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CYCLEMATIC SERVICE MANUAL MODEL : CTL-618EM MANUFACTURER: MACHINE NO. CYCLEMATIC MACHINERY CO., LTD. 20, LANE 50, MIN SHENG AD SHEN KANG, TAICHUNG, TAIWAN, F.0.C. TEL: 04-5625393 - 5626509 FAX: 686-4-5620208 PUROSE OF THIS MANUAL The model CTL-618 scries machine is built for easy and safe operation end excellent mamufacwuring of work in process. ‘The machine is built with high guality material,and carefully to exacting standards that guarantee the life,economical use,accu- racy, and minumum maintenance of the machine. ‘This manual is an introduction to the CYCLEMATIC model CIL-G18EM HIGH ACCURACY TOOL ROOM LATHE .It is used for installation,operation and servicing of the CTL-618EM CYCLEMATIC MACHINES Also,for fast reference, because it is necessary to make min- or adjustments or do preventive maintenance ¢ For personnel and operators who deal with the CTL-618EM machine. ) CONTENTS. SPINDLE CONTROL LEVERS FREE SPINDLE........ QUICK CHANGE GFAR BO) AUTOMATIC THREAD LENGTH CONTROL. SPINDLE BRAKE... COLLET CLOSSER—REMOVA..... — REPLACEMENT. —ADJUSTMENT.. CARRIAGE INDICATED RING... CARRIAGE LOCK.... CARRIAGE CLUTCHES. TAILSTOCK—SPINDLE ‘Lock. CONTENTS PAGE THREAD CUTTING, HEADSTOCK ASSEMBL' THREADING GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY.. COLLET CLOSER ASSEMBL' BED ASSEMBLY. CARRIAGE ASSEMBL GEAR BOX OF CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY. CROSS AND COMPOUND SLIDE ASSEMBLY. D.CMOTOR POWER FEED CONTROL ASSEMBLY, CLUTCH ASSEMBLY. D.C MOTOR ASSEMBL) ELECTRIC BRAKE PARTS LIS) VARIABLE SPEED PULLEY ASSEMBL' VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE CONTROL ASSEMBL COOLANT FACILITIES ASSEMBLY................ ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL... VERTICAC CUT-OFF ASSEMBL' TAISTOCK ASSEMBLY....csssssssnsnsnsssssnsesnenee Place Two Levels ON Slide Way CTL-G18EM Adjusting process for leveling machine LPut pads C (Fig 8) under each of six points 2 Loosen set screw A (Fig. B) 3.Insert a pin wrench into the hele B. raise or lower by turning (C.W.or C.C.W) 4, Tighten set screw A (Fig.B) to lock. 5 Be sure every paint is touching the ground (0 suport the machine. THREAO CUTTING Figure 1 - Lifting nchine Lifiing mmechine, arrnage rape or cele as shown in figure 1, and check to sce if the correct balance has ben cbtained. Then insert pads ef'soft cloth between the edges of'the rope and mactine The net weight of this machine is approx 830 kgs (1.830 ths) Se the rope ar cable must be rated at 3000 Ibs capacity A.) INSPECTION AND GLEANING OF MACHINE An inspection should be made afer arrival of thy machine in your plant. Look for possible damage eave ed by shock of vibration during transportation, also check for any missing parts, standard tools or other equipment Jn shipiment,all exposed surfisees of the machine are eoated with a antinust liquid Before moving carriage and cross-slide, lendsrcew tailstock...cte, these surfaces. should he throughly cleaned to remove all antirust liquid use a soft brush and solvent. This is very important because it can prevent any dirt orzrit which may have accumulated on the antirust liquid from working under the sliding members and causing undue wear. % CAUTION : DO NOT USE COMPRESSED AIRTO CLEAN, WHICH WILL REDUGE THE MAGCHINE’S LIFE. 1B.) FOUNDATION, INSTALLATION,AND LEVELING A fairly flat foundation and proper installation will provide the machine long-term high accurncy, $0 supplying a good solid foundation of proper thickness is important, (Generally, a thickness of 300mm (12%) is considered to be encugh.) The machine kas six adjustable fect on the comers of the pedestal base,used for leveling the machine Place the pds under the fost of pedestal. Te adjust, Joosen the set screw and raise or lower the foot with a pin wrench so thal all «x feet rest lirmly on the floor. When the adjustment is done.tighten set screws. C.) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS dD.) The CTL-GI8EM TOOL RGOM LATHE is shipped completely wired and assembled Tum Cam Switch “A" (Figure 2) to the “OFF” pesition,then check motor voltage Loosen screws “A” (Figure 2}, and oper the switch case caver, comect the wires from the power source to the terminals (RS T) ,and ground connection is made at the “G” (Figure 3) which is the electric switeh ease. Place Control Lever “G" (Figire 4) in the “LOW” position.pull out Spindle Locking Pin “E”, turn"C" (Figure 5) in Forward position, The spindle should rotate counterclockwise when viewed fiom the tailstack end of the machine Ifthe spindle does not tum in the correct direction.turn Cam Switch “A"t0 “OFF” position. Disconneet electric power source, and interchange any two leads umil the mming direction is comesi. When the spindle is rotating correctly. secure switch case cover.turn Can Switeh “A” 19 “ON position Figure 2 - Centro! Unit Door * CAUTIQN : RUNNING THE MACHINE IN THE WRONG DIRECTION WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE SPINDLE SPEED GHANGE UNIT. LUBRICATION Proper lubri ion supplied carefally,will maintain the life end performance of the machine for long period Therefore, lubricate the machine with a high quality lubricant,avd eheele periodically to assure that the lubricant in the oil sight gage is filled to the proper level Tigure 4 = Control Unit Tigure 4 - Control Speed and Direction, 1NERTICAL SCREW Lubricate the varncal screw “¥" (Figure 6) with avenge fitting “N" as shown in (Figure 6), There after grease monthly or as ccessiry, Whenever you start to operste the machine, add a few drops af light oil in the Vertical SerewsW"" (Figure 6) and the Brake Cork “C7 (Figure. 