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Republic of the Philippines QUEZON CITY COUNCIL Quezon City 20% City Council PO20CC-041 58% Regular Session ORDINANCE NO, SP.. 2693 $2018 AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING GUIDELINES ON BLOOD DONOR’S PROGRAM FOR QUEZON CITY, PROMOTING AND ENCOURAGING VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION AT BARANGAY AND CITY LEVEL. Introduced by Councilors ANTHONY PETER D. CRISOLOGO and EUFEMIO C. LAGUMBAY. Co Introduced by Councilors Diorella Maria G. Sotto, Lena Marie P, Juico, Elizabeth A. Delarmenie, Victor Y. Ferrer, Jr, Oliviere T. Belmonte, Alexis R. Herrera, Precious Hipolito Castelo, Voltaire Godofredo L. Liban IH, Ramon P. Medatla, Ranulfo Z. Ludovica, Bstrelia C. Valmocina, Roderick M. Paulate, Allan Benedict S. Reyes, Gian Carlo G. Sotto, Kate Abigael G. Coseteng, Franz S. Pumaren, Raquel S. Malafgen, Irene R. Belmonte, ly Xenia L. Lagman, Marra C. Suniay, Hero Clarence M. Bautista, Jose A. Visaya, Karl Edgar C. Castelo, Julienne Alyson Rae V. Medalla, Godofredo T. Liban I, Andres Jose G. Yilana, Jr., Allan Butch T. Francisco, Marivic Co-Pilar, Melencio ‘Bobby’ T. Castelo, Jr., Rogelio "Roger? P. Juan, Eric Z Medina and Ricardo B. Corpus, WHEREAS, the Local Government of Quezon City desires to Promote and encourage voluntary blood donation by the citizenry and to instili public consciousness of the principle that blood donation. is @ humanitarian act; WHEREAS, there is @ need to iay down the legal principle that the provision of blood for transfusion is a professional medical service and not a sale of a commodity; WHEREAS, at the National level, the total blood collection in 2011 reached 700,000 blood units. Despite this, the blood supplies still lacks about 100,000 units of blood yearly to meet national requirement of biood donation of 1% of the population; ¥ bf © 58" Regular Session Ord. No. sp 2693 | $-2018 Page -2- POZOCC-041 WHEREAS, based on the data gathered by the National Voluniary Blood Service Program (NVBSP), in 2006 and up to the presen, shows that the blood donations in the country have a higher percentage of voluntary blood donations (84%) as compared to replacement (11%) and paid (5%) blood donations; WHEREAS, currently there is no adequate, safe, affordable and available supply of blood and blood products to citizenry of Quezon City, and as a result such people are constrained to depend on replacement or paid blood donation, which are associated with higher prevalence of transfusion transmittable infections; WHEREAS, the month of July of every year has been designated as National Blood Donor’s Month pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No, 1021, dated July 9, 1997, and the implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Blood Service Act of 1994. The observance aims to build public awareness of the need for quality and safe blood, honor and recognize blood donors, and encourage regular blood denation; WHEREAS, the benefits and rationale of voluntary blood donation in the existing health subjects of the formal education system in all public and private schools, in the elementary, high school and college levels as well as the non-formal education system needs to be inculcated in the students; WHEREAS, mobilization in ali sectors of the community to participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non-profit collection of blood needs to be developed by the Local Government in order to ensure a steady and ample supply of blood andi blood products and maintain 100% of voluntary blood donation; WHEREAS, various association and institutions provide adequate services in blood donation drives. However, the same needs assistance in promoting voluntary blood donation and providing non-profit blood services, either through a sustem of reimbursement for Laboratory examination or screening test from patient who can afford to pay, or donations from governmental and non-governmental entities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF QUEZON CITY IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED: C 4 58 Regular Session Ord. No. $P- 2693 $2018 Page -3- PO20CC-041 SECTION 1. TITLE ~ This Ordinance shall be known as “An Ordinance institutionalizing Guidelines on Blood Donors’ Program for Quezon City.” SECTION 2, DECLARATION OF POLICY - In order to promote public health, it is hereby declared the policy of the City to: 2.1 Promate and encourage voluntary blood donation by the constituency and to install and heightened public awareness of the principle that blood donation is a humanitarian act and a community responsibitity: 2.2 Provide for adequate, safe, affordable and equitable distribution of supply of blood and blood products; 2.3. Mobilize all sectors of the community to participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non-profit collection of blood; 24, Disseminate the value, importance and benefits of voluniary blood donation through an education program: and 2.5. Ensure the safety of ali activities related to the collection, Processing and storage of blood and blood products. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS ~ For the purpose of this Ordinance the following terms shall mean: S41. Blood/ Blood product — refers to human blood, processed or unprocessed which include blood components, its products and derivatives. 3.2. Barangay Blood Donors' Month - refers to the celebration ofthe Blood Donors’ Month in the barangay level where voluntary blood donation activity is the main focus to ensure a steady, adequate and safe supply of blood. The Barangay Blood Donors* Month is in conjunction with the celebration of the Blood Donors’ Month pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1021 dated June 9, 1997 declaring the month of July of every year as "Biood Donors’ Month” and the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Blood Services Act of 1994 IRA. No. 7719, Section 13, item No.2), BK J 58% Regular Session Ord. No, SP- 2693 , 92018 Page -4- 3.3, 3.4. 35, 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9, PO20CC-041 Barangay Blood Donors’ Program ~ refers to the organized program which consists of the actual blood donation and education campaign activities in the barangay. Blood Bank - a hospital Lased facility where blood is stored and preserved for later use in biood transfusion. Blood Center ~ refers toa laboratory or institution with the capability to recruit and screen blood donors, collect, process, store, transport and issue blood for transfusion and provide information and/or education on blood transfusion transmissible diseases. Barangay Blood Collection Center - refers to the Barangay Hall or other locations conducive for blood donation identified by the barangay as venue for blood donor recruitment and blood donation activity. Blood Donor Card ~ refers 10 a card issued by Blood Service Facilities (BSF) to a qualified barangay blood donor who has donated a specific amount of blood. This will serve as a priority card that should be presented at the BSF together with a certification from the Barangay Chairman, indicating the number of Blocd units they are allowed to withdraw, every time the donor or his/her Jamily withdraws blood in ume of need. This card is non- transferable, should not be sold and for exclusive use only by barangay residents or any member of their family to withdraw blood in time of need from the BSF. Without the BSF card and barangay certification, blood will not be released by the BSF as agreed upon in the signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between BSF and Quezon City Health Department. The card serves as an incentive to the blood donor. Blood Gationer — a donor who has given 450 ce of blood for at least nine times or an equivalent of 4,050 ec. Blood Service Facilities - any unit, office, institution providing ary of the blood transfusion services, which can be a Blood Bank/Center, a Blood Collection Unit or a Blood Station. 3.10. Blood Program Coordinator - refers 10 the Medical Personnel responsible in the coordination of blood donation activities in the Barangay, provide technical Support and maintain record Keeping and reporting system. 4 L > aS 58" Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2693 $2018 Page -5- B44, 3.12, 3.13. 3.14, 3.15. 3.16, 3.17, FO20CC-041 Blood Service Network — an organization composed of the barangay, City Health Department and Blood Service Facilities of the Department of Health established to provide for the blood needs of a specific, geographical area adhering to the standards that have been set. City Blood Council — a non-profit, non-governmental, multi-sectoral group whose members come from government and private sector in the community committed to support the blood program, Paid Blood Donor - refers to person who provides blood ‘for money or other form of payment, Replacement/ Family Blood Donor - refers to person who gives replacement unit of blood only when. a family member or friend requires transfusion. Transfusion Transmitted Infections (TT) - refers to infections which may be transmitted through blood transfusion, including, but not limited to HIV infection, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Malaria and Syphitis. Voluntary Blood Donor - refers to an individual who donates blood on his or her own volition or initiative without monetary compensation; the voluntary