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“Investigate the Marketing Activities of a Management

Consultancy Firm: A Study on Enterprise 360 Limited”

Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Mahfuz Shariyer Islam

Professor ID: M-200204045

Department of Marketing 11th Batch
Jagannath University, Dhaka Department of Marketing
Jagannath University.

Submission Date: 7th March 2023.

Page: i


7th March 2023

Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Mahfuz

MBA Internship Program
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of MBA Internship Report.

Dear Sir,

This is a great pleasure to inform you that I have prepared the internship report on “Investigate
the Marketing Activities of a Management Consultancy Firm: A Study on Enterprise 360
Limited” as a part of my MBA program. It was pleasure for me to work on such an interesting
topic. It was an outstanding opportunity to gather the Practical knowledge about marketing
activities of a management consultancy firm and at the same time get used to with the corporate
work environments.

With due respect, I would like to thank you to excuse for any mistake of mine that mag exists in
this report despite my best effort and view them with your generous consideration. I hope you will
accept my report and find it somehow helpful for future reference. I will be available at your
convenient time and when necessary, any further clarification about this report.

Sincerely yours,

Shariyer Islam
ID No. M-200204045
11th Batch
Department of Marketing
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Page: ii


I, Shariyer Islam, student of MBA Program, Department of Marketing, Jagannath

University, Dhaka, do hereby declare that the internship report on “Investigate the
Marketing Activities of a Management Consultancy Firm: A Study on Enterprise 360
Limited” has been prepared by me under the guidance of Professor Dr. Mohammad
Abdullah Mahfuz sir, Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka and the
report has not been submitted by me for any other degree, diploma, title or recognition
I also declare that no part of this report has been copied from anywhere without proper

Shariyer Islam
ID: M-200204045
11th Batch
Department Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Page: iii


This is to certify that the internship report titled “Investigate the Marketing Activities of a
Management Consultancy Firm: A Study on Enterprise 360 Limited ” has completed by
Shariyer Islam, ID. No. M-200204045, a student of MBA Program, 11th Batch,
Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka. The
report has been prepared under my supervision & guidance.
I wish him every success in life.

Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Mahfuz

MBA Internship Program
Faculty of Business Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Page: iv


First of all, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to the almighty Allah for give
me the strength and ability to finish the task. I would like to express my sincere and
immensely gratitude to my honorable teacher and supervisor Professor Dr. Mohammad
Abdullah Mahfuz, Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, to allow me to
work on this topic. His valuable instruction, supervision, enthusiastic guidance and
constant encouragement helped me a lot throughout the internship to prepare the report in
a well-organized manner. I am very lucky for getting the excellent opportunity to prepare
this report under his supervision and guidance. Without his instruction, it would be
impossible for me to complete this paper successfully.
I would like to thank Marketing department of Jagannath University for giving me the
opportunity to complete my internship report as the part of fulfillment of MBA program. I
also extend my gratitude towards my family, faculties and friends who extended their
wholehearted support towards the successful completion of this report.
At last, I would like to articulate gratitude to the authority of Enterprise 360 Limited to
allow me to complete my internship at their organization. I would like to thanks the
Executives and all the individuals of Enterprise 360 Limited for their support instructions
guidance and cooperation to do my internship successfully.
Page: v


To complete my internship program, I got the opportunity to work in enterprise 360

