Exploration Drilling Optimisation Using Geostatistics

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Exploration drilling optimisation using

geostatistics: a case in Jharia Coalfield, India

K. Saikia*1 and B. C. Sarkar2
Drill hole optimisation using geostatistics has been used in many parts of the world in respect of
various mineral deposits including coal. The present paper is an attempt to provide a means to
maximise the information to cost ratio for optimisation of exploration drilling in the Jharia coalfield,
which is the only source of prime coking coal in India. Exploration in Jharia Coalfield that has led
to the generation of a huge exploration database has been carried out by various governmental
and non-governmental agencies. But because of lack of importance and an obvious application
towards exploration modelling, the database had not been utilised to its fullest extent. In the
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

present study, an attempt has been made to derive geostatistical models of various proximate
coal constituents of selected seams in respect of nine opencast mine blocks of the coalfield. This
experimental study, employing geostatistical volume–variance relationships, revealed that an
exploration grid density of 16 drill holes per square kilometre with a grid spacing of 3006300 m
within an exploration area of 161 km is adequate for maximisation of information in respect of the
Jharia Coalfield. Until now, the density of exploration drilling in the coalfield has been considered
as per Indian Standard Procedure (ISP) norms solely based on past experience and proposed
mining methods. The present study of exploration drill hole optimisation using the concept of
kriging variance is associated with an objectively defined mathematical basis and therefore may
be applied for exploration optimisation in other coalfields in India and other countries, which occur
in similar geological settings.
Keywords: Optimisation, Geostatics, Jharia coaffield, Drilling

Introduction and economic feasibility. A question arises as to when to

stop drilling and how close the drill holes should be
Detailed exploration through extensive drilling in a coal positioned. In other words, what should be the optimum
deposit is carried out to acquire information on the drilling pattern for adequate exploration of a coal
nature and extent of coal seams below surface, including deposit for evaluation purposes?
quality and thickness of coal seams, and also of partings The dimensional size of a coal deposit and the spatial
among various seams. During the initial phase of an variability in coal quality parameters are the two
exploration campaign, a few pilot exploration holes are principal guiding factors that play a vital role in
drilled on the basis of geological understanding, surface determining optimum drill hole spacing in coal explora-
indications and old workings among others for possible tion.1 Quality of coal in a deposit is controlled by a suite
intersection of coal seam(s) and to gain an initial of geological factors, namely, source of vegetal matters,
understanding of seam continuity. Based on the success mode of transportation of vegetal matters to the site of
of pilot hole drilling, a systematic exploration scheme is deposition, coalification process and the depositional
formulated to carry out drilling at a wide space interval environment. Variation in these geological factors leads
for the broad determination of seam continuity in lateral to spatial dissimilarity in coal quality. Thus, samples
and vertical directions. In the subsequent phase of taken very close together tend to reflect the homo-
exploration, initially wide intervals are infilled by more geneous nature of a deposit and conversely samples
closely spaced drilling in stages. At the end of each stage, taken apart tend to reflect its inhomogeneous nature.
an assessment of reserves and quality of coal are carried This necessitates the formulation of an optimum drilling
out with an increasing degree of geological assurance strategy. Geostatistical methods aid in such formulation
of an optimum drilling strategy where spatial variability
observed in coal quality constituents of drill core
Research Fellow, Department of Applied Geology, Indian School of
Mines, Dhanbad–826 004, Jharkhand, India samples is taken into consideration. Drill hole optimisa-
Department of Applied Geology, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad–826 tion employing geostatistical volume–variance relation-
004, Jharkhand, India ships has been used worldwide in respect of many
*Corresponding author, email bhabesh_sarkar2003@yahoo.co.in mineral deposits including coal.1–8

ß 2006 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM
Received 12 August 2005; accepted 2 February 2006
DOI 10.1179/174327506X102787 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1 13
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

