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Original Investigation

Acute Kidney Injury and Hair-Straightening Products: A

Case Series
Alon Bnaya, Nabil Abu-Amer, Pazit Beckerman, Alexander Volkov, Keren Cohen-Hagai, Meidad Greenberg,
Sydney Ben-chetrit, Kim Ben Tikva Kagan, Shira Goldman, Hadar Agmon Navarro, Marwan Abu Sneineh,
Benaya Rozen-Zvi, Yael Borovitz, Ana Tobar, Noa Berar Yanay, Ray Biton, Avital Angel-Korman,
Vladimir Rappoport, Adi Leiba, Younes Bathish, Evgeni Farber, Maital Kaidar-Ronat, Letizia Schreiber,
Moshe Shashar, Raisa Kazarski, Gil Chernin, Eyal Itzkowitz, Jawad Atrash, Nomy Levin Iaina, Shai Efrati,
Elad Nizri, Yael Lurie, Ofer Ben Itzhak, Suheir Assady, Yael Kenig-Kozlovsky, and Linda Shavit

Rationale & Objective: Keratin-based hair- noted in 10 (38%) patients. Two patients Complete author and article
straightening treatment is a popular hair-styling experienced a recurrent episode of AKI information provided before
method. The majority of keratin-based hair- following a repeat hair-straightening treatment.
straightening products in Israel contain glycolic Seven patients underwent kidney biopsies, Correspondence to
acid derivatives, which are considered safe which demonstrated intratubular calcium oxalate A. Bnaya (
when used topically. Systemic absorption of deposition in 6 and microcalcification in tubular Am J Kidney Dis. XX(XX):1-
these products is possible, and anecdotal cells in 1. In all biopsies, signs of acute tubular 10. Published online month
reports have described kidney toxicity injury were present, and an interstitial infiltrate xx, xxxx.
associated with their use. We report a series of was noted in 4 cases. Three patients required doi: 10.1053/
cases of severe acute kidney injury (AKI) temporary dialysis. j.ajkd.2022.11.016
following use of hair-straightening treatment in © 2023 by the National
Israel during the past several years. Limitations: Retrospective uncontrolled study,
Kidney Foundation, Inc.
small number of kidney biopsies.
Study Design: Case series.
Conclusions: This series describes cases of AKI
Setting & Participants: We retrospectively with prior exposure to hair-straightening
identified 26 patients from 14 medical centers in treatments. Acute oxalate nephropathy was the
Israel who experienced severe AKI and reported dominant finding on kidney biopsies, which may
prior treatment with hair-straightening products in be related to absorption of glycolic acid
2019-2022. derivatives and their metabolism to oxalate. This
Findings: The 26 patients described had a me- case series suggests a potential
dian age of 28.5 (range, 14-58) years and underrecognized cause of AKI in the young
experienced severe AKI following a hair- healthy population. Further studies are needed
straightening procedure. The most common to confirm this association and to assess the
symptoms at presentation were nausea, extent of this phenomenon as well as its
vomiting, and abdominal pain. Scalp rash was pathogenesis.

N ephrotoxic acute kidney injury (AKI) is a well-

recognized and relatively common cause of decreased
kidney function. Although various medications, herbal
products. This led to an increase in the use of glycolic acid
derivatives in hair-straightening products.4,6 Although these
agents are widely approved for cosmetic purposes in many
products, and diagnostic agents have been reported to be countries and are marketed as “formaldehyde-free,” several
associated with kidney damage, other potential environ- studies suggest that glycolic acid derivatives may also release
mental and chemical toxic agents may be underrecognized formaldehyde when exposed to high temperatures.6,7 In
by medical practitioners.1-3 Hair straightening using Israel, most hair-straightening products contain glycolic acid
chemical agents is a popular hair-styling technique globally. derivatives (glyoxalic acid, glyoxyloyl carbocysteine, and
This technique produces a smooth and shiny appearance to glyoxyloyl keratin amino acids).
the hair that lasts as long as several months. During the past In recent years, anecdotal cases of AKI following hair-
2 decades, keratin-based treatment (also called Brazilian straightening treatment were reported in Israel and
keratin treatment) has become a popular hair-straightening Egypt.8-10 In this study, we describe additional cases of AKI
method because it enhances hair color and shine and may associated with hair-straightening products in Israel during
be applied on all types of hair.4 Originally, the Brazilian a recent 4-year period, detailing the clinical presentation,
keratin treatment formulation contained formaldehyde or course of illness, histopathologic findings, and outcomes
formaldehyde releasers in addition to synthetic hydrolyzed of these patients.
liquid keratin. However, formaldehyde is a carcinogenic
and teratogenic agent, and acute exposure may result in skin
lesions, headaches, eye irritation, and injury to the respi- Methods
ratory tract.5 Thus, it has been banned in Brazil, Canada, and We contacted all nephrology departments/institutions in
the European Union as an active ingredient in straightening Israel to identify cases of AKI following hair straightening.

AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023 1

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chosen to distinguish oxalate nephropathy from other

PLAIN-LANGUAGE SUMMARY kidney pathologic processes.14
Exposure to environmental toxins may lead to acute Descriptive statistics were calculated for all study vari-
kidney injury (AKI). Nevertheless, chemical products ables. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean and
associated with kidney impairment are occasionally SD or median and IQR as appropriate, and binary variables
overlooked and underreported by clinicians. During a were expressed as frequencies and percentages. The study
recent 4-year period, episodes of severe AKI following was approved by the institutional review board, which,
hair straightening have been described in healthy young because of the retrospective nature of the study and the use
women in Israel. Clinical symptoms, including of unidentified data, waived the need for informed consent
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and scalp irritation, to this study.
appeared during or immediately after the procedure. In
30% of cases, a kidney biopsy was performed, Results
demonstrating deposition of calcium oxalate crystals in Demographic and Clinical Characteristics
the tubules and acute tubular injury. Kidney function Between January 2019 and August 2022, 26 cases of AKI
recovered spontaneously in most patients. This case following hair-straightening treatment were identified in
series suggest a possible association between hair 14 medical centers in Israel. Baseline demographic and
straightening and AKI, which may in turn result from clinical features are presented in Table 1. All patients were
acute oxalate nephropathy. female and 5 (19%) were younger than 20 years (median
age, 28.5 [range, 14-58] years). The majority of patients
were healthy, and all patients denied any long-term
AKI was defined according to Acute Kidney Injury exposure to medications (including renin-angiotensin-
Network criteria, and AKI severity was graded using aldosterone inhibitors or diuretic agents), herbal adulter-
KDIGO criteria.11 ants, or over-the-counter supplements before admission.
AKI was considered to be related to hair-straightening Three patients had a history of nephrolithiasis and 3 had a
treatment if it met the following criteria: AKI developed skin disorder (2 had psoriasis and 1 had atopic dermatitis).
during the 48-72 hours following hair-straightening There was no family history of kidney disease. Three pa-
product exposure; other etiologies for AKI were excluded tients reported consumption of 1-3 tablets of nonsteroidal
after extensive clinical, laboratory, and imaging evaluation anti-inflammatory drugs for abdominal and flank pain that
by the primary treating physicians and the nephrology occurred after the hair-straightening treatment. One patient
consultants; and the patient experienced systemic signs received an antibiotic (cefalexin), and 1 patient took 2
(such as abdominal pain, vomiting, and scalp eruption/ tablets of omeprazole for heartburn 3 days before
irritation) within 24 hours of hair-straightening product admission.
exposure. At presentation, all patients were in hemodynamically
To assess the causality between exposure to hair- stable condition (mean systolic and diastolic blood pres-
straightening agents and the development of AKI, we sures, 126 ± 13 and 78 ± 10 mm Hg, respectively). The
used the Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale (i.e., most common symptoms were nausea or vomiting (25
Naranjo Scale).12 For each patient, a score between −4 and [96%]) and abdominal pain (12 [46%]), which occurred
13 was calculated. The relationship between exposure to during or immediately following the hair-straightening
hair-straightening agents and AKI was considered defini- procedure. Flank pain was reported in 9 (35%) cases. In
tive if the score was 9 or higher, probable if 5-8, possible 10 patients (38%), scalp erosion and/or rash were noted.
if 1-4, and doubtful if 0 or lower. Laboratory studies are described in Table 2. The mean
For each case, demographic, clinical, and laboratory peak serum creatinine concentration during admission was
data were retrieved. Imaging studies including ultrasound 5.3 ± 2.4 mg/dL, and all patients were classified as having
or computed tomography were also reviewed. stage 3 AKI. At admission, mild leukocytosis without
The clinical course of the patients, including need for eosinophilia was observed in 11 (42%) patients. Liver
kidney replacement therapy, specific therapy (eg, steroid function and creatinine phosphokinase were in the refer-
treatment), and kidney function at the time of hospital ence range in all patients. Mild metabolic acidosis was
discharge as well as after discharge were assessed. Baseline noted in 14 of 21 (67%) patients, with high anion gap in 7
serum creatinine level was defined as the closest mea- of 15 (47%). Immune serology tests were unrevealing.
surement obtained before the index admission. The esti- Urinalysis demonstrated mild proteinuria in 9 (35%) pa-
mated glomerular filtration rate was calculated using the tients. Urine sediment examination revealed granular casts
2009 CKD-EPI creatinine equation.13 in 2 patients. No crystals were noted.
Interpretation of kidney biopsies (when available) was Eleven (42%) patients had been exposed to keratin-
based on local hospital pathology reports. In cases with based products containing glycolic acid derivatives. These
calcium oxalate crystals deposition, the ratio of crystals to agents were labeled as “formaldehyde-free” products. In
glomeruli was calculated. A cutoff ratio of at least 0.25 was the other 15 patients, the specific hair-straightening

