CompAir Rotary Screw Air Compressor Manual

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MODELS HQ1300, Q1600, £01500, ROTARY SCREW AIR COMPRESSOR OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL NOISE EMISSIONS WARRANTY gach aubsoquent 2urel {the time of sale! sardar svarranty fo tre hile ofthe air come TAMPERING WITH NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBITED ts The Falewing Acts or The Causing Theraot iy The remova of rendenng inopatatve by any pervons, her than for punmees, of a eae suai or reslacemmert of any device ot element of design weoroeracs 0 aaa ceinpraszat for tne purpose of noise canal pror 10 is sale or doivary to (re Me purer ager or wna iis 16 32; OF ‘of the compressor after such device or element of design fas been removed! oF Mared inoperative Dy any D2F300. ‘Among those acts inctided nthe prchibiten against tamparng ar he sad below snave or renanng iroperalve any of he folowing Housing access doors of covers and bottom frame panels inchuding rites eluding ar cleaners ne vibration eUnts, wit any of te enclosure doors opan, exceot wnsieurant panel SAFETY NOTICE uipment wit) ovary necessary 33 procedur hand cavatapment to "2 is 9a substiue for sat Tris manu equipment foes ausions” and ‘Waring’ intanded 49. protect ‘he (30 ryury ine damage and the sparato The ‘Nalas’, ‘and *Wamring’ ars rect, however af inclusive. Extrema are awet be sting SF servesng this eqiprient “The operator should (1) Learn alts can about nis aquinmert, ) Develop sas coarating habits (©) Exercise caution with hitcing or unfit boxes on is 53 tar ada Make cartsin safety chains are securely sory fhe Unit fom a towing vehicle, Aways load tool ‘weight ramains on the tow bar {75 ths Min) ected if requiredifurnished (2) Nevarlnava this mact nationded without a} Stuting t dawn b) Discsnnecting all ar ines e) Making ain the ai raceiver Is “Mewn own’ by these conpressars must nat be used for eathing ai Con‘ play with comseassad ait Den't point aic hoses at anyon Dont use compressa arto blow dit rom clothing! AN clase range, comoressad sir, al the orasaure this unit develops, can put out ayes, burst gar drums, cause saricus ski bisters and other injures Check air pressurzad a 9 valet (safety) valvas dally to make curtain thay are werking crocerly an ovar 2paralor tank ts potantaly danger NEVER OPERATE AN ENGINE DRIVEN COMPRESOR IN A CLOSED BUILDING. ALWAYS PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION TO. PREVENT CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. BE ALERT! A CAREFUL OPERATOR IS THE BEST INSURANCE AGAINST AN ACCIDENT! TABLE OF CONTENTS TION | = COMPRESSOR ~ GENERAL gases Un! carat Pressure Cora 5ystom rsatral Prasaure Conc Blain Urloater ‘I Sagarator Tank Pressure Raliat Vaivs (Wet Sida) saute Palio? Valve Tharmal Byoa a ‘utamatic Saparater Tank Blow Dawn Vive ‘Ar Eni Bypass Valves A Brossura Reducing Vaivs AUTOMATIC EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN DEVICES Selector Switch Mostra Sagarator ina Ol Pressure Shul Dawe Switch 1gine Caotart Temperatura Sh Ae Bown Swi Hagr AiiOH Tarsoarature Shut Down Se ‘Ae Separaior Out Hig Air Biping Orag’am - Versatral ising Diagram — Non Varsatro! Versateal Fsraing matic ~ Standard 3 wamess ~ Standard f— Optianat Wiring Harness ~ Osten Racommended Spare Parts LCTION ti ~ COMPRESSOR SPECIFICATIONS. cyan ard Batt Tor "QM iil = OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Page SECTION 1V ~ PREVE! Maintenares Guide Engne Compresior Cay. Every 100 Hours Every 220 Hours COD Hours on Contra Equigment Daty. Every $0 Hours SECTION V - SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES FOR SYSTEMS, ‘CONTROLS AND COMPONENTS ‘Air Cleaners conTaous Control Pressure Regula gine sgaad Control Spead Control Sarvice, intake Valva Sarvica Minimum Prassure/Sheck Vaive Sano Slow Down (Sump) Vale Bypass Vaive Sarnce, Comprassor Control Agjusimant Ai End Pocket Raguiatar Adjustment Ar End Pocket Regulator Adjustment (V2 saical Machines Contrl Pressura Ragulatsr Adjustmen’ Versairel Centra System Adjustmar (£0) Valve Serica 04 Saparster Service Drive Coupling Replacement : Compressor input Shaft Ou Seal Reglacement unning Gear — Suapension ‘Wheel Searngs, SECTION Vi - HoUSING Housirg Diagram Housing Repair and Raconditoning Erant Engine/Campressor Vibration Maun © aplacemant Rear EnginarComorsazor Mount Raplacemen SECTION Vil ~ APPLICATION NOTES Parale: Spermien A Mature Apalizations Law Pressure Operation Purging > Oneratien Parode Oparatian SECTION Will SERVICE DIAGNOSIS SECTION | GENERAL fer the gna ari = atl Sunrtios (Sedona H 150 PSI Operation a prafie indicating gut 9g wmeh masts EPA noise 1600- Rated outpul capanty ot 1600 par minute (CFM) at falad pressure of 100 pounds par Ssavars nen (PSI o Siessi Engine Daven. ©. Cummins Engine K = Caterer Engine . Mouniat on 4 wheels ith tow and the on 3 The finned tube type al coke e radiator ara mount reget ake argee atver pusher fan air for bolt gadlers Bath Tha Compan LARO| ratay screw ar att consists of two (2) ensal_ iam pale and feral rureng in common famale rai Nas six (3) groones iS sugpored by twa (2) angular cartart fall paatngs, at the vor discharge an. Sea coer bear p reiar) at he front ar drive enc, The bal taanngs at discharge end cata the rotors in relation tot fe rear retainer face to geovie and caintain the proper sunning clearance Setweon the Totors anc tha discharge relansr face. The bearings i the Fant ilet ratarae allow for axpansiar of gantraation of tha rotors, dur to tamparature FIGURE 1 = AIR END WITH INTAKE VALVE AND SYPASS VALVES The mate rater ia dewen by 3 halcal 2 mountad on an indepandent input 3 rod with a beleal gear on the cal tha ange fywres) wn a fe couping use of the mashat bors. Ne timing or 04 injacad tor ccclirg, & toe arf aamvarad oy 2 conactions. This is composition sienvant nich is Iaeated in fhe ainoi separata tank The toe end of the saparatar etamant has a tanga ing outward wich ia used ta meust bly. Actual sauastor mounting is accomaisnes by larieing the saparatar tanga batwecn the acol separator tank top ange and the FUNCTION OF THe COMPRESSOR Arig deayin into the comer air clearer and intake vah between the rotors and the cylinder bores to Begin compression at a sredatermined inet sulbf point, AS the rotera continue tol ur tha taped air is mixed wth the ol anc ‘avied toward the disonarge end of tha unt Comprassec ar then passes Gischarge por, tough’ sultable the aivel secarater tank or though a ‘and trapped AIR END ASSEMBLY (Fgura 1) nid for bis uni 2d only as an assembly iscludad with the air end assemoly except rales. cylinder, bearings and fetainers, may $2 purchased segaraleyy i required. This includes the meut anatt lary face seal and take valve pars FIGURE 2 AictOH Senaratoe Tak low Down Valva Muffar Movinnaey PraasureyChiack Vata Prassura Rett Valve OF Fier Oil Leval Sight Gauge S. Dey Side Rafer Vaine (not snow) AIR RECEIVER.OIL RESERVOIR INLET Tha air end dissnaige post is connected lhe airfoil! seoarstor let port with a axis connection. Air enters the sist sazaraior tank and is directed against a metal bale late whien surtourds tha separator lament. This provides an impinging. acc ‘whieh begins of separates AIRIOL SEPARATOR ELEMENT AND RAIN LINE Final airail sagaration is accomplished by the campesition senaralcr slament. The small amount of cil which may pass the lament is drained from the bottom of the element by the separator cra tubo are info a low prassurs semion of the air and ‘The separator drain line 's eguipeed wih an ‘nding ‘fker, a sight gauge and a check valve, The filer pravenisforaign avatar ror (etumning te the air ard. The check valve Prevents reverse aol Nowe from the a¢ and {0 the saparator. The