1 Map showing location of Jharia Coalfield with respect to various Gondwana basins of India19

Jharia Coalfield, one of the major coalfields in India, of exploration, holes had been drilled at a relatively wide
is located in the Dhanbad district of the Jharkhand state spacing (at ,1 km intervals). During detailed explora-
in the eastern part of the country (Fig. 1). It has been tion, the drill spacing had been gradually reduced to
selected as a test case owing to it being the only source of 400 m apart.10 The exploration drilling density in the
prime coking coal in India. It represents a Gondwana Jharia Coalfield has been considered as per Indian
age basin in the Koel–Damodar valley,9 situated in the Standard Procedure. The Committee on Assessment of
eastern part of the valley along the north of the river Coal Resources constituted by the Coal Council of India
Damodar. The coalfield lies between latitudes N23u279 in 1956 drew up the procedure for estimation of coal
and N23u529 and longitudes E86u069 and E86u309. resources and submitted its first interim report in 1957.
The procedure was named by the committee as the
Need for geostatistical optimisation ‘Indian Standard Procedure’ (ISP), for coal resource
scheme for exploration drilling in Jharia estimation that treats all resources and reserves based on
certain stipulations.11 Based on the results of regional/
Coalfield promotional exploration, where the drill holes are
The Jharia Coalfield has been explored by various placed 1 to 2 km apart, the resources are classified into
agencies during the last two decades. In the initial stage the ‘indicated’ or ‘inferred’ category. Subsequent

14 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics

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a 6006600 m drill spacing with density of 4; b 4006400 m drill spacing with density of 9; c 3006300 m drill spacing
with density of 16; d 2006200 m drill spacing with density of 25
2 Drill hole configurations showing various drill hole spacings and drilling densities within exploration area of
100061000 m

detailed exploration in selected blocks, where drill holes multiplier, cðSi ,V Þ is the average semivariance between
are placed less than 400 m apart, upgrades the resources sample and block and cðV ,V Þ is the within block
into the more reliable ‘proved’ category.12 The definition average semivariance.
of these resource categories compares well with respect to From the above mentioned relationship, it is evident
the JORC and SAMREC codes. However, at present, that the magnitude of kriging variance is dependent
India is in the process of recasting and reporting its coal upon the following factors:
resources in the United Nations Framework Classification (i) the characteristics of deposit as represented by
format.13 But to date, there has not been any systematic its semivariogram
study of mathematical derivation of drill hole optimisa- (ii) the size and shape of blocks being estimated
tion in the Jharia Coalfield. However, a number of (iii) the total number of samples used in estimating a
guidelines have been prepared by various governmental block
agencies in respect of the number of drill holes to be drilled (iv) the relative positions of samples with respect to
per square kilometre during the detailed stage of each other as well as with respect to the block
exploration. These guidelines are mainly based on past (v) the technique of estimation employed.
experience and proposed mining methods. Owing to the Thus, the magnitude of kriging variance is not affected by
high value of the coking coal seams a need exists for the actual values of samples used, although sample values do
formulation of exploration drilling optimisation strategy enter in the computation of block estimates.4,14 Hence, it
based on geostatistical volume–variance relationships of
is possible to determine a priori the impact of placing one
various coal constituents in the Jharia Coalfield.
or more additional drill holes by the reduction in the
confidence limits of the overall estimate. Kriging variance
Optimisation of exploration drilling can also be utilised to determine not only the additional
using geostatistical kriging variance number of drill holes required to achieve a certain desired
confidence level but also to select specific locations for
Geostatistical kriging variance, by virtue of being indepen-
drilling additional holes required for improvement in the
dent of actual sample values has been extensively utilised in
accuracy of reserve estimates.8 Other consequences of the
developing an optimum drilling strategy for various
above mentioned capability are that one can determine
deposits with a prior knowledge of semivariogram para-
when to stop drilling based on the cost–benefit considera-
meters. Mathematically, kriging variance is expressed as
tion of marginal improvement in information versus
n marginal cost of drilling an additional hole.
s2K ~ ai cðSi ,V Þzl{c(V ,V ) While formulating an optimum drilling strategy
utilising kriging variance, certain implicit assumptions
where ai is the kriged weight, l is the Lagrange are made. One of these assumptions is that the

Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1 15
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

