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The impact of regional inequality on economic

growth: a spatial econometric approach

Domenica Panzera & Paolo Postiglione

To cite this article: Domenica Panzera & Paolo Postiglione (2022) The impact of regional
inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach, Regional Studies, 56:5,
687-702, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1910228

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Published online: 21 Apr 2021.

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2022, VOL. 56, NO. 5, 687–702

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial

econometric approach
Domenica Panzeraa and Paolo Postiglioneb

This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth and regional income inequality in a spatial
econometric perspective. The role of space in the measure of inequality is discussed, and a new theoretical model that
relates inequality with economic growth is introduced. The proposed model extends a spatial Mankiw–Romer–Weil
specification by introducing regional income inequality as a determinant of economic growth. The measure of
inequality proposed as a covariate in the model is derived by a spatial decomposition of the Gini index. An empirical
analysis focused on European Union NUTS-2 regions is carried out to illustrate the model.
regional disparities; economic convergence; spatial analysis; European Union NUTS-2 regions

JEL C31, D63, O47, O52

HISTORY Received 9 February 2019; in revised form 17 March 2021

INTRODUCTION derived a positive relationship (Forbes, 2000; Li & Zou,

1998). Panizza (2002) found a negative relationship between
There is a body of literature examining the relationship inequality and growth, which, however, is not robust to
between inequality and economic growth. Using individual small changes in data or econometric specifications.
income data, the impact of inequality on growth perform- A different approach has been proposed in some con-
ances has been mainly investigated through cross-sectional tributions focused on regional disparities, their determi-
growth regressions, where the average growth rate of nants, and their relations with growth and the level of
income per capita is regressed on initial inequality and sev- economic development (Lessmann, 2014; Lessmann &
eral other control variables (Alesina & Rodrik, 1994; Pers- Seidel, 2017; Petrakos et al., 2005). Furthermore, the
son & Tabellini, 1994). Using cross-section analysis, Chen inequality in the distribution of economic activities has
(2003) assessed the existence of an inverted ‘U’-shaped been linked to both geographical characteristics and vari-
relationship between initial income distribution and long- ables related to the level of development by Henderson
run economic growth. Using panel data, Li and Zou et al. (2018).
(1998) and Forbes (2000) proposed fixed-effects estimates. The need to assess the impact of inequality on growth
Fixed-effects and generalized method of moments (GMM) in a spatial perspective has been highlighted in the recent
estimations of the relationship between inequality and literature (Martino & Perugini, 2008; Rey & Janikas,
growth have been performed by Panizza (2002). An 2005). Along this research line, Janikas and Rey (2008)
attempt to separate long- and short-run influences of proposed a spatial analysis that allows for simultaneous
inequality on growth has been made by Partridge (2005). interactions between regional growth and inequality. A
Depending on the data and the methodologies used, the spatially augmented model which allows intra-regional
empirical literature reported conflicting results about the disparities to be one of the determinants of regional econ-
effects of inequality on economic growth. A negative impact omic growth has been proposed by De Dominicis (2014).
of inequality on growth has been mainly supported by Following these contributions, in this paper we intro-
empirical cross-country studies (Alesina & Rodrik, 1994; duce a new theoretical growth model that relates economic
Persson & Tabellini, 1994), while several other studies growth with regional inequality in a spatial perspective.

(Corresponding author)
Department of Economic Studies, ‘G. d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy.
Department of Economic Studies, ‘G. d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy.

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or
built upon in any way.
688 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

Based on the spatially augmented Mankiw–Romer–Weil Accounting for the peculiarities of regional economies
(MRW) (Mankiw et al., 1992) model introduced by could offer useful insights into the major socioeconomic
Fischer (2011), the proposed specification allows the trends that have interested the EU in recent decades. In
impact of regional inequality on the growth process to fact, the higher internal disparities characterizing the
be assessed. The model includes a regional inequality new accession member states could impact on their
measure as a covariate. This measure is derived by the catch-up process toward more developed regional econ-
spatial decomposition of the Gini index introduced by omies. Assessing such dynamics also offers useful indi-
Rey and Smith (2013). In addition to verifying the impact cations to address policies targeted to different regional
of inequality on growth in a regional economy, the pro- contexts.
posed model allows the extent to which regional growth The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Next, we
is influenced by inequality in neighbouring regions to be discuss the general theoretical growth model and our spe-
assessed. cification. We then present an empirical application con-
Our approach is different in some important aspects cerning European NUTS-2 regions. Finally, we provide
from De Dominicis (2014), who also investigated this some concluding remarks and future research agenda.
issue. First, while the theoretical model developed by De
Dominicis is based on the specification given in Ertur
and Koch (2007), our model extends the framework pro- A THEORETICAL MODEL OF ECONOMIC
posed by Fischer (2011). GROWTH
Besides, our approach defines a theoretical model
where the impact of human capital on growth is explicitly Analysing the relationship between regional inequality and
considered. Conversely, in De Dominicis (2014), the economic growth in a spatial perspective requires an
impact of human capital is only empirically estimated appropriate model specification. In fact, regional growth
without any theoretical implication. For this reason, our could be influenced by inequality within the regional econ-
theoretical model can be considered as a methodological omy as well as by inequality in neighbouring regions. This
extension of the De Dominicis approach. spatial dependence effect is so included in the proposed
Finally, while De Dominicis (2014) considered the model that we derive theoretically.
within component of the Theil index (Theil, 1967) Our model specification is obtained as an extension of
as a measure of regional inequality, we use the within the spatial MRW model developed by Fischer (2011).
component of the Gini index and its spatial decompo- However, while Fischer considers as the dependent vari-
sition proposed by Rey and Smith (2013). Specifically, able in the model the level of regional gross domestic pro-
we introduce as an inequality variable in our model duct (GDP) at the end of the period, we focus on the GDP
the non-spatial component of the within-region growth rate, testing for the b-convergence hypothesis.
inequality, which expresses the component of intra- In our proposal, the spatially augmented MRW is
regional inequality that is not influenced by the spatial modified by introducing a measure of regional inequality
interactions among regional units. This definition allows among the covariates. Specifically, as in De Dominicis
us to consider the idiosyncratic component of inequality, (2014), in our model the investment in physical capital is
isolating the spatial component of intra-regional expressed as a function of inequality. This assumption
inequality whose impact could alter the real effect of allows the impact of inequality on growth to be assessed,
inequality on regional growth. and is based upon the idea that higher inequality among
The proposed model is illustrated through an empirical regions stimulates higher investments from richer regions.
analysis focused on European Union (EU) NUTS-2 Moreover, according to standard economic theories, sav-
regions over the period 2003–16. EU regions represent ing and investment are assumed to be identical and is a
interesting units of analysis. In fact, the persistence of fairly typical result that the redistribution of resources
inequalities across EU regions, exacerbated by the global from rich to poor tends to lower the aggregate rate of sav-
financial crisis, requires the definition of regional policies ing in an economy (Thorbecke & Charumilind, 2002).
aimed at enhancing growth and regional equity. Most of This argument found support in Kaldor (1956) who high-
the EU funds and programmes are specifically delivered lighted that a high initial inequality of income favours high
for less developed regions to promote the convergence of saving, because of the higher propensity to save that rich
these regions toward the richer ones. Considering the people have with respect to poor people and, thus, it
relationship between inequality and growth facilitates the stimulates higher capital accumulation. On the same
assessment of the role that disparities within regional line, Galor (2000) argues that high income inequality
economies play in the convergence process. Within-region has a positive impact on savings, resulting in a higher
disparities could thus become a variable on which regional physical capital accumulation. Furthermore, a positive
policies could be targeted to promote growth and conver- relationship between inequality and aggregate saving has
gence. The introduction of spatial effects in the analysis been recently reported by Koo and Song (2016) who
entails considering both spatial similarities and instabil- found a greater and statistically more significant effect
ities across space, facilitating a study of disparities and for richer and more developed countries.
reduction policies more anchored to the characteristics of In this paper we assume that each regional economy is
the spatial units under consideration. characterized by a Cobb–Douglas production function

