelia Ajun (Keningau, Ranau), Sabini
strenuous activities to prevent illness dur- weather status by the Malaysian Meteoro-
The public is also encouraged to make Suzieana Perian (Information Chief) and Ansumor (Pensiangan, Tenom), Hasma
ing the current weather conditions. logical Department  yesterday, several
the most of natural light by opening win- the committee members - Datuk Surinam Nurdin (Batu Sapi, Sandakan, Libaran),
“Limit the time spent outdoors to avoid areas were reported to be in the Warning
dows and curtains, particularly during the Sadikun, Datuk Hajah Amelia Ajun, Salmi Dayang Norhayati Titingan (Kinabatan-
exposure to the hot weather and Level 1 (Caution) category and no areas
day, and allowing room for outside air to Sarinoh, Dayang Norhayati Titing, Has- gan, Beluran), Saridah Ab Lakata (Lahad
haze,” she said in a statement following were reported to be in Warning Level 2
enter because doing so can lessen the need rina Wati Golkhan, Dayang Hairena Datu, Semporna) and Maria Wahaya
the current weather, which is affecting the (heat wave).
for artificial lighting and aid with the Awang Basir, Hasma Nurdin, Maria (Kalabakan, Tawau).
air quality and ambient temperature in Dr Zaliha also urged the public to keep
reuse of renewable energy. Wahaya, Saridah Ab. Lakata, Salmah Sait, Redonah hoped the exco and commit-
several areas. windows closed to prevent haze particles
Luvita Koisun, Sabini Ansumor, Jahiah @ tee members will carry out their respon-

Fuel prices remain unchanged

Natural Resources, Environment and from entering their houses or buildings. – In addition, Seda recommends the use
of modes of transportation that actively Jalilah Apiang, Erveana Ansari, Kathie sibilities with full commitment and trust
Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Bernama
preserve the environment. Renjus, Aneh Jamri, Dr Davina Datuk in helping the party implement various
“Motor vehicle (exhausts) are the Markus Majihi, Saturah Jamrah @ Mastu- agendas and programmes.
major source of air pollution in major rah, Lailawati Ahmad Bahrom, Dayang “As the party’s wing, we are also
cities, contributing 90 per cent of carbon Masni Datu Saribu and Shazlinah Lai responsible for helping the leadership of
KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices tain the ceiling price of RON95 at RM2.05
dioxide gas emissions. Therefore, if possi- Wun Fong. the State Government, especially in
of  RON97 and  RON95 petrol as well as per litre and diesel at RM2.15 per litre, even
ble, opt for low-carbon and energy-effi- Redonah also chairs the Political ensuring that efforts to defend the people
diesel will remain unchanged for the April though the market price for both prod-
cient modes of transportation, such as Bureau, while Aziah for the Membership can be implemented by achieving targets
20 to 26 period. ucts has increased beyond the current ceil-
taking the bus, walking, cycling, or car- Bureau, Fahzean (Training Bureau), Dr and goals,” he said during the Wanita’s
The Finance Ministry, in a statement ing price,” it said.
pooling. Davina (Health Bureau), Kathie (Welfare Exco special meeting at the Sabah Inter-
Wednesday, said RON97 remains at RM3.35 The ministry said the government
“If you can afford it, you can choose to Bureau), Jahiah @ Jalilah (Education national Convention Centre (SICC) here
per litre, RON95 (RM2.05 per litre) would continue to monitor the trends of
use an electric or hybrid car to attain max- Bureau), Shahlinah (Entrepreneurship Tuesday.
and diesel (RM2.15 per litre). global crude oil prices and take appropriate
imum energy efficiency,” according to the Bureau), Lailawati (IT and Media Bureau), Gagasan Rakyat Secretary-General
“To protect consumers from global oil measures to ensure the continued welfare
statement. – Bernama Dayang Norhayati (Sports and Culture Datuk Mohd Razali Razi was also present.
price increase, the government will main- and well-being of the people. – Bernama
Three-fold jump in jobless Malaysian PhD holders
4 Local TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

PETALING JAYA: The number of PhD gradu- 8.8 per cent were unemployed. She added that talent seekers and overqualified to take on vacant positions.” matters more than academic achievements.
ates increased from 1,247 in 2010 to 4,560 in Human Capital Consultant Usha Devi human resource personnel may ask for She added that generally, getting a PhD In the end, employers want to know more
2020. However, the rate of unemployment Arumugam said employers need to know additional skills and expertise within the is not required in most industries besides about the added value and skill sets that a
for doctorate holders under 35 has the work history of PhD graduates seeking field of PhD qualification compared with academia as well as research and develop- future employee would bring to the com-
increased from seven per cent in 2010 to 16 employment. the skills and expertise of employees who ment areas. pany.”
per cent in 2020. “There could be a mismatch in their have a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree, “So, PhD holders appeal to a small sec- Human resource and talent recruitment
In a Graduate Tracer Study in 2021, the qualifications and what the industry is look- diploma or even a certificate. tion of the industry and are sought for specialist Nurul Izzah Abdul Salam said
Higher Education Ministry recorded that ing for,” she told the Sun. “Some PhD graduates are not willing to employment in very specific fields. most unemployed PhD graduates may not
out of 2,501 PhD graduates, 63 or 2.5 per cent Usha Devi said the job market might not take a step back in their careers and because “For jobs that do not need specific aca- have enough working experience, which
were waiting for job placements and 220 or see the added value of PhD degrees. of this, the industry might find them demic requirements, working experience may be unappealing to job recruiters.
“PhD holders who graduated before they

YS loan repayment discounts

reached 35 years understand theory and
knowledge in their respective fields. How-
ever, they may not be skilled in resolving
practical problems.
“There have been cases where these grad-
uates were too demanding about salaries.
Nowadays, companies may employ a degree
KOTA KINABALU: gramme was an incentive from Yayasan “Yayasan Sabah Group is also offering a other bank customers. Alternatively, we
holder with the skills that they require
Yayasan Sabah Sabah Group to borrowers. 15 per cent rebate to borrowers who wish also accept payments made through Bank
rather than pay more for a person with high
Group once again “Previously, the 25 per cent rebate was to pay half (50 per cent) of their loan bal- Standing Instructions, bank drafts, and
qualifications but requires training.
implemented repay- only given to study loan borrowers who ance. Interested borrowers must, however, cheques,” he said.
“In reality, hiring an employee with mas-
ments discounts, wanted to shorten their payment period sign the rebate acceptance letter pro- “Borrowers can also visit our payment
tery in a third or fourth language is more
with up to 25 per by at least 75 per cent of the prescribed vided,” he said. counter at Level 6, Menara Tun Mustapha,
valuable than hiring a person who possesses
cent (lump sum pay- repayment period. For that purpose, YSG diversified its Likas Bay, Yayasan Sabah’s office, Level 6,
a PhD qualification.”
ment) and 15 per “For 2023, through this special 25 per payment facilities to make it easier for bor- Urban Transformation Centre (UTC), Sem-
Nurul Izzah said to combat this, the
cent (half loan pay- cent and 15 per cent rebate programme, rowers to make payments. Throughout the bulan, Kota Kinabalu or our Zone Offices
authorities must encourage students who
ment) under its borrowers are eligible for rebates offered programme, borrowers can make pay- in Beaufort, Kota Marudu, Keningau, San-
want to pursue higher education to have
Appreciation Rebate Programme from based on the conditions set,” he explained. ments online, among other modes of dakan and Tawau,” he added.
some working experience and encourage
April until 30 June 2023, to ease the burden “This incentive will supplement the Fed- remittance. “With more study loan payments col-
part-time studies.
to repay their study loan balances. eral Government’s efforts to implement the “Borrowers have various digital pay- lected by YSG, we hope to raise more funds
“Apart from that, the government
According to the Director of Yayasan Loan Repayment Incentive of the National ment options, such as the Maybank2u to enable it to continue to support and
through the Higher Education Ministry

Electoral Roll open for review

Sabah, Datuk Sri Haji Gulamhaidar @ Higher Education Fund Corporation application for Maybank customers and provide educational sponsorship for stu-
must encourage universities to implement
Yusof bin Khan Bahadar (pic), the pro- (PTPTN), with effect from 1 March 2023. transfers using telegraph and JomPAY for dents in the future,” Gulam said.
vocational courses and ensure that gradu-
ates possess industrial skills.
“To make the hiring of employees hold-
ing advanced degrees more attractive, the
government could subsidise wages as a way
KUALA LUMPUR: The Supplementary Elec- line at 03-88927218. to compensate employers for their invest-
toral Roll for March 2023 (DPT BLN3/2023), “EC urges citizens aged 18 and above in

Aidilfitri: 2.3m
ment in training the recruits.” – The Sun

SESB’s 4WDs gift to KTYS

which has been verified and gazetted, is March this year and registered voters who
now open for review for 30 days from have applied for a change of constituency

vehicles expected
today until May 18. or status to check their names in the DPT
Election Commission (EC) BLN3/2023.

daily on major
Secretary  Datuk Ikmalrudin Ishak, in a “If they find that their name is not listed
statement today, said the DPT BLN3/2023 in the electoral roll, they can make a claim
contained 39,604 names of citizens aged by filling out form C through the online

KOTA KINABALU: Kolej Teknologi Yayasan would greatly benefit KTYS in achieving
Sabah (KTYS) received three four-wheel its academic and operational goals. 18 and above for the period from March 1 application at or
drive vehicles from Sabah Electricity Sdn Haji Samin emphasised the impor- until March 31, 2023. go to the respective state election offices,”
Bhd (SESB). tance of collaborations between industry “It also involved 13,534 registered voters he said.
Equipped with modern and safety fea- and academia in nurturing the next gen- who changed constituencies and 3,229 vot- Ikmalrudin said registered voters in any
tures, they would be used for educational eration of skilled professionals for Sabah’s ers who changed status or category of vot- constituency who wished to object to the KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian High-
and operational purposes, particularly its human capital. ers,” he said. entry of voters who changed to their con- way Authority (LLM) expects an increase in
Automotive Technology Programme and Ir Ts Mohd Yaakob expressed delight in The EC provides five methods for stituency could fill in form D through the traffic volume of up to 2.3 million vehicles
enhance quality education for its stu- contributing to KTYS’ mission of provid- review, namely, via its portal same online app or go to the relevant EC daily on the three major expressways in
dents. ing technical education to the youth of at or https://myspr office. the country starting Wednesday until May
The handover was held at the City Sabah. The donation was part of SESB’s and the official portals He said forms C and D could also be 7 in conjunction with the Aidilfitri celebra-
Campus, Sembulan and attended by KTYS commitment to supporting education of state election offices at downloaded from the State Election tion.
CEO Haji Samin Haji Ongki, SESB CEO Ir Ts and empowering the youth of Sabah. Offices’ portals and should be submitted LLM, in a statement Wednesday, stated
Mohd Yaakob Hj Jaafar and senior repre- He highlighted SESB’s dedication to The review  can also be done through to the state election director concerned that the expected increase in traffic is on
sentatives both from sides (pic). supporting the development of the local the online application with the fee during office hours on any the North-South Expressway (PLUS), Kuala

Putrajaya Ramadan achieves

Haji Samin expressed his gratitude to community and reiterated its corporate at, MySPR working day during the review period of Lumpur-Karak Expressway and East Coast
SESB for the generous donation, saying it social responsibility initiative. Semak mobile application and the EC hot- the DPT BLN3/2023. - Bernama Expressway 1.
To ensure the smooth flow of traffic and

target, attracts 600,000 visitors

reduce congestion on expressways, it has
instructed the highway concessionaires to
take several steps to minimise the impact
of the increase in traffic.
They include stopping construction
and maintenance work involving the clo-
PUTRAJAYA: The 11th edition of the Putra- PPj Depot, Precinct 9 (45 traders) and the sure of highway lanes effective yesterday
jaya Ramadan Festival 2023 (FRP 2023) has Precinct 14 night market site (145 traders). (April 18) until May 7 and to issue Travel
so far recorded 600,000 visitors, exceed- A total of 290 traders participated in Time Advisory  (TTA) to help motorists
ing the target of 500,000 for the month- the Ramadan Bazaar at Precinct 3, he said. plan their journey, as well as display traffic
long festival. “This Mini Ramadan Bazaar is opened information and reminders for them to
Arifin (middle) in a group photo with 12 school

RM20k each to 12 schools

Director of the Licensing Division, City following the overwhelming  response top up Touch n’ Go or e-Wallet before
representatives who received donations from KSTI.
Services Department of the Putrajaya Cor- from traders. We received 500 applica- starting their journey on electronic sig-
poration (PPj) Jeffri Mustapa said the FRP, tions. So we decided to open a bazaar nages.
an annual event organised by PPj, started at  another location to give the The highway concessionaires  are also
on March 22 and will close on April 21. traders, who were previously affected by requested  to station their staff at toll
The festival, themed “Seindah the COVID-19 pandemic, an opportunity plazas to assist motorists in ensuring
Ramadan, Harmoni Lebaran”,  has two to increase their income,” he said. smooth traffic flow, especially when the
components, namely the Ramadan Bazaar He said the opening of the Ramadan KOTA KINABALU: A total of 12 schools Tuaran, SMK Putatan, Kota Kinabalu free toll initiative is in effect, in addition to
and the Aidilfitri Sale which are aimed at Mini Bazaar provided an alternative here were selected to receive donations Sixth Form College, SK Saga- Saga Mem- ensuring the system and operation at the
making Putrajaya a one-stop centre for option for the residents of Putrajaya, other towards empowering Science, Technol- bakut, SK Kg. Bambangan Membakut, toll plazas run smoothly.
selling iftar food and Aidilfitri essentials. than the Ramadan Bazaar at Precinct 3. ogy, Engineering and Mathematics SK Pekan Membakut, SK Pomotodon They are also requested to open addi-
“Alhamdulillah, with the response  so Jeffri said the Ramadan Mini (STEM) education. Inanam and SRK Sacred Heart Kota Kin- tional toll lanes in areas identified as hav-
far, PPj is confident of attracting more vis- Bazaar also attracted residents from out- Minister of the Ministry of Science, abalu. ing high traffic.
itors this year. side the Putrajaya area. Technology and Innovation (KSTI), In the same ceremony, Arifin also According to LLM, it will also  ensure
“This encouraging response is evident To ensure cleanliness and hygiene at Datuk Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif, said witnessed the presentation of a that the concessionaires provide enough
with the number of patrons arriving even FRP2023,  he said more than 100 personnel the donations were aimed at helping RM100,000 donation for KSTI’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) mem-
on weekdays, and even more on weekends. were tasked with monitoring the compli- the Science Laboratory Upgrade Pro- PitchBorneo 2023 Programme from bers to deal with any incident, as well as
Many of them converge to the Ramadan ance of traders to the stipulated regula- gramme for secondary schools and the Sabah State Baitulmal Corporation provide additional facilities in parking lots
Bazaar, the Aidilfitri Sale at  the Syawal tions daily. establishment of a Science Corner for (PBNS). and portable toilets in several R&R areas
Anjung and the Laman Iftar area,” he said Regarding the Aidilfitri sale at Anjung primary schools in the State. Its Chief Executive Officer Dr Awang along PLUS and East Coast Expressway 2.
when met by Bernama. Syawal, which is located in front of PPj, he “This year, a total of 30 selected Faisal Assyiffa Awang Rahim presented To optimise the free toll initiative that
For this year’s FRP, PPj features a new said it had been agreed that business oper- schools received donations through the the donation to KSTI Permanent Secre- starts today until April 21 and on April 24,
element at the Ramadan Bazaar with the ations there be extended until 2am on programme amounting to RM20,000 tary Datuk Zainudin Aman. the Touch n’ Go or SmartTAG card needs to
setting up of four Mini Ramadan Bazaars April 12 to 18 and until 5am on the last each for that purpose. Also receiving donations from PBNS be touched at the toll plaza,  while users of
at the parking lot, Taman Seri Empangan, three nights of Ramadan, which are on “It is hoped that KSTI’s objective in are the USIA Mosque in Kota Kinabalu the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Precinct 5, involving the participation of 11 April 19 to 21. bringing students interested in Science, City and the As-Syatibiyah Al-Quran need to enter and exit the highway using

Getting goods
traders; Public Market parking area, “This is to give the public the opportu- Technology and Mathematics subjects Tahfiz Center in Kota Kinabalu. RFID lanes.
Precinct 8 (12 traders); the site in front of nity for last-minute Aidilfitri will be achieved through this assis- In attendance were Assistant Minis- The LLM Traffic Management Centre
shopping,” he said. tance,” he said when met by the media ter of KSTI Datuk Harun Durabi, State will operate for 24 hours from April 19 to

at reasonable
Regarding tPPj’s planning for FRP next at KSTI’s Ramadan Ihya Majlis at Wisma Government Mufti Datuk Bungsu Aziz 26 to provide the latest traffic information

Special school
year, Jeffri said PPj will improve various Bandaraya near here on Monday. Jaafar, Chairman of PBNS Datuk Dr to highway users. - Bernama
facilities, increase the location of the

prices: Fama
At the event, Arifin presented dona- Omar Raisul As Salam Syah Datuk

Ramadan Bazaar and Mini Ramadan Bazaar, tions of RM20,000 each to 12 schools Sulaiman Omar, Chairman of Sabah
as well as intensify promotional activities including SMK Membakut, SMK Mem- Net Sdn Bhd Datuk Azaman Ruslan and
through cooperation with the Ministry of bakut II, SMK St Patrick Membakut, Deputy Chairman of Muis Malai Ali

results: MOE
B’fort village couple reported lost found safe
Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac) to attract SMK Pengalat Papar, SMK Tenghilan Malai Ahmad.
foreign tourists. – Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal Agricultural
Marketing Authority (Fama) will expand
the location of the Direct Sales From Farm
(JTDL) programme in an effort to help PUTRAJAYA: The results  of appeals  for
more people get essential goods at reason- Ahmad Apong retracing their steps but they couldn’t find admission into special schools  for the
able prices. BEAUFORT: A couple in Kg Melalugus, them and ended up in the same place. 2023/2024 session will be out today (April
FAMA Deputy Director-General of  feared lost while searching for vegetables, “The time was around 6.30 pm and we 20), according to the Ministry of Educa-
operations Abdul Rashid Bahari said were found safe on Monday. continued to look for the trail to get out tion (MOE).
among the planned new locations Head of Mohammad District Fire and of the forest but we couldn’t find it. We The special schools are Sekolah Beras-
for the programme were  government Rescue Station Hasbullah Nenggok con- had to break our fast with only water,” rama Penuh (SBP) and Sekolah Menengah
office complexes in Putrajaya and Kuala firmed on Tuesday that the husband and Daim said. Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA). 
Lumpur. wife were found safe but weak. They tried various methods and rituals The MOE in a statement today said for
“We will also have the programme at He said the fire brigade arrived at the to get out of the forest but all failed and the appeal category, a total of 1,783 Form

Daim and his wife.

People’s Housing Projects (PPR), mostly in scene and found the tired couple at the when they got too tired, they just put their One students and 404 Form Four students
dense areas with many people from the river bank of Tanjung Kg Melulugus at fate in God’s hands. were offered to SBP, while 1,886 Form
B40 group. Also, at the outlets of FAMA 8.33pm. conducted. At 8.30 pm they heard the One students and 971 Form Four students
entrepreneurs such as Agrobazaar Kedai The victims only suffered minor The man is identified as Daim Amsir villagers calling their names and they were offered to SMKA.
Rakyat, AgroBazaar Rakyat and at the injuries as the man had fallen when and his wife Lim Laimun, both aged 70. responded. The results can be checked
supermarkets of our strategic partners they tried to find their way home, he They lost their way while looking for Daim and his wife were found by the at for Form
such as Aeon or Lotus’s,” he said when con- said. vegetables at 6pm. Fire Brigade and rescuers accompanied by One  and for
tacted. – Bernama Since they were both safe, no SAR was They tried to find their way out by villagers in the forest. Form Four. - Bernama
Man jailed and fined for misappropriation of property
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 Local 5

Jo Ann Mool court that the complainant saw an advertise- requested a lenient sentence. tion date pending the chemist report and to Habib Idrus Habib Mohammad at 8.55pm
KOTA KINABALU: A self-employed man was ment on the sale of a used Toyota Hilux In another case, a 41-year-old waiter was objected bail as the charge has no provision on July 15, 2020 at Taman Seri Gaya here.
on Wednesday jailed eight months and while browsing the Facebook marketplace charged with trafficking 374.91gm of 3,4- for such. The first count is framed under Section
fined RM4,000 or another four months for in September 2021 and contacted the hand- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine The court fixed May 5 for mention and 457 of the Penal Code while the second count
misappropriation of property two years ago. phone number provided and agreed to (MDMA). ordered Woo to be further remanded. is under Section 411 of the same Code.
Norhasikin Laji, 36, pleaded not guilty make the purchase. Woo Chee Ken was accused of commit- Meanwhile, a car rental shop worker was The prosecution proposed bail at
before Magistrate Jessica Ombou Kakayun to Safuan made payments in stages to a ting the offence between 12.20am and 2am charged with two counts of burglary and RM5,000 and RM3,000 for the first and sec-
dishonestly keeping RM3,500 cash belong- Maybank account in the name of Norhasikin on April 8, this year at Pavillion Bundusan, having stolen items. ond count, respectively.
ing to Safuan Willie Sodoi for his own use at Laki for the purpose of deposit and car loan Penampang. Mohd Shameer Marican Ariffin pleaded Duty counsel Carmen Khoo applied for a
2.42pm on Oct 27, 2021 at Inanam Taipan, application. However, no plea was taken from Woo not guilty to breaking into the Keda Sup Ikan lower bail as the accused is married with
here. The complainant felt cheated when he after the charge was read out to him. Kudat at Lintas Jaya Uptownship here at three children.
The charge under Section 403 of the did not receive the vehicle and Norhasikin The charge under Section 39B(1)(a) of the 7.32am on April 3 this year along with an The court released the accused on a bail
Penal Code carries a jail term of between six failed to be contacted, prompting the com- Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, carries a punish- accomplice still at large and stealing an Ipad of RM2,500 in two sureties on the first
months and five years and whipping and lia- plainant to lodge a police report for further ment of either the death penalty or life in and a piggy bank belonging to Sitti Nazwa- count and fixed May 15 for mention and
bility of a fine, on conviction. action. prison and whipping with a minimum of 15 hayati Alhabsi. offered him bail of RM1,500 in two sureties
In presenting the facts of the case, prose- Duty counsel Lim Ming Zoong @ strokes, on conviction. On the second count, Shameer denied on the second count pending mention on
cuting officer Albert Basiri, informed the Lawrence representing Norhasikin The prosecution applied for a new men- having a stolen car computer box belonging May 25.

Religious teacher, 71, denies

molesting 13-year-old-girl
Cynthia D Baga his case.
KOTA KINABALU: A 71-year-old religious The court also ordered for any travel-
teacher was charged with committing ling documents and passport to be
physical sexual harassment against a 13- impounded by the court.
year-old girl. The court reminded the man that in the
The man pleaded not guilty before Ses- There is an additional punishment for event the court received any official com-
sions Court Judge Ummu Khaltom Abd the man under Section 16(1) of the same plaint report from the alleged victim or
Samad, to the charge against him, Act carries a jail term of up to five years, any family members as well as potential
Wednesday. and whipping at least two strokes, on con- witnesses either physically or via phone,
He is accused of committing the viction. the court will not hesitate to revoke his
offence by hugging and kissing her as well The court set May 23 this year for pre- bail.
as fondling her breasts at 8pm on March 3 trial case management and the man was Fail to furnish bail, he will be remanded

Ex-GLC CEO claims trial to

Aziedy (centre) leaving the courtroom yesterday after pleading not guilty.
this year at a house in Taman Nountun released on bail of RM15,000 with under Section 259 of the Criminal Proce-
Juta, Inanam, near here. RM10,000 deposited in two local sureties dure Code.
The offence under Section 14 (a) of Sex- having permanent address. Deputy Public Prosecutor Siti Hajar

graft involving over RM400,000

ual Offences Against Children Act 2017 car- The man also was ordered to report to Mazlan appeared for the prosecution
ries a jail term of up to 20 years, and police station here every first and third while counsel Rizwandean M Borhan

Altantuya’s family appeals to Muhy files

whipping, on conviction. Monday of the month until the disposal of defended the man.

increase RM5m damages awarded bid to annul

BUTTERWORTH: A former chief operating lation work worth RM191,811 for the Seri

officer of a company pleaded not guilty in Bayu Apartment Project at the same place
the Sessions Court here Wednesday to on June 14, 2016.
PUTRAJAYA: The family of Mongolian model family’s appeal was held before Court of charges of using his office to obtain grati- Both charges are framed under Section

abuse charges
Altantuya Shaariibuu is appealing for higher Appeal deputy registrar Nadia Mohd Kamal fication amounting to RM415,397  seven 23(1) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
compensation than the RM5 million today, who then fixed another case manage- years ago. Commission Act 2009 (Act 694) and can
awarded to them by the Shah Alam High ment date on June 13 for parties to update the Aziedy Abdul Talib, 42, was charged in be punished under Section 24 (1) of the
Court in a suit they filed over her death in court relating to the status of the grounds of his capacity as the chief operating officer same act which provides  a maximum
2006. appeal and notes of proceedings. and covering as the chief executive offi- prison sentence of 20 years and a fine of up
In the notice of appeal filed on Jan 16 this The appeals by Abdul Razak and the Gov- KUALA LUMPUR: cer of Mutiara.Com Sdn Bhd with abus- to five times the value of the gratification
year, Altantuya’s family is cross-appealing ernment are also fixed for case management Former prime min- ing his position by appointing ATR or RM10,000, whichever is higher, if found
against part of the High Court’s decision on on the same day. ister Muhyiddin Resources Enterprise, which belonged to guilty.
the quantum of damages. When contacted by Bernama, lawyer Sim- Yassin has filed an his younger sibling, to supply  CCTV Judge Zulhazmi Abdullah allowed
On Dec  16  last year, High Court Judge ranjit Kaur Chhran representing Altantuya’s application to equipment worth RM223, 586 for the Seri Aziedy bail of RM10,000 on each charge
Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera (now Court family, confirmed the next case management strike out the four Bayu Apartment Project, in the Barat with a local surety and also ordered him to
of Appeal judge) allowed the suit by Altan- date. counts of abuse of Daya district here. surrender his passport to the court, report
tuya’s family and ordered former policemen On June 4, 2007, Altantuya’s parents Dr power he was The offence was allegedly committed at to the MACC Office once a month and not
Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar, political Shaariibuu and Altantsetseg Sanjaa, as well charged with last the Mutiara.Com Sdn Bhd Office in Jalan disturb the witnesses in the case.
analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, and the as their grandson Mungunshagai Bayarjar- month. Macalister here on Feb 4, 2016. The court set May 30 for mention.
Malaysian Government to jointly pay RM5 gal, filed an RM100 million suit against Azi- The application, which was filed in Aziedy, who is currently an information Deputy public prosecutor Noor Azura
million in general, aggravated and exem- lah Hadri and Sirul Azhar, Abdul Razak and the High Court Wednesday, also called technology manager, is also charged with Zulkiflee prosecuted, while lawyer Arafas

RM2m libel damages against MP

plary damages to the family. the Malaysian Government. for his acquittal. using his position to approve his sibling’s Abdul Razak represented Aziedy. –
The judge also awarded interest at five per In their statement of claim, Altantuya’s In the alternative, the Bersatu presi- company as a supplier for Intercom instal- Bernama
cent per annum of the sum of judgment family said the model’s death resulted in dent wants all proceedings in the ses-

to deter unfounded remarks: Court

from the date of the filing of the lawsuit until them suffering mental shock and psycho- sions court, where he was charged, to
the full settlement of the amount and legal logical trauma and sought compensation as be stayed pending the outcome of the
costs of RM25,000. well as exemplary and aggravated dam- striking-out application.
On Jan 12 this year, the Malaysian Govern- ages.  Deputy public prosecutor Wan
ment and Abdul Razak filed their appeals Sirul Azhar is currently being held at an Shahruddin Wan Ladin, when con-
against the High Court’s decision on liability Australian immigration detention centre, tacted, said they had received the KUALA LUMPUR: “See you in court’ seems to have

Amanah Youth chief gets DNAA

and quantum. and Azilah is on death row at Kajang prison. unsealed copies of the application via The High Court has become a fashionable statement rather
A case management for the Altantuya – Bernama email Wednesafternoon. said that an award of than being something to be fearful about,”
“We will respond when sealed copies RM2 million in dam- he added.
are presented to us,” he told FMT. ages to an e-com- In his ruling, Akhtar said he found Lim’s
In the application, filed by Messrs merce firm is to actions akin to those of a “vigilante”, deter-
KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Amanah Negara pleaded not guilty to a charge of failing to Chetan Jethwani & Company, Muhyid- serve as a deterrent mined to force the authorities to act
(Amanah) Youth chief Mohd Hasbie Muda notify the Dang Wangi police five days din said the charges did not disclose against individuals against Lai and her companies at any cost.
was given a Discharge Not Amounting to an before staging the gatherings at Masjid any offence under section 23 (1) of the making unfounded Referring to the lodging of police
Acquittal (DNAA) by the Magistrate’s Court Jamek Kampung Baru, Jalan Raja Alang and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis- remarks in the reports in 2017 by a group of Chinese
here, Wednesday on a charge of organising in front of the Sogo Complex in Jalan sion (MACC) Act. future. nationals claiming they were cheated by
a protest gathering over rising prices of Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The Pagoh MP said the charges were However, the award made against Lai and MonSpace, the judge noted that
goods without a permit here in July last He was alleged to have committed the also an abuse of process and lacking in Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng was “not to stifle neither Lai nor MonSpace were charged for
year. offence at 2pm on July 1. particulars as to how he abused his freedom of speech and expression”, said cheating or carrying out any Ponzi scheme.
His lawyer, Muhammad Faiz Fadzil, told Meanwhile, Muhammad Faiz, in a state- power as prime minister between Justice Akhtar Tahir in his grounds of judg- “The defendant (Lim) should have
reporters that the decision was made by ment Wednesday, described the court’s March 2020 and August 2021. ment issued on Tuesday. stopped there and allowed the authorities
Magistrate Wong Chai Sia after the prosecu- decision as a positive start by the Madani The charges were in relation to the “(It was meant) as a discouragement for to investigate instead of pressuring the
tion informed the court that they had government which respects the right and Jana Wibawa programme to allegedly any person making uncalled for and authorities to take action against the
received instructions from the Attorney freedom to assemble and express views as obtain RM232.5 million for his political unverified statements, especially in the era plaintiffs.
General’s Chambers (AGC) to withdraw the stated in Article 10 (1) of the Federal Consti- party, Bersatu. of the wide use of social media,” he said. “The court is sure that the 19 Chinese
charge against Mohd Hasbie, 35, who is also tution. On March 10, Muhyiddin pleaded Last month, the court ordered Lim to nationals who were intelligent enough to
a Senator. “With this decision, the struggle of the not guilty after the charges were read pay a total of RM2 million in damages to invest with the plaintiffs could have taken
According to Muhammad Faiz, his client Madani government led by Prime Minister out to him in the sessions court here businesswoman Jessy Lai and her com- action against her without the help of the
had sent a representation to the AGC last Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to resolve the before judge Azura Alwi. pany, MonSpace (M) Sdn Bhd, after hold- defendant,” said Akhtar.
Mar 17 seeking to withdraw the charge, issue of the high cost of living of the people Muhyiddin, who is also the ing him liable for defamation. Lim is appealing the High Court’s deci-
framed under Section 9(1) of the Peaceful is seen to be completely transparent Perikatan Nasional chairman, is alleged Akhtar said a deterrent was needed as sion and has applied to stay the execution
Assembly Act 2012 (Act 736) against him to because the peaceful assembly is no longer to have committed the four abuse of the courts were inundated with defama- of the RM2 million judgment.

Court defers decision on ex-staff

be withdrawn. considered unlawful by the Attorney Gen- power offences at the Prime Minister’s tion cases involving various members of The stay application is fixed for hearing

Court reduces ex-fishermen’s jail

On Aug 18 last year, Mohd Hasbie eral’s Chambers,” said the lawyer. – Bernama Office in Putrajaya between Feb 8 and society. on May 22.
Aug 20, 2021.
On the first count, he is said to have
used his office to obtain a RM200,000
bribe from a company for his party.
PUTRAJAYA: Two former fishermen con- Rapid had pleaded guilty in a sessions On the second count, he is alleged to KUALA LUMPUR: The Sessions Court set a representing Otman, 64, said the court set
victed of armed robberies and possession court to committing armed robbery by have received RM1 million for his party new date,  May 12, to decide on the corrup- the new date after the defence requested for
of a scheduled weapon saw their jail time using a knife on Lim Chong Whi at a reflex- from Nepturis Sdn Bhd. tion and money laundering case involving a postponement to allow more time for
substantially reduced after the Court of ology centre in Taman Sri Kenchana, Batu For the third charge, he is said to former Secretary of the Finance Division, them to file their submission.
Appeal substituted their consecutive sen- Pahat, Johor, on Dec 15, 2017. He was sen- Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) Otman Following that, the court vacated today’s

Mischief: Food rider denies

have received RM19.5 million from
tences with concurrent ones. tenced to seven years in jail and six strokes Mamfor Sdn Bhd. Arsahd. date and set May 12 for the decision, he said
A three-member Court of Appeal bench of the rotan. Lawyer Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali, when contacted. The court had set Wednes-
chaired by Justice Hadhariah Syed Ismail He had also pleaded guilty to commit- day for the decision of the case before Judge
said the consecutive jail terms were exces- ting another robbery together with Azhar Kamarudin Kamsun.
sive as the two had pleaded guilty to the and using brass knuckles on Tan Kim Yong On March 31, 2016, Otman was charged
charges. at a massage parlour at Bandar Pura Ken- with 32 counts of abuse of power and with
“We have also considered the sentencing chana on Dec 12, 2017. The duo were sen- KUALA LUMPUR: A food rider pleaded not the Penal Code which carries  imprison- submitting false claims involving RM38.4
trend for armed robbery,” said Hadhariah, tenced to eight years’ imprisonment and six guilty in the Sessions Court here to a ment for up to 14 years and fined, if con- million at  National Sports Council
who sat with Justices M Gunalan and Lim strokes of the cane each. charge of causing mischief by burning 11 victed. Office  (MSN),  Bukit Jalil National Sports
Chong Fong. Azhar had also pleaded guilty to being motorcycles and four electric scooters at Judge Datuk Nu’aman Mahmud Complex here between Feb 28, 2012, and Nov
Rapid Shahrudin, 31, will now serve in possession of a set of brass knuckles at a parking area of a shopping centre here Zuhudi allowed him bail of  RM5,000 18, 2015.
eight years in jail. The bench also reduced his home at Jalan Parit Botak, Senggarang, last week. with one surety and fixed May 22 for men- The 17 charges of allegedly submitting
his whipping sentence from 12 strokes to Johor, on Dec 16, 2017. He was sentenced to Azril Kamarunzaman, 34, was charged tion. false claims were framed under Section 18
eight. five years’ jail for the offence under Section with committing the offence at the park- Deputy public prosecutor Wan Nurul (a) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act
His accomplice, Azhar Kahar, 36, will be 7(1) of the Corrosive and Explosive Sub- ing area in front of the Suria KLCC in Jalan Amalina Abu Hanifah prosecuted, (MACC) 2009, while the remaining 15
detained for eight years and receive six stances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958. – Ampang here at 3.30 pm last April 13. while  lawyer Muhamad Ridzuan charges of abuse of power were under Sec-
strokes of the rotan. Bernama He was charged under Section 435 of Umar represented Azril. – Bernama tion 23 (1) of the same Act. – Bernama
6 Local TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

‘Stamp of approval’: Musk

Mohamad Azmihrul delivering his talk to the students.
amplifies misinformation
ASHINGTON: Elon Musk replied: “Good question.” Musk has also downplayed Covid-19
promised to make Twitter the It was one of at least 40 times the bil- and promoted spurious claims about vac-

All students are

“most accurate source of infor- lionaire replied to the profile, which has cines causing blood clots, miscarriages
mation about the world,” but he has promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory, and heart problems.
repeatedly used his own account to since purchasing Twitter for $44 billion “We are running out of ‘conspiracies’
amplify false claims from some of the nearly six months ago. He has only that turned out to be true!” the Twitter
most notorious disinformers on the inter- replied to a handful of accounts more in owner said in March, replying to a tweet

potential leaders
net, according to an AFP analysis of his that time. that listed Covid-19 and vaccine safety
online activity. Using data from PolitiTweet, a website among the “biggest media lies.”
The posts show Musk drawing atten- that tracked public figures’ posts until Days later, he tweeted that the “best
tion to misinformation about everything Twitter cut off its access, AFP reviewed way to fight misinformation is to respond
from the war in Ukraine to the attack on thousands of replies Musk published with accurate information.” Experts say
KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu High He said the school reported four inci- US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s hus- between late October and March. Musk’s activity is concerning – and not
School recently held a Jalinan Mesra Seko- dents to the police, including bullying and band. Last week, the billionaire boosted a He shared a fabricated CNN segment, just because of his online influence.
lah programme with the police in con- spam. tweet that wrongly suggested doctors mis- called a made-up quote “wise words” and “Musk has almost 135 million Twitter
junction with its Discipline Week. He said it is crucial for the School diagnosed flu cases as Covid-19 deaths. falsely claimed police escorted a rioter followers and forced his engineers to
The programme is aimed at achieving Board, parent-teachers, and school admin- “One of the greatest mysteries of through the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. increase the reach of his tweets, so we
zero crime in schools. istrators to work together to prevent crime Covid-19: Where did the flu go in 2020 He amplified a post blaming mass shoot- should worry when he spreads misinfor-

Musk says ‘many mistakes’

Since the implementation of the Move- activities. and 2021?” an account called ings on LGBTQ individuals and endorsed mation,” Brendan Nyhan, a Dartmouth
ment Control Order, the school’s relation- He cautioned students against using “KanekoaTheGreat” said, to which Musk a fake casualty count from Ukraine. College professor who studies mispercep-
ship with the police has reportedly got drugs and said that the police would look tions in politics, told AFP.

made since Twitter takeover

better, according to School Principal Lily into any text or speech that contained “I’m most worried, though, about what
Wong Bitt Lee. criminal elements. these tweets reveal about the judgment of
She also noted the important role He also cautioned teachers against dis- the person who determines the policies of
played by school’s police liaison officers in closing personal information to outside a major social media platform.”
matters related to students’ discipline. parties for profit. Researchers have tied Twitter’s recent
Wong said the school hopes that the He also said no illegal racing activities policy changes – including Musk’s rein-
cooperation and friendly ties with the were reported in the area. SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter boss Elon Musk statement of suspended accounts and its
police can continue and become an exam- Cooperation from the School Board of (pic) said running the social media net- overhaul of verification practices – to
ple for other schools in fighting crime in Governors, Parent-Teacher Association work has been “quite a rollercoaster” and spikes in misinformation.
their respective schools. and also school administrators can also acknowledged “many mistakes” along the NewsGuard, a company that assesses
She expressed gratitude towards the prevent students’ involvement in such way, six months after he bought the com- websites’ credibility, found accounts pay-
role played by Officer-in-Charge of Kota crime, said Mohamad who also gave a pany for $44 billion. ing for Twitter’s subscription service are
Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) crime prevention talk. In a live interview with the BBC after inundating the site with false claims.
Police Station, ASP Mohamad Azmihrul Meanwhile, the school’s Discipline agreeing to a last-minute invitation for Musk is driving attention to some of
Mokti who is the school’s Chief School Liai- Week is usually a week where students are the “spontaneity” of it, Musk appeared to these accounts.
son Officer in upholding the students’ dis- emphasized about the values of discipline tacitly acknowledge that one of those “Got the Elon Musk stamp of
cipline. and responsibility. errors was the decision to label the broad- approval,” said “KanekoaTheGreat” on
She said the school has received great Also present were Chairman of the caster’s account “government-funded Telegram after one such reply.
support from Mohamad since the Move- School Board of Governors Lim Kiat Kong, media”. A January study from the Institute for
ment Control Order (MCO) period. Chairman of the Parent-Teacher Associa- He said he would change the designa- Strategic Dialogue, a London-based think
Wong said this at the opening of the tion Tan Hock Siong, Vice-Chairman of the tion on the BBC’s Twitter handle after the tank, recorded a “staggering” increase in
school’s Jalinan Mesra Sekolah dengan Parent-Teacher Association Dr Lim Cheng broadcaster objected. Musk’s interactions with right-wing
Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) in conjunc- Kooi, Committee Members of the Parents “We want it as truthful and accurate as accounts since acquiring Twitter, includ-
tion with the Discipline Week here, Mon- Teachers Organisation Sharon Ng and possible – we’re adjusting the label to ing several profiles other research identi-
day. Grace Tsen, as well a Inspector Mohammad ‘publicly funded’,” Musk said. as authentic under the company’s old fied as spreaders of US election
Meanwhile, the school’s Liaison Officer Khairul Nizam Mokhtar from Kota Kina- Britain’s national broadcaster is pre- ownership – will have to pay to subscribe misinformation.
Chief ASP Mohamad Azmihrul Mokti said balu Police Traffic Investigation and dominantly funded by an annual license to Twitter Blue. Musk has repeatedly amplified posts
all students are potential leaders who Enforcement and Inspector Stephanie Anak

Promoting Sabah’s ethnic

fee set by the government but paid by One of the reasons for this, Musk said, from sources such as the pro-Donald
need to have good character and disci- Silom from the Kota Kinabalu Police Com- individual households. was that he does not want Twitter to boost Trump page “Catturd,” the anti-LGBTQ
pline. mercial Crime Investigation Department. The labeling spat follows an earlier “some anointed class of journalists” who account “Libs of TikTok” and the conspir-
controversy over a similar move involving determine what constitutes news. atorial website ZeroHedge.

beauty through festival

US radio network NPR, which Twitter “I’m hopeful that this can be more a Ian Miles Cheong, a far-right blogger,
briefly branded “state-affiliated”, the case of the public choosing the narrative, has received at least 60 replies from Musk
same way it styles government-run Chi- as opposed to the media choosing the – topping all but a few other profiles,
nese and Russian platforms. narrative,” he said. according to AFP’s analysis. In one
NPR stopped tweeting in protest. Twitter, he said, would “treat everyone instance, Musk amplified a tweet blaming
Twitter now tags NPR, which has equally”. Joe Biden for an immigration program
KOTA KINABALU: The beauty in Sabah’s nearly 9 million followers, “government- Musk, in assessing his time in charge of that started under Trump.
ethnic diversity was recently promoted funded media”, and applied the same the social media network since he took “Musk is elevating some of the worst
through the fifth International Borneo Fes- label to the BBC’s account. over in October, said it had been “a stress- voices on Twitter,” Nyhan told AFP.
tival London 2023 (Sabah Edition). Musk has expressed deep disdain for ful situation over the last several months”. “These interactions are likely to increase
The event held at the Sabah State news media for years and recently “Were there many mistakes made the reach and prominence of the
Department of Arts and Culture was sup- installed an automatic response of a poop along the way? Of course,” he said. “But accounts.”
ported by Dr John Laurence, the founder emoji to emails sent to the site’s main all’s well that ends well. I feel like we’re In some cases, the Twitter boss has
of Greater UK Asia and also founder for the media address. headed to a good place.” helped mainstream false narratives.
International Borneo Festival which was Speaking with the BBC late on Tuesday, He said the company was now After an intruder broke into Pelosi’s
established in 2018. he also addressed Twitter’s controversial “roughly breaking even” with the return California residence and struck the law-
“The main highlights of the fest are the move to strip the New York Times of its of advertisers. maker’s husband with a hammer in Octo-
From left to right:
Borneo Designers Award and the Miss and blue verified check mark after the com- When pushed on who was Twitter’s ber, Musk tweeted a link to an article
Wendy, Jason, and Petley.
Mister Ambassador 2023,” said Sabah pany refused to pay to keep it. new CEO after he stepped down in claiming he was drunk and quarreling
Coordinator Godffrey Sylvester in a state- From April 20, any legacy verified response to a poll on the site, he named with a male prostitute. #Pelosigaylover
ment, here, Tuesday. “We want to be a platform for designers accounts on Twitter – which were verified his dog, Floki. – AFP trended on Twitter. – AFP
The main objective of the festival is to to showcase their contemporary ethnic
promote beauty in ethnic diversity in the design in ready to wear concept,” said
world. Godfrey who is also winner of the Borneo
It also aims at giving opportunity to Designer Award 2018.
young people to be more interested in the Their committee comprise Mister

Computer fundamentals quiz

culture. Ambassador 2020/21 Matthew Ezra Walter,
He said cultivating the talent that exists Miss Ambassador 2020/21 Audreal Diane
in the local community, especially in pro- Chai, Miss Ambassador 2019 Wedylin Patin d) BIOS
moting the creation of contemporary and Mister Ambassador Roland Ronald
clothing according to the ethnicities Honarius. 10) A computer is an electronic device
found in Borneo was another objective. Meanwhile, Jason Jeremy won the Bor- 1) You cannot get a Computer Virus if d) Is like a mother to all of the other cir- that manipulates information.
“We also want to assist in promoting neo Designer Award, while Wendy Johadin you install Anti-virus Software: cuit boards a) True
local entrepreneurs who produce local and Petley Peter walked home as the Miss a) True b) False
products and tourism centre in Sabah to a Ambassador and Mister Ambassador 2023 b) False 7) When the computer is turned off,

Improving PPR community wellbeing

_______ forgets everything you told it: 11) What type of computer serves up
higher level. title, respectively. Information to other computers?
2) Which of the following is not a good a) ROM
way to protect your computer? b) RAM a) Mac
a) Install Anti-Virus Software b) PC
b) Backup Important Files 8) What is Wi-Fi? c) Laptop
c) Skip Operating System Updates a) A hard-wired Internet connection d) Server
K (K2K) programme led by Think City,” he
Berhad (Khazanah) and several of its affil- said in a statement. d) Plug into a Surge Protector b) A wireless Internet connection
c) A dial-up Internet connection 12) Which of the following does NOT
iates will do a comprehensive review of Meanwhile, KRI chairman Tan Sri Nor happen when you boot or start your
3) When something is saved to the d) None of the above
issues related to the People’s Housing Mohamed Yakcop said his team con- cloud, it means it’s stored on the inter- computer?
Project (PPR) to address the common ducted a public policy study on the PPR net instead of your computer’s hard 9) A ______ device is any auxiliary a) The computer runs tests to see if every-
gaps in social housing in Malaysia programme and published the Residen- drive: device such as a computer mouse or thing works
through policy proposals, community tial Well-being of the Urban Poor: PPR a) True keyboard that connects to and works b) The computer checks for new Hard-
empowerment and ‘placemaking’ initia- Study report last March as a result of the b) False with the computer in some way. ware
a) Disk Drive c) The computer opens your E-mail
tives. participation of 3,878 households from d) The computer starts your Operating
Khazanah said it will lead this collab- five PPRs here and in Penang. 4) Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, b) Peripheral
iTunes, and Adobe Photoshop are c) Hard Drive System
oration with other entities under its He said the report outlined an action
examples of:
umbrella such as Khazanah Research plan that needed to be taken to address a) Applications
Institute (KRI), Yayasan Hasanah the weaknesses affecting the PPR pro- b) Mobile Devices Personal Details
(Hasanah) and Think City in efforts to gramme, including a review of the social c) Operating Systems
create liveable PPR communities. housing policy. d) Internet Services Providers
Its managing director (MD), Datuk “The policy proposals include a focus
Amirul Feisal Wan Zahir said the collabo- on the quality of social housing, the gov- 5) Which of the following is NOT types
Photo Name
ration among Khazanah entities will fur- ernment’s role in maintaining an ade- of Computer Hardware?
a) Mouse [your choice]
ther strengthen its role as a  sovereign quate social housing scheme as well as b) Keyboard
wealth fund that is able to deal with key the impact of providing social housing on Address
c) Microsoft Windows
issues affecting the people. the private housing market,” he said. d) Motherboard
“We praise Prime Minister Datuk Seri Meanwhile, Think City MD, Hamdan
Anwar Ibrahim’s announcement of  the Abdul Majeed said in line with Malaysia 6) Choose the incorrect answer:
RM35 million additional allocation for MADANI concept, the K2K programme The Motherboard -
a) Holds all of the most important parts
community empowerment programmes encourages collective action for a more
of the computer Phone
for public housing communities in Selan- inclusive, resilient and prosperous public
b) The smallest circuit board of the com-
gor and Kuala Lumpur. housing community, as well as shared puter
“This allocation will benefit 50,000 responsibilities  to meet the needs and c) Found at the bottom of the Desktop E-mail Id
residents through the Kita-Untuk-Kita aspirations of the community. – Bernama
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 Local 7

RM1,000 aid for rubber smallholders

Henry Bating increasing productivity after attending the
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Rubber Indus- Lambuk Porridge Programme organised
try Board (LIGS) distributed Aidilfitri Spe- by the Islamic Welfare Body of Sabah Vet-
cial Financial Assistance (BKKA) to 86,617 erinary Services Department.
rubber smallholders in the State starting The ceremony was launched by Deputy
April 17. Chief Minister I Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey G
LIGS Chairman Datuk Edward Linggu Kitingan, who is also the Minister of Agri-
said the RM200 assistance per person culture, Fisheries and Food Industry. Also
would be enjoyed by all rubber smallhold- present was Sabah Veterinary Director Dr
ers in Sabah in addition to the RM800 Hajah Normah Yusop. At the beginning of
Monsoon Season Aid (BMT) earlier this this year, LIGS distributed RM800 BMT per
year. person to 86,617 smallholders in Sabah
“We hope this assistance, totalling involving a total of RM69.3 million.
RM17.3 million, will be able to ease the “This has made the total amount of
financial burden of rubber smallholders, assistance being distributed to smallhold-
especially to celebrate Aidilfitri this year,” ers in Sabah this year to RM86.6 million,”
he said. he said. According to Linggu, LIGS is always
Linggu stressed the Government is sensitive and takes an effective approach to
always concerned about the welfare of the help and improve the living standards of
rubber smallholders in the State where in smallholders in Sabah.
2023, the Government through LIGS had He said LIGS is also always sensitive and
distributed RM1,000 BKKA and BMT to concerned about the issues faced by small-
each eligible smallholder. holders and always tries to explore various
Linggu expressed the hope the small- significant approaches to advance the rub-
holders would continue tapping and ber smallholder community in Sabah.

