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Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte
Tel. No. (063) 227-8004

Department of Criminology
Criminology 7
2nd Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021

This module is all about Review of Related Literature and Studies.

This module will equip the students with knowledge about the concepts of related literature and
related studies, and provide a systematic approach in formulating review related literature.

Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Identify the research gap from the gather related literature and studies.

What do you think is the relevance of related literature, and related studies in research study?


Related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related.

For instance
1. The present study deals with drug addition, literature to be reviewed or surveyed should be composed
of materials that deal with drug addiction.
2. The present study deals with learning management system, literature to be reviewed or surveyed
should be composed of materials that deal with learning management system.

These materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines,
newspapers, and other publications.

These materials are classified as

1. Local, if printed in the Philippines; and

2. Foreign, if printed outside the Philippines.

Crafted by Ms. Rubyrosa B. Luna
Related studies are studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to which the present
proposed study is related or has some bearing or similarity. They are usually unpublished materials such as
manuscripts, theses, and dissertations.

This may be classified as

1. Local, if the inquiry was conducted in the Philippines; and

2. Foreign, if conducted in foreign countries.

Importance, Purposes, and Functions of Related Literature and Studies

A survey or review of related literature and studies is very important because such reviewed literature and
studies serve as a foundation of the proposed study. This is because related literature and studies guide the
researcher in pursuing his research venture. Reviewed literature and studies help or guide the researcher in
the following ways:

1. They help or guide the researcher in searching for or selecting a better research problem or topic.
By reviewing related materials, a replication of a similar problem may be found better than the
problem already chosen. Replication is the study of a research problem already conducted but in

another place.
2. They help the investigator understand his topic for research better. Reviewing related literature
and studies may clarify vague points about his problem.
3. They ensure that there will be no duplication of other studies. There is duplication if an
investigation already made is conducted again in the same locale using practically the same
respondents. This is avoided if a survey of related literature and studies be made first.
4. They help and guide the researcher in locating more sources of related information. This is
because the bibliography of a study already conducted indicate references about similar studies.
5. They help and guide the researcher in making his research design especially in
a. The formulation of specific questions to be researched on;
b. The formulation of assumptions and hypotheses if there should be any;
c. The formulation of conceptual framework;
d. The selection and application of the methods of research;
e. The selection and application of sampling techniques;
f. The selection and/or preparation and validation of research instruments for gathering
g. The selection and application of statistical procedures;
h. The analysis, organization, presentation, and interpretation of data’
i. The making of the summary of implications for the whole study;
j. The formulation of the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations; and
6. They help and guide the researcher in making comparison between his findings with the findings
of other researchers on similar studies with the end in view of formulating generalizations or
principles which are the contributions of the study to the fund of knowledge.

Characteristics of Related Literature and Studies

There are certain characteristics of related materials that make them of true value. Among these
characteristics are:

Crafted by Ms. Rubyrosa B. Luna
1. Surveyed materials must be as recent as possible. This is important because of the rapid social,
economic, scientific, and technological changes. Findings several years ago may be of little value
today because of the fast changing life style of the people.
2. Materials reviewed must be objective and unbiased. Some materials are extremely or subtly one
sided, either political, or religious, etc. comparison with these materials cannot be made logically
and validly.
3. Materials surveyed must be relevant to the study. Only materials that have some bearing or
similarity to the research problem at hand should be reviewed.
4. Surveyed materials must have been based upon genuinely original and true facts or data to make
them valid and reliable. There are cases where fictitious data are supplied just to complete a
research report (thesis or dissertation). Of course, this kind of deception is hard to detect and to
prove. Thus, this is a real problem to honest researchers.
5. Reviewed materials must not be too few nor too many. They must only be sufficient enough to
give insight into the research problem or to indicate the nature of the present investigation. The
number may also depend upon the availability of related materials. For an undergraduate thesis,
from five to ten may do.