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 689

that, for region i at time t, is specified as follows: , wij , is such that 0 ≤ wij ≤ 1, with wij = 0 for i = j,
of W 
j=1 wij = 1. For regions that are neighbours of
aC − aH
Yit = Ait CitaC HitaH L1−
it (1) region i, wij . 0, for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N .
The dynamic equations for physical capital per worker
where Y is the output; A is the level of technology; C is the
and human capital per worker (equations 2 and 3) become:
physical capital; H is the human capital; and L is the
labour. The exponents aC and aH are the output elastici- ċit = siC yit − (d + ni )cit (6)
ties with respect to physical capital and human capital,
respectively. These output elasticities are positive con- ḣit = siH yit − (d + ni )hit (7)
stants (i.e., aC , aH . 0) such that aC + aH , 1, hence
the production function has decreasing returns to both Besides, we assume that the fraction of output that is
types of capital. invested in physical capital is a function of a measure of
Denoted by siC and siH , which are the fractions of out- inequality, that is, siC = f (Gi ) = Ineqi , where Gi is a
put Yit invested in physical capital and human capital, measure of inequality for region i. This assumption implies
respectively; and by d, which is a rate of depreciation that higher inequality among regions should stimulate
that is assumed to be constant and identical for both phys- higher investments from richer regions.
ical and human capital, the dynamic equations for C and Following this assumption, equation (6) can be rewrit-
H are given by: ten as:
ċit = Ineqi yit − (d + ni )cit (8)
Ċ it = siC Yit − dCit (2)
Equations (8) and (7) imply that the physical capital out-
Ḣ it = siH Yit − dHit (3) put and human capital output are constant so that:
where the dots over the variables indicate their time- ci∗ Ineqi
= (9)
derivatives. The dynamic equation for labour and technol- yi∗ (d + g + ni )
ogy are L̇it = ni Lit and Ȧ it = gAit , where ni is the working
population growth rate; and g is a constant growth rate for h∗i siH
∗ = (10)
technology. Now define the per worker quantities for out- yi (d + g + ni )
put, physical capital and human capital as yit = Yit /Lit ,
cit = Cit /Lit and hit = Hit /Lit , respectively. The pro- where the asterisk denotes the steady-state value of the
duction function (1) in per worker terms becomes: variable. The steady-state conditions for the physical capi-
tal and human capital variables can be derived by equations
yit = Ait citaC haitH (4) (9) and (10), respectively. Substituting these expressions in
equation (4) and taking the logarithm, after some algebra,
Introducing spatial externalities, the level of technology, we obtain:
for each region i, is expressed as follows:
1 aC + fC aH + fH H

n lnyi∗ = lnVt + lnIneqi + lnsi
Ait =
f f
Vt cit C hit H
A jt ij (5) 1−h 1−h 1−h
h aC 
− ln(d + g + ni ) − g wij lnIneqi
According to equation (5), the function Ait depends on 1−h 1 − h j=1
four terms. The first term, Vt , represents the proportion
of technological progress that, by assumption, is exogen- aH 
aC + aH
− g wij lnsjH + g
ous and identical for all regions. It is defined by 1 − h j=1 1−h
Vt = V0 et , where t is the exogenous technological pro-
gress growth rate; and V0 is its initial level. The next 
1 − aC − aH  N

two terms imply that the level of technology for each wij ln (d + g + nj ) + g wij lnyj∗
1−h j=1
region i depends on both the level of physical capital per
worker, cit , and the level of human capital per worker, (11)
hit . This implies that investments in both physical and where h = aC + aH + fC + fH . In order to define the
human capital increase not only capital stocks but also convergence of output per worker in a given region to
the level of technology through knowledge spillovers. the region’s steady-state value, we consider a log-lineariza-
The strength of these externalities is determined by the tion of equations (8) and (7) around steady states, which
parameters fC , with 0 ≤ fC , 1, and fH , with lead to a system of linear differential equations that can
0 ≤ fH , 1, respectively. The last term implies that the be solved by using the technique developed by Ertur and
level of technology of region i also depends on the level Koch (2007). Postulating that the gap of region i relative
of technology of its neighbour regions j, to its own steady state is proportional to the corresponding
for j = 1, 2, . . . , N . The degree of technological interde- gap for region j, it follows that:
pendence among regions depends on the scalar parameter
g, with 0 ≤ g , 1, and on the proximity between regions dlnyit
= g − li [lnyit − lnyi∗ ] (12)
that is summarized by the matrix W . The (i, j)-th element dt

690 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

where g denotes the constant growth rate of physical and aC + aH  N

human capital; and li is the speed of convergence. Solving +(1 − eli t ) g wij ln(d + g + nj )
1−h j=1
equation (12) for lnyit , and subtracting from both sides the
output per worker at some initial date, lnyi0 , we obtain the 1 − aC − aH  N
following expression, written in a matrix notation: + (1 − eli t ) g wij (lnyit − lnyi0 )
1−h j=1
1 − eli t