DONATION FOR MOSQUE: As-Sobirin Mosque Kg Sipanggil received a cheque dona-

tion for RM3,000 from Yayasan Nur Jauhar (YNJ) The donation was presented by the
Dr Jeffrey with Linggu and Dr Normah at the lambuk porridge programme.
wife of the head of State, Toh Puan Norlidah RM Jasni, who is also the Patron of the
foundation in the Khatam Al-Quran and Iftar Ceremony here, on Tuesday.
Earlier, Norlidah participated in the khatam Al-Quran with 64 participants, comprising
29 men and 35 women, who had been lining up since the beginning of Ramadan at the YSG IFTAR: Yayasan Sabah Group hosted Iftar at the Al-Akmal
18-year old mosque. At the event, Maahad Tahfiz Darul Uluumil Quraniyyah Kg Seri Mosque, Kg Karambunai Baru, Tuaran, on April 17.
Menanti Kinarut students graced the event with a Qasidah presentation before the iftar Among those present were the Chairman of Innoprise Corpo-
ceremony. Norlidah presenting the donation to a representative of the mosque. ration Sdn. Bhd. cum Pantai Dalit Assemblyman, Datuk Jasnih
bin Daya, Corporate Secretary of Yayasan Sabah, Hanafiah bin
PETROL STATIONS CHIP IN: A total of 41 Diman, Yayasan Sabah Group’s staff, and other local dignitaries.
trainees and people with visual disabilities at In his speech, Jasnih commended YSG for organising the
the Training Centre for the Blind at Taman event, saying “Sabahans lead the way in racial and religious har-
Cahaya, Batu 12 Sandakan received dona- mony. This is evident today when Yayasan Sabah invited me to
tions from representatives of several LAMBUK PORRIDGE DISTRIBUTION: One thousand packs of be here with all of you. I am thrilled to be able to share the joy of
Petronas petrol stations in Sandakan on lambuk porridge were distributed by the Sabah Veterinary Depart- Ramadan with all of you here today.”
Tuesday. ment (DVS) to all staff of the State Ministry of Agriculture, Fish- YSG also donated to Asnaf (underprivileged low-income) fam-
Among the station representatives were eries, and Food Industry (MAFFI). ilies and Al-Akmal Mosque.
Petronas Bokara Gas Station, Petronas Gas The distribution was carried out by Deputy Chief Minister I, About 150 people from within Kg Karambunai Baru attended
Station Batu 1.5, Petronas Gas Station Batu Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who is also the Minister the event, which commenced with the breaking of fast before the
5, Petronas Gas Station Batu 8 (Labuk Cross- of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry at Wisma Pertanian congregation performed prayers.
ing), Petronas Gas Station Batu 8 (Labuk by Sabah, on Tuesday.
pass), Petronas Gas Station Bate 32 and Gas The programme is a traditional event that has been held for
Beluran Petronas Station. more than 10 years with the aim of energizing the atmosphere of
It was led by the Territory Manager, Retail the month of Ramadan among DVS citizens. DVS also held
and Operation Department /Retail Business breaking fast with its citizens and handing over donations in the
Division, Petronas Dagangan Berhad in Kota form of cash to families in need. Also present were the Director
Kinabalu, Siti Norkamaria Yahya. of DVS, Dr Normah Yusop, Sabah Rubber Industry Board (LIGS)
Also delivered were two washing machines, kitchen items, and food. Chairman Datuk Edward Linggu and DVS Assistant Director of
The gas stations hoped to bring cheer to all the trainees. Administration and Management, Yusrinsyam Yusop.
Photo show Jeffrey (centre) with DVS officers getting ready to
distribute lambuk porridge.

HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE: The community is called to contribute and help the less AID FOR THE NEEDY: A total of 60 orphans, madrasah students
fortunate especially during the holy month of Ramadan. and children with special needs received donations from the Sabah
Rural Development Minister Datuk Jahid Jahim said there are always individuals in Women Advisory Council’s (MPWS) Ziarah Kasih Ramadhan pro-
need of help and courtesy from the community. gramme in conjunction with the fasting month, on Friday.
“Therefore, take this golden opportunity to contribute and serve the community to MPWS Chairperson Datuk Dr Tarsiah TZ Taman said the recipi- PORRIDGE AND DATES: Two hundred packs of bean porridge
lighten their burden,” he said when officiating the Jalinan Insan Wahana Aspirasi (Jiwa) ents came from the Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf As Sakinah in and dates were distributed at the Kinabatangan Farmers’ Market
program and breaking fast ceremony at the Ubudiyyah Mosque in Tamparuli Town on Lok Kawi, Madrasah Darul Hadis DarSa Lil Banat in Putatan, and Site recently.
Sunday. the Taman Didikan Kanak-Kanak Kurang Upaya in Sembulan. The programme was held in in conjunction with the Kin-
Jahid said the needs of each community are always different. Therefore, through The Ziarah Kasih Ramadhan Programme is MPWS’ annual abatangan District Federal Agricultural Marketing Board’s (FAMA)
such programmes at least a few of the underprivileged could be helped. activity to assist those in need in conjunction with the fasting month. month of Ramadan in collaboration with the Kinabatangan Farm-
“Let’s also think about other ways we can contribute other than through programs “MPWS is very pleased to be able to share the joy with orphans, ers’ Market Committee.
like this. But I hope that in the future more distribution programs will be able to continue,” madrasah students and disabled children,” she said. FAMA Kinabatangan Officer Azmin Kumin, Chairman of the
he added. Also present was MPWS Deputy Chairperson, Baiyah Ag. Mah- Kinabatangan Farmers Market Committee Tidalng Mirul, FAMA
Also present were the Sabah Assistant Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, mon, Sabah Women’s Affairs Department (Jhewa) Director Haslina staff and the Kinabatangan Farmers Market Committee distrib-
Datuk Joniston Bangkuai, Assistant Tamparuli Subistrict Officer, Herman Tunggiging, Ismail, Jhewa Deputy Director Salbiah Aman and MPWS Commit- uted the porridge and dates (pic). – Mardinah Jikur
Political Secretary of the Sabah Rural Development Ministry, Jilias Lintar, Tamparuli tee Fauziahton Ag Samad, Eliza Goh and
Community Development Leader, Madin Anak, Tamparuli JHEAINS Administration Offi- Association Professor Dr MPuhammad
cer, Suffian Kundu, Tuaran District Information Officer, Malina Jamarin, representative Idris.
Director for JAKIM Sabah, Ustaz Hamsah Sulaiman, and Chairman of the Ubudiyyah Photo show Tarsiah (standing fourth from
Mosque Tamparuli Town, Salgaring Wahit. right) and her team in a group photo with
Photo shows Jahid (third left) handing out the assistance to one of the beneficiaries. some recipients.

SURIA CAPITAL IFTAR: Suria Capital Holdings Berhad and subsidiaries (SuriaGroup)
held a Ramadan Iftar ceremony with stakeholders and the local communities as part of
the Group’s annual Ramadan outreach programme.
The Group hosted an iftar ceremony at subsidiary Sabah Ports Sdn Bhd’s Masjid Al-
Ikhwan at Sapangar Bay and at the Ports of Sandakan, Tawau and Lahad Datu.
SuriaGroup made a contribution to several charitable bodies from Kota Kinabalu which
BREAKING OF FAST WITH MEDIA: Petronas celebrated Sabah’s media fraternity in a breaking of fast at Magellan Sutera on Monday. included As-Sakinah Home, Maahad Tahfiz Darul Hadis Darsa and Maahad Tahfiz Mif-
Petronas Group Strategic Communication and Senior General Manager Datin Anita Azrina Abdul Aziz said the event was hosted to tahul Ulum. Each organisation received RM3, 000 to assist with daily operational needs.
further build on existing relationships. While at the east coast of Sabah, Sandakan Port had selected 4 organisations
“All of you have been supporting us in our communication efforts. We are indeed blessed to be able to celebrate this holy month as recipients of their Ramadhan donation namely, Pusat Jagaan Anak- Anak Yatim
together as we do during the many other festivities in the country in a true Malaysian spirit of unity and togetherness. & Miskin Rumah Al- Yakin, Sri Harapan Old Folks Home, Rumah Amal Selawat Nabi
“We hope that the good relationship and cooperation between Petronas and the media will continue to be strengthened through various and Ma’had Tahfiz Al-Quran Wassunnah Al-Yaakub. The port further provided food
joint activities. packs to 90 asnaf families from Sandakan’s Kampung Air, Kampung Karamunting and
“Without your support, it would be difficult for us to share information comprehensively with stakeholders, be it investors, business Kampung Bokara.
partners, customers, and all industry players both domestically and internationally,” she said in her speech. Photo shows presentation of Ramadan donations to orphanage home and Maahad
Photo show Petronas representatives pose with Kota Kinabalu-based media fraternity. Tahfiz Centre (pic).
Indonesians begin annual Eid exodus
8 Philippines and Indonesia TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

JAKARTA: On motorcycles, cars, buses, and seaports to celebrate the end of the Navy has a free ‘mudik’ programme using
planes or by boat, millions of Indonesians Muslim holy month of Ramadan with fam- a warship. It was our first time having such
are travelling to their hometowns in the ilies. a journey,” said 33-year-old passenger
annual Eid holiday exodus that is expected Authorities have temporarily made Nurul Febryanti.
to peak by Thursday. some highways leaving the capital one way “It is enjoyable for us because we are
Major seaports and toll roads are to ease congestion. provided with a room as we brought our
packed, while airports and bus terminals “I’m happy to meet my parents after children. The Navy officers are kind and
are also full of travellers looking forward to quite a while and to be able to perform Eid friendly,” Febryanti said.
reuniting with their families. prayer together,” Muhammad Naufal Vad- Hours spent in traffic did not deter oth-
This year marks the first “mudik”, as the ina told AFP by phone on Wednesday. ers from making the annual trip because
annual exodus is known, since Covid-19 He was taking a break during a trip that they were looking forward to reuniting
restrictions were removed at the end of involves driving more than 350 kilometres with loved ones after the pandemic.
2022 in the world’s most populous Muslim- (220 miles) from Tangerang on Jakarta’s “For me, ‘mudik’ and the Eid al-Fitr is
majority country. western outskirts to his wife’s hometown why I work to earn money. So it feels less
Indonesia’s transport ministry has pre- in Central Java. meaningful if I don’t celebrate Eid in my
dicted up to 123 million people will travel Some 500 travellers had a rare chance to hometown,” said 29-year-old Rahayu Agus-
for Eid this year, up from 85 million esti- sail aboard an Indonesian Navy warship, tini, who was travelling with her relatives
mated to have made the trip last year. which left Jakarta on Tuesday on a trip that to her hometown in West Java.

Passengers prepare to board a train at Gubeng station in Surabaya

Some 18 million people are forecast to included stops in Semarang in Central Java “Although it is exhausting, I’m still

as people head to their hometowns ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

leave the Greater Jakarta area alone, endur- and Surabaya in the island’s east. grateful as not all people can have the

ing hours of traffic or congested airports “We found out on Instagram that the chance to experience ‘mudik’.” –AFP

Bongbong rules out rice crisis fishermen

MANILA: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. He also led the groundbreaking of a ver-
said Wednesday he does not expect a rice tical housing project in San Rafael.

off Australia
crisis to happen in the country in the com- “Sabay-sabay nating sinisimulan ang
ing lean months, contrary to the warning pagpapatayo ng Pambansang Pabahay… sa
of a farmers group of a repeat of the prob- 6 na bayan sa lalawigan ng Bulacan,” Mar-
lem five years ago. cos said in his speech.
“No. I don’t. There is a chance na ninipis “Hindi na malayo ang posibilidad na
talaga ‘yung supply because nga nung makamtan ang pangarap ng libu-libong
magkasabay-sabay ‘yan. So we are watch- Bulakenyo para makamtan ang pagkaka- SYDNEY: A group of Indonesian fishermen
ing and waiting to see what the production roon ng maayos at disenteng pabahay,” he are recovering after being shipwrecked on
levels are going to be after the last planting said. a coral atoll off Australia’s west coast for
season before the harvest, for the upcom- The soon-to-rise housing complex in six days without food or supplies, author-
ing harvest and what will be… Basta’t nag- San Rafael is a 7-hectare property that will ities said Wednesday.
harvest na tayo. Pagka-umani na tayo, wala be called San Rafael Heights Development Ten men washed up on Bedwell Island,
ng problema sa supply,” Marcos said in an Project, the Department of Human Settle- about 300 kilometres (186 miles) west of
interview in Bulacan. ments and Urban Development (DHSUD) the resort town Broome, after their boat
The Federation of Free Farmers earlier said in a statement. was battered by a severe tropical cyclone
said that the country could experience a At least 3,920 condominium units will while fishing in the Indian Ocean.
deficiency in the supply of rice during the be built initially in Barangay Caingin, it An eleventh fisherman from a second
lean months of July to September. said. vessel also washed ashore after treading
“Basta’t things — all things remain in “Napakalaking bagay na kasama sa water for 30 hours—but authorities fear
equal, we are, we have enough supply and pabahay ay may ginagawa ring plano para his nine crewmates drowned after their
A market vendor waits for customers in front of their rice
that we’ll be able to keep the prices stable.” sa city planning,” Marcos told the resi- boat sank in heavy seas.
and grains store inside public market in Quezon City.
The President, however, noted that dents. Photos showed the castaways had fash-
there may be a need to import rice to “Hindi naman pupuwedeng magpap- ioned a makeshift camp on the narrow
ensure that there is enough supply of the replenish doon sa NFA,” Marcos said. reporters. atayo tayo ng pabahay na wala namang spit of beach, salvaging what they could
staple before the harvest season. “We have to have that buffer stock and “So sabi ko, that’s the next part. Pagka pagsisimbahan, walang eskuwelahan para from their small vessel, which lay beached
“It is in the dry part where we are wait- that’s the problem that we are wrestling nagsimula ng umaakyat, iinspeksyunin sa mga bata, walang palengke para sa nearby.
ing for the last planting to be harvested. So with now dahil talagang binabantayan natin para makita naman na talagang pagsha-shopping,” he said. Bedwell Island is remote, exposed and
‘yun ang tinitingnan natin. We may have to natin ang mga presyo ng mga agricultural gumagalaw,” he added. “Hindi magtatagal ay ito ay magiging inhospitable—little more than a bare
import. So that’s — we’re keeping that commodities. Siyempre, lalong-lalo na ang The President said many Filipinos are isang tunay na komunidad na magkaka- stretch of white sand with no natural shel-
option open,” he said. bigas.” interested to get housing units, as suppos- roon ng mga pasilitasyon para sa ter or freshwater sources.
Last April 17, the Department of Agricul- Last April 13, Marcos said the country edly indicated by new members of Pag- pangkalusugan, pangkabuhayan at iba The castaways were winched off the
ture (DA) confirmed that the National has enough rice supply amid reports that IBIG. pa,” he added. island by a rescue helicopter on Monday
Food Authority (NFA) will no longer rice prices may increase by P5 per kilo. “All of these things are indicative na pat- The five other 4PH sites in Bulacan will evening after being spotted by an Aus-
import rice for its buffer stock. Meanwhile, the construction of 1.2-M uloy talaga ang pag-supply ng bahay at be constructed in San Rafael, Pulilan, tralian Border Force surveillance plane on
DA Undersecretary Mercedita Sombilla housing units is underway. talagang may market. Tama nga na tinugu- Pandi, Guiguinto and Malolos, said Marcos. patrol.
told media that they advised the NFA to President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. on nan natin itong problemang housing na There are already 20 localities covered They are now receiving medical treat-
instead source rice from local farmers. Wednesday said his administration is cur- ito,” he said. by the 4PH program, he said. ment on the Australian mainland and will
Marcos said the government is looking rently building 1.2 million housing units, Earlier in the day, Marcos launched sev- “Sana maging inspirasyon ito sa mga return to Indonesia once they have recov-
for ways to increase the country’s buffer which are part of the Pambansang Pabahay eral housing projects in various towns in nagsusumikap na maitaguyod ang kani- ered, officials said.
stock without affecting the market price of Para sa Pilipino Housing (4PH) program. Bulacan, starting in San Jose Del Monte. lang pamilya,” the president said. “Upon their arrival on the mainland,
rice. The 4PH program aims to build 1 mil- The project involves 1,890 housing “Kung tayo ay magtutulungan — pama- the individuals were provided with the
He said that according to law, the NFA is lion housing units each year to address the units, he said. halaan at mamamayan — ito ay kayang appropriate care and medical support,”
only allowed to buy stocks from local pro- country’s housing backlog. “Sa 6 na bayan ng Bulacan, sabay-sabay kaya natin.” the Australian Maritime Safety Authority
ducers. “Tintukso ko si Secretary Jerry [Acuzar]. po nating sinisimulan ang construction ng Marcos earlier said that his administra- said in a statement.
“Ngayon, kung sasabay tayo sa harvest Sabi ko sa kanya: O, sa susunod naman, dal- Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino tion’s bid to construct millions of housing Tropical Cyclone Ilsa made landfall in
season na bumili, ang NFA, tataas ang hin mo kami doon sa mga —- may naitayo housing project ng pamahalaan... ‘Yung units by the end of his term in 2028 is Western Australia on Friday last week,
lashing coastal regions with some of the

P’pines to allow smuggled sugar sales

presyo ng bigas. Kaya’t ‘yun ang pinoprob- na. Kasi baka sasabihin nila panay ribbon iba, naka-livestream at nanonood sa atin, meant to address the Philippines’ housing
lema ngayon namin. Paano natin gagawin cutting natin, tapos wala ng nangyari,” may groundbreaking pinagsabay-sabay backlog that is estimated at 6 million units. strongest winds the country has ever

Bank Indonesia records Rp4,944t

‘yun? Saan natin kukunin ‘yung pang- Marcos said in a chance interview with natin,” Marcos said. –ABS-CBN recorded. –AFP

MANILA: The Sugar Regulatory Adminis-

tration (SRA) has amended several rules
memorandum circulars of the SRA that
will involve the seized sugar. How to treat
total of 4,000 metric tons of seized smug-
gled refined sugar is ready to be released
in digital banking transactions
to authorise the donation of confiscated the seized sugar because, in the SRA, the for sale at Kadiwa stores, which will be JAKARTA: Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded and optimisation of the user ecosystem.
smuggled sugar to Kadiwa stores and treatment is either for sale through bid- sold at P70 per kilo. that the value of digital banking transac- The Central Bank is determined to
allow its sale to the general public. ding or destruction,” Azcona told In March, the Palace announced that tions in March 2023 increased by 9.88 per- strengthen the digitisation of the payment
SRA Board Member Pablo Azcona said reporters in a Zoom interview on President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. approved cent to Rp4,944.1 trillion compared to the system to boost transaction efficiency and
the agency’s governing body, the SRA Wednesday. the sale of the 4,000 metric tons of con- same period last year (year-on-year/yoy). expand the Digital Economy and Finance
Board, held a regular meeting this week “We now amended it to allow dona- fiscated sugar at Kadiwa stores. “Digital economic and financial trans- (EKD) ecosystem, including by imple-
to discuss issues concerning the industry. tions to Kadiwa as well as the sale of these The Department of Agriculture had actions have soared supported by a menting the Indonesian-Malaysia inter-

Filipino Covid cases back above 10,000

“Another thing that was urgently by Kadiwa,” he said. planned to begin the sale of sequestered smooth and reliable payment system,” BI state Quick Response code Indonesian
taken up was amendments to some of the The SRA Board Member said that a contraband sugar this month. –GMA Governor Perry Warjiyo said in the Standard (QRIS) and physical domestic
Announcement of the BI Board of Gover- Government Credit Cards (KKP) in tandem
nors’ Meeting Results in Jakarta. with the government and the Indonesian
In addition, the value of electronic Payment System Association (ASPI) in line
money transactions last month grew by with the Indonesian Digital Economy and
MANILA: The Philippines’ tally of active 4,086,620 cases. The country’s first con- The WHO warned the pandemic was 11.39 percent (yoy) to Rp34.1 trillion. The Finance Festival (FEKDI) in early May 2023.
Covid-19 cases climbed back over 10,000 firmed infection was recorded on Jan. 30, still volatile, saying there could be further value of payment transactions using ATM Bank Indonesia along with the Coordi-
on Tuesday, with 287 new infections 2020. Majority or 98 percent have recov- trouble before the virus settles into a pre- cards, debit cards, and credit cards also nating Ministry for Economic Affairs and
reported by the Department of Health. ered from Covid-19 while 66,443 have suc- dictable pattern. skyrocketed by 0.45 percent (yoy) to related associations planned to hold
The caseload stood at 10,263, the DOH’s cumbed to the disease. While the numbers are decreasing, Rp707.1 trillion. FEKDI 2023 on May 7-10 in Jakarta as part
Covid-19 Tracker showed. In a press briefing Tuesday, DOH officer- “that’s still a lot of people dying and that’s Perry forecasted that the increase in of 2023 Indonesia’s Asean chairmanship,
Three years since the World Health in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire noted still a lot of people getting sick”, WHO digital economic and financial transac- which showcases various digital initiatives

Panda on loan from China dies in Thailand aged 21

Organisation declared Covid-19 a pan- there was an uptick in the virus tally but emergencies director Michael Ryan told a tions will continue in line with the hike in and innovations in the archipelago. –

Mt Semeru erupts,
demic, the Philippines has recorded hospital utilisation remained manageable. press conference Tuesday. –ABS-CBN community activities and the expansion Tempo

JAKARTA: Mount Semeru, which is located

in Indonesia’s East Java province, erupted
BANGKOK: A giant panda on loan from said Chinese and Thai experts would had brought much joy to Thais over the 16 times on Wednesday, launching hot
China to Thailand who captivated animal jointly conduct an autopsy. years. ashes as far as two km from the crater to
lovers through a 24-hour live broadcast of For years Lin Hui and Chuang Chuang As Lin Hui’s health deteriorated, vets at the southeast, according to the Semeru
her antics died on Wednesday aged 21, struggled to conceive and were even the Thai zoo consulted Chinese experts in Volcano Monitoring Post.
said the zoo where she was housed. shown “panda pornography” in an Chengdu on treatment options. “The first eruption started at 7:10 am
Lin Hui was the last of three pandas in attempt to spice up their sex life. On Tuesday night the Chinese con- and the second at 8:40 am, with a duration
Thailand and had lived in an air-condi- Following artificial insemination, Lin sulate in Chiang Mai sent officials to the of 82 to 110 seconds,” said Semeru Volcano
tioned enclosure at Chiang Mai Zoo since Hui finally gave birth to Lin Ping in 2009, facility. Monitoring Post Officer Sigit Rian Alfian
2003, but was due to return to China in sparking panda mania in Thailand. “During her 20 years in Thailand, Lin on Wednesday.
October. Animal lovers in the country were Hui was deeply loved by the Thai people The mountain, as high as 3,676 metres
The notoriously sex-shy bear and her glued to a live 24-hour “Panda Channel” and became an envoy of friendly
Two giant pandas on loan to
above sea level, is in the third danger level,
mate Chuang Chuang—who died of a broadcast between 2009 and 2012. exchanges between the people of China
Thailand from China at
reported Xinhua.
heart attack in 2019 — were part of Bei- Fans took to social media Wednesday and Thailand,” the consulate said in a
Chiang Mai Zoo in Chiang Mai.
Authorities asked people to remain vig-
jing’s so-called “panda diplomacy” pro- to express sorrow over the animal’s death. statement Wednesday. ilant, and in particular avoid its southeast-
gramme. “I used to watch her on the TV all the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman ern sector of 13 km and a five km radius
Zoo director Wutthichai Muangman “We helped her as much as we could time. She was my motivation. RIP Lin Wang Wenbin said the panda fell into a around the summit to avoid eruption. a
said Lin Hui suffered a nosebleed on Tues- until Lin Hui left us,” Wutthichai told Hui,” one Twitter user wrote. coma on Tuesday night. The eruption of Mount Semeru in
day and was in a critical condition by the reporters. Srettha Thavisin, a prime ministerial “It is very regrettable that her life could December 2021 caused tens of thousands
evening, before dying in the early hours Dejboon Maprasert, chairman of the candidate for the country’s opposition not be saved,” Wang told reporters in Bei- of people to flee home and claimed more
of Wednesday. Zoological Park Organisation of Thailand, Pheu Thai Party, tweeted that the panda jing. – AFP than 50 lives. –Bernama

India’s population to surpass China mid-year by three million

10 Join against blackmail of Western sanctions: Lavrov 11 Fox News settles $1.6bil libel case

NEW DELHI: India is set to overtake China data because it has not conducted a census The population of the entire planet,
as the world’s most populous country by since 2011, with a follow-up in 2021 meanwhile, is only expected to decline in
the end of June, UN estimates showed delayed by the Covid pandemic. the 2090s, after peaking at 10.4 billion,
Wednesday, posing huge challenges to a The initiative is now bogged down by according to the UN.
nation with creaking infrastructure and logistical hurdles, making it unlikely the India is on the frontlines of the effects
insufficient jobs for millions of young peo- massive exercise will begin anytime soon. of climate change, but generates most of
ple. Some accuse the government of deliber- its electricity from coal and its efforts will
The seismic shift will see India’s popu- ately delaying the count until after be vital in the global fight to reduce car-
lation hit 1.4286 billion—almost three mil- national elections next year. bon emissions.
lion more than China’s 1.4257 billion—at The census will shine a spotlight The nuclear-armed nation has started
mid-year, the United Nations Population on how the Indian economy under to become more assertive on the world
Fund’s State of World Population report Prime Minister Narendra Modi is strug- stage, pushing for a permanent seat on the
forecast. gling to provide jobs for the millions of UN Security Council.
China has generally been regarded as young people entering the job market Many Western countries are banking
the world’s most populous country since every year. on the world’s largest democracy, already
the fall of the Roman Empire but last year The new UN report also estimated that a member of the US-led Quad alliance,
its population shrank for the first time India’s population will be 1.4286 billion compared to China’s 1.4257 billion at mid-year. the global population will have hit 8.045 becoming more of a geopolitical counter-
since 1960, while India’s has continued to billion by mid-2023, by which time almost weight to China.
rise. the number of people in India has grown China said on Wednesday that it one in five people on the planet will be But it also co-founded the BRICS group-
The South Asian giant spreads from the by more than one billion since 1950, the “implements a national strategy to actively Indian. ing with Brazil, Russia, China and South
Himalayas to the beaches of Kerala, with year the UN began gathering population respond to population ageing, promotes Other countries, mostly in Europe Africa to challenge the dominant US- and
22 official languages, and nearly half its data. the three-child birth policy and support- and Asia, can expect a demographic European-led global governance struc-
inhabitants are under 25. China ended its strict “one-child pol- ing measures, and actively responds to slump over the coming decades, tures, and is a member of the Shanghai Co-
The country faces huge challenges pro- icy”, imposed in the 1980s amid overpop- changes in population development”. according to other UN figures published operation Organization alongside
viding electricity, food and housing for its ulation fears, in 2016 and started letting “China’s demographic dividend has not last July. Moscow and Beijing.
growing population, with many of its mas- couples have three children in 2021. disappeared, the talent dividend is taking In Africa, the continent’s population is New Delhi has resisted Western pres-
sive cities already struggling with water Many blame its falling birth rates on shape, and development momentum expected to rise from 1.4 to 3.9 billion sure to freeze out Moscow, opting instead
shortages, air and water pollution, and the soaring cost of living, as well as the remains strong,” said foreign ministry inhabitants by 2100, with about 38 percent to strengthen trade ties with its long-
packed slums. growing number of women going into the spokesman Wang Wenbin. of Earth dwellers living there, compared to standing ally and ramping up imports of
According to the Pew Research Centre, workforce and seeking higher education. India has no recent official population around 18 percent today. Russian oil. – AFP

Kim (2nd
Thousands flee as clashes right) and his
Ju Ae (right)
inspect the

rage despite Sudan truce Aerospace

tion (NADA)
at an undis-
KHARTOUM: Thousands of residents fled
closed place
Sudan’s capital Wednesday as fighting
in North
between the army and paramilitaries, that
has killed around 200 people, raged for a
fifth day after a 24-hour truce collapsed.

Kim orders launch of first spy satellite

The violence erupted on Saturday
between the forces of two generals who
seized power in a 2021 coup: army chief
Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his deputy,
Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, who com-
mands the paramilitary Rapid Support SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un The items he was inspecting, as well as
Forces (RSF). said the country has finished building its charts and other wall displays in some of
It followed a bitter dispute between first military spy satellite and gave the the images were blurred out.
Burhan and Daglo over the planned inte- green light for its launch, state media said The development of a military recon-
gration of the RSF into the regular army— Wednesday. naissance satellite was one of the key
The report of its completion comes defence projects outlined by Kim in 2021.
Civilians huddled in their homes were becoming increasingly desperate,
a key condition for a final deal aimed at
about a week after Pyongyang launched On Tuesday, he said gaining this recon-
with dwindling food supplies, power outages, and a lack of running water.
resuming Sudan’s democratic transition.
Loud explosions and heavy gunfire what it said was a new solid-fuel intercon- naissance technology was a “primary task
were heard in the capital on Wednesday tinental ballistic missile, marking a major to be indispensably fulfilled” because of
morning, as witnesses said plumes of thick toum, some in cars and others on foot, attacks” on its forces and bases around the breakthrough in its banned weapons pro- what he descibed as threats and aggression
black smoke emanated from buildings including women and children. capital. grammes. from the United States and South Korea.
around the army headquarters in central They said the streets were littered with The fighting has left at least 185 people Analysts have said there is significant In December 2022, North Korea said it
Khartoum. dead bodies, the stench of which filled the dead and more than 1,800 injured, accord- technological overlap between the devel- had carried out an “important final-stage
RSF fighters atop armoured vehicles air. ing to the United Nations. opment of ICBMs and space launch capa- test” for the development of a spy satellite,
and pick-up trucks laden with heavy Governments have starting planning to But the real figure is thought to be far bilities. which it said it would complete by April
weapons and ammunition swarmed the evacuate thousands of foreigners, among higher with many wounded unable to Kim gave instructions on Tuesday to this year.
streets, as the army’s fighter jets roared them many UN staff. reach hospitals, which are themselves “make sure that the military reconnais- At the time, experts in South Korea
overhead and fired on RSF targets, the wit- Japan said on Wednesday that its being shelled, according to the official sance satellite No. 1 completed as of April quickly raised doubts about the results,
nesses said. defence ministry had begun the “necessary doctors’ union. will be launched at the planned date,” the saying the quality of the black-and-white
Civilians huddled in their homes were preparations” to evacuate around 60 of its Deafening explosions rattled buildings, official Korean Central News Agency images released by North Korea—purport-
becoming increasingly desperate, with nationals from Sudan, including embassy windows and the nerves of many terrified (KCNA) reported. edly taken from a satellite—was poor.
dwindling food supplies, power outages, staff. residents who hunkered down hoping for During a visit to North Korea’s National Pyongyang has not provided a launch
and a lack of running water. After the truce collapsed, the army an end to the violence. Aerospace Development Administration date, though on Tuesday, Kim said the
Their hopes of being evacuated were accused the “rebel militia” of failing to Offices and residential buildings in the on Tuesday, he also called on staff to satellite would be sent up “at the planned
dashed on Tuesday when a 24-hour commit to it and of continuing “skir- city have been left with shattered windows “firmly establish the satellite intelligence- date”.
humanitarian ceasefire collapsed within mishes around the army headquarters and and facades riddled with bullets. gathering capability by deploying several “It looks like the North will launch its
minutes of its proposed start at 1600 GMT. the airport”. Electricity and water are out in many reconnaissance satellites on different ‘symbolic’ satellite for now, and upgrade it
On Wednesday morning, thousands of The RSF in turn accused the army of parts of Khartoum, forcing residents to orbits in succession”. gradually,” An Chan-il, a defector-turned-

Beijing hospital fire toll 29

people took matters into their own hands “committing violations” and breaching sneak out during lulls in fighting to buy State media images showed Kim tour- researcher who runs the World Institute

and began leaving their homes in Khar- the ceasefire by launching “sporadic food and supplies, witnesses said. – AFP ing the space agency with his daughter. for North Korea Studies, told AFP. – AFP

President for
Taiwan trip
BEIJING: Chinese authorities said on for the victims, and express our sincere
Wednesday they had detained a dozen respects to the victims’ families, the
An investigator
people over a hospital fire in Beijing that injured and their relatives, and apologise
inspects the
left at least 29 dead and forced desperate to the people of the whole city,” he said.
damage at the
survivors to jump out of windows to Twelve people, including the hospital’s GUATEMALA CITY:
escape. director, have been detained in connec- Guatemalan Presi-
Hospital in
The blaze, which broke out on Tuesday tion with the fire, said Sun Haitao from dent Alejandro
afternoon at the Changfeng Hospital in Beijing’s public security bureau, adding Giammattei (pic)
China’s capital, killed mostly patients, and that representatives from a company ren- will visit Taiwan this
left scores of other people injured. ovating the facility were among those weekend, he
Dramatic footage posted to social being held. announced, amid
media showed people clinging to ropes A preliminary probe revealed the blaze tensions between
and jumping from the building, while oth- had been caused by “sparks generated dur- the island nation
ers perched on external air conditioning ing the internal renovation and construc- and China that have
units in a desperate bid to shelter from the tion of the inpatient department of the being treated in hospital with injuries, and dozens of people outside the entrance to tested the loyalties of Latin American
flames. hospital”, according to Zhao Yang from another three had been discharged. the hospital, where a large number of nations.
The Fengtai district’s deputy mayor the city fire brigade. Top city officials visited the hospital police officers were stationed. Giammattei’s announcement came just
expressed his “deep condolences” over the The sparks “ignited the volatile ele- shortly after the fire, which broke out at Some of the hospital’s windows two weeks after he received Taiwan’s Pres-
deaths of the 16 women and 13 men killed ments of the flammable paint on the site”, around 1:00 pm on Tuesday and was extin- appeared blackened and at least one was ident Tsai Ing-wen for an official visit dur-
in the inferno, the deadliest in Beijing in Zhao said. guished half an hour later. broken. ing which she promised continued
over two decades. State broadcaster CCTV reported that Beijing party secretary Yin Li vowed to The facade of one of the hospital assistance for “democratic partners.”
“We feel deep remorse and guilt,” Li out of the dead, 26 were patients at the “quickly identify the cause of the accident buildings was completely blackened Tsai then travelled to neighbour
Zongrong told journalists as he hospital, two were hospital staff, and one and hold the relevant responsible persons by soot. Belize—the only other Central American
announced the toll at a press conference was a patient’s family member. accountable”, according to the Beijing The hospital is located in the capital’s country to retain diplomatic ties with Tai-

US Supreme Court to weigh in on abortion pill ban

on Wednesday. State-run People’s Daily reported that Daily. western urban area, about 25 minutes by wan since Honduras shifted its allegiance
“I hereby express our deep condolences as of Wednesday morning 39 people were AFP journalists on Wednesday saw car from Tiananmen Square. – AFP to China last month.
China considers self-ruled, democratic
Taiwan part of its territory to be retaken
one day, and does not allow other coun-
tries to recognise both Beijing and Taipei.
On Tsai’s return home from Belize, she
WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court women in America of the constitutional FDA approval was flawed and the drug heightened concerns and anxieties had stopped in the United States for a
will step into the divisive and emo- right to a termination. should be withdrawn. among those who oppose what they meeting with House Speaker Kevin
tional battle over the abortion drug Since then, anti-abortion groups An appeals court blocked any ban on view as an all-out assault on women’s McCarthy which irked China.
mifepristone Wednesday, when it is have refocused their efforts on banning the pill, but imposed tough restrictions reproductive rights. Beijing then staged war games around
expected to rule on tough new court- mifepristone, which was approved by on access, after which the baton was Since the Supreme Court overturned Taiwan.
ordered restrictions on the widely used the Food and Drug Administration handed to the Supreme Court which the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that Giammattei, who reaffirmed
pill. (FDA) back in 2000 and currently has until midnight Wednesday to step had enshrined the constitutional right Guatemala’s “recognition of the sover-
It sets up the conservative-leaning accounts for more than half of all abor- in. to abortion for half a century, around eignty” of Taiwan, said the partner coun-
bench for its most significant interven- tions in the United States. The multi-level rulings and tempo- two dozen states have either banned or tries would sign an agreement to boost
tion on reproductive rights since a seis- Those efforts bore fruit earlier this rary stays have created a climate of legal severely restricted access to abortion. – exports of Guatemalan coffee, sugar and
mic ruling 10 months ago that stripped month when a federal judge said the confusion and uncertainty that has only AFP other products. – AFP
‘Russia prevented sabotage in Crimea’
10 World TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

MOSCOW: Russia’s FSB domestic security tage” and “possession of explosives or ian agricultural products to include
agency said Wednesday it had detained a explosive devices”. honey, wine, bread, sugar, and a range of
Russian-Ukrainian citizen suspected of The charges carry a possible life sen- meat and vegetable products.
planning to “sabotage” an energy infra- tence, the FSB said. The list of items to be banned were
structure site in annexed Crimea. It also said the suspect was in contact revealed in a government decree, after
Russian lawmakers this week tough- “with a representative of Ukraine’s security Budapest announced on Saturday a meas-
ened penalties for “terrorism” and sabo- services, who coordinated his criminal ure to halt the import of grain, oilseeds,
tage as Moscow pursues its military activities”. and several other products.
offensive against Ukraine. FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov this In recent days, Poland, Hungary and
The FSB in the city of Kerch “prevented month accused Ukraine and Western pow- Slovakia banned the import of grain and
the preparation of sabotage at a facility of ers of inciting Russians to armed rebellion. other food items from war-hit Ukraine
the energy system of the peninsula,” President Vladimir Putin also accused after a slump in prices triggered protests
annexed from Ukraine in 2014, it said in a Western security services of being involved from local farmers.
statement. in “terrorist” attacks in Russia. Bulgaria is expected to make a similar
“A citizen of Russia and Ukraine, born In early April, Russia detained a young announcement on Wednesday.
in 1971, who was involved in the prepara- woman after an explosion killed a top mil- In May 2022, the European Union
tion of this crime, was detained,” the state- itary blogger in Saint Petersburg, blaming allowed Kyiv to export its grain stocks

On October 08, 2022, a truck exploded igniting a huge fire and damaging the
ment said. Ukraine and the opposition. through the bloc after the closure of the

key Kerch bridge — built as Russia’s sole land link with annexed Crimea.
According to the FSB, the suspect was Hungary’s government widened its Black Sea shipping lanes following Russia’s

Drone attack on Ukraine’s Odesa

being held for planning to commit “sabo- temporary ban on the imports of Ukrain- invasion fuelled a global food crisis. – AFP

Join against blackmail of KYIV, Ukraine: Russia

launched a drone attack on
Ukraine’s southern port city

Western sanctions: Lavrov of Odesa early Wednesday

but there were no reports of
casualties, authorities said.
“At night, the enemy car-
CARACAS: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei ried out an attack by UAVs of
Lavrov called for like-minded countries to the Shahed-136 type on the
“join forces” against the “blackmail” of Odesa region,” Yuriy Kruk,
Western sanctions, as the longtime diplo- head of the Odesa district
mat continued his tour of Latin America. military administration, said
Discussing Russia’s war on Ukraine in a statement on Telegram.
with counterpart Yvan Gil in Caracas, Kruk said Ukraine’s air
Lavrov referred to allies Venezuela, Cuba defences had destroyed most
and Nicaragua as countries “that choose of the attacking drones but some civilian of GPS co-ordinates with a payload of
their own path.” infrastructure had been hit. explosives.
All are, like Russia, the subject of dam- “According to preliminary informa- Russia’s drone industry has been hit by
aging economic sanctions, he said. tion, there were no casualties. Measures international sanctions and a number
“It is necessary to join forces to counter are being taken to contain the fire, units have been shot down since the start of the
the attempts of blackmail and illegal uni- of the State Emergency Service and other war—prompting Moscow to import
lateral pressure of the West,” Lavrov said at structures are working on the spot.” drones from Iran.
a joint press conference with Gil. In an update on Telegram, General The Black Sea port of Odesa was a
Russia’s top diplomat is on a week-long Mykola Oleshchuk, commander of the favourite holiday destination for many
Latin American tour that started in Brazil Ukrainian Air Force, said 10 out of 12 Ukrainians and Russians before President
and will also take him to Nicaragua and “kamikaze” drones had been destroyed by Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine in
Cuba—where the leftist governments have the Odesa air defences. February last year.
hostile relations with the United States. Ukraine’s general staff said over the Since the start of the invasion, Odesa
Lavrov (left) with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
He spoke as Brazilian President Luiz past day Russia had launched four mis- has been bombed several times by Russian
at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas.
Inacio Lula da Silva, under fire from the siles and 60 air strikes, along with 58 forces. It was also hit by a drone attack two
United States for “parroting Russian and rocket attacks, causing injuries to civil- weeks ago that caused some damage.
Chinese propaganda,” clearly condemned “Our task is to ensure that the UN char- a large swathe of the international com- ians. In January, the United Nations cultural
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. ter is fully implemented, that the right to munity, did not recognize Maduro’s re- The Shahed-136 is a small Iranian- agency UNESCO designated the historic
The White House on Monday—the self-determination is not eliminated when election in 2018 in a vote widely dismissed made, self-detonating drone that can be centre of Odesa a World Heritage in Dan-
same day that Lula met with Lavrov in it suits the West,” he said, according to an as fraudulent. programmed to fly automatically to a set ger site. – AFP

US to lose space, hypersonics races

Brasilia—had criticised the Brazilian official translation. At the bilateral level, Russia and
leader for recently saying that Washington Lavrov also met with Venezuelan Presi- Venezuela announced that they have

to China if Beijing takes over Taiwan

was “encouraging the war” in Ukraine and dent Nicolas Maduro, who afterward signed agreements regarding oil and min-
that Kyiv shared blame for the conflict. tweeted that it was a “pleasant meeting ing.
On Tuesday, Lula insisted that while his that strengthened bilateral relations.” Lavrov will later travel to Cuba, which is
government “condemns the violation of Venezuela has long been a key Moscow facing a serious economic crisis.
the territorial integrity of Ukraine” it also ally, and Maduro has repeatedly expressed Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel vis-
defends “a negotiated political solution to his support for Russia and President ited Russia at the end of November, where WASHINGTON: If the United States loses to produce the microchips that it cur-
the conflict.” Vladimir Putin both before and after the he announced he had signed several Taiwan to a full takeover by China, it will rently imports from Taiwan, reported
On Russia’s war, Lavrov said: “We will invasion of Ukraine. agreements concerning oil supplies to the lose its global leadership for the next cen- Sputnik.
resolve the situation” by upholding the Russia, for its part, has supported Cara- island. However, fuel shortages persist. tury because for at least the next decade “No one seems to have any viable
principles of the United Nations’ founding cas in the face of sanctions imposed by the Lavrov is expected to make a final stop Washington desperately needs computer plans to catch up. The public is not aware
charter on the “sovereign equity of states, United States. in Managua, where he will meet with microchips manufactured in Taiwan to of it. ... Ninety-five percent of all factories

