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Voice Over: A parade of beauties! A battle of wit!

A show-off of poise and

carriage! Who among Faith, Jaja, Mae, Graciela, Jhean Ann, Nova, Kyra, Vanessa,
Cindy, Ralph, Kris, Prince, Phil, JV, Sherwin, Paul, Brin, would be crowned Mr. and
Miss Division Secondary Schools Press Conference 2015? There’s only one way to
find out. Let’s all watch the Search for Mr. and Miss Division Secondary Schools
Press Conference.

: To begin with,

Mayen: Gracious Evening everyone! Tonight will be filled with verdure of

entertainment as Samar Division brings you the Search for Mr. and Miss Division
Secondary Schools Press Conference 2015. Indeed, we are here tonight to foment
a flake of entertainment that will engross everybody to be formidable wishers of
this program’s success.

Mark: That’s right partner. Tonight is the Search for Mr. and Miss Division
Secondary Schools Press Conference. So why don’t you sit down and relax as we
bring you a different taste of top satisfaction; because after those day of
hardships wherein everybody goes to be very busy, we really need to have some
unwinding activities.

Both: Ladies and gentleman,

Mayen: I’m Maileen

Mark: And I’m Mark

Both: And we will be hosting..

Mayen: the grandest...

Mark: the most exciting…

Mayen: and the most fabulous pageant at this very side of the planet…

Both: the Search for Mr. and Miss Division Secondary Schools Press Conference

Mark: To commence this affair, may we request everyone to please stand for a
prayer and please remain standing until after the singing of the Philippine
National Anthem to be led by the Clarencian Ensemble for Theater and the Arts.
Please uncover.

Mayen: Listening to people with brilliant thoughts and smart ideas is one way of
developing a strong foundation of the institution. Friends, let us lend our ears to
the Education Program Supervisor in Filipino in the Division of Samar, Dr. Cecilia
G. Ason as she delivers her opening message. A big hand please.
Mark: Thank you so much ma’am for that opening message of yours. All right,
Clarencio Calagos Memorial School is a cradle of talented students. To give us a
taste of this, may call Ashly Calagos – a CETA choir member, to give us an
entertaining song number.

Mayen: That was an outstanding performance! Thank so much ashly for sharing
your angelic voice. All right, I can see in the eyes of our audience to see the
candidates… are you excited? Again, are you excited to see our lovely and
handsome candidates?

Mark: so, we will not prolong the agony of waiting anymore… hold your breath as
we bring you the 14 enchanting candidates as they capture the center stage in

Mayen and Mark: Production number, casual wear and self-introduction.

Mark: Thank you so much candidates for that wonderful exposures of your casual
wear and fascinating self-introduction. I am sure most of our audience have
already chosen their favorite contestants as early as now.

Mayen: I agree, mark. In fact, I’ve heard them screamed every time their favorite
contestants appear on stage. I guarantee you that this is going to be an exciting
and fun experience for everyone. We have seen how equally confident and
gorgeous our 14 contestants were in their casual attire, so it would be quite tough
for us to choose our winners.

Mark: Right, Mayen, but we have invited a few people who were carefully chosen
by our organizing committee as our board of judges tonight. They are tasked
responsibly to select the most gorgeous, beautiful, witty and confident winners

Mayen: Allow me to introduce the highly respected members of the judging

panel tonight. Starting with the chairman of the board, She is currently a highly,
credible and excellent Education Progam Supervisor in Filipino, please welcome
Dr. Cecilia G. Ason.

Mark: Our next panelist is the current Master Teacher 1 in Mapeh of Clarencio
Calagos Memorial School of Fisheries. Please welcome Mrs. Mae M. Collamar.

Mayen: Our 3rd panelist is the designated chief commo and driver assigned at
Sta. Margarita Municipal Police Station, please welcome PO1 Ruben Antor

Mark: Our 4th Panel member a comlaude graduate of furesty at NWWSU San
Jorge Campus. She is currently working at the Bureau of Fire Protection and
already Stayed there for almost 7 years. She is none other than FO2 Rea D. Timan
Mayen: Ladies and Gentlemen, once again our intelligent panel members. Let us
give them a resounding applause.

Mark: At this juncture ladies and gentleman, let s have the criteria for judging.
The candidates shall be judged individually according to the following criteria:

 Casual Wear-10%
 School Uniform-10%
 Fiipiniana motif (with proceeds)-50%
(Highest amount granted)
 Formal Wear-10%
 Interview-20%

Mayen: All right, at this jiffy ladies and gentleman, let us give way to our gorgeous
and good looking candidates in their School uniform. A hand please.

Mark: We can’t afford to let great talents our of our sights. And so we bring you
the Piolo Pascual of Clarencio Calagos Memorial School of Fisheries. To sing with
us please welcome Romualdo Pampelliona. A resounding
applause please.

Mayen: Carencians are indeed versatile. Thank you so much Romualdo. All right,
this is now the moment that we take a glance of our candidates in their Filipiniana
motif while dancing to our most popular folkdance… The Kuratsa..

-As a reminder and as we started earlier, this portion is 50% among the Criteria.
The Candidate who has the highest amount that will be garnered will definitely
earn 50%.

Let’s begin!
Mark: Thank you so much candidates. At this juncture ladies and gentleman,
another intelligent person will be inspiring us tonight by his inspirational message.
Friends, let us lend our ears to our dynamic and always fresh looking Education
Program Supervisor in English Mr. Rustum D. Geonzon. A hand please.

Mayen: Thank you so much Sir for those inspiring words of wisdom that we will
keep in the treasure box of our hearts. All right, Nobody in the world could
Question how talented a Filipino youth is, for in fact
He is blessed with a sundry of talent exaltations that are unequalled by any race.
To give us the evidence, may we call the Kaleidoscope Dancers in their marikit…
marikit... marikit… dance number.
A resounding applause please.

Mark: Wow! That was amazing. Thank you so much kaleidoscope dancers. And
now ladies and gentleman, may we proceed to another high spot of this pageant
as the candidates parade with their elegant and glittering gowns to prove that
they are really entitled to Kings and Queens.
Mayen: Yes! They will be showing us their serenity and poise that will give them
points as they battle for that very prestigious crown.

Mark: Friends, what about a big round of applause for the candidates as they
walk with elegance and peace in the formal wear competition.

Mark/Mayen: There you have it ladies and gentleman, once again the candidates
in their formal wear.

Mayen: You know what ladies and gentleman, the candidates are not only
inspired by the beauty of Venus but also the talent and Intelligence of Minerva. So
audience Stop! Look! And Listen to the answers of our candidates in the Interview

Mark: All right, friends are you excited to know our lucky winners? Again, are you
Okay, so while waiting for the result. Let the sweet voices of Carl Ryeo O. Bohol
and Karyl Oliva freshen and sweeten our hearts and souls. A big hand please.

Mayen: Clarencio Calagos Memorial School of Fisheries is really an abode of

versatile, brilliant and witty students. Thank you so much Carl and Karyl.

Mark: I absolutely agree with you Mayen, because like Carl and Karyl, I am also
talented. Infact, I can sing, dance and act.

Mayen: Oh really? Wow… That’s amazing!

Mark: Ha! Ha! Ha! Iam just exaggerating the humor, you know. All right, so much
for that, ladies and gentleman… the long await is over… we will now announce to
you the winners… Who among them would become Mr. and Ms. DSSPC 2015…?
Please step forward…

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