G = gt i − Dy0 + Dy∗ (13) (16)

where G = yt − y0 , with yt the N × 1 vector of logarithms
of output per worker at time t; and y0 the N × 1 vector of N
wij 1 − eli t
Di = gt − rgt(1 − eli t ) + lnVt .
logarithms of the initial level of output per worker, i is a j=1
1−e j
l t 1−h
N × 1 vector of ones, D is a N × N diagonal matrix with
(1 − eli t ) elements on the main diagonal, and y∗ is the Equation (16) states that the growth rate of output per
N × 1 vector of logarithms of output per worker at steady worker, in region i, depends negatively on its initial
state. Following the rationale of Ertur and Koch (2007), level, positively on inequality and on human capital
rewriting equation (11) in a matrix notation we have: investment rate, and negatively on the population
growth rate. The growth rate of output per worker in
 region i also depends on the same variables in the neigh-
1 aC + fC aH + fH
y∗ = (I − rW )−1 V+ In + S bouring regions j, identified by wij . 0, because of tech-
1−h 1−h 1−h
 nological interdependence (Ertur & Koch, 2007).
aC g aH g Specifically, it is negatively influenced by inequality
− WIn − WS
1−h 1−h and human capital investment rate in neighbouring
(14) regions and is positively influenced by their working
population growth rate. As a further evidence in
g(1 − aC − aH ) equation (16), the initial level of output per worker in
where r = , In and S are the N × 1 vectors neighbouring regions has a positive influence on the
of the logarithms of inequality measures and saving rates of growth rate of output per worker in region i. Finally,
human capital (i.e., lnsiH ), respectively, divided by the effec- the last term in equation (16) represents the rate of
tive rate of depreciation (i.e., by ln(d + g + ni )). Substitut- growth of output per worker in the neighbour regions
and reflects the spatial autocorrelation process that is
ing (14) in (13), and pre-multiplying both sides by the
implied by the technological interdependence.
inverse of D(I − rW )−1 , after rearranging terms, we
1 −1
G = gt i − rgtDW D i + DV
1−h The inequality variable
aC + fC aH + fH Our approach represents an extension of the spatial MRW
− Dy0 + DIn + DS + rDW y0 introduced by Fischer (2011), where an inequality measure
1−h 1−h
aC g aH g is included among the explanatory variables. In our model
− DWIn − DWS − rDW D−1 G specification the inequality variable expresses the intra-
1−h 1−h
regional inequality, that is, the level of internal inequality
(15) characterizing each regional unit.
Specifically, in our proposal we define and use an
Equation (15) can be rewritten for region i as follows: inequality index that is based on the non-spatial com-
ponent of the within-region Gini index.
aC + fC The Gini index G can be decomposed in three terms,
lnyit −lnyi0 = Di − (1 − eli t )lnyi0 + (1 − eli t ) lnIneqi
1−h such as the within-region inequality Gwithin , the
aH + fH H h between-region inequality Gbetween , and a residual or
+(1 − eli t ) lnsi − (1 − eli t ) ln(d + g + ni ) interaction term R (Mookherjee & Shorrocks, 1982;
1−h 1−h
Shorrocks & Wan, 2005). While the between-group
1 − aC − aH  N
component captures the interregional inequality, and
+(1 − eli t ) g wij lny j0
1−h j=1
thus measures the distance between the average GDP
of each region, the within-group term expresses the dis-
aC  N tance between the GDP values observed for spatial units
− (1 − eli t ) g wij lnIneqj that belong to the same region. The latter component
1 − h j=1
thus expresses the inequality in each regional economy
aH  N and could be assumed as influencing the economic
− (1 − eli t ) g wij lnsjH growth rate in each region (see also De Dominicis,
1 − h j=1

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 691

Considering N NUTS-2 regions labelled as & Smith, 2013). According to this interpretation, the
i = 1, 2, . . . , N with respective mean income and popu- NNGi component could be considered as the spatial com-
lation share mi and pi , the within-term of the Gini index ponent of Gi , which changes in the same direction as the
can be expressed as: positive spatial autocorrelation relationship. The non-
spatial component of inequality can be thus identified

mi and measured by the NGi component. The identification
Gwithin = p2i Gi (17)
m of the spatial and non-spatial components of inequality
allows a better understanding of the phenomenon and
where m represents the mean of the overall income distri- can offer useful insights for assessing the impact of
bution; and Gi is the Gini index for region i. The index in inequality on regional growth.
(17) represents a kind of average of the inequality values Equation (17) can be thus rewritten as:
within each regional unit, and is fully specified by infor-
mation about population share, mean income and inequal- 
mi N
Gwithin = p2i NGi + p2i i NNGi
ity values. m m
i=1 i=1
To compute the Gini index Gi for each NUTS-2
region i, it is needed to consider the value of income yl = NGwithin + NNGwithin (20)
of each l NUTS-3 sub-region that belongs to the specific where NGi and NNGi indicate the neighbour and non-
NUTS-2 region i, with l = 1, 2, . . . , Mi . The Gini neighbour components, respectively, of the Gini index
index Gi is thus defined as: within region i, with i = 1, 2, . . . , N . In our model we
Mi Mi consider, for each region i, the non-spatial inequality
|yl − yz | m
Gi = l=1 z=12 (18) (Ineqi = p2i i NGi , the summands of the first term on
2Mi yi m
the right side of equation 20). Since population-weighted
where: inequality indices are considered, instead of assuming the
GDP per worker as representative of the whole region, we
yi = y /Mi . account for how many individuals this GDP per worker
l=1 l represents (Mookherjee & Shorrocks, 1982). Hence,
To define our measure of inequality, we apply the weighting by population facilitates accounting for regional
spatial decomposition of the Gini index into its neighbour sizes that, especially in the European context, present rel-
and non-neighbour components introduced by Rey and evant differences (Portnov & Felsenstein, 2010). This
Smith (2013). Other contributions in this direction have approach also appears consistent with the approach pro-
been proposed by Arbia (2001), Márquez et al. (2019) posed by De Dominicis (2014), which quantifies intra-
and Panzera and Postiglione (2020). regional inequality in the EU using the within component
Denoted by vlz , the generic element of the spatial of the Theil index that implicitly includes the weighting by
weight matrix V , which summarizes the proximity population.
between the spatial units at NUTS-3 level, the Gini The non-neighbour component introduced in the
index in (18) can be expressed as follows (Rey & Smith, model represents the component of inequality that is not
2013): influenced by spatial autocorrelation in the GDP values.
 Mi  Mi However, the spatial interactions among regional econom-
vlz |yl − yz | ies are included in the model by considering the spatial lag
Gi = l=1 z=1 2
2Mi yi of the inequality variable.
Mi Mi
(1 − vlz )|yl − yz |
+ l=1 z=1 2 The empirical model
2Mi yi
Assuming parameter homogeneity (li = l for all i), the
= NGi + NNGi (19) empirical counterpart of the model given in equation
(16) can be expressed, at a given time, for region i, as
where, for each NUTS-2 region i, the first term on the
right-hand side represents the neighbour component
(NGi ), and the second one represents the non-neighbour gi = b0 + b1 lnyi0 + b2 lnIneqi0 + b3 lnsiH
component (NNGi ). This decomposition reveals that the
Gini index nests a measure of spatial autocorrelation. As 
+ b4 ln (d + g + ni ) + r wij gj + r1 wij lny j0
the spatial autocorrelation increases, the NNGi component j=1 j=1
should grow relatively to the NGi component, since values
similarity in space would be in effect. The result is the 
+ r2 wij lnIneqi + r3 wij lnsiH
opposite in the presence of negative spatial autocorrela-
j=1 j=1
tion, since the difference between the variate values
observed for non-neighbour pairs would be smaller than 

