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Laughlin E, et al.

, J Altern Complement Integr Med 2023, 9: 359

DOI: 10.24966/ACIM-7562/100359

HSOA Journal of
Alternative, Complementary & Integrative Medicine
Review Article

The Effectiveness of Dance What this Article Adds: This review synthesizes the available re-
search regarding the impact of dance on occupational engagement
by FPF older adults.
as an Intervention on the
Engagement in Occupation Introduction
According to the 2020 United States Census, 55 million adults are
by Frail Older Adults: A aged 65 and above [1]. As Americans age, an increasing number of in-
dividuals are vulnerable to frailty. Frailty in older adults is a condition
Systematic Review in which aging is associated with a decline in independence due to
deficits in strength, functional mobility, physical performance factors,
Emma Laughlin*, Rachel Ballback, Joslyn Amaya, Amitha Kuri- socioemotional components, and cognition [2]. It has been defined as
an, Khalyn Williams, Morgan Sims, Amy Boyd, Diane Collins the presence of three or more of five indicators: weakness (reduced
and Claudia Hilton grip strength), slowness (gait speed), weight loss, low physical activ-
The University of Texas Medical Branch, USA ity, and exhaustion [3]. People with one or two of the indicators are
classified as pre-frail. Approximately one-fourth to one-half of peo-
ple over age 85 are considered frail [4]. Frailty limits participation in
Abstract occupations, which decreases health, wellness, and overall quality of
Importance: Frail and Prefrail (FPF) older adults have limited ability life [2]. Frail individuals are vulnerable to hospitalization because of
to participate in many occupations due to physical and mental defi- injuries related to falls, which cost the American hospital system ap-
cits. Options for occupational therapy interventions to address these proximately $50 billion per year for non-fatal falls [5]. Interventions
problems can support successful outcomes. that encourage this growing population to continue their engagement
Objective: To examine current evidence from dance interventions in meaningful activities are vital to support physical well-being and
to enable factors of occupational engagement in FPF older adults. reduce health care costs. The aim of this review is to answer the fol-
lowing clinical question: “What is the evidence for the effectiveness
Data Sources: CINAHL, Scopus, OVID, Cochrane Trial, Pedro of dance interventions to enable factors of occupational engagement
Scale, PsychInfo, Pubmed, WorldCat, OTseeker, PEDro, and Goo- in frail older adults?”
gle Scholar.
Study selection & data collection: Inclusion criteria were studies Literature Review
examining outcomes of FPF adults over the age of 50 who participat- Occupational therapists utilize client-centered and motivating in-
ed in dance interventions. Quantitative studies were examined using
terventions to assist clients in reaching desired outcomes of positive
the AOTA systematic review and PRISMA guidelines.
physical health and social well-being [6]. According to the Occupa-
Findings: Four level 1B, two level 2B, and six level 3B studies met tional Therapy Practice Framework, dance is a fundamental func-
the inclusion criteria and were examined. Outcomes included activ- tional activity used in leisure, social participation, and health man-
ities of daily living (ADLs), functional mobility, physical performance agement [6]. Dance is defined as the use of rhythmic movements to
factors, socioemotional components, and cognition. Dance interven-
promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical performance [7].
tions improved physical factors, social participation, and reduced fall
Cross-sectional studies have found that older adults who dance on
risk. Impact on range of motion (ROM) and cognition was limited.
a regular basis have greater flexibility, postural control and balance,
Conclusion & Relevance: Evidence supports occupational thera- quicker reflexes, and better cognitive function than those who do not
pists’ use of dance as an intervention to improve the prerequisite [8]. Many adults over the age of 60 live sedentary lifestyles, leading
skills required to participate in occupations by FPF older adults.
to physical limitations, early onset of medical conditions, and low
self-efficacy. Dance is a form of physical activity that can be adapt-
ed for all skill levels to enable participation in desired occupations .
*Corresponding author: Emma Laughlin, The University of Texas Medical Dance is an intervention useful for occupational therapists because it
Branch, USA, Tel: +1 5125505205; E-mail: may contain cultural significance or be highly motivating, encourag-
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The
ing participation [9,10].
Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by
Limited research has examined how dance can enable the frail
Frail Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.
adult population to engage in desired occupations. We currently know
Received: June 05, 2023; Accepted: June 13, 2023; Published: June 20, 2023 that dance is an enjoyable and motivating form of exercise; however,
this systematic review explores research that examines how dance im-
Copyright: © 2023 Laughlin E, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
pacts occupational engagement. This systematic review will help to
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits un-
restricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original clarify the potential value of using dance as an intervention for Frail
author and source are credited. and Prefrail (FPF) older adults.
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 2 of 11 •