2 AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023

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Table 1. Clinical Characteristics and Hair-Straightening Products

Time From Scr, mg/dL
Comorbidities Exposure Hair
Age, and Medical Clinical Symptoms to AKI Kidney Follow- Straightening
Pt No. y History and Signsa Diagnosis, d Biopsy Peak Discharge up Method
1 24 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 2 No 5.82 2.36 0.59 Unknown
2 22 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 1 No 2.76 0.72 NA Keratin-based
and vomiting, scalp rash treatmentc
3 30 Nephrolithiasis Nausea and vomiting, 4 No 4.81 3.26 0.8 Keratin-based
flank pain, scalp rash treatmentc
4 29 Healthy Nausea and vomiting, 3 No 2.09 1.51 0.57 Unknown
scalp rash
5 21 Epilepsy Abdominal pain, vomiting, 4 Yes 11.83 2.64 0.77 Unknown
headache, scalp rash
6 58 Healthy Nausea, flank pain, 1 Yes 7.54 1.39 NA Keratin-based
syncope treatment
7 14 Healthy Nausea, flank pain, 2 No 3.8 1.27 NA Unknown
8 31 Healthy, smoking Abdominal pain, vomiting 3 No 8.14b 1.53 NA Unknown
9 29 Nephrolithiasis Vomiting, scalp rash 1 No 6.8 2.53 NA Unknown
10 52 Psoriasis, Abdominal and flank 2 No 3.4 2.1 NA Unknown
nephrolithiasis pain, nausea and
11 24 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea, 3 No 2.17 1.13 0.5 Keratin-based
fever treatmentc
12 33 Healthy Nausea and vomiting, 3 No 6 3 1.1 Keratin-based
chills treatmentc
13 13 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 1 Yes 3.56b 1.3 0.5 Unknown
and vomiting
14 17 Psoriasis Abdominal pain, nausea 1 Yes 7.1b 1.1 0.7 Keratin-based
and vomiting treatmentc
15 17.5 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 1 No 2.9 1.26 0.8 Keratin-based
and vomiting, fever, scalp treatmentc
16 24 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 5 No 4.2 1.4 0.8 Unknown
and vomiting, scalp rash
17 36 Healthy Nausea and vomiting, 1 No 6 4.4 0.9 Unknown
scalp rash
18 21 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 1 No 3.2 1.8 NA Unknown
and vomiting
19 41 Hypothyroidism, Nausea and vomiting 3 Yes 3.46 0.98 NA Keratin-based
sleeve treatmentc
20 19 Healthy Nausea, flank pain, 2 Yes 5.09 2.1 0.9 Unknown
21 44 Hypercoagulability Vomiting, flank pain 2 No 7.8 2 0.87 Unknown
state (prothrombin
22 50 Healthy Nausea and vomiting 5 No 7.3 5.6 1.23 Unknown
23 21 Healthy Nausea and vomiting, 5 No 3.68 1.41 0.99 Keratin-based
flank pain, scalp rash treatmentc
24 28 Atopic dermatitis, Nausea and vomiting, 2 No 2.83 1.06 0.71 Keratin-based
gastroesophageal flank pain, scalp rash treatmentc
reflux disease
25 32 Healthy Abdominal pain, nausea 4 Yes 9.03 2.75 0.65 Keratin-based
and vomiting treatmentc
26 30 Healthy Flank pain 7 No 7.36 3.32 0.85 Unknown
All patients were female. Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; NA, not available; pt, patient; Scr, serum creatinine.
In all patients, clinical symptoms started during or 1-3 hours after hair-straightening treatment.
Required temporary hemodialysis.
Known to contain glycolic acid derivatives.

AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023 3

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Table 2. Laboratory and Radiologic Characteristics (N = 26) poor corticomedullary differentiation in 6. No stones or
Characteristic Value signs of nephrocalcinosis were reported. In 2 patients with
enlarged and hyperechoic kidneys during admission,
Laboratory findings
Hemoglobin, g/dL 12.6 ± 1
repeat ultrasound findings several weeks later were
White blood cell count, ×109/L 10.8 ± 4.6 normal.
Platelet count, ×109/L 268 ± 60 In the remaining 9 (35%) cases, computed tomography
Sodium, mEq/L 137 ± 3.8 was performed and demonstrated nonobstructive neph-
Potassium, mEq/L 4.2 ± 0.5 rolithiasis in 3 patients. There were no signs of neph-
Calcium, mg/dL 9 ± 0.6 rocalcinosis or extrarenal calcifications.
Phosphorus, mg/dLa 4.5 ± 1.2
Magnesium, mg/dLb 2.4 ± 0.4 Kidney Biopsy Findings
Chloride, mg/dLb 105 ± 5.9 Seven patients underwent kidney biopsy during hospital-
Bicarbonate, mmol/Lc 20.7 ± 3.3 ization (Fig 1; Table 3). In 5, multiple crystal depositions
Baseline creatinine, mg/dLc 0.73 ± 0.1
in renal tubules were identified and exhibited bright
Admission serum urea nitrogen, mg/dL 37 ± 18.9
birefringence when viewed under polarized light,
Admission creatinine, mg/dL 4.2 ± 2.4
compatible with a diagnosis of acute oxalate nephropathy
Peak creatinine, mg/dL 5.3 ± 2.4
(patients 6, 14, 19, 20, and 25). One biopsy showed
Discharge creatinine, mg/dL 2 ± 1.1
Follow-up creatinine, mg/dLd 0.79 ± 0.2
microcalcifications incorporated within the tubular
Creatinine phosphokinase, IU/L 68.6 ± 35.8
epithelium (patient 13), and, in another biopsy, a few
Uric acid, mg/dL 7 ± 1.5 calcium oxalate crystals were seen (patient 5). The mean
C-reactive protein, mg/dL 6.1 ± 6.3 ratio of calcium oxalate crystals to glomeruli was 3.3 ± 2.8.
Urinalysis Signs of acute tubular damage were noted in all 7 biopsies,
Hematuria 13 (50%) and interstitial inflammatory infiltrates were noted in 4.
Leukocyturia 14 (54%) The glomeruli appeared normal in all biopsies. Immuno-
Proteinuria 9 (35%) fluorescence staining was positive for mesangial immu-
Urinary protein-creatinine ratio, mg/g 493 ± 345 noglobulin A in 1 biopsy.
Adverse Drug Reaction Probability score 7.3 ± 0.5
Values for continuous variables given as mean ± SD; categorical variables as count Clinical Course and Outcome
n = 23. The median duration of hospital stay was 6 (IQR, 5-7.8)
n = 15.
n = 21. days. During hospitalization, one patient experienced se-
n = 18. vere dyspnea with bilateral lung infiltrates (considered to
be related to toxic agent exposure), which resolved within
several days. Duration of stay was longer among patients
products were unknown; however, in Israel, the vast who had a biopsy than among those who did not (medians
majority of these products contain glycolic acid. Two pa- of 12 [IQR, 3.5-19] vs 5 [IQR, 4-7] days). Otherwise, the
tients reported another previous AKI episode following clinical presentation and outcome were similar among
hair-straightening treatment. patients who underwent kidney biopsy and those who did
According to the Adverse Drug Reaction Probability not. The mean creatinine concentration at admission was
Scale (Naranjo Scale), all cases of AKI were defined as 4.2 ± 2.4 mg/dL (5 ± 3.8 mg/dL in patients who under-
probably related to prior exposure to hair-straightening went kidney biopsy and 3.9 ± 1.7 mg/dL in those who did
agents. not). Four of 7 patients (57%) who had biopsies per-
formed (vs 1 [5%] who did not) were treated with steroids
Chemical Analyses because of biopsy evidence of interstitial infiltration. Two
According to information obtained from the Israeli Min- patients in the kidney biopsy group and 1 in the no-biopsy
istry of Health, analyses of hair-straightening products group required hemodialysis; all 3 were successfully
marketed in Israel revealed varying concentrations of weaned from dialysis.
glyoxylic acid (range, 0.56%-17.9%), with pH below 1 in Kidney function gradually improved in all patients.
some of the products. Ethylene glycol and diethylene Mean creatinine concentration at discharge was
glycol were not detected. The concentration of formalde- 2 ± 1.1 mg/dL (1.7 ± 0.7 mg/dL in patients who un-
hyde was <200 ppm in most tested products, but the derwent kidney biopsy and 2.2 ± 1.2 mg/dL in those
concentration was relatively high in one (504 ppm). who did not). Postdischarge follow-up was available in
18 of 26 patients for a median period of 1.3 (IQR, 0.53-
Imaging Findings 19) months. Kidney function returned to normal in all
As part of AKI evaluation, abdominal ultrasound was patients.
performed in 17 (65%) patients. The kidneys were Serum from 2 patients was assayed for glycolic acid and
hyperechoic in 6 patients and symmetrically enlarged with formic acid, which were not detected. In one of these