that between neighbour pairs. In either case, the degree + r4 wij ln (d + g + nj ) + 1i

of spatial autocorrelation can be assessed by comparing
the relative contribution of these two components (Rey (21)

692 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

where: of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity have

  been proposed in the recent literature (Basile & Gress,
1 yit
gi = ln 2005; McMillen, 2012). A penalized-spline SDM has
T yi0 been introduced by Basile et al. (2014). This model rep-
with T denotes the number of time periods under investi- resents an important tool to identify the functional form
gation; yit and yi0 express the GDP values per worker at of the relationship between the response variable and its
the final and initial periods, respectively; and the inequality predictors, and even in the presence of structured model
variable is expressed as: can be useful to distinguish between substantive spatial
  dependence (i.e., spatial spillovers) and spatial dependence
m generated by omitted variables.
lnIneqi0 = ln p2i0 i0 NGi0 ,
m0 The substantive spatial dependence occurs when the
variable of interest at one location is influenced by its
where the subscript indicates, for all the quantities, that
values at other locations and is captured by spatial weight
they refer to the initial time period. Considering the initial
matrices commonly specified according to physical, econ-
level of inequality is in line with the specification proposed
omic or social distances. Conversely, the spatial depen-
by De Dominicis (2014), and also appears consistent with
dence generated from a number of latent factors is
the assumption about the relation between initial inequal-
interpreted as a residual dependence that affects the
ity and investments on which the theoretical model is
error term (Anselin & Rey, 1991).
based (Galor, 2000; Kaldor, 1956; Koo & Song, 2016).
Common factor structures, that consider interaction
The parameter b0 is a constant:
effects among the error terms, are increasingly used in
1i  N (0, s2 ), recent models developed to deal with cross-sectional
dependence in a panel data setting (Bailey et al., 2016;
as are the error terms: Pesaran, 2015). In a cross-sectional setting, the discrimi-
1 − e−lT nation between substantive and residual spatial depen-
b1 = − dence has been mainly based on tests on parameter
restriction, such as the common factor test (Anselin,
1 − e−lT aC + fC 1988). According to the common factor hypothesis an
b2 = −
T 1−h SDM specification can be simplified by a spatial error
model, which includes the spatial interactions among the
1 − e−lT aH + fH error terms. This hypothesis is thus formulated by impos-
b3 = − , b4
T 1−h ing a parameter restriction on the SDM specification.1
1 − e−lT h A further issue related to spatial data pertains to the sim-
=− , r1 ultaneous treatment of spatial dependence and spatial het-
T 1−h
erogeneity. The identification of spatial regimes could be a
1 − e−lT (1 − aC − aH ) suitable alternative to account for the heterogeneity in the
= g
T 1−h model parameters (Durlauf & Johnson, 1995; Quah,
1997). Clusters of regions that share similar structural
1 − e−lT aC 1 − e−lT aH
r2 = g, r3 = g, characteristics and growth paths could be identified by
T 1−h T 1−h some a priori criteria, like the initial level of GDP per capita
1 − e−lT aC+ aH or the belonging to some geographical zones, or using
r4 = g endogenous methods (Durlauf & Johnson, 1995; Posti-
T 1−h
glione et al., 2010, 2013). The application of exogenous cri-
and teria for the identification of clusters of EU regions has been
g(1 − aC − aH ) advised by Ertur et al. (2006) and a classification of European
r= . regions based on their level of development has been recently
proposed by Iammarino et al. (2019). The classification of
The specification in (21) is known in literature as the regions according to their level of development is relevant
spatial Durbin model (SDM) (LeSage & Pace, 2009). in a policy perspective, being the basis for determining the
The SDM introduces a spatial lag on the dependent vari- regional eligibility for structural and investment funds. Our
able as well as on all the explanatory variables. exogenous identification of spatial regimes is based on the
The linear specification in (21) is supported by the 2007–13 funding period, in which EU regional policy con-
theoretical model proposed and developed in the previous sisted of three objectives, such as convergence, regional com-
section. When the empirical specifications are not sup- petitiveness, and employment and European territorial
ported by the theory, the unknown functional form rep- cooperation. The regions covered by the convergence objec-
resents a potential source of misspecification. This issue tive correspond to the less developed regions, with per capita
could be addressed by adopting a semiparametric frame- GDP less than 75% of the EU average. In the proposed
work, which is generally more flexible with respect to para- empirical application, we focus on the latter classification
metrical models. Semiparametric specifications that to identify clusters of regional units that potentially differ
combine non-linearity with the simultaneous treatment in their growth paths.