14) 2.CARRIAGE LUBRICATION Fill with Mobil Vactra Off Nu.2 or e: oil reservoir Maintain oil level in Sight window" W" (Figure 7) To lubricate carriage und bed ways, lift plunger on rescsvairR” (Figure 7) hold briefly and release to keep bed ways lubricated, 3. GEAR BOX AND CLUTCH LUBRICATION Meintnin oil level in sight windows “W" (Figure 8) To fill yearbox. remove plug “C" (Figure 8) use Automatic Transmission Fluid Mobil 200 Esso ATF or equivalent Change oil every $00 HRS.) To crain oil.remove the Drain Plug “M located under the oil gear bene (Figure 8) * CAUTION : USE OF ANY OTHER TYPE OF OILINTHE GEARBOX MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE CLUTCH SURFACES. : HEADSTOCK LUBRICATION ‘The headstock spindle is mounted on precision preloaded ball, bearings. The ball bearings are grease packed for lifeand require nn firther lubrieation ent in 4.1 ) SPINDLE CONTROL LEVERS ‘To change spindle speeds. Push start button (M4) Figure(5),Turn cam switch {C) to the foreward Gt reverse position and moye lever (G) Figure ( 4}10 the low position Tum cam switch {0} Figure (5) to the lefi te inerease: speed and to the right tn decrease spond Morcover hold the cam switeh tw left or riuht until required speed is indicated in the sight window. Figure 7 Carriage Lubrication Speeds in the right side of sight window are obtained lever (G) Figure (4) in the high position and speeds in thelefi side of sight window are chtained with lever {G) in thelow pesition The spindle speeds can be selected to sult eech particular job that depends on type of material work diameters and tooling being used fF.) FREE SPINDLE Tigure 8 - Gear box Labrie: ‘To obtain a free spindle for turning the spindle by hand move lever (G)Figure(4)to the stop position Tum cam switeh (C)FiguretSjto brake off position and push start button (M).The spindle will rotate by hand easier after machine has-been run ata speed of 1100 RPM or over. G.) QUICK CHANGE GEAR BOX The Quick Change Gear Box Unit see (Tigured& 11),feed of thread change kiieb *L”, shifted to left is threading. shifled to right is feed only. The range of threads, their selection and the position of the knobs for each thread are shown on the chart “C (Figure 10), Pull outthe ballof geer change arm “AY (Figure10). Ther move arto left er right, insert in correct position, and change the speed change knob“S"to 1,2, or 3 position until desired thread cutting is acquired see (Figure LO), The standard threads and pipe threads ase immediaicly available through the gear box by the use of outside Figure 9 - feed of Thread Change change gears(five change wear assembly) pitches of threads can be cut (@ 250 threads per inch. * CAUTION + DO NOT SHIFT GEARS KNOB “T™ WHEN THE SPINOLE IS RUNNING Figure 10 = Tread Chart wure 11 - Feed or Thread Change H.) AUTOMATIC THREAD LENGTH e CONTROL Wen threading into a blind sole or to « shoulder without a thread relief The lead screw half mut is engaged ut the start of the tkceading aod remains angaged until threading work is completed. Left or right hand threads are contro‘led by Control lever “D" (Figure 4), the lever is jained with the contro] bar" H” (Figure 12) When the carriage touches the adjusting screw “S" (Figure 12) of the length control bar, it will push the levr“D” to “STOP™ postion, and make the lead seraw stop For mathod of threading cut, please see Page 8, QUICK, ACTING 1.)SPINDLE BRAKE ‘The Spinke Brake is built for rapid Hopping, of the headstock spindle. Tum the Control Lver“G" (Figure 4) 10 "BRAKE" position, the spindle will automatically brake at all speeds within afew seconds, The Brake is actuated when the brake cork “C" (Figure 14) is freed against the brake drum (Figure 14) by spring action and is released bya solenoid. Alloing brake cork to become dry will reduce belt and brake life, so add a few drops of spindle oil to the brake drum as often as necessary. .) BRAKE ADJUSTMENT To adjust the brake, start the machine Run it at 1500 RPM. While ihe machine is nunning, insert a Sm allen wrench in the screw head loomed under the electrical connector on the brake solenoid (Fig. 3) Tum the screw counterclockwise until brake cork coniscts drum, then trun clockwise until nois disappears.At 1500 RPM the brake should stop the spindle in approx 3 soe Figure 14 = ftrake Cork Replacement K.) BRAKE REPLACEMENT 1. Disconnect wires #25 & #25 fom terminal, svip and remove conduit, Fig 3) 2, Remove row bolts 14) with 14mun wranch, 3. Loosen set screw"M” (Fig. 14) in keyway,tura adjusting serew'7" (Fig.13) conterclockwise and remove brake housing. Use 2 pin punch through adjustment hole to remove brake cork, 4. Lntall new brake cork and essemble in reverse ocder. L.) BELT ADJUSTMENT Run spindle at approximately 1000 RPM Move lever “G" (Figure 4) to center *STOP" pasition and let the spindle coast to a stop. This is done to equalize belt tension Move lever'G"¢Figure “to the high or low position, Lossen lock put “N* (Figure 15) 19min wreneh. Turn adjusting screw "D" (Figure 15) 6mm socket head wranch clockwise a Lighten belis. Stop machine and check belt tension,tbere should be appre. "af play in belt M.) COLLET CLOSER REMOVAL Running the mischine with the collet closer and not having 0 collet locked in place will damage the collet closer, Remove the collet closer when using chucks, face plates, or spindle nove type dxtures. The collect closer should be removed often for cleaning to prevent leading. of chips between collet closer tube and inside of spindle at rear and collet threads) Removal method is: Pull out pin “L” (Figure 17). Slide draw tube out ofthe spindle Do not turn the edjusting aut “N” (Figure 17) It is keyed wo the spindle, To remeve slide it off the end of the spindle. Do not remove collet closer by removins screw “S"(Eigure 171, this screw has been adjusted at the factory for proper operation of the collet closer, Figure 16 - Collet Closer Adjustment N.