3 Experimental semivariograms with fitted models in respect of seam I

semivariogram model used in the computation of 6006600 m in a square grid pattern has been considered
kriging variance represents the true underlying semivar- comprising a total of four drill holes within an
iogram. Consequently, sample values obtainable from exploration area of 100061000 m (Fig. 2). Drill hole
the successive stages of future drilling would not modify spacing has then been experimentally reduced in stages
drastically the semivariogram model and population to 400, then to 300 and finally to 200 m. This led to an
mean of various quality parameters. increase in the number of drill holes per square km area
respectively to 9, then to 16 and finally to 25 (Fig. 2a–d).
For each of the above mentioned drill hole configura-
Methodology adopted tions, kriging variance has been computed using the
The drill hole optimisation strategy developed for the model semivariogram parameters (Table 1) of geostatis-
Jharia Coalfield in the present study is aimed at tically evaluated coal seams, namely, seams I, VIII(A)
providing a means to maximise the information to and XII in respect of variables, namely, seam thickness,
cost ratio based on geostatistically determined volume– ash, volatile matter and moisture contents. The fitted
variance relationships. This relationship states that with model semivariograms to respective experimental ones
increasing volume of samples, i.e. number of drill holes, are shown in Figs. 3–5. Among the various semivario-
the error of estimation (kriging variance) decreases.6,7,15 gram model parameters, nugget effects influence the
Thus, a set of kriging variance estimates are generated degree of heterogeneity of a constituent parameter in a
experimentally by increasing the number of drill holes deposit. The higher the nugget effect of a coal constituent
with a corresponding decrease in drill spacing within in a deposit, the higher is the degree of variability and the
an exploration area of 161 km. Estimates of kriging lower the correlatibility among sample values. However,
variance corresponding to increasing number of drill in respect of sedimentary deposit such as coal, a relatively
holes when plotted graphically results in a curve with an low nugget effect is observed indicating a near homo-
inverse relationship. The inflexion point of the curve genous distribution of variables in the deposit and better
indicates the stabilisation of the error of estimation correlatibility among sample values. One good practice to
irrespective of any further increase in the number of drill determine spatial variability of a deposit is to use the ratio
holes. The number of drill holes corresponding to an of nugget to sill variance. The ratios of nugget to sill
inflexion point in the curve that provides the optimum variance in respect of all the variables of selected seams
number of drill holes that are considered to be have been provided in Table 1 which reveal a low to
adequately sufficient for exploration. Any further moderate ratio of nugget to sill variance excepting for ash
drilling beyond this would increase the cost of explora- content of seam VIII(A). The lower the ratio of nugget to
tion without any further increase in accuracy. In the sill variance, the greater is the degree of homogeneity
present study, a square grid of 100061000 m has been within a deposit.
considered for examining a variety of drill hole From the kriging variance computed for each drill
configurations. In the first case, a drill spacing of hole configuration, 95% confidence limits for the kriged

16 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics

estimate and per cent accuracy of estimation have been






calculated using the following relationship
95% confidence limits for kriged estimate~

+1:96 s2K


Volatile Matter,
1:96 s2K
% accuracy of estimation~+ |100
% kriged mean
where s2K is kriging variance and the value 1.96 refers to

normal percentage point at 95% confidence level.
The computed values of per cent accuracy of esti-

mation thus obtained have been graphically plotted with


respect to the corresponding number of drill holes to



identify the inflexion point of the curve.
Seam XII

In the present paper, for the purpose of geostatistical

modelling, GEXSYS software, details of which were

published in Mining Magazine, London16 and GSTAT

software, the details of which were published in the



Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer

Applications in Mineral Industry (ICCAMI), New
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

Delhi17 were employed along with other tailor-made

specific computer programs developed to suit the needs

Volatile Matter,

of the required calculations. However, the graphical

plots have been generated through the use of Golden
Software Grapher software, version 5.01. Since coal
seam thickness is restricted in the vertical direction as

compared with its lateral extension, the present geosta-

tistical modelling study has been carried out as 2D.