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 693

The identification of clusters of regions based on the cross-border cooperation programmes supported by the
convergence objective allows to control for specific charac- European Commission.
teristics that the regions with similar development patterns The empirical model (21) is augmented with the afore-
share. mentioned dummy variables, yielding to the following
Furthermore, different regional growth conditions are specification:
introduced in our empirical model, by including dummy
variables that facilitate considering the presence of capi- gi = b0 + b1 lnyi0 + b2 lnIneqi0 + b3 lnsiH
tal cities in the regions as well as the cross-border + b4 ln (d + g + ni ) + b5 CCi + b6 IBi + b7 EBi
effects. The presence of the capital city in the region

could represent a growth promoting factor since these +r wij gj + r1 wij lny j0 + r2 wij lnIneqi
cities usually concentrate a number of relevant economic j=1 j=1 j=1
and social activities, being the administrative and econ-

omic centre of the country (Butkus et al., 2018). Con- + r3 wij lnsiH + r4 wij ln (d + g + nj ) + 1i
versely, being located on borders could represent a j=1 j=1
barrier to regional economic growth. Border regions rep-
resent a peculiar regional typology (Eurostat, 2019).
They could be classified into two main categories such where CCi denotes the capital city dummy variable, such
as internal border regions and external border regions. that CCi = 1 if the capital city is located in the region i
While internal border regions identify regional units and CCi = 0 otherwise; IBi is the internal border
that are located on borders between EU member states dummy variable, such that IBi = 1 if unit i is an internal
and/or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) border region and IBi = 0 otherwise; and EBi represents
countries, the external border regions correspond to the external border dummy variable, with EBi = 1 if
those regions that are located on borders between EU unit i is an external border region and IBi = 0 otherwise.
member states and non-member countries (or countries Equation (22) represents our empirical model that will
outside the EFTA). The border typology is usually be estimated in our illustration.
identified relying on land borders (Eurostat, 2019), but Possible bidirectional causal effects between inequality
different definitions, including both land and maritime and regional growth are not investigated in our analysis,
borders, are possible (Capello et al., 2018). Our analysis which has the main objective of investigating the role of
is focused on the land border typology, and both the regional disparities in driving economic growth. For a
internal and the external border regions are defined at recent contribution on assessing the impact of regional
the NUTS-2 level (see the empirical application). Border income levels on inequality using spatial econometrics
regions are typically characterized by a geographically tools, see Artelaris and Petrakos (2016). In our proposal,
peripheral location, that is far from the power and the link between regional growth and within-region
administrative centre of the country, and close to regions inequality is derived by the developed theoretical model,
belonging to other countries. These areas could suffer which is empirically tested in the following section.
from the border effect, that consists in limited cross-
country economic interactions due to differences in cul- EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS
ture, regulations, and business norms and higher trans-
action costs between countries (Capello et al., 2018). To test the model (22), we focus on data related to 245 EU
A number of empirical analyses focused on European NUTS-2 regions from 22 EU countries.2 The source of the
countries revealed the presence of border effects also data is Eurostat’s general and regional statistics database;
for regions that are located on EU internal borders, the period under investigation ranges from 2003 to 2016.
despite the market integration (see, among others, In model (22), the dependent variable, gi , expresses the
Kashiha et al., 2016). The impact of international bor- natural logarithm of the average growth rate of GDP per
ders has been mostly analysed with reference to trade worker. The inequality variable, lnIneqi0 , is represented by
relations, and measured in term of lost trade (Anderson the natural logarithm of the neighbour component of
& van Wincoop, 2003; McCallum, 1995). Recent con- Gwithin (that is considered as the part of inequality not deter-
tributions focused on the relation between spatial mined by spatial dependence). For each of 245 NUTS-2
inequality within countries and trade have been proposed region, Gwithin of the Gini index is calculated using GDP
by Rodríguez-Pose (2012), and Ezcurra and Rodríguez- values per worker related to 1255 NUTS-3 regions3 belong-
Pose (2013, 2014). Border effects have been linked to ing to the aforementioned NUTS-2 units and it is decom-
economic growth in Capello et al. (2018) that developed posed into its neighbour and non-neighbour components
a model including a dummy variable to identify border according to equation (20). The resulting inequality variable
regions. The authors found that the growth perform- is referred to the initial time period (i.e., 2003).
ances in internal border regions do not significantly dif- The human capital variable, lnsiH , is measured as the
fer from those of non-border regions, even if the former natural logarithm of the percentage of population aged
appear to be unable to exploit their resources as effi- from 25 to 64 years who attained tertiary education (levels
ciently as the other EU regions. These results could be 5–8 of the International Standard Classification of Edu-
explained through the positive effects produced by the cation (ISCED) 2011 classification). This percentage is

694 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

considered with reference to 2005, which is the early

Coefficient of variation
period for which data on this variable are available for
the considered regions.
Note that considering the explanatory variables at the

beginning of the period under investigation, or as close
as possible to it, helps to mitigate problems connected to
endogeneity (Crespo Cuaresma et al., 2014).
The variable ni is measured by the natural logarithm of
the average (over the period 2003–16) growth rate of the
working population. The term (d + g) is supposed to be
equal to 0.05, following a common assumption in the lit-
erature (Mankiw et al., 1992).




The proximity relationships among regional units are
summarized by the spatial weight matrix that, in our empiri-
cal analysis is constructed according to the k-nearest neigh-
bours, with k = 7 Gwithin . The k-nearest neighbour criterion
is built considering the Euclidean distance between the cen-
troid of each spatial unit i and the centroids of all other units


j = i, for i, j = 1, 2, .., N . The k closest units to i define

the set of its neighbours. The choice of k = 7 allows to
avoid the presence of non-connected regions. In fact, as
highlighted by Le Gallo and Ertur (2003), EU regions
have on average five to six contiguous neighbours. Different


values of k, as k = 5 and k = 9, have been considered in the
definition of the proximity matrix. However, these different
specifications of the proximity matrix did not give rise to
significant differences in the results.4
The main summary statistics of the dependent and

independent variables are reported in Table 1. All variables
are not expressed in natural logarithm terms, and the
values of the inequality variable are not weighted by the
population shares.
As additional variables in our model we consider dummy


variables that indicate whether the region includes the


national capital city, and if it is an internal or external border

region. In our analysis, border regions are identified at the
NUTS-2 level. Around the 48% of the regions under con-
sideration are internal border areas (i.e., 117 regions), while

around the 10% of these regions (i.e., 24 regions) are located




on external borders. A map of border regions is presented in

Note: GDP, gross domestic product; PPS, purchasing power standards.

Figure 1. Dark grey indicates the border regions.