}) COLLET CLOSER REPLACEMENT Before replacement of the closer, clean inside of the headstock spindle and outside diameter at rear of sprindle where Adjusting Nut °N"(Figuie 17) it locered Apply a film of light oil on rear of spindle Do not foree Adjustitg Nut “N” on spindle, U Adjusting Nut “NT fits te tignt, remove and check for burrs or scratches, then replace Clean collet closer tute inside and out apply a film of fight cil oa slip surface “TI” (Figure 17) of theeolle: closer tbe, replace collet loser and insert Link Pin“L” (Figure 17), ©.) COLLET CLOSER ADJUSTMENT 1. Before using collet closer, and any collet or step chuck to be used should be throughly leaned 2 Push the look Pin “E" (Figure 4) . To emgage leck pin,turn spindle by hand till lock pin emers notch tolock. 3. Press the Closer Adjusting Finger “F" (Figure 16) down to the point “P” (Figure 16). 4 Place collet closer tube on collet or step chuck until engaged. Turn both collet closer tube and shell ‘Guard “G" (Figure 15) forward with the feft hand, and hold the collet or step chuck With the riaht ‘hand at the same time. §. Place a work piece in collet or step chuck 6 Place lever “L" (Fiaure 16) ta the extreme left fixed position Turn the Shell Guard “G" (fig. 16} toward operator until the work piece is clamped by the collet . 7. Place lever“T."to the right , the released pusition . Turn Shell Guard SG" toward operator , move the Adjusting Finger “F" sdvance twa notches on the adjusting nuc"N® (Figure 17) and close Adjusting Finger “F". & Test collet closer's tension on work piece Ifthe work picce reeds additional gripping pressure, press down on the adjusting finger “F" and tur Shell Guard “G" forward and lock . (sce fingure 16) P.) CARRIAGE INDICATING RING Duel dials with english and Metric Handwhcel dia) °W" (Fig. 18) graduations are in 0.01" 0 2mm. It is built forthe operator *s convetience of operation (Fig, 16) Spring lowded indicating ring , just tum to required location by loosoning lock screw “L”UFig 18) Sliding cover cage exposes only the dial in use Q.) CARRIAGE LOCK To hold the carriage in a fixed position on the bed use the Carriage Lock Handle “FT (Figure 19) ‘Move the lack handle “H” clockwise toward the operator, lock the carriaye in position. Move the Jock handle"H” counterclockwise auay from the ‘Operstor To unlock the carriage. R.) CARRIAGE CLUTCHES Theearriage clutches arc made of «fiction type material, designed to slip when slide for carriage engages a feed stop. The clutches are a spring-loaded arrangement and can not be adjusted for more pulling pawer. If clutch slips under a cut, itis a. sign of improper t90l grinding, dull too! or excessive feed. The friction clutches have sufficient power 10 handle all work figuie 18 - Carriage Indicating, When the machine coniacts 2 Ged “stop”, itis imended for the dutch to slip, To operate chiiches as shawn in (figure 20), raise handle “HT (figure 29) is approx. 20 degress shove horizontal, the chiteh will eagage Puch down the handle “H”, the clutch will release. When the carriage lend acrew is engaged for threading the cartinge feed clutch is mechanically interlocked (can nat be engayed). This is to prevent machine damage Adjust clutches as shown in Figure 20. 5.) CROSS SLIDE INDICATING RING Dualdials with english and metric handwheel Each graduation of the Indicating Ring “C"' (figureZI) is 0.001" (0.02mm) on the dixmeter. Tt is provided for operator's convenience The Tndicating Ring 's spring loaded, 50 a lock screw is not needed To use it, just tur the Indicating Ring to required location by hard Cross Slide operation offieed and adjustment of clutches are identical with the operation and adjustment of carriage clinches If CTL-GISEM TOOL FOOM LATHE needs tu be used. with the laper turning attachment, loosen the screw"S”” (figure!) with a spanner wrench T.) QUICK-ACTING TOOL POST COMPOUND SLIDE ASSEMBLY The compound slide has a quick-aciing tool post, at the start of threading out, place the ball-handle “H”(Figure 21) of the quick-acting tool post toward the workpiece, at the end of the threading, cut, the thre eding tool is instantly cleared from the work ky hand operated, handle "H1” ,fur the return of the carriage ta the next cut, the ball-handle lever actuating the tool post slide feed screw. Operate above procedure repeatedly until the threaded work plece i is completed. Each gradustion of the indicated ring"C” — fissre 91 ~ Cees Slide Indicated (Figure 21) is 0.001"(0.02mm) en diemeter Ring anid Quick Acting *® CAUTION : THE BALL-HANOLE LEVER OF THE QUICK-ACTING TOOL POST MUST BE MOVED TOWARD OPERATOR AT THE END OF THE THREADING CUT. U.) POWER FEED UNIT The eerriage Power Feed uni is mounted on the cxriage, It is powered by a direct current mater (Figure 22), The power feed can be eperated only when the machine is runsing. Start the power feed by miming Cam Switch "S* (figure 23) The Cam Switch "S" (figure 23) controls the direction of the power feed The carriage Feed Control “N” (figure 23) controls the rate of feed. When Cam Switch placed in“RIGHT * position, the carriage will feed toward the sight , the crass slide away from the operator When Cam Switch °S" is placed in“LEFT" position, the carriage will feed toward lef, the eroll slide will feed toward operator. Yur Cam Switch "S" to "STOP" position, pewer feed motor is then off The rate of the carriage {eed chould be pre-selected to suit each particular job, which depend an al, diameser, type of ea, and tooling used, 8 ‘The numbers on the cartiage fecal conto! panel, do not represent cither thousandtks per revolution or inches per minute: So the operator must (est surople pieces for determining the spindle speed and rate of feed which can best suil to the requested surface finish and production rate. thea record the prepet scitings after testing. NOTE : WHEN STARTING INTO PRODUCTION. AN OPERATOR CAN SET THE