Limited & worked in "Integrated Marketing Communication" department. The objectives
of this study are to know about company profile of Enterprise 360 Limited, to know the
Marketing activities, service quality level and how they use the marketing mix model such
as product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence to find the
problem and Prospects regarding the service of ENTERPRISE 360 LIMITED. To
recommend necessary measure that will increase the service of ENTERPRISE 360
LIMITED, this report has been presented based on my observation and experience gathered
from the company. The sources of data are secondary through organization website. The
first chapter of the report has covered with the introductory part of the study. Which include
the introduction, objectives Background and scope of the study and limitation of the study.
This report is based on practical experience at Enterprise 360 Limited. The internship
program helped me to learn about building sustainability of an organization and their
marketing management. Enterprise 360 Limited is a marketing consultancy firm, which is
founded to build sustainable businesses across the globe. It believes that no business will
sustain if the planet is not safe and livable, people do not exist and the profitability cannot
be attained. It acts both as a business incubation and acceleration center, providing startup
entrepreneurs and their people with awareness on sustainability and also to provide all sorts
of supports for building sustainable businesses
Table of Contents
I. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ...................................................................................................................... i
II. STUDENT DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... ii
III. SUPERVISOR’S ACCEPTANCE LETTER .............................................................................................. iii
IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... iv
V. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... v
Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Methodology of the study .................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Background of the study ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Scope of the study .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Limitation of the study ........................................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2: Enterprise 360 Ltd. Profile ......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 History of the Organization ................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Mission ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Vision................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Strategic Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Core values .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Services ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 360 Partners ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.8 360 Concerns .................................................................................................................................... 10
3.9 Organizational structure ................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3: Job Responsibility & Learning .................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Duties and responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Training ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Skills applied...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Application of academic knowledge ................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 4: Marketing Activities ................................................................................................................. 13
4.1: Marketing Mix of Enterprise 360 ltd .............................................................................................. 13
4.1.1: Product/Service......................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2: Place .......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.3: Price .......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.4 Promotion .................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1.5 Process ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.6 People ........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.7 Physical evidence ....................................................................................................................... 23
4.2: Promotional Mix: ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.1: Advertising ................................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.2: Sales Promotion ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.3: Personal Selling: ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.2.4: Direct Marketing: ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.5: Public Relations: ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.3: Primary Demand analysis ............................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1: Market Research ....................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.2: Customer Needs Assessment.................................................................................................... 25
4.3.3: Competitive Analysis ................................................................................................................. 25
4.4: Segmentation Analysis:................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.1: Segmentation based on profession: ......................................................................................... 26
4.4.2: Segmentation based on needs.................................................................................................. 26
4.4.3: Segmentation based on organization types: ............................................................................ 26
4.4.4: Segmentation based on size of organization ............................................................................ 26
4.5: Target Marketing:............................................................................................................................ 27
4.5.1: Niche Marketing........................................................................................................................ 27
4.5.2: Relationship Marketing ............................................................................................................. 27
4.5.3: Cross-Selling and Upselling: ...................................................................................................... 27
4.5.4: Digital Marketing ...................................................................................................................... 27
4.6: Digital Marketing: ........................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 5: Findings..................................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 6: Recommendations & Conclusion ............................................................................................. 30
6.1 Recommendations: ........................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 32
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Chapter 1: Introduction

The purpose of this internship report is to document the findings and observations made during
the internship period at ENTERPRISE 360 LIMITED Company, where the focus was on studying
and understanding the concept of marketing activities of a management consultancy firm. The
report will provide an overview of the company's current sustainability practices, identify areas
for improvement, and make recommendations for the company to implement in order to become
more sustainable in marketing activities.

Enterprise 360 Limited’s provide advisory services to organizations on various aspects of business
operations and management. They offer expert guidance and solutions to enhance organizational
efficiency, profitability, and growth. Service marketing mix analysis is an essential tool for
evaluating the marketing strategies of consultancy firms. It involves examining the 7Ps of
marketing mix- product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.

In this report, i will conduct a service marketing activities analysis of a management consultancy
firm. Enterprise 360 limited provides advisory services to businesses in various industries such as
finance, healthcare, emigration, and technology. The analysis will focus on the different aspects
of Enterprise 360 Limited’s marketing activities, including its service offerings, pricing strategy,
distribution channels, promotional activities, human resources, service delivery process, and
physical evidence.

