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Constitution of The Kingdom of Yahuah

by Rav Sha'ul

Revelation 22:14 - King James Bible

Blessed are they that keep His commandments (The Law), that they may have right to the tree of life,
and may enter in through the gates (of The Kingdom of YHVH and) into the city (of YHVH Shammah).


The Kingdom of YHVH is a government established on the “rule of law” like any human government or
kingdom. Human governments/kingdoms are but “shadows” of the true perfect Spiritual Kingdom. In
this chapter I am going to establish YHVH’s Law in its rightful place in His Kingdom as the governing
constitution upon which His Righteousness is established and the Universe is governed.

The Kingdom of YHVH is governed by a defined set of laws which clearly define:

· Our relationship with YHVH

· Our relationship with our brothers and sisters in The Kingdom

· What is right i.e. Righteousness

· What is wrong i.e. Sin

· Penalties for breaking the law

· Mercy

· Justice

· Atonement

· The role of a King

· The role of a Judge

· The role of a Priest

· The role of The High Priest

· etc.

This chapter is of utmost importance because the false religion called “Christianity” has literally taught
an abomination that The Law was abolished.
Humanity abolishing The Law of YHVH is called “The Transgression of Desolation” which is the cause of
The Great Tribulation:

Isaiah 24: 1-6

The Earth is polluted by its inhabitants - They have committed The Transgression of Desolation
(transgressed the Torah, changed the Holy Feasts to Christopagan Holidays, and broken the Everlasting
Covenant of the Sabbath changing it to the pagan day of worship … Sunday) - Therefore the Curse found
in the Torah devours the whole Earth, the inhabitants of Earth will be burned up, and few men left

The Transgression of Desolation (not to be confused with The Abomination of Desolation defined in the
next chapter) is the transgression of The Laws of YHVH which is the cause of the Earth’s destruction. The
Transgression of Desolation also leads those who commit it to later commit The Abomination of
Desolation which leads to the destruction of their body.

The Spirit of Error that permeates Christianity is the cause of The Transgression of Desolation. That spirit
is the teaching that in the “image of a man” (known as Hesus Horus Krishna a.k.a Jesus H. Christ) The
Law was abolished. In reality, The Law is the foundation of every covenant between YHVH and mankind
and The New Covenant is literally defined by The Law.

Jeremiah 31:31-34

31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares YHVH, “when I will make a new covenant with The House of
Israel and with The House of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I
took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I
was a husband to them,” declares YHVH. 33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with The House
of Israel after those days,” declares YHVH, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it;
and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 They will not teach again, each man his neighbor
and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know YHVH,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the
greatest of them,” declares YHVH, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
We see above YHVH speaking through His Prophet Jeremiah that YHVH would make a new covenant with
The House of Israel (whom He had scattered among all the nations and divorced) who had broken the
Mosaic Covenant by not keeping His Law. As a result The House of Israel was utterly divorced by YHVH
and rejected as being an unfaithful “wife” and violating the marriage vows (The Law). A new covenant
would also be made with The House of Judah. It would be under this “New Covenant” that YHVH would
re-unite both houses back into one nation under The Messiah Yahusha as King and choose a small
remnant from among them known as Remnant Israel. We touched on this in Chapter 10 of this book
“The Citizens of The Kingdom of YHVH” demonstrating that only a remnant from the bloodline of Jacob
would be chosen as sons of YHVH and they would be known by their outward keeping of His Law which
was written inwardly on their hearts. YHVH again confirmed the reality of His Law and its place in The
New Covenant when speaking through His Prophet Ezekiel:

Ezekiel 36: 26,27

I will give you a new heart (for my Law and write my Law on it) and put a new spirit (of loving obedience)
in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone (legalistic observance of The Law without love) and
give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be
careful to keep my laws.