blood donor may also be a waiking blood donor. Walking Blood Donor — refers to a qualified voluntary blood donor whe has donated blood in particular barangay and who is ready to donate additional biood when needed in his/her community, SECTION 4. PROMOTION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION ~ To ensure adequate supply of human blood donation, voluntary blood donation shail be promoted through the following: 41, Institutionalization of « Blood Donors’ Program in the Barangay. Blood donation activities is hereby made on @ regular schedule in the barangay 10 ensure a steady, adequate and safe supply of blood. The blood donation activity shail be the main component of the Barangay Blood Donor's Month; ¢ . s x K 58> Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2693 $-2018 Page -6- 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2. 4.2.3, PO2Z0CC-041 Declaration of Barangay Blood Donation Month - A Barangay Blood Donors’ Month is hereby declared henceforth to be annually conducted in all barangays of the City every month of July. It shall feature the foitowing programs; Blood donation activity — This consist of donor recruitment and blood donation activities primarity conducted during the barangay blood donors’ month and may also be strategically scheduled throughout the year to ensure a continuous and accessible supply of blood, with the Blood Service Facilities (BSF) as the lead agency in coordination with the Barangay and the Quezon City Health Department (QCHD); Public Education — This is an organized wide public education campaign to be spearheaded by the Barangay in collaboration with Quezon City Heaith Department to raise awareness of the barangay residents on the value, advantages, and benefits of bicod donation; and Creation and Establishment of a Barangay Blood Donors’ Chth — Members of the ciub shall come from qualified blood donors of the barangay and shall be entitled to receive Blood Donor Card issued by Blood Service Pacilities aligned to existing guidelines. SECTION 3. BLOOD SERVICES NETWORK - The City Health Departmen tin coordination with the Barangay and Blood Service Facility shait be organized to improve the provision of adequate and safe supply of voluntary donated blood, to make available to all patients in the community, maximize utilization of available blood and avoid wastage SECTION 6. GUIDELINES FOR BLOOD DONATION, 61 62, Blood Donation Orientation — Alt barangays must have a blood donation orientation prior to the blood donation activity to ensure proper public education and awareness on bload program; Donor Qualification - The following are the minimum requirements for a barangay resident to qualify for blood donation; < 58% Regular Session Ord. No. SP- _2693 8-2018 Page -7- PO2OCC-041 The individual must a. Be in good health or physically fit; b, Be between 16 10 65 years of age (those ages 1610 17 must provide written parental consent, first time donors up to 50 years of age will be accepted; regular donors up to 65 years of age; & Weigh at least 50 kilograms, stripped or 52 kilograms with light clothes on; d. Have hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 OL; ¢. Have normal body temperature (B6.5-37C} f Pulse rate at 60-100/min; g Blood Pressure: between 90 and 160 mmHg systolic and 60 and 100 mmig diastolic; Have had enough sleep and resi the night prior to blood donation; 4 Have eaten light meals prior to blood donation; avoid fatty food; i Not have medical problems and conditions such as diabetes, kyper cholesterolemia, heart problems, kidney Problems and other as per assessinent of medical personnel: Not suffering from any infection at the time within a month Prior to blood donation, be it viral, bacterial or fungal caused: | Have not undergone invasive procedures such as surgery, ear and body piercing, acupuncture, and others in the past 12 months prior to donation as determined by the medical personnel; m. Have not taken any 2-week antibiottes recently; n. Not involved in high risk behaviors such as the following: 4 ee 58h Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2693 $2018 Page -8- 6.3, 6.4, 6.6. 