The elements of the marketing activities marketing mix, promotional mix demand analysis,
segmentation, digital marketing etc. Specially marketing mix describe 7Ps in which the first
element is product, which refers to the customized services the firm offers in areas such as strategic
planning and IT solutions. The second element is price, which is based on the complexity and
scope of each project. The third element is place, which includes the firm's global presence and
use of technology to serve clients remotely. The fourth element is promotion, which involves
various marketing activities such as digital marketing and word-of-mouth referrals. The fifth
element is people, which refers to the firm's experienced and skilled consultants. The sixth element
is process, which includes a well-defined service delivery process with regular progress updates
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for clients. The final element is physical evidence, which encompasses the tangible aspects of the
firm that clients can see, touch, or experience. Overall, a service marketing mix analysis is
important for evaluating the firm's marketing strategies and identifying areas for improvement.

On the other hand, The promotion mix includes five key variables that businesses use to develop
effective marketing campaigns: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing,
and public relations. Advertising uses paid media channels to promote a business's products or
services, sales promotion involves short-term tactics to increase sales, personal selling involves
one-on-one interactions between a salesperson and a potential customer, direct marketing involves
reaching out to potential customers directly, and public relations involves managing a business's
reputation and relationships with various stakeholders. By using a combination of these variables,
businesses can effectively promote their products or services and drive sales.

1.2 Objective of the study

The objectives of a study in building sustainable business can vary depending on the specific
research project or internship, but some common objectives may include:

 The primary objective of the study is gathering and developing the practical experience of
corporate sector.
 The secondary objective of the study is investigate the Enterprise 360 Limited marketing
activities and strategy.

1.3 Methodology of the study

This study is based on both primary and secondary source.

 Primary source: Enterprise 360 limited working experience as Integrated Marketing Intern.
 Secondary source: The website of Enterprise 360 Limited.

1.4 Background of the study

Enterprise 360 limited Company is a management consultancy firm, with a strong emphasis on
building sustainable business innovation and quality of product. The company has been in business
for over 1 years. However, the company has fully embraced sustainability as core business
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1.5 Scope of the study

This report is based on my experience working for Enterprise 360 Limited, a leading Enterprise
360 limited. It provides an in-depth analysis of the existing regulatory environment and helps
students or marketers understand the practical aspects of marketing mix. This study has greatly
helped me understand the current market trends and regulations.

1.6 Limitation of the study

This reports currently study is confined. In this study a wholehearted effort was applied to collect
organize analyze and interpret the related data and finally to attend the optimum outcome of the
report. While working on this study I ran into a few roadblocks, the following are a few of them:

 lack of time: Due to time limitation, it was difficult to cover the agencies performance
outcomes and research.
 limited data resources: Because all forms of information were unavailable for access, it
was difficult to truly access and summarize them. Despite the fact that I got support from
coworkers, it was insufficient for me due to the agency's tremendous work pressure. Due
to lack of data, some assumptions were made which may have resulted in some personal
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Chapter 2: Enterprise 360 Ltd. Profile

2.1 History of the Organization

Enterprise 360 Limited has been founded by some visionary entrepreneurs lead by Entrepreneurial
Economist to address the biggest challenge of the society that of the challenge of healthy living. It
is a Management Consulting firm which works to build sustainable businesses across the globe
based on 3P model. 3P means People, Planet and Profit. Enterprise 360 believes that no business
will sustain if the planet is not protected & livable (pollution-free), people do not exist, and
profitability cannot be attained. That’s why this firm asks business enterprises to measure their
performance from three perspectives like social, environmental and economic perspective rather
than measuring performance only based on the economic perspective. It provides a complete
system to the business enterprises for achieving excellent Environmental Performance, Social
Performance, and Economic Performance. This firm helps business enterprises to become
sustainable by

 Providing strategies and guidelines for achieving consumer lifetime value through
building a sustainable brand
 Providing environment-friendly business process guidelines
 Providing a complete digital system for the best utilization of business resources to
ensure maximum ROI.
Enterprise 360 provides a complete system and a framework for maximizing the ROI and the
profitability through business process automation, digitalization and an efficient data management
system. This system helps to reduce costs by ensuring the efficient use of business resources and
reducing operational costs by ERP implementation. It also helps business enterprises to achieve
consumer lifetime value through establishing a sustainable brand.