In this chapter I will cover:

· How The Yahushaic Covenant is “New”

· The Plan of Salvation is conditional on keeping The Law

· The Law is a gift of YHVH to His Sons

· The Spirit of Error and The Spirit of The False Messiah

· The Transgression of Desolation is the Abolishment of The Law

· The Law is the governing constitution of The Kingdom of YHVH

· Law Breakers are thrown out of The Kingdom of YHVH

· Transposition of The Law of YHVH

o The 4 States of The Law and 3 Transpositions (transfers of position between them)

o The Law existed prior to Adam in The Mind of YHVH

o First Transposition of Law - from the Mind of YHVH to oral tradition

o Second Transposition of The Law - The Law was transposed from oral tradition to written in the
Mosaic Covenant

o Third Transposition of The Law - The Law was transposed from written in stone to written on the
hearts of His sons in The Yahushaic Covenant

· Yahusha strengthened The Law

· The Apostle Paul taught The Law properly

o Paul taught the transposition of The Law

o The Apostle Paul – Leader of the Nazarenes, follower of Yahusha

o The Apostle Paul’s view of The Law: Abolished or not?

· Summary

Statement of Faith and Doctrine

My name is Rav Sha'ul, the purpose of this web-site is to "inform" the sons of Yahuah about what the
Bible truly says concerning Eschatology (the Study of End Events), provide guidance concerning false
doctrines being preached in today’s churches, provide understanding relating to the Hebrew Roots of
our faith, and to provide a commentary on Scripture and teach the true meaning and the "hidden
language" the Bible is written in. The purpose is to provide guidance to the Saints in these, the last days
as Yahuah moves on His chosen scattered among all nations.

Since this site contain my commentary, interpretations, and guidance, I wanted to give you a little
background so that you understand my points of view and my underlying belief system that support
Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, Yahuah the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen
and unseen.

We believe in one Messiah, our elder brother, high priest, and Passover, Yahusha the Messiah, the first
human born Son of Yahuah of many to come, born of the physical seed of Abraham, but eternally
begotten or created in the Image of Yahuah by the power of Yahuah's Holy Spirit upon resurrection, light
from Light. Yahusha has been perfected over time and sinless in the eyes of Yahuah and he is "As One"
with the Father in Spirit through covenant of Marriage. Through Yahuah all things were made for
Yahusha and his 'Chosen Few' as an inheritance. For us and for our salvation Yahusha was spiritually
conceived in the "Mind of Yahuah," as 'The Plan of Salvation' by the power of Yahuah's Holy Spirit, and at
his appointed time he was created 100% flesh through the physical conception of the young maiden,
Miriam, wife of Joseph, and Joseph's seed through a supernatural act outside of physical sexual union.
One of 7 such miraculous births in scripture as a "sign" of Yahusha's important in The Plan of Salvation.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried on the Passover.
His death is not his sacrifice, it was the entire life of Yahusha as his sacrifice was a "living sacrifice" and
we all are instructed to follow his example of a life of obedience to the Will of Yahuah. His death was the
culmination of Yahusha giving up his own will and doing the will of his Father. By dying innocent Yahusha
broke the law of sin and death and Yahuah did not issue the final death decree and rose Yahusha from
the grave.After three nights and three days he was resurrected to eternal life on the Sabbath in
accordance with the Scriptures; He ascended into the heavens, and has been given the power and
authority to represent Yahuah. He will come again to establish and rule Yahuah's kingdom on Earth
during the Sabbath Millennium, then he will judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no
end. Yahusha is not Yahuah, he sits instead at the right hand of The Throne of Creation (which Yahuah
sits on as The Creator). Yahusha sits as proxy King over the Kingdom of Yahuah which is The Universe
which was given him as an inheritance as the first born son of Yahuah.

We believe in the Holy Spirit of Yahuah, as the Mind, Heart, Will, Essence of Life, and Power of Yahuah.
Literally Yahuah's Life Giving Breath.

We believe in Forgiveness and Salvation through Grace for those that love Yahuah by the intent of their
heart and strive to be obedient to the written Torah.

Yahuah has spoken through the Prophets and continues to speak through His Established Authority
which is His foundation on Earth. These men are few and far between... seek them out and listen to
them not the established religous systems of mankind.

We believe in one Holy Assembly of True Believers, who are mentally "As One" with Yahuah and Yahusha
the Messiah through the power of the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. These true believers are a very small
remnant scattered across the globe and are the literal bloodline decendants of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob as
so established by Yahuah in the Abrahamic Covenant. They are called Remnant Israel and are chosen
from among The House of Judah (Jews) and The House of Israel (scattered among every nation).

