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Table Of Contents:
2.The scientific method
3.History of the scientific
4.Key scientists in
formulating scientific
The discovery of science started to happen from the
discovery of atoms and metals throughout the human
genomic mapping. Observations started about 500 BC
when the Mesopotamians were explaining that earth is the
centerpiece of the universe and everything revolves
around it. It was the invention of instruments that helped
scientists of that time to look closely onto science I.e. the
invention of the telescope. This was the time when
‘MORDEN SCIENCE’ was birthed, in the 17th century.
During this time, laws and theories were put forward such
as the principle of gravity and the relationship between
pressure, volume, and temperature. Fast forward to the
19th century, where the greatest, well-known scientists
came forward with new discoveries such as John Dalton
who came up with the theory of atomic matter, Charles
Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution and
many more. These scientists came up with their
discoveries based on the scientific method, how the world
functions and the development of science and theory.
The Scientific Method:
The scientific method is a procedure that has
characterized natural science since the 17th
century consisting of systematic observation,
measurement, experiment, formulation, testing and
modification of the hypothesis- Oxford dictionary.
The scientific method is guidelines/steps which
scientists follow to solve a problem. There are several
steps in the scientific method depends on the problem
at hand. Amongst these steps include 1) observation,
2) hypothesis, 3) research, 4) experiment 5) data
analysis 6) conclusion of that question 7) communicate
1.Observation – this is the first stage in the scientific method where the scientists ask
themselves a question, they want to prove through what they see or through their
knowledge and curiosity. This question can be based on self-observation, the
previous experiment conducted or proofs from other scientists with questionable
results. If the experiment has already been proven or has a known answer, a different
question can be posed. During the observation, the question at hand can be difficult
because it will affect the outcome of the experiment.
2.Hypothesis – hypothesis is the second stage of the scientific method. It is a
formulated question that is based on knowledge and observation. A hypothesis can
either be broad or specific based on the desired outcome. It can also be falsifiable
meaning it cannot be meaningfully tested and therefore contradict the hypothesis.
3.Research – This is the theoretical part of the scientific method where the scientist
must determine the logical consequences of the hypothesis and the relativeness of it.
It also involves the relation of the question at hand and other questions or topics with
the same hypothesis, likely the same for further predictions.
4.Experiment – this involves whether the hypothesis behaves like the experimental
investigation. At this stage, the scientist must use the materials to prove whether the
predictions are going to answer the hypothesis in an agreeable or non-agreeable
manner. If they agree then there are high chances that the hypothesis could be true,
however, this is not a guarantee. Karl Popper advised scientists to do research on
those results that seem falsely to the hypothesis to be certain of the results. Also, if
the results of the experiment do not give a conclusive answer it doesn’t mean the
hypothesis is wrong.
5.Data analysis – This is the last part of the
experimental procedure. It shows the results of the
experiment and the next steps to follow.
6.Conclusion – This is the final step of the scientific
method which explains the results obtained from the
experimental procedure. This is the most important
step of the scientific method because it explains if
the hypothesis came out right or wrong. If the
conclusion contradicts the hypothesis then the
scientist has either had to restart the experiment to
get the desired outcomes or not to carry on with the
research that was conducted.
7. Communicate results – this is the step where the
scientists publish their results either by doing a
report or a presentation.
Let’s take an example you want to freeze water with/
without salt.
1.observation- want to find out if water freezes faster
with salt added or not
2.Hypothesis- if the temperature is the same, water
with salt and without will freeze at the same time
3.Research- research whether salt contains
elements or has a structure that may affect the
temperature of water to freeze.
4.Experiment- set a timer and put 2 jugs of in a
freezer, one with salt and the other without salt at
the same measurement.
5.Data analysis- after the time has completed, check
whether the water with salt froze first or the water
without salt.
6.conclusion- looking at the data you collected,
come up with a conclusion whether the water with
salt froze first or the one without and answer your
Science is a human endeavor that is extremely
successful. The study of the scientific method is an
attempt to determine the practices that achieve that
success systematic observation and analysis, inductive
and deductive reasoning and the development and
testing of hypotheses and theories are amongst the
practices sometimes defined as a characteristic of
History of the Scientific Method :
Significant controversies in the history of science include
rationalism, in particular as promoted by Rene Descartes;
inductivism and/or empirics as advocated by Francis
Bacon and becoming particularly prominent with Isaac
Newton and his companions and the scientific theory-
reductivism that originated at the beginning of the 19th
The word scientific method emerged in the 19th century
when there was a major institutional advancement in
science and terminologies that formed clear boundaries
between non-science and science, such as scientists and
pseudoscience arose.
The Muslims were also part of the formulation of the
scientific method during the 10th – 14th centuries. The
basis of observation’ in science was first used by them.
The greater scholar of that time AL Haytham who was an
architect of the scientific method used the 7 steps do
determine the scientific method.
These steps become popular and like the modern
scientific method in western science during the
Key scientists in formulating
scientific method :
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was the first scientist that
formulated the definite definition and steps of the scientific
method, but the problem was false because of his
profession as he was a lawyer and hence did not think in
a scientific manner. And however, Nicolaus Copernicus
(1473-1543) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) previously
did some work that affected Francis’s work because they
observed that the solar system of the planet revolves
around the sun, not the Earth, which Galileo proved this
using a telescope designed by himself to collect the data.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) carried on from the systematic
study of motion by Galileo by the time of his death. His
work using mathematics resulted in differential calculus.
He used the scientific method to come up with the law of
motion and universal gravitation. His work came about in
the 19th century when modern science was discovered
also known for cell theory.
There are furthermore scientists who carried on with the
formulation/using the scientific method including Einstein,
Russel, Popper and Feyerabend and other great thinkers.
Above these scientists, Rene Descartes and Francis
Bacon contributed ideas that became part of the scientific
method. Rene was a French philosopher, mathematician,
and scientist.
However, some scientists came up with theories and
proofs of science not based on the scientific method.
Charles Darwin is one of the scientists that didn’t follow
the scientific method to rationalize his version of evolution
even though he was aware and had knowledge based on
the scientific method. But however, it was not out of his
own goodwill, but he was forced not to follow it due to his
lack of evidence. He went on to say in 1857 [“I am quite
conscious that my speculation was run quite beyond the
bounds of the science”] he was very concerned about
abandoning the scientific method.
Conclusion :
From the information gathered, the scientific method
is very effective to conduct research or collect data.
However, one can quarry of how effective it is
because a hypothesis is something that at the end of
your results, you’re supposed to get results that
contradict the hypothesis for it to be true or to be
correct. But I disagree because a hypothesis is a
question that one makes based on knowledge,
opinion and personal belief and therefore tries to
prove it right.
The scientific method is a good method that was
used from long ago by great scientists to prove the
laws and theories that we use in our everyday life
and are still going to be used.

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