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Activity 1:

Look at the pictures and label them. Use the words in the box.

inhabit soul
moon corn
death strongest moon inhabit blood

Activity 2: death corn soul clay

Identify regular and
irregular verbs in the text.

Irregular Came kept Became Was

Regular Create Separated Died Turned Called

Activity 3:
Answer the following questions:
• What have you learned about the origin of the humans?
I’ve learned that every culture has different theories about the origin of humans, but all of
them are based in a God.
• What do you think about the creationism?
Personally, I don’t believe in the creationism, I think that we are a result of gradual changes
in the time, and we have an ancient in common (The evolution theory).
• What message would you give to students who are reading about the origin of the
Keep your mind open to new points of views, then you can choose what theory you want to

believe in.

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