FEED CONTROL “N" TO THE RECORDED REFERENCE SETTING, THEN THE SAME TESTED RESULTS WILL BE OBTAINED. V.) COOLANT FACILITIES ‘The evolant pump is controlled by Swilch “C” (figure 2). Turn Switch “C” to “ON " position, the pump will nan continuously, tura to “AUTO" position, the pump will run only when the machine is tunning. If pump switch is set ar “OFF position, the collant pump is off. Sump should be clenned pesiodicaly. depending on the type of material being machined Figure 24 - Paw Feed Unit W.) TAILSTOCK ‘The tailstock is mounted on preloaded ball bearings and can support any Ioad to the spindle,Jt is. provided with a fine “feed” for accurate work The spicdle of the tallsiock is graduated in eighchs of an inch, and Imm and bins & travel of 3 3/4" (92.25mm) The lnndwheel is dual dial Erglish and Metric Grathuations are 0.001" (002mm) , [tis built. for the operator's convenience of operation just tum the dial ring "D" (Figure 25) to the required location. It is unnecessary 16. tighten te dial rings. They are spring loaded, soa lock screw is not needed. Sliding cover eage exposes autly the dial in use %.) TAILSTOCK SPINDLE LocK The tailstock the headstock lock position and backward to the feleascd position. Y.) TAILSTOCK BODY LOCK The tailstock can be clamped in eny position along the ‘bed way by operating Lever "Mf" (Figure 26) the Lever “M” should be adjusted toa champ position between the two sop pits “A" and “B" When tailstock is fully clamped, lever "Mt" should not contact stop pin “A”. Figure 26 - Tailstock Sprindle and Bosly Lock 10 et a he Se i er oe THREAD CUTTING GAUTION + Donot run spindle in reverse when threading. The CYCLEMALIC CTL-SISEM is designed for rapid and accurate thread cutting ‘The quick-change gearbox permits instam sclection of 36 different Tnglish and metric threads Threads can be cut to x shoulder without nunming into the shoulder since the automatic stop will limit carriage travel ata predetermined point in either direction. Before starting to cut a thread, select the proper cuttings speed forthe side ef thread to be cut and to givethe best finish forthe particniar matecial being vised aximum recommended threading spocd is 1900 RPM, Set the quick-change gearbox for desired pitch, To make a selection on the gearbox thread chart, pull the spring. pressured knob “A” Figure 1, out as far us itwill go and lower it until it will move sideways to the desired notch directly under the thread required Raise the handle sad tet plunger drop into hole, If tumbler handle will not raise for enough to position plunges isto hole loosen knob “S", open gear box door and rotate gear “C" Figure 4, until wears mesh and handle raises, permittios: plunger wo seat DO NOT SHIFT GEARS OR OPEN GEARBOX DOOR WHILE MACHINEIS RUNNING. Set three-change knob “C* Figure |, for mumber corresponding to left side of yearbox thread ehust, Serimob “C" so desired number isin battam position in line with arrow. If the sliding gear cluster dows not engage the other gears in gearhox properly to bring the desired aumiber on thrce-charge knob Cin fine with arrow, loosen knob “I” open atarbex daor and rota:e gear “T” Figure 4, until wear mesh, ; Sei English (Metric knob “D7, Figure 1, so thread system to be cut seads at top af knob, If the sliding gear docs not enyaye properly to bring desired system 10 read af top, Joosen knob “B", open gearbox door and roate gear “T", Figure 4, until gears mesh and knob is felt 10 engage detem. Engage gearbox by tuming knot , Figure 1, counterclockwise in the direction of arrow marked “THREAD™. When turning knob “E” the teeth of the sliding meer within the gearbox inaby not mesh with the headstock spindle gear teeth, If this is ihe case, turn headstock spindle with handwheel “F" while turning, knob “E™ to left tancil definite click is heard, Set compound side st 61° a0¢ position cutting tool in compeund slidetecl post, Position carriage with handwheel so threading tool is in the center of the part to be threaded, (Cersiage contral lever “G" Figure | when muved to the lef, will cause carriswe to move to the left When the carriage contro! level is moved 10 the right, the carriage will meve ta the right.Cartiage travel ‘can be stopped at any time by placing comurol lever “G" in center position. Figute 2 -Thread Length Control NOTE © Carriage power feed unitis not used threading operation. Place lever “G" in center position and engayelead screw nut “I”, Figuie 2, by moving ball handled lever “HP clockwise. Set two carriage stops "NT approximately 1/2" from both ends off camminge, Loosen setew"K" to make area location of ops. Loosen lock screw"N” eau tum stop serew"L! to makke fine adjustment, With thie un with carriage: Pick up the exect relat tool away from work toward operator. malce a trial between the tool and the shoulder or end of the thread by Using tool post slide, Run carringe ta right, checking stop, Make adjustments so tool will dear end of work by 1/4, 12 CAUTION : Lock carriage stops securely before starting to cul the threads. Do not release carriage nut “J” until threading operation is completed With carriage at rest and quick-acting handle “P” Figure 3, forward in cutting position, feed the desired amount for cach threading pass using cross slide handwheel “R”. ‘Move lever “G", Figure |. to the lefl and carriage will travel until it contacts stop at headstock end of machine. The heedstock spindle will continue to Tua, Carriage stops cause only the gearbox, Iead?8 screw and carriage to stop ‘After each pass, withdraw threading tool from work with quick-acting handle “P”, Figure 3, and refuum carriage to starting position by moving carrigge control lever “G", Figure 1, to the right. LEFT- HAND THREADS cam be cut the same ag. right-heand with the spindle ninning, “FORWA-RD” except that cutting pase is