Search Strategy
1. [mh Dancing] or (((ballet or hip-hop or jazz or tango
An electronic database search of CINAHL, Scopus, Cochrane or ballroom or modern or folk or square or tap or line or
Trial, and PsychInfo Results was completed. The reference librarian salsa) near/2 danc*) or danc*):ti,ab,kw
2. [mh “Dance Therapy”] or (“dance therap*” or “dance
developed search strategies with feedback from the systematic review
train*” or “rhythmic movement*” or “therapeutic danc*”
team. The search was done on 07/15/2022. The search strategy used
or “rhythmic rehab*” or “movement rehab*” or “dance
keyword synonyms with frail older adults and dance movement ther- Cochrane Trials
movement therap*”):ti,ab,kw
apy interventions. The search string in each database was conducted 3. [mh “Frail Elderly”] or [mh Frailty] or (frail* or “frail
by using a combination of keywords, subject headings, and trunca- older adult*” or “frail elder*” or “functionally impaired
tion. No limiters were used. Four team members first conducted a title adult*” or prefrail* or debilit* or vulnerable):ti,ab,kw
and abstract review for inclusion criteria through Rayyan software. 4. #1 or #2
Following the title and abstract review, the first six authors reviewed 5. #3 and #4
each full article to determine eligibility for inclusion in the review. TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ballet OR hip-hop OR jazz OR tan-
Disagreements regarding inclusion were discussed among the group. go OR ballroom OR modern OR folk OR square OR tap
Final decisions were made through a thorough investigation of the OR line OR salsa ) W/2 danc* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
study’s inclusion/exclusion criteria and a unanimous decision among ( danc* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “dance therap*” OR
researchers for each study. Researchers included articles that did not Scopus
“dance train*” OR “rhythmic movement*” OR “thera-
state “frail,” if the participants met the criteria for pre frail. The in- peutic danc*” OR “rhythmic rehab*” OR “movement
clusion/exclusion criteria are listed in Table 2. Initial outcome criteria rehab*” OR “dance movement therap*” ) AND TITLE-
ABS-KEY ( frail* OR “frail older adult*” OR “frail el-
for the impact on occupational performance did not directly relate to
der*” OR “functionally impaired adult*” OR prefrail*
occupation, so inclusion criteria were broadened to factors relating to OR debilit* OR vulnerable )
occupational engagement. Factors included are not directly related
to occupational performance but are strong indicators of occupation- Table 1: Search Terms.
al performance. Twelve articles were retrieved for full-text review
and met the inclusion criteria. The search strategies were translated to A total of 501 records were discovered through database searches,
each database using specific subject headings. The full search string with an additional 5 discovered through Pubmed, WorldCat, OTseek-
terms are listed in table 1. er, PEDro, and Google Scholar. Following the removal of 213 dupli-
cates, 288 articles were screened by four researchers for inclusion and
Category Search Terms
exclusion criteria. Studies were excluded during the initial title and
Population Adults 50+ abstract screening utilizing Rayyan software. Studies were excluded
1.exp Dancing/ or ((ballet or hip-hop or jazz or tango or if the study did not meet FPF criteria, included MT, BMT, CIMT,
ballroom or modern or folk or square or tap or line or LSVT/LSVT-BIG, mentioned dance’s impact only for a specific di-
salsa) adj2 dance*).mp. or danc*.mp. agnosis, and did not include dance as an intervention. A total of 77
2. exp Dance Therapy/ or (“dance therap*” or “dance
train*” or “rhythmic movement*” or “therapeutic danc*”
full-text articles were reviewed for eligibility, with 12 meeting all the
or “rhythmic rehab*” or “movement rehab*” or “dance criteria. A total of 3 qualitative studies were excluded from the results.
Ovid (Medline)
movement therap*”).mp.
3. exp Frail Elderly/ or exp Frailty/ or (frail* or “frail
The title of this systematic review was amended from the title
older adult*” or “frail elder*” or “functionally impaired originally submitted to PROSPERO, “The Effectiveness of Dance
adult*” or prefrail* or debilit* or vulnerable).mp. on Engagement in Occupations in Frail Older Adults.” This title was
4. 1 or 2 amended to “The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention to En-
5. 3 and 4
able Occupational Engagement in Frail Older Adults: A Systematic
1.exp Dance/ or ((ballet or hip-hop or jazz or tango or Review” because we added factors that contribute to occupational en-
ballroom or modern or folk or square or tap or line or
gagement in addition to actual engagement in those occupations. We
salsa) adj2 danc*).mp. or danc*.mp.
2. exp Dance Therapy/ or (“dance therap*” or “dance
believe this to be a more comprehensive review.
train*” or “rhythmic movement*” or “therapeutic danc*”
or “rhythmic rehab*” or “movement rehab*” or “dance
Selection criteria
movement therap*”).mp.
Decisions on included and excluded research were based on pre-
3. exp Frail/ or (frail* or “frail older adult*” or “frail
elder*” or “functionally impaired adult*” or prefrail* or liminary factors stated in Table 2, which permitted the search to be
debilit* or vulnerable).mp. concise yet thorough to assess the impact of dance on the population
4. 1 or 2 of frail older adults. Evidence from method designs of quantitative
5. 3 and 4
methods was included. Frail older adults were characterized as indi-
1. (MH “Dancing+”) OR (MH “Aerobic Dancing”) or viduals who were deemed ‘pre frail’ or ‘frail’ based on their current
((ballet or hip-hop or jazz or tango or ballroom or modern health status. Studies were included if they did not specify the par-
or folk or square or tap or line or salsa) N2 danc*) or
ticipants as ‘frail’ or ‘pre frail’ but were deemed appropriate for this
2. (MH “Dance Therapy”) or (“dance therap*” or “dance
research based on the review of participants’ health status by meeting
train*” or “rhythmic movement*” or “therapeutic danc*” Fried’s defined areas of frailty. The presence of three of the five fac-
or “rhythmic rehab*” or “movement rehab*” or “dance tors: weakness (reduced grip strength), slowness (gait speed), weight
movement therap*”) loss, low physical activity, and exhaustion are considered frailty and
3. (MH “Frailty Syndrome”) OR (MH “Frail Elderly”) or
two of the five factors are considered pre frail [3]. Included articles
(frail* or “frail older adult*” or “frail elder*” or “func-
tionally impaired adult*” or prefrail* or debilit* or vul- were required to discuss the participant’s changes in occupation-
nerable) al engagement or factors that influenced occupational engagement.
4. S1 or S2 The participant must meet table 2 inclusion criteria in conjunction
5. S3 and S4
with frailty’s three main areas of decline. This process was necessary
J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 3 of 11 •