Enterprise 360 is a business incubation and acceleration center which serves as a “One stop
solution center” to the business enterprises for making their business sustainable. As a
management consulting firm, it provides strategy and policy making support, operational support,
capability building support, software and hardware support, fund raising support etc.
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Enterprise 360 has completed one year of its operation. Within this very short period of time,
Enterprise 360 limited has successfully launched its SBUs (Strategic Business Units) as 360 Core
for management consultancy, 360 HR for HR Solutions, 360 IT for software and digital marketing,
360 Academy for skill development, 360 Emigration for international placement, hardware brand
Gadget Master and e-commerce brand It also has acquired a home décor
brand Corefield. By one year time Enterprise 360 has created employment opportunity for more
than 130 people where 51 people are working as permanent employee and 80 people are working
as business partner from home and abroad.

Apart from this, there are 20 interns working in various departments. Bangladesh based Enterprise
360 is operating its business worldwide having its partners and shared office in UK, USA, Canada,
India, Portugal, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. This firm is the local partner of globally
renowned US based company Streamline, Euro Credit Holdings, Sweden based Malmeken AB,
Canada based PECB, Germany based biz4d and India based Ignited Brain (IB) which are
represented by Enterprise 360 in Bangladesh.

Enterprise 360 Limited has provided consultancy and digital services to 12 business enterprises,
training to more than 100 trainees on Sustainability, Business Process Automation, ERP, VAT
Automation, Graphics Designing, Web Design & Development etc. and provided internship to 75
fresh graduates and university students who also have been given a comprehensive knowledge of
sustainable business model. Enterprise 360 is providing internship opportunity to undergraduate
students from different disciplines who have entrepreneurial mindset.
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Enterprise 360 is patronizing some other good initiatives like School of Entrepreneurship
Development (SED), Global Journal of Entrepreneurship Development (GJEIL) and SED is a not-for-profit organization which working to develop
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Bangladesh to meet the demand of time in consideration of the
socio-economic perspective. GJEIL is a research journal having ISSN: 2789-8865 and Generation
is a youth focused online news portal. All the initiatives stated here promote global goals (SDGs)
in anyway so that the vision of securing healthy living can be achieved.

2.2 Mission
 To ensure that the planet is protected and livable
 To ensure that people have no question about their existence
 To ensure justified profit for business enterprises

2.3 Vision
 To secure healthy living

2.4 Strategic Objectives

 Increasing revenue by a certain percentage over the next two years.
 Expanding the organization's market share by entering new markets or product lines.
 Improving customer satisfaction ratings by a certain amount through better service and
 Entering in international Market in six months.
 Reducing operating costs by implementing more efficient processes and technologies.
 Investing in employee training and development to improve workforce skills and retention.

2.5 Core values

 Think sustainable
 Plan sustainable
 Act sustainable
 Do sustainable
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2.6 Services
Enterprise 360 Limited is Providing various services to its clients. It provides professional advice
and support to organizations, typically with the aim of improving their performance and efficiency.
These firm offer a range of services that may include strategic planning, organizational design,
process improvement, change management, and many more.

Digital Marketing: Enterprise 360 focuses on sustainable marketing that can ensure maximum
return on investment. That’s why business enterprises across the size (small, medium and large)
are encouraged to use digital channels for promoting their products. Enterprise 360 has a highly
capable team to support any type of business enterprises.

 Facebook marketing
 App Development
 Website Development
 Media Buying

Enterprise Automation and Data Management: AI & BI based Enterprise Automation and Data
Management is the fundamental part of 4IR. This is the major area where Enterprise 360 provides
all sorts of support to business enterprises for helping them to build sustainable business.
Enterprise 360 has a world class IT team which is continuously developing and improving systems
to help the business enterprises in order to improve their operational efficiencies.

