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Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte

Department of Criminology
Research 1: Criminological Research
2nd Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021


The Thesis Format


This module will equip the students on the parts of the thesis.

Intended Learning Outcomes

ILO1. Apply the standard format on writing the thesis/research.



Title Page – is the page where the basic information will be written, the title, to what department will be
presented, the degree, the researcher’s name, and the date of completion. See example below

Approval Sheet


This is only an example department dean, course and name of researchers shall be change.

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of figures

Chapter 1
The Problem and its Scope
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitations
Definition of Terms

How to discuss the parts of Chapter 1

Introduction – this is the rationale of your study. In this aspect you are going to discuss the whole introduction
by applying the PILOTC acronym.

For the first paragraph apply P or the so called Problem. Here you are going to discuss the title of your study
in your own opinion. Let say for example the title of your study is “automation of grading system”. Then you
may discuss it in this way

Technology nowadays plays a vital role in our society and it can be used effectively in the aspect of
education. Automating the manual system will give help the teachers compute the grades of the students easily
without committing error, and …………………

For the second paragraph apply I or the so called Impact. Here you are going to discuss the impact of
automation of grading system to the students, parents, and the school in general. Then you may discuss it in
this way

There is an increasing demand of automation in all aspect of education especially in monitoring student’s
performances. Parents would be happy if they were updated with their children’s

For the third paragraph apply L or the so called Literature. Here you are going to find at least two
literature which is related to your study and have some discussion of the gathered literature and relate it to
your current study.

For the fourth or fifth paragraph apply O or the so called Objective. Here you are going to discuss the
main objective of the study. Then you may discuss it in this way

The purpose of this study is to automate the present manual grading system of …………

For the sixth paragraph apply T and C or the so called timetable and Credibility. Here you are going to
discuss the period or time, and how credible you are to conduct the study. Then you may discuss it in this way

This study will be conducted in the second semester of school year …………. The researchers are the
student from the department of computer science taking up bachelor of science in computer science and are
credible to study the said topic since this is their field of expertise.

Theoretical Framework
This part you are going to discuss some theories that you will use in your study that support your study.
The theory that you will gather should be related to your topic. Then you may discuss it in this way

In this study, the researchers will anchor on the theorist of automation by authors name (year),
computerization by authors name (year), and automation by authors name (year).

According to the theory of…………………… then give discussion why you use that theory, what is its
relation to your study. All theory should be discussed.

Further, Sermona said that automation is a way of designing manual system to computerization to help the
establishment fast tract their transaction. This theory relates to our study which is the learning management
system in the

Lastly, according to Decio…………………………..,

Conceptual Framework
In this part you are going to discuss the concepts of your study, the variables that are involves, and the
diagram or flow of the study.

Prevention program
Factors of…. Social understanding


Statement of the Problem

This study focus on determining the social understanding on juvenile offenders in Maranding, Lala,
Lanao del Norte. Specifically it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the socio-economic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age;
b. Sex
c. Monthly family income
2. What are the factors that……………………..

Scope and Limitations

In this part you are going to discuss the range of the research study and its boundaries this may include
the place of the study, the time frame, the characteristics or features of the study, the respondents, and the
research design.


In this part you are going to discuss what would be the benefit and who will be benefited of the study or to
whom the study gives benefit.

Definition of Terms

In this part you are going to define the terms that you used in the study which is not familiar or common,
and the variable that you use.

Rubyrosa B. Luna, MST, LPT

CECS Faculty


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