because limited research has addressed the frail older adult popula- Function (SELF), and a depression scale [12,15-17]. The common
tion. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses were excluded from this clinician-administered assessments that were focused on analyzing
review. Non-empirical sources such as opinion-based studies were participants’ physical capacities, psychosocial state, and function-
also excluded. al status included the Timed Up & Go (TUG), Montreal Cognitive
Assessment (MOCA), Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), Range of
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Motion (ROM), and Barthel Index [13,14,17,18].
Pre Frail/Frail Older Adults aged 50+ Populations under the ages of 50
Risk of bias
Participants eligible to physically
Older adults who do not qualify as ‘pre frail’
and cognitively participate in dance
or ‘frail’ Risk of bias at both the study level and outcome levels were eval-
uated and reported as “low” [16,19-21], “moderate” [12-15,18,22,23]
Dance based Interventions only as the
Participants that are unable to participate in or “high” [17] for the quantitative studies [24]. A risk of bias table
independent variable such as DMT,
dance-based interventions due to cognition or was completed for quasi-experimental trials and randomized con-
RMT* (not exclusive to these 2 types
of dance)
physical impairments trolled trials (Table 3). A separate risk of bias table was completed for
Quantitative Studies investigating
pre-post studies with no control group (Table 4). Each paper was then
results on pre-requisite skills in refer-
Interventions that include MT, BMT, CIMT, evaluated and rated individually per AOTA guidelines for systematic
ence to occupations of daily living reviews [24]. The bias results revealed with four low risk of bias, six
Table 2: Selection Criteria.
with moderate risk of bias, and two articles with a high risk of bias.

Note: DMT= dance movement therapy. RMT=rhythmic movement train- Levels of evidence
ing. MT=music therapy, BMT=bilateral movement therapy. CIMT=con-
straint-induced movement therapy. LSVT=Lee Silverman Voice Treat- The levels of evidence were determined through the AOTA guide-
ment lines for systematic reviews [24,25]. Four Level 1B [12-14,19], two
Level 2B [15,17], and six Level 3B [16,18,20-23] were included in
When assessing the impact of dance intervention on occupational the review. The four Level 1B quantitative studies utilized a random-
engagement, functional mobility, ADLs, physical performance factors ized controlled trial of high-quality evidence. The Level 2B studies
that contribute to occupation, cognition and socioemotional impacts were both quasi-experimental designs. None of the Level 3B studies
were included. The impact on occupational engagement is defined for included a control group but included a pretest and a posttest to com-
areas of physical performance factors, cognition, and socioemotional pare the intervention implementation to baseline.
components, as the impact on occupational engagement is less clear
than in ADLs and functional mobility. Cognition poses a significant Occupational engagement outcomes
impact on occupational engagement as lower levels of cognition are
associated with decreased participation in occupation [11]. To fully Several of the articles indicated a linkage between dance/move-
assess dance intervention’s impact on the factors of occupational en- ment-based therapy increasing the level of full body functionality
gagement, the impact on cognition needs to be assessed. Social par- within the frail population. The studies examined 895 frail older
ticipation was included in socioemotional components as a measure adults aged 55 years to 89 years old, with females being the major-
of occupational participation as it is defined as an occupation in the ity of participants. FPF older adults participated in various types of
dance, such as line dance, Iranian dance, waltz, cha cha, fox-trot, and
Occupational Therapy Practice Framework [6]. Physical performance
ballroom dance. Dance interventions were implemented in a variety
factors contributing to occupation, such as improved postural balance
of settings, such as inner-city neighborhoods, nursing homes, resi-
and reduced falls, are prerequisites to occupational engagement as dential care facilities, YMCAs, table 5 displays details for each study
stability and mobility are needed for numerous occupations [12]. reviewed. Below are the study occupational engagement outcomes.
Results Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
An exhaustive search was completed based on the inclusion cri- Two Level 1B, one Level 2B, and one Level 3B study examined
teria (Table 2), and the completed research resulted in 12 articles. the impact of various dance programs on frail older adults’ overall
Four level 1B studies, two level 2B studies, and six level 3B studies physical capabilities to function in ADL independence. Three stud-
were included. Four randomized control trials, five one-group pre- ies found benefits of aerobic, ballroom, or cultured dance, indicating
post studies, two quasi-experimental studies, and one mixed methods improvement in participants’ ability to perform everyday activities
study that examined a total of 895 frail older adults aged 55 years to [12,14,16]. One Level 2B study found no significant improvement in
89 years old were included in the review. The majority of participants ADL independence [17]. One Level 1B article examined prerequisite
were females, aged 65 to 86 years with declining physical and cogni- skills needed to perform occupations rather than occupation-based
tive function. All 12 articles used dance as the experimental variable, outcomes, so it was included in this category [12].
but the most common style of dance intervention was ballroom danc-
ing, which includes foxtrot, waltz, cha cha, rumba, bolero, swing, One Level 1B study conducted 1-hr graded general dance and
and samba [12-14]. The risk of bias for all 12 articles is described ballroom dance, which consisted of cha cha, waltz, and foxtrot, once
below (Tables 3&4). The impact of dance on each participant was a week for three months for 211 nursing home residents in the Czech
assessed through several standardized assessments. The most com- Republic [14]. The participants were assessed at baseline, and after
mon evidence-based outcome measures consisted of self-reported three months of intervention using standardized outcome measures
and clinician-administered examinations. The self-reported measures such as Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale,
included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form Timed Get up and Go Test (TUG), and Barthel Index. The results
(IPAQ-SF), Borg Perceived Exertion scale, Self-Evaluation of Life from the dance intervention indicated it had contrasting effects on the
J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 4 of 11 •

Selection Bias (risk of bias arising from randomiza- Performance Bias(effect of Attrition Reporting
Citation Detection Bias
tion process) assignment on intervention) Bias Bias

Blinding of Blinding of

Outcome Outcome

Assessment: Assessment: Selective

Reporting Overall risk
Self-re- Incomplete of-bias assess-
Allocation Baseline differences Objective (results
Blinding of ported Outcome ment (low,
Random Concealment between interven- Blinding of par- being
study person- Data (data moderate,
Sequence (unit partici- tion groups (suggest ticipants during outcomes Outcomes reported
nel during the for all or high risk)
Generation pants enrolled problem with the trial selected
trial nearly all
and assigned) randomization?)   (assessors on the
basis of the
  aware of


Meng et
al.,[15] + + + - + - + - - M

Franco et
+ + + - - - + + + L
al., [19]

da Silva M
Borges et + + + - - - + - +
al., [12]

Volicer, & + + - - - - - - - M

+ + + - + - + - - M
et al., [13]

Müller et
+ + - - - - + + + M
al., [18]

Hewston et
+ + - - - - + + + M
al., [23]

- - - - - - - + + H
& Selznick

Table 3: Risk of Bias Table: Non-randomized controlled Trial (Quasi-Experimental Study) and Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT).
Note: Categories for risk of bias are as follows: Low risk of bias (+), unclear risk of bias (?), high risk of bias (–). Scoring for overall risk of bias assessment
is as follows: 0–3 minuses, low risk of bias (L); 4–6 minuses, moderate risk of bias (M); 7–9 minuses, high risk of bias (H).

