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20 Common Sources of
Computer Virus Infections


20 Common Sources of Computer Virus Infections by GOVERDHAN


1. Inserting or connecting infected storage devices:

Inserting infected discs or pen drives is a common source of virus
infections. If a device is writable, a virus can move from a
computer to that disc or drive. This also applies to networked
drives or computers with write access.

2. Opening attachments or links from unknown sources:

Clicking on links or opening attachments from unfamiliar sources
can lead to virus infections. Exercise caution with emails that may
appear legitimate but are actually phishing attempts.

3. Downloading software from malicious sites:

Viruses can be obtained even from trusted sources, but
downloading software from suspicious or inappropriate websites
increases the risk of infection. Stick to reputable sources and verify
the authenticity of the software before downloading.

4. File sharing through peer-to-peer networks:

Peer-to-peer file sharing, such as using BitTorrent, can expose
your computer to infected files or fake files disguised as malware.
Be cautious when downloading files from these networks.

5. Phishing attacks:
Phishing emails are designed to deceive users into taking actions
that compromise their security, such as clicking on links that install
malware or revealing sensitive information. Be wary of emails
requesting personal information or urging immediate action.

6. Malicious online ads (Malvertising):

Criminals may place clean-looking ads on reputable websites and
then insert malicious code that infects devices when clicked, often
without the user's knowledge. Avoid clicking on suspicious or
unexpected ads.

20 Common Sources of Computer Virus Infections by GOVERDHAN


7. Bundled free software programs:

Free software downloads often come bundled with additional
software that may capture data, monitor behavior, or steal
sensitive information without the user's consent. Read the terms
and conditions during installation and opt out of any bundled

8. Scareware or rogueware:
Scareware masquerades as legitimate security software,
displaying false pop-ups claiming the system is infected. Users are
prompted to click on a link that installs malware instead. Be
skeptical of alarming pop-ups and verify the legitimacy of security

9. Adult websites:
Websites hosting adult content can contain malware and viruses.
Infections can occur through downloaded material or via malicious
advertising (malvertising) displayed on these sites. Exercise
caution when browsing such websites.

10. Blindly accepting prompts without reading:

Users who accept prompts without reading the details can
unwittingly install malware. Always select the custom install option
when given a choice and carefully review each step of the
installation process to avoid unwanted additions or changes.

11. Software vulnerabilities:

Outdated or unpatched software can have vulnerabilities that allow
viruses to exploit weaknesses in the system. Keep your operating
system, applications, and antivirus software up to date with the
latest security patches and updates.

12. Drive-by downloads:

Visiting compromised or malicious websites can result in
unintentional downloads of malware onto your computer. These
drive-by downloads occur silently in the background without your
knowledge or consent.

20 Common Sources of Computer Virus Infections by GOVERDHAN


13. Social engineering:

Cybercriminals use social engineering techniques to trick users
into downloading malware. This can include fake alerts, system
warnings, or fraudulent messages urging users to click on
malicious links or download infected files. Be cautious of
unsolicited messages and verify their authenticity.

14. Infected email attachments:

Email attachments, such as documents or executable files, can
carry viruses. Exercise caution when opening attachments,
especially from unknown or suspicious senders. Scan attachments
with antivirus software before opening them.

15. Malicious macros:

Macros in applications like Microsoft Office can contain malicious
code. Avoid enabling macros in documents from untrusted sources
or only enable them when you are confident in their safety.

16. Drive-by downloads through ads:

Malicious advertisements (malvertisements) displayed on
legitimate websites can redirect you to websites that automatically
download malware onto your computer. Use ad blockers and
exercise caution when interacting with online ads.

17. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) vulnerabilities:

Unsecured Remote Desktop Protocol connections can be
exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to a
computer and install malware. Secure your RDP connections with
strong passwords and consider using additional security

18. Software and operating system cracks:

Downloading cracked software or operating system activation tools
from unofficial sources can expose you to malware infections.
Cybercriminals often distribute infected versions of popular
software and operating systems through these channels.

20 Common Sources of Computer Virus Infections by GOVERDHAN


19. USB devices and peripherals:

Malware can be spread through infected USB devices or
peripherals like keyboards and mice. Avoid using unknown or
untrusted USB devices and regularly scan your peripherals for
potential threats.

20. Fake software updates:

Cybercriminals may display pop-up messages or notifications
claiming that your software or plugins need updating. Be cautious
of such notifications and only download updates from official
sources or the software's official website.

It is crucial to stay vigilant, practice safe computing habits, and use reliable
antivirus/anti-malware software to minimize the risk of virus infections.
Regularly educate yourself about the latest threats and security best practices
to protect your computer and personal data.

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20 Common Sources of Computer Virus Infections by GOVERDHAN

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