Table 1 Semivariogram model parameters in respect of seams I, VIII(A) and XII of Jharia Coalfield

Kriged block estimates with associated kriging variances


have been obtained for the drill intersected vertical


thickness of coal seams and not with reference to ‘bench

Seam VIII(A)








Seamwise volume–variance relationships of the selected




three coal seams in the Jharia Coalfield together with

their graphical plots generated in respect of the variables
are given in Tables 2–4 and Figs. 6–8. The graphical

plots reveal that an inflexion point occurs at the




Volatile Matter,

3006300 m drill configuration indicating optimum drill

spacing in respect of the variables of selected coal seams.
From the calculated values of incremental per cent
reduction in accuracy per additional drill hole as given in
Tables 2–4, the following observations are evident:

(i) Variables with very low ratios of nugget to sill





variance, namely, thickness of seam I, ash and

volatile matter of seam XII reflect adequacy of

drill spacing at a 4006400 m grid. This is shown


by an increase in the values of incremental per

Point kriging cross-validation parameters



24 17

cent reduction in accuracy per additional drill

Seam I

hole while changing the drill configuration from

Semivariogram model parameters

4006400 to 3006300 m grid spacing


(ii) The remainder of the variables with low to

moderate and moderate to moderately high ratio
Error owing to parameters

of nugget to sill variance reflect an adequacy of

Semivariogram model

Range of influence a

drill spacing at a 3006300 m grid. This is

Ratio of C0/(C0zC)
Sill variance C0zC

evidenced by either an increase or a decrease

Ratio of EV to KV
Nugget effect C0

with a fall in the rate of decreasing in the values

Continuity C

Mean Z2Z*

of incremental per cent reduction in accuracy per

additional hole while changing the drill config-
uration from 3006300 to 2006200 m grid

Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1 17
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics

Table 2 Per cent accuracy of estimation for different drill hole configurations in respect of seam-I*

95% Overall % Incremental

No. of confidence reduction in % reduction
No. of additional limits on Kriged % accuracy accuracy in accuracy Ratio of
Drill hole drill holes from Kriging kriged estimate of estimation from base per additional nugget to
configuration holes n base variance estimate of seam I PA PR hole) sill variance

6006600 m 4 – 1.376 ¡ 2.30 ¡ 45.36 – –
4006400 m 9 5 1.293 ¡ 2.23 ¡ 43.98 3.04 0.61
3006300 m 16 12 1.111 ¡ 2.07 ¡ 40.83 9.99 0.99 0.13
2006200 m 25 21 0.995 ¡ 1.96 5.07 ¡ 38.66 14.77 0.53
6006600 m 4 – 16.066 ¡ 7.86 ¡ 27.79 – –
4006400 m 9 5 14.496 ¡ 7.46 ¡ 26.38 5.07 1.01
3006300 m 16 12 13.623 ¡ 7.23 ¡ 25.57 7.99 0.42 0.63
2006200 m 25 21 12.651 ¡ 6.97 28.28 ¡ 24.65 11.30 0.37
Volatile Matter
6006600 m 4 – 1.619 ¡ 2.49 ¡ 13.29 – –
4006400 m 9 5 1.474 ¡ 2.38 ¡ 12.71 4.36 0.87
3006300 m 16 12 1.366 ¡ 2.29 ¡ 12.22 8.05 0.53 0.34
2006200 m 25 21 1.213 ¡ 2.16 18.73 ¡ 11.53 13.24 0.58
6006600 m 4 – 0.064 ¡ 0.50 ¡ 54.35 – –
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4006400 m 9 5 0.059 ¡ 0.48 ¡ 52.17 4.01 0.80

3006300 m 16 12 0.055 ¡ 0.46 ¡ 50.00 8.00 0.57 0.60
2006200 m 25 21 0.050 ¡ 0.44 0.92 ¡ 47.83 11.99 0.44
*s 2K is calculated as per the formula provided in the text; 95% confidence limits on kriged estimate51.96(s 2K )1/2, where the value 1.96
refers to normal percentage point at 95% confidence level; kriged estimate5 ai gi , where gi is the drill intersected sample value and
ai is the weight associated with sample values; per cent accuracy of estimation5[¡(1.96(s 2 )1/2) kriged estimate]6100; overall %
reduction in accuracy from base5[(PAbase2PAbasezi)/PAbase]6100, where i51 to 3; Incremental % reduction in accuracy per
additional drill hole5(PRiz12PRi)/(niz12ni), where i51 to 3.