Herders, farmers Nigerian schoolgirls escape kidnappers

on the principle of indivisibility of security.” The opposition in Venezuela, backed by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. – AFP catch up with Beijing in the three crucial in the US high tech defense industrial
technological areas of space, artificial base are shutting down. America’s great-
intelligence (AI) and hypersonic est manufacturers are asking, ‘Where are

clashes in Chad
weapons, Hadrian CEO Christopher my parts?’” Power said.
Power said on Tuesday. The high-tech sector is in need of a

leave 22 dead
KANO, Nigeria: Eight Nigerian school- payment to kidnappers. “If we lose Taiwan, we lose global lead- serious intervention by the US govern-
girls have escaped from kidnappers “The eight female students... have ership for at least 100 years,” Power told ment very quickly in the form of an
in northwest Kaduna State two escaped from the terrorists’ the US House Foreign Affairs Committee. immediate infusion of millions of skilled
weeks after they were abducted on their den,” Aruwan said, without giving their “We lose the three major technological workers in metallurgy, engineering and
way to school, a government official ages. races ... [of] space, AI and hypersonics.” welding, especially from India and from
N’DJAMENA: Clashes between herders and said. Nigeria’s government last year Power explained that it would take at the allied “five eye” countries of the
farmers in southern Chad have left at least The students of Government Second- branded criminal militia gangs as terror- least another decade for US domestic United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and

China to construct fifth Antarctic base

22 people dead, authorities said Wednes- ary School Awon in Kachia district ist organisations in part to facilitate mil- industry to build up the necessary base New Zealand, Power added. – Bernama
day accusing rebels based in neighbouring were seized on April 3 in the latest itary action against them.
Central African Republic of igniting the abduction of pupils in the region, Aruwan had initially said 10 students
trouble. Samuel Aruwan, Kaduna state internal of the school which runs day classes
Farmers from the Kodo community on affairs commissioner said in a statement were taken before revising the number WASHINGTON: Work by China to con- satellite photos show “significant
Monday attacked Fulani herders camped late Tuesday. to eight. struct a fifth research facility in Antarc- progress” was recently been made.
in the Monts de Lam department, Logon Abductions for ransom and intercom- All the hostages escaped from “a thick tica has resumed after lying dormant for “Once completed, the 5,000 square
Oriental provincial governor general munal attacks have been on the rise forest” on the border between Kaduna years, reported dpa, quoting a Washing- meter station is expected to include a sci-
Ahmat Dari Bazine told AFP by telephone. again especially in northwest Nigeria and central Niger State and walked for ton-based national security think tank. entific research and observation area, an
He said the Kodos are Chadian “rebels” after a lull during elections in February several days before reaching a location Beijing’s “growing physical footprint” energy facility, a main building, a logis-
based over the border in the Central Africa and March for the presidency and gover- where they were given shelter, said in the southern polar region “serves to tics facility, and a wharf built for China’s
Republic (CAR). norship posts. Aruwan. advance China’s broader strategic and Xuelong icebreakers,” the CSIS report
“The Kodos killed two Fulani herdsmen The government has recently also The students were taken for medical military interests,” the Center for Strate- said.
Monday in their camp and wounded six lifted restrictions on cash bank notes put checks before being reunited with their gic and International Studies (CSIS) said It will also have a satellite ground sta-

Canadian public servants to

others and lost two of theirs,” in the ensu- in place as part of a cash exchange policy families, while soldiers combed the for- in a report released on Tuesday, based on tion, which the think tank says would be
ing clashes, the general added. intended partly it said to curb ransom est for the abductors, he added. – AFP new satellite imagery. of service to both scientific endeavors
The Kodos then attacked another vil- Without making any territorial and the Chinese military’s expansive sur-

stage massive strike over pay

lage killing four people before gendarmes claims, China has been expanding its veillance operations.
gave chase. presence in the resource-rich region. Specifically, CSIS said the ground sta-
The gendarmes killed 14 of the attack- This has raised fears in the West that tion could intercept signals intelligence
ers, he said, leaving a total of at least 22 Beijing may have economic and military from Australia and New Zealand.
dead. ambitions for the remote continent. About 30 countries, all signatories to
Hassan Khalil, first deputy prosecutor China’s newest facility is located on the Antarctic Treaty that sets the area
at Baibokum, capital of the Monts de Lam Inexpressible Island, near the Ross Sea, aside as a scientific preserve and bans
department, confirmed the fighting and OTTAWA: More than 155,000 Canadian The government has countered by offer- which should help “fill in a major gap in military activity, operate seasonal or
the death toll to AFP. public servants will go on strike Wednes- ing nine percent spread over three years. China’s coverage of the continent’s year-round research stations on the con-
Tension between semi-nomadic Arab day to demand raises, with disruptions Canada’s inflation rate slowed to 4.3 expansive coastline,” the report said. tinent. China established its first Antarc-
herders and sedentary indigenous farmers expected to tax, immigration and pass- percent year-on-year in March after peak- Construction began in 2018 but for tic base – the Great Wall Station on King
is a longstanding problem in central and port services, their union announced. ing at over 8 percent in June. years little work was carried out. Now, the George’s Island – in 1985. – Bernama
southern Chad, but also in the east where After months of negotiating with The union also wants more flexibility
many people are armed. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s govern- over telecommuting.
Farmers accuse herders of pillaging ment, the Public Service Alliance of After pandemic restrictions were rolled
their land with their grazing animals. Canada (PSAC) said they had failed to back, public servants who had worked
Herders typically come from arid reach an agreement over cost-of-living remotely were expected to return to their
regions of the Sahel in northern Chad, raises to keep up with inflation. offices two or three days a week by March
seeking to settle on more fertile land for Nearly one-third of Canadian public 31.
breeding camels and sheep. servants are expected to hit picket lines at The labor dispute is expected to slow or
But this time, the governor accused the more than 250 locations, according to entirely shut down some federal services,
Kodos of being Chadian rebels hiding in PSAC. including the processing of immigration
CAR, a claim AFP could not independently Canada last saw a strike of this size in and passport applications, PSAC said in a
verify. 1991. statement.
“This new strategy is deliberately set “We are at the beginning of a historic With more than 35,000 striking work-
up by the Kodos to create problems strike (to reach) an agreement that takes ers employed by the Canada Revenue
between herders and farmers, between into account the cost of living,” Chris Ayl- Agency, tax season could be brought to a
Muslims and Christian,” general Dari ward, PSAC president, told reporters on halt.
Bazine said. Tuesday night. “As a result of the labour action, Cana-
Authorities in Chad and CAR regularly Among other demands, the govern- dians should expect that some services of
trade accusations of running bases in each ment employees are seeking a 13.5 percent the Government of Canada will be
other’s country for rebels who then cross wage increase over three years, or 4.5 per- delayed or unavailable,” the government Construction began in 2018 but for years little work was carried out.
the porous border to stage attacks. – AFP cent annually to keep up with inflation. said in a statement. – AFP
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 World 11

Fox News settles $1.6bil libel case

WILMINGTON, United States: Fox News like of the ex-president despite praising
reached a $787.5 million settlement in a him on air—evidence, it said, of malice.
defamation case brought by voting tech- A filing showed that Murdoch
nology company Dominion that alleged described comments by former Trump
the network knowingly aired false claims advisors Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell
linking its machines to a conspiracy to pushing Trump’s claim that the election
undermine the 2020 US election. was stolen from him as “really crazy stuff.
The agreement to end the case avoided And damaging.”
what most experts suggested would have Murdoch also admitted in a deposition
been a damaging, high-profile trial for the in the case that some on-air hosts had Toddler slips
conservative channel in which owner “endorsed” the lie but he denied that the
Rupert Murdoch would have been com-
pelled to testify in open court.
network in its entirety had pushed it,
according to court documents filed by
through White
Judge Eric Davis announced the last- Dominion.
minute agreement after the 12 jurors had Carlson told staff he couldn’t wait until House fence
been selected and the Delaware Superior he could “ignore Trump most nights,”
Court was readying to hear opening argu- adding: “I hate him passionately.” WASHINGTON: A toddler slipped through
ments. Fox News accused Dominion of “cherry- the White House’s fence on the north side
Fox News said in a statement it was Dominion sued Fox for $1.6 billion in March 2021, alleging it promoted Trump’s (inset left) picking and taking quotes out of context.” of the US presidential residence and work-
“pleased” to have ended the dispute and baseless claim that its machines were used to rig the presidential election he lost to Biden. John Culhane, a professor at Delaware place (pic).
added: “We acknowledge the court’s rul- Sean Hannity will also avoid appearing on allegations, not supporting them, and was Law School at Widener University, said Secret Service personnel “encountered
ings finding certain claims about Domin- the witness stand. protected by free speech rights enshrined high-profile Fox names defending them- a curious young visitor along the White
ion to be false.” US media reported that the agreement in the First Amendment of the US Consti- selves in court would have been much House north fence line who briefly entered
Dominion CEO John Poulos told does not require Fox hosts to apologise on- tution. worse for the network than the settlement. White House grounds”, Xinhua quoted a
reporters outside the court that Fox had air or admit spreading falsehoods. The protection makes it difficult for “The audio would have been replayed a statement obtained by US media outlets.
“admitted to telling lies about Dominion Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 bil- plaintiffs to win defamation suits in the thousand times, forever,” he told AFP. “The White House security systems
that caused enormous damage to my com- lion in March 2021, alleging it promoted United States. Fox News has overcome several crises in instantly triggered Secret Service officers
pany, our employees, and our customers. Donald Trump’s baseless claim that its In pre-trial hearings, Davis ruled that recent years and was the most watched and the toddler and parents were quickly
Nothing can ever make up for that.” machines were used to rig the presidential there was no question Fox aired false state- cable news channel for a seventh year in a reunited,” said the statement attributed to
The proceedings, trailed by the New election he lost to Joe Biden. ments about Dominion. row last year, well ahead of competitors Secret Service spokesperson Anthony
York Times as “the defamation trial of the Dominion argued that Fox aired the lies For Dominion to have won however, it MSNBC and CNN. Guglielmi.
century,” had been due to test the limits of despite knowing they were untrue. would have been required to prove that It employs some traditional news Access to the complex was briefly
free speech rights for media in America It said the network began endorsing Fox News acted with actual malice—know- reporters, but the majority of its airtime is restricted while officers conducted the
when wilfully broadcasting misinforma- Trump’s conspiracy because the channel ing the information was wrong or having given to conservative commentators, reunification, according to The Associated
tion. was losing audience to smaller rivals after a “reckless disregard” for the truth. including in prime-time shows. Press. Secret Service officers were also
Analysts had predicted it could be one it became the first television outlet to call The tough burden has been a bedrock “The network has been completely reported to have briefly questioned the
of the most consequential libel hearings in the southwestern state of Arizona for of US media law since 1964. exposed as a partisan propaganda outlet parents before allowing them to continue
US legal history. Biden, effectively projecting the Democrat Dominion released a trove of internal that is willing to do anything for profit on their way. The US National Park Service
The settlement, believed one of the would win the presidency. Fox News communications in which some and power,” said Media Matters advocacy and the Secret Service have worked to con-
largest in a defamation case ever, means Fox News denied defamation. It commentators and executives balked at group president Angelo Carusone, react- struct a new fence around the White
star anchors, such as Tucker Carlson and claimed it was only reporting on Trump’s Trump’s claims and even expressed a dis- ing to the settlement. – AFP House since July 2019 after previous secu-
rity breaches. – Bernama

Cuba’s Diaz-Canel set for second

term in sewn up parliamentary vote
HAVANA: Cuba’s President Miguel Diaz- neer by training, Cuba partly opened the
Canel was all set to clinch a second five- economy to small businesses in hundreds
year term via a parliamentary vote of sectors previously under exclusive state
Wednesday as the sole candidate in a control.
country where political opposition is ille- Two years ago, he initiated a monetary
gal. reform that ended artificial parity with the
Diaz-Canel took over the reins in 2018 US dollar but fueled inflation and sharply
as Cuba’s first civilian leader after nearly devalued the local currency—another
60 years of Castro brother hegemony, vow- blow to an ailing economy hard hit by US
ing to “always defend the party” even as he sanctions in place since 1962 and a tourism
set out in pursuit of cautious economic lib- dip brought on by the coronavirus pan-
eralisation. demic.
In 2021, he also took over as first secre-
tary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC)
The reforms under Diaz-Canel “have
not meant a complete and comprehensive
One dead in US
-- the country’s most powerful position, transition to a mixed economy” as most
long held by revolutionary leader Fidel companies in Cuba are still state-con- multi-storey
Castro and then his brother Raul. trolled, analyst Arturo Lopez-Levy, of the
Now 62, Diaz-Canel’s first term was
marked by the worst economic crisis in
Autonomous University of Madrid, told
parking collapse
three decades and a widely criticized “Some economic changes have not NEW YORK: At least one person died and
response to historic anti-government taken place, and others that have taken Cuban First Secretary of the Communist Party Raul Castro (right), four were rushed to hospital after a multi-
protests, which triggered a tightening of place, have left much skepticism,” said greets Diaz Canel at the Havana Convention Center. story parking garage in New York City col-
US sanctions. Lopez-Levy. Long-suffering Cubans face injured and more than 1,300 imprisoned, presidency on Wednesday, and another lapsed , emergency responders said (pic).
He will be keen for another stab at daily shortages of food, medicine and fuel, according to rights observers. for the vice-presidency. Aerial video footage circulating on
reform, recently telling the pan-Arab tele- and since the arrival of mobile internet in Since then, Cuba has experienced an The PCC-aligned National Assembly social media showed cars piled on top of
vision channel Al Mayadeen he was “dis- 2018 they have increasingly taken to social unprecedented exodus, with more than will then hold a special sitting to approve one another in a jumble of cracked con-
satisfied” that his efforts at addressing media to voice their dissatisfaction. 300,000 of its nationals leaving for other the selection and elect 21 members of its crete in the financial district of Lower
Cuba’s economic woes had not been But in 2021, the largest protest since at shores in 2022 alone. own executive Council of State. Manhattan.
“more efficient, more effective.” least the 1959 revolution was met with a Cuba’s electoral authorities will offi- Under Cuban law, a president can serve The building on Ann Street “pancaked,
Under Diaz-Canel, an electronic engi- harsh response that left one dead, dozens cially announce the sole candidate for the no more than two successive terms. – AFP collapsed, all the way to the cellar floor,”
the acting head of New York’s buildings
department, Kazimir Vilenchik, told a
US Black nationalists Top Mexican court limits army’s public security role press conference at the scene.
Its exterior remained standing, but offi-
charged with acting MEXICO CITY: Mexico’s top court limited cials said they feared further collapse.
the army’s participation in public security The fire department’s chief of opera-
for Russian agents tasks, blocking a contentious move by
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
tions John Esposito said they had ordered
all their initial responders out of the build-
WASHINGTON: The US Justice Department to put a civilian force under military con- ing—but that a robotics unit had been able
charged the founder and three members trol. to deploy a robot dog and fly drones inside
of a half-century-old Black nationalist The National Guard plan, approved by to conduct searches.
group with working with Russian intelli- the ruling party-controlled Congress last He said they believed there had been six
gence to influence elections in the United September, alarmed Lopez Obrador’s workers in the building when it collapsed.
States. opponents and human rights campaign- “Four of them have been transported to
Omali Yeshitela, the founder of the ers, who said it handed too much power to the hospital in stable condition. We have
African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the armed forces. one patient that has died,” he told the
the Uhuru Movement, and two other party By eight votes to three, the Supreme news conference. The sixth person refused
members, Penny Joanne Hess and Jesse Court annulled the legislative reform medical treatment, he said. – AFP
Nevel, were charged with acting as unreg- granting the defence ministry operational
and administrative control of the National
istered agents of Russia, which carries a
maximum five-year prison sentence. Guard, concluding that it was unconstitu- US$579,514
All three, as well as another member tional.
named Augustus Romain, have also been Before coming to power in 2018, Lopez income in Biden
charged with conspiring to act as agents Obrador had vowed to send the military
for Russia, which brings up to 10 years in
back to the barracks.
But under his presidency, the armed
tax returns
According to an indictment, the four forces have kept their role in tackling car- WASHINGTON: America’s first couple did-
people took money and other support tel-related violence and even gained more n’t do too badly last year, earning $579,514,
responsibility, including control of ports Obrador (inset) has since argued that the military is less likely to be infiltrated
from US-based Russian Alexandr Ionov by organised crime than other branches of the security forces. although this was a good chunk less than
and Moscow-based officers of Russia’s FSB and customs and major infrastructure the previous year, according to Joe and Jill
intelligence agency who directed Ionov. projects. described the National Guard reform as a The military’s increased role had led to Biden’s tax return, made public.
Ionov was charged last year for running Lopez Obrador created the National “setback to public security grounded in more allegations of human rights viola- Biden has restored a custom designed
a political influence operation directed by Guard in 2019 with a civilian command to human rights.” tions by law enforcement and the armed to demonstrate transparency at the White
the FSB, but his US contacts were not replace federal police accused of corrup- Nada Al-Nashif, then acting UN high forces, and no sustainable reduction in House, the most notable exception to the
named, though APSP facilities were raided tion and human rights violations. He has commissioner for human rights, said at crime, she said. unwritten rule being his predecessor Don-
by the FBI at the time. since argued that the military is less likely the time that the changes “effectively leave More than 350,000 people have been ald Trump who consistently refused to
Charges against Ionov, who is believed to be infiltrated by organised crime than Mexico without a federal civilian police killed in a spiral of bloodshed since the release his annual income and tax report.
to be back in Russia, were updated in Tues- other branches of the security forces. force, further cementing the already government of then-president Felipe The president and first lady’s joint return
day’s indictment filed in Tampa, Florida. The United Nations Office of the High prominent role of the armed forces in Calderon controversially deployed the showed gross income of nearly $580,000 in
Undercover as president of the Commissioner for Human Rights last year public security in Mexico.” army to fight drug cartels in 2006. – AFP 2022, which was $30,000 less than in the pre-
Moscow-based Anti-Globalization Move- vious year’s filing. Most of that income came
ment of Russia, Ionov used the APSP and
Uhuru movements, and Romain’s Georgia-
Biden: Debt plan would harm millions of Americans from Biden’s standard presidential salary of
$400,000, which is set by Congress.
based spinoff Black Hammer, to promote WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden president. The United States hit its $31.4 House Republicans are vowing to only Jill Biden, who teaches at Northern Vir-
Russian views on politics, the Ukraine war slammed a congressional Republican plan trillion borrowing limit in January, raise the debt ceiling if federal spending ginia Community College and is the first
and other issues. Yeshitela traveled to Rus- to limit federal spending in exchange for prompting the Treasury to take “extraordi- caps are implemented, in an attempt to presidential spouse to continue an outside
sia in 2015 where he entered a partnership raising the nation’s borrowing limit, saying nary measures” that allow it to continue curb what they say is “reckless” spending paid job, earned $82,335. They paid a fed-
with Ionov’s group, according to the it would result in “huge cuts” to programs financing the government’s activities. by Democrats. eral tax rate of 23.8 percent, a notch down
indictment. serving millions of Americans. But if the debt ceiling is not raised or Biden, however, accused the Republican from last year’s 24.6 percent, resulting in
In 2016 Ionov funded a four-city protest The top Republican in the US House of suspended by Congress before current leader of proposing “huge cuts to impor- $137,658 in federal income tax.
tour by APSP supporting a “Petition on Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, officially measures are exhausted, the US govern- tant programs” that “millions of Ameri- They also paid $29,023 in income tax in
Crime of Genocide against African People unveiled specifics of the plan earlier in the ment risks defaulting on payment obliga- cans count on,” and said their plan would their home state of Delaware, while the
in the United States,” according to the Jus- day and urged members of his party to act tions as early as July, with profound return the country to “the same old trickle- first lady paid $3,139 in Virginia income
tice Department. – AFP in concert as they go head to head with the implications for the economy. down economic theories of the past.” – AFP tax. – AFP
BUSINESS TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 12

Optimism for trade improvement

13 EU agrees plan to boost chip production 14 Musk touts new policy to advertisers

Trade surplus reached KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Investment Bank

Bhd has maintained that the country’s
trade performance will likely improve by
the second half of 2023 (2H 2023), follow-
9.5 per cent forecast.
MIDF Research said the revision in the
export forecast reflected the assumption
that an anticipated boost from China’s eco-

RM26.06b for March

ing the anticipated recovery in the global nomic reopening would be delayed.
economy. “We still expect recovering demand
In a research note, RHB Investment from China to impact Malaysia’s trade later
Bank said global growth would likely this year positively.
rebound by 2H 2023 with the stabilisation “In general, we maintain a cautiously
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s trade surplus of financial conditions as most major optimistic view that trade will continue to
widened in March 2023 to RM26.69 billion global central banks would have reached grow, but the outlook can be constrained
compared to March 2022, marking the 35th their peak policy interest rate objectives, by elevated inflation, higher borrowing
consecutive month of trade surplus since and inflationary momentum would likely costs, and factors affecting supply (such as
May 2020 and the highest trade surplus ease on a sustained basis. geo-political tension or trade disruptions)
ever recorded for March. “Exports are unlikely to collapse in 1H that will result in even weaker global
Trade fell slightly by 1.6 per cent to 2023. Despite the contraction in the year- demand,” it said.
RM232.72 billion in March 2023, while on-year term for March, we expect a con- MIDF Research said the positive growth
exports declined 1.4 per cent to RM129.71 tinuous stabilisation in momentum for in imports indicates increased purchases of
billion and imports were lower by 1.8 per both exports and imports, suggesting that foreign goods on the back of rising domes-
cent to RM103.01 billion year-on-year (y-o- the bottoming out process in the export tic spending and investment activities.
y). growth could ensue by early 2H 2023,” it Earlier, the Ministry of Investment,
The Ministry of Investment, Trade and said. Trade and Industry (Miti) announced that
Industry (Miti) said trade, exports, imports Notwithstanding the slowdown in Malaysia’s trade fell slightly by 1.6 per cent
and trade surplus recorded double-digit external demand, RHB Investment opined to RM232.72 billion in March 2023, while
growth of 13.5 per cent, 15.5 per cent, 11.1 that the risks to Malaysia’s economic exports declined 1.4 per cent to RM129.71
per cent and 36.4 per cent respectively growth would be limited. billion and imports were lower by 1.8 per
compared to February 2023. “The domestic economy, which was cent to RM103.01 billion year-on-year (y-o-
Trade also grew by 3.2 per cent to buoyed by robust labour market condi- y).
RM644.87 billion in the first quarter (1Q) of tions, continuation of large-scale infra- MIDF Research said the decline was
2023 versus 1Q 2022, while exports structure projects and a pickup in tourism slightly sharper than its and the market
increased 2.8 per cent to RM354.63 billion activities, would continue to underpin the consensus as the firm predicted the high
and imports expanded by 3.7 per cent to economy’s momentum. base effect and limited upside support
RM290.24 billion, according to its state- drop of 3.4 per cent on lower exports of by 7.5 per cent to RM14.59 billion and “Our detailed analysis suggests that the from China’s economic recovery would
ment. E&E products. imports from the US edged up by one per domestic economy is becoming larger and translate into weak year-on-year growth.
It said trade, exports and imports regis- However, increases in exports were cent to RM7.46 billion. external dependency, particularly the It said the decline was also attributable
tered the highest value for the period. recorded for petroleum products, machin- Trade with the European Union (EU) labour market, on global economic condi- to lower domestic exports (4.1 per cent y-o-
However, the trade surplus edged down by ery, equipment and parts as well as trans- took up 8.3 per cent of Malaysia’s total tions is falling,” it said. y), in contrast to sustained growth in re-
one per cent in the quarter to RM64.39 bil- port equipment. trade in March 2023, expanding by 6.1 per Meanwhile, MIDF Research expects exports (10.3 per cent y-o-y).
lion. On the other hand, imports from Asean cent y-o-y to RM19.41 billion. Malaysia’s export growth to moderate to “We foresee the relatively lower com-
Miti said exports of manufactured expanded by 1.6 per cent to RM26.86 bil- Exports amounted to RM10.98 billion, 6.2 per cent this year from a previous fore- modity prices will likely influence trade
goods, which constituted 84 per cent or lion. declining by 5.3 per cent on lower exports cast of 9.2 per cent. performance in the next few months
RM108.96 billion of total exports in March Exports to Asean major markets that of E&E products, palm oil and palm oil- The research firm opined that imports before the effect diminishes in the second

MAHB records 6.7 million passengers

2023 decreased marginally by 0.4 per cent recorded increases were Singapore, which based agriculture products as well as rub- would grow at 6.4 per cent from a previous half of 2023,” it added. –Bernama
y-o-y amid lower exports of electrical and grew by RM615.3 million and Indonesia, ber products. Imports from the EU jumped
electronic (E&E) products, rubber prod- which expanded by RM738.9 million on 25.9 per cent to RM8.43 billion.
ucts and wood products. account of robust exports of petroleum Meanwhile, trade with Free Trade Agree-
Exports of mining goods totalled eight products. ment (FTA) partners which contributed
per cent of total trade or RM10.4 billion, a The ministry said trade with China, 67.5 per cent or RM157.18 billion to KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s total passen- Jakarta, proving the route’s popularity and
decrease of 3.5 per cent y-o-y on lower which made up 16.3 per cent or RM37.84 Malaysia’s total trade, edged down margin- ger movements increased by 15 per cent to high demand,” he added.
petroleum condensate and other petro- billion of Malaysia’s total trade contracted ally by 0.9 per cent y-o-y. 6.7 million in March 2023 from the preced- MAHB said the international and
leum oil demand, while agriculture goods by three per cent y-o-y, as exports valued at Exports to FTA partners declined by 1.5 ing month, said Malaysia Airports Hold- domestic passenger movements in
with 7.3 per cent share stood at RM9.43 bil- RM16.68 billion, shrank by 6.2 per cent as a per cent to RM89.48 billion and imports ings Bhd (MAHB). Malaysia continued to grow steadily in
lion, slipping 10.8 per cent y-o-y due to result of lower exports of E&E products. shrank by 0.1 per cent to RM67.7 billion, In a statement, the airport operator March 2023, registering three million and
lower exports of palm oil and palm oil- An increase in exports, however, was Miti said. said the increment was due to the resump- 3.7 million passengers respectively.
based agriculture products. recorded for metalliferous ores and metal As for imports, intermediate goods, val- tion of various flight routes during the Both sectors showed an increase in pas-
An increase in exports was registered scrap, chemicals and chemical products as ued at RM53.81 billion or 52.2 per cent month as travel demand in the region con- senger movements by more than ten per
for liquefied natural gas (LNG). well as LNG. Imports from China slipped by share of total imports, decreased by 8.7 per tinues to rise. cent each from the preceding month.
Miti said that in March 2023, trade with 0.3 per cent to RM21.16 billion. cent in March 2023 y-o-y; capital goods, val- Managing director Datuk Iskandar The March 2023 year-to-date total pas-
Asean represented 27.9 per cent or Trade with the United States (US) in ued at RM9.77 billion (9.5 per cent), Mizal Mahmood said the active resump- senger movements in Malaysia were 18.7
RM64.84 billion of Malaysia’s total trade, March with a share of 9.5 per cent of increased by 3.5 per cent; and consumption tion of airline operations and routes at air- million, a 125 per cent increase from 8.3
declining by 1.4 per cent y-o-y. Malaysia’s total trade was up by 5.2 per cent goods, valued at RM9.26 billion (nine per ports nationwide continues to give million passengers during the same

Sunway Malls
Exports amounted to RM37.98 billion, a y-o-y to RM22.05 billion. Exports expanded cent), grew by 6.2 per cent. –Bernama optimism on travel demand and he period in 2022.
expected more new airlines to fly to On its asset in Turkiye, MAHB said Istan-

Bursa ends lower for a third day

bursa closing report

registers 19pc
Malaysia in the coming months. bul Sabiha Gokcen International Airport
“Indonesian low-cost carrier TransNusa (SGIA) recorded 2.8 million passengers in
Airlines has recently made its debut inter- March, which was a ten per cent increase

sales growth
national flight to Kuala Lumpur from over the previous month.
Jakarta this month, initially serving only Total international passenger move-
KUALA LUMPUR: Bursa Malaysia closed E.G slipped two sen to 82 sen. domestic routes in Indonesia. ments registered 1.5 million, while domes-
“TransNusa is the ninth airline with tic passenger movements recorded 1.3

Paid Competitive Gaming growing

lower for the third consecutive day due On the index board, the FBM Emas
to profit-taking activities ahead of the Index weakened 64.68 points to operations between Kuala Lumpur and million passengers respectively. –Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Sunway Malls’ sales per-
Hari Raya Aidilfitri holidays amidst 10,475.80, the FBMT 100 Index lost 62.18 formance has exceeded expectations after

six times faster than overall market

weaker regional market performances, points to 10,160.02 and the FBM Emas registering a 19 per cent year-on-year (y-o-
an analyst said. Shariah Index slipped 83.56 points to y) growth in the first quarter (1Q) of 2023,
At 5 pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 10,806.33. supported by a stronger festive quarter and
(FBM KLCI) was 7.29 points or 0.5 per cent The FBM ACE Index was 37.12 points healthy demand for out-of-home dining.
lower to 1,425.07 from Tuesday’s close of weaker at 5,352.59 and the FBM 70 index The mall group operator recorded sales
1,432.36. dipped 125.95 points to 13,691.12. KUALA LUMPUR: The Paid Competitive Real money prize pools allow players to
growth of 12 per cent in January, 25 per Gaming (PCG) market is expected to reach monetise their gaming abilities, and effec-
The barometer index opened 0.79 of a Sector-wise, the Industrial Products cent in February and 22 per cent in March.
point weaker at 1,431.57 and moved and Services Index eased 2.02 points to US$16 billion by 2024, according to a new tive skill-matching ensures a fair and com-
“Sunway Malls is off to a good start, report titled “Global Paid Competitive petitive playing field for all participants.
between 1,423.05 and 1,431.57 throughout 172.37, the Plantation Index slipped 32.92 with a strong 1Q providing a strong foot-
the trading session. points to 6,851.72, the Financial Services Gaming Report 2023”. (US$1=RM4.42) Mobile is gaming’s biggest, fastest-
ing for the remaining quarters,” said HC With a compounded annual growth growing segment, by player numbers and
The market breadth was broadly neg- Index declined 40.89 points to 15,690.58 Chan, Sunway Malls and Theme Parks chief
ative as decliners outpaced gainers 597 to and the Energy Index fell 7.0 points to rate (CAGR) of 31.9 per cent from 2021 to revenues. In 2021, the industry saw 2.8 bil-
executive officer. 2024, this new gaming segment is growing lion mobile gamers contributing over 50
265, while 374 counters were unchanged, 860.19. In a statement, Chan said that the sales
1,062 untraded and 11 others suspended. The Main Market volume widened to six times faster than the overall global per cent of the global gaming revenue and
growth was largely driven by high growth mobile games market, which is forecast to is forecasted to grow to US$113.0 billion by
Turnover narrowed to 3.14 billion 2.12 billion units valued at RM1.45 billion from the travel-related, entertainment,
units valued at RM1.76 billion from 3.17 from 2.08 billion units valued at RM1.51 reach US$223 billion by 2024 at a 4.9 per 2024 with 3.1 billion players.
fashion, beauty, food and beverage (F&B), cent CAGR. PC gaming had 1.4 billion players in
billion units worth RM1.85 billion on billion on Tuesday. health and personal care segments.
Tuesday. Warrant turnover rose to 367.83 mil- The gaming industry has undergone a 2021, expected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2024,
As international borders opened up, paradigm shift since the introduction of and console gaming had 871 million play-
Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd equity lion units worth RM52.82 million against pent-up demand and an uptick in travel
research vice-president Thong Pak Leng 277.52 million units worth RM45.34 mil- the pay-to-play model in the 1970s and the ers in 2021, projected to increase to 943
saw the travel-related category’s sales subsequent free-to-play model in the million in 2024.
said key regional markets ended mostly lion previously. growth skyrocketing by 178 per cent.
lower as investors were cautiously await- The ACE Market volume shrank to 2000s. Currently, there are four distinct The report also revealed that the United
Large blockbusters, movie releases and ways to monetise games: Subscription States (US), India, Mexico, the United
ing earnings reports and possible moves 650.69 million shares worth RM258.92 a healthy demand for leisure activities
on interest rate hikes by central banks. million versus 804.49 million shares Services, Rewarded Ads, Play & Earn and Kingdom and Germany are forecast to be
boosted its entertainment segment by 52 PCG. the top markets for PCG with the US, cur-
“On the domestic front, we expect worth RM288.37 million Tuesday. per cent y-o-y, while the mall group’s
trading to be muted moving forward,” he Consumer products and services “This shift highlights that publishers rently the largest gaming market in the
health and personal care segment are embracing new and innovative mod- world, is also leading the way in PCG, with
told Bernama. counters accounted for 259.52 million improved by 21 per cent y-o-y and fashion
He also foresees the FBM KLCI trend- shares traded on the Main Market, indus- els, while players are expecting new and an estimated value of US$3 billion in 2021.
by 24 per cent y-o-y. Additionally, the F&B inventive forms of interaction with their A collaborative effort between Mobile
ing sideways within the range of 1,420- trial products and services (742.58 mil- segment has emerged as one of the
1,430 towards the weekend. lion); construction (57.92 million); favourite games,” says Newzoo Head of Premier League (MPL), mobile eSports and
group’s top 20 sales categories. Consulting, Tony Habschmidt. digital gaming platform and Newzoo,
Heavyweights Maybank and Public technology (309.76 million); SPAC (nil), “This is in tandem with the growing
Bank eased one sen to RM8.69 and financial services (53.42 million); prop- According to a statement, PCG repre- leader in video game and gamer data, the
dominance of F&B categories in recent sents a novel competitive experience for report is based on a consulting analysis by
RM3.97, Petronas Chemicals lost 19 sen to erty (198.06 million); plantation (23.62 times where it occupies 25-30 per cent of
RM7.21, CIMB and CelcomDigi shed three million); REITs (11.32 million), everyday gamers, offering them myriad of Newzoo and a customised research con-
the total net lettable area. opportunities to compete in low to high ducted by the company in 2022 on 24,562
sen each to RM5.22 and RM4.43. closed/fund (33,000); energy (55.99 mil- “This trend is expected to expand fur-
Among the actives, Fitters Diversified lion); healthcare (203.95 million); stakes skill-based games against other play- respondents across 12 of the largest gam-

Cahya Mata S’wak outlook to positive

ther to 35-40 per cent in the near future,” ers worldwide, beyond traditional games. ing markets. –Bernama
was unchanged at five sen, Pharmaniaga telecommunications and media (95.70 said Chan.
gained 1.5 sen to 39 sen and Vinvest Cap- million); transportation and logistics Meanwhile, the mall group operator
ital rose one sen to 20 sen, while Hong (44.55 million); and utilities (59.60 mil-

Kenanga maintains its TIV forecast

has recognised several prevailing key
Seng eased half sen to 12.5 sen and MY lion). –Bernama headwind themes, including inflationary
pressure, labour market shortage, global KUALA LUMPUR: RAM Rating Services cial profile with segmental contribution
supply chain disruption, interest rate and Bhd (RAM Ratings) has revised the long- potentially reaching half of the group’s
tariff hikes which continue to drive busi- term ratings outlook on Cahya Mata earnings,” it said.
ness costs up and weigh heavily on margin Sarawak Bhd to positive from stable in Meanwhile, the credit rating agency
KUALA LUMPUR: Kenanga Investment Additionally, the attractive new car and profitability for the year. view of the group’s improving business said it expect the group to be a direct
Bank Bhd (Kenanga IB) has maintained models and stable new car prices (thanks However, it remains optimistic, given and financial profiles. beneficiary of the rise in Sarawak’s con-
its calendar year 2023 (CY23) total indus- to the deferment of new excise duty reg- its proven track record, strong branding In a statement, RAM Ratings said the struction activity and its sturdy foothold
try volume (TIV) forecast of 720,000 ulations), as well as potentially cheaper and network of retail partners, and had company’s new phosphates manufactur- in Sarawak’s cement industry would
units, underpinned by strong consumer hire purchase costs with the introduction continued its expansion mode with the ing division, Cahya Mata Phosphates directly benefit from the state’s contin-
confidence, supported by a stable econ- of the reducing balance method in the development of more retail space. Industries Sdn Bhd, has started commis- ued focus on infrastructure develop-
omy and a healthy job market. calculation of interest charges also con- The group said that it would conduct sioning production and would transition ment.
In a research note, the investment tributed to the forecast. an Asset Enhancement Initiative exercise to commercial operations by mid-2023. However, it said a lack of geographical
bank said the projection was also based “The industry’s total booking backlogs in Sunway Pyramid and Sunway Carnival, “The division is anticipated to become diversification and the group’s cyclical
on the affordability of motor vehicles on have held up at a fairly strong level of and revealed plans to build a mall with a a significant earnings contributor from core businesses are ratings moderators
the back of the recent pause in overnight 300,000 units compared to bookings of retail space of one million square feet in fiscal 2024 and will diversify the group’s but the rising prominence of Cahya Mata
policy rate (OPR) hikes by Bank Negara 350,000 units three months ago despite Sunway City Ipoh, which is expected to be current construction-focused business Phosphates’ earnings will reduce the
Malaysia (BNM). heavy deliveries. – Bernama completed by 2025. –Bernama profile and further strengthen its finan- exposure to these factors. – Bernama
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 Business 13
LONDON: UK inflation slowed last month The Bank of England has ramped up
but held above 10 percent on soaring food
prices, official data showed Wednesday,
UK inflation holds above 10pc on food prices interest rates 11 times in a row since late
2021 in a bid to tame consumer prices.
further fuelling a cost-of-living crisis The UK’s Conservative government, remains at a high level,” said ONS chief ready-meals and sauces, and hot bever- The BoE’s key rate currently stands at
despite a series of aggressive interest-rate headed by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, had economist Grant Fitzner. ages, the ONS said. 4.25 percent, the highest level since late
hikes. last month unveiled a budget aimed at The main downward impact was from “The cost of simply living has crept 2008.
The Consumer Prices Index rose by a tackling the cost-of-living crisis, which has falling motor fuel and heating oil costs, insidiously higher and wage increases are Yet inflation remains at more than five
stronger-than-expected 10.1 percent in sparked strikes as wages drop in value. while clothing, furniture and household struggling to keep pace with such high times its official target of two percent.
March from 10.4 percent in February, the “These figures reaffirm exactly why we goods rose by less than one year ago. inflation,” noted AJ Bell analyst Danni The central bank’s next decision is due
Office for National Statistics (ONS) said in must continue with our efforts to drive Fitzner cautioned that this was “par- Hewson. in May.
a statement. down inflation so we can ease pressure on tially offset by the cost of food, which is “UK consumers will be utterly fed up “The (inflation) drop is too modest for
Inflation held in double figures on families and businesses,” said finance min- still climbing steeply”. with the situation and they’ll be angry that the (BoE) to stop raising rates; we now
surging food and housing costs, dashing ister Jeremy Hunt. Food price inflation rocketed in March other parts of the world seem to be bene- look for a final 25 basis-point hike,” com-
expectations for a drop below 10 percent “We are on track to do this... and we’ll to 19.1 percent, hitting the highest level fiting from inflation falling much faster.” mented Pantheon Macroeconomics ana-
after the Bank of England sharply raised continue supporting people with cost-of- since August 1977. Hunt in March extended a subsidy on lyst Samuel Tombs.
borrowing costs. living support.” The food rate has hit a series of 45-year energy bills for a further three months, BoE governor Andrew Bailey recently
The rate had zoomed to a 41-year peak Despite the efforts, official data this peaks for several months. after the Ukraine conflict sent them surg- warned that policymakers needed to see
at 11.1 percent last October on sky-high week showed that pay continues to grow There were record March gains for ing—and fuelled runaway global inflation. inflation come down sharply before end-
energy bills after key gas producer Russia more slowly than prices. bread and cereal, chocolate and confec- The government forecasts inflation will ing its current monetary-tightening cycle.
invaded Ukraine. “Inflation eased slightly in March, but tionery, other food products including sink to 2.9 percent by the end of this year. –AFP

EU agrees plan to boost chip production

STRASBOURG (France): The European Par- to reduce its vulnerability to geopolitical chagrin.
liament and EU member states reached an shocks like the war in Ukraine. French-Italian chipmaker STMicroelec-
agreement on a plan to boost the supply When Russia invaded Ukraine last year, tronics, US-based GlobalFoundries and US
of semiconductors in Europe, as the bloc the EU scurried to find alternative energy tech giant Intel said last year they would
races to reduce its dependence on Asian sources after years of relying upon Russian pour billions into new production sites in
suppliers. fossil fuels. France and Germany. They will now be
The European Union has prioritised “This will allow us to rebalance and able to seek state subsidies for their proj-
local chip production after the coron- secure our supply chains, reducing our ects.
avirus pandemic triggered supply chain collective dependence on Asia,” Thierry Brussels is racing to protect the bloc’s
shocks that led to significant shortages. Breton, the EU’s industry commissioner, competitive edge in the face of threats
Asian industry, especially firms in said in a statement after the parliament from China and the United States, which
China and Taiwan, currently dominate the and the European Council reached an have ploughed billions into green technol-
manufacture and export of semiconduc- agreement. ogy.
tors. Europe was under pressure to act fast. Last month, the EU’s executive arm
EU chief Ursula von der Leyen said the In August, the United States approved published two proposals to push Europe
deal “will allow for a competitive chips its own Chips and Science Act that to produce more clean technology includ-
industry and build the foundation for a included around $52 billion to promote ing critical raw materials needed to man-
global market share. It will power a clean production of microchips and tens of bil- ufacture batteries for electric vehicles.
tech industry made in Europe and lions of dollars more for scientific research “Europe aims to become an industrial
Taiwan’s TSMC is the world’s biggest maker of computer chips. (Getty Images)
strengthen our digital resilience and sov- and development. powerhouse in the markets of the future—
ereignty.” for chips. component. Japan and South Korea have also vowed the digital and clean technologies that will
Under the provisional political agree- Europe will need to quadruple its pro- The EU will also mobilise 3.3 billion to spend billions on developing their allow us to remain a competitive export
ment, the EU aims to double its current duction to meet this target. euros for research and development, and countries’ semiconductor production. force, generate quality jobs and ensure our
global market share to 20 percent in 2030 Funding will come from existing EU the deal includes a system to monitor sup- Washington has leaned on allies security of supply,” Breton said.
and mobilise more than 43 billion euros budget money and the deal will also ply shortages to act in times of crisis. including Japan and the Netherlands this “Because there will be no green or digi-
($47.2 billion) in public and private invest- loosen state aid rules to spend money on The legislative text also forms part of year to curb exports on semiconductor tal transition without a strong manufac-
ments to feed Europe’s growing appetite developing centres to produce the key the bloc’s bid to produce more in Europe technology to China, much to Beijing’s turing base,” he added. –AFP