sight gauge atows for hacking tow AUTOMATIC PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM Compressor oparation i centiollad by an adjustable contrat prassure ragulator valve. For dlarty of descnption a desired fll load pressure of 100 PSI wi be assumed "2 separatce tha contra jstoe valve gradkally alews air contol piston, At aporacimataly 125 PSI the soead control wil siaw the engine to 2 Soed and close the air and intake valve the comorasior Tha descrbes the action of ful (oad to fll ful unbsad sorsdtons, opens ard closes intaa valve vty sigh, se vel 120 PSI to provide ale in ar #9 ar domaes, Tha unt vil duced seead and dolvery unit 3 demand fo" air eaches the cated VERSATROL PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM ("EQ") (igure 3} Sompressoy ageration is eentralad by ane 3) these adjustable control prussure Fegulators, depending upan which selactor gnitsn selected (190, 125, 190_ PSI, Assume tre salector satis (sin tha 150 PSI ‘The solector awitch in tre 139 PSI postion aions the air signal fom the aifal separator tank to pass through the 150 PS! nirolprassure raguiator Iocatad at the Versatiol panel. A fom the aufsl saparstor Jo passes through an air aad packs! tae of ai The 20 PSI aie ‘bypass valves, thus alowing ar and aypa vaves #1 and #2 ta be actuated (opened) Tha. a signal from tha 150 PSI presaure reguiato: (at fre Vorsaral paral) NOTE TO ESTABLISH CONTROL WHEN CHANGING FROM ONE PRESSURE ir WiLL BE NECESSARY TO OPEN THE SERVICE YALVE AND ALLOW THE CONTROLS TO overs, aueraing oresaue be sure ara then tum tre cine daaieau postion, For = the aalactor pach spostoned 19 he 125 oaiton TAS aiows thes aie gna ftom the avod ona of tv9 ait end gackat regula vakes ioeatad naar the aie end. The ay presake> 3 sucing 19 29 PSI ard closas the #2 air end byoass vite, Thus aloweng at and bypass waive #1 {9 be aetuacad (opened), Ar ji seearator tank also oassee (omtet pus the bo cf aed separator tank) aat '2 20 PSI, The 89 PS. aie signal only closes tha #3 ant At ae and ‘bypass vaives The 3i signal fram the 1 PS) sonal prossuie regulator ial Versatrol paral) alas oparstes gomeeasior infsk9 valve and angita sozed i ssunbied above for the Automatic FIGUAE J - VERSATROL PANEL AND RELATED COMPONENTS 4 Salictor Swit 2. Control Pressure Regulator ‘Witty the services open, tum the selectar utah f the 100 PSI pasion. In the 190 5] pastion the ar sgral ftom the arial seoaragr tank pasgas frough the 100 5) cantiol pressure regulator the \Warsatiol panel. From the 190 PS) aoetrai pressure fagulator tre air passes throug fone of the two air and pocket ragulator seat ear end 779 ai tucing to 30 PS) and closes na #1 and #2 ae end bypass vatves Ac from th aio 330 rh also passe: ‘Arough apather ar end cocks! agua iva (ocatet sear tre lap of Separator fae) set to 80 PS), The 80 FS! a signal ori doses the #3 anz a ar 3 The ar sqgrai from the (2 pessuurs raguatar (atthe Prnssurs C scrtvad above far the Automatic onto CONTROL DEVICES STARTING UNLOADER CONTROL, The sarting unloader contre! vale 1s sata ca tha instrument panel when starting the unit this valve shoutd be postonad in the START" position. To close Uiwirtake vaie and ica the angina This wil allow the nocmal prassuce uid up in the air roceiveroW raservcir, at inital stan up to hed he ielaka vale’ closed, Uuneading the comerassor. Inaction this pressure wil move tha apsed contal piston tb reduce engine speed for warm up As soon as the staring unloadar valve is postiened ta tha “RUB position tne contra) ayer wil work automaueally to Ieadfurioad te unit and gents) engine Mirus Prec Separtyr Out Hi iow Seva (Bung Va 3 Mutter RECYCLE VALVE 2 ar pressure operated racy valve fs Jocatad on te back 0 The eaczela valve & plot operated by cont! pressure When the unt is running lunloaded, the racyce valvg Is opened by contol pressure allowing a fiom the ar eceiveroi reservar to recirulate (e2cyce) AWeaugh the air and fer madmum 4 unieaded opzraten AIRIOIL SEPARATOR TANK PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (Wat Sida} (Figure 4) The air recawersl resanor is equeped with a prassure raliot vabe set te releve pressure below the spacing working pressure This vake must hava a flow capacty of at least the ried ulput of the compressor an which itis bang used The standard ralof vate eeieves. a 200 PSI (HO & £9 Mod Warning DO NOT ATTEMPT To AoJUST oR OTHERWISE TAMPER WITH A PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. IF IT IS FAULTY OR BECOMES DAMAGED, REPLACE THE VALVE, Under no creumstances should 4 pressura flict vaive wih a relat press of mora than 200 PS! be used DRY SIDE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE The dry sida of the air separator tank is aque with 2 pressise valet valve $2! (0 relieve pressure below the spect Saparsicr tank and wat sia prassure cele! valve working prassira This valve must hava a ton sapadty of al least the ratad iput of Ihe comoraksor er which it's baie viseu The dry side relat vais ralaves a 19038 WARNING 00 NOT ATTEMPT To ADJUST oR OTHERWISE TAMPER WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. IF IT IS FAULTY OR BECOMES OAMAGED REPLACE THE VALVE, HECK VALVE vane 6 outa piping anead 2 vals, The pulp PSI (sounds par square inch) in the ait fecaMerii Taser 19 prevent extremely valeely damaging the cauTion 00 NOT OPERATE THESE UNITS BELOW 30. PS! FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME, IF PRESSURES BELOW 80 PS! ARS REQUIRED, FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS, A PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE SHOULD 8E USED DOWN STREAM FROM THE SERVICE VALVES, ERMAL BYPASS VALVE (Figure 2) thacmal byoass valve ia located in the 3H piping Setween the oll @sarvcir and the F cooveroi titer The purpose of the thermal by ass valve is ‘ampersture to (OM fows from the aireil separator tank to 2 inermal by pass valve, Dependieg on the temperature ct ine of owing to the thenmal y 998s vava, ol diractad ather to the of fiter or t2 the oi cooler ard shan 1s tho oll her 1m the ou iter ok Hows to and is injectes ar aed, The 3H orovdes excl AUTOMATIC SEPARATOR TANK BLOW OWN VALVE (Figure 4) is located on the reservar: receiver covar Tho purpose of this valve is . 2a 2eesauee fiom the 2 compressor 3 Stut josad vans & onared Gf aie pressure in the aie 20 ainen tne unig shat coun AIR END YASS VALVES Tha air vy four yD valves loeated on bie adi of de ae and ux normally open waves. peo ortars stating aid hy 3 sig The “oH Ue cemants al sia up On uns equioped bbypaas valve tao pow 5 Systam, tua of tha 2 capacity conta [Ai PRESSU! {SDUCING VALVE, The ar pressure seducing vaha 1s log fon tag of the airol separater tank and {2 paar the at end The purpose of the ar pressure reducing vane Faqulatad to a prassur foe operating the ar system 10 PSI madi AUTOMATIC EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN Devices FIGURE 5 1 Discharge High Tamperature Shut Bown Discharge rl Bitcvarge Ce FIGURE 5 - AUTOMATIC EMER’ SHUTDOWN CATERPILLAR FIGURE 7~ AUTOMATIC EMERGENCY ‘SHUTDOWN CUMMINS SELECTOR SWITCH (Figure 35 The selecior switch is_mounied on the \Versatrol Central Panal. Tha purpose of the selector svat is te divact the ait aignal fom the air arecaure reducing vahe to the apprapeate sclenci¢ vale and bypass vab33} depercing upon whieh oparsting pressure is sai nore TO CHANGE THE OPERATING PRESSURS B= SURE THE SERVICE VALVE IS OPEN AND THEN TURN THE SELECTOR SWITCH. oIsTURE SEPARATOR (Figure 3) The meisturs separator js mounted near the aiiol! sezarator tank. The purpose of ts Imoistur® separator is fo k2ap moisture aut of tha Vorsatsc! Control System ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SHUT DOWN SwiTcH Tre engine ol ora sie oF ha angi ure