The variables under consideration are modelled through
the SDM specification that is supported by the developed
theoretical model. As a robustness check, this specification


is compared with the spatial lag and the spatial error speci-


fications. To this end, we use the Lagrange multiplier (LM)

Table 1. Summary statistics by variable.

tests, in their classic and robust versions, which are based on

the residuals of the ordinary least squares (OLS) model
(Elhorst, 2010). According to the approach introduced by
Elhorst (2010), when, based on the LM tests, the spatial
Inequality (Ineqi0 = i0 NGi0 )
GDP per worker (yi0 ) in PPS

lag, the spatial error model or both these specifications are

Average growth rate of yi0

preferable to the OLS model, the SDM specification


should be estimated. Moreover, when these spatial models

Human capital (sHi )

are estimated by maximum likelihood (ML), likelihood

ratio (LR) tests can subsequently be used to verify two
different hypotheses. The first hypothesis concerns whether

ni + 0.05

the SDM can be simplified by a spatial lag model; the

second hypothesis concerns whether the SDM could be
simplified by a spatial error specification. The latter

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 695

Figure 1. Internal border (a) and external border (b) European Union NUTS-2 regions.
Note: Dark grey indicates the border regions.

hypothesis corresponds to the common factor hypothesis. The ML estimates for the SDM specification are
Results for LM and LR tests are reported in Table 2. reported in Table 3. The standard OLS estimates of the
Results for the classic LM tests indicate that the OLS model are also presented, together with some diagnostics
model should be rejected in favour of both the spatial spe- and performance measures. As shown, the coefficients
cifications, and, similarly, both the robust LM tests are associated with the initial level of GDP per worker, the
highly significant. These results indicate that the SDM capital city and the internal border dummy variables are
specification should be estimated. Results for the LRerr significant in the non-spatial model. Furthermore, the
test show that the common factor hypothesis is rejected signs of the coefficients are as expected for all explanatory
and, similarly, the LRlag test is significant. These results variables, with the only exception of the working popu-
confirm the appropriateness of the SDM specification. lation growth rate. The coefficient associated with the

696 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

Table 2. Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests on spatial Table 3. Estimates for ordinary least squares (OLS) and the
dependence and spatial error autocorrelation, likelihood spatial Durbin model (SDM).
ratio (LR) tests on parameter restrictions. Variable OLS SDM
LMerror 72.9600*** Constant 0.2750*** 0.1600***
LMlag 86.5100*** (0.0225) (0.0329)
Robust LMerror 7.9290*** GDP per worker (lnyi0 ) −0.0236*** −0.0130***
Robust LMlag 21.4700*** (0.0017) (0.0023)
LRerr 20.4000*** Inequality (lnIneqi0 ) 0.0004 0.0001
LRlag 22.2100*** (0.0004) (0.0003)
Note: Significance: ***1%, **5% and *10%.
Human capital (lnsHi ) 0.0005 0.0043**
(0.0015) (0.0020)
capital city dummy variable expresses the differences in
ln(ni + 0.05) 0.0001 −0.0156***
growth between the regions where the national capital
cities are located and the other regions, given the other (0.0034) (0.0037)
characteristics. The coefficient estimate is positive and CCi 0.0134*** 0.0102***
statistically significant indicating the presence of a slight (0.0018) (0.0016)
difference in the growth rate of GDP per worker between IBi 0.0044*** 0.0020**
the regions where the capital cities are located and other (0.0010) (0.0009)
regions, with the first ones overperforming with respect EBi −0.0013 −0.0029*
to the second ones. Similar considerations apply to the (0.0021) (0.0017)
coefficient associated with the internal border dummy
lag GDP per worker 0.0002
variable that indicates a growth rate of GDP per worker
slightly higher in the internal border areas than in the (0.0033)
other regional units. The coefficient associated with the lag Inequality 0.0003
external border dummy is negative, but it is not statistically (0.0010)
significant. The goodness of fit of the model measured in lag Human capital −0.0062**
term of R2 is around 0.60, and the Moran’s I test is highly (0.0025)
significant, giving evidence of the presence of spatial Lag ln(ni + 0.05) 0.0206***
dependence. (0.0053)
Moving to the SDM specification, all coefficients
r 0.5635***
associated with the independent variables have the expected
sign, with the only exception of the coefficient associated (0.0690)
with the spatial lag of the inequality variable. The coeffi- l (convergence rate) 2.8648% 1.4349%
cient associated with this variable is not statistically signifi- Moran’s I 0.2759***
cant as well as the coefficient associated with the inequality Jarque–Bera test 69.9300***
variable and the spatial lag of the initial level of GDP per (normality)
worker. The coefficients associated with the dummy vari- Breusch–Pagan test 85.5900***
ables in the model are all significant. The positive sign of (heterogeneity)
the coefficients associated with the capital city and the
Studentized Breusch– 41.1500***
internal border dummy variables reveal that both these cat-
egories of regions overperform the other regions in the Pagan test
GDP per worker growth rate. The negative sign of the coef- (heterogeneity)
ficient associated with the external border dummy variable Number of 245 245
shows that being located on the external border negatively observations
impacts on the regional growth performances. R2 0.6070
A lower value of the Akaike information criterion Akaike information −1678.36 −1764.10
(AIC) indicates an improvement in the goodness of fit criterion (AIC)
of the spatial specification with respect to the non-spatial
Notes: GDP, gross domestic product.
one. Both the specifications indicate that a convergence Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Significance: ***1%, **5% and
process is taking place among the considered regions, *10%.
but the inclusion of spatial effects tends to reduce the esti-
mated speed of convergence. the same location and could indirectly affect the dependent
As pointed out by LeSage and Pace (2009), in order to variable at different locations. The average direct impact
correctly interpret the SDM coefficients, the computation provides a summary measure of the impact arising from
of direct, indirect and total impacts is needed. In fact, changes in the i-th observation of a covariate on the depen-
because of the spatial dependence effect that is incorporated dent variable of the i-th region, and also includes feedback
in the model, a change in an explanatory variable for a single influences. The average indirect impact reflects spatial spil-
spatial unit has a direct impact on the dependent variable at lovers. The sum of the average direct and indirect impacts