Thus, it is suggested that the configuration of 3006 parameters owing to the fact that coal quality classifica-
300 m drill grid pattern with a density of 16 drill tion depends heavily on volatile matter (VM) content,
holes per square km (i.e. 100061000 m) of exploration i.e. 18–20% VM is low volatile weakly coking, 20–23% is
area is optimum for adequate exploration in Jharia low volatile medium coking, 23–32% VM is prime
Coalfield. coking, 32–37% VM is high volatile medium coking and
Among various coal quality parameters, volatile 37–44% VM is semicoking. The reproducibility of test
matter is one of the most important distinguishing results on the confidence limits would allow subdivision

Table 3 Per cent accuracy of estimation for different drill hole configurations in respect of seam VIII(A)*

95% Overall % Incremental

No. of confidence Kriged reduction % reduction
No. of additional limits on estimate % accuracy in accuracy in accuracy Ratio of
Drill hole drill holes holes from Kriging kriged of seam of estimation from base per additional nugget to
configuration n base variance estimate VIII(A) PA PR hole sill variance

6006600 m 4 – 0.408 ¡ 1.25 ¡ 44.80 – –
4006400 m 9 5 0.372 ¡ 1.20 ¡ 43.01 4.00 0.80
3006300 m 16 12 0.342 ¡ 1.15 ¡ 41.22 7.83 0.55 0.40
2006200 m 25 21 0.291 ¡ 1.06 ¡ 37.99 15.20 0.82
6006600 m 4 – 16.639 ¡ 8.01 ¡ 28.85 – –
4006400 m 9 5 14.935 ¡ 7.57 ¡ 27.27 5.48 1.10
3006300 m 16 12 14.162 ¡ 7.38 ¡ 26.59 7.83 0.34 0.77
2006200 m 25 21 13.390 ¡ 7.17 ¡ 25.83 10.47 0.29
Volatile Matter
6006600 m 4 – 1.883 ¡ 2.69 ¡ 14.17 – –
4006400 m 9 5 1.703 ¡ 2.56 ¡ 13.49 4.80 0.96
3006300 m 16 12 1.592 ¡ 2.47 ¡ 13.01 8.19 0.48 0.57
2006200 m 25 21 1.456 ¡ 2.37 ¡ 12.49 11.86 0.41
6006600 m 4 – 0.035 ¡ 0.37 ¡ 41.57 – –
4006400 m 9 5 0.032 ¡ 0.35 ¡ 39.33 5.39 1.08
3006300 m 16 12 0.029 ¡ 0.33 ¡ 37.08 10.80 0.77 0.40
2006200 m 25 21 0.019 ¡ 0.27 ¡ 30.34 26.94 1.78
*The calculation procedure is same as given in Table 2.

18 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics

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4 Experimental semivariograms with fitted models in respect of seam VIII(A)

of the coal quality classification as prime coking, of 15 to 20 drill holes per square km of area for open
medium coking, semicoking, weekly coking and non- cast mine blocks.18 However, in the present study, the
coking coal resources. exploration drill hole optimisation scheme obtained for
The Central Mine Planning Design Institute Limited Jharia Coalfield employing geostatistical kriging var-
(CMPDIL) and other coal exploration agencies in India, iance i.e. 16 drill holes with 3006300 m drill spacing
based on their experience and the proposed mining pattern in an exploration area of 161 km thus fits in
method had previously implemented a drill hole density agreement with the drilling density presently followed by

Table 4 Per cent accuracy of estimation for different drill hole configurations in respect of seam XII*

95% Overall % Incremental

No. of confidence Kriged reduction in % reduction
additional limits on estimate % accuracy accuracy in accuracy Ratio of
Drill hole No. of drill holes from Kriging kriged of seam of estimation from base per additional nugget to
configuration holes n base variance estimate XII PA PR hole sill variance