Sources of Related Literature and Studies


The sources of related literature and studies may include the following:

1. Books, encyclopedias, almanacs, and other similar references.

2. Articles published in professional journals, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and other
3. Manuscripts, monographs, memoirs, speeches, letters, and diaries.
4. Unpublished theses and dissertations.
5. The Constitution, and laws and statutes of the land.
6. Bulletins, circulars, and orders emanating from government offices and departments, especially
from the Office of the President of the Philippines and the Department of Education, Commission
on Higher Education, Technical Education Skills and Development Authority.
7. Records of schools, public and private, especially reports of their activities.
8. Reports from seminars, educational or otherwise.
9. Official reports of all kinds, educational, social, economic, scientific, technological, political, etc.
from the government and other entities.

Where to Locate the Sources of Related Literature and Studies

Generally, the sources of related literature and studies are located in the following places:

1. Libraries, either government, school, or private libraries.

2. Government and private offices.
3. The National Library
4. The Library of the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Technical
Education Skills and Development Authority.
5. World Wide Web (,,,,

Calderon, J.F., & Gonzales, E.C. (2014)

Crafted by Ms. Rubyrosa B. Luna

Below is an example of a Related Studies taken from retrieved
August 22, 2020

The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children
Chantal N. van Dijk1 , Merel van Witteloostuijn2 , Nada Vasić1 , Sergey Avrutin3 , Elma Blom1 *

When sending text messages on their mobile phone to friends, children often use a special type of register,
which is called textese. This register allows the omission of words and the use of textisms: instances of non-
standard written language such as 4ever (forever). Previous studies have shown that textese has a positive
effect on children’s literacy abilities. In addition, it is possible that children’s grammar system is affected by
textese as well, as grammar rules are often transgressed in this register. Therefore, the main aim of this study
was to investigate whether the use of textese influences children’s grammar performance, and whether this
effect is specific to grammar or language in general. Additionally, studies have not yet investigated the
influence of textese on children’s cognitive abilities. Consequently, the secondary aim of this study was to find
out whether textese affects children’s executive functions. To investigate this, 55 children between 10 and 13
years old were tested on a receptive vocabulary and grammar performance (sentence repetition) task and

various tasks measuring executive functioning. In addition, text messages were elicited and the number of
omissions and textisms in children’s messages were calculated. Regression analyses showed that omissions
were a significant predictor of children’s grammar performance after various other variables were controlled
for: the more words children omitted in their text messages, the better their performance on the grammar
task. Although textisms correlated (marginally) significantly with vocabulary, grammar and selective attention
scores and omissions marginally significantly with vocabulary scores, no other significant effects were
obtained for measures of textese in the regression analyses: neither for the language outcomes, nor for the
executive function tasks. Hence, our results show that textese is positively related to children’s grammar
performance. On the other hand, use of textese does not affect—positively nor negatively—children’s
executive functions.

Concept mapping
Title of the Research Independent Dependent Statistical Sample Main Results Critique
Study Objectives Variable Variable tool
The 1. To investigate Use of textese Effect to Regression 55 Results show Not yet
Influence whether the children’s grammar or analysis children that textese is investigated
of Texting use of textese grammar language in between positively the
Language influences performance general 10 and 13 related to influence of
on children’s years old children’s textese on
Grammar grammar grammar children’s
and performance Children’s performance. cognitive
Executive and whether executive On the other abilities.
Functions this effect is functions. hand, use of
in Primary specific to textese does
School grammar or not affect—
Children language in positively nor
general negatively—
2. To find out children’s
whether executive
textese affects functions.

Crafted by Ms. Rubyrosa B. Luna

Proposed title based on the critique will be “The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Cognitive
abilities in Primary School Children”.

1. Where can you locate literature?
2. Give at least five sources of related literature and studies.

What is the effect of COVID-19 on student academic performance? Gather at least two related
studies and make a concept mapping. Be sure that the gathered studies shall be written before the
map for easy verification of your output.

1. With the challenges brought to us by covid-19 pandemic, what is its impact to yourself?

Resources and Additional Resources


• Calderon, J.F., & Gonzales, E.C. (2014). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. National
Book Store, Inc.

Additional Resources:


Crafted by Ms. Rubyrosa B. Luna

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