We acknowledge one water baptism (ritual cleansing of Mikveh) unto repentance of sin whereby Yahuah
cleanses you of your sin. And one baptism by the Spirit of Yahuah unto Salvation and revives your dead
spirit to live again.

We look forward to the resurrection of the saints, and the life of the world to come on The Sabbath
Mellenium where the sons of Yahuah will be organized into a Divine Government to rule first this Earth
and then The Universe.

Further, I Believe:

I reject the following "Christian" doctrines founded in the Universal Church of Rome that is identified in
the Word of Yahuah as Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots and which has come to be accepted as
"Christianity". Christianity is verbatim The Religion of Babylon.

Rapture - The word "rapture" is a doctrine of men not founded on "sound doctrine" or found in the
Word of Yahuah. The doctrine of the Rapture violates the fundamental doctrine of "Resurrection of the
Dead" as listed in Hebrews 6:1 by redirecting hope to a doctrine of "Assumption of the Living". Those
alive at the time of the Second Coming of Yahusha are translated after the first resurrection of the dead
at the time of the Second Coming.

Hell - Only the Elect sons of Yahuah are given Eternal Life in any form. Those not found written in the
Lambs Book of Life are "like brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed" in the lake of fire (Gehenna).
This is the second and final death. That judgment is eternal death, not eternally tortured. The Bible
speaks of 3 places mistranslated as "Hell" in English. They are Hades/Sheol - the grave, Tartarus - the pit,
and Gehenna - the lake of fire. None of which, imply the damned are given eternal life which is given as
Yahuah's gift to His sons alone.

Heaven - the sons of Yahuah inherit the Physical Universe, they do not float on clouds playing harps in
some mystical place called Heaven. "Heaven" is simply the Kingdom of Yahuah, or the Divine
Government of Yahuah, or the Kingdom. It is setup to rule the physical Universe which is given as an
inheritance to the first born son of Yahuah and Messiah whose name is Yahusha. And through Yahusha,
it is willed to all the sons of Yahuah who are Priests and Kings. The Bible speaks of 3 places mistranslated
"Heaven" in English. They are Shamayim- the atmosphere of Earth, Epouranios - outer space, ouranos -
the spiritual dimension. The sons of Yahuah inherit the Kingdom of Yahuah which is this entire universe.

Pagan Hol - I - days - I reject any day with pagan origin and only honor Yahuah's Holy Days. I reject
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc. etc. I honor the Sabbath, the Passover, the Feast of
Weeks, the Feast of First Fruits, the Feast of Trumpets, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Day of Atonement,

I do not recognize the catholic man-god savior, Jesus Christ (IHS), as legitimate, because the catholic
Jesus Christ, as presented to the world, never actually existed, as a God, demi-god or a man; while the
human Hebrew Messiah Yahusha, both existed as the son of Joseph, and now exists as a member of
Elohim, our Elder Brother, High Priest, Nazarite Priest, Passover Lamb, and Yahuah's Ambassador to
I deny the pagan doctrine of the Trinity. Here O Israel, Yahuah Elohim is ONE Elohim and there IS NO
OTHER. He is not 3 in One nor is the One 3. That is called the Hecate Trinity adopted from pagan
religions by the Whore who prostitutes out the worship of the ONE TRUE GOD, Yahuah, to the triune
pagan gods, the pagan Mother of God, the Saints, etc. etc. Any religion that worships the pagan Trinity,
the demi-god Jesus, on the pagan high day of the Sungod, Sunday, is a daughter of the Cult of Sol
Invictus renamed Christianity. In fact, the Trinity is the MYSTERY of Babylon and the mark of the
damned. The Shema is the Mark of Yahuah between the eyes of His sons and it is the name of Yahuah
and understanding He is not a pagan trinity.

I reject the belief that true believers can be demon possessed. Attacked, influenced... yes. But once
born again, having had the Breath of Yahuah (Holy Spirit) breathe life into our dead spirits, there is no
room for possession.

I reject the false doctrine of "amillenenialism" - which spiritualizes scripture, denying the literal return
of Messiah Yahusha, the meaning of the Feasts, and the meaning of the Sabbath.