Outcome Outcome Overall

Inter- measures Loss to measures risk of
Assessors methods
Eligi- Sample vention prespec- follow were bias
Study Participants blinded to examine
bility or size ap- clearly ified, up collected assess-
ques- represen- All eligible partic- changes in
selection propriate described defined, after multiple ment
Citation tion or tative of participants ipant outcome
criteria for confi- and valid/ reli- base- times (low,
objective real- world enrolled exposure measures
clearly dence in delivered able, and line before mod-
clear patients to inter- from before
described findings consis- assessed 20% and after erate,
vention to after in-
tently consis- or less interven- high
tently tion risk)

Murrock &
Graor [16]

Paulson, &
Sadeghi [20]

J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 5 of 11 •

Clifford et
al., [22]

Krampe et
al., [21]

Table 4: Risk of Bias for Before-After (Pre-Post) Studies with No Control Group.
Note: Y = yes; N = no; NR = not reported. Scoring for overall risk of bias assessment is as follows: 0–3 N, Low risk of bias (L); 4–8 N, Moderate risk of
bias (M); 9–11 N, High risk of bias (H).

Level of Evi-
Author/Year dence, Study Participants Inclusion Intervention and Con- Results (Including signifi-
Outcome Measures
DOI Design, Criteria Study Setting trol Groups cance of findings)

Participants reported im-

provements in
9 participants
>65 years old -Recruitment rates • social inclusion and
Adapted dance and/or
≤6 weeks post discharge -Attrition rates physical
Clifford et al., [22] Level 3B singing program.
with reported decreased -Self-report of adverse mixed- meth- 1 hour/ 1 time per week • emotional well-being
mobility events during or after
ods study for 4 weeks followed by a NIH Loneliness Question-
Can follow instructions intervention
4-week washout. naire improved slightly
>3 meters with/without -Attendance
assistive devices -Exit interviews from average of 7 pre-in-
No control group. tervention to 5 post-inter-
-Hospital readmission rates
Setting: Midwest Ireland vention.
5= “never feeling alone”,
25= “always feeling alone”

• Improved UE and LE
40 participants -Charlson Scale (measured functionality
N(at the end of study)= comorbidity)
• D e p r e s s i o n
Level 3B 21 -Bioelectrical impedance
One group, 92% female analyzer (assess body fat
Murrock & Graor [16]
repeated Mean age: 63 Line Dance Intervention & BMI) • Disability (t=-2.70,
measures 75% African American 2x/week for 12 weeks. -SD-7.8
Test underserved, low SES, -NMC scale + height rod
>Prospective and older adults. No control group. (assess lbs & height) • Certain UE movements
cohort study -Depression Scale were related to ADLs
(feasibility) Setting: Federal -LLFDI (assess physical such as dressing, show-
subsidized housing in function in community ering, feeding, and meal
inner-city neighborhood living elderly) preparation (t=-2.74,

• Both programs had

profound effects on the
participant’s single and
dual-task gait which
38 female participants 2 groups were formed of
can relate to ADLs
(DTI: n=19, IDI: n=19) Dual tasking intervention
Single task (DTI: n=19, IDI:
Mean Age (DTI) & Iranian Dance - 3 walking trails in differ-
(IDI- 73yrs (IDI) ent conditions
• Walking speed (p = .80)
DTI- 75yrs) - Walking speed, stride
• Stride length (p < .4)
10 weeks consisted of 3 length, and cadence to
Ghadiri et al., [20] Level 3B • Cadence step/min (p <
Moderate cognitive 50 min. training session measure gait Quasi Exper- .001)
deficits on non-consecutive days. - Mean number of sessions
urse.2022.03.003 imental (pre/ • Dual task (DTI: n=19,
65-86 years old attended by participants
post) study IDI: n=19)
living in nursing home at No control group. -Average time of session
• Walking speed (p = .14)
least 2 years - Mean heart rate
• Stride length (p = .76)
able to walk ≥10 months Randomized
• Cadence step/min (p
with no AE
= .44)
No depression
• Cost (DTI: n=19, IDI:
Setting: Nursing Home
• Walking speed (p = .08)
• Stride length (p = .75)
• Cadence step/min (p
= .01)

J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 6 of 11 •

• Positive effect on the

participants’ mobility.

• Chair stand test:

the control group
-Baseline and pretests
n=254 75-minute group session performed moderately
were obtained a week prior
Permanent residents in 1x week (warm up, main better than the experi-
to the intervention, and
one of the seven residen- dance: waltz, cancan, mental group.
posttests were obtained
tial care facilities (RCFs) cha-cha-cha, polka, or
after the intervention was • 2-minute step test and
Level 1B ≥ 60 years or older foxtrot, a cool-down
Holmerová et al., [13] conducted TUG test: the interven-
RCT study able to walk a short period - Barthel Index tion group performed
distance without any
Lawton IADL scale moderately better.
assistive devices. Control group: Partic-
ipated in regular RCF
-Chair stand test • Chair stand test
Setting: 7 different Resi- activities, and experimen-
-2-minute step test (p<.00)1
dential care Facilities in tal group participated in
-Sit-and-reach test
the Czech Republic. dance therapy. • 2 min step test (p=.009)
-TUG Test