 Prism ERP
 Prism VAT

Startup support: Startups need extra care to create a position in the market since founders are too
novice to excel his or her business. Enterprise 360 provide systems and takes extra care of them
ensuring all kinds of support so that they can get their desired position in the shortest possible time.

Personal Capability Building Courses: Results against an initiative depends on team

performance as well as individual performance. Human resources within the enterprises drive the
businesses, formulate strategies and go for implementation. But all the people in the organization
can’t deliver same output since their age, experiences and learning process are not same. That’s
why initiatives have been taken by Enterprise 360 to build the individual capability so that they
can play excellent in the team in order to achieve individual as well as organizational goal.
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 Diploma In Graphics Design

 Diploma in Video Editing
 Diploma in Web Design and development
 Certificate in HR Automation
 Certificate in FMS, Sales, SC, CRM Automation
 Certificate in Online VAT Automation

HR Consultancy: Human resource is the fundamental resource that mobilize other resources of
enterprises to achieve the business goal. Enterprise 360 helps business to build capable team and
provides highly efficient systems and training to ensure the best utilization of organizational

 Hiring and Recruitment Policies

 Employee Data Protection Policy
 Employee Training and Development Policies
 Workplace Health and Safety
 Equal Opportunity Policy
 Employee Code of Conduct Policy
 Leave of Absence Policy
 Employee benefits policies
 Moral improvement policy


 ERP consultancy
 Graphics Designing
 Video Editing
 CV Writing

Emigration Consultancy & Services: 360 Immigration is the emigration consultancy wing of
Enterprise 360 Limited which provides all kinds of emigration consultancy services worldwide
including student consultancy, foreign job consultancy and PR consultancy. It’s a one stop support
center for those who want to go abroad for study, work, business, visit, medical tourism and skilled
migration. 360 Emigration has collaboration with different universities and highly experienced
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solicitors from more than 30 countries from Asia, Europe, North America and Australia where
USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Denmark,
Portugal, Greece, Romania, Poland, Australia, Japan, China, Malaysia, India are the major

 Job visa consultancy

 PR consultancy
 Medical Visa Consultancy
 Student Visa Consultancy

Research & Audit: Business enterprises needs economic data, consumer data, competitor data
and market audit report to understand the dynamics of the market and better decision making. They
always depend on third party to collect unbiased data. This is one of the core areas where Enterprise
360 can support to get unbiased data from the market.

 Marketing Research
 Brand & Financial Audit
 Proposal Writing
 Documentation & permission

3.7 360 Partners

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3.8 360 Concerns

3.9 Organizational structure

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Chapter 3: Job Responsibility & Learning

3.1 Duties and responsibilities

 Understanding briefs from my supervisor and communicating them effectively to the creative
team to ensure the desired visual is created.
 Responding to clients' queries on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram,
and LinkedIn.
 Writing captions for social media posts and sometimes drafting campaign plans and special
day content.
 Communicating and cooperating effectively with everyone in the office.
 Manipulating and creating visualization for the content
 Assisting senior staff with their tasks as instructed.
 Communicating with clients and in-house departments on behalf of your supervisor when
It is important to maintain a professional and courteous tone when interacting with clients and
colleagues, and to ensure that communication is clear and effective to avoid any
misunderstandings. It is also crucial to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in
social media marketing to provide the best service to clients.

3.2 Training
The first week of the internship program I spent learning on how to think and plan like other
employees and getting to know customers, their tone and corporate identity. Next week I learned
how to create a monthly content schedule for specific tasks. The third week was especially
memorable because I learned how to create content for social media. This training process
continued and is still often practice today.

3.3 Evaluation
Working as intern at Enterprise 360 limited was a fantastic experience for me. As an intern, I am
quite pleased with their hospitality. During the time as an intern, I have grown as an employee.
My communication abilities, precaution skill and computer skills have all improved. My
assessment of Enterprise 360 Limited is as follows:
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 To avoid being confused each employee has structured duties to accomplish.