I reject all teaching that uses human prophecy, traditions of men, doctrines of men, or church
authority to supersede the Word of Yahuah.

I reject the Roman/pagan teaching of the Virgin Birth. Yahusha was born of a virgin as a sign just like
John the Baptist, Sampson, etc. were born supernatural births as signs. All of these men of Yahuah,
including the Messiah, were born using the seed of their human father to honor their lineage. Yahuah is
Spirit, and does not have human DNA required for reproduction and the Holy Spirit (Yahuah) did not
have sex with Mary. Mary is not Yahuah's wife, Yahusha is not Yahuah, Mary is not Mother of Yahuah,
Mary is not the Queen of Heaven, Yahuah did not father himself, or anything of the like. This all is pagan.
Yahuah procreates His family upon RESURRECTION from the Dead, not human birth. This is clearly
taught by Yahuah. Yahusha was the Son of Man, the man Joseph. And this is CRITICAL to Yahusha's
claim to the Messiah and critical to the restoration of the Kingly Line of David. Without the Seed of
Joseph, Yahusha could not be the Messiah. The Messiah was prophesied to be a human, and prophesied
to restore both the Priesthood and the Royal Kingly Line of David. And revealed through Yahusha to be
the first born son of MANY to come of Yahuah's family through resurrection not human birth.

Further, I believe:

Concerning this Physical Life

I believe “discipline" is the key to life on this earth. You live this life to learn who your Creator is. You
learn through the concept of discipline which is guided by the Law of Yahuah. Discipline will prevail in
your life in two forms (the form is dictated by your level of spiritual maturity):

1. Discipline imposed by Yahuah - in which case discipline takes the form of “outside correction for
wrong doing". Yahuah ordained a system of “cause and effect" for every action in this life. You will
repeat your mistakes and you will reap the benefit of your actions until you have learned what Yahuah
has to teach you and have the maturity to impose self-discipline.

2. Self imposed Discipline - self-imposed discipline is the basic key to life. This form of discipline leads
to knowledge, wisdom, and success in life.
The Word of Yahuah (also known as the Bible)

I believe the Word of Yahuah (in its original language and form) to be inspired. That Word is The
Torah and Prophets and words of The Messiah. The rest of the "New Testament" is written by "inspired
commentators" and was not then nor are they now "prophets" who spoke for Yahuah.

I believe 100% in the Word of Yahuah and that it is sufficient i.e. The Torah and Prophets and
Gospels including Revelation the 5th Gospel.

I believe the Word of Yahuah was altered by Rome, the name of Yahuah removed, the name of the
Messiah changed, and false doctrines introduced. I believe Yahuah will give enlightenment and
instruction to overcome this fact. I have written the book series Original Revelation free on my website
to overcome these alterations and false doctrines and to teach the Truth of Scripture.

I believe the Word of Yahuah can be understood and is best understood "in context" of the
chapter, book, testament, and in context of the entire work from Genesis to Revelation. If at anytime,
my understanding of a particular verse contradicts the context of the chapter, or the book, or the
testament, or the complete work then my understanding is wrong and I will remain silent on the issue
until the Holy Spirit of Yahuah enlightens me and I can fully understand and explain the verse in context
of chapter, book, testament, and overall body of the Word of Yahuah.

I believe the Word of Yahuah is best-understood alone independent of the "interpretations and
doctrines of men" which tend to confuse and distort the simple meaning of the words. Leading to false
doctrines and the second death. The Bible was written in a prophetic, symbolic, hidden language that
only those given the "eyes and ears" to hear can understand.

I believe Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in context of The Yahushaic Covenant which is the
transposition of all physical examples, parallels, idioms, and riddles into the realm of The Spirit. In that
context we should understand such things as The Abomination of Desolation and many other

God - whose name is Yahuah, the Name above every name.