• Chair sit-and-reach-test

• TUG test (p=.014)

n=25 participants • The GERAS DANCE

(M age, 77.5 yr; 70% intervention showed
15- week mind-body pro- participants found
Level 3B female; 30% male)
gram GERAS DANCE social connectedness,
RCT> Older adults ≥ 60+ yrs
-In-person classes 2× fun, and enjoyment in
prospective of age with presence of
weekly, 60 min dance intervention.
cohort sin- cognitive and mobility
Hewston et al., [23] Homework (10 min daily)
gle-arm study impairments Ability to routines combined the • All areas of enjoyment
(pre/post) follow three step com-
foundational skills into -Feedback questionnaire of the dance program
mands Ability to move
full. were above 70%, with
independently with or
choreographed 2/3rds of the categories
without assistive devices,
dances to music from the scoring 100% enjoy-
from a regional spe-
1950s and 1960s. ment.
cialized geriatric clinic,
community groups and • 95% of participants
No control group.
recreational centers viewed the challenge as
Setting: YMCA ‘just right.’

Participants were as-

signed to either dance or
sports training programs. • Cardiovascular fitness
Both groups were compa- (PWC 130) did not
n=62 (baseline) increase for either
rable in terms of intensity,
10 (excluded) participants group.
duration, and frequency
Mean age, 68 yrs
after a period of 6 and 18
Healthy elderly individu- • Both groups showed
months to compare the -PWC 130 achieved on a
als between 63-80 yrs old improvements in
Level 3B effects of participation in cycle baseline
excludes claustrophobia, VLMT scores from
RCT> a dance program on brain -VLMT
metal implants, tinnitus, 0-6 months and 6-18
longitudinal function and volume in -Attention Test Battery
Müller et al., [18] tattoos, diabetes mellitus, months.
randomized healthy seniors. -TAP depression, (BDI-II >
study - MRI - Images were
13), cognitive deficits. • Significant TAP
(Pre/Post) No control group. analyzed using VBM-
(MMSE < 27), neuro- improvements were
analyzed difference in gray
logical shown in both groups.
Intervention 1: matter volume changes
diseases and regular exer-
Period of Training (n= • Dance group showed
cising (≥1 hour/week)
28) 2x per week, 90 min, increase in gray matter
Setting: Ottovon-Guer-
6 months volume in precentral
icke University, Magde-
burg, Germany gyrus and right para-
Intervention 2: hippocampal gyrus at
Period of Training (n= 18 months.
22) 1x per week, 90 min,
12 months

J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 7 of 11 •

17 female participants
Age Range: 64-85
Mean: 74.8 • The pre-program and
Elderly females currently 2 ROM dance program initial post-program
participating in Stuart sessions a week for ap- mean score variances
Circle proximately 30 minutes. showed no significant
Level 2B daycare program differences between
RCT (Pre/ Medically approved for The experimental group experimental and
-Functional range of
Post) participation continued with control groups, in the
motion assessment
Upper extremity ROM their normal exercise and ADL, self-esteem, or
Valentine-Garzon et al., [17] -Shortened Questionnaire
within functional limits rest routine, along with ROM variables. from: SELF
No previous experience their participation • The experimental
within the last year in the ROM Dance group perceived the
in a ROM dance exercise Program. ROM dance program
program as more beneficial and
Cognitive level of four on Control group: enjoyable.
Allen’s cognitive scale Involving participation in
their normal exercise and
Setting: Stuart Circle rest routine
Center, an adult day
care center located in
Richmond, Virginia

Participants allocated to -Unintentional weight

66 participants • Severity of frailty
the dance group attended loss evaluated through
Gender: 71% Female in older adults was
40 min square dance ses- two questions about food
Mean Age: 81.8 significantly reduced in
sions in a nursing home, interest and unintentional
Level 2B Nursing home Residents the dance intervention
three times a week for 12 weight loss
Quasi-exper- >60 years. group.
Meng et al., [15] weeks. Assessments were -6-meter gait speed test
imental, two During the trial, residents • Frailty (p=.002) conducted at baseline, 6 - Hand-held dynamometer
group trial would not leave their • Slowness (p=.002)
weeks, and 12 weeks by and stratified by gender
nursing home, participate • Weakness (p=.005)
researchers blinded to the and body mass index
in less than 3 hours of • Low physical (p<.001)
allocation. -IPAQ-SF
physical activity weekly • No relationship
-Exhaustion determined
and were able to walk. between the dance
Participants allocated to according to two questions
program and the
the control group main- derived from the CES-D
Setting: Nursing home improvement in weight
tained their normal daily Scale
floor of residence loss and exhaustion

n=82 participants (41/

• Cognition was not
Allocate to 2 groups 1 hour single educational
-Single Leg Stance with vi- improved due to low
(intervention/control) class + 12 week Senior
sion occluded (no DME) homogeneity and small
Franco et al., [19] Level 1B Mean Age: 69 yrs Dance Program with cho-
-Short Physical Perfor- sample size. RCT Community dwelling 60 reography to Rhythmic
mance Battery & various
and up Folk music.
LE stances • Senior Dance group
Cognition intact (24 pts Control group only
-MOCA improved in standing
on MMSE, minimum) attended the educational
- TMT balance, sit to stand,
and 4m walk tests.
Setting: Presidente Pru-
dente, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Main sample:
n=211 participants
• Dance intervention
Mean age 83
increased ADL, IADL,
Main Sample: balance, and increased
-TUG Test activity tolerance
n=52 participants
-Barthel Index for the intervention
Mean age 83 1 hour Ballroom dance
-Lawton Scale for IADLs group (Chair stand test
program for 3 months
Level 1B p=.006; Chair sit and
Permanent Residents of 1
Multicenter Subsample: reach test p=.008) as
Machacova et al., [14] of 7 nursing homes in the Control group received
Randomized -SFT opposed to minimal Czech Republic (subsam- no dance classes but
Control Trial -Arm Curl Test improvements and
ple in 3 of Prague) allowed to at end of
-2 min step test adverse declines in
trial, group participated
-Chair Test function for the control
≥60 yrs and older in regular nursing home
-Sit & Reach Test (Chair stand test p =
Completion of Mobility activities.
-Back & Scratch Test .011; 2-min step test
baseline and follow-up
-8 foot-timed p = .024; 8-foot timed
test p = .047; Back
TUG score above 0
scratch test p = .036)