shut down Satoh is "2 oil galary on the Tris is 3 rormally one switch whieh cosas 1h The puposs: 2 engine dover, if ua safe 9cersting tbe fa aha ot ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SHUT DOWN SWATCH The engine coolant tameerature stud switch iS located in tha enotant mariah angina. Ths is pommaty closed sec Whien “apers when the engine cooiant temperature ses ta an unsa‘e corating temperatura. When this switah deenergzas the fuel sna! Stopring the engine AIR END HIGH AIROIL TEMPERATURE ‘SHUT COWN SWITCH (Figure 5) A normally clesed switch, similar to the engine temperatura sarc, 18 Ieeatad 3t he comprasscr discharga in the compressor to ceiver pising. This switcn opens at 23 SF, When this switch opens. the fuel shut OF ‘solenoid ie daanorgizad engine stopping. the AIR SEPARATOR OUT HIGH AiR TEMPERATUR SHUT DOWN SWITCH igure #) This switch is. ecated inthe minimum pressure valve body. The punesé of ths Formally cinsad switch is to sanse separator out ar temperature In the event the seperator cut lempersiure rises above a safe ‘evel 210" + 5°F) this aaiten wil op. and cnonergize the fuel shut a sotennit stopping Ihe angine, caunion ALL AUTOMATIC EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN DEVICES WHICH HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ON THIS UNIT ARE TO PROTECT THE ENGINE AND AIR END FROM SERIOUS DAMAGE OUE TO A COMPONENT MALFUNCTION. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READJUST OR BY PASS ANY OF THE SHUT DOWN DEVICES. it THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY SHUT OWN AN INVESTIGATION SHOULD BE MADE TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE. REFER TO SERVICE DIAGNOSIS CHART. SECTION vi For any cordticn of apart PANEL - CATERPILLAR ENT INSTRUM: FIGURE 8 Gauge Teraratre INSTRUMENTATION gauges on the instrument p These sauges ara panel exeael the air prassura gauge, are elecricaly 9 ied by rametay lneated sencing uns, he follaing tabla its the location and function o¢ indication of allinstumentation TEM LocaTion | Function oR inoieaTion ENGINE OL PRESSURE ——_| instrument Pant ‘Shows angine al peassure GAUGE { — ENGINE OL PRESSURE ngine Oi Gattary Controls signal t© et pressure GAUGE SENDER gauge ENGINE COOLANT Tnsiument Panai Shows angina eaolant |PERATURE GAUGE femperatur NGINE COOLANT Top Front of Engine Contrals elecirical signet ta Coolant Maniold opacala angina coolans temperature gauge, Insirament Panal hows air endiai discharge | airSna Oweharga Cortls elaaioal aaa | Pring aparat a ond acrarge timeersure gions inaaent Pana ‘Se an slr Fuel Tank Cons eleial signa | sowate ale [ AR RECEVEROL | armen Pansl Shwe ar reaver! ruavoF a prove VOUTMETER Tremont Pana Shows batty eoncion and temas charge tie (2) SuRNETE [Iesirament Panel Instrument Panel ‘Shows total run te in hours TACHOMETE: SHUT OFF 50 Stows engine seaad Fuslinjacton Bump | ENERGIZE | |_DeevAs ARATOR ELEMENT Insrurnent Panel RESTRICTION INSICATOR Ingingnant Panel | Shows pressure arsp (asin || acr953 ae cloner slamants, dank Ficute + rine BGR - vaASATIOL SECTION Il COMPRESSOR SPECIFICATION ]__nars0.xass0,c02so,a\000,e01000 FULL LOAD OPERATING RATED DELIVE! | COMPRESSOR RATINGS |" PRESSURE PSI | _(KGICM) C#M (MM) HTS [ T0105) i 1300 G55) 387.08 1380 5.3) Ta TOPS | THE Oi Revenor Capacity, US. Gal dme. Gal) ‘Air Cleaner Type oa Tank Capacky, US, Gal (inp. Gall Tire Sraasure, PLIGG pian Gali {imp Gay IVER - OIL RE: voR ura, PSL KGW Sraauure Raia? Vaiva Seting, PSIQROIOM SERVICE VALVES O01 UNDER ADVERSE OPERATING CONDITIONS, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO SHORTEN THIS CHANGE INTERVAL caurion AIR CLEANE® RESTRICTION INDICATORS ARE PROVIDED ON THIS UNIT. AN INDICATOR SLAG" CONDITION, WITH THE UNIT RUNNING INDICATES A NCSD FOR AIR CLEANE? SERVICE. THESE INDICATORS ARE LOCATED ON THE INSTRUMENT PANEL. — [AR CLEANERS! Gomaair LeROI Part Na 28121 20122 Bamary Cement Ban [Sst caren [aaa Or Tyee hati Sage 196, ranval Sees (Refer te ‘NOTE UNQER ADVERSE OPERATING CONDITIONS, IT MAY BE W’ CHANGE INTERVAL, SCESSARY TO SHORTEN THis cauTION AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION INDICATORS ARE PROVIDED ON THIS UNIT. AN INDICATOR "RED" FLAG CONDITION, WITH THE UNIT RUNNING INDICATES A NEED FOR AIR CLEANER SERVICE, THESE INDICATORS ARE LOCATED ON THE INSTRUMENT PANEL. Olt FILER «COMPRESSOR Two Sinem Bypass ‘henge interval, Here se00 nore, UNDER ADVERSE OPERATING CONDITIONS IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO SHORTEN THIS. CHANGE INTERVAL, THE OIL FILTER IS EQUIPPED WITH a RESTRICTION INCICATOR ON THE FILTER BODY. THIS INDICATOR WILL SHOW A RED "FLAG" WHEN THE OIL FILTER ELEMENT(S) REQUIRED CHANGING BY INDICATING EXCESSIVE PRESSURE OROP ACROSS THE FILTER THE INDICATOR SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR A "FLAG" WITH THE UNIT RUNNING. IM ANY CASE, RENEW THE OWL FILTER ELEMENT(S) EACH TIKE THE COMPRESSOR Ol, IS CHANGED. OWL FILTER - ENGIN act Change Inara, Hours - Baler to ging Operate’ s Nanuet OIL SEPARATOR Nore: NEED FOR SEPARATOR SERVICE IS DETERMINED BY OBSERVING THE QUANTITY OF OW IV THE SERVICE AIR OR BY A RED “FLAG” ON THE SEPARATOR RESTRICTION INDICATOR, OBSERVE THE RESTRICTION INDICATOR FOR A "FLAG" WHEN THE UNIT IS RUNHING. CAUTION ECK THE SEPARATOR DRAIN LINE OR UNRESTRICTED FLOW, DRAIN CONDITION (CLEAN) AND INSTALLED POSITION OF THE DRAIN LINE K VALVE (FLOW TOWARD AIR ENO) BEFORE CONDEMNING A SEPARATOR ALWAYS CH RESTRICTION DUE TO SATURATION MAY BE CLEARED BY OPERATING THE UNIT WITH 1 VIE VALVE ADJUSTED TO MAINTAIN $00 PSI VENTED TO ATMOSPHERE, = SEPARATOR RESTRICTION 1S DUE TO DIRT OR FOREIGN MATTER THE ELEMENT MUST BE REPLACED, LUBRICATION - COMPRESSOR 11 sampling and anal 200 Mours of cam jeraszor has been shippad factory fled vith LUBRICATION - ENGIN! Refer io tha ange oparation and ymaitlenarce manual far engine of ‘The usell fe of compress spesicatons the quaity of the oi vfs) the Un: be Bearing The engine radiatcr has beer filed wih a 550% solution of permanant type anti For thase raasons oll and ail ter enangs interais ae io be determined by ol nd aralysis, TABLE | TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL LUBRICANTS - COMPRESSOR 1 LUBRICANTS - COMPRESSOF {0 (Campa LAO Pat Number 200 G Viscoaly Grade 150 Viscosly Grade 40°C ce ASTM D445 at BID os (SSW) ASTM DDIG | # 400°F es (SSU} ASTM D-2151 18 | Waeomty Inger OEE Les Pour Paint, "=, O} ASTM DST a Flash Point, C.O.C.. °F (6) ASTM 0-92 [a0 210) Rust, Procacure A & @ ASTM 0.605 ine oF Hyrule Ok y af 100°C cs AST Dats5 | sar 40°C os ASTM D-445, | 3608 Viscosity at 210°F es (SSU) ASTM O2101 1OO"F es (SSU) ASTM O2181 a | 3 Flash Pawnt, COG. °F PO) ASTM OS? 425,218) | | Rost Procedure AaB STH 0-655 Pass Specie Graviy BORO BE ALERT! A Careful Operator is the BEST Insurance Against An Accident! SECTION II! OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION OPERATING THIS UNIT WITHOUT ALL PANELS INSTALLED OR WITH SERVICE ACCESS DOORS OPEN, EXCEPT INSTRUMENT PANEL DOOR, IS NOT RECOMMENDED, Towne use of be sice and weight of tesa compressors, cara must ba takan whan For HQ1300, 01800, and EQ1800 potante compressors, the maaimum towing speed is 50 mph. In all casas the towing venice must ba of adequate convo the weight of compressor when in motion, Nore SOM= STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES REQUIRE BRAKES ON TOWED VEHICLES. THIS REQUIREMENT IS THE OWNER/OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITY. CHECKS BEFORE STARTING {Position he unit as leval, ane in as laan a location as possi, Nevar postion the unt at any angle, trom level, of more than 13 (27% Grade) certain the jack stands. firmiy contact the ground 50 that the unit wil not tit, or fp, toward apposite and. Position