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 697

Table 4. Average impacts for the spatial Durbin model (SDM). regions, inequality positively impacts on the process of
Average Average Average economic growth. This result is consistent with the
direct indirect total empirical findings in De Dominicis (2014). As a further
Variable impact impact impact result, we obtain that the human capital positively impacts
GDP per −0.0138*** −0.0155*** −0.0293***
on growth, but this effect is only significant for more
developed regions. The coefficient associated with the
worker (lnyi0 )
population growth rate is negative and significant for
Inequality 0.0001 0.0008 0.0009 both clusters of regions. The coefficients associated with
(lnIneqi0 ) the dummy variables reveal that the presence of the
Human 0.0039** −0.0082** −0.0043 national capital city has a significant positive impact on
capital (lnsHi ) regional growth for both more developed and less devel-
ln(ni + 0.05) −0.0144*** 0.0259** 0.0115 oped regions. Being located on the internal borders
Notes: GDP, gross domestic product. appears to influence regional growth positively, but this
Significance: ***1%, **5% and *10%. effect is significant only for more developed regions. Con-
versely, being located on the external border appears as
detrimental for growth, but this negative impact is only
measures the average total impact. Table 4 reports the aver- significant for less developed regions. All coefficients
age direct, indirect, and total impacts that would arise from associated with the spatially lagged explanatory variables
changing each explanatory variable in the SDM specifica- have the expected sign in the cluster of regions not covered
tion. A set of 2000 Monte Carlo (MC) draws is used to pro- by the convergence objective. However, the coefficients
duce the impact estimates along with inferences regarding associated with the spatial lag of the initial level of GDP
their statistical significance. per worker and with the spatial lag of the inequality vari-
A comparison between the average direct impacts in able are not significant. For less developed regions, the
Table 4 and the parameter estimates in Table 3 reveals coefficient associated with the spatially lagged inequality
that these estimates have the same signs and are similar in variable is positive and statistically significant, revealing
magnitude. The slight differences between the two sets of that the inequality observed in neighbour regions posi-
estimates are due to feedback effects (Fischer, 2011). tively impact on growth in a particular region. As further
The average indirect impact estimates for the human results, we can note that the spatial autocorrelation par-
capital and the population growth rate are significant ameter is positive and highly significant, and the AIC
and have the expected signs. The average indirect impact reveals that the goodness of fit of the model is improved
associated with the initial level of GDP per worker is in the heterogeneous model, with respect to the homo-
negative and significant, while the average indirect impact geneous one. These results point out the importance of
estimate for the inequality variable is positive but not sig- accounting for both the heterogeneity and the spatial
nificant. The average total impact estimates are significant dependence of observations.
only for the initial level of GDP per worker. In order to evaluate the significance of the identified
To account for spatial heterogeneity, we estimate the spatial clusters, we can use the Chow test (Chow, 1960).
SDM model for two different clusters of regions corre- The null hypothesis of the test is that the vector of par-
sponding to regions that are covered by the convergence ameters is constant. This test is implemented for all
objective and regions that are not covered by the conver- model parameters jointly (overall stability test) as well as
gence objective. A spatial map of these two clusters is for each parameter separately (individual stability test).
shown in Figure 2. Dark grey indicates regions that are Results for the overall stability test reveal that the spatial
covered by the convergence objective. Light grey is used Chow test is highly significant, giving support to the
for non-convergence regions. idea of considering spatial regimes to control for spatial
Estimation results for the identified spatial clusters are heterogeneity. Concerning the individual stability tests,
reported in Table 5. As shown, some differences in the we can observe that tests on the equality of the coefficients
parameter estimates emerge between the two clusters of associated with the initial level of GDP per worker, with
regions. The coefficient associated with the initial level the inequality variable and with the capital city dummy
of GDP per worker is negative and significant for both variable are significant. This evidence shows that the
clusters, indicating that a convergence process is taking spatial heterogeneity present in the considered regions is
place in both these groups of regions. However, the mainly due to the joint effect of these variables.
speed of convergence for less developed regions is higher For the correct interpretation of the SDM coefficients
with respect to that reported for the more developed we refer to direct, indirect and total impacts that, for both
regions. This result indicates that economic growth pro- the identified spatial clusters, are reported in Table 6. For
ceeds faster in less developed regions than in other regions, both groups of regions, the average direct impacts have the
and this circumstance could be partly attributed to the same sign as the parameter estimates (Table 5). The results
presence of EU funding in support of these regions. The reveal that the human capital is a growth promoting factor
coefficient associated with the inequality variable is posi- in more developed regions, while does not have a signifi-
tive and significant only for the cluster of less developed cant direct effect in less developed regions. Conversely,
regions. This result indicates that, for this group of inequality positively impacts on growth in less developed

698 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

Figure 2. Convergence objective regions (dark grey) and non-convergence objective regions (light grey) identified according to
the European Union’s Cohesion Policy (2007–13).

regions, while does not have a significant direct effect on The positive relationship between inequality and growth
growth in more developed areas. For more developed is significant at the earlier stages of development because of
regions, the average indirect effects reveal significant the main role played by physical capital accumulation on
spatial spillovers for the human capital variable (positive regional growth (Galor & Moav, 2004). Hence, the mech-
indirect effect) and for the population growth rate (nega- anism according to higher inequality stimulates higher sav-
tive indirect effect). In regions covered by the convergence ing and physical capital accumulation, and thus growth, is
objective, significant spatial spillover effects are associated verified for less developed regions. Conversely, in more
with the initial level of GDP per worker (negative indirect developed economies, the human capital accumulation
effect), the inequality variable (positive indirect effect), appears to replace physical capital accumulation as a growth
and the population growth rate (negative indirect effect). promoting factor (Galor & Moav, 2004). Our empirical
These empirical results suggest that that differences in results support this evidence, revealing a significant and
the level of development of regions could determine differ- positive effect of human capital on growth only for tran-
ences in the factors driving regional growth. In fact, the sition and more developed regions.
positive impact of inequality on regional growth that is Our empirical results partly confirm empirical findings
assumed in our theoretical model is only verified for less in the previous literature. Like in De Dominicis (2014) our
developed regions. Modelling spatial heterogeneity in empirical evidence shows the growth promoting effect of a
the proposed model allows to appreciate the differences relatively concentrated distribution of GDP at lower level
between the convergence-objective and the non-conver- of development. Unlike De Dominicis (2014), we found a
gence objective regions, and to confirm the assumed positive and significant spillover effect associated with the
relationship between inequality and regional growth rela- inequality variable for less developed regions. This implies
tively to the first group. that, at lower levels of development, the initial internal