Setting: Nursing Home

J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 8 of 11 •

Three 50-minute ball-

-Medical records to
room dance sessions each • Participants showed
n=59 participants determine frequency of
week on alternate days an increase in balance
Level 1B Elderly population with falls 3 months prior to the
da Silva Borges et al., [12] for 12 weeks (p=.076). The number
Randomized cognitive impairment intervention of falls reduced
Control Trial -Lizard stabilometric
Control group partici- (p=.219) while improv-
Settings: Residents of -Posturometric platform
pated in normal daily ing overall balance
long-stay institutions -Postural static balance
activities and agreed to and gait.
from Brazil -Borg Perceived Exertion
no regular exercise until
after post testing

• Improvements were
found in the
• Functional Reach
Level 3B Assessment
Quasi n=11 Participants • TUG Test
experimental 7 women, 4 men • No trends in long-last-
design, non- Mini-Mental State ing effects at the
Krampe et al., [21] randomized Examination score of 23 18 doses of dancing, 3x/ 6-week post-interven- cohort study or more, attending PACE week for 6 weeks. 45 tion measurements.
NAQ.0b013e3181d91851 with a pre/ on Monday, Wednesday, minutes of dancing each • Clients reported im-
-Functional Reach Test
post test and Friday, and able to session. provement in balance,
-TUG Test
stand with or without gait, and enjoyment of
assistance. Control Group: social activity.
No control group. • Functional Reach
Setting: Alexian Brothers score divided by TUG
Community Services score showed global
PACE, St Louis, Missouri improvement of about
50% from baseline.
• 50% self-reported that
their balance and gait

Table 5: Evidence Table.

Note: Abbreviations are as follows. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Young Christian Men’s Association (YMCA). Late Life Function and Disabil-
ity Instrument (LLFDI). Physical Working Capacity 130 Test (PWC 130). Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Verbal Short- and Long-term Memory Test
(VLMT). Test of Attentional Performance (TAP). Voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Self-Evaluation of Life Function Scale (SELF). International Physical
Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Center for Epidemiologic Studies on Depression Scale (CES-D). Durable medical equipment (DME). Timed
Up and Go Test (TUG). Senior Fitness Test (SFT). Trail Making Test (TMT). The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA).

participants’ physical capabilities in those who received the interven- African American women. The effects of the study were sustained
tion versus controls [14]. A Level 2B randomized control trial found after an 18- week re-assessment. Late-Life Function & Disability In-
that the intervention group had significant improvements in IADLs strument (LLFDI) outcomes showed increased motor performance
and mobility [17]. Moreover, the control group from the Level 1B after participating in the dance intervention [16].
study had a statistically significant decrease in mobility compared to Functional mobility
the intervention group. No statistical significance was found in the
change in ADLs between the two groups of the studies. However, Four studies examined the outcomes of dance on lower extremity
the impact of decreased mobility was less severe in the experimental function and performance in frail older adults [12,19-21]. Each study
group [14]. An additional Level 1B study with a high risk of bias shows a positive impact of dance on aspects of functional mobility.
examined 17 participants in a 4-week range of motion (ROM) dance The four studies examined aspects of mobility and gait that impact
program and found only statistical improvements in the frequency of an individual’s participation in their desired occupations using the
exercise in the ROM dance program. The outcome measures relied TUG, the BORG Rate of Perceived Exertion (BORG), measurements
heavily on clinician reasoning due to observations of ROM and client of walking speed, stride length, and cadence, and through analyzing
self-reporting on ADLs using the SELF Assessment [17]. participant’s reports of their perceptions of their performance.
A Level 3B study showed improved postural balance and reduced Two studies, a Level 1B and Level 3B, utilized the TUG to ob-
risk of falls after participating in a ballroom dancing program among serve the effects dance movement therapy has on the patient’s ability
sedentary frail older adult populations with cognitive impairment to ambulate [19,21]. Results of both studies showed a decrease in
residing in long-term institutions. Over a 12-week period of three falls, improved balance, and improved mobility following the inter-
50-minute weekly sessions, the experimental group (n=30) of 59 total ventions. An additional Level 1B study measured patients’ perceived
participants showed a significant difference in the distribution of limb exertion with the BORG Scale, which showed improved balance and
weight-enhancing motor performance in ADLs. The Level 3B study decreased falls after intervention [12]. In a Level 3B study, cadence,
found that line dance intervention twice a week for 12 weeks resulted walking speed, and stride length were measured before and after an
in improved movements related to upper extremity ADLs (shower- Iranian dance intervention group and showed an increase in gait per-
ing, dressing, feeding, etc.) among low socioeconomic status (SES) formance and gait quality after the intervention [20].
J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 9 of 11 •