 This organizations top management is well educated. They can effortlessly manage or handle
any type of pressure.

3.4 Skills applied

I used my academic knowledge and talents to some basic phrases related to activity. I tried to
connect academic knowledge with real-world experience. I increased my typing skills which were
used to deliver items and customers were reached using communication skills. I worked hard. I
Improve my performance score and more to get the attention of top managers.

3.5 Application of academic knowledge

I learned a lot during my 4 years of BBA & 1 year in MBA. During my internship, I practiced
many of the academic classes. This allows me to quickly understand concepts such as

 I use Microsoft Office tools.

 I know words used at work, such as Retailer, Vendor, etc.
 Know how to plan campaigns and events
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Chapter 4: Marketing Activities

Enterprise 360 has conduct several marketing activities that includes different ways of targeting
customers, such as marketing mix, advertising/promotional mix, Demand analysis, segmentation,
target marketing. Those activities help the company build a strong brand and promote its services
to different niche markets. By doing this, Enterprise 360 has helped many businesses become more

4.1: Marketing Mix of Enterprise 360 ltd.

4.1.1: Product/Service
In today's competitive market, a marketing agency's product offering plays a crucial role in
defining its success. Product refers to the services that the marketing agency offers to its clients,
which must cater to the needs and preferences of its target market.

For instance, Enterprise 360 Limited offers a comprehensive range of services that include
software development, certificate or diploma courses, digital marketing support, and website and
mobile application development. They cater to the needs of individuals, small and large companies
alike. Moreover, they provide specialized services, such as emigration support for students, job
support for graduates, and funding for public limited companies.

The agency's services extend beyond the aforementioned offerings. They have a team of specialists
who conduct research on marketing strategies, branding, financial audits, proposal writing, and
more. This breadth of services is a testament to the agency's commitment to providing its clients
with the best possible solutions.

To ensure that the product offering aligns with the target market's needs, the agency must have a
clear understanding of its clients' requirements. By keeping a finger on the pulse of market trends,
Enterprise 360 Limited can develop services that meet their clients' needs and exceed their
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Overall, the agency's product offering is a crucial factor in building brand reputation and attracting
new clients. With a wide range of services and a customer-centric approach, Enterprise 360
Limited is well positioned to succeed in the highly competitive marketing industry.

4.1.2: Place
Place refers to the distribution channels through which the agency offers its services, such as online
platforms or physical locations. The agency should ensure that its services are easily accessible to
its target market.

An online platform refers to a digital space or software that enables users to connect, communicate,
exchange information, or conduct transactions over the internet. Online platforms can take many
forms, including social media networks, e-commerce marketplaces, job search websites, online
learning platforms, and more. Online platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years,
as they offer a range of benefits for both individuals and businesses. For example, they can provide
convenient and accessible ways for people to connect and communicate, allowing individuals to
share information and ideas, collaborate on projects, and build communities.

For businesses, online platforms offer cost-effective ways to reach and engage with their
customers, sell products and services. They can also provide valuable data insights and analytics
that can help businesses improve their offerings and make informed decisions.

Overall, online platforms have revolutionized the way enterprise 360 limited interact, teach, work,
and do business, making them an integral part of our digital lives. Using Zoom, Meet and other
platforms our company provide services. Specially the training.

Physical Locations refers to the head office which is situated in Elephant Road. Which is
accessible for students and other corporate offices to collect its services.

4.1.3: Price
Price is an essential factor in service marketing mix as it determines the agency's revenue and
profit. The agency must price its services appropriately, considering the value it provides and the
competition in the market.