the unit so thal the eselng air infat fac2s the wind for nest exoing WARNING FOR UNITS EQUIPPED WITH BRAKES 00 NOT RELY ON THE BRAKES TO PREVENT ROLLING. IF THE UNIT ROLLS DOWN A GRADE, SERIOUS DAMAGE OF FATAL INJURY COULD RESULT. @LOCK AT LEAST ONE WHEEL ON EACH SIDE TO PREVENT ROLLING WHEN UNIT IS PARKED ON A GRADE. Nore THE AIR RECEIVER-OK RESERVOIR DRAIN IS LOCATED AT THE Tow Baa END (OPPOSITE RADIATOR END) OF THE UNIT, 3 Check tre comarasser aici! separ tank sight gauges fer proper of bv Cemact 93 requir NOTE THE RESERVOIR IS FULL WHEN THE OW LEVEL |S VISIBLE IN THE UPPER SIGHT GAUGE. IF OL COVERS THE LOWER SIGHT GAUGE THERE IS SUFFICIENT Olt TO OPERATE THE UNIT, 4 Check tha engine crarksase a lave! and corect as raguirad. Raler to fe sngine operator's manuas for angine ail specifeations, cauTion THE RADIATOR ON THIS UNIT FILLS SLOWLY. TAKE CARE TO MAKE (CERTAIN THE RADIATOR IS FULL. Check the engine cooling system to s20 that itis filed to the covract bo veh clasn sok water er antiaeze oclant solution (50%). The use of a commercial rust nib recommended to prevent corosie Us2 a permanent ype antinaezs solution af operating in) temperatures below ‘raatins, caunion NEVER REFUEL A UNIT WHILE THE ENGINE 1S HOT OR WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING, 4%. Chack the engine fuel supply by Sbserung the fue. gauge cated on the instiument paral, Fil wir a good grade of fuel as racemmendsa Nore ae CLEANER STRICTION WOICATORS ARE FURNISHED AS STANDARO EQUIPMENT. A RED "FLAG" CONDITION INDICATES THE NEED FOR AIR CLEANER SERVICE. RESTRICTION INDICATORS SHOULD B= OBSERVED FOR A RED “FLAG* CONDITION WHEN THE UNIT IS RUNNING. 3 Manually e before sts the eaparior tank 1g tha ue 3 Versawel Equipped Compressors ~ Drain condensate (rate) fram the Varsatal moisture separator Clase valve securaly whan water stops orang STARTING Paar aa valve siéicr to 4 In temperatures below 40°F (#6) ake certain the “high energy weather starting aid is full Actuate cold weather staring avd as requ: fon ignition ‘or ation, Crank the engine by actuating the START push button switch while hoiging the” BYPASS push button siitch in, Rewease the START smitch when the angina tarts, Hold te ByPAs: in several seconds lust ei ee Nore if THE ENGINE DOES NOT START, DISCONTINGE CRANKING AFTER 30 SECOND INTERVALS. IF AFTER FOUR PERIODS OF CRANKING THE ENGINE DOES NOT START, INVESTIAGE TO FIND THE CAUSE ANO REMEDY AS REQUIRED. (CONSULT ENGINE MANUAL) ve STARTIRUN . WARNING AIR BLOWING TO ATMOSPHERE AS DESCRIBED INS TEP 7 COULD DAMAGE HEARING. EAR PROTECTION MUST BE WORN OR AIR FLOW OTHERWISE MUFFLED. 7 Adjust sarnca valves 19 cotain receiver prassure of a minenain of 80 PSI and furlong sneugl fo angine to warm us @ Sionly dose sanice vas 10 unload the compeeatoe IFangine stals. restart (Stas 2 a alow [aceitonal ime foe warm US When the engine swam enough. cancing at rated spasd, not to siai ‘compressor 1s unleaded, oper rnduetion proper readings faadings are saiisfactory the uni is ready fr use STOPPING 1 Positon tha STARTIRUN valve fo ‘he START" position 2 Close all garine valves ard allow tha Un to fun five mirules unloaded to allow tha angie to c20) Nore VERSATROL MACHINES SHOULD BE cycleD AT 100 PSI BEFORE SHUTDOWN, 3. Tun fhe ignition swt sop tne angire. 4 Oasarra that the sir erassure gauss cms faling pressur2. The blow doom ‘aire ail open automaticaly kh the bow down vahe seu airs theo 2 from the separator tack Maie certain tr separator tank i SECTION IV PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Nore ALL HaWTENANC THIS UNIT, ESPECIALLY OM THE NOISE EMISSION CONTROL DEVICES, SHOULD BE RECORDED IN THE SERVICE ANO MAINTENANCE LOG. FOLLOWING INFORMATION 1S FURNISHED AS A GUIDE FOR A PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE PROGRAM FOR YOUR COMPRESSOR ENGINE cerning the ‘angina, rate: te va Maintenarce gine Oparstor's Manual anual fer 1 Chest aners ard service as Paquet Vuaity al ar and of tina fitings and connections for leaks. This ineudes the ar induetion system D ne ad comprOS Corradi a caquirsd 3 Gray condensate (water) from the oi! sarvay Cissa drain securely whan oi Nore it 1S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO DeAIN “CONDENSATE FROM THE VOIR 3EFORE INITIAL START-UP OF THE UNIT. ANY. ATTEMPT TO REMOvE THE WATER FROM THE RESERVOIR AFTER THE UNIT HAS BEEN AUN IS NOT EFFEOTIVE, WATER MUST BE DRAINED AFTER THE UNIT HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN FOR A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME MISUALLY DVERNIGHT) cauTion RADIATOR FILLS SLOWLY. MAKE CERTAIN RADIATOR IS FULL. 53 Check anges as resem Operala recsiver peasaize celia va manually to check condition & arog the unit Check angie fuel supoly Fit tne ‘Let tank wir a good grade of diesel fuel as recommendad ir the angina manufacturers operators manual NEVER REFUEL A UNIT TH THE ENGINE RUNNING OR wh! ENGINE IS HOT EVERY 190 HOURS 9a! daly maintenance procedure Servce air cleaner elements. 2 Ramove suriace dit tram she oi and raciatar ins rece and ecist soning fan operator's marca Check satay atest ai requis ou etling ator Misually inspect the nicring_ gear for damage or sueassive maar raguied. Lucca’ sil lutsieaign thangs osarse her feanng (Uorcant sight gauge for peor leval Aad inbncant © 3 fro a5 aqui EVERY 200 HOURS, 1 Ragaat daily ane 190 hour earvice 2. Ovtam an od samale fom i required ofthe oil analysis. based on the reaul EVERY 1000 HOURS 1. Rapeat daly, 100 and 250 hour sane 8 appiicaaie 2. Repeat Step 2 of 200 hour service 3. Change comeressor oi titar element 4 Rotorcua whack kag nutstbclts to 30- 110 f tos. (Fist 2590 miles, every pr2e ments Inereatar) 5. Ratorque suring to axe "U" boits (150 ibs) 8 Reier te angina operators manval for Tighten al nuts ane capserens. vearur | inspect and ralubrcate wheel hearings Use a good grade of SAz go =° iuoncant. Rafer to Section ¥. Running Separator tank elamant far NOISE EMISSION CONTROL EQUIPMENT DAILY Visually inspact the fousing te make sarain all senice access covers an: dows are present. precery arc wil Iateh (or ara bolted) saouray Rapa as uiead 2 Visualy inspect the engine exh: certain thes toaffo(s} are in pla seauealy fastaned, Repair, replace and. fasta Securaly a raquired 4 Visualy inspect hep for rust cr burn hows, spit seams or broken iat and oulat cnnactions, Rapiace mwiar anilor resonator 25 required. EVERY 50 HOURS, 1 tespect_ tha mufler for wear ot jeeterorsticn, Inspect oth inlet an futet connections oad piping and ropad or aghtan 2s raquved Vito the unit runing at rated speed land recsiver prassure, obsaave the unt for excessive exaust noisa Rapizoa rmuffer, rasanator and exhaust ‘conmadtions or camps to comect NOTE If THE INTERNAL CONDITION OF THE MURFLER IS DOUBTFUL, WAKE A BACK PRESSURE TEST. 3. A back test may 28 mada as Kelows 8. Comact appropriatsmanameter to ha extaust manos wit copper tubing. Apocoximataly 12 from aagine Nan Run the unit 3t rated speed and fecelver pressure, Obsene the pack pressure reading on the raremater extaust_ back prassure shoul! be within the following tts Max mits soaciia BE ALERT! A Careful Operator is the EST Insurance Against SECTION V SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES FOR SYSTEMS, CONTROLS, AND COMPONENTS. R CLEANERS fuen systems far both the of ars aqiapped with inspect the a or replace bot te dary filer laments. a5 ons i which the unit is mended elemart clean at enange ipteeval #8 100 hur for “nama Nore RESTRICTION INDICATORS ARE ‘URNISHED AS STANDARD EQUIP. MENT. CONDITION OF THE AIR FILTER ELEMENTS MAY BE JUDGED BY SBSERVING INDICATORS FOR A RED "FLAG" CONDITION WHEN THE UNIT IS RUNNING. THE RED FLAG INDICATES THE FILTERS ARE OIRTY OR CLOGGED AND REQUIRE