Physical Performance Factors that contribute to Occupa- showed that dance intervention significantly decreased depression (t
tion = 6.11, p < .001). The same article defined disability as the inability
to perform socially defined life tasks, such as personal maintenance,
Physical performance factors include factors that contribute to re- social community activities, and participation in economic activities
duced participation in several occupations. In this systematic review, and utilized the disability instrument to assess the impact of disability
factors in this category included slowness, weakness, physical activ- in community-dwelling older adults. They rated 16 major life tasks
ity, exhaustion, and decreased range of motion (ROM) [15,16,18]. on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (completely limited) to 5 (not at all).
These performance factors can limit engagement in occupations, as The participant’s level of disability improved from (M = 65.7, SD =
they are skills that contribute to successful motor performance skills. 14.9) to significantly increased physical function (, t = -2.74, p = .013)
Slowness, weakness, physical activity, and exhaustion directly af- after completing the dance intervention for 12-weeks [16].
fect occupations of physical activity, safety, and functional mobility.
These performance factors may also affect any occupations requiring Cognition
mobility or standing, such as showering, dressing, food preparation,
One Level 3B study administered the Verbal Short- and Long-term
and home maintenance [6] Limitations in these areas would decrease
Memory Test (VLMT) and the Attention Test Battery-Test of Atten-
the quality and quantity of occupational engagement.
tional Performance (TAP). The results showed significant improve-
Slowness, weakness, physical activity, and exhaustion were mea- ments in the post hoc test comparison from baseline to 18 months and
sured in a Level 2B study before and after participation in dance ses- 6 to 18 months in all three VLMT subcategories in both groups. The
sions [15]. Slowness was assessed using a 6-meter gait speed test, TAP group also significantly improved compared to the baseline to
weakness was measured by handgrip strength using a hand-held dy- the 18-month data in both groups [18]. One Level 2B study used in-
namometer, and physical activity was evaluated according to the In- tervention in which cognitive skills were needed. Although previous
ternational Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). research showed that gait performance was improved using cognitive
These three physical performance factors significantly decreased, but activities, further research still needs to be done on the cognitive ef-
there were no differences in exhaustion as measured by two questions fects on older adults’ performance [20].
derived from the Center for Epidemiologic Studies on Depression
One Level 1B studies examined the effects of cognitive function in
(CES-D) scale.
therapeutic dancing and administered the Montreal cognitive assess-
Lower extremity ROM assists with a client’s mobility. Among ment (MoCA) to 60 participants [19]. This study utilized the MoCA
four studies conducted by Meng et al., on dance therapy’s impact as an outcome measure for the dance intervention and the results
on upper extremity ROM, improvement was seen in only one of the failed to show a statistically significant difference between groups for
studies [15]. Dance’s impact on physical function and physical work- both measures of cognitive function. The study additionally adminis-
ing capacity was measured in two Level 3B studies [16,18]. Physical tered the Trail-Making Test to test cognitive levels, but the test failed
working capacity, the ability to perform maximum physical work, to show any cognitive improvement.
was measured with the Late Life Function and Disability Instrument
(LLFDI), and the physical working capacity was measured with the
Physical Working Capacity 130 Test (PWC 130). Both studies showed Findings indicate that dance is a beneficial intervention to increase
that therapeutic dance participants increased physical function and occupational participation in FPF older adults. The performance fac-
working capacity. The performance factors shown to improve were tors improved through dance that led to an increase in occupational
slowness, weakness, and physical activity, while those that did not participation in the FPF older adult population were speed and qual-
improve with a dance intervention were exhaustion and ROM. Im- ity of gait, cadence, balance, range of motion, and reduced fall risk
provement of physical performance factors through dance interven- [12,19,20]. In addition to increasing performance factors, dance in-
tion suggests improvement in occupational engagement, impacting creases motivation, social connectivity with others, the overall en-
frail older adults’ daily participation in desired activities. hancement of quality of life, and decreases depression [13,16,22].
Additional findings indicate a potential for increased brain activity
Socioemotional factors in areas related to spatial memory and motor skills through partic-
Although some articles did not use social participation in their ipation in a dance intervention [20]. The data concludes that dance
outcome measures or intervention, they used it as a form of motiva- programming has multifaceted benefits as it impacts general physical
tion and support participation in the intervention. Study results indi- performance, cognition functioning, and social behaviors.
cated that participants were entertained during the dancing sessions
As seen by Clifford et al., [22], participants found the dance inter-
[13-16,21-23]. One Level 3B study evaluated the effectiveness of
vention beneficial as an opportunity to share stories and reflect on the
therapeutic dancing for social interaction and how this intervention
music and dance. The participants found dance intervention was not
is a source of emotional support. The participants used the interven-
exclusively beneficial for their physical health, but for their feelings
tion as an opportunity to share stories and reflect on the music and
of social connectivity.
dance. The NIH loneliness questionnaire was used to measure the
outcome of dance. The pre-intervention score was 7+/-7 (5,15), and Valentine-Garzon et al., [17] found no significant difference in
the post-intervention score was 5+/-8 (5,13), reporting that there was ADL independence, ROM, or self-esteem following dance interven-
an improvement in feeling less alone [22]. A Level 3B study used a tion when compared to the control group. Reasons for this could po-
depression scale as an outcome measure, which contained 20 items tentially be the small sample size of 17 participants, but it was found
to be scored on a 4-point Likert scale, with 0 being rarely depressed to have high quality and a low level of bias. Although the participants
and 3 being depressed most of the time [16]. At pre-test patients re- did not demonstrate a difference when compared to the control group,
ported severe depression (M =20.0, SD = 12.4), while post-test results the experimental group reported finding the ROM dance program as
J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 10 of 11 •