make ftom the headstock toward the tailstock Carriage control stops are used for left-hand threads as well as right -hand threads OUTSIDE CHANGE GEARS: ‘The outside change gcars are used to cut threads not provided in the quick-change gearbox. A set of five gears and a bracket are supplied as standard equipment with each machine. These gears, when fet up to the gear chart, Page & will ext 10 threads per inch or 0.25 mmm pitch according 10 set up Three of the gears are shipped on the bracket and the other two are in place on the shafis as shown at“ Ww", Figure 5 and BEFORE SETTING UP CHANGE GEARS,PLAGE KNOB “A”, FIGURE 4, IN THE “OUT" POSITION Fastened to the tumbler handle bracket within the gear box is around safety bar “X" Figure §, that oxtends out through a slot in the gearbox plate. This bar isto preveat applying change gears outside the earbox until the tumbler hanele is placed in the “OUT” position. Additional pears are available (o cul other threads which arc nat available through gearbox Lubricate bushings and shafts on change gear bracket with spindle cil cach time a setup is made, If long run threading is involved, lubricate daily 43 Figure 4 - Threading Gearbox =~ (2) @ @D®e Figure 6 + Chaiige gear Bracket English Threads Using Outside Change Gear 1, Tum disconnect switeh “OFF”. 2.On English side of change gear bracket “D”, Figure 6, mount “Finst Gear an stud” “C" with spacer between gears. Do not tighten bolt “A” fully, 3, Mount “Idler Gear “Y~ but do not mesh with “First Gear on Stud” “C™, oF tighten bok “Z" fully. ‘.Lossen knob“S", Figure 1, open gearbox deor and remove 50 tooth gear “'S”, Figure 4, and 127 Da not misplace key under $0 tooth gear. 5. Ifthread chart specifics number of tecth in “First Gear” to be other than 22 teeth, remove gear“L" Figure §, and replace with specified gear. 6, Remove tambler gear “W" 7. Mount Change geer bracket assembly, Figure 6, on pivot post brucket bolt “H”, Figure 7, fully. Figure $ Bo not tighten 8 Make certain key isin place ard mount “Screw Gear’ “T', Figure 7. Replace bolts “K” and “Nt” 9 Adjust “Second Gear an Stud" “G”, Figure 7, with 0.003-0.004 backlash between it and “Screw. “Gear” “J".Use plastic shin stock to help determine backlesh. Tighten bolt “F” 10. Adjust “Idler Gear” “E" with 0.003.0,004 backlash berween it and “First Gear on Stud” (belsind »Secend Gear on Stud” in picture), Tighten bolt “N”. 11. Pivot bracket 1 obtain 0 003-0,004 backlash between “First Gear” “L" and “Idler Gear’ “EB” Tighten bracket bolt “H” 12. Make certain all gears are properly meshed and all bolts tightened. 13. Close gearbox door, tighten knob “B", Figure 1, aad turn three-change knob “C™ to position specified on chart 14. Tum english’Metric knob “D” to “English”. 13. Turn Feed (Thread knob “E" ta “Thread”, 16. Follow same procedures for setting carriage stops lead screw nutand compound slide as when counting threads fram the geathos Use ofearriage contral level “G", Figure 1, and. quick-acting handle “P", Figure 3, will also be the same es when cutting threads from the gearbox NOTE : (a) $0 tooth gear “S", Figure 4, and 127 00th gear~T™ must be remounted (without bracket ) to odtain metrio thread pitches through gearbox. ()When disassembling setup, remount 22 tooth gears “U" and “W", Figure $ & Figure 7 - Mounting Change Gear Figure & - Chuinge Bracket Metric Threads Using Outside Change Gears 1, Turn disconnect switch “OFF” 2. On metric side of change gear bracket “P” Figure 8 mount “Idler Gear” “R", Lio not tighten bolt fully 3. Loosen knob “B" Figure 1, open gearbox door and remove 127 tooth gear Figure 4. 4. Mount change gear bracket assembly, Figure 8, on pivot post “V" © 9, Do not tighter bracket bolt “U" fully, 5 Remove “First Gear “U", Figure 5, and replace holt. Do not misplace key. 6. Mount “First Gear on Screw" “T", Figuie 9. 7, thread chart specilies number of teeth ia “Tumbler Gear” to be other than 22 teeth , remove gear Y" and replace with specified gear. 8, Adjust “Idler Gear X"" with 0.003-0.00 backlash berween it and “First Gear on Screw” “T", Use plastic shim stock to help determine backlash. Tighten bolt “W". 9. Pivot bracket to obtain 0,003 -0,004 backlash between “Idler gear” “X” and “Tumbler Gear” Tighten bracket bolt “I”. 10, Make certain key is in place and remount 127 tooth gear“A” Figure 10. Tighten bolt “Z", 11. Make certain all gears are properly meshed and all bolts tightened. 12. Close gearbox door, tighten knob “B” Figure 1, and tum thres-change knob "“C" wo pasition specificd on chart 13, Turn English’Meuio knob “1D” to “Metric”. 14, Turn Feed Tinead kaob "E"10 "Thread? 15. Follow same procedures for seiting carrings step, lead screw mut and compound slide as when cutting tIveads fram the gearbox, Use of carriage contral lever "G, Figure 1, and quick-acting handle “P", Figure 3, will ulso be the same as when cutting threads from the gearbox. 16. Observe same operational cautions as whea cutting threads from gearbox Figure 10 = Mounting 127 Tooth Gear NOTE = (a) 50 tooth gear “S$”, Figure 4, and 127 tooth gear “T™ must be renounted without bracket to ebtain meeric thrand pitches shrough gearbox. (0) When disassembling setup, remoun: 22 tooth “Tumbler Gear! “W", Figure 5, and 22 tooth “First Gear" “"U" v7 ISTGEAR ON STUD _--* 2ND GEAR ON STUD & SCREW GEAR x u GEARROX Ws GEARBOX | 2 IGEARBOX 13 OEARDON, 14 15 16) i7 Ins cEARROX 18 GEARROX 9 1 20 21 1 2 (GEARBOX 23 GEARBOX \ceansox [eeanpon Gear’ means “standard equipment " which supplied with machine. 