EasyJet hikes profit forecast on demand Volkswagen to invest $1.1b

LONDON: British airline EasyJet lifted its
annual profit forecast for the second time
guidance in January.
Tuesday’s news sent its share price soar-
Pre-tax losses are set to reach between
£405 million and £425 million in the six into new centre in China
this year as holidaymakers continue to ing 1.6 percent to 519.2 pence. months to March. HEFEI:Volkswagen will invest around 1 bil- R&D. It is expected to gradually shorten the
shrug off the uncertain economic climate. “EasyJet is flying high, gliding out of That would mark an improvement of lion euros (about US$ 1.1 billion) to estab- development time of new products and
EasyJet predicted in a trading update clouds of losses into profitable skies,” more than £120 million from its loss at the lish a new development, innovation and technologies by around 30 per cent.
that it will beat expectations of £260 mil- noted Hargreaves Lansdown analyst same stage last year. procurement centre in China, the Volkswa- “By consistently bundling development
lion ($322 million) for its financial year to Susannah Streeter. The carrier also revealed that first-half gen Group announced at the ongoing Auto and procurement capacities as well as inte-
September, citing “network transforma- “Sun is shining on its summer revenues surged 80 percent to £2.69 bil- Shanghai 2023. grating local suppliers at an early stage, we
tion, improved revenue capability and prospects with strong bookings already in lion, with passenger numbers swelling by The new centre, with the project name will significantly accelerate our develop-
strong demand” for travel. the bag.” more than a third to 15.6 million. 100 per centTechCo, will be set up in Hefei, ment pace.
“Whilst we remain mindful of the She added that consumers were clearly EasyJet had already been expected to capital of east China’s Anhui Province, “This will also strengthen the efficiency
uncertain macroeconomic outlook across prioritising travel and experiences over rebound into the black as the industry reported Xinhua. of cooperation for our joint venture and
the globe, based on current high levels of buying more stuff, having been denied the recovers from Covid fallout, having logged It will combine vehicles and compo- increase our profitability,” said Ralf Brand-
demand and strong bookings, EasyJet opportunity to vacation elsewhere during three annual losses in a row. nents research and development (R&D) staetter, chairman and CEO of Volkswagen
anticipates exceeding current market the pandemic. The aviation sector is flying high after a teams with purchasing, leverage synergies Group China. The establishment of 100 per
profit expectations,” it said, as it eyed EasyJet added on Tuesday that it had tumultuous period sparked by the deadly in the development process and integrate centTechCo is an important step of the
“strong” summer bookings. “significantly” improved its performance coronavirus crisis, which erupted in early state-of-the-art local technologies into company’s “in China, for China” strategy,
The airline, based in Luton north of in the first half of its financial year, when 2020 to ground flights, sparking huge product development at an early stage, the according to Brandstaetter.
London, had already upgraded its annual it traditionally suffers a loss. losses and job cuts. –AFP company said. Based in Hefei, Volkswagen Anhui is
The centre is expected to be launched in Volkswagen Group’s first joint venture in
early 2024 and will comprise more than China that focuses on the R&D and manu-
Glencore mulls higher United Airlines reports Q1 loss 2,000 employees from procurement and facturing of new energy vehicles. –Bernama
Teck Resources bid NEW YORK: United Airlines reported a Lines in touting a still-strong travel market
ZURICH: Swiss commodities giant Glencore
quarterly loss but offered a bullish summer
outlook in light of travel demand that it
as it eyes a busy summer travel season.
“We are watching the macroeconomic
Thais bid for stronger
told Teck Resources shareholders on said still shows no sign of ebbing. risks carefully, but demand remains strong,
Wednesday that it is willing to sweeten its
takeover offer after the Canadian miner’s
board rejected a previous proposal.
The major US carrier reported a first-
quarter loss of $194 million, despite a 51.1
especially internationally, where we are
growing at twice the domestic rate,” Kirby
global F&B presence
percent surge in revenues compared with said in an earnings press release. CHIANG MAI: Informa Markets Thailand angmai University here. Also at the press
Glencore already added an $8.2 billion the year-ago period to $11.4 billion. United projected second-quarter profits has inked a memorandum of understand- conference were the Federation of Thai
cash component to its original $22.5 billion But results were hit by higher costs, of $3.50 to $4.00 per share, in line with ana- ing (MoU) with the Food Innovation and Industries (FTI) chairman of the food pro-
all-share offer earlier this month, but it especially on salaries and for jet fuel. lyst estimates, and full-year profits above Packaging Centre (FIN) to enhance the cessing industry club Charoen Kaewsuksai
failed to sway Teck’s board. Still, United Chief Executive Scott Kirby analyst expectations. Shares rose 1.4 per- kingdom’s food and beverage (F&B) indus- and FIN director Dr Yuthana Phimolsiripol.
In a letter signed by Glencore chief exec- echoed comments from rival Delta Air cent to $43.66 in after-hours trading. –AFP try’s presence internationally. Rungphech said there are challenges to
utive Gary Nagle, the group said it was will-
Informa Markets is the world’s leading bringing the entrepreneurs to the food
ing to take the offer directly to shareholders
if the board would not engage. Goldman Sachs results hit by exhibitions organiser and FIN is an organi-
sation that provides academic services,
events and partners are needed to under-
stand the needs of the northern entrepre-
“In fact, we believe that with engage-
research and food innovation development. neurs and what technology they want to see
ment, we could improve our proposal’s
terms and value, which would be in the best
slowdown in corporate mergers Informa Markets Thailand regional port- or use.
folio director of Asean Rungphech Chi- “This is why we are working with FIN as
interests of all Teck shareholders,” the letter NEW YORK: A slowdown in corporate gan Chase, Citigroup and other large
tanuwat said the MoU is aimed at they have a lot of social responsibility to
said. transactions and weak trading results banks that benefited from a rise in interest
upgrading the F&B production and packag- develop and help as well as to support
Nagle wrote that Glencore was prepared weighed on Goldman Sachs’ first-quarter rates that allowed them to charge more for
ing industries to make Thailand a regional micro small and medium enterprises in F&B
to meet with the Teck board anytime and results this week, sending shares lower. loans in their vast consumer banking busi-
hub in Southeast Asia. development,” she said. At the same time,
anywhere to discuss the proposal. The big investment bank pointed to a nesses.
“The MoU is catered to attract entrepre- Rungphech noted that the situation with
“We urge Teck shareholders to take “significant decline in industry-wide com- Goldman’s results included a $470 mil-
neurs in northern Thailand to ProPak Asia the Covid-19 outbreak has improved and it
action to ensure that the Teck Board engage pleted mergers and acquisitions transac- lion loss connected to a partial sale of the
2023, the region’s top trade event for F&B, allows Informa Markets to push forward in
in bona fide negotiations regarding Glen- tions” and much lower revenues for loan portfolio of Marcus, a consumer
pharmaceutical processing and packaging terms of raising awareness with travelling
core’s proposal to see if this is a path for currency and commodities trading as driv- banking initiative Goldman launched in
technology, and also to the Food Ingredi- international groups.
Teck shareholders to maximise value from ers of the dip in profits. Net income came 2016 that has been largely phased down.
ents Asia 2023 (Fi Asia 2023) trade show. “Therefore, this year, we are pushing and
their Teck shares,” he added. in at $3.1 billion, down 19 percent from the On the positive side, Goldman scored
“ProPak Asia 2023 runs from June 14-17 supporting events that will help stimulate
Glencore, which is active in both com- year-ago period on a five percent drop in higher revenues in asset and wealth man-
and Fi Asia 2023 is from Sept 20-22. Both the growth of the meetings, incentives, con-
modity trading and mining, proposes to revenues to $12.2 billion, agement, thanks partly to the rise in pub-
events will be held in Bangkok,” she said ferences and exhibitions (Mice) industry, in
buy Teck and then create two new compa- The results came on the heels of a lic equity investments during a quarter in
during the Food Technology Events by line with governmental policy,” she said. –
nies specialised in metals and coal. – AFP stream of solid earnings reports by JPMor- which US stocks rallied. – AFP
Informa Markets press conference at Chi- Bernama

foreign closing report

HONG KONG: Markets were mixed on
Wednesday as traders tried to assess the
Federal Reserve’s next moves in the fight
Markets mixed as traders enter ‘defensive mode’ with eyes on Fed
against inflation, with some appearing to hiking cycle”. investors “not get too complacent” amid came in below par, pointing to an uneven London and Frankfurt were also down
adopt a “defensive” approach. That debate remained far from settled, the relative calm in markets. recovery, and weighing on most Asian in early trade, while Paris was flat.
More or less flat results in New York with some analysts warning that certain “A couple more hikes and then the next markets Tuesday. The FTSE sank after the release of new
offered global investors little direction, investors’ apparent confidence in coming thing is, ‘Well, what’s next?’ Are we gonna “The market has been very biased to dis- data showing UK inflation slowed less
leaving them to scrutinise mixed earnings rate cuts was misplaced. be facing a much bigger slowdown?” he count good news in China, but we think than expected to remain stubbornly above
reports for major US lenders. Fed officials themselves seemed split on said on Bloomberg Television. the improvement, mainly if inflation picks 10 percent last month.
Not even receding fears of a banking the way forward, with Atlanta bank boss Investors are also weighing the outlook up, will become harder to ignore over the “Inflation falling to 10.1 percent in
crisis coupled with optimism for a recov- Raphael Bostic happy for one more hike for the Chinese economy, with data Tues- coming months,” Innes said, pointing to “a March marks a bittersweet moment as
ery in the world’s second-biggest economy before holding rates above five percent for day showing it expanded a forecast-bust- continued reopening impulse, still-accom- markets had anticipated inflation to dip
were enough to give a meaningful boost a time, and St. Louis counterpart James ing 4.5 percent in January-March, the first modative macro policies and a low base” into the single digits for the first time since
to sentiment. Bullard favouring taking them as high as quarter it has been unencumbered by from the previous year. last summer,” said Srijan Katyal, global
Stephen Innes, of SPI Asset Manage- 5.5-5.75 percent. growth-sapping zero-Covid restrictions. Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, head of strategy and trading services at
ment, suggested in a note that, with little Borrowing costs are currently at 4.75-5 The jump was helped by a surge in Bangkok, Manila and Mumbai were all international brokerage ADSS.
to go on, “global traders have seemingly percent. retail sales in March, but while the read- down Wednesday, while Sydney, Seoul, “However, the decline in inflation is
moved into defensive mode as the debate Paul Mackel, global head of foreign- ings were healthy, other figures on indus- Wellington, Jakarta and Singapore were still welcome news for consumers across
goes on whether the Fed is at the top of its exchange research at HSBC, urged trial output and fixed-asset investment up. the country.” –AFP
14 Business TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3







Musk touts SAhAM AMANAh SAbAh
PhARMA 80,564,100 43.0 39.0 39.0 +1.5
new policy to bUyINg:

n gold prices

SNS 67,059,600 29.5 26.5 26.5 -1.5


MIAMI: Twitter head Elon Musk this
THE physical price of gold as at 5pm stood at
RM272.91 per gramme, down RM3.37 from
RM276.28 at 5pm Tuesday. – Bernama

UP dOWN UNChANgEd TRAdEd week attempted to reassure wary adver- n CLOSINg INdICES
fbMEMAS 10,475.80 ( - 64.00 )
tisers by hyping up the site’s newly
CONSUMER PROd & SERV 37 91 49 177
fbMKLCI 1,425.07 ( - 7.29 )
introduced content moderation policy
INd-PROd & SERVICES 49 98 89 236
against hateful material. CONSUMER PROdUCTS 576.66 ( - 4.70 )
TEChNOLOgy 9 31 12 52 Speaking at a meeting in Florida, the INdUSTRIAL PROdUCTS 172.37 ( - 2.00 )
SPAC 0 0 0 0 controversial billionaire outlined new CONSTRUCTION 161.52 ( - 0.60 )
fINANCIAL SERVICES 7 19 3 29 rules, first announced Monday, to limit fINANCIAL SERVICES 15,690.50 ( - 40.00 )
PROPERTy 26 43 29 98 the reach of tweets that do not conform ENERgy 860.19 ( - 7.00 )
PLANTATION 5 19 12 36 to the platform’s guidelines. TELECOMMUNICATIONS619.94 ( - 9.30 )
REIT 3 8 8 19 hEALTh CARE 1,791.39 ( - 48.00 )
CLOSEd ENd fUNd 1 0 0 1
“If somebody has something hateful
TRANSPORTATION 925.53 ( - 4.30 )
ENERgy 7 14 13 34
to say, it doesn’t mean he should have a let’s account as “state-affiliated media,”
PROPERTy 699.22 ( - 4.00 )
hEALTh CARE 1 13 3 17 icrophone,” the self-described free- branding it the same way as media in
PLANTATION 6,851.72 ( - 32.00 )
TELECOMMUNICATIONS/MEdIA 3 8 8 19 speech absolutist told gathered journal- authoritarian countries such as Russia
fbMShA 10,806.30 ( - 83.00 )
fbMACE 5,352.59 ( - 37.00 )
ists. or China.
UTILITIES 4 6 3 13
TEChNOLOgy 62.16 ( - 0.10 )
“He still should be able to say it, but The tag was later amended to read
STRCWARR 55 135 39 229 it needs to be not them pushing it on “government-funded media,” which
ACE-MKT 37 73 72 182
bONd&LOAN 1 2 0 3
people,” he added. was also applied to Britain’s BBC.
ETf 3 4 2 9 Under the new policy, unveiled in a Following the row, Canada’s n INTERbANK RATES
LEAP-MKT 1 1 2 4 blog post titled “Freedom of Speech, CBC/Radio-Canada and Swedish public
Not Reach,” Twitter will soon begin tag- radio Sveriges Radio (SR) also quit the
265 597 374 1,236 ging posts whose visibility has been lim- social network.
ited. The drama came against the back- 1M 2M 3M 6M 9M 12M
2.96 3.35 3.55 3.66 - 3.79
n bURSA dERIVATIVES ExChANgE The labels will “bring a new level of drop of the rollout of yet another con-
SIbOR (S$) SIbOR (US$) hIbOR (hK$)
transparency to enforcement actions,” tentious new policy, as Twitter has said
KUALA LUMPUR COMPOSITE INdEx fUTURES the blog post said. that starting April 20, it will only grant 1M – 2.86619
CONTRACT CLOSINg: APR 19 “Tweets with these labels will be its famous blue checkmark to accounts 2M – 3.28071
made less discoverable on the platform. that pay for its Twitter Blue service. 3M – 3.54714
Additionally, we will not place ads According to analyst Jasmine Enberg 6M – 4.01095
12M – 4.29006
adjacent to content that we label.” at market research firm Insider Intelli-
APR-23 4,921 34,044 1431.5 1432.5 1422.0 1422.5 1422.5 Since purchasing the so-called bird gence, Twitter’s revenue is set to drop 28
MAy-23 258 583 1433.0 1433.0 1423.0 1423.0 1423.0 app in a rollercoaster $44 billion deal percent this year, because “advertisers
JUN-23 37 790 1432.5 1433.0 1425.0 1425.0 1425.0 last year, Musk has sharply reined in don’t trust Musk.” n RINggIT WATCh
SEP-23 39 520 1420.5 1423.0 1415.0 1415.0 1415.0
content moderation on the platform, But for Musk, the ability to tinker
allowing the return of many users who with Twitter’s protocol might be worth ThE ringgit ended marginally lower against the
US dollar on Wednesday, and is seen trapped in
3-MONTh KLIbOR fUTURES CLOSINg: APR 19 had been banned for posting tweets the financial risk of spooking advertis-
a sideways channel, said bank Muamalat Malaysia
bhd chief economist Mohd Afzanizam Abdul
that incite hate or spread misinforma- ers.
MONTh OPEN hIgh LOW SETTLE VOL OPEN tion. “It’s totally cool to say that you want Rashid.
PRICE POSITION At the same time, he also reduced to have your advertisement appear in At 6pm, the local note depreciated to
APR-23 - - - 96.45 - - the company’s workforce from more certain places in Twitter and not in 4.4385/4435 against the greenback from Tuesday’s
closing rate of 4.4315/4360.
MAy-23 - - - 97.23 - -
than 7,500 to fewer than 2,000 employ- other places,” Musk said.
ees. “But it’s not cool to try to say what “There are not many supporting catalysts for
JUN-23 - - - 97.23 - - Last week, US public radio NPR said you can do or not do. And if that means the ringgit and at the same time, market senti-
SEPT-23 - - - 97.23 - - it was quitting Twitter after the site Twitter loses hundreds of thousands of ments are inclined towards the US dollar as it
seems to suggest that the federal Reserves (fed)
dEC-23 - - - 97.23 - -

More hikes may be appropriate: ECB

labeled the highly respected news out- dollars, we’ll lose it,” he said. –AFP
will deliver a 25 basis points hike in the fed fund
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - Rate during the federal Open Market Committee
JUN-24 - - - 97.23 - - meeting in May.
“This is expected to lift the value of the US
SEPT-24 - - - 97.23 - -
dollar in the immediate term,” he told bernama.
dEC-24 - - - 97.23 - - FRANKFURT (Germany): More eurozone extended period,” said Lane, according Meanwhile, the Ministry of Investment, Trade
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - interest rate increases will be appropri- to a speech posted on the ECB website. and Industry (Miti) announced that Malaysia’s
exports fell 1.4 per cent year-on-year in March
JUN-25 - - - 97.23 - - ate to tame high inflation if conditions Eurozone inflation skyrocketed after
after staging a strong growth of 9.8 per cent in
SEP-25 - - - 97.23 - - remain as expected, the European Cen- Russia invaded Ukraine in February last
the preceding month.
dEC-25 - - - 97.23 - - Mohd Afzanizam said this indicates that
tral Bank’s chief economist said year, and cut off key gas supplies to
Wednesday. Europe. Malaysia’s external sector is likely to remain soft
MAR-25 - - - 97.23 - - The ECB has hiked rates by 3.5 per- In March, consumer prices in the and the domestic demand would have to do the
JUN-26 - - - 97.23 - - centage points since July last year in an eurozone rose by 6.9 percent on an heavy lifting in order to ensure the overall growth
SEP-26 - - - 97.23 - - unprecedented campaign of monetary annual basis, down from 8.5 percent in to reach the targeted growth of four per cent to
dEC-26 - - - 97.23 - - tightening to bring soaring consumer February. five per cent this year.
Meanwhile, the ringgit was traded mixed
MAR-26 - - - 97.23 - -
prices under control. But that is still far above the ECB’s
The central bank holds its next meet- two-percent target, and policymakers against a basket of major currencies.
JUN-27 - - - 97.23 - - ing on May 4 and, with inflation in the have voiced concerns that core infla- It edged up vis-a-vis the euro to 4.8508/8563
SEP-27 - - - 97.23 - - 20-nation currency club slowing, all eyes tion—excluding volatile energy and from 4.8631/8681 on Tuesday, it rose against the
Japanese yen to 3.2919/2959 from 3.3046/3082 on
dEC-27 - - - 97.23 - - are on whether policymakers will imple- food costs—remains stubbornly high. Tuesday’s close and it was unchanged versus the
MAR-27 - - - 97.23 - - ment another hike, and by how much. At its last meeting in March, the ECB british pound at 5.5100/5162 from Tuesday’s
Chief economist Philip Lane said that lifted rates half a percentage point, as 5.5101/5157. The local note also traded mixed
TOTAL OPEN INTEREST : NIL CTRS TOTAL TURNOVER : NIL LOTS “it will be appropriate to raise rates fur- expected, despite calls to slow or pause against Asean currencies.
ther” if the “baseline scenario” underly- tightening in response to turmoil in the It strengthened against the Indonesian rupiah
ing the ECB’s most recent forecasts in banking sector. at 296.1/296.8 from 298.5/299.0 on Tuesday,
bURSA MALAySIA dERIVATIVES ExChANgE: APR 19 March holds. The collapse of three US regional appreciated versus the Thai baht to 12.8719/8917
ThE CRUdE PALM OIL fUTURES CLOSINg (ALL PRCS ARE IN RM/MT) Markets and surveys by the central lenders and the takeover of Credit Suisse from 12.9228/9416, unchanged against the Philip-
bank also expect that borrowing costs by Swiss rival UBS sparked turbulence pine peso at 7.89/7.91 from 7.89/7.90 and strength-
dEL OPEN hIgh LOW LAST SETTLE VOLUME OPEN “will rise further in the near term and on markets, but fears of a wider finan- ened against the Singapore dollar at 3.3190/3230
MONTh (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) POSIITON will remain at elevated levels for an cial crisis have since eased. –AFP
from 3.3265/3301 Tuesday. – bernama

MAy-23 4132 4183 4073 4073 N/A 1991 12,920

JUN-23 3920 3974 3863 3885 N/A 8,301 44,267
JUL-23 3780 3820 3721 3730 N/A 30,183 81,559 dAILy dEALER PURChASE PRICE Of COCOA ExChANgE RATES ISSUEd by MALAyAN bANKINg bhd: APR 19
AUg-23 3712 3750 3650 3659 N/A 7,860 36,345 bOARd ON WEdNESdAy, APR 19 2023 SELLINg bUyINg bUyINg
SEP-23 3687 3705 3625 3638 N/A 8,769 32,342 SMC 1 SMC 2 SMC 3 1 US dollar 4.4940 4.3580 4.3620
hIgh LOW hIgh LOW hIgh LOW hIgh LOW
OCT-23 3667 3700 3615 3629 N/A 4,041 13,705 1 Australian dollar 3.0440 2.9220 2.9090
NOV-23 3667 3696 3613 3627 N/A 4279 19,382 TAWAU 175 175 8950 8950 8750 8750 – – 1 brunei dollar 3.3700 3.2720 3.2620
1 Canadian dollar 3.3520 3.2610 3.2500
dEC-23 3678 3678 3612 3627 N/A 3461 13,948 TENOM 170 170 8950 8950 8750 8750 – – 1 Euro 4.9380 4.7780 4.7600
JAN-24 3673 3673 3618 3634 N/A 1262 6,376 MUAR – – – – – – – – 1 New Zealand dollar 2.8040 2.6990 2.6740
1 Papua N guinea Kina N/A N/A N/A
TOTAL OPEN POSITION : 270,997 CTRS JERANTUT – – – – – – – –
1 Singapore dollar 3.3700 3.2720 3.2620
TOTAL TURN OVER : 71,352 LOTS RAUb – – 9050 9050 8850 8850 – – 1 Sterling Pound 5.5920 5.4130 5.4030
MARKET TONE : LOWER KUChINg – – 8450 8450 8250 8250 – – 1 Swiss franc 4.9990 4.8820 4.8740
100 UAE dirham 123.8000 117.3300 117.2200
SARIKEI – – 8450 8450 8250 8250 – –
MPOb PALM OIL PRICES (RM/MT): APR 19 NOTE : PRELIMINARy PRICES UP TO 4.30 P.M. NT – 100 bangladesh Taka 4.3050 4.0370 3.7850
APRIL MAy JUNE SIbU – – 8450 8450 8250 8250 – – 100 Chinese Renminbi 65.5000 62.9000 N/A
CPO (LOCAL dELIVEREd) 4,273.00 4,300.00 NT TRAdEd fIRM dUE TO STRONgER SOybEAN OIL 100 danish Krone 67.9300 62.4900 62.0600
PK (Ex-MILL) NT 2,080.00 NT PRICES ON ChINA’S dALIAN COMMOdITy n RUbbER 100 hongkong dollar 57.8600 54.9600 54.7900
CPKO (LOCAL dELIVEREd) NT NT NT ExChANgE ALSO SUPPORTEd by WEAKER SMR CLOSINg PRICES (SEN/Kg): APR 19 100 Indian Rupee 5.5700 5.2200 5.0300
Rbd P. OIL (fOb) NT NT NT MALAySIAN RINggIT AgAINST ThE U.S. dOLLAR. TONE Of MARKET: QUIETLy STEAdy 100 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0313 0.0283 0.0234
Rbd P. OLEIN (fOb) NT NT NT CPO dELIVERy PRICES TRAdEd bETWEEN MAy SELLER’S OffER PRICE SEN/Kg US CENTS/Kg 100 Japanese yen 3.3550 3.2480 3.2390
Rbd P. STEARIN (fOb) NT NT NT RM4,200/TONNE ANd RM4,300/TONNE. – bERNAMA 100 New Taiwan dollar 15.8000 N/A N/A
SMR CV – 836.00 / 191.75
100 Norwegian Krone 44.0600 40.5100 40.2900
SMR L – 826.00 / 189.45
dAILy ffb REfERENCE PRICE SUMMARy 100 Pakistan Rupee 1.6100 1.5100 1.3100

by REgION (RM/TONNE) APR 19 SMR 5 – 616.50 / 141.40 100 Philippine Peso 8.1200 7.6500 7.4700
100 Qatar Riyal 124.5200 118.2100 118.0500
SMR 10 – 606.50 / 139.10
dATE NORTh SOUTh CENTRAL EAST COAST SAbAh* SARAWAK* 100 Saudi Riyal 121.1100 114.9700 114.8700
gRAdE gRAdE gRAdE gRAdE gRAdE gRAdE SMR 20 – 604.50 / 138.65 100 South Africa Rand 25.6700 23.1800 22.7800
RM/ 1% OER 43.86 44.41 44.28 43.94 39.86 40.47 100 Sri Lanka Rupee 1.4500 1.3200 1.1000
Note : OER - Oil Extraction Rate (Kadar Perahan Minyak) * Sandakan, Lahad datu and Tawau 100 Swedish Krona 44.9500 40.9200 40.5800
NT - No Trade ** Miri and bintulu. (WET): SELLERS LATEx IN bULK:489.50 100 Thai baht 13.6900 12.1400 11.6800
Ph - Public holiday
PEOPLE & PLACES TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 15

Netflix subscribers at record high, password crackdown coming

16 ‘Time doesn’t heal’
SAN FRANCISCO: Netflix said that its num-
ber of subscribers hit a record high 232.5
million in the first quarter of the year and
that its nascent ad-supported tier was far- Netflix has dabbled with “borrower” or And while a new ad-subsidized sub- alienating subscribers. on a connected TV or a viral clip on a
ing well. “shared” accounts in a few markets, but scription tier at Netflix is in its early days, “This account sharing initiative helps smartphone,” Insider Intelligence princi-
The streaming television giant reported plans to roll them out in the United States engagement is above initial expectations us have a larger base of potential paying pal analyst Paul Verna said in a release.
a quarterly profit of $1.3 billion, in line and elsewhere this month, co-chief execu- and Netflix has seen “very little switching members and grow Netflix long term,” Netflix and YouTube are “neck and
with expectations, but said it had delayed tive Greg Peters said in a streamed earn- from our standard and premium plans.” said co-chief executive Ted Sarandos. neck” leaders when it comes to digital
a broad crackdown on sharing of account ings interview. Market tracker Insider Intelligence For the first time ever, US adults will video audience attention, according to
passwords “to improve the experience for Netflix said it is taking time to make forecast that Netflix will bring in $770 mil- spend more time this year watching digi- Insider Intelligence.
members.” Netflix said it expects to begin sure subscribers have seamless access to lion in ad revenue from the new tier this tal video on platforms such as Netflix, Tik- Netflix planned to continue spending
rolling out its options for paid password the service away from home or on various year, and that revenue figure will top $1 Tok and YouTube than viewing traditional about $17 billion annually on shows and
sharing this quarter instead. devices such as tablets, TVs or smart- billion next year. television, Insider Intelligence has fore- films, with that amount perhaps climbing
“It’s clear that the company wants to phones. “We learned from this last set of As growth at Netflix cooled last year, cast. The market tracker expects “linear after next year. “Netflix subscriber growth
manage any fallout from the new strat- launches about some improvements we the Silicon Valley based streaming com- TV” to account for less than half of daily shows that the streaming wars are still on,”

Ostlund on jury duty and

egy,” said Third Bridge analyst Jamie Lum- can do,” Peters said. pany focused on creating a lower priced viewing for the first time ever. said analyst Lumley.
ley. That means some membership and “It was better to take a little bit of extra subscription tier with advertising. “This milestone is driven by people “The company is ahead of where it was
revenue benefits resulting from the move time to incorporate those learnings and Netflix also set out to nudge people spending more and more time watching this time last year but still clearly facing
were postponed, Netflix said in a letter to make this transition as smooth as possible watching for free with shared passwords video on their biggest and smallest the pressure from all the players in this
shareholders. for members.” to begin paying for the service without screens, whether it’s an immersive drama crowded space.” – AFP

next ‘history-making’ film

Koller auction
house director
Cyril Koller
gestures next
to the skull of
‘Trinity’ prior
to the sale of
the skeleton
ALMA (Spain): Swedish director sequence in “Triangle of Sadness”.
Ruben Ostlund vowed to keep his ego He shares the Cannes organisers’ devo- of the Tyran-
in check as jury head in Cannes, and tion to the theatrical experience – arguing nosaurus-Rex
by Koller auc-
also told AFP why his next film may cause that cinemas play an even more important
tion house in
the biggest walkout in the festival’s history. social role in the smartphone era.
Ostlund spoke to AFP in the garden of “You could say that the most important
his townhouse on the Spanish island of time of cinema is today because it’s one of
Majorca about his excitement over leading the few rooms where we are watching

Trinity the T-Rex claws in more than $6m

the jury at the world’s most prestigious things together. All other content, we con-
film festival next month. sume it by ourself in front of an individual
It comes just a year after he won its top screen,” he said. Ostlund takes on the role
prize Palme d’Or for a second time for his as jury chief exactly half a century after
biting class satire “Triangle of Sadness”. legendary fellow Swede Ingrid Bergman
Among the filmmakers he will be judg- had the honour. ZURICH (Switzerland): A composite Tyran- between 2008 and 2013 from the Hell
ing is another two-time winner – 86-year- The other members of the jury have yet to nosaurus rex skeleton called Trinity, made Creek and Lance Creek formations in Mon-
old Ken Loach – and Ostlund promised to be announced, but they will have a particu- up of bones from three different T-Rexes, tana and Wyoming.
be scrupulously democratic if the Brit’s lat- larly illustrious bunch of directors to judge, sold for 5.5 million Swiss francs ($6.1 mil- The sites are known for the discoveries
est, “The Old Oak”, seduces the jury. including other previous winners such as lion) in a rare auction on Tuesday. of two other significant T-Rex skeletons
“If it’s the best film we are going to give Japan’s Hirokazu Kore-eda, Germany’s Wim Estimated to be 65 to 67 million years that have gone to auction.
it the Palme,” he said, adding with a laugh: Wenders and Italy’s Nanni Moretti. old, the skeleton was sold at the Koller auc- “Sue” went under the hammer in 1997
“I will definitely work very hard to get over Cannes “is one of the few arenas where tion house in Zurich after being shipped for $8.4 million, before “Stan” took the
my own egoistic goals of being the first you feel – okay, money plays a role, but you from the United States in nine giant crates. world-record hammer price of $31.8 mil-
director with three Golden Palmes.” can’t buy your position in competition,” Trinity fetched a hammer price of 4.8 lion at Christie’s in 2020.
As soon as jury duty is over, the 49-year- Ostlund said. million Swiss francs, rising to 5.5 million On Trinity, vertebrate palaeontologist
old will be back to work on his next proj- “You can have, like, a small Iranian film with the buyer’s premium added on. Thomas Holtz – who is against the sale of
ect, “The Entertainment System is Down”, done by a 19-year-old director who is mak- The skeleton was put up for sale by an such specimens – told AFP it was “mislead-

Ostlund poses at his house in Campos,

about a group of plane passengers who ing a film on a (digital) camera next to anonymous US private individual and had ing” and “inappropriate... to combine mul-

on the Balearic island of Mallorca.

discover they have nothing to distract really, really big budget movies, and these been expected to fetch between five and tiple real bones from different individuals
them on a 17-hour flight. two films must be evaluated equally.” eight million Swiss francs. to create a single skeleton.”
“I actually have a goal with the film going to be very, very frustrated,” he said, Cannes is seen as favouring past win- It was bought by a private European Just over half of the bone material in
which is that I’m going to create the still chuckling. “I want to create history.” ners in its selection, but Ostlund remains collector of modern art and dinosaur the skeleton comes from the three Tyran-
biggest walkout in the history of the Ostlund lives for these awkward shared modest about his own prospects of return- relics. nosaurus specimens – above the 50 per
Cannes Film Festival,” he said, laughing. moments. His films take an excruciating ing to the competition. Auctioneer Cyril Koller said it was the cent level needed for experts to consider
The plan is to include an unbroken 10- but hilarious look at middle class foibles “They are going to pay respect to my third T-Rex skeleton ever sold at auction, such a skeleton as high quality.
minute scene of a child having to wait for as in his previous Palme winner about the next film and definitely consider it... But if and the first in Europe. Holtz, of the University of Maryland,
his turn on an iPad. art world, 2017’s “The Square”, and whack it’s not a good film, it’s not going to be “It was a wonderful auction because we remained sceptical, insisting that Trinity
“When they start to realise that this is a audiences with near-unbearable scenes competition,” he said. “I don’t think that showed Trinity for two-and-a-half weeks in “really isn’t a ‘specimen’ so much as it is an

Baldwin film ‘Rust’

the concert hall in Zurich. And so more art installation”.

AI-generated song imitating Drake

real-time shot, I think a lot of people are like the extended vomiting-and-pooping Cannes is loyal to anyone.” – AFP
than 30,000 visitors came and admired He also took issue with auctions of sig-

to resume filming
Trinity; a lot of children,” he told AFP. nificant dinosaur skeletons and other fos-

yanked from streaming services

Koller voiced optimism that although sils, which have raked in tens of millions
the skeleton had been sold to a private of dollars in recent years.
buyer, it would remain on public display. Experts have warned such trade could
“I’m 100 percent sure we will see Trinity be harmful to science by putting the spec-
LOS ANGELES: Filming will resume this in the future somewhere again,” he said. imens in private hands and out of the
week on Alec Baldwin’s “Rust,” producers The skeleton measures 3.9-metres high, reach of researchers.
MONTREAL: A new song created using side of artists, fans and human creative 11.6 metres long and 2.65 metres wide. But Christian Link of Koller stressed
AI software to imitate Canadian singers expression, or on the side of deep fakes, said, some 18 months after it was halted by
the fatal on-set shooting of the movie’s As its name suggests, Trinity is made up that 95 per cent of known T-Rexes are cur-
Drake and The Weeknd has been fraud and denying artists their due of bones from three dinosaurs – excavated rently in museums. –AFP
removed from streaming services after compensation,” the company said in an cinematographer.
quickly racking up millions of listens email to AFP. Hollywood star Baldwin was holding a
and sparking debate over the new tech- In March, UMG wrote to streaming Colt .45 gun during rehearsals for the film
nology. platforms, including Spotify and Apple, in the southwestern state of New Mexico
Released last Friday, “Heart On My asking them to block AI services from when it discharged, killing Halyna Hutchins
Sleeve” was briefly available on plat- extracting melodies and lyrics from and wounding director Joel Souza.
forms including Spotify and Apple their copyrighted songs, according to Baldwin was charged with manslaugh-
Music before Universal Music Group emails viewed by the Financial Times. ter, and has pleaded not guilty.
(UMG) With streaming services moving Principal photography will resume this
which publishes both artists through quickly to take down the most recent Thursday at a new location in the northern
its Republic Records subsidiary – said it viral song, UMG told AFP on Tuesday it US state of Montana.
violates copyrights and asked for its was “encouraged by the engagement of “The production will continue to utilize
removal. our platform partners on these issues – union crew members and will bar any use
The song features artificial intelli- as they recognize they need to be part of of working weapons and any form of
gence (AI) simulating the voices of the the solution.” ammunition,” said Melina Spadone, attor-
two artists trading verses about actor “These instances demonstrate why ney for Rust Movie Productions, in a state-
and pop star Selena Gomez, who once platforms have a fundamental legal and ment to AFP. “Live ammunition is – and
dated The Weeknd. ethical responsibility to prevent the use always was – prohibited on set.”
Its creator, known only as @ghost- of their services in ways that harm Producers announced in February that
writer, claims to have used software that artists,” the statement added. the low-budget Western would resume
was trained on their voices to make the The use of AI in music is the subject production this spring, with the deceased
track, posting: “I used AI to make a of debate in the industry, with some cinematographer’s widower, Matthew
Drake song feat. The Weeknd.” denouncing copyright abuses and oth- Hutchins, serving as an executive producer.
“This is just the beginning,” he added ers praising its prowess. Baldwin agreed to terms with the New
on TikTok. David Guetta recently used AI to add Mexico court that will allow him to com-
Universal Music Group, which con- a vocal in the style of rapper Eminem to plete filming of the movie, including a ban
trols about one third of the global a song for a live show. But the French on his using guns or drinking alcohol.
music industry, is increasingly con- producer said he won’t release it com- Director Souza, who is also returning,
cerned about AIs using its songs to pro- mercially. said in a statement at the time: “Though
duce music similar to that of popular In an interview with the BBC, Guetta bittersweet, I am grateful that a brilliant
artists. compared AI to instruments such as the and dedicated new production team join-
Training AI software without artists’ electric guitar, bass synthesizer, drum ing former cast and crew are committed to Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller
permission “begs the question as to machine and sampler that led to musi- completing what Halyna and I started.” grids should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column

which side of history all stakeholders in cal revolutions including rock ‘n’ roll “My every effort on this film will be should contain the number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.

(Solution below)

Man arrested after bathing in rhino pen

the music ecosystem want to be on: the and hip hop. – AFP devoted to honoring Halyna’s legacy and

making her proud. It is a privilege to see

this through on her behalf.”
A documentary will also be made, cov-
ering Halyna Hutchins’s life and the com-

is moral
WELLINGTON: A man was arrested at a spokesperson said. pletion of the film.
New Zealand zoo on Wednesday after he The man was said to be in the water “for Both Baldwin – a co-producer as well as
broke into an enclosure and took a a number of minutes” before responding lead actor – and the film’s armorer Hannah

leisurely bath in a moat next to “startled” to instructions by zoo staff to get out of the Gutierrez-Reed, who was responsible for
rhinos and antelopes. moat and return to the visitor’s path. the weapon on set, are facing charges of
Social media footage of the incident in He was escorted off the premises and voluntary manslaughter.
Auckland Zoo showed the man floating on handed to the police. Zoo director Kevin If found guilty, they face up to 18
his back, before washing his face and rins- Buley said he was “very relieved” that there months in jail and a $5,000 fine. A weeks-
ing his hair. were no injuries to the animals or visitors long preliminary hearing is set to begin in
The enclosure is home to rhinos and of the zoo as a result of the incident. early May. – george henry Lewes
nyalas, a breed of spiral-horned antelope. “We hope that the man involved gets Baldwin, 65, has repeatedly said he was
The animals “were understandably star- the help and support that he very clearly told by the crew that the gun was not
tled by the intruder”, an Auckland Zoo needs,” he added. – AFP loaded. – AFP
‘Time doesn’t heal’
16 People & Places TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

YIV (Ukraine): Olga Slyshyk
began to fear the worst in January

aries Mar 20 - april 19

this year when her husband,

Ukraine’s war widows count the cost

Mykhailo, a military engineer serving on
the front line in eastern Ukraine, didn’t
contact her on her birthday. Happily, you’re receiving a range offers and
It wasn’t unusual for the 40-year-old new ideas, and it’s likely to continue, well into

{Time does not heal.

trained lawyer to be offline for days at a next week. However, these require a lot of
time, but Slyshyk knew he would reach detailed thought and analysis. Tempting as it is
to ignore such matters, and hope things will

you just get used to it.

out – one way or another – on January 14
if he was alive and well. work out, they’ll only become more compli-
cated. The sooner you tackle these, the better.

you accept it. you learn

“I was sure he would call or find some
taurus apr 20 - May 20
way to congratulate me. But I had had a

to live with it. And that

very bad dream and I already knew some-
thing was wrong,” she told AFP in Kyiv
As a Taurus, you sometimes complain about

pain just becomes

wearing black and holding her two-year-
tricky situations or even difficult individuals, but
old son Viktor.
do nothing about them. While, mostly, it’s
“On January 15, I found out he had

a part of you|
because you’d rather keep things as they are,
you’re also stumped by certain persistent
More than one year after Moscow issues. Discuss these frankly with those
invaded, Slyshyk is among a growing involved. They may be struggling with exactly
number of women widowed by Russian weeping from frustration, and I cry out: the same concerns.
forces and left to count the cost of
geMini May 21 - Jun 20
‘Misha, I’m not even able to do this’ and
Ukraine’s determination to hold out and then suddenly, it opens.”
push Moscow’s invasion back. Daria Mazur, 41, said she learned of
Neither side has disclosed the exact her husband’s death in 2014 from Others envy your ability, as a Gemini, to come
figures of troops killed, though recently graphic pictures of his bloodied corpse up with and find a clever solution for problems
leaked US intelligence documents sug- published on Russian media after fierce as puzzling as they are unexpected. While these
gest as many as 17,500 Ukrainian service- fighting with Kremlin-backed sepa- are bound to make sense to you, certain indi-
men have been lost. ratists. viduals will need to know what you have in
Slyshyk said a social media group for He was killed while withdrawing from mind and their role in your plans, and soon.
war widows she joined had more than
cancer June 21 - Jul 21
Ilovaisk, an infamous and costly chapter
Ukrainian Olga Slyshyk poses during an interview with AFP journalists in Kyiv.
300 members after her husband was of the conflict for Ukraine that saw hun-
killed defending Soledar in the eastern dreds killed that August as Kyiv troops
Donetsk region, but it had doubled in been in vain. in Mariupol – a port city besieged and pulled back in the face of advancing pro- You sometimes complain about those who’re
size since. “They will remain forever at battle. But captured by Russian forces last spring – Russian forces. amazingly practical, but who forget about sim-
President Volodymyr Zelensky last they live on in the memory of their rela- said she often evokes the memory of her “Time does not heal. You just get used ple, everyday, thoughtfulness. The real problem
August hosted widows and their children to it. You accept it. You learn to live with is, while these matter to you, as a considerate
tives,” he said, greeting mourning killed husband.
at an honours ceremony to reassure next it. And that pain just becomes a part of Cancerian, not everybody cares about them
women and their children one by one. “All the time. Both in my head and
of kin their loved ones’ sacrifice had not and, in fact, some don’t even notice. Keep that

Thirty-year-old Slyshyk, who was born aloud. I’ll be unable to open a tin can, you,” she told AFP in her kitchen in Kyiv,
in mind. It will make life a lot easier.
next to pictures showing her husband
smiling with their child in his arms.
leo Jul 22 - aug 22
They met on a beach in 2006, fell in
love and married in 2010 in the southern Everybody has dreams about amazing offers
region of Kherson, where Mazur fled that appear from out of the blue. However, judg-
from when Russia invaded last February. ing by the current stunning planetary setup,
Her home town is currently occupied by that’s exactly what’s coming your way. While
Russian forces. certain of these won’t be anything new, a few
She said her final conversations with could be as unexpected as they are thrilling. Go
her husband, Pavlo, who was 30 when he for them. You won’t regret it.

virgo aug 23 - sep 22

was killed, betrayed a sense of forebod-
ing. He knew the situation was precari-
“He told me: ‘please promise me that Understandably, you’re eager to say farewell to
no matter what happens to me, you will certain increasingly troublesome arrangements.
be happy,’” she recounted to AFP. The problem? In the past these weren’t just
“These guys are giving their lives so we meaningful, you and others accomplished a
can live on,” she added, referring to great deal. You’d like to do that again. You can.
Ukrainian servicemen fighting now. The secret? Be patient. Within weeks, if not

It was precisely this need to go on that days, golden opportunities will appear, and out
pushed Oksana Borkun, who also lost her of nowhere.

libra sep 23 - oct 22

husband to the Russian invasion, to cre-
ate “We Have to Live,” an organisation
that supports widows – the same group
that Slyshyk joined. Although every sign is influenced by Mercury’s
Borkun said that while the govern- retrograde cycle, which begins on the 21st, the
ment offers financial and psychological fact it accents discussions with those closest
support, she wanted to go a step further. could lead to timely, if surprising, break-
“The girls face a huge amount of pain. throughs. The secret? If these becomes tense,
You can say it’s possible to go crazy from back off. Say you’re happy to wait. The lack of
it. Life is going on around you, and you pressure will improve others’ mood, and yours
want to talk to those who understand.” as well.
The organisation gathers money for scorpio oct 23 - nov 21
widows, offers logistical and moral sup-
port, too, but chiefly it provides a plat-
Over the past month or so, you sidestepped
form – mainly online – for already nearly
even mentioning certain tricky matters. While
one thousand widows country-wide to that seemed wise at the time, now you’re facing
share. a range of dilemmas, each of which needs
For Slyshyk, her husband’s family has attention. Get others involved. While, initially,

proven a stronger pillar of support than you’ll be hesitant, within a short time you’ll be
her own. impressed by their knowledge and suggestions.
Her mother, who is also a widow of
two years, lives in Donetsk, a pro-Russian sagitarius nov 22 - dec 20
stronghold city captured by separatists
in 2014 and does not support Ukraine in Exciting, and fast-paced, as recent discussions
the war. have been, they’ve only added to the confusion
The fact they have both lost their hus- about pivotal matters. However, this is a period
bands has not brought them together, of ongoing and, often, exciting change. Know-
she said. ing that, regard any plans you make as more
Months after Mykhailo’s death, of an experiment than anything meant to be
Slyshyk is torn when weighing whether lasting. It will make life a lot easier.

capricorn dec 21 - Jan 19

his sacrifice was worth it.
“He said he was going there for me
and Viktor,” she recounted, explaining
her husband believed Ukraine had no Usually you spot worthwhile changes immedi-
choice but to fight back and win. ately. However, at the moment, the line between
“But if you want me to be safe, to be welcome changes versus those you’d be mak-
ok, I need you by my side, not somewhere ing to keep others happy is unclear. The solu-
else,” she added, swallowing back tears. tion? Do something out of character, and make
“For now, I’m emotionally conflicted”. tentative plans. This will enable you to ride out
– AFP the twists and turns coming your way.

aquaris Jan 20 - feb 17

You’ve got a friend in Me
Every New Moon brings a fresh perspective on
42. Pat lightly certain matters. The recent one was especially
43. *Passageway for Santa (letters 4-6) timely, because it accented clashes regarding
ACROSS shellfish, say?) 47. Appear to be tensions you’ve managed to live with, but never
1.Went away 25. Berry in a trendy bowl 49. Vine or Wall
5.Versatile blackjack card 26. *Seat separator (letters 3-5)
resolved. Unappealing as the idea of discussing
51. “___ you sure?”
8. Apple throwaway 28. Oil-drilling structure them is, once you begin, you’ll realise what a
52. Bird in “Looney Tunes”
12.Tiptop 30. URL ending for Wikipedia 54. World Cup chant good idea it is.

pisces feb 18 - Mar 19

13.Place down 31. Mined over matter? 55. Obnoxious child
14. Yemen neighbor 32. *Babies delivered early, for short (let- 56. *“This isn’t a joke!” (letters 2-4)
15. *Catfish and carp (In this clue’s ters 5-7) 59. Accomplishment
answer, note letters 6-8) 34. Animal that “drinks” water through its skin 60. Bit of barbecue
18. “___ Lisa” 36. “___ Miserables” As a sensitive water sign, you’re able to inspire
61. Australian pal
19. 52-Across, for Sylvester 37. Basks in the sun 62. Loafing
others. However, you sometimes exchange that
20. Loch Ness Monster, e.g. 38. *Easter Cadbury product (letters 4-6) 63. People pleaser’s word uplifting perspective for a glum, if not negative,
22. Opposite of sell 40. CBS forensic franchise 64. Poke view of life, now and in the future. The real prob-

solution to todaY’s
23. ___ memory (one’s first time eating 41. Brit. lexicon lem is you often forget this is no more than a

DOWN 29. Understands
mood, one that will vanish as swiftly as it
1. Britain’s ___ Party 32. Something to hang your hat on appeared.
2. The seventh earl of Cardigan, 33. Injure badly

Birthday Today
for the word “cardigan” 34. Airport terminal perk
3. Cheese in a Greek salad 35. Cashed in
4. Alternative to .docx 36. Community represented at a
5. Close (but not quite) pride parade
6. Spots to eat and study 38. The price you pay
7. Potato bud 39. PE class, usually While every sign is influenced by the New
8. Morse ___ 40. Shout such as 54-Across Moon, the fact it takes place on your birthday
9. Symbol for ohms 43. Those walking the red carpet,
10. Penny worth much more than informally
marks this both as period when moments of
a penny, perhaps 44. Bestselling manga series stillness can be amazingly illuminating, but
11. Catches in a trap 45. Wiped clean it’s also about acknowledging what must
16. Helpful 46. To this day change, and in certain cases, become part of
17. Name that rhymes with Kelly 48. A gold one at the Olympics is
18. Deg. From Wharton actually at least 92.5% silver
the past. Note, initially this is about recognis-
21. Really enjoys 50. ___ the Riveter ing the need for those changes. This gives you
23. Combined, like companies 53. Head, in French time to explore what comes your way and,
24. Makes a blunder 55. Wild pig equally, ways they’ll become part of your life,
27. Word after “wiggle” or 57. Like some martinis
“escape” 58. Little devil
now and in the future.
TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 17