6.7. PO20CC-041 i Raving muitiple sexual partners; ii. having casual sexual activity, like fling or one-night stand; ti Male who has/had sexual activity with another male, even once; and ¥v, Person who has taken drugs, money, or payments for sex. Not pregnant nor breastfeeding at the time of donation; Last blood donation. is at least three (3) months ago; Other reasons for donor acceptance and referrals not stated are at the discretion of the attending medical personnel: Procedures for Blood Donation Registration - At least two (2) members from each family are encouraged to donate blood. All possible donors should accomplish a Donor Information Sheet provided by the Blood Service Facilities; On-Site/ Preliminary Screening - hemoglobin determination is done on-site; ABO blood grouping and Rh typing ure done at the blood center laboratory along with other serological tests; Physical Examination and Donor interview — This step is done by medical personnel such as doctors, nurses, and midwives io conduct medical history, physical examination, and vital signs (blood pressure, puise rate, temperatures}; Blood Collection — This is the extraction of about 400-450 ce of biood performed by trained staff and/or personnel; Rest and Refreshment ~ After blood extraction, the donor is advised to rest for 15-30 minutes, and to have Jood/ drinks; ~ ia S84 Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 693 $2018 Page -9- POZOCC-041 SECTION 7, ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. 74 72. 73 74. All biood donations, and integral related activities aligned with the Blood Donors’ Program shall henceforth be made @ regular and permanent program of every Barangay in the City; Location af Activities - Ail blood donation activities in the Barangay shall be held in their respective Barangay Hail or any functional, hygienic and appropriate place decided by the Sangguniang Barangay, attended and conducted by licensed and educated personnel of Blood Service Facilities, Blood shall be collected from healthy voluntary donors only, the venue should be cooland well ventilated: Scheduling of Activities - The barangay shall have Schedule of regular blood donation activities on month of July declared in the entire City as Blood Donor's Month. Jn cases where the Barangay cannot schedule the blood donation activity due to a iocal epidemic, natural calamity, other calamitous events, and extreme conflicting schedules, the Barangay Council shall decide on a convenient time guided with the principle that blood donation shall be strategically scheduled throughout the year to ensure a continuous and accessible supply of blood; Processing - All donated blood shall be stored for Brocessing blood and blood product, screening test and dispensing to the Blood Service Facilities (BSF). The Blood Service Facilities (BSF) shall operate on a non-profit basis; However, they may collect service fees not greater than the maximum prescribed by the Department of Heaith (DOH) which shall be limited to the necessary expenses entailed in collecting and processing of blood; Materials for Blood Donation - The Blood Service Facilities in support of the National Voluntary Blood Service Program wil! provide blood bags and reagents used for the screening and testing of donors, collection and processing and storage of blood; . S # 58% Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2693 §-2018 Page -10- 76. 7.7. 78. 7.9. PO2ZOCC-O41 Donor inventory/ List and Reports - All barangays shalt be required to keep and maintain at all times a master list of qualified volurtary blood donors with their specified blood type. Barangay Officials are required to update the list after every blead donation activity held in conjunction with the Blood Donors’ Month. An accurate and updated copy of the list shall be forwarded to Quezon City Health Department after every blood donation activity. The Quezon City Heaith Department urill consolidate the reporis and submit to the Department of Health, Regional Office Quarterly. A formatted reporting form shall be provided by Quezon City Health Department; Issuance of Blood Donor Card - All successful blood donors shall be issued a Blood Donors Card by the Blood Service Facilities (BSF). The bload donor's card shall be used by @ barangay resident or any member of his/her family t0 draw blood from the Blood Service Facilities {BSF} in time of need free of charge, The card should be presented to the Blood Service Facilities (BSF). Together with @ certification from the Barangay Chairman, indicating the number of blood unit (s) they are allowed to withdraw; Voluntary Donors - Voluntary donors are recognized to be the sajest donors. Barangay residents who are eligible blood donors are encouraged to voluntarily donate their blood; if not, may recruit persons who are willing 10 be voluntary biood donor; and Walk-in Blood Donors - in situations where there may be inadequate blood stored, the walk-in blood donor concept shall be encouraged and all barangays in the City shall he required to keep at ail times a list of qualified walk-in blood donors with their specified blood type. SECTION 8. ROLES OF AGENCIES IN THE BARANGAY BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM. Bl Barangay - The barangay shall make the necessary physical arrangements for the blood donation activity, recruit voluntary blood donors and conduct public awareness in the community. The barangay shall be responsible for administrative accountahitities and other functions defined in this Ordinance; ~ 4K 4 p 58* Regular Session Orth. No. sp_2693 | $2018 Page -11- 8.2. 