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226 Unit VI: Parasnolog

( 11) Oa11/t film·itni,: It is <l uc to hypersensitivity reaction ( i) Dfrect e,,ifll-11ce; Demonstration of microl'il·
. . anae in
to microfilarial antigens. Patient develops massive peripheral blood him, chylous urine, exudite of
cosinophilia (30-80%), hepatosplenomegaly, lymph varix and hydrocclc fluid. The m~fil·.
--.----....-- ~ar1ae
generalised lymphadcnopathy and pulmonary appear m la rge numbers m peripheral blood'
night. Hence, blood film should be made i n *
symptoms. Microfilariac are not found in the
between 10 P.M. and 2 A.M.] -
peripheral blood. Classical features of lymphatic
(ii) Jndfr<'ct ei•ideu,·e: Eosinoph11ia (5 to 15%) can
filariasis arc absent.
be detected due to allergic reaction to antigen's:
Serological tests like enzyme linked immunosorbem
4. Laboratory Diagnosis
a ~ (ELISA), indirect fluorescent antibody ITTA)
t depends on direct cvi<le ce (to search for microfilariae and mdirect haemagglutination assay (IHA~
and adult worms) and indirect evidence sero ogica also be used but these tests have low sensitivity and
tests). ----- specifi§_y. [ -

Key Points
I. Parasite is a living organism which depends on a living host for its survival and derives nutrition from the host. withou
giving any benefit to the host.
2. De/111itire hmt is the host that harbours the adult stage of the parasite or where the parasite replicates sexually
3. Intermediate host is the host that harbours the larval stages of the parasite or where the parasite replicates ,1sexuall
4. £. histolytica is the causative agent of amoebic dysentery and hepatic amoebiasis. Man acquires the mfectl?n b
ingestion of water and food containing cysts of £. l11'itolytica. Stool examination for cysts ,md trophozoites 15 0
important diagnostic test.
S. Leishmania dunovani causes visceral leisl!ma,1iasis or kala-a:a,: lniectlon occurs by bite of mfected sandfl) . Laborato
diagnosis depends on demonstration of mnasllgote forms in thick blood films and culture. . ~:
6 P. vivax and P ./£dc1jwr111n are very common 111 India and cause malaria. M,m gets mfection by the bite of inf~d
anopheles mosquito. The parasite passes its life cycle in two hosts 1.e. man (111tl.!rmuliate host) and female ''." 0P:t
mosqu,tu. ( l I('.1·1111·t.Ive I10s1 ). M.1cros cop1c
. e\w1111wt1011
. . o 1· a penp . I1era I IJ/ood smear 1s. t h e most 11np
. ort·mt' dwl!nc ~
procedure in malaria.
21,enia solium and T saginata are cestodes. Common name for these parasites is topelrnrm. . ftnil
coccus granulu.rns is the causative agent of the hrdatid cyst. Man is the 111tumcdiate hmt while dog t:, th ~~e 1
lnfiect1on · • . . C · te5t 1, u.
1s generally acqu1red m childhood due to their mt1matc assoe1,1tion with dogs. aw iu
of hydatid cyst. ·on

. 'd
rico, es ( round w01.m) 1s .. . . . . .
the largest mtestmal nematode parasit1smg man. Man acquir . . . es inf ecu
food , d rm · k . . . . ~ . . . ( br1•onatt
or r,1w vegetables contaminated with eggs contammg rhabdittform larv.1c em J
or eggs • demonstrated in stool specimen. ctct
d'!e (~ Snot ora . >stoma duodena/e and Necalor americw1w) cause hol)kwor 11 1... m,in
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..,,,~ ~, Vivo Al c · · ·nt isJ,lariform /arm and ortal or cntr, is !1ki11. Ex: ~O~ ~~

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