English Classs (Bioghraphy of Moh Yamin)

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Biography Mr. Prof.

Muhammad Yamin

Mr. Prof. Muhammad Yamin, SH (born in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, August 24, 1903 - died in
Jakarta, October 17, 1962) is an

Indonesian national hero. He was buried in Talawi, Sawahlunto He is one of the pioneers of modern
poetry in Indonesia, and also 'creator myth' primary to President Sukarno. He married Raden Maya
Sundari Mertoatmadjo. One of her sons is known, namely Rahadijan Yamin. He died on October 17,
1962 in Jakarta. In colonial times, Yamin one of the few lucky people who can enjoy the secondary
and higher education. Through that education, Yamin was absorbing foreign literature, Dutch
literature in particular.

The works written in Malay first in the journal Jong Sumatra, a Dutch-language journal, in 1920. His
works are still tied to the early forms of Classical Malay language.

In 1922, Yamin appeared for the first time as a poet with his poem, country; meaning "homeland" it
is Sumatra. Homeland is a collection of modern poetry Malay first ever published. Sitti Nurbaya, the
first modern novel in Malay also appeared in the same year, but was written by Marah Rusli also a
Minangkabau. The works of Rush's popularity experienced a period of ten years.

The set of the second Yamin, spill my blood, appears in the October 28, 1928. This work is very
important in terms of history because at that time, Yamin and several nationalities fighters decided
to honor one country, one nation, and one single Indonesian language. Drama, Ken Arok and Ken
Dedes are based on the history of Java appears also in the same year. Between the end of the
decade of the 1920s that in 1933, Roestam Effendi, Sanusi Pane, and Sutan Alisjahbana are pioneers
main Malay-Indonesian and literary.

Although Yamin did a lot of experimentation language in his poems, he still keeps the classic norms
of Malay, compared with the generations of younger writers. He has also published numerous plays,
essays, historical novels and poetry to another, and also translated the works of William
Shakespeare (play Julius Caesar) and Rabindranath Tagore.[Edit] Politics

In 1932, Yamin gained diplomas in the field of law in Jakarta. He then worked in the field of law in
Jakarta so 1942. His political career began and he was active in nationalist movements. In 1928,
Congress set the Indonesian Youth II, which is derived from the Malay language, as the language of
the Indonesian nationalist movement. Through pertubuhan Indonesia Muda, urged Indonesian
Yamin used principle for a national language. By then, the Indonesian language is the official
language as well as the main means of innovative literature.

During the Japanese occupation between 1942 and 1945, Yamin duty at the People Power Center
(PUTERA), a nationalist organization that is supported by the Japanese government. In 1945, he
reserves that a Business Investigation Agency Preparation of Independence (BPUPK) diasaskan as
well as the new state covering Sarawak, Sabah, Peninsular Malaya, Portuguese Timor, as well as
everyone in the Dutch Indies. Sukarno who is also a member of the supporting BPUPK Yamin.
Sukarno became the first president of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, and Yamin was sworn to
important positions in his administration.

Yamin died and was interred in Talawi Jakarta, a city district located 20 kilometers from the capital
Sawahlunto regency, West Sumatra
Orientation : Ahmad Yamin was born on august 24 1903 in Sawahlunto West Sumatra husband and
father of 1 wife and 1 daughter, Ahmad Yamin is one of the pioneers of modern poetry in Indonesia.

Events : yamin was one of the few lucky people who can enjoy education in colonial times, Yamin
studied about foreign literature and dutch literature in particular. Yamin has a spirit to bring
independent of Indonesia. He also reserves BPUPK.

Re-orientation : Yamin died in Jakarta, October 17, 1962, he was a wise and nationalist person. He
also one of the initiator of independent

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