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• ‘t’ test is used to compare the mean values of two samples
• The difference in the means of more than two samples or populations
cannot be compare by t test
• The statistical technique used to compare the means of variations of more
than two samples or populations is called ‘Analysis of Variance’ – ANOVA
• Introduced by R.A. Fisher
• It is based on two types of variations:
• Variations existing within the sample
• Variations existing between the samples
Definition of ANOVA

• It is a statistical test used to analyze

whether the means of several groups
are equal
• The ratio of these two variations is an
indication of sample differences
• Therefore, ANOVA helps in estimating
whether more variations exist among
the group means or within the groups
• The ratio of these two variations is
denoted by ‘F’
• The F value or F-ratio is the indication
of differences between the samples
One way ANOVA
• Simplest type of analysis of variance is
known as one way analysis of variance
• Only one source of variation (or factor) is
• But investigations are carried out in three
or more samples simultaneously
• ANOVA is used to test the null hypothesis
that three or more treatments are equally
Ex. For one way ANOVA

• To compare the effectiveness of two or more

drugs in controlling or curing a particular

• To analyze the impact of iron intake on the

antenatal mothers in four or five villages

• Effect of the application of two or more types

of fertilizers on the yield of several nearby fields
Two-way ANOVA
Computation of
Steps in ANOVA
• Calculate the mean of each sample
• Calculated the grand average
• Calculated sum of squares between
samples and mean square between
• Calculated the sum of squares
within samples and mean square
within samples
• Prepare an ANOVA table, and
calculate F value
Specimen of one-way ANOVA table
Ex. 1
The following table gives the yields on 15 sample fields under three varieties
of seeds (viz. A, B, C)

5 3 10
6 5 13
8 2 7
1 10 13
5 0 17
Test at 5% level of significance.

Since the computed value of F (2, 12) = 8.14 is greater than the table
value 3.88 at 5% level of significance. Therefore H0 is rejected and it is
concluded that there is significant difference in the variances. Hence,
the average yield of land under different varieties of seed show
significant differences
Ex. 2
The yield of three varieties of wheat (A, B, C) in four separated fields in shown
in the following table. Test the significance of difference in the yields of three
varieties of wheat. (F(2,9) = 4.26 at 5% level)

Wheat variety
12 19 14
18 17 16
14 15 18
16 13 20
Ex. 3
The three samples below have been obtained from normal populations with
equal variances. Test the hypothesis that the sample means are equal:

8 7 12
10 5 9
7 10 13
14 9 12
11 9 14

The table value of F at 5% level of significance for ʋ1 = 2 and ʋ2 12 is 3.88

Ex. 4
It is desired to compare three hospitals with regard to the number of deaths per
month for five months. A sample of five records was selected from the records of
each hospital and the number of deaths as given below in the table. Do these data
suggest a difference in the number of deaths per month among three hospitals?

Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C

3 6 7
4 3 3
3 3 4
5 4 6
0 4 5

The table value of F at 5% level of significance for ʋ1 = 2 and ʋ2 12 is 3.88

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