1ST GEAR ON STUD IND GEAR ON STUD _= SCREW GEAR 5 = SCREW CEAR THREADS eee ae THREADS: ison] FIMST [czan | cxat | seman] RST PER fea ten |e men) PER | Woe 44 24 [30 | 22 (50 JEETH AND 127 TEEDH GEARS MUST BE REMOUNTED (WITHOUT OBTAIN METRIC THREAD PITCHES THROLGH THE GEARBOX. BRACKET) TO a . METRIC THREADS ee pe) eat 21 SCREW GEAR (Gearbox: 22 —— ios i ~ , § ae S_ ScmEW GEAR i. 3) Aver, Thee “i us METRIC THREADS 23 ‘LB-0)-102 1026604 LB-01-102 ‘KPOIN42 BA7013 LT-01-103 PT5#50 LB-O1-113 Bet -107, LB-01-108 SLOIRO07B LT-t-104 L104 SLOSROSB PDOSB1 1B 11017 SAOSHIONB EC-O8B-15A. SLOSBOOGR ‘SLOSB012B 11023: Lr-o1-114 SCH32B16B HEADSTOCK ASSEMBLY SPINDLE NUT BELT SPINDLE PULLEY KEY BEARING BEARING SPACER TAPER PIN SCREW GASKET FRONT CAP LOCK SCREW SPINDLE LOCK SCREW 1.OCK SCREW PIN COLLET CLOSER BRACKET SCREW W2" CONNECTOR | 44 90° AND CONDUIT LOCK SCREW LOCKSCREW LOCKING PLUG SEAL SCREW L-1031 L-1030 11032 L-1033 PDOIBOIZB SNS/32B0SB L-1036 L-1037 SAQSB108B LT-01-105 LT-O1-101 KDO2B14 LT-01-106 LT-01-107 PSO4BO10R P35/320108 LB-01-005 INSULATOR MICRO SWITCH SEAL, SPRING PLUNGER LOCK PIN; KEY SCREW PIN SCREW NAME PLATE LOCKWASHER SCREW BEARING SPACER NUT KEY HANDWHELL DRIVER GEAR SPRING PIN SPRING PIN COOLANT SHEILD THREADING GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY PART KEY) NUMBER PART NAME 1 | LT-11-001 GEAR BOX LT-11-008 2 | LT-11-002 GEAR BOX COVER| KD0485 3 | LT-01-206 GEAR LT-11-009 4 | KDo#15 KEY LT-11-010 5 | LT-01-207 GEAR SHAFT LT-11-011 6 | LT-01-208 PLUNGER 3A5/32B033 SET SCREW 7 | SLoso10 SET SCREW LY-11-012 GEAR 8 | BRG200ZZ BEARING SAS/32B043, SCREW 9 | RCR3O RETAINING RING BB620077 BEARING 10 | LT-01-209 STOP BLOCK SCREW LT-11-013 KD04094 GEAR SHAFT KEY 11 | SADRROSB. 12 | Lr11.003 GEAR SHAFT Kbos100 KEY 13 | BBS200ZZ BEARING LT-L1-014 ik MCONVERSION FORE M | LT-11-004 (GEAR SHAFT BBE1ES0 BEARING 15 | BPS20222 BEARING LT-11-015 GEAR 16 | LT-01-213 LOCK NUT ROS25 RETAINING RING 17 | L1)-005 GEAR LT-L-016 1 | Gear 18 | KDO3045 KEY Kposi4 KEY 19 | LT-01.219 KEY BUSH LT-11.017 GEAR 20 | LTO) -218 CLUTCH LT-11-018 GEAR 21 | LT-91-006 GEAR PSo3014 SPRING PIN BPS2012Z LY-01-217 BEARING LOCKNUT SLEEVE BRE200ZZ BB620372% RCR40 LT-11019 BEARING BEARIXG RETAINING RING SLEEVE LT-11-007 LY-01-220 LOCK NUT BEARING |BB6200zz KDO325 28 THREADING GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY LT-01-266 GEAR LT-01-248 LOCK FIN LT-O1-267 BOLT LT-O1-250A HANDLE HEAD LT-11-020 GEAR SHAFT LT-01-250B SPRING KDO420 REY BBE2032Z BEARING: LT-11-021 GEAR LT-11-031 GEAR SHAFT BRE20ZZ BEARING BNTAI212 NEEDLE BEARING| BBOZOIZ7 HEARING BNTAI#20 NEEDLE HEARING LT-11-022 SLEEVE, Kio 16 KEY KDOIOIO KEY Liso1-253 GEAR LT-11-023 GEAR LT-1 1-032 GEAR LT-11-024 GEAR SHAFT LT-O1-254 GEAR LT-11-025 GEAR LT-01-255 GEAR RCSIS RETAINING RING LT-11-033 GEAR LT-11-026 [THREAD CHANGE ARM LT-01-256 GEAR BBE1805 BEARING LT-11-034 GEAR ‘SH02B03B [CROSS RECESSES SCREW LT-01-257 GEAR LT-11-027 GEAR LT-01-258 GEAR BRGORZ BEARING § | LT-01-259 GEAR LT-11-028 SHAFT 1LT-01-260 GEAR SLOIBOsB SET SCREW LT-01-261 GEAR LT-11-029 STOP ROD BBO2OIZZ HEARING LT-11-030 SPACE PLATE LY) -105 LOCK NUT SAS/I2BOB SCREW SLEEVE PDOIBI2B DOWEL FIN GEAR LT-O1-246 PEEVE LT=1 1038 SHAFT LY-01.287 > KDM4s KEY THREADING GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER LT-11-039 GEAR LY-0}-274 BBS3042RS BEARING LT-01-275 LT-11-040 LOCK NUT LY-0)-278 LT-11-G4t SLEEVE LT-91.279 LT-11-042 SHAFT LT-01-2an LT-11-043 CLUTCH ARM LT-0)-281 SLOABO3B SET SCREW LT-01-268 SAOSBIOOB SCREW LT-01.277 LT-01-290 ‘TAPER PIN L1-01.272 HOS NUT LT-11-048 SAO] 008 SCREW SNS2bosB SA0SB 103K SCREW LT-11-049 PDOSB 6B DOWEL PIN PS02018 LT- 11-04 BUSH Pso2012 LT-11-045 BUSH LT-11-050 LT=11-046 KNOB LT-11-081 LT-11-283 GEAR SHAFT LT-11-292 RCSIa RETAINING RING SNO3BO8B 1.2016 SPRING LY-o1-294 LI-1-286 PIN LT-1 1-052 SLOSBO3B SET SCREW LT-0)-295 SLoBOsE SET SCREW L1-01-293 LT-11-047, GEAR BASE LT+11-053 SA0SB109B SCREW MFI LT-01-276 NUT LB-05-610 LT-0.273 KEY BUSH kD0323 23 PART NAV SPACER BOLT SPACER KEY BUSH BUSH BOLT GEAR GEAR GEAR SETDOOR LINK SET SCREW LOCK BOLT SPRING PIN SPRING PLN COVER COVER COVER SCREW INDICATED PLATE INDICATED PLATE INDICATEDPLATE WARNING PLATE. INDICATED PLATE RIVER PLUG KEY 54 co en h J Sen ba a ae tof COLLET CLOSER ASSEMBLY L-2001 L-2002 L-2003 NHIDF L-2005 ROSI3 L207 L-2008 L008 L2010 PDOSB104B 1T-02-001 LT-02-092 L-2014 1.702.003 L-2016. L-2017 12018 PDO3BI4B SAQ3B07B 12021 L-2022 L.2023 KPO2B104B RCS34 L-2026 |CONNECTING LINK] LEVERYOKE SWIVEL BLOCK NUT BEARING CLUTCH CONE SCREW WUT PIVOT SCREW RETAINING RING ‘LINK PIN CLUTCH FINGER. SHELL GUARD BRACKET PIN ADJUSTING KEY KEY COLLET SPINDLE SPRING SPRING CAP ADJUSTING FINGER, PIN SCREW LEVER HANDLE SPRING HANDLE KEY RETAINING RING STOP RING 3 ASSEMBLY LT-03-101 PDO3BIGB SAO3B012B LT-03-102 LT-03-103 LT-03-104 PDEA SAOSRIA BN-RNA6902| LT-03-105 ‘LT-03-106 LT-03-107 LT-03-168. LT-03-109 RCSOR Proso4s: LT-03-110 Los LT-03-112 LT-03-113 LT-03-114 LT-03-115 LY-03-116 LT-03-117 SLOSB12B LT-03-118 BED BODY PIN SCREW RACK LEAD SCREW LEAD SCREW SUPPORT] rN SCREW NEDDLE BEARING SPEED LEVER SPEED ARM REVERSE ARM FIXED BLOCK SWIVEL SHAFT TAPER PIN REVERSE ARM NUT SCREW GUIDE BLOCK GUIDE BAR LOCATING LINK DOWEL SPRING LOCK SCREW LENGHT CoNTROE. Hai, a7 LT-03-119 ‘SLO4HO4B SLOHO4B SA04B112B. LT-03-120 Ps03025 LT-03-121 LT-03-122 BRS2032 LT-03-123 ‘L7-03-124 PTa#25 ‘LB-03-0135 SA0SB12B ‘WS0SB. LT-03-125 DRP25 L-soos, ‘L-soig NHOBBE ‘SHO8B300B WSO8E. L-S015, L-s018 L-S017 L-s020 DOMPER LOCK SCREW LOCK SCREW SCREW FIXED BLOCK TAPER PIN LNOTHCONTAOL LEVER BEARING SPACER, BEARING LOCK NUT LOCK NUT TAPER PIN BED PLATE SCREW LOCKWASHER BUMPER ORING WASHER SPRING WASHER, ‘NUT HEX. SCREW LOCKWASHER WASHER HOLD DOWN STUD. WASHER WASHER BED ASSEMBLY L508 NHORBE Lesons L-Stit LT+03=128 PDO38104B LT-03-126 oe LA-04-00) SAQMBOGR L-6618 SHB 100B WB06B WS06B NHOGB, L-6320A, ‘WEOSB L-6 182 L614 SHOSB109B L-6143 ‘NHOSBF L-6135 WSO5B, WEOSB SHOSB112B 1.B-04-002 L146 L-6147 LT-04-002 SHOBIOOB ‘WEOEB WS0SR. NHOGB 3 [ADJUSTABLE FOOT) 2 SCREW BRASS PLUG SCREW WASHER LOCKWASHER, NUT INSULATOR BUSHING WASHER SUPPORT PLATE SUPPORT SCREW SCREW SUPPORT