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5 December 1997

Phone: 0812-8861-9923 | E-mail:

Location: Palembang, Indonesia | Instagram: @_devips

I have 3 years of work experience in the field of law as an assistant lawyer and
administrative staff. Accustomed to working under pressure in groups,


Bachelor of Law in Sriwijaya University Anticipated Completion : July 2019

The University of Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra, Indonesia IPK : 3.43
Bachelor Thesis Title:
In English : Analysis of the Judge's Decision on Land Ownership Rights in Mixed Marriages After the
Constitutional Court Decision Number: 69/PUU-XIII/2015
In Indonesian : Analisis Putusan Hakim terhadap hak milik atas tanah dalam perkawinan campuran pasca
putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor : 69/PUU-XIII/2015

Assistant Lawyer and Administrative Staff

Pettanasse Law Firm, Palembang | 19 January 2021 – Present
 Reviewing contracts and legal documents
 Support businesses in providing legal services by drafting, reviewing, advising, projects with laws
and regulations.
 Double-check to make sure documents are clean and clear with typos, including all pages,
appendices and ensure compliance with legal documents accordingly.
 Conduct legal research on laws and regulations that may impact the Client.
 Assist in interpreting laws and regulations in related legal documents.
 handles day-to-day legal administration, including repetitive tasks.

Notary Office and PPAT Dessy Yusnita, S.H.,M.Kn , Palembang | 2019
 Guarantee the certainty of the date of making the deed, save the deed, provide grosse, copy, and
quotation of the deed.
 Carry out signature attestation and establish the certainty of the date of the letter under the hand by
registering in a special book (waarmerking).
 Book the papers under the hands by registering in a special book.

 Software
Adobe Photoshop, Computer literate (Ms. Office)
 Language
Indonesian (native), English
 Communication
Writes clearly and concisely, speak effectively, leads of discussions, provides feedback.
 Research and Planning
Meets goals, creates ideas, identifies resources, analyzes issues, gather informations
 Interpersonal skills
Accepts Responsibility, supportive, self-confident

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