I believe in One self-existent Creator and that He disclosed Himself to be Yahuah, the Father of the sons
of God (Elohim). I believe God the Father has a plan that was revealed to mankind through covenants,
none of which are void but all of which build on the last leading to a complete revelation of our purpose
within His Will. I believe the final covenant (marriage contract) between Yahuah and mankind was
initiated with Messiah Yahusha and was consummated through the blood of Yahusha, and disclosed to
the Saints individually through the instruction of the Holy Spirit (breath of Yahuah). I am a disciple of
Yahusha who is the Messiah, my elder brother, my King, my High Priest, and my Yom Kippur and Passover
Lamb. I believe I am in debt to Yahusha because He died for me and if called upon I will gladly and I fully
expect to return the favor. Worthy is the Lamb!


I believe in predestination and that salvation is 100% a work of Yahuah through election as follows:

I believe Yahuah the Father elects you unto salvation and did so before the creation of the Universe.

I believe Yahuah sacrificed His first born (and only at this point) begotten son Yahusha.

I believe Yahusha the Messiah purchased your salvation while you were still dead in your sin and
serves the sons of Yahuah as the High Priest of Yahuah continually offering his life for ours before The
Throne of Yahuah. Yahusha is our Passover Lamb, our Yom Kippur, our High Priest, our King, and our
brother in the family of Elohim. He is not our God.

I believe that Yahuah breathes life (baptism of the Holy Spirit) back into your dead spirit (Born Again).
At that moment, you become a Chosen member of the family of Family, future begotten son of Yahuah in
the family of Elohim. I do not believe "speaking in tongues" is a sign of anything and if anything it is a
gift of speaking multiple languages. But specifically the gift of understanding the Mystery Language.

I believe the gifts and calling of Yahuah are irrevocable and that if Yahuah elects you that He is the
“author and finisher" of your faith. Meaning, if He saves you, He will personally see to your ultimate
salvation. Once truly saved, always saved but "truly saved" is the issue for many believe they are saved
and have no idea what true salvation means or what the evidence of true salvation is. And that as a
Chosen son of Yahuah, He will see to your ultimate perseverance, instruction, and obedience.

I believe you must be Signed (keep the Sabbath Holy), Sealed (by the Shema), and Delivered (by the
Passover Lamb, Yahusha) in order to be resurrected. Salvation is based on faith in His Promises as we
keep His Word, Commandments, and Laws out of love.

The Church - a metaphor for the family of Yahuah

I am non-denominational and rely solely on my relationship with Yahuah in the Covenant with Yahusha
through the breath of Yahuah (Holy Spirit) for wisdom, understanding, instruction, and revelation. These
things I pray for daily. The 'Church' is not contained within 4 walls, but rather is comprised of the
worldwide body of true believing born again Saints made evident by the Shema, of which I am a member
in good standing. Not of my own merit. I do not deserve it. I did not earn it. It was a gift freely given to
me by Yahuah through His Messiah, Yahusha, and I am indebted to spread the knowledge of this Gift and
Covenant with my life.

With that foundation, I have studied the Word of Yahuah for more than 20 years believing in Yahuah’s
Plan as revealed in the Bible.

Yahuah's Plan

God’s plan was revealed progressively to mankind over time through covenants. That Master Plan is
that Yahuah is imparting divine instruction personally to His Elect through a “lifetime" lived out on planet
Earth. His Elect is literally a “family". The first “family" was Adam’s, then Noah’s, then Abraham’s.
Yahuah’s Elect then descended down through Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) into all 12 descendents (tribes) of
Israel. That “family tree" became the Nation of Israel. That Nation was dispersed throughout the world
from the time of Babylonian captivity and then after the destruction of Israel in AD70.

God's (Yahuah) plan was realized in the New Covenant with the human Messiah Yahusha. It is within the
promises of this New Marriage Covenant between the sons of God and Yahusha that we are ONE with
our High Priest and King Yahusha and found righteous as Kings and Priest to Yahuah, the ONE True God.
Yahuah’s family is being literally called back to the physical nation of Israel in the last days to be re-
gathered at the time of the Second Coming. They will be led out of every nation by the 144,000 sealed
servants of Yahuah.

The ultimate plan of Yahuah is to train His Elect (Saints) for service in God’s Eternal Divine System of
Government. Saints will inherit the Universe through Messiah Yahusha and rule under His Divine
Authority for eternity.

To train His elect for service in the Divine System of Government that will rule the Universe for eternity
under the Kingship of Yahusha the Messiah, God implemented a 7,000-year plan and laid the details of
that plan out in His Word.