Long list of players want VACANCY


An established newspaper seeking for:

to join LIV Golf: Norman


• Possess at least SPM or higher

• Able to work irregular hours and on certain public holidays
• Must be able to communicate and read English
• Fresh school leavers are welcome
ADELAIDE (Australia): LIV Golf contracts to its 54-hole, no-cut experiment. who are still looking to come over, whether that be • Teamwork spirit a must
boss Greg Norman (pic) says “a Now in its second season, it has faced resistance college players, younger players, to guys who have • Only those who are able to start immediately need apply.
• Priority for those with own transport, however accommodation can given to those
long list” of players want to join from traditionalists and struggled for credibility in played on the PGA Tour and the DP Tour.
from outstation.
the rebel tour, as Brooks Koepka the United States, in particular. “And yes, you can always add depth to anything—
and Dustin Johnson on Wednes- Campaigners accuse Saudi Arabia of “sports- the stronger we get, the better we are.”
Those interested please call 019-8819036
day conceded it would benefit washing”—using sport to deflect from its human Two-time major winner Johnson agreed that
from more depth. rights record, including the murder and dismem- more star power would be beneficial. for arrangement of interview from 2pm onwards.
Norman, who is preparing bering of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in its Istanbul “Obviously the better players we have playing the
for the Saudi-backed circuit’s consulate in 2018. stronger LIV gets and it’s better for the game,” he
first event in his Australian homeland this week, But LIV looks to have been embraced by some said.
said some of the names would “surprise” people. Australians, with tickets selling out for this week’s LIV currently has 12 teams of four players each
“We’ve got a long list of players who want to event in Adelaide. and Koepka said there was room for perhaps two or
come in, we just don’t have the ability today because Koepka, runner-up at the Masters two weeks ago, three more teams.
players are under contract,” he told NewsCorp Aus- and current British Open champion Cameron Smith But he did not want to see the number of LIV
tralia, without giving names. are among the top names who have defected to LIV. events increase from its current 14.
“But we’ll get to a position where there will be a They headline the action at The Grange Golf Club Fellow American and major winner Bryson
relegation series and places will start opening up. this week. DeChambeau said field sizes was “up for discus-
“It’s incredible the amount of players who want Phil Mickelson, who tied for second with Koepka sion”, but more growth was inevitable.
to come on board,” he added. at Augusta, and Dustin Johnson also jumped ship to “How big can the league be? As big as it can be.
“It would surprise you how good those names LIV, as did Patrick Reed, who finished fourth at the We’re looking to make this the biggest league out
are.” Masters. there, and I don’t say that softly, either,” he said.
Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Koepka said he had not spoken to any players “I think we all see the vision. We see the potential
Fund, LIV split the golf world last year by luring about making the move to LIV because it was “not with the teams and the franchises and all that.
away top stars from the US PGA Tour and DP World my style”. “We think this could eventually be the norm for
Tour (formerly the European Tour) with lucrative But he added: “I’m sure there’s a bunch of guys the game of golf.” – AFP

Hall, Korda confident Hamlin resumes NFL activities

NEW YORK: Buffalo Bills safety Damar “He’s fully cleared,” Beane said. “He’s
as LPGA’s first Hamlin, who went into cardiac arrest after
making a tackle and was resuscitated on
here and he’s of the mindset—he’s in a great
headspace—to come back and make his

major moves to Texas the field, rejoined the team for a workout
on Tuesday as he began his NFL comeback.
“This event was life-changing, but it’s
During the first quarter of a nationally
televised NFL game at Cincinnati in January,
WASHINGTON: World number two Nelly Korda and LPGA prize not the end of my story,” Hamlin said. “I Hamlin tackled Bengals wide receiver Tee
money leader Georgia Hall both said Tuesday they were confident plan on making a comeback to the NFL. Higgins after a 13-yard reception.
heading into the year’s first major tournament, the Chevron Cham- “I’ve been beating the statistics my Hamlin rose to his feet, then collapsed
pionship. whole life so I like my chances.” backward onto the ground. The Bills said
US standout Jennifer Kupcho defends crown she won last year Bills general manager Brandon Beane his heartbeat was restored on the field by
on a much-different layout, as the event shifts this year from South- said Hamlin had been medically cleared to medical technicians before he was trans-
ern California desert to the Jack Nicklaus Signature course at Carl- resume NFL activities despite his near- ported to a nearby hospital for further
ton Woods in suburban Houston, near the coast of the Gulf of death experience on an NFL field. treatment. – AFP

“I think the biggest thing is probably the length of the golf s
course. It’s really long,” Kupcho said. “We’re going to have a lot of NOTIS
long irons into the par-4s and the greens are definitely a lot trickier PERMOHONAN LESEN MENJUAL MINUMAN KERAS JOB VACANCY
versus in the desert. AIRCOND TECHNICIAN
“It’s going to be a lot windier. Texas is generally windy, though, Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa DAVID WAN - With Experience


so you expect that. The humidity, the ball doesn’t quite go as far YOUNG YIN (SUNHILL VENTURES SDN BHD) No. Kad - Willing to outstation
here as in the desert, so that contributes to the length.” Pengenalan : 660220-12-5029 yang berniaga dengan Area Penampang
ON 22 telah membuat permohonan kepada Pengerusi
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to members of the Sabah Golf & Country Club that the 46th
It promises a major challenge for England’s 10th-ranked Hall and 016-8105979
Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Pantai Barat Kota
Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 20th May 2023 at 12:00 p.m. at the
US standout Korda, who each have four top-10 finishes in five LPGA -----------------------
Kinabalu, Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, No. 1, Jalan
Albatross Hall, Sabah Golf & Country Club to transact the following businesses:
starts this year. JOB VACANCY
Bandaran, 88675 Kota Kinabalu bagi lesen menjual
Hall said she felt good. minuman keras RUMAH AWAM KELAS 1 di HYATT CEN-

1. To call the meeting to order.

TRIC HOTEL, NO. 18, JALAN HAJI SAMAN, 88000 KOTA - With experience 5 years above
“In the US, it’s definitely the most comfortable that I’ve felt,” she
2. To elect a General Committee for the ensuing year.
KINABALU, SABAH. RM1,800 to RM2,500
3. To receive the General Committee’s report.
- Apprentice and below 5 years
“It’s the best I’ve been playing. I’m number one on the money
4. To confirm the Minutes of the 45th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 21st
Jika ada sebarang bantahan secara bertulis, sila mak- experience RM1,500 to RM1,800
list. I’ve never been this comfortable, I think, before a major.”
May 2022.
lumkan Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Penampang Area

5. To confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 4th July 2022
Korda, who snuck in a visit to the final round of the Masters and Pantai Barat di alamat tersebut di atas dalam tempoh 14 Please Call

some practice time last week, said she feels like she’s playing well hari daripada tarikh notis ini dikeluarkan. Bantahan 016 8105979

General 6. To confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 16th January
but not yet shown her best shotmaking. selepas tempoh berakhir tidak akan dilayan.
088-386555 2023 (Monday).
“It’s positive and negative that I’m playing well and I don’t think
7. To confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 2nd March 2023
TARIKH IKLAN : 20.04.2023 & 21.04.2023
that I’ve had my best stuff yet,” Korda said.
Formation Of
“So hopefully I can continue working on my game and peak in
8. To receive the audited Statement of Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet for
New Sdn. Bhd.
the right moments.
the preceding financial year of 2022.
One-Stop Services

9. To appoint an Auditor, who shall not be a Member of the General Committee, for the
“When I’m really not hitting it well, then I’m putting and my Popular Management

ensuing year and fix his remuneration.

short game is pretty on point. I’ve been kind of lucky to miss in Tel: 219055/216576

10. To transact any other business of which due notice has been given.
areas where it’s better to miss.” B1201, 12th Flr,

11. Adjournment.
Reigning Olympic champion Korda, the 2021 Women’s PGA W.Merdeka Phase 2, KK

notice Please take note that to prevent overcrowding, the SGCC General Committee has decided
Championship winner, was fourth at the Tournament of Champi-
Teo Tuong Hoe @ to conduct the AGM as such:
ons, sixth at Thailand and a runner-up in Singapore before sharing
fifth last month in
JOB VACANCY Ic No: 430718-12- DATE : 20th May 2023, Saturday
Los Angeles.
VENUE : Albatross Hall, Sabah Golf & Country Club, Kota Kinabalu.
We are established company, specializing in Heavy Truck Manufacturing look-
“I practiced all of
ing for suitable candidate to fill the following position:-
ISO programmes Officer / Controller Can the above per- TIME
last week, just get-
son please contact 12:00 P.M.
ting into playing
Your Role:
• AGM Meeting (Establishment of quorum as per Clause 30.1 of the SGCC Rules and
To co-ordinate the activities of the integrated Quality Management System, i.e 0166702099 regard-
mode, tightening
ISO 9001 : 2015 within the company’s policies and work procedures. Constitution then meeting is adjourned for voting)
ing 12:15 P.M. - 05:00 P.M.
up some loose
Qualification Required & Experience:
car sa1067r • Registration by members.
ends,” Korda said.
• Tertiary education
• Has at least 3 years’ experience in an ISO 9001 organisation or document
• Allocation of Ballot Papers.
“Tried to get into
sofa renew • Members to cast their votes.
playing mode this
• Must demonstrate sound knowledge in Quality Management Systems (ISO
• Voting closes at 05:00 p.m.
- Full Leather, PU
9001 : 2015)
• Ability to communicate effectively and self-motivated • Members may come between 12:15 p.m. till 05:00 p.m. to cast their votes. Please
Leather, Super
Hall, the 2018
note that voting will close at 05:00 p.m. sharp and any extension will be at the discre-
An established newspaper seeking for:
• Good analytical thinking and great deal of attention to details and
• Team building skills
Leather, Fabric,
British Women’s
tion of the chief scrutineer.
Interested please call 088-424332 or email resume: to
06:30 P.M.
Open champion,

• AGM proper resumes

shared 10th at her
(Re-establishment of Quorum as per Clause 30.1 of the SGCC Rules and Constitu-
season debut in • Possess at least SPM or higher

Thailand and 14th NOTIS • Able to work irregular hours and on certain public holidays


at Singapore and • Must be able to communicate and read English
Hon. Secretary
PERMOHONAN LESEN MENJUAL MINUMAN KERAS • Fresh school leavers are welcome
Date: 20th April 2023
was a runner-up
Pls Call or WhatsApp
• Teamwork spirit a must
twice last month at Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa DAVID WAN
• Only those who are able to start immediately need apply.
Pengenalan : 660220-12-5029 yang berniaga dengan • Priority for those with own transport, however accommodation can given to those
Mountain and the LOBBY LOUNGE telah membuat permohonan kepada from outstation.
Los Angeles Open Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Pantai
before sharing Barat Kota Kinabalu, Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Those interested please call 019-8819036
sixth last week in No. 1, Jalan Bandaran, 88675 Kota Kinabalu bagi lesen for arrangement of interview from 2pm onwards.
Hawaii. menjual minuman keras RUMAH AWAM KELAS 1 di
played well in Asia
since I’ve come out Jika ada sebarang bantahan secara bertulis, sila mak-
on tour. To me that lumkan Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian
was a big, ‘Wow, Pantai Barat di alamat tersebut di atas dalam tempoh 14
OK, I’m playing bet- hari daripada tarikh notis ini dikeluarkan. Bantahan
selepas tempoh berakhir tidak akan dilayan.
ter than normal’,”
Hall said. TARIKH IKLAN : 20.04.2023 & 21.04.2023
“Then obviously
the first events in NOTIS
the US, being in
times, shooting 7-
under and 4-under Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa DAVID WAN
on the final Sun- Pengenalan : 660220-12-5029 yang berniaga dengan
day, gives me a lot ON 23 telah membuat permohonan kepada Pengerusi
of confidence that I Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Pantai Barat Kota
can push and shoot Kinabalu, Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, No. 1, Jalan
a low score to win. Bandaran, 88675 Kota Kinabalu bagi lesen menjual
minuman keras RUMAH AWAM KELAS 1 di HYATT CEN-
“I think I’ve got a TRIC HOTEL, NO. 18, JALAN HAJI SAMAN, 88000 KOTA
lot of low rounds in KINABALU, SABAH.
me and hopefully
they can come out Jika ada sebarang bantahan secara bertulis, sila mak-
this week.” lumkan Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian
Pantai Barat di alamat tersebut di atas dalam tempoh 14
Not having a vic- hari daripada tarikh notis ini dikeluarkan. Bantahan
tory is not a worry selepas tempoh berakhir tidak akan dilayan.
for Hall just yet. –
AFP TARIKH IKLAN : 20.04.2023 & 21.04.2023
18 Sport TH URS D AY, APRI L 2 0 , 2 0 2 3

Suns rally past Clippers
LOS ANGELES: Devin Booker led a second-half rally as the ond quarter against the Kawhi Leonard-inspired Clip-
Phoenix Suns came from behind to defeat the Los Ange- pers.
les Clippers 123-109 and level their Western Conference The Clippers stunned Phoenix at home in game one
playoff series 1-1 on Tuesday. on Sunday and appeared to be well on their way to tak-
Booker scored 18 points in the third quarter before ing a commanding 2-0 series lead after surging into a
finishing with a 38-point haul to complete a battling 49-36 lead with just over five minutes remaining in the
comeback by Phoenix, who had trailed by 13 in the sec- second quarter. But Kevin Durant, veteran Chris Paul
and Booker sparked

into life for Phoenix
in the closing min-
utes of the first half


to erase the Clip-
In Loving Memory of the late
pers’ lead, and
Booker drained a 27-

31st October 1968 – 17th March 2023

foot three-pointer

Age: 54 Years
on the stroke of half-

Born: 22nd November 1924

time to make it a tie
We, the family of the late Rayner Juis @ Johnny Kusam who was called to Eternal rest by the Lord on 17th March 2023

Age: 98 years Old

game at 59-59 at the
would like to extend our heartfelt thanks, gratitude and sincere appreciation to: break.
Doctor and Nurses of Queen Caroline Hamid Irene Pilol Family Nazlin Jemandan
Elizabeth Hospital 1 Caroline Juachim Ivy Stephen Ng Vui Leong
Booker then took
Kota Kinabalu and Carvalia Jobit Jalina Nicolas Malambut

Was called home to the Lord at 8:30pm on the 18th april 2023
over with a flurry of
Palliative Care Nurse. Celestina Wong Jeffry koroh Nora Koyou scoring in the third
Ex-Classmates 4C/5C Sastera Chin Lee Lee Jessica Sipili Onjin Fong
(tuesday) at KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital, Kota Kinabalu.
St Joseph Papar Christina John Kissol & Family
quarter to fire
Patricia Suzan Godwin
Ex Colleague STAR Christopher Onong
Johnson Chin Patrus Malambut
Phoenix into a 92-87
Tg Aru Hotel Cladius George
Jordan Lucian Paula Chu
lead heading into
Core of St Paul Dontozidon Clarenza Tongoi
Jossie Ansilmus Philip Yong
We are keeping the wake at Stella Maris Convent
Colleague Colourcoil Sdn Bhd Collete Ingkim
the final quarter.
Penampang Light House (PLE) Corina Jobit Jovinia Sitampat Philo Godwin
Julia Yap
Durant finished

(Senior Sisters), Tanjung Aru.

PiBG SMK Bahang Penampang Cyril Liew Rasalind Mudim
PiBG St Anthony Penampang Darrly A Samuel Kalung Sumping Ray Alasa
with 25 points while
YB Datuk Ewon Benedict Denis Joikol Lai Yuet Ping Richard F Bijiod
Paul chipped in with
YB Jannie Lasimbang Desmond Mijin Laini Ahing Robert’S Family
Latitah Chin
16 to help see

Requiem Mass will be held at 9:30am on 21st april 2023 (friday)

YB Kenny Chua Diana Kores Roger Linus
Datuk John Ambrose Dino Poisol Laurentius Bensing
Phoenix home as the
Roger Malven Jouty
Datuk Thomas Logijin Dolly Sayun Lena Wong
at Stella Maris Church, Tanjung Aru and thereafter
Roseline Liew
series heads to Los
Rev. Fr Johnny Raju Dr Mustafa Family Leopold Sipanil Rosemary Huang
Edmond Joseph Janggum
Angeles for game
Rev. Fr Justin Joanes Liew Ah Shun
the cortege will proceed to the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Rev. Fr Rusell Lawrine Roslin Julasim
Elizabeth Godwin Liew’s Family
three on Thursday.
Kategis Justin Sitampat Elsie Madin Rosmeh Tupit

Mile 4 ½ Jalan Penampang Lama for burial.

Linda Tsen
“We wanted to
Kategis Patrick John Elsie Sebastian Sai Siew Yun
Lucia Peter
KK Alexander Sekuat Shamlee Masulah
protect home court
Emily Wong Margaret Migiu
KK Daniel Edmund
Evelyn SD Sharily Johnny
Martina Joikol
in game two, we got
Sinakagon Veronica Motius & Sitin Nolodi
Lovingly missed and remembered by:
Eyei Sumping Masalina Juachim
one, and now we’re
Nicholas Motijun Suzie Godwin
Sinakagon Kusam Buantin Farrentina Merry Gampi
off to LA,” Booker
Faustinus Mibol Bolong Souni Saibin
Sinakagon Motimbul Lianjim
Felicia Moiji Stephen Alip
said afterwards.
Sinakagon Jipain Morline Tongoi
Stephen Masil
sr. M. frances Mani, (Mother general) and all fsic.
Flora S Jubilee Moureen Jubili
“It’s the playoffs,
Sinakagon Mojingol (PEKEMON)
Paganakan Francis Mojingol Florence Kandilis Mr & Mrs Vita Anthony Suzanie Jerinus it’s win at all costs—
M2 Services Frankie & Stenie Mr & Mrs Augustine Anthony Suzzanie Moiji
Tracy Josie
doesn’t matter what
Agnes George Gerald Lansing Mr & Mrs Geoffrey Pudin


Albanus Law Grace Yong Mr & Mrs Gilbert Jemandan Victoria Jawatin
happened these past
Aloysius Fong Helen kasimis Mr & Mrs Harolin Sitampat Voon Lee Ling
two games. You’ve
Aloysius Soluku Helen N Bolong Mr & Mrs Jimmy Duis Wences Molidu got to move on to
Bernard Logijin Hendry David Yong Mr & Mrs Rose Jemandan Wong Nyuk Lan
Bertha Severinus Imannuil Yap Miew Hiong
the next one—it’s a
Mr & Mrs Thomas Wong
Caroline Awi Irene Mojilik Yuan Jian Ming
Mr & Mrs Stephen Jimbangan
new assignment for

Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life,

All our beloved family, relatives, Friends and whom we are unable to mention individually for your kinds attendance, assistance,
donations, words of comfort, sympathy, prayers and companionship during our breavement.
Leonard led the

anyone who believes in Me, even though that person dies,

scoring for the Clip-

A prayer to commemorate the 40th day will

pers with 31 points,

will live, and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die”.
Deeply missed and always be remembered by;
be held on SUNDAY 23rd April 2023 at 5.00
eight rebounds and
Wife: Doris Patricia James Mojingol

John 11:25
pm at our family residence at Kg. Nosoob
seven assists while
Children: Baru Penampang
Russell Westbrook
Aaron Samuel Johnny had 28 points.
Alvin Matthew Johnny

contact person: 017-8295841 (sr. lilian unsoh, fsic)

Clippers coach
Tyronn Lue paid

013- 8753713 (sr. grace deosing fsic)

Arsean Clement Johnny tribute to the per-
Contact No Alvin 018 986 8898
formance of Suns
Parents: Kusam Bin Buantin (D) & Flora Kobit Binti Aloi
Parent in Law: James Mojingol & Sabina Nicholas Motijun Robert JM 013 865 2580 trio Booker, Durant
and Paul. – AFP
THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2023 Sport 19

Giroud seals Milan’s berth in CL semis

NAPLES (Italy): AC Milan reached the Maradona was initially in fine voice. after the break but struggled to create
semi-finals of the Champions League on Their team went straight at Milan, much, with Mathias Olivera’s header wide
Tuesday after Olivier Giroud struck the dominating possession and pushing the from a 64th-minute corner the best chance
crucial goal in a 1-1 draw at Napoli which opposition back towards the vibrating until Fikayo Tomori handled Giovanni Di
completed a 2-1 aggregate victory over stands. Lorenzo’s low cross as he put in a chal-
their fellow Italians. However, the best they could muster lenge in the penalty area.
Giroud tapped in what turned out to was two long-distance efforts from Matteo Kvaratskhelia fluffed his own spot-kick
be the decisive goal two minutes before Politano which crept wide. On Milan’s first just like Giroud, meaning Osimhen’s bul-
the break after a blistering run from serious attack Mario Rui clattered into let header in the 93rd minute meant noth-
Rafael Leao, who was once again key as Leao and handed Giroud the chance to ing for Napoli who will wonder what
Milan beat Napoli for the third time this give the away side a huge advantage from might have been after wasting so many
month. The France striker’s 13th goal of the the penalty spot. chances in the first leg. – AFP
season saved his blushes after he missed a However Giroud’s weak effort was eas-
penalty midway through the first half. ily stopped by Alex Meret, whose save
Stefano Pioli’s side now have the unleashed a roar from the stands, a
prospect of a local derby in the last four as colossal racket repeated when he pre-
Inter Milan hold a two-goal lead ahead of vented Giroud netting a more than pre-
their second leg with Benfica on Wednes- sentable chance shortly afterwards.
day night. Napoli had scored at least three goals
“I’m very proud of this team, with that in all of their previous Champions
spirit we can dream of anything,” said League home games this season but
Giroud (second right) on the ball during the match against Napoli.
Giroud to Mediaset. looked short on ideas against a well-
“In the next round there will be organised Milan defence which kept a
another hard match whether it’s against Milan have not contested a Champions with 10 minutes remaining, a miss which tight lid on Osimhen.
Inter or Benfica, but if we keep this spirit League semi-final since they were condemned his team to defeat. And as the hosts pushed to level the
we can go anywhere.” crowned kings of Europe for the seventh Napoli are on the verge of their first scores on aggregate, Milan pounced at
After the match Mediaset showed Leao and most recent time in 2007. league title since 1990, but after being the end of the first half.
a video of Ruud Gullit setting up a goal Victor Osimhen scored in stoppage placed on the easier side of the draw Tues- Leao scooped up the ball after Tanguy
with an almost identical run at Napoli in time but it was not enough for Napoli day’s exit was an underwhelming end to Ndombele’s sloppy control and charged
1988. who are creaking as they come towards their European adventure. from deep his own half, breezed past
“It’s the same,” said a shocked Leao. the end of what has been a phenomenal Their hardcore fans had agreed a truce three Napoli players and rolled an
“It’s what I try to do, go at players, it’s season. in an ideological battle with owner Aure- unmissable chance across to Giroud, who
how I can make difference. If I can’t score Luciano Spalletti’s once freewheeling lio De Laurentiis which had made the fell to his knees in a mixture of joy and
I look for my teammates. I saw Giroud team are struggling for goals and Khvicha atmosphere at home matches poisonous, relief.

Martial handed chance to salvage Chelsea’s

there.” Kvaratskhelia also had a penalty saved and on Tuesday a packed Stadio Napoli were again on the front foot

United career on Sevilla return limp CL exit

19-04-23 5572/23 Perak

MANCHESTER: His time at Sevilla was even less fruitful. 607
Anthony Martial Having been pushed down the pecking

from hell
(pic) was shipped order by Cristiano Ronaldo’s return for a
out on loan to Sevilla second spell at United, Martial sought 4950
last season with his first-team football in Spain, but scored just 3607
Manchester United once in 12 appearances in the second half 4320
career seemingly at of last season.
LONDON: As Chelsea owner Toddy Boehly 050/23 19.04.23
an end, but the Ronaldo’s departure last year has given
surveyed the wreckage of his club’s season 8184 9868 4388 5712 4317
2930 4192 2139 3048 9053
Frenchman has Martial a final chance to rekindle his
returned to promi- career at Old Trafford. from hell after their Champions League
0111 4001 2173
exit on Tuesday, the American might have
8986 4541 8735 7215 6661
nence in time for a Europa League reunion But fitness problems have limited his
with the Spanish club. impact to just 19 appearances in United’s pondered just how long it will be before
An injury to Marcus Rashford means gruelling 51-match campaign to this point. they feature in the competition again. 4969 9239 0693 5722 8101
Martial will likely lead United’s attack on United boss ten Hag, though, has Chelsea are left with nothing but pride
9076 8198 6962 9736 1306
his return to the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan remained steadfast in his support as he to play for in the final weeks of a disas-
trous campaign after Real Madrid’s 2-0 vic-
861/23 19-04-2023 7113 9437 7478 7809 0431
on Thursday with a place in the Europa desperately seeks a firing number nine.
League semi-finals on the line. Rashford’s 28 goals - his best ever return tory in the quarter-final second leg at
Two late United own goals in the first in a single season - have papered over the Stamford Bridge completed a 4-0 aggre-
leg at Old Trafford have left the tie against cracks for United. gate success for the holders.
Appropriately, the troubled Premier 2238 2800 2457
7600 5883 4414 9658 2950
the Europa League specialists finely poised However, the England international
at 2-2. has spoken of his preference to start from League side once again paid the price for
8437 6712 1873 2857 8804
Martial played a major part as United a wide left position rather than through a lack of cutting edge as they wasted a host
of chances before succumbing to a pair of
6681 9169 2284 9601
shot into a 2-0 lead thanks to Marcel Sab- the middle.
clinical Real moves finished by Rodrygo.
5216 2202 5036 0695
itzer’s double inside the first 21 minutes. Ten Hag’s patience with Wout
But the Austrian midfielder could be Weghorst has also run out in recent weeks Since Boehly joined forces with co-
one of a number of players unavailable to after the Dutch international scored just owner Behdad Eghbali’s Clearlake Capital 4280 4289
to buy Chelsea last year, the west London
Erik ten Hag for the return leg, putting twice in 22 games.
pressure on Martial to step up. “When he is fit our team plays better,” club have suffered one self-inflicted 5625/23
Sabitzer pulled up with an injury in the said Ten Hag on Martial’s impact. wound after another. 9952 3932 6973 9327
1178 0430 1619 7873
warm-up prior to Sunday’s 2-0 win at Not- “He’s an incredibly good player. He can They are languishing in 11th in the Pre-
0886 1116
mier League, will finish without a trophy
tingham Forest. link up, keeps the ball, also the pressing is
and are unlikely to even qualify for the 6485
First-choice centre-backs Raphael good. He will score goals, he is capable of
Varane and Lisandro Martinez are also scoring goals. He can finish no doubt Europa Conference League, leaving Boehly
missing for the trip to Spain after picking about that.” and Eghbali facing a turbulent close-sea- 2606
up injuries in the first leg. Martial has netted seven times at a rate son as they try to repair Chelsea’s tar-
The biggest blow of all, though, could of a goal every 133 minutes under Ten Hag. nished reputation. 3691/23 19-04-2023 0898 1468 3176 9308
be the absence of Bruno Fernandes due to Yet, he has plenty to prove if United are In a sign of the turmoil enveloping 1112 5220 3540 7089
suspension. to be convinced of extending his contract Chelsea, former Blues striker Didier 5883 5179 8975 6125
Drogba ripped into Boehly on French tel- 9830 3701 9065 9489
8007 3644 1603 2024
Fernandes shone as he was reunited beyond the end of next season.
with Christan Eriksen and Casemiro in Ten Hag’s men face a huge week in their evision ahead of the Real game. 7362 4369 1602
midfield at the City Ground. quest for a hat-trick of trophies as the “I don’t recognise my club. It’s no
longer the same club. There is a new owner 3950 0514 8976 1557
In 17 matches where all three have League Cup winners face Brighton in the
started, United have won 15 and drawn FA Cup semi-finals on their return from and a new vision. A dressing room of over 4452 9600 6399 4069
30 players is difficult for a manager,” 2739 4865 6397 2360
two. Seville.
Drogba said. 3064 0758 6614 7033 6485 6499 6499 6485
Injury problems have also minimised Few would have imagined 12 months
The question is how much lower can 1165 6039 3793 0028 6485 2606 2606 6485
Martial’s impact this season and been the ago that the English giants would be rely-
Chelsea sink after suffering four successive 6499 2606 2606 6499
story of his United career. ing on Martial for goals at the business
The world’s most expensive teenager end of the campaign. defeats since Frank Lampard returned as 529,634.61
when he was signed from Monaco in 2015, But needs must for Ten Hag, offering manager until the end of the season fol- 6,847,457.77
the 27-year-old has never truly realised his the enigmatic Frenchman most likely his lowing Graham Potter’s sacking. 7362 4369 7362 4369
“Chelsea have had huge success for 20 7362 1602 7362 1602

Spanish refs ask Liga for ‘respect’

potential despite scoring 86 goals for the final chance to become a hero for the Red
club in 288 appearances. Devils. – AFP years, winning the Premier League, quali- 4369 1602 4369 1602 6485
61,959.08 6499
fying for the Champions League year after
year. Maybe this is the year where we aren’t
quite where we want to be,” Lampard said. 2606
“Manchester United and Arsenal have
MADRID (Spain): Spanish referees on and professionalism for the good of refer- spent time out of the Champions League. 448 231 198
Tuesday demanded “respect”, after a eeing.” Maybe some clubs are more stable than we
recent rise in complaints from top-flight “The leaders of La Liga cannot perma- are at the minute in terms of the squad.
clubs and from Liga officials about offici- nently lament a crisis of confidence in But we can set the building blocks now for 01 08 15 20 21 40 41
ating. Spanish soccer and at the same time col- where we want to get to.” 1,675,534.36 92134
“As the professional referees of Spanish laborate in generating it through violent Boehly’s chaotic influence has turned 5,895.47 2134
86571 134
football we want to convey our deep con- criticism of referees.” “That,” it added “only Chelsea into a laughing stock less than 12
cern about the unfortunate situation that leads to the devaluation of our soccer.” months into his reign.
5 8 1 9 6 123,933.15
has been created,” the Technical Commit- “We ask La Liga and its leaders for The team that lifted the Champions
tee of Referees (CTA) said in a statement. respect and institutional responsibility in League trophy under Thomas Tuchel just 09
7 6 6 7 8 04 22,534.95
“We regret the unceasing attacks by La the face of an unprecedented situation,” two years ago is already being broken up.

Burnley made to wait for title

76874 68740
Liga and its main leaders,” added the CTA said in the statement. – AFP – AFP
statement saying referees are the targets of 5 3 7 1 5 18 5,701.34 7687 8740
“a perfectly calculated and organised cam-
6 7 1 9 3 10 768 740
paign.” 7,633.83
The criticism has intensified since a 76 40
case involving Barcelona and the former LONDON: Burnley were made to wait for the Championship title after being held to 8 6 7 5 2 03 6,633.83
4 10 17 43 52 54
head of the CTA, Jose Maria Enriquez a 2-2 draw at Rotherham, while Sheffield United’s 1-0 win against Bristol City moved
Negreira. them a step closer to the Premier League on Tuesday.
Last month Spanish prosecutors Goals from Scott Twine and Manuel Benson either side of Vitinho’s own goal 6 2 4 2 21 21,251.69 9,115,695.30
charged the Catalan club with corruption pushed Vincent Kompany’s promoted side to the brink of clinching the second-tier
after payments of more than 7.3 million silverware. 2 8 6 2 21 10,553.95 13 14 21 32 36 52
euros ($7.8 million) to a company owned
by Negreira were uncovered earlier this
But Georgie Kelly equalised to earn the Millers a deserved point and with sec-
4 8 1 2 14 1,518.58 5,349,370.65
ond placed Sheffield United winning, it meant the champagne celebrations will
Liga clubs will hold an extraordinary
have to wait until Saturday, where a win against QPR will secure top spot for the
9 0 8 0 26 3,347.06 19 29 35 37 42 45 28
meeting on Wednesday where Barcelona 3,122,676.87
president Joan Laporta is due to speak.
Sheffield United should join Burnley in the top-flight next season after substitute 2 0 9 4 24 2,170.70
Spanish media have reported that the
James McAtee’s second-half goal gave the Blades a win that moved them eight points 100,000.00
clubs will also consider making the CTA
clear of third placed Luton with four matches remaining. 8 0 0 6 14 1,223.45
Lukas Jutkiewicz’s first-half strike put a dent in fifth placed Millwall’s play-off push
4 3 9 1 01 1,038.95
independent of La Liga. as Birmingham claimed a 1-0 win at the Den.
The CTA said it already was independ- Blackpool slipped closer to relegation with a 2-0 defeat against West Bromwich
1 5 7 3 01 1,890.49
ent. Albion, who moved up to sixth place. – AFP
“Our profession works with autonomy
Long list of giroud
players want seals
to join LIV Milan’s
golf: berth 20
Norman in CL semis

Real cruise
into semis
LONDON: Rodrygo scored twice as Real despite their current woes, the home side
Madrid cruised into the Champions made a good start against the 14-time win-
League semi-finals on Tuesday, completing ners. They had a glorious chance to take
an emphatic 4-0 aggregate win against the lead but Kante skewed his left-foot
Chelsea that ends a disastrous season for shot wide from about 12 yards.
the London club. The visitors, content to bide their time,
The home team, with Frank Lampard looked sharp on the break.
back in the dugout for a second spell, Midway through the opening period
came into the match at Stamford Bridge Rodrygo created space for himself and
with form and history against them. thumped an effort against the outside of
They started brightly but rued a num- the post from an acute angle while Luka
ber of huge missed chances that would Modric tested Kepa. Real Madrid’s goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois saves a shot from Chelsea’s Marc Cucurella (right).
have heaped pressure on the defending But Chelsea should have been ahead on
champions. the stroke of half-time when James fizzed
The Spanish giants made Chelsea pay
for their profligacy when Rodrygo scored
a ball across the box from the right and it
fell to Marc Cucurella at the back post.
Pioli not thinking about CL Milan derby in semis
in the 58th minute after a speedy counter- The defender took a touch and shot but NAPLES (Italy): Stefano semi-final.” penalty for Rafael Leao’s tackle on Hirving
attack and he made it 2-0 with 10 minutes Thibaut Courtois came flying out of his Pioli (pic) said that he Milan are in the last four of the Cham- Lozano six minutes before the Portugal
to go. goal to save. isn’t thinking about a pions League for the first time since they winger sped up the pitch to lay on Olivier
“We suffered a lot and Kante had another golden potential Milan derby were last crowned kings of Europe in Giroud’s goal which would decide the tie.
helped us stay at 0-0 at the end opportunity to take the lead in the Champions 2007. They have overcome a post-World Neither referee Szymon Marciniak nor
of the first half,” Real Madrid early in the second half but his League semi-finals Cup slump in recent weeks and Tuesday’s the VAR officials saw anything wrong with
boss Carlo Ancelotti told BT close-range effort hit Eder Mil- after his AC Milan team performance was another statement dis- Leao’s challenge, but Spalletti was angry
Sport. itao and deflected away to got past Napoli in the play which gives them hope of reaching at his team not getting a spot-kick while
“Second half we were much safety. last eight on Tuesday. the final. they were only a goal behind.
better and scored the two Real took the wind out of Milan prevailed 2-1 “This gives us real faith in ourselves. We Spalletti was also annoyed that he had
goals. We are happy to have Chelsea’s sails with just over on aggregate after a 1-1 draw in Naples already had belief but getting past Napoli to do without Andre-Frank Zambo
qualified.” half an hour to go, when and are likely to face Inter Milan in the and Tottenham will help us grow,” added Anguissa and Kim Min-jae after they
Chelsea, the 2021 European Rodrygo scored from close next round as their local rivals are two Pioli. received soft bookings during the first leg.
champions, have now lost all four of their range after an assist by Vinicius Junior. goals in the lead ahead of Wednesday’s “These are experiences which give you “In the 37th minute there was penalty, it’s
matches since Lampard returned to the Lampard made a number of attacking second leg with Benfica. the strength and ability to manage a cer- a clear penalty... he twisted his ankle,” said
club as caretaker boss earlier this month substitutions, bringing on Raheem Ster- “We’re too happy to have overcome tain type of pressure. For many of us it was Spalletti to reporters.
in place of the sacked Graham Potter. ling, Joao Felix and Mykhailo Mudryk in a such a good team... it’s a great feeling,” the first time that we were playing such an “We were punished by what happened
Lampard, who also managed the club desperate bid to get back into the match. Pioli said reporters. important match...It’s another big step in the first game. The players with
from 2019 until early 2021, bemoaned his But Rodrygo found the net again in the “Let’s take it one step at a time, who- forward.” strength and power were the ones which
team’s profligacy. 80th minute, tapping home after a clever ever we get, we get. Whoever we get it will Napoli coach Luciano Spalletti were taken away from us, unjustly so.” –
“We played really well for 60 minutes,” assist from Federico Valverde. be a great derby and Champions League lamented that his team weren’t given a AFP
he said. “We created chances but you have Real Madrid will likely play Manchester
to take them.” City in the semi-finals, with Pep Guardi-
The former Chelsea midfielder said his
men must find motivation from playing
ola’s team 3-0 up against Bayern Munich
after the first leg of their last-eight tie.
France bans Basel football fans Court confirms
for the club as they contemplate a bleak Former Chelsea boss Ancelotti is chas- PARIS: French authorities on Tuesday share an opposing political ideology, are
final few weeks of the season.
“You’re playing for Chelsea,” he said.
ing a record-extending fifth win as a coach
in the tournament.
banned Basel fans from the second leg of marked by animosity,” the ministry said. 8 to face trial
the Europa Conference League quarter- The first leg on April 13 ended 2-2.
“So regardless, every game you play you But Chelsea, used to winning silverware
have to give everything. I won’t let anyone over the past two decades, are contemplat-
finals in Nice to avoid confrontations
between rival supporters.
The ministry said that ahead of that
game in Basel, “high-risk supporters of
over Maradona
off the hook and we have to show. That ing the final stretch of a horrendous cam- The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, both teams made contact and planned to
standard cannot drop.”
Ancelotti stuck with the same team that
paign despite a staggering spend of more
than £500 million ($621 million) in the
last week urged that fans of the Swiss club
be banned from Thursday’s game.
confront each other”.
On the day of the match, there was “a
won the first leg 2-0 last week while first year of the club’s new ownership. On Tuesday, the Ministry of the Interior massive use of pyrotechnic devices” and BUENOS AIRES: An Argentine appeals
Chelsea caretaker boss Lampard restored Trophyless this season, they are lan- issued an official order, stating that Basel “incidents and provocations were relayed court on Tuesday confirmed that eight
Reece James, Mateo Kovacic and N’Golo guishing in 11th in the Premier League and away games are “frequently sources of dis- on social media, but without the planned medical professionals accused of respon-
Kante to his line-up. look unlikely to qualify for European foot- turbance to the public order”. “Relations clashes taking place”, the statement read. sibility in the death of football legend
Roared on by an expectant crowd ball next season. – AFP between supporters of the two teams, who – AFP Diego Maradona will indeed stand trial.
Neurosurgeon Leopoldo Luque, psy-

Wendy eyes ticket to Paris Olympics and RTG slot chiatrist Agustina Cosachov and six oth-
ers had appealed a 2022 decision to put
them on trial for homicide with potential
KUALA LUMPUR: hoping to book her spot in Paris as soon “As you know, athletes all have differ- included in RTG while the rest are athletes aggravating circumstances.
National diver Wendy as possible. She is on the comeback trail ent kinds of injuries and this is something from badminton and track cycling. Maradona died in November 2020
Ng (pic) aims to earn after struggling with injuries in recent I am also dealing with. The diving squad will next head to aged 60 while recovering from brain sur-
her spot in the new seasons. “As athletes, we are always striv- “It (shoulder) is getting better and I Montreal, Canada for the second leg of the gery for a blood clot, and after decades of
Road to Gold (RTG) ing to achieve more and I hope we will be can now at least perform simple dives but Diving World Cup on May 5-7 followed battles with cocaine and alcohol addic-
programme with a in this programme (RTG),” said the affable there is still a long way to go before I will possibly a one-month training stint in tions.
strong performance Wendy on Tuesday. be ready to compete in Fukuoka.” China before the World Championships. He was found dead in bed two weeks
at the upcoming “I am hoping to qualify for Paris earlier Malaysia Swimming (MS) secretary- “Competing in Canada will be impor- after going under the knife, in a rented
World Champi- rather than later as this will give me more general Mae Chen earlier this week said tant for me to gauge where I am currently house in an exclusive Buenos Aires neigh-
onships in Fukuoka time to prepare for the competition that it is “highly possible” that Wendy can at in terms of performance,” said Wendy. bourhood where he was brought after
(July). (Olympics). “To secure qualification in make the list of athletes for RTG. RTG is “It would also be good if we are able to go being discharged from hospital.
The springboard specialist will likely Fukuoka I will have to finish in the top-12 intended to provide cream-of-the-crop to China where we can fully focus and also He was found to have died of a heart
be accepted into RTG if she is able to (3m springboard individual) so it will not athletes the support they need to chal- learn from the Chinese divers. attack.
clinch qualification for next year’s Paris be easy. That is why we have spent a lot of lenge for gold in Paris as well as Los Ange- “We usually go for a month but it is not The eight defendants had appealed to
Olympics at the world meet. time and effort on preparing for the les 2028. Currently only Pandelela Rinong confirmed yet whether we are going this the court in San Isidro, northwest of
And Wendy, who turns 30 in July, is World Championships. and Nur Dhabitah Sabri have been year.” – New Straits Times Buenos Aires, against the severity of the
charges, arguing that they should be
accused of involuntary homicide.

Pearly withdraws from BAC due to illness The initial accusation of homicide
with “dolus eventualis” holds a person
responsible for negligence while know-
KUALA LUMPUR: Misfortune reared its Mentally, she was so fired up for the BAC. Pearly, who makes up the world No. 8 ing that such conduct could lead to
ugly head once again as national women’s “Everything seemed alright until Mon- with her partner M. Thinaah, shared a death. Prosecutors accused the medical
doubles player Pearly Tan withdrew from day. It was only on Tuesday when she was story on her Instagram page, indicating professionals of being involved in “reck-
next week’s Badminton Asia Champi- shaking and complained of breathing dif- that the Kedah-born is currently admitted less” and “deficient” home treatment of a
onships (BAC) in Dubai. ficulties. to a hospital and on drips. patient.
The Academy Badminton Malaysia “We have been told she is down with Earlier this week, Timesport spoke to A panel of 20 medical experts con-
(ABM) confirmed that Pearly, 23, will miss the flu. We all wish her the best and hope Pearly about her recent dip in form and vened by Argentina’s public prosecutor
the BAC due to illness. for a speedy recovery,” said Rexy. how she overcame burnout. Both Pearly concluded in 2021 that Maradona “would
It is a major blow to the national squad, ABM high-performance director Dr Tim and Thinaah were present at the upcom- have had a better chance of survival” with
who are also gearing up for the Sudirman Jones also lamented the timing of the set- ing Malaysia Masters announcement adequate treatment in an appropriate
Cup in Suzhou, China, on May 14-21. back. “Bad flu is what we got from the event, which was held on Monday in Bukit medical facility.
ABM doubles coaching director Rexy medical team. We expect Pearly to be okay Kiara. No trial date has yet been set.
Mainaky did not see this coming, espe- for the Sudirman Cup, but she needs a lot Pearly-Thinaah were scheduled to play Among those accused are a psycholo-
cially when Pearly had resumed full train- of rest to get over it. world No. 10 Jonkolphan Kititharakul- gist, a clinical doctor, a medical coordina-
Pearly had just resumed ing after recovering from a viral infection “Nothing serious, just very annoying Rawinda Prajongjai of Thailand in the first tor, nursing coordinator and nurses. –
full training. – BAM photo late last month. “She was doing great. timing,” he said. round of the BAC. – New Straits Times AFP

Russia, Belarus denied entry to Ultra-marathon runner disqualified for going by car
Olympic men’s basketball qualifying LONDON: Scottish ultra-marathon runner
Joasia Zakrzewski has been disqualified from
Wayne Drinkwater, GB Ultras race direc-
tor, told the BBC the matter had been inves-
Zakrzewski finished 14th in the 2014 Com-
monwealth Games marathon in Scotland
PARIS: The Russia and Belarus men’s bas- last year. a race — because she was found to have used tigated.He said: “Having reviewed the data and has set a number of records in ultra-
ketball teams have been banned from the As Moscow’s assault on Ukraine a car for part of the event. from our race tracking system, GPX data, marathon running.
second-chance qualification tournaments stretches into a second year, the Inter- The 47-year-old had finished third in the statements provided from our event team, Third place has been awarded to another
for the 2024 Olympics, the International national Olympic Committee has rec- 50-mile (80-kilometre) GB Ultras Manchester other competitors and from the participant competitor. Adrian Stott, a friend of the run-
Basketball Federation (Fiba) announced ommended allowing athletes from to Liverpool race on April 7. herself, we can confirm that a runner has now ner, told the BBC she is “genuinely sorry” and
Tuesday. Russia and Moscow ally Belarus to com-
But she is believed to have travelled 2.5 been disqualified from the event having felt unwell. “The race didn’t go to plan. She
Athletes from Russia and Belarus have pete just as individual neutrals in
miles in a car after mapping data found she taken vehicle transport during part of the said she was feeling sick and tired on the race
faced sanctions from a multitude of sports upcoming international competitions.
covered a mile in one minute and 40 seconds. route.” and wanted to drop out,” he said. – AFP
since Russia invaded Ukraine in February – AFP

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KHaMis, 20 april, 2023 / 29 raMadan, 1444H

Imsak Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak
KK/Pantai Barat 4.49 4.59 12.18 3.30 6.25 7.36
Sandakan Timur 4.41 4.51 12.11 3.22 6.17 7.28
Sandakan Barat 4.45 4.55 12.15 3.26 6.21 7.32
Tawau Timur 4.39 4.49 12.08 3.19 6.14 7.25
Tawau Barat 4.43 4.53 12.11 3.24 6.17 7.28
Kudat 4.44 4.54 12.15 3.25 6.22 7.33
Pedalaman Atas 4.47 4.57 12.16 3.28 6.23 7.33
Pedalaman Bawah 4.50 5.00 12.19 3.31 6.26 7.36
415 banduan di Sabah, Masalah banjir di Trafik sesak di lebuhraya keluar RM685j dibelanja untuk
Labuan dibebas > 2 Kg Bukau selesai > 3 Jakarta kerana mudik Hari Raya > 5 modal insan Sabah > 6

Untuk menarik lebih banyak pelaburan asing, kata Anifah

Pamer lebih banyak potensi Sabah

Hayati Dzulkifli dan Jonathan penting dalam kepentingan geopolitik
Nicholas Malaysia.
KOTA KINABALU: Invest Sabah Berhad “Sabah mudah diakses melalui
(ISB) memainkan peranan penting udara, laut dan darat, dan terletak di
dalam mempromosikan Sabah kepada persimpangan rantau Asia-Pasifik dan
syarikat asing dan menarik mereka Timur Tengah.
untuk melabur. “Lokasi strategik ini meletakkan
Pengerusi ISB Senator Datuk Seri Sabah pada kedudukan yang ideal
Anifah Aman berkata fasilitator perni- untuk memanfaatkan peluang perda-
agaan milik kerajaan itu membuka gangan dan pelaburan di rantau ini.
pintu untuk semua kementerian di “Sabah juga mempunyai perseki-
negara ini mempromosikan Sabah taran politik yang stabil, dengan
kepada dunia. tumpuan yang kukuh terhadap pem-
“Perkongsian ini akan mem- bangunan ekonomi dan menarik
bolehkan kami memanfaatkan rangka- pelaburan asing.
ian dan sumber yang luas untuk “Ia kaya dengan sumber asli, terma-
menarik lebih banyak pelaburan asing suk balak, minyak dan gas, mineral dan
ke Sabah. tanah yang subur untuk pertanian dan
“Sabah mempunyai banyak tawaran komited untuk mempromosikan
kepada pelabur asing, daripada industri teknologi tinggi seperti pem-
lokasinya yang strategik kepada sum- buatan, teknologi dan tenaga boleh
ber asli yang banyak dan ekonomi yang diperbaharui,” katanya.
pelbagai. Bagaimanapun, kita perlu Beliau menegaskan bahawa pen-
melakukan lebih banyak lagi untuk duduk di Nusantara nanti, iaitu bakal
mempamerkan potensi negeri kita dan ibu kota baharu Indonesia tidak lama
menarik pelabur yang tepat. lagi, akan jauh lebih besar daripada
“ISB mesti berusaha untuk melam- Sabah.