SERVICE, THE ELEMENT SHOULD BE VISUALLY INSPECTED ON A REGULAR BASIS TO PREVENT OPERATING A UNIT WITH DAMAGE TO A FILTER ELEMENT OTHER THAN CLOGGING. CONTROLS / a6 1Dann main comeocents of the contol system 2 regulator vata 1 corteot niake valve CONTROL PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE SERVICE ‘The vale repair kl consists of a dagheagin assamaiy and a vale seat WARNING TURN UNIT OFF AND RELIEVE RECEIVER PRESSUR= PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY MAINTENANCE, Instalaion af thase accomplisned as fotows pars may be ek the air nas at tho raguiator rove the vate from the uri upper: the hexagen becy in a \#ia0 ar othar autabla furs, FIGURE 17 - 15-1590 CONTROL PAESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY Diaphragm Assomtiy Staindass Si2al Seat Jam mut and patiay back ou! tha adjusting scraw 13) roloas. Soring prassura an the darhrage 4 Remeve the cap, soring, dlaprragm assembly and valve saat, Discard the diaphragm asseméiy and vse seat 3. Clean ali remaining paris thoroughly 3. Apply @ thn coating of siean grease to jem stainless. staal saat suttace on shamiar site and also the matng Surface of the valve ‘body. (Silcone as! grease fs preferrad; mutioupose grease 13 sacand chaice) A lays’ of groase is required to provide 3 seal between the saat ard the vaive body to Permit the seat to canter uncer the Siapnragm ball durng assemtiy Using an oscilaing motion ta push the exce3s grease cut install the stainioss S99) seal cisctly over the 25" hole wth the chamfer side against the valve bey 8 instal the diaphragm assembly making sure the bal semis into he stainlens si2al seat 3. Instat te omer paris in reverse order of disassamaly and torque the cap 50 80 inch pounds. Using a § ar 8 inch ice wrench, this level of terque wil be ablained by pulling up nore DO NOT OVER TORQUE CaP. IT MAY DAMAGE THE DIAPHRAGM, 19 Turn the adjusting serew in 1 tus aor contacting the sang gue. Tho should beng the operating pressure fevei 20 ta 100 PSI 9 that fal canbe made an the rol prassurs regulate vatve or the uni ar e steutions Nore THE INLET AND OUTLET PIPE THREADS ARE DRY SEAL AND 00 NOT REQUIRE THREAD SEALER. If THREAD SEALER 'S USED APPLY SPARINGLY, GETTING SEALER MATERIAL INSIDE VALVE COULD cause ERRATIC PER. FORMANCE, ENGINE SP==0 CONTROL The soeed contro! assamaty is convenient mounted cn ue engine and ig. soncectes an agustable fod in the engine fu inysetion pump metering lever, FIGURE 18 - ENGINE SPEED CONTROL 1 Capsero 9. Piston Rod 2 Gap (Cylinders 19. Bushing 3 Bisten Ring 11. Body 4 Piston 12. Look Nut 3 Piston 12. Esparder (O-Ring) & Spring 1. Capscrow 7 Lockrut 13 Washer 8. Agiusting Sera “amaly this contrel consists of a piston assembly wth a plastic pision eng and a. sing expander and 3 spr SPEED CONTROL SERVICE (Figure 12) 1 Rameve unit Speed contra fom the Mark the position cf the pictan cover {cylinder on the aig in rsasaemby, the piston eng and o-nng expander ffem the piston Ciscacd the 5, Tharougaly clean al Ispect the cemaving parts. Rep al a raw oxing (expander) ard ning in the seston groove Lutcare piston ong and tore of incor) wth a sticone base lubricant (suggest Bow Coming 58% or equivalent) Nore Ig PISTON COVER (CYLINDER) MUST WSTALLED ON THE SPEED CONTROL GOOY WITH THE CONTROL BLEED ORIFICE POSITIONED SO THAT IT IS OWN WHEN THS SPE: CONTROL IS MOUNTED ON THE UNIT. 9. Ransial the piston assemety. anc ‘spring inthe body. 1 Rainstall tne piston cover (cylinder) wth mans property aligned, over the yee cara ro: 10 damage oF the paten erg (Use 2 cng ceapacrows ar arating piston CAUTION 2 Spring (Large! 3 ton Saata 4 Sang 10. Cylindar Retaining 5 Psion Retainer Capseren 3 Piston Song 11. Wasnar 2 Carefully Wt teak cleaner, as an Sssambty, from the aie end. Take care fat to sive the ar cleaner of the air fend, Damage te the intake crerating Piston rod could occur 3. Remove ang discard the air leaner to ‘ar and mounting Nanga 3 nore TAKE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE THE VALVE PLATE RETAINING FLANGE BY DROPPING, ETC. 4 Remore the yaa late retaniny flange to oytrder attaching aos: fused) an ratainveg Nang Nore, A CHEMICAL SEALER IS SUED WN PLACE OF A GASKET BETWEEN THE VALVE RETAINING FLANGE AND THE AIR ENO CYLINDER. Lit the intake valve plata up ane of of the ois NOTE BE CAREFUL NOT TO DROP WASHER INTO THE INTAKE OF THE AIR END IE IT IS STUCK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE VALVE PLATE. Remove the vai retainer Remove the piston retaining plate to piston cylinder attaching capscrews and rameve tha rtainer pats Nore A CHEMICAL SEALER IS USED IN PLACE OF A GASKET BETWEEN THE PISTON RSTAINER PLATE AND THE PISTON CYLINDER. 8 Remove the piston springs. Remove the piston and rod assemély by pulling up on the piston rod. Remove the pisten seals rom the piston. Discard seais 9. Remove ha aistan cylinder to air end attaching lockat ead capscraws. anc remove the piston cyiindsr NOTE A CHEMICAL SEALER IS USED IN PLACE OF A GASKET BETWEEN THE PISTON CYLINDER AND THE AIR END CYLINDER, 12° Clean all pats tnorougniy, Inapest for ‘waar or damage. Raplacs az requirsd all edd sealing mataral is remowne fom sealing suitsaes cauTION D0 NOT ALLOW THIS MATERIAL TO FALL INTO THE AIR END, place a piston er pinion rat 1428 flows a. Place tho pistan rot a a sot (wood, eeaer cr erate) jaw vise and clamp sacuraly 5 With the corract size wrach Toosan and r2mava the piston te fot attaching capscrents © Replace the damaged part(s) and ssemole the pistos onthe piston roa 4. Coat the threads of the piston to od attaching capscraw with lecking campoura number 242 or 12. To replace the piston rot bushing in the pision retainer proceass 3. Place the pasten ealainer bot side down 20 a solid fat (oench or brass basa) surface and using the correct sige shoulder dit (oushi carver, dave or press the bushing downward and aut ofthe retainer Nore TO LOOSEN THE CHEMICAL LOCKING COMPOUND ON THE BUSHING, IT MaY BE NECESSARY TO HEAT THE RETAINER WITH A SOFT FLAME (200°F) TO SOFTEN THE LOCKING COMPOUND, Gear the bushing bor orcughy ‘Coat the naw aushung wth locking comocund (suggest “Locita" Sumber 209 cr “asuvalant) and rsinstall_ (press bushing iva he 9 mal rnumbar 518 cr aquivalont) the piston cylinder mounting face af the air and oyier. mounting face 30 yl ‘ar and Coa! the fweads of tha aston eyliede’ ng capscrews wth lacking compound (suggest ‘Loe:te" number 242 er aquvaiert) and instal in fieder. Tighten socuraly Install the rew plc saais on tha ister Postion the seals as shown ip lower saatiip turned down) the piston seals and piston ore ‘wilt silcone lubricant Dew Comeg Ingart the sisten wit seals. Into tne giston cytnder, Tate care net to Saform or damaga the seals ding ‘Rarestall the piston springs. Acoy 2 smal (1/18" ¢iamater| corinucus bead of sealer (euggast ‘Lsctite” number $15 ar aquvaiert) to ‘of Ine operating pian capsaws with lecaeg 24, Reinatal the intake wave plata, Ma tne valve plata sides feet oparating peston 124 dianete bead cf seater (s.g3es te" number $13 or equivaert) > the vane plata cataning ‘mounting aurtace of tho sie Ainiet opening farge “$ oyindae 23° Garstuly install the valve plate fittinng fango with capscrew foias corectly aligned. if used. eainstal the arye retaining capscrens Insta a naw air cleaner mounting Mange gaakat 23. Reinstat the air claancr with the capierew holes correctly aignad Reinstall the attaching capscrsws anc lighten securely MINIMUM PRESSURSICHECK VALVE SERVICE The minimum pressure valve may be chased as an assembly if requirsc ‘Sarvica pans ara avaiable, Fowaver, © fapairioverhaul this vabve. Ths vave may be service as fotows 1. Remava the sendce arc consol siping from tha minimum pressursva 2. Remove