8.2, a4. POZ6CC-041 811 The Chair of the Barangay Council for the Committee on Health or any such similar committee shall head the blood donation. and blood donation activities in connection with the biood donors’ month celebration with the Chair of the Committee on Education as co-chair to spearhead the education component of the celebration; 8.1.2 Voluntary blood donors shall be provided non- monetary incentives as may be determined by the barangay, However, in the absence of a barangay policy or any such regulation to provide monetary incentives to voluntary blood donors, the barangay is not obligated to give such incentives. The barangay, however, should intake a program to encourage voluniary blood donation from qualified donors; and 8.1.3 The barangay shall be required to document ali activities pertaining to the conduct of all programs integral to the holding of the blood donors’ month. Role of the Quezon City Goverment - The Quezon City as @ member of the west sector, through the Quezon City Health Department and Barangays shall assist the BSF in donor recruitment and advocacy campaigns; Quezon City Health Department (QCHD) - The Quezon City Health Department, through the Blood Program Coordinator, shait assist Blood Service Pacilities in pre and on-site screening of voluntary biood donors; conduct meetings, orientation and seminars related to voluntary blood donation and the education of the blood donor program; collate and submit quarterly reports to Denartment of Health Regional Offices conduct monitoring and evaluation of all blood donation activities and zona! areas under jurisdiction; City Blood Council - The City Blood Council oversees the implementation of voluntary blood program and ensures adequate supply of safe blood for the conununity; s # 58" Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2693 , $2018 Page -12- PO20CC-041 8.5. Blood Service Facilities (BSF) - The Blood Service Facilities shall assist in community mobile blood donation in the collection of blood which include provision of blood bags and reagents, testing and processing of blood ensuring the quality of blood product, and issuance and provision of blood to requesting hospital as per need of the patient, submits quarterly report to City Health Department; and 8.6 Quezon City Government - As @ part of the Blood Donor’s Month celebration, the City uiil grant Blood Donor Recognition Awards to Voluntary blood donors and Biood Gailoners. SECTION 9, APPROPRIATION — All the necessary amount needed for the implementation of this Ordinance shall be appropriated jrom the General Fund or any available fund of the City. Thereafter, an annual budget shall be allocated for the affective implementation of this ordinance. SECTION 10, IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS RR) - The Quezon City Health Department, Quezon City Blood Council, together with the Blood Service Facilities (BSF) shall issue guidelines for a successful and safe establishment and implementation of the Blood Donors’ Program. This will be in accordance with the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of National Blood Services Act of 1994 (Republic Act 7719, Section 13, hem No, 2). SECTION 11, SEPARABILITY CLAUSE ~ If for any reason, any section or provision of this Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid, other sections or provisions hereof not affected by such declaration shail continue to be in full force and effect. SECTION 12. REPEALING CLAUSE — All ordinances, resolutions, executive orders, rules and regulations, and other administrative issuances, or any provisions thereof. which are contrary to or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. . < U = S58 Regular Sessian Ord. No. SP- 2693 | S5-2018 Page -13- FO20CC-041 SECTION 13, EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE ~ This Ordinance shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in two (2) locai newspapers of general circulation. ENACTED: March 12, 2018. MA. JOSEI BELMONTE City Vice Mayor Presiding Officer ATTESTED: Atty, JQHN TH ects I APPROVED: [1.9 APR 2012 ERT M. BAUTISTA, Ciy Mayor CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this Ordinance was APPROVED by the City Council on Second Reading on March 19, 2018 and was PASSED on Third Final Reading on March 19, 2018,

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