ANIFAH bertanyakan sesuatu dengan seorang pelajar tahfiz yang menerima

paui bidang pelaburan negeri lain di “Inilah sebab ISB akan rancang dan

sumbangan, sambil diiringi Dr Joachim (kedua dari kanan) dan James (kanan).
bekerjasama rapat dengan agensi

Janji tambang rendah manifesto

Malaysia. Untuk mencapai matlamat

‘Saya mahu
ini, kami perlu meningkatkan program persekutuan dan negeri supaya kita
kami dan melibatkan diri dalam pro- akan bersedia apabila ada peluang.

rehat dahulu’ PH, sedang diusahakan: Ewon

gram antarabangsa untuk menjalin “Sektor pembuatan Sabah berkem-
hubungan dengan syarikat berpotensi. bang pesat, dengan tumpuan kepada
“Kita perlu proaktif dalam industri nilai tambah tinggi seperti
mendekati pelabur berpotensi dan aeroangkasa, peranti perubatan, dan
mempamerkan apa yang Sabah tenaga boleh diperbaharui. Dengan
tawarkan,” kata bekas Menteri Luar itu. tumpuan negeri untuk memban- PUTRAJAYA: Ketua KOTA KINABALU: bersetuju bahawa manifesto yang
Anifah berucap pada majlis iftar ISB gunkan industri pembuatan, pelabur Pengarah Kesihatan Menteri Pembangu- ditawarkan oleh semua gabungan ini
yang diadakan di Hotel Le Meridien boleh mengambil bahagian dalam sek- Tan Sri Dr Noor nan Usahawan dan perlu menjadi keutamaan untuk dilak-
pada Selasa di mana anak-anak yatim tor yang semakin berkembang ini. Hisham Abdullah Koperasi Datuk sanakan sebagai manifesto bersama.
dan pelajar kurang berkemampuan “Sektor minyak dan gas Sabah juga yang akan bersara Ewon Benedick “Sebab itu, walaupun hanya Pakatan
dari Madrasah Tahfiz Al Quran Nah- merupakan pemacu utama ekonomi wajib esok (Jumaat), mempertahankan Harapan yang membuat tawaran ini
datul Ilmiah di Taman Sempelang dan negeri. Rizab minyak dan gas yang menyatakan beliau janji pilihan raya dalam manifestonya, tetapi ia sedang
Pusat Tahfiz Ash-Shabab Al-Mardiyah besar, telah menarik pemain utama mahu berehat parlimennya untuk diambil tindakan oleh ahli-ahli majlis
di Tuaran disampaikan duit raya. dalam industri, memberikan peluang selepas 35 tahun berkhidmat dengan tambang penerbangan RM199 antara menteri yang telah ditugaskan untuk
Turut hadir Timbalan Ketua Menteri kepada pelabur untuk mengambil Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM). Kuala Lumpur dan di sini, mengatakan memastikan tindakan diambil terhadap
merangkap Menteri Kerajaan Tem- bahagian dalam sektor yang mengun- Dr Noor Hisham yang dianggap ia berdasarkan manifesto Pakatan Hara- tawaran yang dibangkitkan.
patan dan Perumahan, Datuk Seri Dr tungkan ini. ‘panglima perang’ KKM ketika negara pan (PH). “Tetapi perkara utama adalah kera-
Joachim Gunsalam, Menteri Pemban- “Kita kini bergantung kepada berdepan pandemik Covid-19, “Ini bukan manifesto saya sahaja, ia jaan bersetuju menambah bilangan
gunan Masyarakat dan Kesejahteraan minyak yang menjadi pemacu utama merupakan antara individu penting manifesto dalam tawaran Pakatan Hara- penerbangan sepanjang musim cuti,
Rakyat Negeri Datuk James Ratib, Ketua negeri tetapi kita tidak boleh bergan- yang menyampaikan perkembangan pan dan boleh dibaca dalam tawaran dan saya percaya ia telah mengu-
Pegawai Eksekutif ISB Datuk Madiyem tung sepenuhnya kepada sektor itu. terkini dan usaha kerajaan dalam Kita Boleh Pakatan Harapan,” katanya, rangkan harga tiket sedikit sebanyak,
Layapan dan Konsul Jeneral China di Rizab kami yang besar telah menarik memerangi penularan wabak itu ketika diminta mengulas kritikan neti- cuma ia masih tinggi sedikit,” katanya.
Kota Kinabalu Huang Shifang. syarikat mega seperti Shell, Exxon dan dalam negara. zen. Beliau berkata, rakyat mesti faham Tambang penerbangan dari Kuala
Anifah berkata beliau mempunyai Hibiscus,” katanya. “Rehat dulu,” katanya ringkas ketika bahawa kerajaan hari ini terdiri dari- Lumpur ke Kota Kinabalu ditawarkan
visi besar untuk Sabah dan bagaimana Beliau menambah bahawa ISB akan ditemui media selepas mengimbas kad pada gabungan yang berbeza termasuk oleh beberapa syarikat penerbangan
negeri ini, pintu masuk ke pasaran menerajui tarikan budaya dan semula perakam waktu pada pukul 4.17 petang BN, GRS, GPS, Warisan, serta parti bebas menjelang Hari Raya antara RM400 dan

Daftar Pemilih
Asean, boleh diletakkan sebagai faktor jadi Sabah, menyumbang kepada keku- sebagai simbolik hari terakhir bertugas yang menyokong pembentukan Kera- RM1,200. Tiket ekonomi sehala dari Kota
atan Malaysia dan kerjasama yang lebih di KKM, Rabu. jaan Perpaduan. Kinabalu ke Tawau, sebaliknya, hampir

Tambahan dibuka Diskaun bayaran

besar antara negara lain. Beliau diiringi Menteri Kesihatan Dr Katanya, beliau pasti Menteri Pen- RM600.
“Mari kita bekerjasama untuk mem- Zaliha Mustafa, Timbalan Menteri Kesi- gangkutan sedang berbincang dengan

untuk semakan saman trafik

pamerkan potensi Sabah kepada dunia hatan Lukanisman Awang Sauni dan syarikat penerbangan untuk mengu-
dan meletakkan Sabah sebagai faktor warga KKM yang turut hadir mengu- rangkan tambang penerbangan pada
penting dalam kepentingan geopolitik capkan selamat bersara kepadanya. – musim perayaan.

Ada kebarangkalian gempa bumi berlaku di M’sia: NRECC

Malaysia,” katanya. Bernama “Di peringkat kabinet, kami telah
KUALA LUMPUR: Daftar Pemilih Tam- KUALA LUMPUR: Semua saman trafik
bahan Bulan Mac Tahun 2023 (DPT untuk kesalahan pada 2022 dan
BLN3/2023) yang diperaku dan sebelumnya layak menikmati Kadar
diwartakan, dibuka untuk semakan PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia mempunyai berpusat di Malaysia pernah berlaku JMG juga telah menerbitkan Peta Khas Bayaran Saman RM50 kecuali
selama 30 hari mulai Rabu hingga 18 kebarangkalian untuk berlaku gempa dengan kekuatan 6.0 hingga 6.3 skala Bahaya Seismik Semenanjung saman yang masih belum selesai per-
Mei depan. bumi berdasarkan kepada bukti Richter di Sabah pada 1923, 1958, 1976 Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak pada bicaraan mahkamah kerana ia meru-
Setiausaha Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya empirikal, demikian menurut dan 2015, manakala gegaran terkuat di 2019 yang mencirikan zon bahaya ben- pakan luar bidang kuasa Polis Diraja
(SPR) Datuk Ikmalrudin Ishak dalam Kementerian Sumber Asli, Alam Seki- Sarawak berlaku pada 1996 dengan 5.3 cana seismik berdasarkan ‘Peak Malaysia (PDRM).
kenyataan Rabu berkata DPT tar dan Perubahan Iklim (NRECC). skala Richter. Ground Acceleration’ (PGA) yang Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan dan Pen-
BLN3/2023 mengandungi 39,604 nama Sebagai langkah mitigasi jangka Di Semenanjung Malaysia turut per- digunakan sebagai rujukan untuk guatkuasaan Trafik Bukit Aman Datuk
warganegara yang berumur 18 tahun panjang, NRECC memaklumkan nah berlaku beberapa gegaran gempa membuat reka bentuk bangunan yang Seri Mat Kasim Karim berkata tawaran
dan ke atas yang didaftarkan bagi tem- Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains bumi dengan pusat gempa tempatan tahan gegaran gempa bumi. yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri
poh 1 Mac 2023 hingga 31 Mac 2023. Malaysia (JMG) menjalankan program di Bukit Tinggi di Pahang, Empangan Menurut NRECC, kejadian gempa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada Selasa
“Ia turut mengandungi 13,534 pemilih libat urus dengan pihak berkuasa tem- Kenyir di Terengganu, Kuala Pilah di bumi kuat yang berlaku di Sumatera, berbeza daripada tawaran diskaun
berdaftar yang bertukar bahagian pili- patan dan pihak berkepentingan Negeri Sembilan serta Manjung dan Indonesia berpotensi mengaktifkan saman PDRM sehingga 60 peratus sem-
han raya dan 3,229 pemilih bertukar sta- dalam aplikasi penggunaan peta Temenggor di Perak dengan julat sesar-sesar kuno di Semenanjung pena Peringatan Hari Polis ke-216 baru-
tus/kategori pengundi,” katanya. bahaya seismik. kekuatan antara 1.6 hingga 4.6 skala Malaysia dan kesan gegaran boleh baru ini. Beliau berkata diskaun
SPR menyediakan lima kaedah “Program kesedaran awam juga Richter yang berlaku pada 1984, 1985, dirasai di beberapa lokasi di pantai sempena Hari Polis sebelum ini mem-
semakan iaitu melalui portal SPR di dilaksanakan kepada pihak berkuasa 1987, 2007, 2009, 2010 dan 2013. barat Semenanjung, dengan magnitud punyai beberapa jenis saman yang
pautan atau negeri, penduduk tempatan dan seko- Bagi memantau pergerakan sesar gempa bumi yang boleh terhasil tidak layak untuk diberikan diskaun dan portal lah yang terdedah kepada ancaman aktif yang berpotensi menyebabkan adalah bergantung kepada saiz sesar pengurangan antaranya kes kemalan-
rasmi Pejabat-Pejabat Pilihan Raya risiko gempa bumi,” menurut gempa bumi, NRECC memaklumkan kuno yang diaktifkan. gan, kesalahan tidak boleh kompaun,
Negeri di pautan kementerian itu dalam satu kenyataan JMG telah memasang enam stesen “Bagi Sabah dan Sarawak, kejadian tidak patuhi isyarat lampu merah dan
Semakan juga boleh dibuat Rabu berhubung risiko gempa bumi Penanda Aras Gempa Bumi (PAG) aktif gegaran gempa bumi adalah dise- saman berstatus waran.
menerusi aplikasi dalam talian di pau- di Malaysia. di Sabah dan 54 PAG pasif di enam babkan oleh kombinasi pengaktifan “Tetapi bagi Kadar Khas Bayaran
tan, aplikasi NRECC turut menyarankan input negeri meliputi 29 stesen PAG pasif di sesar kuno akibat daripada himpitan Saman yang diumumkan Perdana
mudah alih MySPR Semak atau peta bahaya seismik dirujuk dalam Sabah, Pahang (13), Selangor (6), dan oleh pergerakan tektonik Plat Filipina Menteri semalam ia berbeza dan lebih
menghubungi hotline Semakan reka bentuk struktur bangunan di masing-masing dua stesen di Perak, dan Plat Eurasia serta pergerakan sesar berbaloi daripada diskaun 60 peratus itu
Pendaftaran Pemilih di talian 03- Malaysia. Negeri Sembilan dan Sarawak serta aktif tempatan,” menurut NRECC. – kerana orang awam hanya perlu bayar
88927218. – Bernama Gegaran gempa bumi kuat yang dipantau secara masa nyata. Bernama RM50 untuk satu saman. – Bernama
2 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
Lagi cadangan Inisiatif OBB
tangani harga
tambang 415 banduan di Sabah, Labuan dibebas
Sherell Jeffrey satu masa.
KOTA KINABALU: Seramai 415 banduan di Di Penjara Pusat Kota Kinabalu, sera-
Sabah dan Labuan dibebaskan sebagai mai 2,576 pesalah lelaki sedang menjalani
Lagatah Toyos sebahagian daripada inisiatif Orang Bebas hukuman di fasiliti yang hanya mampu
TAWAU: Ahli Parlimen Kalabakan, Datuk Berlesen (OBB) antara Januari dan Mac menempatkan 1,329 banduan pada satu
Andi Muhammad Suryady Bandy men- tahun ini. masa.
cadangkan syarikat penerbangan mem- Setakat Januari hingga April tahun ini, “Kami berharap dengan adanya pro-
perbanyakkan lagi kekerapan Sabah merupakan penyumbang terbesar gram OBB ini, lebih ramai banduan dapat
penerbangan domestik dan luar di negeri dalam bilangan banduan yang menghabiskan baki masa penjara dan
ini, serta mengambil kira perjalanan dua dibebaskan di bawah OBB di seluruh pemulihan dalam masyarakat,” kata
hala. negara, diikuti Selangor. Mohammad Sa’ad Bantalani, Timbalan
Beliau percaya kaedah tersebut boleh Buat masa ini, seramai 200 banduan di Pengarah Penjara Pusat Kota Kinabalu.
mengawal harga tiket daripada terus Sabah sedang menjalani program OBB. Sehari sebelum itu, Perdana Menteri
melambung naik setiap kali musim per- Pada Rabu, 38 lagi banduan di Sabah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengu-
ayaan tiba di negara ini. dibebaskan di bawah program OBB yang mumkan skim Pelepasan Banduan Secara
diadakan serentak di seluruh negara buat Lesen (PBSL) Ihsan Madani, yang akan
SALAH seorang banduan yang menerima OBB yang disampaikan oleh Kesumawati
“Sekiranya masa penerbangan diper-
kali pertama. menyaksikan lebih 1,000 banduan
(kedua dari kanan), sambil diperhatikan oleh Mohammad Sa’ad (ketiga dari kanan)
banyakkan, misalnya Kuala Lumpur -
Tawau - Kuala Lumpur, sudah pasti harga Daripada 38 itu, seramai 15 adalah dari dibebaskan secara lesen sepanjang
serta Ketua Bahagian Parol dan Khidmat Masyarakat Jomison Gondikit (kanan).
tiket akan turun… Ketika ini penerbangan Penjara Pusat Kota Kinabalu, seorang dari Ramadan dan Syawal.
kurang dan apabila (tempat duduk) Penjara Wanita Kota Kinabalu, 10 dari Sementara itu, Sarah (bukan nama
sudah penuh, harga tiket menjadi mahal,” Penjara Tawau, lima dari Penjara San- banduan menjalani proses pemulihan daripada hukuman mereka di penjara, sebenar) berasa lega kerana dapat pulang
katanya. dakan dan enam dari Pusat Koreksional bersama masyarakat, selain mengu- telah menyelesaikan atau sedang menye- ke rumah dan berhari raya bersama kelu-
Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengu- Labuan. rangkan perbelanjaan dan kesesakan di lesaikan program pemulihan di penjara, arga.
las isu hangat berkaitan tiket penerban- Sebahagian besar daripada mereka penjara,” kata Pengarah Penjara Wanita dan mempunyai jaminan daripada Wanita berusia 24 tahun itu telah
gan mahal untuk ke Sabah dan Sarawak, sedang menjalani hukuman untuk kesala- Kota Kinabalu Kesumawati Ilas semasa majikan, keluarga, atau pertubuhan dipenjarakan selama tiga bulan kerana
sehingga mengundang rasa tidak puas han berkaitan dadah dan telah memenuhi program OBB, di sini, Rabu. bukan kerajaan untuk menyediakan tem- penyalahgunaan dadah.
hati dalam kalangan anak-anak Borneo di syarat serta peringkat yang ditetapkan Beliau berkata pelaksanaan program pat tinggal serta pekerjaan. Seorang lagi banduan, Noro (bukan
perantauan, khususnya yang bekerja di oleh Jabatan Penjara untuk layak menyer- itu berkesan dan terbukti menerusi pen- Mereka yang dibebaskan di bawah pro- nama sebenar), bersyukur kerana diberi
Semenanjung Malaysia. tai program OBB. capaian kadar ulangan banduan yang gram OBB akan dipantau oleh Pegawai peluang untuk berhari raya bersama kelu-
Dalam masa yang sama, Andi yang juga Untuk rekod, seramai 1,436 banduan di menjalani pemulihan dalam komuniti, Parol Daerah di kawasan mereka melalui arga.
Pembantu Menteri Pembangunan Sabah dan Labuan telah dibebaskan di iaitu 0.24 peratus berbanding banduan lawatan ke rumah, lawatan majikan atau Lelaki berusia 36 tahun itu, yang sudah
Perindustrian dan Keusahawanan, mem- bawah program OBB sejak 2020 hingga yang menjalani pemulihan penuh di pen- panggilan telefon. tiga kali masuk keluar penjara, tidak
inta campur tangan kerajaan dalam kini. jara iaitu 18.6 peratus pada tahun lepas. Menurut Kesumawati, pada masa ini sabar-sabar untuk membuka lembaran
menangani isu berulang pada setiap “Program OBB adalah sebahagian dari- Banduan yang layak untuk OBB mesti terdapat 191 banduan wanita di Penjara baharu kehidupan.
pada pendekatan yang diambil Jabatan menjalani hukuman penjara kurang dari- Wanita Kota Kinabalu, yang dapat

Banduan bersyukur, PBSL hadiah sambutan Aidilfitri

musim perayaan itu.

Jadual pungutan
“Kita harap campur tangan kerajaan Penjara untuk memberi peluang kepada pada setahun, telah menjalani satu pertiga menampung sehingga 400 banduan pada Lagi berita di muka 3
agar dapat memastikan harga tiket kapal

sampah di Kunak
terbang adalah mampu milik mengikut
keadaan semasa dan ekonomi penduduk.

“Kita berharap Menteri Pengangkutan
tampil dengan inisiatif dan alternatif KOTA KINABALU: Rasa syukur, terharu dan kepadanya kerana institusi itu banyak kepada pihak penjara. Saya tidak sangka
khusus dalam memastikan isu harga tiekt gembira terpancar di wajah setiap lima mengajar beliau tentang disiplin serta boleh beraya bersama keluarga. Ini adalah
ini dapat dikawal dan mampu dibeli banduan beragama Islam apabila masing- ilmu agama termasuk kewajipan hadiah. Pagi Hari Raya nanti, saya akan
rakyat yang mahu pulang berhari raya masing dibebaskan awal dari Penjara menunaikan solat dan berpuasa. menziarah kubur kedua ibu bapa saya dan
dengan keluarga,” katanya lagi. Pusat Kota Kinabalu dan Penjara Wanita Dia yang dimasukkan ke dalam penjara kemudian beraya bersama keluarga,” Ibrahim Tabir
Andi berkata, isu tersebut sebenarnya Kota Kinabalu, Rabu. pada 3 Jan lepas atas kesalahan dadah itu katanya, yang ingin menyediakan juadah KUNAK: Majlis Daerah Kunak (MDKNK)
sudah disuarakan dalam sidang Parlimen Kesemua mereka merupakan sebaha- melihat ia sebagai hikmah dan pelajaran kegemaran sekeluarga iaitu kari ayam dan akan meningkatkan kekerapan jadual
lepas tetapi mungkin berlaku beberapa gian daripada 16 banduan dibebaskan terbesar yang diperolehinya sepanjang mi goreng, selain rendang serta ketupat. pungutan sampah dan sisa pepejal untuk
kekangan dalam Kementerian Pen- melalui program Pelepasan Banduan berada di tirai besi. Siti, yang sepatutnya dibebaskan pada menangani peningkatan sisa setiap kali
gangkutan. Secara Berlesen (PBSL) sempena Aidilfitri. “Sepanjang Ramadan ini, saya belajar 24 Julai ini, berjanji kepada dirinya sendiri musim perayaan.
“Namun, antara tugas kementerian Selain dapat menyambut Syawal berpuasa, solat berjemaah dan mengaji untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan perta- Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Mohd Nazri Pin-
dalam kerajaan Madani adalah untuk bersama keluarga, kepulangan mereka (al-Quran). Sebelum ini, saya tidak pernah manya itu dengan menjauhi najis dadah tal berkata sampah berlebihan dilihat
membantu rakyat, apatah lagi dengan yang disambut oleh ibu bapa, isteri dan buat semua itu termasuk berpuasa. Di serta pengaruh rakan tidak baik. melimpah di luar tong-tong sampah
harga barangan yang semakin tinggi ahli keluarga bagai memberi semangat penjara baharu saya belajar,” katanya Seorang lagi banduan lelaki berumur utama, sama ada di kawasan perumahan
sedangkan pendapatan rakyat tidak mem- serta sinar baharu kehidupan dalam men- kepada pemberita selepas Progam PBSL 35 tahun dari Sembulan turut bersyukur atau perniagaan di sini, pada waktu ini.
berangsangkan,” katanya. corak masa depan lebih baik. sempena Sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri kerana dibebaskan menerusi program “Pungutan sampah terus beroperasi
Katanya, ramai penduduk Tawau amat Seorang banduan wanita, yang hanya ‘Kasih Keluarga Sepanjang Zaman’ 2023 di PBSL dan menyifatkan ia cukup bermakna walaupun semasa cuti Hari Raya nanti,”
terkesan dengan ‘harga emas’ tiket pener- ingin dikenali sebagai Siti, 24, berkata Institusi Penjara Sabah dan Wilayah kerana dapat menyambut Aidilfitri kata Nazri kepada Daily Express.
bangan yang ditawarkan kerana harga tiket pengalaman hidup di penjara banyak Persekutuan Labuan, di sini. bersama keluarga apatah lagi dia sangat

Aidilfitri: LIGS agih bantuan kepada 86,617 pekebun kecil

Menurutnya, ketika ini empat lori sam-
percutian ke luar negara jauh lebih murah. memberi hikmah dan keinsafan “Saya bersyukur dan berterima kasih merindukan masakan ibunya. – Bernama pah beroperasi untuk kerja-kerja pemu-
“Anak-anak di perantauan hanya mahu nggahan sampah ke tapak pelupusan
pulang ke kampung untuk bersama kelu- yang terletak di Pangkalan Madai.
arga tersayang. Kerajaan perlu mengambil “Empat lori itu termasuk dua lori kom-
perhatian terhadap isu ini dengan paktor dan dua lori roro (roll-on roll-off),”
mengambil kira perjalanan dua hala pergi KOTA KINABALU: Lembaga Industri Getah getah di negeri ini, di mana bagi tahun ini, gagihkan BMT dengan kadar RM800 seo- katanya. Pusat pelupusan sampah di
dan balik,” tegasnya. Sabah (LIGS) mengagihkan Bantuan Khas Kerajaan melalui LIGS telah mengagihkan rang kepada 86,617 pekebun kecil di Pangkalan Madai terletak kira-kira 15 kilo-
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Sulit kepada Kewangan Aidilfitri (BKKA) kepada 86,617 BKKA dan BMT berjumlah RM1,000 Sabah, melibatkan jumlah keseluruhan meter dari Pekan Kunak.
Ahli Dewan Negara, Muhammad Faisal pekebun kecil getah di negeri ini bermula kepada setiap pekebun kecil yang layak. RM69.3 juta. Kekerapan pungutan ditambah kepada
Mohamad Mohidin berkata, Kerajaan 17 April. Linggu seterusnya menzahirkan “Ini telah menjadikan jumlah keselu- tiga trip (perjalanan) sehari bagi lori kom-
Sabah perlu bertindak tegas terhadap Pengerusi LIGS Datuk Edward Linggu harapan agar pekebun kecil terus ruhan bantuan yang telah diagihkan paktor, dan enam trip sehari bagi lori roro.
syarikat penerbangan berhubung isu berkata bantuan RM200 seorang itu akan menoreh dan meningkatkan lagi produk- kepada pekebun kecil di Sabah pada Sementara itu, tinjauan Daily Express di
harga tiket terlalu mahal dan melampau dinikmati semua pekebun kecil getah di tiviti. tahun ini berjumlah RM86.6 juta,” kawasan premis perniagaan Kunak Plaza
ketika musim perayaan. Sabah sebagai tambahan kepada Bantuan Beliau berkata demikian selepas meng- katanya. dan Bangunan Sapang mendapati
Menurutnya, Kerajaan Negeri perlu Musim Tengkujuh (BMT) RM800 awal hadiri Majlis Bubur Lambuk Badan Keba- Menurut Linggu, LIGS sentiasa peka pekerja-pekerja pembersihan men-
mengambil kira faktor kesukaran golon- tahun ini. jikan Islam, Jabatan Perkhidmatan dan mengambil pendekatan yang berke- jalankan operasi seperti biasa, dengan
gan B40 dan mahasiswa yang kini dalam “Kita berharap bantuan yang secara Veterinar Sabah. san bagi membantu dan meningkatkan memastikan sampah yang berada di luar
terdesak untuk pulang beraya, apatah lagi keseluruhannya berjumlah RM17.3 juta ini Majlis tersebut dilancarkan Timbalan taraf hidup para pekebun kecil di Sabah. tong utama tidak bertaburan jauh atau

Lelaki hilang selepas

perkara itu sudah berlarutan sejak sekian mampu meringankan beban kewangan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey G Katanya, LIGS sentiasa peka dan pri- berterbangan di merata tempat.
lama dan kerap diutarakan di Dewan para pekebun kecil getah, terutamanya Kitingan yang juga Menteri Pertanian, hatin terhadap isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh
Rakyat dan Dewan Negara. bagi merayakan Aidilfitri tahun ini,” Perikanan dan Industri Makanan. Hadir para pekebun kecil dan sentiasa berusaha

dua bot bertembung

“Sampai bila isu ini akan selesai dan katanya. sama Pengarah Veterinar Sabah Dr Hajah menerokai pelbagai pendekatan sig-

Rumah musnah terbakar di Ranau, Sipitang

adakah Sabah memerlukan syarikat Linggu menegaskan, kerajaan sentiasa Normah Yusop. nifikan untuk memajukan masyarakat
penerbangannya sendiri atau mewujud- prihatin kepada kebajikan pekebun kecil Pada awal tahun ini, LIGS telah men- pekebun kecil getah di Sabah.
kan skim kad diskaun khas untuk mereka
yang bermastautin di Semenanjung? SEMPORNA: Seorang lelaki dilaporkan
“Apabila tiba masa untuk pulang ke kam- hilang dalam tragedi bot karam selepas
pung halaman, mereka dikenakan harga dua bot bertembung di perairan Hotel
tiket yang amat tidak munasabah,” katanya. Clarence Dol dan Ahmad Apong laluan sempit. Seafest, sekitar jam 2 petang, Selasa.
Katanya, masalah yang sudah sekian RANAU: Sebuah rumah kampung jenis Tiada kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan dan Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat
lama itu terus menjadi beban kepada tidak kekal musnah dalam kebakaran operasi dikawal pada jam 8.20 pagi (BBP) Atas Air Semporna, Abdul Kadir Ab
hampir 400,000 rakyat Sabah yang dekat sini pagi Selasa, selepas pasukan sebelum ditamatkan pada 8.39 pagi. Halalan berkata, pihaknya hanya mener-
bermastautin di seluruh Semenanjung bomba tidak dapat mencapai lokasi dise- ima panggilan berhubung insiden itu
Malaysia, khususnya golongan B40 yang babkan laluan sempit. Di SIPITANG, sebuah rumah musnah pada jam 11 pagi Rabu.
berpendapatan rendah. Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat terbakar di Kg Hulu Lingkungan, di sini, “Sepasukan empat pegawai dan
Pelbagai media sebelum ini mela- (BBP) Ranau, PPgB Ridwan Mohd Taib petang Isnin lepas. anggota bersama sebuah bot dikerah ke
porkan harga tiket bagi penerbangan berkata, kejadian berlaku di Kg Minihas, Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat lokasi kejadian untuk operasi mencari dan
domestik di negara ini yang lebih mahal Ranau kira-kira jam 7.50 pagi. Daerah Sipitang, Calvin Joe Jaefery berkata menyelamat (SAR) kerana mangsa masih
beberapa hari sebelum menjelang Hari “Panggilan diterima melalui talian bilik kawalan bomba menerima panggi- belum ditemui sehingga Rabu,” katanya.
ANGGOTA bomba memadamkan
Raya Aidilfitri. balai pada jam 7.52 pagi dan sepasukan lan kecemasan pada jam 1.02 petang dan Menurutnya, pihaknya turut menerima
sisa kebakaran di Sipitang.
Penerbangan ke Sabah untuk laluan enam anggota bomba diketuai Komander mengerahkan dua pasukan ke lokasi yang laporan dua bot bertembung sehingga
sehala bagi kelas ekonomi mencecah Operasi, PBK II Wasli Saupin dikerahkan terletak 18 kilometer dari sini. menyebabkan salah satu bot itu karam
RM1,123 dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kota Kina- ke lokasi. “Operasi pemadaman dilakukan meng- “Setibanya bomba di tempat kejadian, dalam kejadian itu. Setakat ini, katanya,
balu bagi penerbangan yang dijadualkan “Setibanya di lokasi yang terletak 13 gunakan satu aliran air sepanjang 100 rumah jenis tidak kekal itu telah musnah SAR masih diteruskan dan mangsa belum

Polis putus sebahagian

pada pukul 9.15 pagi dan pukul 10 malam. kilometer dari balai, pasukan mendapati kaki dari kolam berhampiran menggu- 100 peratus,” katanya. ditemui. – LT
Manakala, bagi penerbangan dari kebakaran membabitkan rumah semen- nakan pam terapung,” katanya, menam- Tiada kecederaan dilaporkan dan
Kuala Lumpur ke Kuching, Sarawak pula bah jentera bomba mengalami kesukaran punca kejadian serta anggaran kerugian

jari digigit penagih

tara berkeluasan 20x20 kaki yang musnah

5 suspek cuba curi kayu arang ditahan

berjumlah RM1,025 dan RM1,009. 100 peratus. untuk mencapai lokasi rumah kerana masih dalam siasatan.

TAWAU: Cubaan lima lelaki mencuri (RCJ) dari Balai Polis Tawau membuat dadah
arang batu di kawasan kilang di Tanjung tangkapan terhadap lima suspek lelaki,”
Batu Laut Logpond, gagal apabila perbu- katanya dalam kenyataan media, Rabu. KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang anggota polis
atan mereka disedari pengawal kesela- Jasmin berkata, pemeriksaan mendap- putus sebahagian jarinya apabila digigit
matan bertugas dalam insiden pada Ahad ati empat daripada suspek berkenaan lelaki yang berada di bawah pengaruh
lepas. tidak memiliki sebarang dokumen penge- dadah di hadapan pos pengawal Balai
Ketua Polis Daerah Tawau, ACP Jasmin nalan diri yang sah dan dipercayai warga Polis Sungai Besi di sini, Isnin lepas.
Hussin berkata, lima suspek terlibat beru- asing. Ketua Polis Daerah Cheras ACP Zam
sia antara 38 hingga 69 tahun itu ditahan “Polis turut merampas sebuah van yang Halim Jamaluddin berkata dalam keja-
sekumpulan pengawal keselamatan bertu- digunakan dalam kegiatan tersebut dian pada 10.15 malam itu suspek berusia
gas. bersama lapan karung guni kayu arang 34 tahun datang ke balai polis berkenaan
Menurutnya, pengawal keselamatan yang dicuri,” katanya. dan menjerit mahu menyimbah asid.
yang menyedari tindak-tanduk lima lelaki Tambahnya, kesemua tangkapan “Suspek kemudian bertindak agresif
tersebut meminta bantuan rakan-rakan dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) menyimbah air ke badan dan muka seorang
setugas untuk menangkap mereka. Tawau untuk tindakan lanjut dan kes disi- daripada anggota polis yang bertugas di pos

ANTARA suspek yang ditangkap di kawasan kilang itu.

“Bertindak atas maklumat dan aduan, asat di bawah Seksyen 381 Kanun Kesek- berkenaan sebelum meluru masuk ke dalam
sepasukan anggota Ronda Cegah Jenayah saan. – LT balai,” katanya dalam kenyataan , Rabu.
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 Tempatan 3

Masalah banjir di
Kg Bukau selesai
Iskandar Dzulkifli
BEAUFORT: Masalah banjir di Kampung
Bukau yang berlaku sekian lama kini sele-
sai sepenuhnya hasil kerja-kerja penye-
lengaraan di sungai Api-Api
membabitkan peruntukan kerajaan
persekutuan berjumlah RM500,000.
Wakil rakyat Lumadan, Datuk Ruslan
Muharam berkata, antara pelaksanaan
dibuat termasuk membersihkan sungai
berkenaan melibatkan dua fasa projek Kenapa Hari memperingati orang
pembersihan sejauh 8.5 kilometer (km).
Menurutnya, sungai Api-Api sejauh
10km itu dipenuhi semak samun yang
kurang upaya dipinggirkan
tebal hingga menghalang aliran air DALAM sambutan tahunan kita, kita membeza secara kategori kecacatan fizikal
keluar khususnya ketika hujan lebat sememangnya mengingati dan menyam- bagi mereka yang didaftarkan sebagai
hingga menyebabkan banjir lambat but Hari Kanak-kanak, Hari Pekerja dan kurang upaya.
surut. Hari Wanita tetapi bukan Hari Orang Sama ada mereka terlantar di atas katil,
“Situasi dihadapi penduduk Kampung Kurang Upaya Antarabangsa (IDPwD). dipotong tangan atau kaki, atau boleh
Bukau ini menyebabkan air banjir IDPwD diadakan setiap 3 Dis, bertujuan berjalan menggunakan tongkat, mereka
bertakung di kawasan itu hingga setahun untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang semua dikumpulkan bersama dan mener-
lamanya untuk surut namun sekarang ramai, pemahaman dan penerimaan men- ima jumlah bantuan kewangan yang sama
paling lama tiga hari sudah surut genai orang kurang upaya serta meraikan rata daripada Jabatan Kebajikan
sepenuhnya. pencapaian dan sumbangan mereka. Masyarakat tanpa sebarang perbezaan
“Ini hasil perbincangan saya dengan RUSLAN (dua dari kanan) menyampaikan sumbangan. Namun, sejak ia disambut pada 1992, kadar pembayaran.
Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) Beau- membolehkan penduduk di Kampung “Punca kepada masalah ini adalah jarang sekali kita melihat sebarang Oleh itu, hanya dengan klasifikasi
fort pada tahun 2020 lalu hingga kerja- Bukau melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti selain semak tebal hingga memenuhi dan sambutan besar-besaran atau menonjol yang jelas tentang orang kurang upaya,
kerja pembersihan fasa pertama sejauh pertanian untuk menjana ekonomi yang menutupi sungai, bahagian muara sun- diadakan secara rasmi untuk menye- sama ada mereka cacat, terlantar atau
3.5 km dimulakan manakala fasa kedua sebelumnya tidak dapat dilakukan eko- gai Lumadan juga kecil serta cetek sekali- marakkan kesedaran tentang kesulitan menggunakan tongkat, barulah asas
sejauh 5 km pada tahun 2021 lalu. ran masalah tersebut. gus menghalang kelancaran aliran air dihadapi orang kurang upaya. pengagihan geran bulanan boleh
“Manakala, projek fasa ketiga untuk Beliau yang juga Pembantu Menteri keluar. Saya percaya bahawa Hari Orang diberikan secara adil.
baki 2 km lagi sudah dimohon dan Kepada Ketua Menteri turut memak- “Pada tahun lalu, kerja-kerja pember- Kurang Upaya Antarabangsa sering tidak Nampaknya, geran bulanan kira-kira
dijangka dilaksanakan tahun ini,” katanya lumkan isu sama juga berlaku di Kam- sihan dimulakan termasuk melaksanakan mendapat perhatian. RM400 mungkin mencukupi untuk orang
ketika ditemui di Program Rahmat pung Lumadan sebelum ini namun telah pelebaran tebing dan mendalamkan Beberapa bulan lalu, kerajaan memer- cacat tetapi tidak untuk orang tua OKU
Ramadan di Sekolah Menengah Agama selesai melalui pelaksanaan projek sama muara sungai ini yang telah siap sepenuh- intah bercakap tentang meminda perun- yang sentiasa perlu menukar lampin,
Negeri (SMAN) Beaufort, di sini, Selasa. di Sungai Lumadan. nya tahun sama. tukan undang-undang untuk terutamanya untuk orang kurang upaya
Hadir sama Ketua Penolong Pengarah Katanya, sekian lama kawasan itu “Ini antara penyelesaian masalah mencerminkan keperluan sosial kontem- dan cacat fizikal.
Pendidikan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama mudah dinaiki air banjir dalam tempoh rakyat yang diamanahkan kepada saya porari masyarakat. Diharapkan peminggiran dan ketidak-
Islam Negeri Sabah (Jheains), Abd Rah- singkat setiap kali hujan lebat berlaku sebaik dipilih sebagai wakil rakyat Oleh itu, sudah tiba masanya kerajaan samaan ke atas golongan OKU dapat diku-
man Talipudin dan Pengetua SMAN, hingga melimpah merosakkan rumah Lumadan kerana isu-isu seumpama itu melihat keperluan meminda peruntukan rangkan secara beransur-ansur. Orang
Jaludin Kadir. penduduk, sekolah, dewan dan banyak sudah berlaku lama dan perlu disele- untuk memberi manfaat kepada OKU. kurang upaya mungkin terbukti produktif
Ruslan berkata, penyelesaian banjir itu lagi kemudahan. saikan segera,” tegasnya. Peruntukan undang-undang bukan secara positif jika diberi perhatian dan
pengkategorian atau bukan pengelasan bantuan yang sewajarnya.

Kiandee persoal penangguhan Gagasan Rakyat kumpulan orang kurang upaya perlu dis-
emak. Undang-undang sekarang tidak CHY

RUU anti lompat parti di Sabah Tambunan sumbang

dana untuk sekolah
Pertimbang pembelajaran
Winnie Kasmir empat bulan selepas pemimpin Bersatu
SANDAKAN: Wakil rakyat tunggal Bersatu
Sabah, Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee (gam-
Sabah keluar parti beramai-ramai untuk
menyertai Gagasan.
KOTA KINABALU: Parti Gagasan Rakyat
Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Tambunan akan
hibrid di universiti
bar), berkata Kerajaan Negeri perlu mem- “Hari ini kami menerima ahli daripada memberikan penekanan terhadap keba- DATA terkini Kementerian Pendidikan buka” beberapa kali semasa kehidupan
bentangkan rang undang-undang (RUU) sebuah parti kerajaan, yang luar biasa; jikan dan kesejahteraan pelajar di daerah menunjukkan hanya separuh (50.3 per- profesional mereka sambil mereka
anti-lompat di Dewan Undangan Negeri selalunya orang pembangkang melompat itu. atus) daripada lepasan sekolah pada berusaha untuk mendapatkan kemahi-
tanpa berlengah-lengah lagi. parti kerajaan, bukan sebaliknya. Ketua Penaja Gagasan Rakyat Tam- 2021 berminat untuk melanjutkan pela- ran dan pengetahuan baharu.
Beliau berkata Kerajaan Negeri pimp- “Ini menunjukkan rakyat melihat bunan, Datuk Victor P. Paut berkata, untuk jaran ke peringkat tinggi. Pengalaman sarjana muda tradi-
inan Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor tidak ikhlas Bersatu adalah parti yang akan menerajui itu prasarana sekolah perlu lengkap bagi Ketika perdebatan berterusan ten- sional selama tiga atau empat tahun
menentang lompat parti. kerajaan pada masa hadapan. Keterbukaan membolehkan pelajar dapat belajar dengan tang kenapa lebih ramai belia memilih juga boleh diubah, dengan pelajar
“Jika Kerajaan Negeri ikhlas, ia sepatut- mereka menunjukkan Bersatu dan PN selesa. untuk bekerja dan bukannya melan- boleh menimba pengalaman di luar
nya menggubal undang-undang ini berada di landasan politik yang betul. Kita “Manakala guru pula dapat memberikan jutkan ke pengajian tinggi, bilik darjah.
sekarang. Jangan tunggu majoriti dua per- lihat pada pilihan raya negeri akan datang,” pengajaran dengan penuh tumpuan dan bagaimanakah institusi pengajian Semasa di kampus, pelajar boleh
tiga,” katanya. katanya. ceria,” katanya pada penyerahan bantuan tinggi boleh bertindak balas dan kekal mendapatkan ijazah hibrid yang
Beliau berkata pembentangan undang- Daripada 2,000 ahli Upko Libaran itu, 24 dana kepada SM ST. Martin Tampasak, Tam- relevan dalam zaman yang dinamik dan menawarkan pembelajaran pelbagai
undang anti lompat peringkat persekutuan adalah ketua cawangan di bawah parti bunan, di pejabatnya, di sini, Isnin lalu. disruptif ini di mana teknologi dan disiplin, kemudian lulus dengan pelba-
bahagian itu. Sumbangan berkenaan diterima oleh perubahan sosial telah mengubah cara gai kelayakan dan kemahiran serta
di Parlimen ketika Perikatan Nasional (PN)
Kiandee berkata beliau percaya rakyat pengetua sekolah St. Martin Tampasak, belia berfikir, bekerja dan hidup? kebolehan yang diperlukan untuk ber-
mentadbir tidak menunggu sehingga ia
kini boleh membuat perbandingan antara Tambunan Janius @Kow Rantisan. Apakah yang perbezaan yang perlu jaya di tempat kerja.
mendapat sokongan dua pertiga, dan
SM ST Martin Tampasak ketika ini dilakukan oleh institusi pengajian Di bawah program ijazah hibrid,
semua Ahli Parlimen – kerajaan dan pem- kerajaan, dan akan menyedari bahawa ker-
memerlukan dana bagi menampung kos tinggi? pelajar boleh belajar dengan teknologi
bangkang – mengundinya. ajaan PN berjaya mengurangkan impak
pembelian kelengkapan bilik darjah iaitu Memandangkan dunia pekerjaan mendalam dan pembelajaran
“Kenapa Kerajaan Sabah perlu Covid-19 semasa tadbir urusnya dari 2020 kerusi dan meja pelajar, meja pejabat UBK
hingga 2022. dan tingkah laku pelajar mengalami berasaskan kerja.
menunggu?” kata Naib Presiden Bersatu dan sebagainya.
Kini, katanya, rakyat Sabah bukan sahaja anjakan seismik, dipercepatkan oleh Ini memastikan bahawa pengalaman
dan Ketua Bersatu Sabah itu semasa pro- “Saya difahamkan bahawa sekolah SM
mengalami kenaikan harga barang, malah pandemik Covid-19, mungkin kita boleh mereka dalam pendidikan memuaskan
gram berbuka puasa bersama Bersatu baha- ST. Martin Tampasak menerima pendaf-
isu infrastrukturnya – jalan raya dan membayangkan semula model pen- dan mempunyai nilai yang berpanjan-
gian Libaran, di sini. taran kemasukan pelajar baru yang agak didikan gelung terbuka di mana pelajar gan, berkhidmat dengan baik dalam
Sementara itu, Kiandee berkata Bersatu bekalan air –semakin teruk dari hari ke hari. ramai dan tidak mampu menampungnya boleh beralih dengan lancar antara apa jua usaha yang mereka ceburi
Sabah pulih lebih cepat daripada jangkaan Beliau juga berkata dalam pilihan raya dengan kapasiti bilik darjah yang sedia belajar dan bekerja untuk melahirkan dalam kehidupan.
kerana menerima kira-kira 2,000 anggota negeri yang akan datang, beliau yakin PN ada. pelajar sepanjang hayat yang mempun-
daripada Upko pada Ahad. bukan sahaja dapat mempertahankan tiga “Justeru itu, saya tampil untuk mem- yai sikap ingin tahu, cergas dari segi Prof Dr Pradeep Nair
Beliau berkata Bersatu Sabah berjaya negeri sedia ada, malah mampu merampas bantu menyalurkan dana bagi intelek dan tangkas. Timbalan Naib Canselor dan Ketua
membina semula 17 daripada 25 bahagian – tiga negeri lagi – Selangor, Pulau Pinang meringankan bebanan yang dihadapi seko-
Pelajar akan memasuki “gelung ter- Pegawai Akademik, Universiti Taylor
disusun mengikut kerusi parlimen – hanya dan Negeri Sembilan. lah ini,” katanya.