the val separate tark cover fom the ave 3. Clame the vale sacuraly in a vertcal postion (cas end us} in a suitable ature (bench visa) 4, With a. suitable wrench remove valve cap from the valve Say WARNING THE SPRING BENEATH THE CAP IS UNDER PRESSURE. EXERCISE EXTREME CARE WHEN REMOVING THE cap, FIGURE 20 MuNiNtUM PRESSUREICHECK VALVE Cap Large Song ‘Small Spring VaivorPiston Ascombly Shim (aaron Large Pisran So arge Pasion Vane Bocy ! Semove the soneg fom tha body Nore SAVE_SPRING SHIM(S) (WASHERS) (IF ANY) FOR REUSE, 8 Insert a suitasie tool (weod stick) into the inlat gor of the vas and push the piston and valve assembly upward and body va the check valve piston from insida the larger pist to losa the small spring Ramove the erg piston and discard the 0 Thoraughiy clean all -emaining parts Visual inspect al pars for damage or war Raniace as eerie Install anew o-ring an the large 1h Raass piston, Piston smal check vawa @ spring, in tha lay ioricate the ovsog on the piston with 3 Bticore base (ubicant. (Sug Corning 888 or equivalent) sail whe check vane ant piston assambly in the vale bouy. Taka care not to damage the ring during instalation, Install te forge spring ir the vave ody on lor of the piston Reinatat spring shim) Ughly coat the ep teaads with "Loctia’ number 271" ard instal Ine prasa tha spring) by thraadeng the cap P into the valve body, Tara ‘80-70 fos Rainstall tha minimum ereesure va fn the air raceiversil reserva covar Use a good grade of pice theaad sealer on all pipe thread. Tigsien securely. Os ot ovarighian, 17, Reconmact the service ard cartral pining 10 the valve using pipe Bread Sealar on the pipe treads. Tighten fenic2 piping securely. Do not over Lighten. BLOW DOWN (DUMP) VALVE ‘The blow down (dump) vaive i Fumished as mplaie assembly. No sawies as BYPASS VALVE SERVICE (Figure 21) To service tho bypass valve Fellows: procood as 1. Disconnect the air tne at the the vais ting an Nore MARK THE LINE TO ASSIST IN REASSEMBLY CORRECTLY. the bysass vara tom av caution REMOVING THE CYLINDER WILL EMPTY iS AIR END OF OIL, POUR OL DOW THE INTAKE AFTER SERVICE 13 COMPLETE TO ENSURE AIR ENE OOES NOT START ORY. FIGURE 24 - BYPASS VALVE ASSEMBLY oAings Syinder Ratainng Stet Nuts ane Lackirashers| 4 Cylinder Cover 3 Cylinder 4 Pushyput ime yp: evlineae Remove tha oing seals from the Gyinger Ramave tha ip seals trom te aypass vaive pistons. Giaan at paits thercugly. tesaect the distonivalve and the oylinder for wear Sridamace Replace parts a3 sequisd. ye: Install paw o-eng 32 wala swinger sabre pisien ip seals wit esor and instal as fom the showitar 0 Tunncate the o-nng en we stouiter Poof the oyna? wk cna sambiy in the a end oylinda hg twrsting motion will assist vntm rarssentiy stad the bypass cylinder cova al tha taining lockvashers and ids, and tighten $2.0 =Iy ecommact the arf val, 12 the fitieg on Nore ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE FURNISHED AS COMPLETE ASSEMBLIES AND NO SERVICE IS REQUIRED. (A few axametos aro given Blow Doe (Dump! Valve Retum Ai Sieed Valve Safety Rotiof Vaiva Therma! Bypass Vaive Start Bus Vaiv The feowreng ets quipped wth Solsctor Siti ‘ir Operated Soiencld Vaives (Cantal Pressure Racucing Yate Varsairal Molsture Separator Shuatle Chock Valve COMPRESSOR CONTROL ADJUSTMENT ‘This unit nommaily oporates at a rated speed of 1960 ROM with full load recarer pressure of 100 PS agjusted to maintain rated speed ard (Ul load reaver pr PSi any ncraase ip racanver also affect engine s3eed While sosee and pressure made yar) carsfully at th essary to adjust lraiidva’ locators of tar ponents ofthe 2 AIR END POCKET REGULATOR, ADJUSTMENT ihe service vave G. The pack! vahe is the verity of ta tp of tne racater tank. Check the gauge on the pockst Fagulatar vaiea fer the comract reading 80 PSIG maximum. Adjust asi? required by puting up on the adjusting eo lock cing ard turning tne. knob cloommse to increase or counter. clactewse to decroase this pressure. Nore SINGLE PRESSURE MACHINES WILL, ONLY HAYS ONE POCKET REGULATOR VALVE CONTROLLING ALL FOUR POCKETS. VERSATROL | MACHINES WAVE THREE POCKET REGULATOR VALVE, 2. When the air pressure is set comecty, secure the adjusing knob with the lag fing to eravene ine Seb from turing AIR END POCKET REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT (VERSATROL MACHINES) 1, The Versatrol System contains thr air ond pocket reguators that oniy control the pockets of mne air end and net the cantrals ef the machine. nthe 160 FSI range, air and pockats one and two are closed by peckat requator number one, wile pockats tes and four ar closed by pockat reculster tres In the 125 PS! range, ar end pockat one is open, air ard pocket tivo coset by the pockat ragulator umber ws, and peckats three and four ate closed by reguator three. in the 150 PS! range, air end pockst ane {and two are open, and poceats thre ang four ars siasad by pocket regulator thvae localed near the top of the var tan A selactor switch to Note WHEN THE VERSATROL SELECTOR SHITCH IS IN THE 150 9S) RANBE SETTING, ONLY POCKET REGULATOR THREE WILL SHOW PRESSUR! 3 star switch to 125 PSI range. Follow St 2, the Ak End Pock imant Procedure Nore WHEN THE VERSATROL seLEcTOR SWITCH IS IN THE 125 PSI RANGE SETTING, ONLY POCKET REGULATOR TWO AND POCKET REGULATOR THREE WILL SHOW PRESSURE. 4. Aajust the Varsateal eelacter switzh to 100 PSI range, Felow Steps 1 and 2, the Air End Packs! Regulator Adjustment Procadurs Nore: WHEN THE VERSATROL SELECTOR SWITCH IS IN THE 100 PSI RANGE SETTING, ONLY POCKET REGULATOR ONE AND POCKET REGULATOR THRES WiLL SHOW PRESSURE. FIGURE 22 - AIR END POCKET REGULATOR (VERSATROL MACHINES) Pockat Raguator Ons Pocket Ragulater Two Pressure Gauge 22 (Not Shown ~ located rear the fop 3 the ra CONTROL PRESSURE REGULATOR AQUUSTMENT, Stat and warm yp aging as outhoes usar Start nore SATROL MACHINES MUST ADJUST THE 150 PS| RANGE FIRST. TURN THE SELECTOR SWITCH TO THE 150 PSI RANGE. CNCE CONTROL PRESSURE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT IS COMPLETED FOR THE 150 FSI RANGE, THE 125 P3i AMO 100 PS! RANGE WiLL FOLLOW THE SAME STEPS. 2 Adjust sevice valve te maintain the desrat poreae the spesd conlol air pressure Nore ME SERVICE VALVE MAY NESDTO BE READJUSTED TO MAINTAIN DESIRED RECEIVER PRESSURE AS THE CONTROL PRESSURE REGULATOR IS ADJUSTED. (out once satings 2 2 eagulator adjustment sapace vave M0 eantel pressure test gauges and reconrect act panel and gauga | lo FIGURE 23 ~ CONTROL. PRESSURE REGULATOR CONTROL SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1 Install a pressure test gauge (0-150 PSt ae pressure Insuument pat regulate vate}. Start and warm ua et lunaae Starting (Section in he iesut, & suggastad location ss at V V2 Inch NPT pipe tap (install a te gauge ranga) inthe pressure fine from the pressure regula 93g (Disconnect gauge ine at ne as onitined Adjust asif required, tra a ond poskat regulator as_outined under Air Sn Packs Proseaure Adjust service pee tral pressure outlined in Cont Adjustment gulats vaba and cont) sure reguizior valve FIGURE 24~ SPEED CONTROL Fuel Aft ' ig Lever 2 Soved Contal Rod 3 Lockout 4 Adjasting Sloss 3 Locka © Speod Contrat 5 With tachometar shack and set engine seed to 1950 ROM by adjusting the speed contrat od length (aroren rod to inereasa seed), and the service valve to attain the doared 100 PSIG racever pressure at rated speed A deviation of 50 RPV is Nore CONTROL PRESSURE SHOULD REMAIN AT ZERO FOR FULL LOAD OPERATION. 