19-ME-47 FEM Lecture 5 Assignment

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Equilibrium equations are the most important equations in designing structures. They state
that the forces applied externally must be equal to the forces inside the structure at all its
joints. This is important because in real structures, equilibrium cannot be violated. To design
a structure, a mathematical model is created to simulate its behaviour, but sometimes the
model does not exactly satisfy the equilibrium equations. In these cases, it is better to
prioritize equilibrium over other requirements. In real structures, equilibrium is always
satisfied in the deformed position, even if other requirements like compatibility are not met
due to factors like creep, joint slippage, and yielding.

Stress resultants - forces and moments:

In structural analysis, it's common to use equilibrium equations that involve stress resultants
rather than stresses themselves. Stress resultants are forces or moments that are calculated by
integrating stresses over a surface. For example, a point load is a force resultant that
represents an infinitely small force acting on an infinitely small area, which is physically
impossible in real structures. Similarly, a point moment is a mathematical definition and
doesn't have a clear physical interpretation in terms of stress fields. While forces and
moments are important in structural analysis and design, it's important to understand their use
in finite element analysis to make sure stress results are physically meaningful.

Compatibility requirements:
In order to calculate absolute displacements at a point in a continuous solid, we must
integrate the strains with respect to a fixed boundary condition. A displacement compatible
solution involves the existence of a uniquely defined displacement field. In a structural
system of discrete elements, all elements connected to a joint or node point must have the
same absolute displacement.
In a displacement-based finite element analysis, node displacement compatibility is satisfied,
but the displacements along the sides of the elements may not be compatible unless the
element passes the patch test. A finite element passes the patch test if a group of elements
subjected to node displacements associated with constant strain yields constant strain.
Elements that do not pass the patch test may not converge to the exact solution and may
produce results with significant errors, particularly in the case of a coarse mesh.
Definition of rotation
In a real structure, there is no unique rotation at a point since the rotation of a horizontal line
may be different from that of a vertical line. The definition of rotation in this context is the
average rotation of two normal lines. It is important to note that this definition of rotation is
different from the one used in beam theory when shearing deformations are considered.
When beam sections are connected, the absolute rotation of the end sections must be equal,
but this is not the same as the average rotation of two normal lines.
Statically determinate structures
Some structures can have their internal forces determined directly from the equations of
equilibrium. For instance, the analysis of a truss structure using the classical "method of
joints" involves solving a set of equilibrium equations to determine the internal forces in the
different members of the truss. This method is based on the principle that the forces acting on
each joint of the truss must be in balance.

Solution of statically determinate system

For a simple truss structure, the three fundamental equations of structural analysis are
equilibrium, compatibility, and force-deformation. To solve for the internal forces,
deformations, and joint displacements under different load conditions, the steps involve
calculating the element forces, deformations, and solving for joint displacements using the
basic equations.
Traditional methods of structural analysis use these fundamental equations, but prior to the
availability of digital computers, special techniques were developed to minimize the number
of hand calculations. However, these methods are not discussed in this book on the static and
dynamic analysis of structures, as modern computational methods can solve over 100
equations in less than one second.
Structural analysis requires that the internal forces and stresses of a structure be in
equilibrium with the applied loads and displacements. This law of physics must be satisfied
by computer models as well. However, at material interfaces, stresses and strains are not
continuous, and approximating node stresses at such interfaces can lead to significant errors
in the results. Compatibility conditions, which ensure that all elements attached to a rigid
joint have the same displacement, are also fundamental requirements in structural analysis.
Although these equations of geometry can be difficult to enforce, the existence of powerful
computers and efficient computer programs has made it possible to satisfy the compatibility
requirements without approximation. Approximate methods may still be used for hand
calculations to minimize computational time, but they can lead to errors in the force
distribution and incorrect displacements. Overall, satisfying the equations of statics is still a
priority, but the relaxation of the displacement compatibility requirement is no longer
necessary with modern computational capabilities.

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