In Yahuah’s 7,000-year plan, Yahuah allotted 6,000 years to prove to man that every form of Human
Government fails. In the last days, Yahuah allows Satan to setup his government, which also fails. In the
last 1,000 years Yahusha the Messiah returns with the sons of Yahuah to setup a temporary limited (in
terms of size and scope) example of Yahuah’s Divine Government. Over the last 1,000 year period
known as The Sabbath Millenium, Yahuah proves once and for all time the value and success of His
Divine Authority. Upon completion of the 7,000 year plan, Yahusha the Messiah inherits the entire
Universe and the Saints are co-heirs according to God’s grace. God implements that Divine System of
Government to govern His entire Universe through King Yahusha the Messiah exercising authority
through His Saints.

Where does Rav Sha'ul fit in?

The Bible declares that at the End, the established “churches" will be filled with false doctrine and will be
leading the people like sheep to the slaughter literally. Yahuah rises up “men of wisdom" to guide the
Saints through these last days and out of the pagan Christian Church of Rome or rather Babylon. There
are 144,000 chosen “men of wisdom" at least. 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered
throughout the world that Yahuah “seals". They are sealed between their eyes with the name of
Yahuah. In other words they "understand" that Yahuah is ONE God and the Trinity is pagan. They are
given wisdom and knowledge concerning all facets of end events (spiritual and political) and unique
understanding of His Word. They are able to easily overcome every false doctrine of man and re-
establish the true meaning of His Word in context of His Law and Plan of Salvation. Their specific task is
to stand against false doctrines and guide the Saints through until the end comes.

I understand that much of what I say you may have never heard from the pulpit. I understand that at
times I will completely destroy the credibility of many established doctrines such as the pre-trib Rapture,
Heaven, Hell, the Trinity, Jesus, and “no one knows the day or the hour", and many more especially the
fasle doctine that The Law was abolished.

I encourage you to seek the truth. Ask questions. Challenge me at any and all times that you have
questions. I am very well trained and stand ready at all times to provide scriptural backing and solid
evidence to EVERYTHING I say. I do not speak a word, until I can prove every word I speak.

If after all this, you would still like to listen to what I have to say, I thank Yahuah and welcome you. If
after all this you do not want to participate I fully understand and encourage you to go to "God" and seek
the truth individually and challenge everything you have ever been taught. Because you have been
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His Bond-Servant,

Rav Sha'ul

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Pentecost, people, Pergamum, persecution, Peter, Paul, Philadelphia, Philistine, photos, pictures,
plagues, plan, priests, Protestant, pneuma, Pope, prayer, priest, Promise Land, prophecy, prophesy,
prophets, Protestant, Psalms, psychology, purification, Ra, rainbow, rapture, recipes, refute,
relationships, repent, repentance, Revelations, resurrection, Rhea, righteous, righteousness, Roman,
Romans, Rome, Rosh, ruach, Ruth, Sabbado, Sabbatarians, Sabbath, Sabbaths, sacred, sacrifice, saint,
Salem, salvation, Samhain, sanctification, sarcophagus, Sardis, Satan, Saturday, Saturnalia, scapegoat,
scripture, seals, security, Seed, self, selfcentered, selfish, selfishness, selflessness, seraphim, Seth,
seventh, sex, Shabat, Shabbat, shamar, Shaul, shema, sivan, shofar, sin, Smyrna, Sol, Solomon, solstice,
soul, Spanish, sperm, Spirit, star, study, Succoth, Sukah, Sukkat, sunset, Sun worship, supper, swastica,
symbolism, Tanakh, temple, Teruah, theos, Thessalonians,Thor, Thyatira, Timothy, tishri, tithe, time,
tongues, Torah, torture, translated, Tree of Life, trimurty, translations, trinity, trumpets, truth, twilight,
unleavened, valentine, Venus, verse, version, Vestal Virgin, virgin, visions, voting, vow, wallpaper, wheat,
whore, witnesses, woes, xmas, Y'Shua, Yah, Yahusha, Yahushua, Yahuah, Yehoshua, Yehowah, Yeshua,
YHVH, Yahuah, Yom, Zeus, and much more.

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