7 Slowly close the service vai Gy feduce angina speed anc unload the somerassar. With the unt filly faced, “adjust the kaw agjsting sleave, necessay, io sot fuly undaded speed to 1400 REM. A deviation of 30 RPM is acceptable " Open ard close the service vale to 2 ine laad-unload caeration saveral tine misk2catan thal al adjustmarts nave been made correctly Raaduuct a3 regared to clan the seeciad setings 3 Removed ‘est gaugas and reconnect wesvumant panel ard gauge VERSATROL CONTROL SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT (EQ) Folow Steps 1, 2 and tie Contul System Adjust Aajust ait equicad tna aie end pockat fegulatwes a3 outired undar Ar Ered Pocket Ragulator —Adjusiraest Procedure for Varsaitl Machines Adjust tha 150 PSI range fst, tu th selaclor swiich 42 the 150 PSI range, Fatow Staps § through 8 of the Cortal Systam Adjustment Procedure. Rapeat {h3 above procedure for tha 125 PSL Fange next than the 190 PSI range Nore BE SURE THE REGULATOR You ARE ADJUSTING CORRESPONDS TO ‘THE SELECTOR SWITCH POSITION YOU ARE im CONTROL PRESSURE SHOULD REMAIN AT ZERO FOR FULL LOAD OPERATION. IT Wi MOT B= Necessary To ADJUST ENGINE SPEED AGAIN, HOWEVER, IT SHOULD BE CHECKED TO BE SURE YOU DO NOT DEWIATE MORE THAN 50 RPM. 4 Remove ‘est gauges and reconnect contre), instrument’ panal and gauge linas OlL SEPARATOR SERVICE An ell aaparater slement may 2 removed a follows 1 Ramove the acease panst fiom the j fof husing at te tow bar and of WARNING MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE ain RECEVER 1S COMPLETELY DEPRESSURIZED BEFORE REMOVING ANY PIPING OR THE AION. SEPARATOR TANK COVER. OPENING PIPING OR RECEIVER WHEN PRESSURIZED COULD CAUSE CAMAGZ ANo MIGHT insur, b vive ping fom tna at racewar NoTE THE SEPARATOR DRAIN LINE (S CONNECTED WITH SPECIAL FITTINGS TOA STEEL TUSE WHICH EXTENDS Down INTO. THE SEPARATOR ELEMENT, DISASSEMALE THE SPECIAL FITTINGS AND REMOVE THE STEEL ORAIN TUBE BEFORE REMOVING THE COVER. 3 ove the saparator covert sepatator ange capsersws remove tha cover WARNING SEPARATCR COVER RETAINING CAPSCREWS ARE SPECIAL DO NOT Susstiure COMMON SOLTS IN PLAGE OF THESE CAPSCREWS, SUB- STITUTIONS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE OR INJURY, 3 Te install a new separator slement fgverse the above removal sacuarce. Hake seriain tha large and cover Surfaces 3r2 clean and the sesaracor Farge gaskets inckde a g’sunding ‘Tignten the seoarator cover capscraws avery, and te the limits shows in the featiors (175 R, bs). Fe ing the cond Whe 9p te the Service Diagnasis cauTion WHEN REINSTALING THE STEEL SEPARATOR GRAIN TUBE, MAKE CERTAIN THE TUBE IS LONG ENOUGH 115" OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE SEPARATOR ELEMENT AND STILL EXTEND UPWAAD THROUGH THE TUBE FITTING $9 THAT THE SITTING S=ai. WILL CLAMP THE TUBE SECUPELY. WF THE TUBE 13 NOT LONG ENOUGH, INSTALL ANE: THE PROPER LENGTH, THE LOWER END OF THE TUS BE CUT AT A 45° ANGLE. Must DRIVE COUPLING REPLACEMENT (igure 25 NOTE REMOVAL OF THE AIR END REQUIRES REMOVAL OF SECTIONS OF THE HOUSING, AIR CLEANER PIPIVG, OIL FILTER RACKET AND PARTIAL DISASSEMBLY OF THE AIR END TO AiR RECEIVER PIPING. IN ADOITION, THE REAR OF THE ENGINE MUST BE SUITABLE SUPPORTED. (SUGGEST FASRICATION OF SUITABLE TEMPORARY SUPPORTS To BE GOLTED TO THE NORMALLY UNUSED ENGINE MOUNTING POINTS, WHICH WILL EXTEND OUTWARD TO REST ON THE FRAME SIDE RAILS) FOR HOUSING COMPONENT. DISASSEMSLY INSTRUCTIONS. REFER TO SECTION Vi OF THIS MANUAL. ‘Separate te air ard from the engine 2 Remove and discard the olf rubser fons. If ig necessary to remove the hub proceed wih Sie 3. If net proceed to Step 7 3, Loosen the hub to input shat sat so and sige the hub off af the input si Removes the dive key rauurad Nove CLEAN THE THREADS OF ScReW WITH “LOCTITE GRADE “T" OR EQUIVAL! APPLY “LOCTITE” 242 THREAD LOCKING COMPOUND. onto the ah n the sha wit a dimension of 0875" (73) fom he face of ihe huts to the and of ths input shaft Tighten the sat screw to 98"t bbs stal the new ruto, FIGURE 25~ CURRENT Dave COUPLING ASSEMBLY Drive Kay Drive sn Flexible Momoer Fipwheo! Plate racessary to replace the dive plate comtinse wih Step 8. If nel proceed to Step 2, 8 Block the engine fyatieel to arevent from turning. Remove te dive plats to flywheel atiaching ‘sapscrows and remove. ihe plate from the Rye 8 Clean ail parts thoroughly Inspect for wear or damage. Obiain new paris a ‘quired 1 Prepare the threads for the ave plate anact fainatal the dere he angine Byuhed!. Torque the rackets ard ait cleanar cannestons on the air end) Ransial any housing ‘analswhion ware remo COMPRESSOR INPUT SHAFT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT (Figure 23), 1. Remove the air end from tne unit 2 Remove the dive coupling as seserbed under “Ova. Gouping Raplacemert 3 Remove the oi seal reisinar plate Sapscrews and ratainar plats, Remon ‘he discars the retainer eving sea 4 Rarnove the oil soa assambly inciuaing the soning and spring guide. om input sha, Remove the cit seal face Insert, with o- fing. from the seal retainer plate (iscard ol se Thoroughly clean the input shat and s2al eaity 7 Latircate the new saat face insert with empreseor ai and instal the insert in the seal rotainer ola caurion BE CAREFUL NOT TO ScraTcH THE SEAL FACE INSERT OR SCRATCH OR BREAK THE CARSON RING OF THE SEAL ASSEMALY. 8 Lubiicate the carsen ng assemiiy with comerassor oil and ingil the sea, sering guide and seal assembly on the ‘out shat Coretuly reinstall the geal retainer Giale. using a new c-ing seal Install fhe 320) “retainer ta fon ratainar capsorews and tighten aveniy and Figure 26 1 Saai Insert Shaft Saal Assembly Sprrg soatal the dive coupling a5 outines “Drive Coupling Peslacemens" St Reiestal tne air end in the unit as qutined under ‘Dive Gouping Replacement RUNNING GEAR ~ SUSPENSION foe repair ard WHEEL BEARINGS Tne wheal baaings si porodeeally for Wnrcant and fadreii the proper aval Rafer to wubvicart specifi fer check tara “To shack hirieant level proce! Postion th rig pane observe the level Wve 99 tng “Sae Through cap shaslia} surh tae Aub 2 the lubsicant laval is to proper level 3, Aeinstal the hus filer plug, Mave certain tha plug is fly saatad, To inspect wheal beavin proceed as foto lange lubricant, Nore IT (3 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF SERVICE PERSONNEL TO STABILIZE, SUPPORT THIS EQUIPMENT TO PREVENT DaMaGe TO THE EQUIPMENT CR PERSONAL INJURY DURING SERVICE PROCEDURES, 1 Postion the whet (hud! with phigthole down, Ramava the Through’ cap and allow tho lubreant % 2 Remove the ciumfub and bearing ‘aszamdly from the ada Clean all pars thorough. cauTION DO NOT SPIN BEARINGS WITH COAMPRESSED AIR. 4. inspect all bearing collars, cones and cups for axcessive wear of damage anew 35 required 5. tnszact the axle to mak good condition Pay parioutar ater te bearng mounting Samaters 3 fener oi! sea) contact aaa an the ae BE ALERTI A Careful Operator is the BEST Insurance Against An Accident! SECTION VI HOUSING 2 housing, and related noise ming pais, must be kogt in goad garuilion, This & Revessary. on a continuing basis. ta meet raise le Environmental > -qualions $8" forth by ty alaction Agancy. (SPA) Al operating and mainlanarce parsemnel stould thorsughly famiiaice tremsalves with the tampering ist, fumisnae with ts compressor, to aravent ocaratng the uni 1 violation of tha EPA requlatons. (Also rater tw Sestion TV for Praventve Maintenance Procadurs3} ‘This unt shoult nevar be operated, except curng saree and acjuserent procecurss, with access parels removed or aceass and de deors ops ‘Tha most likely conditions to be enccuntaradt concerning tre heusng are 1. Damage te the housing cue to an accident 2 Laesering of naraware, (ruts, bots, and screws) whicn attach varcus comperarts talon the housing. dus ta ormai operate, 3. Normal deterioration of gound matedial ‘dug to narmai wear an 4 Contaminaion of sound materials with cit, oil or wator deadening ‘The condilions fisted above shoud te ed immediately ard tne date of