4 AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023

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patients, this test was performed only 7 days after hair and cause skin and eye irritation.6,18 The absorption of
straightening. glycolic acid by the skin is dependent on the pH of the
product, its concentration, the duration of exposure on
the skin, and the lipophilic properties of the product.18-21
Discussion In the United States, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review
In this case series, we present 26 female adolescents and Expert Panel suggested that these agents are safe for
young adults with AKI following a hair-straightening short-term use at a concentration <30% and at final
procedure. The clinical constellation of abdominal formulation pH higher than 3 when used by a trained
pain, nausea, vomiting, scalp rash, and severe AKI that professional.18 In Israel, the recommended pH for
appears shortly after exposure suggests intoxication, and cosmetic products is higher than 2.
kidney biopsy findings confirmed acute oxalate neph- Glycolic acid is metabolized to glyoxylic acid by gly-
rotoxicity as the main cause of AKI. As further evidence colate oxidase in human liver cells. Glyoxylic acid is con-
supporting an association between hair-straightening verted further into glycine by alanine-glyoxylate
treatment and AKI, all cases for which the product aminotransferase 1 or into oxalate by cytoplasmatic lactate
was known involved a keratin-based treatment, and dehydrogenase or peroxisomal glycolate oxidase22-24 (Fig 2).
these products contained derivatives of glycolic acid that Early studies in rats fed with glycolic acid resulted in
are metabolized to oxalate. Also, AKI reappeared after abnormally increased oxalate secretion in the kidney, an in-
repeat exposure to the product in 2 patients. Moreover, crease in kidney weight, and nephrotoxicity due to deposi-
the timing of the onset and the absence of other plau- tion of calcium oxalate crystals in the tubules.25-30 However,
sible causes of severe AKI in these healthy young in- systemic absorption of glycolic acid through the skin in
dividuals further reinforces our hypothesis. humans is poorly described. In 1996, Slavin et al described a
The association between hair-straightening treatment kidney transplant recipient in whom AKI developed after 5
and AKI was originally described in 2019 by Ahmed et al.8 glycolic acid facial peels. Kidney biopsy demonstrated tubular
In that report, severe AKI occurred in 2 female adolescents vacuolization and intraluminal oxalate crystals.31 In our cases,
less than 48 hours after use of hair-straightening products. enhanced absorption of glycolic acid derivatives may be
Similar to our cases, the clinical presentation included related at least in part to the impairment of skin integrity (as
vomiting and scalp rash. In their cases, kidney biopsies evidenced by scalp rash and erosion in 38% of patients).
demonstrated acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. The au- Another interesting observation in our study was the
thors suggested that the likely toxic agent was formalde- presence of kidney stones in 3 patients. This may be an
hyde. However, in our case series, the prominent biopsy undercount because, even though most of our patients had
findings were calcium oxalate crystal deposition in the an ultrasound examination as part of the AKI evaluation,
renal tubules, compatible with a diagnosis of acute oxalate small kidney stones may be overlooked. Because many
nephropathy. women perform hair straightening uneventfully, a possible
Oxalate nephropathy, defined as calcium oxalate crystal predisposing genetic factor in oxalate metabolism and
deposition in kidney tissue, can present as an acute or excretion may play a role in the clinical presentation in our
chronic decrease in kidney function. Well-recognized cases. Previous studies have tried to elucidate a genetic
causes of chronic oxalate nephropathy include enteric basis for kidney stone formation, with some reporting a
and primary hyperoxaluria. However, acute oxalate ne- high prevalence of a HOGA1 variant in patients with
phropathy is extremely rare and has been described pri- hyperoxaluria of unknown etiology32-34 and others char-
marily in cases of extreme oxalate load (such as toxic acterizing a series of gene variations (such as affecting
ingestion of ethylene glycol and consumption of high SLC26A1 and SLC26A6) that are involved in renal tubular
doses of vitamin C and starfruit).15,16 function related to kidney stone formation, including
The extent of renal impairment related to oxalate ne- oxalate.35-38
phropathy may be underestimated. In 2 large studies An additional concern regarding the use of products
examining kidney biopsies, the rates of oxalate nephrop- containing high concentrations of glycolic acid relates to
athy ranged from 1% to 4%. The cause of oxalate ne- the potential release of formaldehyde when these agents
phropathy was undetermined in >40% of cases.14,17 are subjected to high temperature.6,7 In Israel, the use of
Notably, in these 2 cohorts, other common pathologic heating with these products is forbidden. In the past,
findings were acute tubular necrosis and interstitial formaldehyde was commonly used in hair-straightening
nephritis, similar to the kidney biopsy findings in the products because of its ability to promote cross-linking
present study. of hydrolyzed keratin solution to the hair fiber keratin.
At the time of writing, glycolic acid and its de- However, because of its toxic effects, the use of formal-
rivatives are widely used in the cosmetic industry, dehyde was banned by several countries, and others
including in hair-smoothing products. Although glycolic limited the maximum permitted concentration in cosmetic
acid is usually considered relatively safe and without products.39-42 Formaldehyde exposure has been previously
local or systemic toxicity, when it is used topically, high shown to cause acute tubular injury in rats.43,44 In
doses of glycolic acid may be absorbed through the skin humans, intravesicular formaldehyde administration as a

AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023 5

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Figure 1. Pathologic features associated with hair-straightening procedure. (A) Injured tubular cell with loss of brush borders and
epithelial cell vacuolization (patient 5). (B) Microcalcifications incorporated within the tubular epithelium (arrow; patient 13). (C)
Tubular simplification, calcium oxalate crystals in the tubular lumen, and mild lymphocyte infiltration (patient 6). (D-H) Intratubular cal-
cium oxalate crystal deposition (arrows in E-H; patients 6, 14, 20, and 25). Images in D, F, G, and H were obtained under polarized
light microscopy. Calcium oxalate crystals are seen in the right lower quadrants (all images show hematoxylin and eosin staining).
Original magnifications, ×20 (B, D, and G) and ×40 (A, C, E, F, and H).

6 AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023

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Table 3. Histopathologic Findings of Kidney Biopsies

Pt No. Light Microscopy Immunofluorescence Additional Staining
5 8 normal glomeruli; blood vessels normal; small Mesangial IgA: 1-2+; C3, C1q, EM: no deposits
mononuclear interstitial infiltrate with spare IgM: negative (1 glomerulus)
eosinophils; ATI pattern; 3 calcium oxalate
crystals in the tubules
6 20 glomeruli: 19 normal, 1 sclerotic; mild ATI; No glomeruli Masson trichrome:
small mononuclear interstitial infiltrate; multiple 10% fibrosis
tubules containing oxalate crystals (2.9 crystals
per glomerulus); small-medium artery with
intimal thickening
13 12 normal glomeruli; ATI, mainly involving the Negative Masson trichrome: no fibrosis;
proximal tubules; microcalcifications silver stain: intact membranes
incorporated within the tubular epithelium
14 10 normal glomeruli; blood vessels normal; Negative –
small tubulointerstitial lymphoid aggregates in
the tubulointerstitium; ATI pattern; multiple
calcium oxalate crystals in the tubules (8.1
crystals per glomerulus)
19 16 glomeruli: 14 normal, 2 globally sclerotic; C3: 1+ (in wall of blood Masson trichrome: 7%-10%
multifocal mixed inflammatory infiltrates with vessels); IgM: trace; IgG, IgA, fibrosis; EM: normal structure of
multiple eosinophils and foci of tubulitis (1 with C4, C1q, κ- and λ-light chain, the glomerulus; no deposits
epithelioid granuloma formation); tubules with albumin, fibrinogen: negative found
signs of diffuse tubular injury; multiple tubules
containing oxalate crystals (1.3 crystals per
20 17 normocellular glomeruli; tubules with diffuse Negative –
ATI; multiple tubules filled with calcium oxalate
crystals; few small calcium oxalate crystals
present in the urinary space of glomerulus (1.18
crystals per glomerulus); interstitium with mild
edema and sparse eosinophils
25 6 normocellular glomeruli; ATI; tubules filled IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, κ- and –
with calcium oxalate crystals (2.2 crystals per λ-light chain: trace
Abbreviations: ATI, acute tubular injury; EM, electron microscopy; Ig, immunoglobulin; pt, patient.