6006600 m 4 – 0.697 ¡ 1.64 ¡ 46.20 – –
4006400 m 9 5 0.637 ¡ 1.56 ¡ 43.94 4.89 0.98
3006300 m 16 12 0.583 ¡ 1.50 ¡ 42.25 8.55 0.52 0.38
2006200 m 25 21 0.469 ¡ 1.34 ¡ 37.75 18.29 1.08
6006600 m 4 – 7.990 ¡ 5.54 ¡ 23.98 – –
4006400 m 9 5 7.535 ¡ 5.38 ¡ 23.29 2.88 0.58
3006300 m 16 12 6.436 ¡ 4.97 ¡ 21.52 10.26 1.05 0.15
2006200 m 25 21 6.376 ¡ 4.95 ¡ 21.42 10.68 0.05
Volatile Matter
6006600 m 4 – 0.840 ¡ 1.80 ¡ 8.62 – –
4006400 m 9 5 0.821 ¡ 1.78 ¡ 8.53 1.04 0.21
3006300 m 16 12 0.657 ¡ 1.59 ¡ 7.62 11.60 1.51 0.11
2006200 m 25 21 0.617 ¡ 1.54 ¡ 7.38 14.39 0.31
6006600 m 4 – 0.053 ¡ 0.45 ¡ 51.14 – –
4006400 m 9 5 0.048 ¡ 0.43 ¡ 48.86 4.46 0.89
3006300 m 16 12 0.046 ¡ 0.42 ¡ 47.73 6.67 0.32 0.61
2006200 m 25 21 0.043 ¡ 0.41 ¡ 46.59 8.90 0.25
*The calculation procedure is same as given in Table 2.

Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1 19
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics
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5 Experimental semivariograms with fitted models in respect of seam XII

various governmental and private agencies in India. The The optimum number of drill holes required for
proposed optimisation scheme employs geostatistical exploring a deposit adequately needs to be determined
kriging variance with a sound mathematical basis in objectively to make the exploration process a cost
comparison to the notional scheme of 15 to 20 drill holes effective venture. Among various innovative methods
per square kilometre of exploration area on the basis of for drill hole optimisation, geostatistics provides an
convention and experience in respect of geological improved, effective and accurate means using kriging
continuity. variance in formulating an optimal drilling strategy. The
technique is applicable for any deposit exhibiting
regionalised phenomena.
Conclusion In the present study of drill hole optimisation of the
The technique of minimising the exploration cost for Jharia Coalfield, a density of 16 drill holes using a
evaluating a coal deposit has been examined by 3006300 m drill hole spacing within an exploration area of
experimentation to optimise the number of drill holes. 100061000 m have been found to be optimal for

6 Volume–variance relationships in respect of seam I

20 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1
Saikia and Sarkar Exploration drilling optimisation using geostatistics

7 Volume–variance relationships in respect of seam VIII(A)

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8 Volume–variance relationships in respect of seam XII

exploration of open cast mine blocks. The results thus support to carry out the exploration optimisation study.
obtained with the use of geostatistics can be employed for The first author acknowledges the Council of Scientific
future planning of exploration drill holes in respect of and Industrial Research for providing financial support
unexplored part of the Jharia Coalfield. Similarly, the through research grant No. 9/85(97)/2K2/EMR-I during
optimisation scheme outlined here can be extended to other the period 2002–2004 in connection with PhD research
Indian Coalfields occurring in similar geological settings. at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. The second author
However, in selection of actual drill hole location at acknowledges the support received in the Department of
the drill site, non-geological factors such as topography, Applied Geology, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad.
site access, permissions from governments and land The authors express thanks to the referees for their
owners, existing infrastructures, archeological monu- invaluable suggestions in improving the overall quality
ments etc. influence the possible sitting of drill holes. of the paper.
Taking into account these factors, ideal drill hole
locations on the basis of a model may require modifica- References
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22 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2006 VOL 115 NO 1

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