beneficial, enjoyable, and performed with greater frequency than the Strengths and weaknesses of review
control group. This study reveals a limitation of a short time period,
two, 30 minute dance sessions per week, for four weeks, and stat- Weaknesses of this review were the omission of articles not writ-
ed that most exercise programs yield results after months to years of ten or translated into English and articles that exclusively addressed
implementation. The short time period could be an explanation as to specific conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. In ad-
why no significant difference was shown between the two groups. dition, unpublished or private studies were excluded, which limits the
exhaustiveness of our review.
Franco et al., [19] examined the impact of dance intervention on
balance, safety for falls, overall mobility, and cognitive levels in 82 Strengths of our review included the wide variety of data on
older individuals. The participants’ cognition did not improve in the dance’s overall effect on occupational performance among the stud-
experimental group after participation in a folk music dance interven- ies. Each study examined different aspects of an occupation, such as
tion. This study was determined to have a low level of bias but had a physical factors, ADL factors, psychosocial factors, and cognitive
small sample size of 41 participants in the experimental group. There abilities. The studies took place in multiple geographic locations pro-
was no difference between the experimental and control groups. In the viding many perspectives and cultural motivations for the therapeutic
cognitive tests, baseline cognition was measured through the MMSE, intervention. Various forms of dance were used as an intervention,
MOCA, or the Trail Making Test and participants’ baseline scores such as the cha-cha, aerobic dance, line-dance, and Iranian dance
[13,16,20]. Having several dance genres strengthened the systematic
were within the average for normal cognitive function. There was no
review by investigating the impact of dance as a whole rather than
significant difference between the experimental and control groups in
the impact of one form of dance. The impact of dance as an inter-
these cognitive tests. vention was assessed using various standardized assessments, which
Strength of evidence increased the validity of the results and studies [12,15-17]. In addition
to the strengths of the research, a strength of this review was that the
Strong evidence supports improved overall factors that enable oc- assistance of a reference librarian was used to obtain data from 10
cupational engagement from dance as an intervention for FPF older databases to find articles relevant to our topic. Another strength was
adults [24]. Strong evidence supports dance as an effective interven- Rayyan, an online resource for rating research articles, which was uti-
tion to improve ADLs, functional mobility, and socioemotional fac- lized to streamline the article selection process and reduce rater bias.
tors, while moderate evidence supports cognition and physical perfor-
mance factors that contribute to occupation. Two level 1B, one level Recommendations for future research
2B, and one level 3B study of overall strong evidence addressed ADLs
[12,14,16,17]. Two level 1B and two level 3B publications of strong The emergence of using dance as an intervention to address oc-
overall evidence were examined for functional mobility [12,19-21]. cupational engagement is an area that needs to be more thorough-
One level 2B and two level 3B articles of moderate overall strength ly researched for clinical relevance. Most of the research studies
of evidence examined physical performance factors that contribute assessed performance factors rather than specifying their impact on
to occupation [15,16,18]. The research regarding socioemotional uti- ADL performance, revealing a need for more research on how the
lized four level 3B and two level 1B articles of strong overall evi- functional or performance-based outcome measures relate to ADLs.
dence [13-16,21-23]. The research regarding cognition used one level Additionally, research on the effects of dance on functional cogni-
1B and two level 3B articles showing a moderate overall strength of tion and potentially exploring what parts of the brain are activated
evidence [18-20]. and maintained post-intervention would be beneficial for the future
of cognitive therapeutic interventions. More evidence is needed to
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Studies evaluate the effect of dance on an individual’s cognition [20]. One
of the articles mentioned that there was no improvement in cognition
Limitations of the research include limited gender diversity, limit- when using dance as an intervention for frail older adults) [19]. Future
ed demographic data, low participant numbers, a high risk of bias, and studies will need to target the diverse experiences of different groups,
many environmental barriers. Many of the studies had a high rate of including socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals and sexual
female participation [20,21,23]. Frailty was shown in 5.4% of males and gender minority groups to ensure a broad representation of the
and 8.8% of females revealing that the population assessed was not diversity of the population. Finally, it is recommended that research
representative of the true population due to the limited male partici- comparing specific styles of dance, such as ballroom, cultural dance,
pation in dance interventions [26]. The most current research did not or aerobic dance, should be conducted to identify which dance style
include specific demographics of dance participants. Only one study shows the most improvement in FPF older adult participants.
included socioeconomic status [16]. The lack of demographic infor-
mation limits the ability of the researcher to generalize the results of Conclusion
the studies to the full American population. Additionally, the sample
The results of the studies have the following implications for oc-
sizes were small, and a few studies had high attrition rates, negatively
cupational therapy practice:
affecting the quality of the studies [22,21,17]. The risk of bias was as-
sessed for each article. Outcome measures for multiple articles did not • Occupational therapists can utilize dance as an intervention to pro-
include a pre and post-test indicative of measurement bias [22,19]. mote ADLs/IADLs by improving upper and lower extremity func-
All the studies required voluntary participation from older adults and tion, all while incorporating cognitive skills required to complete
nonrandomized bias of participation could have affected the selection the tasks.
bias of the populations participating in the studies. Only participants
who were willing to complete dance intervention were included in the • Dance is a motivating intervention that can be used in practice to
studies, which could lead to selection bias. encourage social participation and decrease isolation.
J Altern Complement Integr Med ISSN: 2470-7562, Open Access Journal Volume 9 • Issue 4 • 100359
Citation: Laughlin E, Ballback R, Amaya J, Kurian A, Williams K, et al. (2023) The Effectiveness of Dance as an Intervention on the Engagement in Occupation by Frail
Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 359.

• Page 11 of 11 •

• Current research reveals that dance as an intervention has promis- 12. Borges EGS, Vale RGS, Cader SA, Leal S, Miguel F, et al. (2014) Postural
ing results in reducing physical and cognitive symptoms associat- balance and falls in elderly nursing home residents enrolled in a ballroom
dancing program. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 59: 312-316.
ed with frailty. Further studies from occupational practitioners are
needed to investigate the impact of engagement in occupations. 13. Holmerová I, Machácová K, Vanková H, Veleta P, Jurasková B, et al.
(2009) Effect of the exercise dance for seniors (EXDASE) program on
Evidence suggests that occupational therapists and other health lower-body functioning among institutionalized older adults. Journal of
Aging and Health 22: 106-119.
professions can implement dance as a valid and reliable intervention
to assist frail and prefrail older adults in occupational performance. 14. Machacova K, Vankova H, Volicer L, Veleta P, Holmerova I, et al. (2017)
Our review indicates that dance as a beneficial intervention for older Dance as prevention of late life functional decline among nursing home
adults with cognitive deficits, limited physical performance and mo- residents. Journal of Applied Gerontology 36: 1453-1470.
bility, and ADLs. Therefore, dance can be used as an intervention to 15. Meng X, Li G, Zhang G, Yin H, Jia Y, et al. (2020) Effects of dance inter-
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