treatment for refractory hemorrhagic cystitis may result in signs of decreased kidney perfusion at presentation
edematous urinary obstruction and acute tubular injury.45-47 (including normal blood pressure and a ratio of serum
Previous studies found a high level of formaldehyde that urea nitrogen to creatinine <1:20). Moreover, the use of
exceeded occupational exposure limits in hair-straightening nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a proton pump in-
products, even when labeled as formaldehyde-free.7,48,49 hibitor, and an antibiotic agent was in response to
Although we cannot exclude formaldehyde as a potential abdominal pain, and the doses and durations of exposure
nephrotoxic component contributing to AKI in our patients, were minimal, making these drugs unlikely to be the cause
the consistent finding of calcium oxalate deposition in kidney of AKI in these young, healthy patients. Although hyper-
biopsies suggests the metabolism of glycolic acid derivatives acute allergic reaction to medications can induce acute
to oxalate as the main mechanism of nephrotoxicity in our interstitial nephritis, the clinical presentation in such cases
cases. frequently includes acute urticaria, peripheral eosinophilia,
The proposed mechanism for AKI following hair- and leukocyturia with eosinophiluria, which were absent
straightening treatment is summarized in Fig 2. Although in our patients. Of the 5 patients who had a history of drug
the presented case series implies an association between exposure before admission, a kidney biopsy was per-
hair straightening and AKI, other potential explanations formed in one case, demonstrating acute oxalate ne-
cannot be completely excluded. In this regard, the main phropathy. It is important to emphasize that our patients
differential diagnosis considered by the treating physicians had no history of other unusual nutritional, herbal, or
during hospitalization included decreased kidney perfu- medicine exposure known to cause acute oxalate ne-
sion (consistent with a history of vomiting and low phropathy. AKI due to urinary obstruction was excluded
intake), acute interstitial nephritis (due to antibiotic and by kidney imaging in all patients, and the presence of
proton pump inhibitor exposure), and acute tubular ne- bland urine sediment, minimal proteinuria, and normal
crosis (due to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). blood pressure was not suggestive of glomerular diseases.
However, vomiting and abdominal pain appeared shortly The present report is, to our knowledge, the first to
after hair straightening, and most patients had no clinical attribute a series of AKI cases associated with hair-

AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023 7

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Figure 2. Suggested mechanism of acute kidney injury following hair-straightening treatment. AGT, alanine-glyoxylate aminotrans-
ferase; GO, glycolate oxidase; HOGA, 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase; LDH5, lactate dehydrogenase 5.

