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Imaroh, Nurul. 2016. The Influence of Using Individual Picture to Improve The
Students’ Writing Achievement at The Eight Grade Students of SMPN 1
Waru Sidoarjo. Undergraduate Thesis, English Education Department,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of PGRI Adi buana
Surabaya. Advisors: Drs. Sabardi, M.Pd; Drs. Hj. Siyaswati, M.Pd

Keywords: individual picture, students’ writing achievement

Writing is a very important skill, especially by the students of second
learners. As we know, writing or learning to write especially in a second language
is not a simple thing. Therefore, the researcher would like to try individual
pictures as the media to solve the problem. The purpose of this thesis is to know
whether the media can give good input to the teacher in choosing media in
teaching writing at SMPN 1 Waru Sidoarjo.
The research used true-experimental design. The design was posttest-only
control-group design. In the test, researcher used The T-test formula to analyze
the data. During research, the samples were 8G and 8A, which consist of thirty
students. 8G Class was an experiment class use individual pictures. 8A Class was
a control class which was not given treatment. The first step for both, they were
asked to write short descriptive texts based on a picture as a pre-test. Then, in the
last of research both of classes were given a post-test.
The result of the data analysis was 7,2 at df=58. Based on the significance
5% and degree of freedom 58 (df), was derived t-table =2.00172 with t calculate =
7,23. From the result, it showed that t-calculate > from t-table. So, the Ho (null
hypothesis) was rejected and Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. It means
that there is significant influence of using individual picture to the students’
writing achievement of the eight students at SMPN 1 Waru Sidoarjo. The
researcher suggested to English teachers to find a new technique to support
teaching and learning activities so the main goal can be achieved. For other
researchers, this study could be inspiring to find another research.


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