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 699

Table 5. Parameter estimates for spatial regimes, convergence objective versus non-convergence objective regions.
Variable SDM: non-convergence objective SDM: convergence objective
Constant 0.0753 0.3625***
(0.0499) (0.0562)
GDP per worker (lnyi0 ) −0.0054* −0.0246***
(0.0030) (0.0038)
Inequality (lnIneqi0 ) −0.0003 0.0017**
(0.0003) (0.0007)
Human capital (lnsHi ) 0.0077*** 0.0017
(0.0025) (0.0027)
ln(ni + 0.05) −0.0193*** −0.0145***
(0.0056) (0.0044)
CCi 0.0058*** 0.0192***
(0.0020) (0.0025)
IBi 0.0024** 0.0002
(0.0010) (0.0015)
EBi −0.0049 −0.0049**
(0.0031) (0.0021)
lag GDP per worker 0.0011 −0.0052
(0.0043) (0.0049)
lag inequality −0.0008 0.0050**
(0.0011) (0.0024)
lag human capital −0.0075*** −0.0098**
(0.0029) (0.0046)
Lag ln(ni + 0.05) 0.0299*** 0.0058
(0.0080) (0.0069)
Overall r 0.2977***
l (convergence rate) 0.5615% 3.0157%
Number of observations 175 70
Akaike information criterion (AIC) −1803.20
Chow test (overall stability) 4.5548***
Individual stability test for constant 12.1123**
Individual stability test GDP per worker 14.2903***
Individual stability test inequality 5.4865**
Individual stability test human capital 2.5201
Individual stability test ln(ni + 0.05) 0.5097
Individual stability test CCi 17.6879***
Individual stability test IBi 1.0215
Individual stability test EBi −0.0009
Notes: GDP, gross domestic product; SDM, spatial Durbin model.
Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Significance: ***1%, **5% and *10%.

disparities in neighbour regions have a positive impact on less developed regions, by isolating the actual inequality
economic growth in a particular region. Our results con- (i.e., the component of inequality that is not influenced
firm the empirical evidence in De Dominicis (2014) by spatial dependence) from the component of inequality
about the role of inequality in more developed regions. that is influenced by regional interdependencies driven
In fact, like in the De Dominicis (2014), our empirical by geographical proximity.
results indicate, for this group of regions, not significant The different impacts of inequality on growth for
impacts of inequality on regional growth. This suggests different groups of regions suggest the existence of several
that initial regional disparities in more advanced regional factors underlying the distinctive growth experiences. In
economies do not exert a role in enhancing regional fact, the differences in the economic convergence process
growth. However, our analysis provides new evidence for experienced by regions result from their different levels

700 Domenica Panzera and Paolo Postiglione

Table 6. Average impacts for spatial regimes, convergence objective versus non-convergence objective regions.
SDM: non-convergence objective SDM: convergence objective
Average Average
Average direct indirect Average total Average direct indirect Average total
Variable impact impact impact impact impact impact
GDP per worker −0.0055* −0.0022 −0.0077* −0.0249*** −0.0101** −0.0350***
(lnyi0 )
Inequality −0.0003 −0.0001 −0.0004 0.0017** 0.0007* 0.0024**
(lnIneqi0 )
Human capital 0.0078*** 0.0032* 0.0110*** 0.0017 0.0007 0.0024
(lnsHi )
ln(ni + 0.05) −0.0195*** −0.0079* −0.0274*** −0.0147*** −0.0060* −0.0207***
Notes: GDP, gross domestic product; SDM, spatial Durbin model.
Significance: ***1%, **5% and *10%.

of development and from the interactions among policy variable is not significant when considering the homo-
and institutional aspects, as well as among historical and geneous model. Assuming two different spatial regimes,
geographical factors characterizing the regional units. identified according to the eligibility of regions for EU
Raising the awareness about these differences among funds under the convergence objective, reveals differences
regions could be useful in promoting place-based policies, in the growth process as well as in the growth promoting
which focus on the peculiarities and the specific needs of factors. Specifically, we found that in less developed regions
territories. the converge process is taking place at a faster rate than that
obtained for the more developed regions. This result could
CONCLUSIONS be explained by the EU policy that support convergence in
poorer areas, but also by the combination of different factors
In this paper we developed a theoretical model that relates that exert a growth promoting effect. Specifically, the initial
inequality and regional growth, explicitly taking into internal disparities appear to enhance growth in less devel-
account the spatial interactions among regions. The pro- oped regions, while do not play a significant role in wealthy
posed model extends the spatial MRW model developed regional economies. In this latter group of regions, the
by Fischer (2011), introducing inequality among the investment in human capital has a positive impact on
explanatory variables. The physical capital investment growth, while it does not have a significant effect on growth
rate is expressed as a function of inequality, based on the at lower level of development. These differences emerge
assumption that higher inequality enhances investments only when spatial similarity is considered jointly with
from richer regions, while the redistribution of resources regional peculiarities, and confirm the relevance of place-
from rich to poor regions, determines a decreasing of sav- based policies, differentiated according to the specific
ings and investments (De Dominicis, 2014). needs of regional economies. The identification of two sep-
The proposed specification includes the spatial lag of arate clusters, corresponding to different levels of regional
the exogenous variables as well as the spatial lag of the development, facilitate a deeper understanding of the
endogenous variable and is referred to as the spatial Dur- impact of inequality on growth in different regional econ-
bin model (LeSage & Pace, 2009). The inequality variable omies. A further step, in the future research, might consist
included in the model specification is derived by the spatial in introducing these differences in the definition of the
decomposition of the Gini index proposed by Rey and proximity relationships. This would imply assigning differ-
Smith (2013). ent spatial weights to neighbour regions according to their
Our theoretical model states that the growth rate of level of development.
output in a regional economy depends positively on To proper extract the influence of neighbour regions,
inequality in the region and negatively on inequality in such proximity matrices could be also defined differentiat-
neighbouring regions. By taking into account the spatial ing among the neighbour units that belong to the same or
interactions among regions, the predictions of our model a different country with respect to the region under con-
allow a better understanding of the role played by geo- sideration. Defining proximity structures based on these
graphical location and spatial externalities in regional criteria would allow to summarize in a single matrix
growth and in its link with income inequality. specific effects that in our model are introduced by using
The proposed model is tested focusing on 245 NUTS-2 dummy variables and spatial clustering.
regions across 22 European countries, over the period
2003–16. Results from test on parameter restrictions con- DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
firm the appropriateness of the proposed specification,
and the empirical estimates mainly support the theoretical No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
model. The coefficient associated with the inequality author(s).

The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 701


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