Lima banduan OBB nekad tidak mahu

terpilih untuk
PBSL di Sandakan keluar masuk penjara lagi
Mardinah Jikur Lagatah Toyos agama, mengenal erti tanggungjawab dan
TAWAU: Selepas empat kali keluar masuk menghargai orang lain.
SANDAKAN: Seramai lima banduan di Pen-
penjara atas kesalahan menagih dadah “Semua pegawai melayan banduan den-
jara Sandakan dibebaskan pada Rabu di
dalam tempoh tiga tahun, Rusdi Ismail, 32, gan baik… tiada masalah dan pengalaman
bawah Program Pelepasan Banduan Secara
nekad untuk menutup buku lama dan ber- buruk tapi saya tidak mahu masuk lagi.Saya
Lesen Ihsan Madani (PBSL) Kepulangan
janji tidak lagi mahu mengulangi kesilapan- tidak mahu lagi berpisah dengan keluarga,”
Yang Dinanti sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
nya. katanya yang bekerja di restoran sebelum
Pengarah Penjara Sandakan, Ab Nasif
Bekas banduan dari Kunak itu berkata, ini.
Sarahan berkata, mereka adalah antara
dia akan mencari pekerjaan dan melu- Katanya, dia tidak menyangka akan
lebih 1,000 banduan di seluruh negara yang
angkan masa berharga bersama keluarganya keluar dari penjara dua bulan lebih awal
terpilih bagi pelepasan Orang Bebas
kerana terharu dengan penerimaan mereka daripada tarikh pembebasannya, namun,
Berlesen (OBB) bermula Rabu.
yang masih sudi menunggu kepulangannya. amat bersyukur kerana doanya untuk keluar
“Kesemua OBB ini merupakan banduan
“Saya akan tinggal bersama keluarga ibu penjara sebelum Hari Raya, dimakbulkan.
yang menjalani hukuman penjara di bawah AJIDIN (kiri) dan Abd Rauf (kanan) menyaksikan proses dokumentasi pelepasan
tiri saya di Kunak, mencari pekerjaan untuk Rusdi mula menjadi penghuni Penjara
satu tahun atas kesalahan penggunaan
menampung hidup dan berusaha memper- Tawau pada 2020 (sekali), 2022 (dua kali) OBB oleh Kamarul Zaman (tengah-duduk) di hadapan keluarga dan OBB.
dadah dan kes gaduh.
baiki diri,”kata anak ke-lapan dari 10 beradik dan 2023 (sekali) atas kesalahan sama kerana 10 Orang Bebas Berlesen (OBB) dari Penjara Pengarah Penjara Tawau, Kamarul Zaman Ali
“Penilaian dibuat sebelum OBB ini
itu. terpengaruh dengan kawan. Tawau pada Program Pelepasan Banduan Zaman dengan disaksikan Pengarah Baha-
dibenarkan pulang bertemu keluarga pada
Turut dikenali dengan panggilan Wani, “Selepas ini, saya akan lebih berhati-hati Secara Lesen (PBSL)Ihsan Madani (Kepulan- gian Pengurusan Banduan, Ibu Pejabat
hari raya ini.
lelaki itu mengakui banyak perkara baik dia dalam memilih kawan supaya tidak terjebak gan Yang Dinanti) sempena Hari Raya Aidil- Jabatan Penjara Malaysia, Ajidin Salleh dan
“Mereka mempunyai beberapa tempoh
pelajari sepanjang berada di tirai besi Pen- sekali lagi,” katanya. fitri, di sini, pada Rabu. Timbalan Pengarah Penjara Negeri Sabah
lagi sebelum selesai hukuman dan akan
jara Tawau, termasuklah mendalami ilmu Dia merupakan salah seorang daripada Dokumen pelepasan OBB ditandatangani dan Labuan, Abd Rauf Lang Pasih.
dipantau oleh pihak Parol dan warden
bertugas,” katanya pada Rabu.
Sementara itu, dua daripada OBB berke-
naan sangat bersyukur kerana diberi pelu-
Enam banduan dibebaskan dari penjara Labuan dapat beraya dengan keluarga
ang untuk bertemu keluarga pada musim LABUAN: Enam banduan beragama Islam lebih 1,000 banduan di seluruh negara yang bulan depan dan dua bulan lagi, dan terbuka bagi membolehkan mereka
perayaan ini. Mereka masing-masing beru- pada Rabu dibebaskan dari Penjara Labuan terpilih bagi pelepasan Orang Bebas mereka telah menunjukkan kelakuan baik menebus kesilapan dan kembali hidup
sia 44 dan 29 tahun. di bawah Program Pelepasan Banduan Berlesen (OBB) bermula Rabu. serta patuh sepenuhnya dengan program seperti biasa,” katanya.
Mereka berkata mereka nekad untuk Secara Lesen (PBSL) Ihsan Madani (Kepulan- Katanya kesemua enam banduan yang pemulihan sepanjang dalam tahanan,” Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar
memperbaiki diri dan tidak akan terjebak gan Yang Dinanti). dibebaskan itu disambut isteri, anak dan katanya kepada pemberita selepas pembe- Ibrahim pada Selasa berkata sempena Aidil-
dengan kes jenayah lagi. Timbalan Pengarah Pusat Koreksional saudara-mara masing-masing. basan banduan terbabit di Penjara Labuan fitri, Jabatan Penjara akan melaksanakan
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Labuan Supt. Richard Robin berkata seo- “Pelepasan OBB itu bertujuan memberi di Jalan Bukit Timbalai di sini, Rabu. pelepasan OBB di bawah Program PBSL
Ibrahim pada Selasa berkata sempena rang daripada enam banduan yang peluang kepada mereka menyambut Aidil- Richard berkata pembebasan OBB juga Ihsan Madani (Kepulangan Yang Dinanti).
Aidilfitri, Jabatan Penjara akan melak- dibebaskan itu berasal dari Sipitang, Sabah, fitri bersama keluarga tercinta sekali gus bertujuan mengurangkan jumlah pengu- Anwar berkata pelepasan OBB ini dilak-
sanakan pelepasan OBB di bawah Program manakala lima yang lain adalah warga mengeratkan semula hubungan kekeluar- lang laku jenayah dan kesesakan di penjara. sanakan di seluruh institusi penjara
PBSL Ihsan Madani (Kepulangan Yang Labuan. gaan. “Kami berharap ahli keluarga menerima Malaysia melibatkan lebih 1,000 banduan
Dinanti). Beliau berkata mereka adalah antara “Kesemua mereka dijadual dibebaskan kepulangan banduan tersebut dengan hati sepanjang Ramadan dan Syawal. – Bernama
Penjara dan denda kerana salah guna harta
4 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

Guru agama, 71, Jo Ann Mool

KOTA KINABALU: Seorang lelaki bekerja
Norhasikin gagal dihubungi menyebabkan
pengadu membuat laporan polis untuk tin-
tidak bersalah menceroboh Keda Sup Ikan
Kudat di Lintas Jaya Uptownship di sini

didakwa lakukan
sendiri pada Rabu dipenjara lapan bulan dakan lanjut, mahkamah diberitahu. pada jam 7.32 pagi, 3 April tahun ini
dan denda RM4,000 atau empat bulan pen- Peguam dilantik Lim Ming Zoong @ bersama seorang rakan sejenayah yang
jara kerana menyalahgunakan harta, dua Lawrence yang mewakili Norhasikin mem- masih bebas dan mencuri sebuah Ipad dan
tahun lalu. ohon hukuman ringan. Dalam kes berasin- sebuah bank simpanan milik seorang Sitti
Norhasikin Laji, 36, mengaku tidak gan, seorang pelayan berusia 41 tahun Nazwahayati Alhabsi. Bagi pertuduhan

gangguan seksual
bersalah di hadapan Majistret Jessica didakwa mengedar 374.91g 3,4-Methylene- kedua, Shameer menafikan mempunyai
Ombou Kakayun atas tuduhan secara tidak dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). kotak komputer kereta curi milik seseorang
jujur menyalahgunakan wang tunai Woo Chee Ken didakwa melakukan bernama Habib Idrus Habib Mohammad
RM3,500 kepunyaan seseorang bernama kesalahan itu antara jam 12.20 tengah pukul 8.55 malam pada 15 Julai 2020 di
Safuan Willie Sodoi untuk dirinya sendiri, malam dan 2 pagi pada 8 April tahun ini di Taman Seri Gaya di sini.

ke atas remaja jam 2.42 petang pada 27 Okt, 2021 di Inanam Pavillion Bundusan, Penampang. Pertuduhan pertama termaktub di
Taipan, di sini. Pertuduhan di bawah Bagaimanapun, tiada pengakuan diam- bawah Seksyen 457 Kanun Keseksaan man-
Seksyen 403 Kanun Keseksaan itu membawa bil daripada Woo selepas pertuduhan diba- akala pertuduhan kedua di bawah Seksyen
hukuman penjara antara enam bulan dan cakan kepadanya. 411 Kanun sama.
lima tahun dan sebatan serta boleh didenda Pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 39B(1)(a) Pendakwaan mencadangkan ikat jamin
Cynthia D Baga jika sabit kesalahan. Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 itu membawa sebanyak RM5,000 dan RM3,000, masing-
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang guru agama Ketika membentangkan fakta kes, hukuman sama ada hukuman mati atau masing, untuk pertuduhan pertama dan
berusia 71 tahun didakwa melakukan pegawai pendakwa Albert Basiri, memak- penjara seumur hidup dan minimum 15 kali kedua. Peguam bertugas Carmen Khoo
gangguan seksual fizikal terhadap seo- lumkan mahkamah bahawa pengadu meli- sebatan, jika sabit kesalahan. yang mewakili Shameer memohon ikat
rang remaja perempuan berusia 13 hat iklan penjualan Toyota Hilux terpakai Pendakwaan memohon tarikh sebutan jamin lebih rendah kerana tertuduh sudah
tahun. semasa melayari ‘marketplace’ Facebook baharu sementara menunggu laporan ahli berkahwin dengan tiga anak.
Lelaki itu mengaku tidak bersalah di gan ikat jamin RM15,000 deposit pada September 2021 dan menghubungi kimia dan membantah ikat jamin untuk Mahkamah membebaskan tertuduh
hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen RM10,000 beserta dua orang penjamin nombor telefon bimbit yang diberikan dan Woo kerana pertuduhan terhadapnya tidak dengan ikat jamin RM2,500 beserta dua
Ummu Khaltom Abd Samad, terhadap tempatan yang mempunyai alamat tetap. bersetuju untuk membuat pembelian. memperuntukkan ikat jamin. Mahkamah orang penjamin untuk pertuduhan per-
pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atasnya, Lelaki itu juga diperintah supaya Safuan membuat pembayaran secara menetapkan 5 Mei untuk sebutan dan tama dan menetapkan 15 Mei untuk sebu-
pada Rabu. melaporkan diri di balai polis di sini berperingkat ke akaun Maybank atas nama memerintahkan Woo direman lanjut. tan dan menawarkan ikat jamin sebanyak
Dia didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu Isnin pertama dan ketiga setiap bulan Norhasikin Laki bagi tujuan deposit dan Sementara itu, seorang pekerja kedai RM1,500 beserta dua orang penjamin bagi
dengan memeluk dan mencium gadis itu sehingga kesnya selesai. permohonan pinjaman kereta. sewa kereta didakwa atas dua pertuduhan pertuduhan kedua sementara menunggu

Keputusan kes rasuah bekas

serta membelai buah dadanya jam 8 Mahkamah turut memerintahkan Pengadu rasa tertipu apabila tidak pecah rumah dan mencuri barang. sebutan pada 25 Mei.

Keluarga Altantuya
malam, 3 Mac tahun ini di sebuah rumah supaya sebarang dokumen perjalanan menerima kenderaan yang dibelinya dan Mohd Shameer Marican Ariffin mengaku
di Taman Nountun Juta, Inanam, dekat dan pasport disita oleh mahkamah.

pegawai kanan KBS 12 Mei merayu naikkan

sini. Mahkamah mengingatkan lelaki itu
Perbuatan di bawah Seksyen 14 (a) bahawa sekiranya mahkamah menerima

ganti rugi RM5 juta

Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual Ter- sebarang laporan aduan rasmi daripada
hadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 itu membawa mangsa atau mana-mana ahli keluarga
hukuman penjara sehingga 20 tahun, serta bakal saksi sama ada secara fizikal
dan sebatan jika sabit kesalahan. atau melalui telefon, mahkamah tidak
KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Sesyen mene- mereka memerlukan masa untuk mem-
Terdapat hukuman tambahan untuk akan teragak-agak untuk membatalkan
tapkan tarikh baharu pada 12 Mei ini untuk failkan hujahan. PUTRAJAYA: Keluarga model Mongolia,
lelaki itu di bawah Seksyen 16(1) Akta ikat jaminnya. keputusan kes rasuah dan pengubahan “Permohonan pembelaan untuk
sama yang membawa hukuman penjara Gagal membayar ikat jamin, dia akan mendiang Altantuya Shaariibuu merayu
wang haram membabitkan bekas Seti- menangguhkan tarikh keputusan hari ini
sehingga lima tahun, dan sekurang- direman mengikut Seksyen 259 Kanun untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi lebih
ausaha Bahagian Kewangan, Kementerian dibenarkan mahkamah. Sehubungan itu
kurangnya dua kali sebatan, jika sabit Tatacara Jenayah. tinggi daripada RM5 juta yang dianuger-
Belia dan Sukan (KBS) Otman Arsahd. berdasarkan tarikh yang dicadangkan pihak
kesalahan. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Siti Hajar Peguam Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali pendakwaan, mahkamah menetapkan sem- ahkan kepada mereka oleh Mahkamah
Mahkamah menetapkan 23 Mei tahun Mazlan melakukan pendakwaan man- yang mewakili Otman, 64, berkata tarikh ula tarikh keputusan penuh pada 12 Mei ini Tinggi Shah Alam dalam saman yang
akala peguam Rizwandean M Borhan baharu ditetapkan selepas pihaknya dan tarikh 19 April (Rabu) adalah dila- mereka failkan berhubung kematiannya
ini untuk pengurusan kes praper-
mewakili lelaki itu. memaklumkan kepada mahkamah bahawa pangkan,” katanya ketika dihubungi, Rabu. pada 2006.
bicaraan dan lelaki itu dibebaskan den-
Dalam notis rayuan yang difailkan
pada 16 Jan tahun ini, keluarga Altantuya
membuat rayuan balas terhadap sebaha-
gian daripada keputusan Mahkamah
Tinggi berhubung kuantum ganti rugi.
Pada 16 Dis tahun lepas, Hakim
Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Vazeer Alam
Mydin Meera (kini hakim Mahkamah
Rayuan) membenarkan saman oleh kelu-
arga Altantuya dan memerintahkan bekas
anggota polis Azilah Hadri dan Sirul
Azhar Umar, penganalisis politik Abdul
Razak Baginda dan kerajaan untuk
bersama-sama membayar RM5 juta seba-
gai ganti rugi am, teruk dan teladan.
Beliau juga memberikan faedah lima
peratus setahun daripada jumlah peng-
hakiman dari tarikh pemfailan tuntutan
mahkamah sehingga penyelesaian penuh
amaun dan kos guaman sebanyak

PEGAWAI penguat kuasa Majlis Daerah bercakap dengan penghuni SALAH seorang penghuni mengaku

rumah di Taman Delima mengenai kekotoran di luar premis itu bulan lepas. menerima notis Majlis Daerah pada Selasa.
Pada 12 Jan lepas, kerajaan dan Abdul
Razak memfailkan rayuan mereka ter-
hadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi men-
genai liabiliti dan kuantum.
Amaran kepada penghuni rumah: Alih Pengurusan kes bagi rayuan keluarga
Altantuya diadakan di hadapan Timbalan
Pendaftar Mahkamah Rayuan Nadia Mohd

barang terbiar atau denda RM20,000

Kamal hari ini, yang kemudiannya mene-
tapkan tarikh pengurusan kes pada 13 Jun
untuk pihak-pihak terlibat mengemas
kini perkembangan status alasan rayuan
% PENGHUNI sebuah rumah di Penam- gai gangguan awam.” “Air bertakung di atas permukaan pada 19 April. dan nota prosiding kepada mahkamah.
pang berisiko didenda RM20,000, jika Tindakan itu dibuat Majlis Daerah susu- beberapa objek ini, yang saya syak boleh “Mereka sempat bercakap dengan salah Rayuan oleh Abdul Razak dan kerajaan
mereka gagal mengalihkan pelbagai lan maklum balas mengenai timbunan di menjadi tempat pembiakan nyamuk seorang penghuni ketika itu, yang memak- juga ditetapkan untuk pengurusan kes
barangan kitar semula yang diletakkan di sepanjang satu bahagian di Taman Delima. Aedes. lumkan barang-barang ini hanya disim- pada hari yang sama.
kawasan umum di luar halaman depan HOLLY dari Penampang berkata pelba- “Jika ini berlaku, kami mungkin pan di luar buat sementara waktu. Ketika dihubungi Bernama, peguam
rumah mereka. gai jenis perabot dan perkakas rumah yang dijangkiti wabak denggi. “Dia dinasihatkan supaya Simranjit Kaur Chhran yang mewakili
Jurucakap Majlis Daerah berkata jum- dibuang, dan mungkin pelbagai jenis besi, “Sebaliknya, sekiranya kebakaran memindahkan kenderaan dan semua keluarga Altantuya, mengesahkan tarikh

lah itu merupakan denda maksimum yang diletakkan di bahu jalan dan sebahagian berlaku di dalam kawasan perkarangan, objek lain dari kawasan perkarangan itu.” pengurusan kes seterusnya itu. – Bernama
boleh dikenakan di bawah Undang- jalan perumahan di sana. rumah di sebelah juga boleh terbakar Katanya, individu itu meminta kakitan-

makanan didakwa
undang Kecil Uniform (Anti-Sampah) Katanya, terdapat dua kenderaan ter- sama.” gannya memberikannya tempoh dua
2010, jika mereka didapati bersalah di biar diletakkan di kedua-dua bahagian Holly ingin tahu sama ada pihak minggu untuk melakukan perkara ini.

bakar motosikal,
mahkamah. pintu masuk ke kediaman di Lorong 9 berkuasa tempatan boleh bertanggung- Pasukan dari Bahagian Kesihatan agensi
“Sebagai alternatif, mereka juga berkenaan. jawab atas kerosakan harta benda dan berkenaan pergi ke kejiranan itu dua hari
mungkin perlu menjalani hukuman pen- “Tempat itu merosakkan pemandan- kehilangan nyawa yang berpunca dari- lalu bagi menentusahkan sama ada terda-

skuter depan
jara sehingga satu tahun,” katanya. gan. Ia memberikan tanggapan buruk pada kebakaran itu. pat mana-mana habitat nyamuk di antara
“Dalam senario terburuk, kedua-dua mengenai kejiranan ini terutamanya Dia berkata salah seorang jirannya per- barang-barang yang dibuang di luar

Suria KLCC
hukuman boleh dikenakan terhadap kepada pengunjung pertama kali,” nah menyuarakan kebimbangan ini premis itu.
mereka oleh majistret.” katanya. kepada Majlis Daerah beberapa tahun “Pemeriksa kami mendapati banyak
Katanya, agensi itu secara amnya “Ramai daripada mereka yang tidak lalu. barangan yang lebih besar di kawasan
mengambil tindakan untuk mengenakan biasa dengan kawasan ini mempunyai “Dia mendapati jumlah barang di seke- umum telah ditutup dengan kepingan
kompaun ke atas kutu sampah, jika ama- tanggapan bahawa rumah itu mungkin liling rumah itu berkurangan, untuk kanvas.
ran awalnya tidak diendahkan. terbiar kerana, dari luar, ia kelihatan seketika selepas itu, tetapi kemudian “Ini termasuk kerusi urut, peti sejuk dan KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang penghantar
“Pegawai penguat kuasa kami boleh seperti sebuah gudang. semakin banyak barang dibuang di situ. dua kenderaan terbiar.” makanan mengaku tidak bersalah di
mengeluarkan kompaun sebanyak RM500 “Mereka terkejut apabila mengetahui “Saya tidak faham bagaimana agensi itu Mereka tidak menemukan sebarang Mahkamah Sesyen di sini pada Rabu atas
dalam kes sedemikian. bahawa sebenarnya ada orang yang ting- boleh menutup mata terhadap masalah cecair bertakung di antara helaian kanvas pertuduhan melakukan khianat dengan
“Tindakan undang-undang boleh dim- gal di sana.” ini.” atau antara objek lain di rizab jalan, menu- membakar 11 motosikal dan empat skuter
ulakan terhadap pesalah yang keras Dia berpendapat penghuni rumah itu Jurucakap itu menafikan dakwaan keti- rutnya. elektrik di hadapan pusat beli-belah Suria
kepala, sekiranya masalah berterusan menunjukkan sikap tidak ambil peduli adaan tindakan daripada pihak Majlis, “Semakan susulan akan dibuat kemu- KLCC, minggu lepas.
selepas ini.” secara terang-terangan terhadap kese- dengan mengatakan pentadbiran dian. Sebarang tadahan air yang mereka Azril Kamarunzaman, 34, didakwa
Jurucakap itu berkata notis amaran ini jahteraan orang ramai di sana. sekarang hanya mengetahui tentang keja- temui akan diteliti. melakukan perbuatan itu di ruang tempat
telah disampaikan kepada mereka yang Pelbagai barangan tidak diingini yang dian di Taman Delima itu bulan lepas. “Sekiranya mereka mendapati terdapat letak motosikal hadapan Suria KLCC di
tinggal di kediaman itu pada Selasa. ditinggalkan di luar premis itu berkemu- “Pegawai penguat kuasa kami pergi ke larva di atas mana-mana permukaan, Jalan Ampang di sini pada 3.30 petang, 13
“Mereka diberikan tempoh tertentu ngkinan memberi impak negatif kepada Lorong 9 pada 31 Mac dan mengesahkan maka Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah akan April lepas.
untuk membersihkan kekotoran di luar kawasan perumahan berkenaan, menurut- kehadiran sampah di jalan dan tanah rizab dimaklumkan untuk turun padang dan Pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 435
premis mereka kerana ia disifatkan seba- nya. di hadapan rumah berkenaan,” katanya mengambil sampel cecair ini.” (SS) Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa huku-
man penjara maksimum 14 tahun dan
hendaklah dikenakan denda, jika sabit
kesalahan. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Wan
Nurul Amalina Abu Hanifah menawarkan
jaminan RM12,000 dengan seorang pen-
jamin, namun peguam Muhamad Ridzuan
Umar, yang mewakili tertuduh memohon
jaminan dikurangkan atas alasan anak
guamnya perlu menanggung isteri dan
ibu bapanya yang uzur.
Hakim Datuk Nu’aman Mahmud
Zuhudi membenarkan tertuduh diikat
jamin RM5,000 dengan seorang penjamin
dan menetapkan 22 Mei depan untuk
sebutan semula kes.
Sebelum ini, media melaporkan lebih

PEMERIKSA Kesihatan Majlis Daerah memeriksa SEORANG lagi kakitangan Majlis Daerah
10 motosikal dan empat skuter elektrik

sama ada cecair bertakung di atas permukaan memeriksa sama ada air hujan menitis ke atas BARANG berselerak di jalan perumahan ini
terbakar di kawasan letak kenderaan

mana-mana barang terbuang di bahu jalan ini. barang-barang di dalam perkarangan. disifatkan sebagai gangguan awam oleh agensi itu.
pusat beli-belah Suria KLCC, Jalan Ampang
di sini. – Bernama
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 Dunia 5
Angka kematian
270 terbunuh dalam konflik di kebakaran di
hospital Beijing
Sudan memasuki hari keempat meningkat
KHARTOUM (Sudan): Pertempuran antara negara itu mengalami kekurangan
kepada 29 orang
Tentera Sudan dan pasukan separa tentera kakitangan perubatan dan bekalan, BEIJING: Angka kematian akibat
Rapid Support Forces (RSF) di Sudan telah gangguan bekalan elektrik, air, kebakaran di sebuah hospital di
mengorbankan kira-kira 270 orang dan kekurangan bahan api untuk penjana Beijing pada Selasa meningkat kepada
mencederakan lebih 2,600 sehingga kuasa dan faktor lain yang menimbulkan 29 orang, kata pihak berkuasa China
Selasa, dengan tembakan dan letupan cabaran kepada pekerja kesihatan dan pada Rabu.
masih kedengaran merentasi bandar itu. ambulans yang meletakkan lebih banyak Dua belas orang, termasuk ketua
Pertempuran ganas bersambung nyawa dalam bahaya, lapor Xinhua. hospital dan dua pekerja syarikat
semula pada pagi Selasa berhampiran kem “WHO menggesa semua pihak supaya pembinaan, telah ditahan berikutan
tentera Sudan, istana presiden, Lapangan mematuhi kewajipan mereka mengikut kebakaran itu.
Terbang Antarabangsa Khartoum, dan di undang-undang antarabangsa. Timbalan ketua bomba bandar itu
beberapa kawasan di pangkalan RSF di Kemudahan penjagaan kesihatan dan berkata kerja pengubahsuaian
selatan ibu negara, menurut laporan pekerja tidak boleh menjadi sasaran, mungkin menjadi punca kebakaran di
media. terutama dalam keadaan terdapat ribuan Hospital Changfeng di Daerah
Pada Selasa, RSF mengumumkan ia orang awam memerlukan akses kepada Fengtai, barat daya ibu negara China.
menerima inisiatif antarabangsa untuk rawatan kecemasan,” katanya. Berdasarkan penemuan awal,
gencatan senjata dengan tentera Sudan Kementerian Luar Sudan pada Selasa percikan api dipercayai menyalakan
selama 24 jam atas sebab kemanusiaan, menuduh RSF menyerang ibu pejabat misi bahan mudah terbakar, lapor agensi
manakala tentera Sudan dalam satu diplomatik di ibu negara berita (dpa) Jerman.
kenyataan mendakwa ia tidak mengetahui “Langkah terdesak oleh pemberontak
ASAP kelihatan berkepul-kepul di belakang sebuah masjid di Khartoum
Pasukan bomba menyelamatkan
sebarang koordinasi dengan pengantara Rapid Support Forces menggunakan
pada Rabu ketika pertempuran antara Tentera Sudan dan pasukan
142 pesakit dan memindahkan
serta masyarakat antarabangsa mengenai kenderaan berperisai dan senjata berat di mereka ke hospital lain, lapor media
separa tentera RSF terus berlanjutan. – Gambar AFP
gencatan senjata itu. kawasan kediaman dan tempat awam kerajaan.
Tentera Sudan mendakwa meletakkan ibu pejabat dan kakitangan Kebanyakan yang maut terdiri
pengumuman oleh RSF mengenai di seluruh Sudan ekoran pertempuran menjejaskan keupayaan kami untuk misi diplomatik serta organisasi daripada pesakit warga emas yang
gencatan senjata 24 jam itu bertujuan yang berlaku. meneruskan operasi menyelamat nyawa,” antarabangsa dan serantau dalam bahaya,” terlantar di katil. Beberapa doktor dan
menutup kekalahan dan kehancuran “Keupayaan terhad untuk katanya. kata kementerian itu dalam satu jururawat juga melecur.
pasukan itu dalam tempoh beberapa jam memindahkan kakitangan dan bekalan,” Ketua Pengarah Pertubuhan Kesihatan kenyataan. Berikutan kebakaran itu, pihak
lagi. kata Pejabat Penyelarasan Hal Ehwal Sedunia (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Pertempuran antara Tentera Sudan dan berkuasa mengarahkan pemeriksaan
Anggota bantuan Pertubuhan Bangsa- Kemanusiaan PBB. Ghebreyesus berkata terdapat laporan RSF meletus pada pagi Sabtu. Kedua-dua keselamatan di semua hospital di ibu
bangsa Bersatu (PBB) pada Selasa berkata “Rompakan premis kemanusiaan mesti bahawa beberapa kemudahan perubatan pihak menggunakan kereta kebal, artileri, negara, lapor China Daily. – Bernama-

Lebih 200 tan dadah dirampas di Amerika Latin

operasi kemanusiaan mereka terhad dihentikan. Serangan ke atas aset dan di Sudan dirompak atau digunakan untuk jet pejuang dan senjata berat lain dalam dpa

Laporan PBB: India lebih ramai

disebabkan keadaan yang semakin buruk kemudahan kemanusiaan akan tujuan ketenteraan, selain hospital di pertempuran mereka. – Bernama-Xinhua

penduduk daripada China

BUENOS AIRES: Pihak berkuasa Amerika berkuasa merampas 203 tan kokain dan di 15 negara.
Latin menahan 14,260 individu dan dadah lain – bernilai kira-kira AS$5.7 bilion Secara keseluruhan, pihak berkuasa
merampas kira-kira 200 tan kokain sebagai – dan 372 tan prekursor dadah sebagai berjaya menumpaskan aktiviti 20
NEW DELHI: India kini mempunyai Pasifik dihuni 4,176 juta orang, menurut sebahagian daripada operasi besar-besaran sebahagian daripada Operasi Trigger IX kumpulan penjenayah, termasuk sindiket
bilangan penduduk yang lebih ramai laporan itu. Bilangan orang yang tinggal yang diketuai Interpol, lapor Agensi yang dibiayai oleh EU. jenayah Brazil Primeiro Comando da
berbanding China berdasarkan data di negara Arab seramai 468 juta Akhbar Jerman (dpa) memetik pertubuhan Kira-kira 8,263 senjata api terlarang dan Capital, kumpulan remaja Salvador Mara

Trauma akibat keganasan senjata api meningkat di AS

terkini Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa manakala di Amerika Latin dan polis antarabangsa pada Selasa. kira-kira 305,000 butir peluru turut Salvatrucha dan Kartel Balkan, yang juga
Bersatu (PBB). Caribbean seramai 661 juta. Antara 12 Mac dan 2 April, pihak dirampas dalam operasi yang diselaraskan aktif di Amerika Selatan. – Bernama-dpa
Penduduk India dianggarkan seramai Amerika Syarikat merupakan negara
1,428.6 juta berbanding seramai 1,425.7 ketiga paling ramai penduduk iaitu 340
juta orang di China, perbezaan seramai juta diikuti Indonesia 277.5 juta, dan
2.9 juta, menurut laporan Kedudukan Pakistan di tempat kelima dengan NEW YORK: Terdapat bukti bahawa trauma keganasan senjata api yang terjejas secara langsung terhadap kesihatan mental hasil
Penduduk Dunia 2023 yang dikeluarkan populasi 240.5 juta. di Amerika Syarikat telah menjejaskan kesihatan mental negara insiden tembakan besar-besaran,” menurut laporan itu.
Dana Penduduk Pertubuhan Bangsa- UNFPA dalam satu kenyataan secara kolektif, memandangkan semakin banyak mangsa kejadian Sebagai contoh, pada hari-hari selepas insiden tembakan di
Bangsa Bersatu (UNFPA) pada Rabu. memberi amaran terhadap “naratif yang tembakan besar-besaran, lapor Xinhua memetik laporan CNN sekolah di Uvalde, Texas pada bulan Mei, talian krisis kesihatan
Penduduk dunia secara keseluruhan menimbulkan kebimbangan” mengenai Isnin. mental menerima lonjakan mesej yang merujuk senjata api dan
seramai 8,045 juta dengan rantau Asia pertumbuhan penduduk. – Bernama “Penyelidikan yang diterbitkan tahun ini menunjukkan bahawa istilah berkaitan senjata api lain yang berkaitan, menurut kajian
kesan negatif yang boleh dialami mangsa terselamat dan komuniti yang dibiayai oleh Pusat Penyakit Kawalan dan Pencegahan AS.

Ketua tentera sangkal

dakwaan pemberontak
JAKARTA: Ketua tentera Indonesia pada markas. Empat daripadanya mengalami sepatutnya dilakukan dalam perang,”
Rabu menafikan dakwaan kumpulan kecederaan dan berada dalam keadaan katanya.
pemisah bahawa mereka telah stabil dan dibawa ke hospital di Timika, Sambom berkata dalam satu
membunuh lebih belasan anggota bandar perlombongan di kejiranan kenyataan terdahulu bahawa
tentera dalam misi mencari seorang wilayah Tengah Papua. pemberontak melancarkan serangan
juruterbang warganegara New Zealand “Saya berada di sini untuk mengetahui sebagai tindak balas terhadap ‘operasi
yang dijadikan tebusan di wilayah Papua. secara langsung dan tepat daripada ketenteraan besar-besaran’ di Papua dan
Laksamana Yudo Margono dan anggota kami di lapangan mengenai pembunuhan dua pemberontak dalam
pegawai atasan tentera terbang ke keadaan sebenar, agar kami dapat kejadian berbalas tembakan dengan
wilayah tersebut Isnin lalu selepas membuat penilaian bagi misi pasukan keselamatan bulan lalu.
maklumat awal menyatakan penyerang menyelamat juruterbang itu,” Margono Margono menolak dakwaan
dari Tentera Pembebasan Papua Barat, berkata semasa sidang media di Timika. pemberontak sebagai ‘berita palsu’ dan
KEADAAN jalan raya yang sesak di Cikarang, Bekasi pada Rabu. – Gambar AFP

Trafik sesak di lebuhraya keluar

sayap bersenjata Pergerakan Papua Sekumpulan anggota tentera terlibat berkata operasi tentera di Papua
Merdeka, menyerang hendap 36 anggota dalam misi mencari juruterbang dilancarkan dengan mengekalkan
tentera di daerah Nduga di kawasan warganegara New Zealand, Phillip Mark jumlah korban di tahap minimum.

Jakarta kerana mudik Hari Raya

pergunungan wilayah Papua Mehrtens, yang bekerja untuk syarikat Walau bagaimanapun, dia berkata
Pegunungan. penerbangan Indonesia, Susi Air, yang bahawa pihak berkuasa akan
Jurucakap pihak pemberontak, Sebby diculik oleh pemberontak pada Februari meningkatkan tekanan ke atas
Sambom berkata dalam satu kenyataan lalu. Margono berkata anggota tentera pemberontak di beberapa buah kubu

pada Isnin lalu bahawa kumpulan yang selamat dalam serangan itu kuat mereka, termasuk di Nduga. – AP
pejuangnya telah menangkap 12 anggota memberitahunya bahawa pemberontak JAKARTA: Aliran trafik sesak mencapai Di seluruh Indonesia, sekitar 123.8 juta
tentera, termasuk sembilan yang menggunakan orang awam termasuk

kemuncak di Pulau Jawa pada Rabu ketika orang dijangka akan mudik kali ini,
dikatakan ‘ditangkap dan dibunuh’. wanita dan kanak-kanak sebagai perisai orang ramai mula ‘mudik’ atau balik melonjak 47 peratus berbanding 85.5 juta
Pihak pemberontak tidak memberikan manusia semasa serangan, menyebabkan kampung menjelang sambutan Hari Raya orang tahun lepas, menurut Kementerian
sebarang bukti mengenai kenyataan mereka teragak-agak untuk membalas

bermula Selasa. Pengangkutan.
mereka. tembakan dan menyebabkan mereka Aliran trafik tinggi dilaporkan dari Hampir 75 peratus pulang
Margono mengesahkan hanya satu dikepung. Jakarta memasuki Lebuhraya Trans Jawa di menggunakan pengangkutan darat, laut
kematian dan empat lagi anggota tentera “Saya benar-benar kesal. Mereka

Ekonomi sama rata Indonesia, Jerman

Tol Cikampek Utama, Jawa Barat dan udara dan 80,792 orang menikmati
masih hilang. Selebihnya kembali ke menggunakan kaedah yang tidak menghala Tol Probolinggo, Surabaya pengangkutan darat dan laut percuma
meliputi jarak hampir 790 kilometer. disediakan kementerian.
JAKARTA: Gunung Semeru yang terletak Kesesakan dijangka terus berlaku Seramai 149,000 anggota polis
di wilayah Jawa Timur, Indonesia meletus sehingga Khamis apabila 18.3 juta orang dikerahkan dalam Operasi Ketupat untuk
JAKARTA: Presiden Indonesia, Joko Menurut Retno, semasa mesyuarat itu, sebanyak 16 kali pada Rabu dan meninggalkan ibu kota tahun ini mengawal lalu lintas, dan tentera seramai
Widodo (Jokowi) menekankan keperluan Jokowi turut mengalu-alukan kolaborasi menghamburkan abu panas sejauh dua berbanding hanya 14.3 juta orang pada 2,758 anggota.
untuk merealisasikan hubungan jawatankuasa bersama Indonesia-Jerman kilometer, menurut Pos Pemantauan tahun 2022. Pengendali feri sibuk mengawal
ekonomi yang sama rata di antara mengenai ekonomi dan pelaburan. Gunung Berapi Semeru. Pengguna Tol Cikampek Utama pergerakan kenderaan dan penumpang di
republik ini, Jerman serta dengan Katanya, Jokowi memaklumkan “Letusan pertama bermula pada 7:10 berdepan kesesakan hampir dua jam Pelabuhan Merak dan Ciwandan, Banten
Kesatuan Eropah (EU). pelaburan Jerman di Indonesia harus pagi dan kedua pada 8:40 pagi, dengan dengan 138,000 ribu kenderaan dijangka yang menghubungkan Pulau Jawa dengan
Menteri Luar Indonesia, Retno Marsudi menumpukan kepada beberapa sektor tempoh 82 hingga 110 saat,” kata Pegawai meninggalkan ibu kota pada Rabu dan Pulau Sumatera di Pelabuhan Bakauheni.
berkata, perkara tersebut disuarakan oleh keutamaan. Pos Pemantau Gunung Berapi Semeru ditambah bilangan kenderaan dari Pulau Agensi penyelamat Basarnas
Jokowi dalam mesyuarat dua hala “Pelaburan Jerman di republik ini Sigit Rian Alfian pada Rabu. Sumatera yang mahu ke Surabaya. menyediakan lima kapal di ketiga-tiga
bersama Canselor Jerman, Olaf Scholz. mesti memberi tumpuan kepada Status berjaga-jaga Gunung Semeru Pengendali lebuhraya PT Jasa Marga pelabuhan bagi menghadapi sebarang
Oleh itu, katanya, pelbagai peraturan keutamaan seperti sektor berada pada tahap ketiga tertinggi, lapor memaklumkan akan memanjangkan kemungkinan dan lima helikopter di
dikenakan oleh EU yang menghalang berorientasikan eksport, tenaga boleh Xinhua. sistem ‘one way’ susulan peningkatan lokasi yang sering kemalangan.
kesejahteraan awam harus diperbaiki. diperbaharui dan hiliran,” katanya. Pihak berkuasa meminta orang ramai drastik jumlah kenderaan meskipun Sebuah kapal perang Tentera Laut, KRI
“Selain itu, Presiden Jokowi juga Tambah beliau, Jokowi turut untuk terus berwaspada dan ramai yang telah pulang sejak 16 April. Banjarmasin di sediakan untuk mereka
meminta sokongan Jerman untuk menekankan kepentingan pelaburan mengelakkan diri daripada Peningkatan jumlah kenderaan juga yang ingin pulang di laluan Tanjung Priok
memuktamadkan rundingan Perjanjian Jerman dan pemindahan teknologi menghampiri kawasan tenggara dilaporkan terjadi di Lebuhraya Trans di Jakarta Utara-Semarang-Surabaya
Kerjasama Ekonomi Komprehensif semasa pertemuan dengan Scholz. sepanjang 13 km dan dalam radius lima Sumatera, Pulau Sumatera dari Banda secara percuma.
(CEPA) Indonesia-EU,” katanya dalam Sementara itu, Retno memaklumkan km di sekitar puncak untuk mengelakkan Aceh, Aceh sehingga Pelabuhan Bakauheni, Panglima Tentera Nasional Indonesia
kenyataan sepertimana dilaporkan portal beberapa perjanjian kerjasama antara bencana. Lampung sejauh 2,508 kilometer. Laksamana Yudo Margono berharap
Antara. kerajaan dengan kerajaan (G-to-G) dan Letusan Gunung Semeru pada Pengendali lebuhraya PT Hutama Karya masyarakat yang sangat memerlukan
Mesyuarat dua hala itu diadakan di perniagaan dengan perniagaan (B-to-B) Disember 2021 menyebabkan puluhan menjangkakan jumlah kendaraan pengangkutan tidak berat hati untuk
Lower Saxony di Hannover, Jerman pada dimeterai semasa lawatan Jokowi ke ribu orang melarikan diri dan meragut bertambah 35 peratus selari dengan trend pulang menggunakan kapal perang. –
Ahad lalu. Jerman. – Agensi lebih 50 nyawa. – Bernama-Xinhua peningkatkan yang dialami setiap tahun. Bernama
6 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
RM685j dibelanja untuk modal insan Sabah
KERAJAAN Sabah, melalui Kumpulan Yayasan membawa Negeri dan negara ke arah kemajuan.
Sabah (YSG), membelanjakan RM685 juta untuk “Pelajar akan menjadi pemimpin sandaran
biasiswa, dermasiswa dan pinjaman pendidikan serta sumber modal insan untuk masa hadapan,”
tinggi sejak 1967. katanya.
Seramai 43,665 pelajar di negeri ini, yang Kerajaan Negeri menaruh harapan tinggi
mengambil pelbagai disiplin di institusi pengajian kepada pelajar untuk sama-sama menyumbang
tinggi tempatan dan antarabangsa, telah menda- kepada pembangunan Sabah, katanya.
pat manfaat daripada bantuan itu, kata Ketua Walaupun bergelut dengan pandemik Covid-
Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. 19 sehingga tahun lepas, beliau berkata Kerajaan
Selain YSG, katanya, tajaan pendidikan tahunan Negeri Sabah telah meluluskan kemasukan
dalam bentuk biasiswa pelaburan langsung asing
atau dermasiswa turut dan domestik, termasuk
disediakan oleh Kementer- beberapa lagi projek
ian Sains, Teknologi dan pelaburan yang sedang
Inovasi, Jabatan Perkhid- dalam proses pelaksanaan
matan Awam Negeri dan daripada sektor ekonomi
Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah bernilai RM33.4 bilion.
(Muis) melalui Pusat Zakat “Pelaburan ini dijangka
Sabah dan Yayasan Keba- menjana lebih 5,000 pelu-
jikan Sabah. ang pekerjaan,” kata Hajiji.
Beliau berkata demikian pada majlis iftar, Pela- “Kerajaan juga secara rasmi telah mengambil
jar Kolej Institusi Pengajian Tinggi bersama Ketua alih 50 peratus kepentingan dalam medan minyak
Menteri Sabah, di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Samarang, di mana Sabah dijangka menerima 50
Putrajaya, di Putrajaya, pada 10 April lalu. peratus kelayakan rakan kongsi daripada pengelu-
“Tabung Pendidikan Negeri Sabah turut dilan- aran minyak dan gas.
carkan tahun lalu, bagi membantu lebih ramai “Dengan semua perkembangan ini, kerajaan
anak Sabah yang memerlukan tajaan pendidikan menuntut peranan daripada semua pelajar untuk
untuk menyambung pengajian ke peringkat lebih menyumbang kepada pembangunan di Sabah,”
tinggi. tambahnya.
Hajiji menyifatkan semua pelajar sebagai hara- Sebagai generasi yang bakal menjadi peneraju
pan masa depan, aset besar Negeri dan Negara, Sabah pada masa hadapan, beliau menggesa para
serta pemimpin masa depan. pelajar mempersiapkan diri dengan ilmu termasuk
Tegasnya, dalam Rancangan Pembangunan duniawi dan rohani.
Sabah Maju Jaya, pembangunan modal insan “Negeri Sabah amat memerlukan pemimpin
menjadi antara fokus utama. dan modal insan yang berkualiti, berilmu tinggi,
Justeru, katanya, pelbagai bantuan pendidikan berkeperibadian teguh dan berakal budi.
telah diberikan bagi memastikan golongan muda “Tidak kira di mana dan apa jawatan yang
mampu menjadi pemimpin “sandaran” serba anda (pelajar) pegang, peranan anda masih
boleh dan berdaya saing. diperlukan untuk menjayakan misi pembangu-
“Apabila pelajar tamat pengajian, Sabah dan nan negara seperti yang kita semua harapkan,”
negara memerlukan penyertaan mereka untuk kata Hajiji.

HAJIJI (tengah) bersama pelajar Sabah pada majlis iftar di Pusat Konvensyen Putrajaya.

Melahirkan rakyat Sabah berkebolehan antara matlamat SMJ

PELAJAR Sabah digesa merebut segala peluang bangunkan Negeri tercinta,” katanya pada majlis ajaan Negeri juga telah menubuhkan Sekretariat
yang disediakan Kerajaan Negeri melalui pelba- berbuka puasa bersama kira-kira 500 pelajar Mahasiswa Sabah Malaysia (Semesta) sebagai
gai inisiatif untuk memperkasakan pembangu- Sabah di Taman Tamadun Islam Kuala Tereng- pengiktirafan kepada golongan muda khususnya
nan modal insan. ganu pada 12 April lalu. pelajar,” katanya.
Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor berkata Ucapan beliau dibacakan Menteri Sains, Menurut Hajiji, Kerajaan Negeri membelan-
ini kerana pembangunan modal insan meru- Teknologi dan Inovasi negeri Datuk Dr Mohd jakan RM45 juta tahun lalu untuk menyediakan
pakan antara aspek yang ditekankan dalam Hala Arifin Mohd Arif. bantuan Budi bagi pendaftaran IPT, Bantuan
Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ). Hajiji yang juga Pengerusi Lembaga Ihsan Komputer (Baik) dan bantuan kepada
Justeru, beliau berkata Kumpulan Yayasan Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah berkata, Ker- Semesta iaitu bantuan kewangan untuk persat-
Sabah telah menawarkan pelbagai jenis bia- ajaan Negeri turut menyediakan pelbagai plat- uan dan kelab pelajar Sabah yang berdaftar.
siswa, seperti Biasiswa Cemerlang Negeri Sabah, form untuk pelajar menyuarakan pandangan Beliau berkata, Kerajaan Negeri turut mem-
Biasiswa Pelajar Luar Bandar Cemerlang, Bia- termasuk melalui Persidangan Majlis Perundin- peruntukkan RM16.2 juta dalam Belanjawan
siswa Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam/Swasta gan Pelajar Sabah (MPPS) yang julung kali Negeri tahun ini untuk melaksanakan program
dan pinjaman pelajaran. diadakan pada Mei 2022. belia bagi melahirkan pemimpin berkualiti.
“Saya harap anda semua akan merebut pel- “MPPS mengumpulkan pemimpin pelajar “Harapan kami agar dapat melahirkan pela-
bagai inisiatif yang disediakan oleh Kerajaan. Sabah daripada institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) jar yang bukan sahaja berjaya dalam bidang
Berazam untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat ker- awam dan swasta, IPG (Institut Pendidikan akademik malah dalam masa yang sama mem-
ana khidmat anda amat diperlukan untuk mem- Guru), institut latihan dan Tingkatan Enam. Ker- punyai sahsiah yang baik,” katanya.
SEBAHAGIAN produk PKS yang diperkenalkan di China.