PLATE NUT SCREW LOCKWASHER: WASHER BOLT RASE, sTUuD RUBBER BUSHING} LOCKWASHER NUT PART NAME L-6102 §N35/32B05B ‘LB-O4-011 BDJAFS L-6107 L-8308 L-6106 PCOIBI2B L-G107 LB-04.006 L-8020 LB-04-007 LB-04-003 L-6119 NHO6B LB-04-009 SNOABO7B. wsuan SNO4B088 WS04D NHOB 1B-4-010 LE-M4-004 SLO4B05R SLO4BO5B NAME PLATE SCREW MOTOR DOGR PULL ROD LINK CORK PAD BRAKE PLATE SPEED PULL ROD COTTER FIN CORK PAD SHAFT WASHER WASHER COLLET BOARD WASHER LOCK WASHER NUT COLLET PLATE SCREW LOCKWASHER SCREW LOCKWASHER NUT SHELF COLLET DOOR LOCKSCREW SCREW LB-04-012. Loss. 1a26VvaRO SNOIKOSB 1804-013 SHOSRIO3B WEOSB ‘WSO6B NHOSB L-6165 Lis 164 NHIOBF WS1L0B WEIR SNO4HOTR: WEOHS L6146 L617 1B-04-014 LB-04-015 SHOSB204B. NHLON WEOSR, FRAME ASSEMBLY PART NAME MOTOR PULLEY DOOR CATCH MOTOR BELT DOOR BUMPER SCREW WASHER LOCKWASHER NUT REAR COVER HINGE EYE BOLT NUT LOCKWASHER WASHER, SCREW WASHER. sTUD RUBBER BUSHING| MOTOR MOTOR PLATE, SCREW wuT WASHER WEO6B WASHER L-6152 INSULATOR BOSHING| LY-O4-001 PULL ROD LT-05-104 LT-05-105 LT-05-106 LT-05-107 LT-08-108 LT-05-616 LY-05-321 SNO3BOSH L-A065A, LT-O5-111A HEEBS SASH2B128 DRPIO SAO3B 128 SAMDIOB SNOIBIOB. WEB. LT-0S-114 SAUSHI2B SLosnoss SA03B10B PDOSBI6B 08-100 ‘CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY ECCENTRIC ROD TAPER PLUG PLUG HUB BLOCK NANDLE HANDLE HEAD PLUG COCK. SCREW WASHER GASKET OIL FREEDER SCREW ORING SCREW SCREW SWEEPING RUBBER SCREW LOCK SCREW SCREW rN GEAR BOX COVER GEAR BOX OF CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER 1.T-08-301 CARRIAGE LT-09-121 LT-05-302A, GEAR LT-05-432 LT-05-302B OILY BEARING LT-05-411 COLLAR LT-05-303 STUD 3 L7-05-428 GEAR BN-BAMI28 NEDDLE BEARING| Ls.207¢ EM39| ZERO RING LT-05-304 GEAR ‘LT-05-427 GEAR LB-05-306 CLUTCH BUSHING) .T-0S-307 EMP ZERO RING ‘L8-05-307 CLUTCH SHAFT ILT-05-312 EM SLEEVE 5 we LB-05-308 PINION JLT-05-311 E39 SUPPORT LB-05-330 CLUTCH PIN LT-05-410 GEAR SHAFT ReCSOS RETAINING RING SAOS016 SCREW ILT-05-305 AB GEAR LT-05-303A BUSHING | LB-05-308A. ‘CLUTCH FIXED PLATE) SAOSO10 SCREW LB-05-32B, CLUTCH SHAFT SLO6008 LOCK SCREW LB-05-329 CLUTCH BUSHING ILT-05-205EC DIAL RING LT-05-318 BEARING BRASS: LT-05-206MC DIAL RING 0520305 SEAL LT-05-430 GEAR i LB-05-305 BRAKE PLATE LT-05-429 SHAFT Sema aw ee L8605-910 CLUTCH DISC SLoso1e LOCK SCREW 13-05-301 BOWED WASHER LT-05-206 GEAR SHAFT BP-S202NR BEARING LT-05-320 BEARING BRASS RCS35 RETAINING RING L1-05-319 PLUG ILT-05-222 EMo2 HANDWHEEL LT-05-208 GIB BLOCK NHIO > . OSP36, “Or RING WBIO LT-05-309 SHIFT SHAFT KDOdO12, KE sz | L-Ton HANDLE LEVER 45 GEAR BOX OF CARRIAGE ASSEM vey) jumper [POS] PART NAME | KEY numuee |PCS) PART NAME ‘LB-05-616 KNOB PDO412B PIN LT-05-313 SHIM prio3e TAPER PIN Ltas.s14 Hu sLoaoz0 LOCK SCREW SL05012 LOCK SCREW LT-05-315 SLIDE BLOCK LT-05-317 FIXED BLOCK SA05O12 SCREW LB.03.004 SPRING LT-Os-318 PLUG LT-08-324 HANDLE Lroaa19 LOCK SCREW Nie NUT -47- CROSS AND COMPOUND SLIDE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER: SLOGOIO numpen |PES| PART NAME LT-03-206EA] | | DIAL RING LT-05-206MA | 1 | DIAL RING LT-0S-207EMA | 1 | ZERO RING LOCK SCREW HE-OC Om CUP LB-05.205 TESTRUUTIUN SAGE PLATT! Lroszosemys| 1 | SUPPORT owal Om WINDOW Uras2nemva| 1 | CROSS-FREED SCREW PDO4008B PIN rosso | 1 | COVER PDMOIZE PIN 1 | BRASS NUT LT-08-218 LEAD SCREW NUT | | HEX SCREW LT-05-301 CARRIAGE 1705-217 | 1 | LOCK SCREW SPo6PT. OW PLUT ! SAgso08 1 | SCREW ow21 OIL WINDOW LT-05-216 1 | SCREW PLI ORPS: “O" RING | 1 | OL TUBE SP-02PT OIL PLUG Lp-0s-2124 | 3 | TUBING sNoso2s SCREW LT-05-401 1 | CROSS SLIDE HE-MV 3 | METER UNIT LB-05-207 43 | CONNECTOR ORPIO 3 | ‘O" RING L7-05-208 1 | JUNCTING BLOCK LT-05-209 1 | Cover LT-05-414 LT-05-410 COMPOUND SLIBE GIB COMPOUND SLIDE Base WIPPER SCREW COMPOUND SLIDE SCREW LT-05-412 SNOSOO8 LT-05-415 SA0SOI0 SNOso1O 4 | SCREW LB05-217 1 | COVER 1 | "O° RING SNOS012 2) SCREW LT-05-210 1 | CARRIAGE GIB LB-05-216 6 | LOCK SCREW NHO6 2 | NUT LT-O1-1124, COVER, sNosoDs SBOFOS LT-41-112N LT-05-406 LT-03-407 LT-05-408 LOCK SCREW SCREW COVER LOCK BLOCK ECCENTRIC SHAFT| COMPOUND SLINE SCREW 48 ROSS AND COMPOUND SLIDE ASSEMBLY LT-05-404 LT-05-802 HE-PB4 ‘LB-03-003, LT-05-409 LT-05-411 KD O4012 LT-05-415 NH-08 12050413 LI-0s417EM99) BBSO00 LT-05-429 LT 05430) LT-bS-207 EMS} LT-05-423 LT-08-431 6008 L1-03-111 LT-05-103 LT-S-40eEMa9 LT-05-419 =107 LT-05-413 SNOSOOS LA06SA. LOCATING RING CROSS SLIDE GIB COMPRESSION SLEEVE LOCK SCREW nut LOCK SCREW KEY QUICK-ACTING BASE NUT ECCENTRIC SCREW JQUICK-ACTING SHAFT BEARING SHAFT GEAR ZERO RING GEAR COLLAR SCREW NUT HANDLE erapatNn ALE SCRE (GUIDE BLOCK HUB BLOCK ECCENTRIC ROD SCREW WASHER 48 LT-05-420 L701 LT-05-204 LT-08-427 11. T-03-206MC 1B-05-616 LT-05-206EC ‘LT-05-432 ‘LT-09-121 ‘LT-05-203 SLOROI2 LT-08-101 LT-05-102 SA04006 LY-05-421 ‘LT-05-422 ‘SNO6020 PDO3016B LT-08-219 ‘Heo BBE0007, SUPPORT LEVER LOCK NUT GEAR DIAL RING KNOB DIAL RING: KEY SPRING COVER PLATE SCREW LOCK PIN CRANK SCREW SPRING PIN SCREW PIN, LOCK SCREW NUT -50- BES PF OOtMAKE Og ore nN LA ! MS AZ D.C MOTOR POWER FEED CONTROL ASSEMBLY SNO4BOSB L.B-05-503 L.B-05-502 EP-6752 EP-08805 SLO2BMB. EP-05507 1B-05-501 EC] SCo2B038 NHOZB EP.08812 NHOZB SAOSBOGB DP-SS15, EP-O5316 SCREW INDICATOR PLATE, MOUNTING PLATE LAMP FUSE SCREW SPEED CONTRL CIRCUIT HOUSING CONNECTOR, SCREW NUT TERMINAL STRIP NUT SCREWATE PART NUMBER: PART NAME 1 LB-05-613 NHOSB LB-03-611 1808-612 LB-05-610 LT-05-601 NELOS LB-05-609 LB-05-508 LB-05-f02 L.H-05 1405 ‘ORP28 LB-05-515 LB-05-616 ORPLA BBS292RS LB-05-607 Rese LB-05-603 LT-05-602 LB-05-604 LB05-606 LB-05-614 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY COVER NUT PRESSURE SLEEVE ADJUSTING BOLT PLUG CLUTCH CAM HUT BEARING SPACE, SPRING CLUTCH BODY SPRING SEAT © RING HANDLE RNOB QO RING BALL BEARING WASHER RETAINING RING PLUNGER PLUNGER SPRING RUT FIXED SCREW 53 B.C MOTOR ASSEMBLY LT-05-701B. 2 | LT-05-702 GEAR BOX HOUSING WORM SHAFT 3 | PSO3012 SPRING IN 4 | BRezoozz BEARING $ | LB-n5-703 BEARING SPACER i 6 | SAoso20 SCREW 7 | LB-05-700 D.C MOTOR ASSEMBLY 8 | NHIONF Nur 9 | LT-08-703 WORM GEAR 10 | KDoa012 MN Te | LT-08-705 [BEARING SUPPORT| 12 | L-8o06 LEAD ROD 13 | ORPIS O RING 14 | LT-05-705 MAIN GEAR SHAFT 15 | BB-sco0zz BEARING 16 | RCR26 RETAINING RING 17 | 08102610 OIL SEAL 18 | ORP36 RETAINING RING SA04B 0B SCREW 5e ELECTRIC BRAKE PARTS LIST HOUSING COIL ASSEMBLY L202 |ARMATURE PLATE, 1.46207 SUPPORT L205 BUSHING NHb4p. NUT T4204 SCREW L-6205 CORK L-6206A SA0(BIOB SCREW L-6016 WASHER 01-102 SPRING. SAO4BIO3B SCREW Lep211 ADJUSTING SCREW ECosBisa CORD CONNECTOR NHOt NUT L6215 INSLATOR S7 VARIABLE SPEED PULLERY ASSEM! PART PANT numer |PCS] PANT NAME NUMBER L-6304, DRIVE SUPPORT L-5307 SUPPORT BRACKET BBSONZZ BEARING Ls312 RUBER BUMPER RORA2 RETAING RING L-6313 BUSHING LT-O4-02 DRIVEN PLATE §L06B103B JADILISTING SCREW] L-6322 RUBBER WASHER NHORB NUT L632i WASHER Lssi4 INSULATOR SHOSB 1038 SCREW NHOER NUT SLOSBIOGB ADJUSTING SCREW L-5020 WASHER SA08B 1031 SCREW L-6317 BUSTING 16330 PULLEY L329 SLIDE BUSHING Ls305 PULLEY L-6328 NUT SL04B0033 | 4 JADJUSTING SCREW Lebo PLUNGER L632? SHAFT KDOS010 KEY ‘WSORB, 4) SPRING WASHER NHOSB NUT ‘L-6328 PIVOT SCREW ‘WSOSB SPRING WASHER: SAUSBIOIB SCREW L-6306 PIVOT BLOCK VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY 1LB-06-303 CONTROL BOX ! ‘LT-06-301 [SPEED INDMCATEOR PLATE EP-6752-2 BUTTON SNO2HOSB SCREW L-6405 SUPPORT POST SLo4B073 SCREW ECO8B20A-1 V7 CONNECTOMSTRAIGHT, L-6409 INDICATOR ROD. LB-06-302 WINDOW | SLOIBOIB SCREW SLOIB. LOCK SCREW EP-6755-1 TOGGLE SWITCH EP-6767 TOGGLE SWITCH EP-6754-1 BUTTON 61 ! sTOP FASTER / SLOWER VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE CONTROL ASSEMBLY MICRO SWITCH SCREW LOCKWASHER SPRING: SWITCH TRIP ‘SC5/32B16B WGWS04 L-6504 NUT NUT BEARING CAP SCREW L-6530 L-osas SAOS012 SLOGHOG SCREW SHIM BBO200ZZ MOTOR BEARING 16533 1 | SPACER ‘L-6S08 MOTOR L534 1 | MOTOR WORM BBOOOIZZ MOTOR BEAR ‘NHOSBEN 1 L6536 1 16537 1] SWIVEL PIN SLOSO10 1 | SCREW ‘1L-6539 1 | FIXED BLOCK L540 1 | BACKING FLATE L-asio SNO3B0SB L-6512 L651 TRIP ROD SCREW CONTROL HOUSING COVER KEY KDOa0 SCREW GREASE FITTING SCREW NUT HOUSTING L-6515 WORM WHEEL L-ss41 1 | INSULATOR | L-6516 GASKET 16842 BUSING ! BROZUDZZ GEARING SHOSBIO3B | 2 | WASHER ! L-6518 SHIM ‘WS08B 2 | SPRING WASHER i" L-6s19 sitim Saose29 3 | SCREW | L-6520 TRIP ROD STOP SA0SO16 3 | SCREW | SL03006 LOCK SCREW PDO} BOB 1 | PIN | PIUNGER SA0S008 1 | SCREW ! | 6 2 27 24 2 Bos = 2 ) a - a so \ \ bd sey Pale eS gas 222 8 2 he 2d CYCLEMATIC MACHINERY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 64 L.6o1s SLOBOID ‘LT-08-001 L618 L619 HWBORRO40 HCPIOB L-6603 L-6615 L-s604 1.6608 1-6607 11-6606 L-6008 L-6609 1-66.10 1-661) ORPIO HEO2TSTE L-6613 16614 L-6616 5005008 IHCCOSTSOAD: 08-005 ‘SHOS020 COOLANT FACILITIES ASSEMBLY BRASS PLUG SET SCREW UPRIGHT BRASS PLUG THUMB SCREW HOSE HOSE CLAMP ELBOW SUPPORT ELBOW SUPPORT SLIDE CONNECTOR} THUMB SCREW BRASS PLUG VALVE HODY VALVE INSERT VALVE LEVER INSERT WASHER SEALING RING LRN Tone ESTENSTON WIDE Of NOZZLE SPRING ‘WASHER SCREW CONDUIT PUMP, SCREW SLogo04 SWO4E ‘Hos HCCUSTOGT LB-O8-005 HCP 10s, 1-6629-2 8006006 HINISB200L. LB-08-002 HeCIzToKEL, HecizT99AaD HOCI2790EL ‘SPI2PT LT-08-001 HOCoCTOGS Hecoerosp HNOO6S 1400 |HOSE CONNECTOR HOSE CONNECTOR HOSE CLAMP SUMP CLAMP: SCREW HOSE SCREEN HOSE CONNECTOR ELBOW HOSE CONNECTOR OIL PLUG TANK PLATE CONNECTOR CONNECTOR OIL TUBE 39 26 264 2d 27 28293033 34 IDIsc | Discannect Switch EP-CS-183 EP-FT-254 Select Switch Select Switch EP-FT-SA. EP-FT-10A. Limite Switch Limite Switch Overload Realy EP-OR-ISA Limite Switch EP-LS-1704. 2L Overload Realy EP-OR-17A. Rectifier EP-OP-25A600V_ 2M Contactor EP-MC-23G EP-MC-25G Autotransfomer EP-TFM-3AL1OV. Trduetor EP-TFM-085 IME ML. oM Contactor | Contactor Contactor EP-MC-25G. | Resistance EP-OP-SK30W EP-MC-23G Select Switch EP-MC-16G EP-TS-303D_ SMH Aa Contactor EP-MC-11G (3A 1b) | EP.MC-11G (34-5) 7M aM Contactor ‘Transfomer | EP-MC-11G (3A In) | EP tEM-14 Power Realy EP-PR-2P Indicate Light | Ep-PL-ow Indicate Light [eppLisv Indicate Light (DS) EP-PL-114G Push Botton EP-BS-30RL Push Botton EP-PS-30PLW Select Switch EP-TS-303C FIL-6ISEM E LB-O8-101 SLOSO20 PDOIOIZ L-S005, L-8005 L806 SLOSOLO L-8008 L-so09 L-BOL0 SLOSo1a SLosoio L-B013 L804 L-8o1s L-B016. L-8017 L-BO18 SA06055 L-8020 NHO5S, VERTICAL CUT-OFF ASSEMBLY ADJUSTING SCREW] SCREW KNOB JAMD,E PILOT SCREW LOCK SCREW an TOOL SLIDE GUIDE BLOCK ADJUSTING SCREW GIB SCREW ‘TOOL BIT CLAMP PIVOT SCREW ALLSEDNE CLAMP SORREW LOCKING SCREW ‘TOOL BIT. COOLANT SHIELD] SCREW ECCENTRIC NUT 69 CYCLEMATIC MACHINERY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 7O LT-09-101 PDO31048 NH1O WB1O KbD040)2 L-08-lEM LT-05-203 7-09-1211 L7-05-432 LT-08-431 LT-05-428 IL Tan5-.207EMC99| LT-05-427 SAOSO16 LT-09-105EM39 LT09-119 BP-5202NR L7-08-107EMs9| LT-05-324 SLO6OOS: LT-05-206EC L7-05-206MC LT-05-830 L.T-05-429 LT=09-1 10 ‘LT-09-108 TAILSTOCK ASSEMBLY TAILSTOCK BODY PIN NUT WASHER KEY HANDLE WHEEL COVER PLATE. SPRING KEY GEAR ZERO RING GEAR LOCK SCREW BEARING SPACER SPACER BEARING SCREW SHAFT HANDLE SCREW DIAL RING DIAL RING: GEAR SHAFT LOCK NUT LB-05-442 LT-09- 06 LT-8-112 C-05-40) LT-09-111 LY-09.114 LT-09-113 PD0S112B SANSO16 LT-09-116 ‘LT09-115 LT-09-117 LT-09-109 L-so10 ‘LT-09-103 $A06025 LLT-08-219 ‘NHOG LOCK SCREW TAILSTOCK SPINDLE HANDLE LOCK PLUG KEY WASHER, LOCK PLUG PIN SCREW PLUG HANDLE. BUSHING LOCK BOLT ‘LOCK BLOCK GIB SCREW SCREW NUT ize ——— 2eov THEE = =F coeunnT ba: SPEEM CHAM POWER on CONTROL ad Shion vos SPOLE REY SPINDUE Hight SPINDLE Low coetyr fe la tag prefs Ee et OL an BM Seriey jt seit ae | ane | he le SRERD Jeu! be MoTOR oT) Fee ccriow ee FEED MITE

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