serdce, where the wore was dane, and by whom noted inthe unit Sentce ard Mainienanee Log Saction of the Operation and Mantenance Sanual HOUSING REPAIR AND RECONDITIONING. waauine BEFORE BEGINNING any seavICE WORK OM THE UNIT, MAKE CERTAIN THE WHEELS ARE BLOCKED TO PREVENT THE UWIT FROM ROLLING. The housing consists of a channel frame wih sree! metal panais atscned to the frame wth capssraxs. Each pana! na the service “aecees doers ard bottgm ‘chassis panals, is covered on tha inside vith Sef adhesive “acoustical foam sourd bscrption panels Portions of some foam panels are cutaway ‘0 provide clearance for mules, ineinamant Panel, etc No speci: instrctions ais razuirad to femove and replace sheet meta’ panals, Simply remove tha attaching capscrowe and remove te desired panal, ‘When replacing foam panels mak carain a of the old foarn garet fs ramovad from the shes! matal and the shaet metal canal ie lean and ary. Presi tha foam pane! in ine dasirad loration by cuting as nagessary (Geet the pressure sensitive adhesive protective Backing fom tha foam panel and press tne panel ferly in Refer to Figue 27 fer abserplion pare! ‘ocation faa sean Hinged sence access dzors may ge femovad by daconneciing the door Supports, whars necessayy and dsving aut tha hinge pin ‘The chassis (bottom frame} sanels may be Opened or removed by removing the attaching hardware, (Sapszraws, wing auts pring type latches) FRONT ENGINE/COMPRESSOR VIBRATION MOUNT REPLACEMENT the weit ars Loosen and rar eteaton to cross suitaike wood Diocking 7 tatwane che engine ans tha frame crass member 7 Males cattain a capssravs are Tonge the mourt canta mount cancer screws 65 10.195 f Ibs FIGURE 23 - TYPICAL REAR ENGINGIGOMPRESSOR MOUNT 5 Leosen and ramova the wiorason REPLAGEME! mount to crass memterattacting ‘eapscraws ard rameve the mount Make cartain the wheels of the aril are ‘on oth aides &> prevent the Nore SUGGEST THE VIBRATION MOUNTS ARE REMOVED AND REPLACED ON an me vibeaicr mount to air end ONE SIDE AT A Tite TO LIMIT suppor center capscrews Raise the ALIGNMENT DIFFICULTY. argnsiar and sigrily instal the (edge shaped rvaraing he sassors jack ana the ave vabraton. mounts) by stain all saoway Toque tha oun SECTION vil APPLICATION NOTES PARALLEL OPERATION When two er mare canprossors are Operated in parallel to supely compressed av to one comron air racawat or fine, sect compressor should be ited with a areca N hack vaive located ater tre sanvce vave in the service cibing. This wil pent wen the senice vahe is open. slociny and *biow down" of each compressce indviduaity Hf compressors are to b2 operated in paratah unattended. 2 iow pressure waming devine should be installed on each compress, Such @ devices would warn of alow aroesers oneltion which could be caused by abut down ef one ofthe compressors The \contrcl system of each compressor should $2 adjusted yo mares 30¢3 on the sama air tna wit operate at agpeoximatsl the same pressure AIR MIXTURE AFPLICATIONS When using the compressor for saraying sand blasting. or other air cameying Operations. a check valve should "ba insialed after the compressor sence valve the service ping fom the compressor The cteck vaive wil pravant reverse ow sf matera's “into he somaressat Sompressor 15 shut down, This wil aso peril, when the sence vale fe open stocting “and tiow down 9 each ont ty Low PRessui OPERATION UeRON sero I appicanons warsing acesur9 is below reusing vale PUMPING UP OPERATION Durieg the pumping up pericd on long pi fines ar large recsive'a, the sarvice’ var ust be adjusted t2 maintain a mtu of 20 PSI camerassor racewer pressurs, Ase the system pressura has reached 83 Po the setvice valve may be fully goad, Nore WHEN A SYSTEM FALLS BELOW 60 PS) FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME THE SERGE VALVE SHOULD” He ADJUSTED TO MAINTAIN 80 PS! IN THE compressor RECEIVER REGAROLESS OF THE syStEW oR DOWN STREAM PRESSURE. THIS “IG REQUIRED TO PREVENT Excessive OW AT THE SERVICE VALVE AND POSSISLE DAMAGE TO THE “or SEPARATOR ELEMENT ous To. EXCESSIVELY HIGH AIR VELOCITIES, PERIODIC OPERATION For units not operated at east ance month {fe flowing is recommended on a monthy basis, 1 Rater to staring procaduras and Perform al necessary pra-star chacke 2 Slart the unit and adjust the sence valve(s) to alow the unit ta unleaded (80 PS1) ntl normal operating femezrature is reached 3. Cominwe to nun te uni ‘dkitional 15 to 20 minutes 4 Stoo tne unit as cuttited under Sopeieg procecura Wanna AIR BLOWING TO ATMOSPHERE 4s DESCRIBED ABOVE COULD DAMAGE HEARING, EAR SECTION Vil SERVICE DIAGNOSIS MALFUNCTION | PROBABLE CAUSE uelver 1 Clagged air wares ox saparaioe | ated | slersant | | 2 Stains un valve lo START 2 Place udoader valve pesiion | In RUN positon | 3. Gomiral pressure reguiatcr valve lenpeoperty adusted jt regulator va 4 Faulty Blowdown va | | Loe | | 5. canace sting ke 5. Tenis Bao = ceaee a | | ol Gampvessor false pump | (oad) ois sow tolead | soddie } 2, Sticking intake waive ope Geos conilandier viata vane | 1, Smutdownunitand | Gear aieed office ma 2 Disassemnia, san or Batyroeaaiees | See | | [Ginmecamesoar ft Gagged sertoraranine | | consumption | or filter, | | | | | 2. Seoseaterarain tubs too short 2. instal drain tube of | | 3. cefeative at or olament, 3, Raclace separator | 4 External ail ieads 4 jespect for are eoiract | | haxtarnal ail laas. | 8 tnsocre 5 compressor valve actuate. MALFUNCTION | PRogaate cause MEDY Ni resaver presse (sont) ty adustad contol Adjest regular viva Pressure regular valva ©: Ditty, clogged or damaged e | Pressura ragulator valve 2, Worn or city taka vals 2 place pats peraling parts (shas bushirgs) 3. Wer er damaged spead cartes! 2. Ra siaphragmn lace speed conta) average 4 Warn or dirty speed eontict 4 Clean ang copiace pats ‘operating part, 3s rocuire 3. Incaracty aust or worn | 8, Reeat, repace anor | speed conta inage acjat Soved cori fineage. © incorrac: or fauty prassurs alist | 6, install new corract, | vave netatad | 7 presra efoto | 7 Resticied separatr element 7. Raplacaeloment i | 8. Excessive ack prassure or 8. Install fiw cree valve, | ora tow. | | 9. Contol ines have ica | 2. then cont ines | Une shutcown caused by | 1 Gamrassor dacharg tamporaure | | compressa uhoa ye too high duo to fig temper sre a j s2parator a high 4 suficiant i in compressor 2 Filseservoi to cane lamparaiva snadown eerie sea with | switches ‘commended i ‘8, Faulty thermal by pass valve © Check temperancs of allowing oll by pas the of of ines at ai cover sida of te ay pass valve housing ines are soit invastigata of inoperative thera >y pass vaire Compresce sseraing above maximum recommenced pressure Oty oF clegger ol ccoter & Fan galt alors | PROSAGLE CAUSE Diny oF clogged of titers 3. Low comprassor ol flaw 4, Check for oil far Change element as required. b. Chack for cggad or restictas of hoses tr tbes, Correct as required (Gat seat coun caused by tn angine temaeraturs hutedown sali oF iemaeraturs gauge reading igh veacing ish. Leaks, genera, air ard ol 1 Engine temperature high due to ‘8, Radiator coolant level 20! bat ees . Dirty of clogged radiator inaige or cut, | @ Incorrect grade of ai being | used or low cranksase of hel eee a, Fauity engine tharmosta{si | a. Fauty engine coolant temperature safaty such, 14. Fauity engire temearatu guise Paplace tuging oF Rosas Loose andlor becian tube fares | Srcomestons. | 2 vin or damaged at Loose ratainers andior aetaust Adjust fan bat, 6. Glean radixor as roruirad it srancase to proper lave recommended grat oral ‘2 Adjust to correct operating pressure enlace tharmestat) 3 Replace switch Replace engire temper ‘ure gauge ar sender + Raplace tubing er hoses 3 Paniace seals

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