Produk PKS Sabah diperkenalkan di China Pemimpin Umno Mengambil langkah pelonjakan industri
KEMENTERIAN Pembangunan Perindustrian dan ekonomi termasuk sektor perindustrian.
PUSAT Sehenti Usahawan Global (Glopec) dalam industri makanan dan minuman,” dan Warisan Keusahawanan negeri telah memulakan pelbagai “Selain Wilayah Jilin, China, saya juga telah
akan memperkenalkan produk daripada katanya. usaha termasuk mengguna pakai strategi lonjakan menjawab jemputan melawat Taman Perindus-
perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) Sabah Yayasan Sabah berkata selain CFDF, Glopec untuk memacu pembangunan sektor perindus- trian Malaysia-China di Kuantan (MCKIP), projek
di China semasa misi promosinya ke bandar juga akan mengambil inisiatif untuk men- trian dan keusahawanan Sabah. antara Kerajaan Guangxi, China dan Kerajaan
Chengdu di wilayah Sichuan dan Lanzhou di gadakan kunjungan hormat dan sesi rangkaian
Sandakan Menterinya Phoong Jin Zhe berkata strategi Pahang,” katanya.
lonjakan adalah penting untuk meletakkan Sabah Beliau berkata kerjasama itu mewujudkan
wilayah Gansu dari 12 hingga 16 April 2023. dengan Jabatan Perdagangan Wilayah Gansu
sebagai negeri perindustrian, dengan menyasarkan perdagangan dan pelaburan ‘point-to-point’ yang
Yayasan Sabah berkata misi perdagangan dan Majlis China untuk Majlis Penggalakan keluar parti industri berimpak tinggi dan teknologi hijau, antara saling menguntungkan bagi kedua-dua kerajaan,
itu akan menandakan satu peristiwa penting Perdagangan Antarabangsa Gansu untuk men- lain, yang dijangka mewujudkan lebih banyak pelu- sambil menambah, beliau telah berbincang den-
bagi Glopec sebagai sebahagian daripada eroka dan mengembangkan jangkauan perni- BEBERAPA pemimpin Umno dan Warisan di ang pekerjaan berpendapatan tinggi dan gan pegawai China untuk meneroka potensi
visinya dalam merealisasikan produk PKS agaannya di peringkat antarabangsa. kawasan Sandakan dan Libaran mengumumkan berkemahiran tinggi. mewujudkan taman perindustrian serupa di
Sabah memasuki pasaran China terutamanya “Berdasarkan kepada potensi ini, Glopec keluar parti masing-masing dan menyertai Parti Beliau berkata lebih 2,500 peluang pekerjaan Sabah.
Chengdu dan Lanzhou. memberi tumpuan untuk mempamerkan pro- Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) di bawah telah diwujudkan melalui pelaburan dalam kilang Phoong berkata Kementerian sentiasa komited
“Misi ini juga diselaraskan secara strategik duk PKS Sabah di China, mengembangkan pimpinan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. pembuatan kerajang tembaga oleh SK Nexilis (M) terhadap pembangunan usahawan dan menjena-
untuk bertepatan dengan Pameran Makanan peluang perniagaannya dan mengadakan sesi Pengumuman itu dibuat pada majlis yang Sdn Bhd Korea Selatan dan kilang pembuatan kaca makan semula Kementerian dengan menambah
dan Minuman China (CFDF) ke-108, Glopec libat urus dengan pembeli, pengimport dan berlangsung di Ballroom Hotel Sandakan, San- solar oleh Kumpulan Kibing China. perkataan “Keusahawanan” pada namanya.
akan menjadi salah satu pempamer di Pavilion pengedar tempatan,” kata kenyataan itu. dakan, baru-baru ini. “Kedua-dua fasiliti yang sedang dibangunkan “Penjenamaan semula ini penting dan selari
Malaysia anjuran Perbadanan Pembangunan Glopec ialah platform yang ditubuhkan Antaranya ialah bekas timbalan ketua Warisan di Taman Perindustrian Kota Kinabalu (KKIP) itu dengan Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan
Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (Matrade) melalui perkongsian strategik antara Kumpu- Sandakan Muktar Odin, bekas AJK Warisan San- akan mula beroperasi pada suku keempat tahun dan Koperasi (Kuskop) di bawah kepimpinan Datuk
dakan Sahak Noh, bekas AJK Warisan Libaran ini. Selain itu, Kementerian telah berkoordinasi Ewon Benedick.
Chengdu. lan Yayasan Sabah dan Unit Peneraju Agenda dengan kedua-dua pelabur untuk menghantar “Kementerian saya juga berjaya mendapat
“Pameran itu dijangka menarik lebih 3,000 Bumiputera (Teraju), Kementerian Ekonomi Rosly Aziz, bekas ketua penerangan Pemuda
Umno Libaran Hanif Ali dan PDM Warisan Sungai lebih 135 jurutera tempatan ke Korea Selatan dan mandat dan peruntukan yang lebih besar dalam
peserta pameran dan 150,000 pembeli untuk memudahkan PKS Sabah mengem- China untuk latihan kemahiran dan menimba ilmu menguruskan hal ehwal keusahawanan, selaras
Sibuga Mohd Raimi Said.
berkumpul untuk menyaksikan dan mengam- bangkan perniagaan dan rangkaian mereka ke teknologi tinggi,” katanya ketika menyampaikan dengan pengumuman Timbalan Perdana Menteri
Mereka semua berkata keputusan itu dibuat
bil bahagian dalam platform bersejarah ini pasaran yang lebih besar, pembekal global, kad laporan 100 hari di pejabatnya di Wisma baru-baru ini,” katanya.
demi pembangunan berterusan rakyat dan
yang menonjolkan ketersambungan globalnya pengimport dan pengedar. Negeri. Kewangan, Kota Kinabalu. Phoong, yang juga Adun Beliau menambah ia selaras dengan aspirasinya
Luyang, menerajui Kementerian pada 11 Jan. untuk membangunkan keusahawanan Sabah, di
“Kami membuat keputusan ini dengan melihat
Beliau memberi jaminan akan mengadakan mana 98 peratus daripadanya terdiri daripada
Naik taraf hospital Papar hala tuju pembangunan Negeri. Kami semua mesyuarat berterusan dengan SK Nexilis dan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) yang hanya
bersedia menyokong kerajaan sedia ada di bawah Kumpulan Kibing bagi memastikan kejayaan projek memfokuskan kepada pasaran tempatan.
pimpinan Ketua Menteri,” kata mereka. itu, sambil menambah beliau menggalakkan “Hanya dua peratus dieksport ke Semenanjung
untuk 100,000 penduduk Ketua Protem Gagasan Rakyat Sungai Sibuga kedua-dua pelabur bagi memastikan 80 peratus Malaysia dan pasaran antarabangsa. Defisit perda-
Datuk Amirshah Yaakub mengalu-alukan sokon- peluang pekerjaan diberikan kepada rakyat Sabah. gangan ini adalah salah satu faktor yang menyum-
LEBIH 100,000 penduduk di daerah ini serta dan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang terbaik dan
kawasan sekitar bakal menikmati kemudahan selesa. gan mereka kepada Hajiji dan beliau, serta Mengenai keperluan infrastruktur di taman bang kepada kos sara hidup rakyat Sabah yang
dan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang lebih baik dan “Projek menaik taraf melibatkan pembinaan Gagasan Rakyat sebagai parti tempatan. perindustrian, Phoong berkata Kabinet telah melu- lebih tinggi berbanding mereka yang tinggal di
lebih selesa sebaik projek menaik taraf Hospital wad dengan tambahan 84 katil merangkumi wad Beliau berharap semua hasrat yang disuarakan luskan projek jalan raya KKIP bagi mengelak semenanjung,” katanya.
Papar siap menjelang hujung tahun ini. pediatrik, wad wanita dan kanak-kanak. dapat direalisasikan dan rakyat dapat menikmati kesesakan, manakala pasukan petugas ditubuhkan Oleh itu, bagi mengurangkan pergantungan
Menteri Kesihatan Dr Zaliha Mustafa berkata “Selain itu, perkhidmatan yang disediakan pembangunan terbaik. untuk mengkaji, merancang dan menarik pelabur kepada produk import, Phoong berkata Kemente-
projek biayaan Persekutuan bernilai RM98.5 juta termasuk kecemasan dan trauma, X-ray, farmasi Amirshah yang diberi mandat sebagai Ketua untuk membangunkan sistem rel di KKIP dan Kota riannya dan Jabatan Pembangunan Perindustrian
itu berada pada tahap kerja 62 peratus, agak ket- Protem Gagasan Rakyat Sungai Sibuga pada 6 Kinabalu. dan Penyelidikan (DIDR) menubuhkan tujuh Pusat
satelit, dewan bedah, pejabat dan kemudahan
inggalan di belakang jadual. April lalu, melahirkan penghargaan atas keper- Perkembangan lain termasuk pengisytiharan Produk PKS.
lain yang diperlukan oleh penduduk setempat.” POIC Lahad Datu sebagai Zon Perdagangan Bebas Ia terdapat di Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, Beau-
Beliau berkata projek itu yang bermula pada Di Klinik Kesihatan (KK) Luyang, beliau menin- cayaan yang diberikan kepadanya.
Mei 2017 mengalami kelewatan disebabkan fak- Amirshah yang aktif dalam arena politik per- (FTZ), yang diluluskan secara prinsip oleh fort, Ranau, Papar, Tuaran, Pasaraya Oceanus dan
jau kawasan operasi dan keadaan kemudahan Kementerian Kewangan pada Mac. Kota Marudu, manakala tiga lagi akan ditubuhkan
tor kekurangan tenaga kerja serta bahan pembi- perkhidmatan kesihatan yang disediakan untuk nah menyertai Umno sebelum berehat sebentar
naan, selain pandemik Covid-19. pada 2016, dan meneruskan kerjayanya dalam “Pembangunan FTZ adalah pemangkin yang tidak lama lagi di Lahad Datu, Tawau dan Penam-
penduduk sekitar, di mana didapati pelbagai isu diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dalam sektor pang.
“Walaupun agak ketinggalan (dalam penyia- memerlukan perhatian serius dan tindakan lan- politik selepas melihat suasana politik yang kucar-
pan) daripada jangkaan 70 peratus siap, kita akan perindustrian Sabah. POIC Lahad Datu dijangka Phoong menambah sebuah Pusat Produk PKS
jut. Antaranya ialah mendapan tanah yang kacir.
teruskan perbincangan dan pemantauan antara menarik lebih banyak pelaburan dan mewujudkan juga ditubuhkan di semenanjung, yang digelar
menyebabkan rekahan pada bangunan dan pagar lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan melalui FTZ,” “Authentic Sabah Mart”, terletak di GM Klang
Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM), Jabatan Kerja klinik, rekahan pada bidur apron, retakan dan
Raya, kontraktor serta pihak lain untuk memacu katanya. Wholesale City, Selangor.
kebocoran pada bumbung rata, siling rosak aki- Phoong juga mempertahankan prinsip profe- Beliau berkata, Kementerian juga mengambil
projek ini ke hadapan,” katanya kepada pem- bat air menitik dari bumbung rata dan isu pen-
berita selepas mengadakan lawatan ke tapak pro- sionalisme dan ketelusan dengan mengamalkan inisiatif bagi menambah peruntukan untuk beber-
dawaian elektrik. dasar Kerajaan kepada Kerajaan (G2G) dan Go To apa program keusahawanan seperti program PKS-
jek di Hospital Papar di Papar pada 8 April. Untuk rekod, Klinik Kesihatan Luyang adalah
Turut hadir Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Genuine Investor (G2GI) untuk menarik lebih UP daripada RM10 juta kepada RM15 juta.
yang pertama di Sabah mengamalkan konsep banyak pelaburan tulen dan mengurangkan “Saya juga sedang mewujudkan Skim Penjena-
Menteri (Hal Ehwal Sabah, Sarawak dan Tugas- “Pusat Sehenti” dan menerima kira-kira 800
Tugas Khas) Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali; Menteri budaya orang tengah. maan Semula, Reka Bentuk dan Pembungkusan,
pesakit setiap hari. Dr Zaliha kemudian melawat Selain itu, katanya, Kementerian bersama dan akan memperkenalkan Sabah Authentic Holo-
Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Kesejahteraan Klinik Kesihatan Kinarut yang beroperasi sejak
Rakyat Sabah, Datuk James Ratib; dan Pengarah Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Sabah (Seac) mengambil gram. Saya juga menubuhkan tabung keusa-
1979 dan dinaik taraf dengan bangunan baharu inisiatif untuk meneroka potensi kerjasama hawanan iaitu Sabah Entrepreneurship Aspiration
Kesihatan Sabah, Datuk Dr Rose Nani Mudin. pada 2005 untuk menempatkan Unit Kesihatan
Dr Zaliha berkata selain Hospital Papar, dua ekonomi dengan kerajaan wilayah Jilin di China Fund (SEAF) yang mana RM1 juta telah diluluskan.
Ibu dan Anak, manakala Unit Pesakit Luar, Unit dan membuat lawatan ke sana pada Februari Saya juga sedang menunggu kelulusan Kuskop
lagi hospital – Hospital Beaufort dan Hospital Makmal dan Unit Farmasi dibina pada tahun-
Sikuati, Kudat – telah dikategorikan sebagai ‘pro- 2023. untuk geran sepadan sebanyak RM1 juta lagi untuk
tahun berikutnya. “Dianggarkan seramai 31 anggota delegasi ker- membantu program dan aktiviti keusahawanan.
jek sakit’ di Sabah, dan sedang dalam proses Dr Zaliha mengakhiri lawatan kerjanya di Hos-
dinaik taraf. ajaan wilayah Jilin terdiri daripada pegawai kera- “Tujuan tabung khas ini adalah untuk usa-
pital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak Sabah (HWKKS), jaan dan industri akan membuat lawatan balas ke hawan menjalankan program upscaling, per-
Mengulas lanjut, Dr Zaliha berkata apabila hospital kerajaan pertama di Malaysia yang
siap, Hospital Papar akan memberi manfaat
l Jangan ketinggalan berita- Sabah pada 12 hingga 14 April ini bagi membin- tandingan pitching dan juga untuk membantu
memberi tumpuan kepada perkhidmatan cangkan kerjasama lanjut dalam pelbagai sektor mewujudkan kebolehan mengeksport,” katanya.
kepada lebih 100,000 penduduk di daerah Papar rawatan ginekologi dan pediatrik.
berita terdahulu dengan
serta daerah sekitar dari segi menerima rawatan mengimbas kod bar ini.
Rumah terbuka boleh burukkan
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 Rencana 7

lagi isu pembaziran makanan

SU pembaziran makanan sepanjang
Ramadan kali ini yang
diketengahkan oleh operator
pelupusan sisa pepejal di Lembah Klang
baru-baru ini, dikhuatiri akan
berterusan hingga akhir Syawal nanti
menerusi penganjuran rumah terbuka
bersempena dengan Aidilfitri.
Selepas hampir tiga tahun
“berperang” dengan Covid-19, trend
rumah terbuka Aidilfitri kali ini
dijangka lebih meriah berbanding
tahun lepas dengan pelbagai pihak, Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal penganjur merancang menu serta
baik individu, komuniti perumahan, dan Pembersihan Awam (SWCorp) pada jumlah tetamu selain menyajikan
pemimpin kerajaan, agensi kerajaan 2020, didapati 38.7 peratus responden makanan yang telah siap dibungkus
atau swasta, dilihat akan mengambil yang ditemu bual tidak ada keinginan agar senang dibawa pulang.
peluang menganjurkan acara itu bagi makan juadah yang disediakan, 31.3 Selain itu, penganjur juga disaran
mengeratkan silaturahim dan peratus menyatakan makanan rosak, membungkus lebihan makanan untuk
mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan rakyat 21.1 peratus pula membeli terlalu diagihkan di kawasan yang telah
berbilang bangsa. banyak makanan, 8.3 peratus berkata dikenal pasti.
Akan tetapi, kata Naib Presiden II makanan sudah melebihi tarikh luput Pensyarah kanan di Akademi
Pertubuhan Pemuda Gema Malaysia dan 0.6 peratus makanan tidak Pengajian Islam Kontemporari
Mohammad Amar Masuri, matlamat memenuhi selera. Universiti Teknologi Mara Dr Mohd Ali
yang murni itu berpotensi Menurut operator pelupusan sisa Muhamad Don pula menegaskan
memburukkan lagi isu pembaziran pepejal itu lagi, secara purata, sebuah kepentingan mengenal pasti lokasi
makanan. keluarga yang mempunyai empat orang agihan makanan supaya tidak berlaku
“Rakyat Malaysia sangat pemurah, ahli akan membazirkan 500 hingga 800 lambakan makanan kepada golongan
terutama pada bulan Ramadan dan gram makanan setiap hari yang disasarkan.
Syawal, apabila masing-masing menyebabkan kerugian sebanyak Katanya, jika diteliti, sumbangan
berlumba-lumba memberi makan RM210 sebulan dan RM2,600 setahun. makanan biasanya ditumpukan di
kepada orang ramai. Oleh sebab itulah Data SWCorp juga menunjukkan lokaliti tertentu seperti kawasan bandar
selepas Ramadan, bulan Syawal berada secara keseluruhan, jumlah sisa pepejal dan kejiranan terpilih yang menjadi

Gambar hiasan.
pada tangga kedua dalam konteks yang dilupuskan sepanjang bulan tumpuan golongan seperti
pembaziran makanan. Ramadan meningkat sebanyak 21 gelandangan, menyebabkan berlaku
“Berdasarkan pemerhatian, tuan peratus bagi tempoh 2019 hingga 2022. lambakan makanan yang akhirnya
rumah biasanya akan memasak lebih Berdasarkan data pelupusan di 23 Laboratori Belia Dalam Kepimpinan, memberikan kesan lebih teruk turut terbuang begitu sahaja.
untuk memastikan makanan cukup tapak pelupusan di tujuh buah negeri Politik dan Kewarganegaraan Institut terhadap pemanasan bumi berbanding “Bagi menangani isu pembaziran,
untuk tetamu. Namun dalam yang menerima guna Akta Pengurusan Pengajian Sosial, Universiti Putra karbon dioksida. saya berpendapat adalah sebaiknya
kebanyakan kes, makanan ini tidak Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam Malaysia Prof Madya Dr Haliza Abdul “Tapak pelupusan menghasilkan gas penyumbang menyelidik dahulu
habis dan berisiko tinggi dibuang 2007, didapati pada 2019 jumlah sisa Rahman berkata jika keadaan tersebut metana rumah hijau yang 21 kali lebih keperluan makanan di sesuatu tempat
begitu sahaja,” katanya kepada pepejal yang dilupuskan pada bulan berterusan, Malaysia mungkin kuat daripada karbon dioksida, dan agar tidak berlaku pertindihan (dengan
Bernama. Ramadan ialah sebanyak 208,143.38 tan; berdepan masalah penyediaan tapak tujuh peratus gas rumah hijau yang program serupa pihak lain) selain
Menurutnya, sepanjang Ramadan, 2020 (208,745.51 tan); 2021 (239,988.91) pelupusan. terhasil di seluruh dunia adalah memastikan lebih ramai yang
Pemuda Gema Malaysia menerusi dan 2022 (252,521.35 tan). Menurutnya, hal ini disebabkan disebabkan oleh sisa makanan. mendapat manfaat daripada
Program MySaveFood, mengumpul Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SWCorp jangka hayat tapak sedia ada semakin “Situasi berkenaan mengancam sumbangan tersebut.
lebihan makanan di bazar Ramadan Ismail Mokhtar berkata pembaziran kritikal dengan Johor dan Melaka alam sekitar, menyebabkan “Kawasan kampung dan pedalaman
untuk diagih kepada golongan makanan yang merupakan menghadapi situasi paling serius akibat pencemaran, meningkatkan suhu dilihat seolah-olah terpinggir dari segi
memerlukan, bagi mengurangkan penyumbang terbesar sisa di tapak peningkatan sisa makanan yang dunia, mitigasi perubahan iklim dan agihan bantuan makanan ketika
pembaziran makanan. pelupusan sampah, tidak hanya berlaku mencecah lebih 16,000 tan sehari. mengganggu pola cuaca seperti hujan Ramadan, sedangkan ada antara
Namun, program itu belum pada bulan Ramadan dan Syawal tetapi Tapak pelupusan di Pekan Nanas, yang akhirnya menyumbang kepada mereka yang masih lagi hidup di bawah
dipanjangkan ke bulan Syawal pada setiap musim perayaan. Pontian dan Jemaluang di Mersing, peningkatan bencana seperti banjir,” paras garis kemiskinan,” katanya.
disebabkan oleh kekangan petugas, “Data yang dikeluarkan Program Johor misalnya, sudah menjangkau usia katanya. Beliau turut menegur sikap
jelasnya. Alam Sekitar Pertubuhan Bangsa- lebih 25 tahun dan dijangka mampu Ujar beliau, kempen menerusi media sebahagian umat Islam sendiri yang
Bangsa Bersatu 2021 menunjukkan bertahan selama tiga tahun sahaja lagi. tradisional dan media sosial semata- lebih suka bersedekah makanan
Peningkatan pembaziran makanan Malaysia menghasilkan jumlah Situasi sama turut berlaku di tapak mata tidak cukup bagi menangani isu sepanjang Ramadan bagi meraih
Dalam tempoh tiga minggu pertama penjanaan sisa makanan per kapita pelupusan sampah Sungai Udang, tersebut, sebaliknya pihak berwajib dan ganjaran pahala berganda, sedangkan
Ramadan kali ini, tertinggi di Asia Tenggara iaitu 91 kg Melaka, sementara jangka hayat tapak berkepentingan perlu turun padang ada amal ibadat lain yang boleh
MySaveFood@Ramadan 2023 berjaya setahun. di Bukit Tagar, Selangor pula dijangka dan menjalankan program dengan dilakukan.
“menyelamatkan” keseluruhan “Di Malaysia, sisa makanan boleh bertahan selama 50 tahun lagi. lebih agresif. “Ruang bersedekah itu luas,
18,276.89 kilogram (kg) makanan dan merangkumi 44.5 peratus daripada sisa Menurut Haliza, isu sisa makanan contohnya terdapat sekolah dan
minuman berbanding hanya 7,795 kg pepejal lain yang dilupuskan di tapak bukan sahaja menekan tapak Kenal pasti lokasi agihan makanan madrasah tahfiz yang memerlukan
dalam tempoh sama pada tahun lepas. pelupusan sampah,” katanya. pelupusan sampah tetapi turut Dalam pada itu, Mohammad Amar dana untuk pembangunan dan operasi
Berdasarkan satu kajian bagi meningkatkan ancaman kepada alam ketika mengulas lanjut tentang risiko bagi pendidikan ummah, jadi rebutlah
mengenal pasti punca pembaziran Kesan alam sekitar sekitar menerusi pelepasan gas metana, pembaziran makanan semasa acara peluang tersebut pada Ramadan ini,”
makanan yang dijalankan oleh Mengulas tentang perkara itu, Ketua iaitu sejenis gas rumah hijau yang rumah terbuka, menyarankan agar katanya. – Bernama

bola sepaK – liga super 2023
Bakar suar nampak
hebat dari
Selangor belasah Terengganu, catat sudut gambar
kemenangan keempat berturut-turut KUALA LUMPUR: Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
(CEO) Liga Bolasepak Malaysia (MFL) Stuart
KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor merakam kemenangan Liga Ramalingam melihat tindakan pembakar-
Super keempat berturut-turut sambil menghadiahkan an suar di stadium mungkin menghasilkan
kekalahan terbesar buat Terengganu selepas berpesta gol suasana dan gambaran yang hebat.
meraih kemenangan 5-1 pada aksi di Stadium Majlis Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata perkara
Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ), malam Selasa lalu. itu tetap melibatkan aspek tatatertib di
Terengganu bermula baik seawal 10 minit pertama bawah bidang kuasa Persatuan Bolasepak
dengan penyerang import, Jordan Mintah hampir Malaysia (FAM).
meletakkan pasukan pelawat bimbingan Tomislav “Saya rasa dari gambar ia kelihatan
Steinbruckner di hadapan, namun sepakan percumanya hebat dan memukau, tetapi ini bukan soal
pada minit ke-11 tepat ke palang gol. gambar ini adalah soal tatatertib, biar
Pertahanan kurang kemas skuad Penyu mengundang pihak berkuasa yang bertindak,” katanya
padah apabila Selangor berjaya meledak dua gol dalam ketika ditemui pada Majlis Berbuka Puasa
tempoh kurang daripada lima minit masing-masing Jalinan Kasih bersama Aeon Big x MFL di
menerusi penyerang, Ayron Del Valle, pada minit ke-17 dan Aeon Big Wangsa Maju di sini Selasa lalu.
bekas pemain sayap Terengganu, Mohamad Faisal Abdul Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya
Halim pada minit ke-21. mengenai imej saingan Liga Super selepas
Skuad Gergasi Merah terus melebarkan penguasaan, kali terdapat beberapa insiden membakar suar
ini giliran pemain pertahanan muda Harith Haiqal Adam di Stadium Sultan Ibrahim, Iskandar Puteri
Afkar mencetak nama sebagai penjaring selepas beliau di Johor musim ini.
yang tidak dikawal bijak menyambar bola sepakan penjuru Sebelum ini, sebanyak tiga kali
rakan sepasukan pada minit ke-40. sekumpulan penyokong Johor Darul Ta’zim
Ketinggalan 0-3, Terengganu berjaya mengurangkan (JDT) membakar suar selepas perlawanan
defisit gol pada minit ke-61 menerusi tandukan penyerang sekali gus melanggar peraturan Artikel 70.1
gantian Ivan Mamut, namun Ayron terus menghukum Kod Tataterbit FAM yang melarang
PEMAIN Selangor FC Muhammad Mukhairi Ajmal Mahadi diasak pemain Terengganu FC pada
kepincangan barisan pertahanan lawan apabila mudah penyokong membawa masuk barang
perlawanan Liga Super 2023 di StadiumMBPJ Petaling Jaya malam Selasa lalu. – fotoBERNAMA
melepasi perangkap ofsaid untuk menjaringkan gol larangan ke dalam stadium.
keempat Selangor pada minit ke-70. Tindakan membakar suar itu dilakukan
Pemain tengah gantian Aliff Haiqal Lokman Hakim Lau Alor Setar. Pasukan tuan rumah bangkit daripada Penang mencatat kemenangan kedua berturut-turut ketika Harimau Selatan menang dua
memastikan kejayaan manis skuad kendalian Tan Cheng ketinggalan dengan meledak dua gol masing-masing selepas mengatasi Kelantan United 2-0 sekali gus perlawanan Liga Super masing-masing ke
Hoe dengan gol kelima pada minit ke-84 selepas menerusi Jonathan Boareto Dos Reis pada minit ke-25 dan menyaksikan pasukan pelawat terus buntu menemui atas Sabah FC pada 31 Mac dan Kedah Darul
melepaskan rembatan leret yang deras dari jarak dekat. tandukan Bojan Ciger lima minit kemudian sekali gus kemenangan pertama musim ini. Aman (KDA) FC (9 April) dan aksi Piala FA
Selangor kini di posisi kedua dengan mengumpul 22 mata menafikan gol pembukaan KL City hasil penyudah Paulo Dua gol skuad bimbingan Manzoor Azwira Abd Wahid berdepan PDRM FC 14 April lepas.
selepas sembilan perlawanan dan dibezakan dua mata Josua pada minit ke-11. masing-masing disumbangkan Nik Akif Syahiran Nik Mat Mengulas lanjut, Stuart berkata undang-
dengan pendahulu yang juga juara bertahan Johor Darul Bagaimanapun, babak kedua menyaksikan kebangkitan pada minit ke-48 dan kapten Rafael Vitor pada minit ke-58. undang ataupun larangan melibatkan suar
Ta’zim (JDT), yang akan berdepan PDRM, di sini, malam skuad bimbingan Bojan Hodak selepas Romel Morales Dalam pada itu, jaringan tunggal perlawanan pemain adalah untuk memastikan keselamatan di
esok, sementara Sri Pahang ketiga mengutip 19 mata. menyamakan kedudukan tiga minit selepas rehat sebelum tengah Muhamad Nor Azam Abdul Azih pada minit ke-57 stadium, selain mengulangi pendiriannya
Sementara itu, Kedah Darul Aman (KDA) gagal Herlison Caion meledak jaringan kemenangan skuad The membantu Sri Pahang membawa pulang tiga mata untuk tidak menyentuh dari aspek

Sukan SEA: Skuad pelayaran optimis bangkit, sasar dua emas di Kemboja
memanfaatkan aksi di laman sendiri selepas tumpas 2-3 di City Boys pada minit ke-75. berharga selepas menewaskan Kuching City 1-0 di Stadium hukuman memandangkan ia di bawah
tangan Kuala Lumpur (KL) City di Stadium Darul Aman, Di Stadium Bandaraya, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, Negeri, Kuching. – Bernama bidang kuasa FAM. – Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Skuad pelayaran negara berkenaan. kita bagi memastikan mereka dapat tidak dipertandingkan di Hanoi, negara cemerlang mengumpul tujuh
menyasarkan dua pingat emas sekali gus Bagi memastikan pasukan dapat mempamerkan persembahan terbaik Vietnam tahun lepas. emas ketika Malaysia menjadi tuan
memperbaiki pencapaian lepas di Sukan menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan laut semasa hari pertandingan nanti,” Pasukan pelayaran negara akan rumah pada edisi 2017.
SEA 2023 di Kemboja pada 5 hingga 17 yang berbeza berbanding di Pusat menurut kenyataan itu. mengambil bahagian dalam tujuh acara “Dengan persiapan rapi yang
Mei depan. Latihan Kebangsaan, Langkawi, skuad Dalam kenyataan sama, Pengurus daripada keseluruhan sembilan yang telah dijalankan sama ada di pusat
Persatuan Pelayaran Malaysia (MSA) pelayaran berlepas ke Kemboja hari ini pasukan Muhammad Fariz Idham Mat dipertandingkan pada edisi kali ini. latihan bersama pihak Majlis Sukan
dalam kenyataan Selasa lalu yakin bagi membuat persediaan rapi di Zaki berkata walaupun perlu Pada edisi 2019 di Filipina yang juga Negara (MSN) dan Institut Sukan Negara
pasukan yang dibarisi sembilan atlet gelanggang pertandingan di menyambut Aidilfitri di luar negara, edisi terakhir pelayaran (ISN), pasukan yakin kegemilangan
masing-masing tujuh lelaki dan dua Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk. skuad negara amat komited dan kekal dipertandingkan, pasukan pelayaran pasukan pelayaran negara akan kembali
wanita itu akan mempamerkan aksi “Keadaan yang berbeza ini perlu fokus dalam misi memperbaiki negara menyumbang dua pingat perak. kali ini,” menurut kenyataan itu. –
cemerlang di temasya dwitahunan diadaptasikan secepatnya oleh para atlet pencapaian edisi lepas kerana pelayaran Sebelum itu, pasukan pelayaran Bernama
Selangor belasah
harianekspres Terengganu, catat
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I KH AMI S , 2 0 APRI L, 2 0 2 3 kemenangan keempat 8

BOLA SEPAK – Liga Juara-Juara

Real Madrid ke separuh akhir

LONDON: Rodrygo menjaringkan dua gol dalam kesebelasan utamanya kali ini.
bagi membantu Real Madrid mara ke sep- Mendapat sokongan penyokong
aruh akhir Liga Juara-Juara pada awal pagi walaupun mengharungi musim yang
Rabu, melengkapkan kemenangan agregat bermasalah, pasukan tuan rumah bermula
4-0 ke atas Chelsea yang menamatkan dengan baik menentang juara 14 kali itu.
musim yang buruk buat kelab London itu. Mereka mempunyai peluang keemasan
Pasukan tuan rumah, dengan Frank untuk mendahului namun percubaan
Lampard kembali sebagai jurulatih buat Kante dengan kaki kirinya tersasar dari
kali kedua, beraksi di Stamford Bridge den- jarak 12 ela.
gan prestasi yang tidak memihak mereka. Pasukan pelawat kelihatan tajam
Chelsea bermula garang tetapi sebelum waktu rehat. Pada pertengahan
melepaskan beberapa peluang yang sepa- babak pertama Rodrygo mencipta ruang
tutnya dapat memberi tekanan ke atas untuk dirinya sendiri dan melakukan per-
juara bertahan itu. cubaan namun terkena tiang, sementara
Gergasi Sepanyol itu menghukum Luka Modric turut menguji Kepa.
ketumpulan penyudah Chelsea apabila Namun Chelsea sepatutnya boleh men-
Rodrygo menjaringkan gol pada minit ke- dahului pada penghujung separuh masa
58 hasil serangan balas pantas dan men- pertama apabila James melakukan han-
jadikan kedudukan 2-0 sepuluh minit taran lintang dari kanan dan ia menemui
selepas itu. Marc Cucurella. Pemain pertahanan itu
“Kami diasak namun bernasib baik berjaya melepaskan rembatan namun
kekal 0-0 pada babak pertama. Babak Thibaut Courtois beraksi cemerlang
kedua kami bertambah baik dan menda- menyelamatkan keadaan.
pat dua gol. Kami gembira mara ke sepa- Kante mempunyai satu lagi peluang
ruh akhir,” kata pengurus Real Madrid, keemasan pada awal babak kedua namun
Carlo Ancelotti kepada BT Sport. percubaan jarak dekatnya terkena Eder
Chelsea, juara Eropah 2021, kini tewas Militao dan terpantul ke kawasan sela-
semua empat perlawanan sejak Lampard mat.
kembali ke kelab itu awal bulan ini bagi Real menghukum Chelsea ketika per-
menggantikan Graham Potter yang lawanan berbaki setengah jam apabila
dipecat. Rodrygo menjaringkan gol jarak dekat
Lampard yang pernah mengendalikan selepas menerima umpanan Vinicius Jun-
kelab itu pada 2019 sehingga awal 2021 ior.

PENYERANG Real Madrid, Karim Benzema (kedua dari kiri) menanduk bola keluar dari
kecewa dengan kegagalan pemainnya Lampard melakukan beberapa per-

Giroud pastikan AC Milan teruskan kemaraan

kawasan bahaya semasa satu sepakan sudut Chelsea semasa perlawanan tersebut. – Gambar AFP
menjaringkan gol. tukaran, membawa masuk Raheem Ster-
“Kami beraksi dengan sangat baik ling, Joao Felix dan Mykhailo Mudryk,
dalam tempoh 60 minit. Kami mencipta dalam usaha untuk kembali ke dalam sain-
peluang tetapi anda perlu memanfaatkan- gan.
nya,” katanya. Tetapi Rodrygo menemui jaring sekali
Bekas pemain tengah Chelsea itu lagi pada minit ke-80 selepas menerima
berkata, skuadnya perlu mencari motivasi bantuan Federico Valverde. NAPLES: AC Milan mara ke separuh akhir Skuad kendalian Stefano Pioli itu kini serupa untuk membantu jaringan di
beraksi untuk kelab itu ketika mereka Real Madrid dijangka akan berde- Liga Juara-Juara Eropah selepas Olivier mempunyai peluang bertemu jiran Napoli pada 1998.
berusaha menamatkan musim dengan pan Manchester City di separuh akhir Giroud meledak gol penting ketika seri mereka, Inter, di separuh akhir selepas “Ia sama,” kata Leao yang agak terkejut.
prestasi yang lebih baik. selepas skuad Pep Guardiola meraih 1-1 di Napoli untuk melengkapkan pesaingnya itu membawa bekalan dua gol “Itu yang saya cuba lakukan, menuju ke
“Anda bermain untuk Chelsea. Jadi kelebihan 3-0 ke atas Bayern Munich kemenangan agregat 2-1 pada awal pagi untuk aksi timbal balik berdepan Benfica. arah pemain, begitu cara saya memainkan
dalam setiap perlawanan anda perlu mem- susulan kemenangan pada aksi suku Rabu. “Saya sangat bangga dengan pasukan peranan. Jika saya tidak menjaringkan gol,
berikan segalanya. Anda tidak boleh mem- akhir pertama. Giroud menemui sasaran dua minit ini, dengan semangat itu kami mampu saya membantu rakan sepasukan. Saya
biarkan sesiapa dalam masalah dan kami Bekas bos Chelsea, Ancelotti memburu sebelum rehat selepas larian bijak Rafael mengimpikan apa saja,” kata Giroud lihat Giroud di sana.”
perlu tunjukkan. Standard itu tidak boleh rekod kejayaan kelima sebagai seorang Leao, yang sekali lagi menjadi tonggak kepada Mediaset. Milan tidak pernah mara ke separuh
turun,” katanya. jurulatih dalam kejohanan itu. penting dalam kemenangan ketiga Milan “Pada pusingan seterusnya akan ada akhir Liga Juara-Juara Eropah sejak dino-
Pengendali Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti Namun Chelsea gagal meraih sebarang ke atas Napoli bulan ini. satu lagi perlawanan sukar bertemu Inter batkan juara buat kali ketujuh pada 2007.
mengekalkan skuad yang memenangi aksi trofi musim ini, menduduki tangga ke-11 Gol ke-13 penyerang Perancis itu atau Benfica, tetapi dengan semangat ini Victor Osimhen menjaringkan gol
suku akhir pertama minggu lalu, man- dalam carta Liga Perdana Inggeris dan musim ini menebus kekecewaannya kami mampu pergi ke mana saja.” dalam masa kecederaan namun ia tidak

Peluang Martial untuk jadi wira Manchester United Nasihat

akala Lampard menyenaraikan Reece tampak sukar layak ke saingan Eropah selepas gagal menyempurnakan sepakan Selepas perlawanan, Leao ditunjukkan cukup untuk Napoli meneruskan kempen
James, Mateo Kovacic dan N’Golo Kane musim depan. – AFP penalti pada pertengahan babak pertama. video Ruud Gullit melakukan larian cemerlang mereka kali ini. – AFP

MANCHESTER: Bagaimanapun pemain tengah Aus- mur 27 tahun itu tidak pernah “Dia pemain berwibawa. Dia boleh

Jota akhiri
Anthony Martial tria itu mungkin tidak dapat beraksi menyedari potensi sebenarnya menjadi penghubung, memegang
(gambar) dipin- untuk skuad kendalian Erik ten Hag di walaupun menjaringkan 86 gol dalam bola dan juga menekan lawan. Dia
jamkan ke Sevilla Seville, sekali gus menambah tekanan 288 penampilan untuk kelab itu. akan menjaringkan gol dan mampu

kemarau gol
musim lalu den- ke atas Martial. Tempohnya di Sevilla juga kurang mendapatkan gol. Saya tidak ragui
gan kariernya di Sabitzer cedera ketika memanaskan membuahkan hasil. Selepas kemampuannya.”
Manchester badan sebelum kemenangan 2-0 di kedudukannya dalam pasukan teran- Martial meledak tujuh jaringan
United seakan Nottingham Forest pada Ahad lalu. cam susulan kepulangan Ronaldo ke dengan purata satu gol setiap 133
sudah berada di Pertahanan tengah pilihan utama, United, Martial berhijrah ke Sepanyol minit di bawah kendalian Ten Hag.
penghujung, Raphael Varane dan Lisandro Martinez dalam usaha mendapatkan tempat Namun dia masih perlu membuk- LONDON: Diogo Jota
tetapi pemain Perancis itu kembali juga terlepas aksi timbal balik di Sep- dalam kesebelasan utama, namun tikan kemampuannya jika mahu ( g a m b a r )
menyinar tepat pada masanya untuk anyol selepas cedera pada perlawanan hanya menjaringkan satu gol dalam 12 meyakinkan United melanjutkan kon- menjaringkan gol
pertembungan Liga Europa menen- suku akhir pertama. Namun yang pal- penampilan pada separuh masa kedua traknya yang tamat hujung musim Liga Perdana Inggeris
tang bekas pasukannya itu. ing memberi kesan ialah ketiadaan musim lalu. depan. pertamanya musim
Kecederaan Marcus Rashford mem- Bruno Fernandes kerana digantung Pemergian Ronaldo tahun lalu Skuad bimbingan Ten Hag berde- ini ketika menentang
berikan peluang kepada Martial untuk perlawanan. memberikan Martial peluang terakhir pan minggu penting dalam usaha Leeds United dan ia
menerajui jentera serangan United Fernandes menyinar selepa digand- untuk menghidupkan semula kari- memburu tiga kejuaraan musim ini. mengingatkannya
pada aksi di Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan ingkan dengan Christan Eriksen dan ernya di Old Trafford. Namun masalah Juara Piala Liga itu akan berdepan kepada nasihat
awal pagi esok, yang akan menentukan Casemiro di bahagian tengah dan kecergasan membataskan impaknya Brighton pada separuh akhir Piala FA diberikan Cristiano Ronaldo.
pasukan mana layak ke separuh akhir. dalam 17 perlawanan yang menyak- kepada hanya 19 penampilan dalam 51 sekembalinya mereka dari Seville. Jota menemui sasaran pada minit ke-
Dua gol sendiri United pada aksi sikan trio terbabit diturunkan, United perlawanan United setakat ini musim Tidak ramai yang membayangkan 52 dalam kemenangan 6-1 Liverpool ke
pertama di Old Trafford menyaksikan menang 15 kali dan seri dua kali. ini. 12 bulan lalu bahawa gergasi Inggeris atas Leeds, dan menambah jaringan
Sevilla kini mempunyai kelebihan Masalah kecederaan turut memini- Bos United, Ten Hag, bagaimana- itu akan bergantung kepada Martial pada minit ke-73.
beraksi di laman sendiri selepas mumkan impak Martial bersama pun, tetap menaruh keyakinan dan untuk memburu gol pada penghujung Pemain 26 tahun Portugal itu
kedudukan terikat 2-2. United musim ini dan telah menjadi memberinya peluang mempamerkan kempen. gembira kerana berjaya meledak dua
Martial memainkan peranan pent- kisah kariernya di United. kemampuan sebenar. Namun kini Ten Hag perlu mem- gol pada perlawanan itu selepas
ing ketika United mendahului 2-0 Menjadi pemain remaja paling “Ketika dia cergas, pasukan kami berikan kepada pemain Perancis itu bergelut mencari jaringan sepanjang
hasil dua jaringan Marcel Sabitzer mahal di dunia ketika ditandatangani beraksi dengan baik,” kata Ten Hag peluang terakhirnya untuk menjadi musim ini.

Hamidin janji selesaikan isu penerjun RTG

dalam tempoh 21 minit. dari Monaco pada 2015, pemain beru- mengenai impak Martial. wira Red Devils. – AFP Jota turut dibelenggu masalah

BAC: Pearly
kecergasaan, bagaimanapun kata-kata
semangat Ronaldo membantunya

tarik diri akibat

menamatkan kemarau jaringan untuk
Liverpool sejak April 2022.
Rakan sepasukan di Portugal itu

masalah kesihatan
KUALA LUMPUR: Ketua Kontinjen pihak,” katanya kepada pemberita, di Beliau berkata skuad terjun negara berkata, menjaringkan gol adalah
(CDM) Malaysia ke Sukan Olimpik Paris sini, Selasa lalu. akan menjalani kem latihan lebih seperti ‘membuka botol sos tomato,
2024, Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin, Namun, Hamidin enggan kurang sebulan di China, apabila titisan pertama keluar, yang
berjanji akan menyelesaikan beberapa mendedahkan isu atau permintaan sebelum menghadapi Kejohanan lain akan mengalir keluar’.
isu dikongsikan oleh penerjun yang yang diutarakan oleh dua penerjun Akuatik Dunia di Fukuoka, Jepun, “Sebaris ayat Ronaldo itu melekat di
KUALA LUMPUR: Hasrat untuk melihat
berada dalam Program ‘Road to Gold’ berkenaan. bermula 14-30 Julai, yang juga ingatan saya. Saya rasa bola
gandingan beregu wanita utama negara
(RTG) dalam masa terdekat. Dengan kebanyakan atlet dalam RTG merupakan salah satu kejohanan sepak adalah sesuatu yang di luar
Pearly Tan-M. Thinaah mencipta sensasi
Beliau dan timbalannya Datuk Nicol sebelum ini dilaporkan mahu kelayakan ke Olimpik Paris. jangkaan, itu yang kami suka tentang
pada Kejohanan Badminton Asia (BAC)
David, yang mengadakan sokongan sains sukan, Hamidin Sementara itu, Setiausaha sukan ini. Ia boleh berubah sekelip
2023 bulan ini tidak kesampaian selepas
Pearly terpaksa menarik diri susulan perbincangan secara tertutup bersama berkata pihaknya akan berusaha untuk Persekutuan Renang Malaysia (MS), mata,” kata Jota.
masalah kesihatan. Datuk Pandelela Rinong dan Nur memastikan semua atlet dalam Mae Chen, berkata pihaknya Ronaldo sendiri menggunakan
Perkembangan itu dimaklumkan Dhabitah Sabri, ketika lawatan ke sesi program itu mendapat sokongan yang meletakkan harapan ke atas Wendy Ng analogi itu pada tahun 2010 apabila dia
Persatuan Badminton Malaysia (BAM) latihan skuad terjun, di Pusat Akuatik secukupnya untuk mencipta kejayaan Yan Yee untuk melayakkan diri dalam sukar menjaringkan gol di peringkat
menerusi hantaran di Instagram, petang Nasional, di sini, yakin perkara itu di Paris tahun depan. acara 3m papan anjal wanita, selain antarabangsa.
Rabu. dapat diselesaikan. “Bukan hanya terjun, tetapi Pandelela dan Nur Dhabitah. Penyerang itu mengharungi 16 bulan
“Pearly Tan menarik diri daripada “Ada beberapa perkara, insya-Allah badminton dan sukan lain pun “Tetepi barisan penerjun lelaki agak tanpa gol sebelum Piala Dunia di
Kejohanan Badminton Asia 2023 kerana kita dapat selesaikan, kalau tak dapat (perlukan sokongan sains sukan). sukar untuk layak kerana belum Afrika Selatan. Bagaimanapun dia
masalah kesihatan,” menurut hantaran saya akan jumpa Menteri Belia dan Kalau ISN (Institut Sukan Negara) sampai standard di peringkat tringgi,” berjaya menjaringkan gol ketika
itu. Sukan (Hannah Yeoh) untuk punya (staf) tak cukup kita ambil katanya. bertemu Korea Utara dan ia semakin
BAC 2023 akan berlangsung di Dubai, selesaikan. Kebanyakannya isu semasa kepakaran dari luar. Bagi sukan renang pula, beliau mudah buatnya.
Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) dari 25 hingga yang perlu dikemaskan, sebagai CDM “Ini, sebab kita memburu pingat berharap empat perenang - Bryan Jota kini sudah menjaringkang 36
30 April ini. boleh selesaikan dengan emas, perak dan gangsa di peringkat Leong, Steve Khiew Hoe Yean, Andrew gol dalam 105 penampilan untuk
Pada edisi lalu di Filipina, Pearly- cepat,mungkin selepas Raya. dunia. Jadi kita tak nak hanya laungkan Goh Zheng Yen dan Phee Jinq En - yang Liverpool dan berharap ketajamannya
Thinaah, pasangan ranking kelapan dunia “Ia tidak perlu tunggu sehingga nak menang emas, tapi tidak melihat telah melayakan diri ke Kejohanan berterusan dalam usaha memburu
dan juara Terbuka Perancis 2022 berjaya mesyuarat Jawatankuasa RTG yang perkara itu dengan lebih dekat,” Dunia menerusi Kategori B turut dapat tempat dalam kelompok empat teratas.
mara sehingga ke suku akhir. – Bernama seterusnya, walaupun libatkan banyak katanya. melayakkan diri ke Paris. – Bernama – Agensi

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