straightening products to acute oxalate nephropathy. As follow-up period was relatively short and the number of
noted above, in Israel, most hair-straightening products patients was limited, we could not identify patient char-
contain glycolic acid derivatives. However, in the United acteristics or clinical features associated with more severe
States and Europe, hair-straightening products containing presentation, slower recovery, or need for dialysis.
cysteine, acetic acid, ammonium thioglycolate, and thio- In summary, this case series suggests an association
glycolic acid are commonly used. Although this may partly between keratin-based hair-straightening products and
explain the absence of reported cases of AKI following hair AKI, possibly mediated by the toxic effects of glycolic acid
straightening in those countries, a lack of awareness by derivative absorption and acute oxalate nephropathy. In
treating physicians of a possible relationship between addition, potential exposure to formaldehyde may also
exposure to keratin-based products and AKI may lead to contribute to the clinical presentation.
underreporting. Our findings may reflect only the “tip of the iceberg”;
Our case series has several limitations. Its retrospective potentially, subclinical kidney injury after hair-
design has inherent biases. The relatively small number of straightening procedures may occur as well. Alterna-
kidney biopsies limits the generalizability of our findings. tively, these cases may represent dire ramifications of the
However, because kidney function improved spontane- use of unsupervised products with high levels of glycolic
ously and rapidly in many of the patients, repeat biopsy acid derivatives, low pH, or poor technique (ie, heating).
was not clinically indicated or justified. Nevertheless, As of the time of writing, the Israeli Ministry of Health is
consistent findings were observed in most biopsies, conducting a formal investigation of AKI events associated
including crystal deposition and acute tubular injury. with hair treatments and monitoring adherence to
Importantly, because we were not aware of the possibility regulations.
of oxalate nephropathy as the main cause of AKI in these
patients until all data were collected and analyzed, there
was no 24-hour urine collection for oxalate testing, nor Article Information
blood testing for glycolic acid and formic acid. Further- Authors’ Full Names and Academic Degrees: Alon Bnaya, MD,
more, information regarding the specific components of Nabil Abu-Amer, MD, Pazit Beckerman, MD, Alexander Volkov, MD,
the hair-treatment products, including concentration of Keren Cohen-Hagai, MD, Meidad Greenberg, MD, Sydney Ben-
chetrit, MD, Kim Ben Tikva Kagan, MD, Shira Goldman, MD, Hadar
glycolic acid derivatives and the pH of the products, the Agmon Navarro, MD, Marwan Abu Sneineh, MD, Benaya Rozen-
use of heating during hair treatment (which may be Zvi, MD, Yael Borovitz, MD, Ana Tobar, MD, Noa Berar Yanay, MD,
associated with the release of formaldehyde), and exposure Ray Biton, MD, Avital Angel-Korman, MD, Vladimir Rappoport, MD,
time of these agents on the scalp during treatment was Adi Leiba, MD, Younes Bathish, MD, Evgeni Farber, MD, Maital
unavailable in most cases. It should also be noted that, Kaidar-Ronat, MD, Letizia Schreiber, MD, Moshe Shashar, MD,
Raisa Kazarski, MD, Gil Chernin, MD, Eyal Itzkowitz, MD, Jawad
because there is no clear information regarding the total Atrash, MD, Nomy Levin Iaina, MD, Shai Efrati, MD, Elad Nizri, MD,
number of people undergoing hair straightening in Israel, Yael Lurie, MD, Ofer Ben Itzhak, MD, Suheir Assady, MD, Yael
clear incidence cannot be established. Finally, because the Kenig-Kozlovsky, MD, and Linda Shavit, MD.

8 AJKD Vol XX | Iss XX | Month 2023

Bnaya et al

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Center (AB, EI, JA, LS), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (RK, GC), National Toxicology Program 12th Report on Carcinogens;
Jerusalem; Institute of Nephrology and Hypertension (NA-A, PB) Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Division on
and Department of Pathology (AV), Sheba Medical Center, Earth and Life Sciences; National Research Council. Review of
Sackler Faculty of Medicine (NA-A, PB, KC-H, MG, SB-c, KB-T, the Formaldehyde Assessment in the National Toxicology
SG, HAN, MAS, BR-Z, YB, AT, MK-R, SE, EN), Tel Aviv University, Program 12th Report on Carcinogens. Washington, DC, Na-
and Department of Nephrology, Hillel Yaffe Hospital (NBY), Tel tional Academies Press, 2014.
Aviv; Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Meir Medical 6. Boga C, Taddei P, Micheletti G, et al. Formaldehyde replace-
Center, Kfar Saba (KC-H, MG, SB-c); Departments of Nephrology ment with glyoxylic acid in semipermanent hair straightening: a
and Hypertension (KB-T, SG, HAN, MAS, BR-Z) and Pathology new and multidisciplinary investigation. Int J Cosmet Sci.
(AT), Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva; Nephrology Institute, 2014;36(5):459-470. doi:10.1111/ics.12148
Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva, Israel (YB);
7. Aglan MA, Mansour GN. Hair straightening products and the
Nephrology and Hypertension Institute, Samson Assuta Ashdod
risk of occupational formaldehyde exposure in hairstylists. Drug
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