There are Various Price range according to its services. That price is describe below.
Page: 15 Management Software:

Enterprise 360 Limited offers a wide range of services, and its pricing strategies vary accordingly.
For instance, its management software services cater to medium and large business enterprises, as
well as private and public organizations. The agency has priced its software solutions between 3
lakh to 5 crore taka per software, depending on the nature of the project. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing services are targeted towards professionals such as
doctors, lawyers, influencers, public speakers, teachers, and small, medium, and large business
enterprises, as well as other private and public organizations. The company has priced its web
application development services between 15 thousand to 3 lakh taka, depending on the project's
complexity and scope. Certification: Enterprise 360 Limited recognizes the importance of offering value-added
services to its clients, which includes certification and diploma courses. These courses have been
designed to provide specialized training and skills development to individuals seeking to enhance
their career prospects.

The agency's diploma courses are priced at an affordable rate of 60,000 taka, making them
accessible to a wide range of individuals. These courses have been developed by industry experts,
and their curriculum is constantly updated to ensure that they remain relevant to changing market

Enterprise 360 Limited also offers certifications in various fields, which are priced at an incredibly
competitive rate of 6,000 taka only. These certifications are ideal for professionals seeking to
upgrade their skills or validate their expertise in a particular area.

The agency's commitment to offering affordable certification and diploma courses reflects its
broader ethos of making high-quality education accessible to all. By providing industry-relevant
training at an affordable price.

Training: Enterprise 360 Limited offers training services as part of its commitment to delivering
comprehensive services to its clients. These training programs are designed to provide individuals
and organizations with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their respective industries.
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The agency's pricing strategy for its training services is customized, taking into account the
duration of the training program and the teacher's experience and expertise. The agency recognizes
that every client's training needs are unique, and therefore, the pricing must be tailored to meet
their specific requirements.

The agency's training programs are led by experienced trainers who are experts in their respective
fields. These trainers are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality
training programs that are tailored to meet the needs of the clients.

Enterprise 360 Limited's training services cover a broad range of topics, including marketing,
branding, financial audit, proposal writing, and more. The agency's pricing strategy ensures that
these training programs are accessible to a wide range of clients, including small, medium, and
large enterprises, as well as private and public organizations.

Company’s training services are an essential component of its product offering. The agency's
customized pricing strategy reflects its commitment to providing clients with high-quality training
programs that are tailored to meet their specific needs. By offering training services led by
experienced trainers, the agency is contributing to the development of a more skilled and
knowledgeable workforce. Emigration Consultancy & Services:

Enterprise 360 Limited provides emigration consultancy and services to individuals who are
seeking to relocate to other countries. These services are designed to provide support and guidance
to individuals throughout the emigration process, from initial planning to final settlement in the
new country.

The pricing of emigration consultancy and services offered by Enterprise 360 Limited is
customized based on several factors. These factors include the subject of the emigration, the dollar
price, the plane fair, and other related expenses. The agency understands that each client's
emigration needs are unique, and therefore, the pricing of their services must be tailored to meet
their specific requirements.
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The subject of the emigration refers to the specific purpose of the client's move to the new country,
such as for work, study, or investment purposes. The pricing for emigration consultancy and
services may vary depending on the specific subject and the level of support required by the client.

The dollar price refers to the exchange rate between the client's home country currency and the
currency of the destination country. The pricing for emigration consultancy and services may
fluctuate based on the current exchange rate, as this can affect the overall cost of the emigration

The plane fare and other related expenses include the cost of air travel, visa processing, medical
checkups, and other expenses that may be incurred during the emigration process. The pricing for
emigration consultancy and services may be adjusted to include these expenses, ensuring that
clients have a clear understanding of the total cost of the emigration process.

The pricing strategy for emigration consultancy and services reflects its commitment to providing
customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. By offering tailored pricing for
emigration consultancy and services, the agency is providing a valuable service that helps
individuals navigate the complex process of emigrating to a new country with ease and confidence. Product/Service:
 Service Outsourcing: Thus, its target customers are local and foreign buyers. So, the price
is customized.
 Home & office décor: Thus, its target customers are individuals, Small, Medium & Large
Business Enterprises and other Private and Public Org. so, the price is set at 2350- 200000
 Advertisement Selling: Thus, its target customers are Small, Medium & Large Business
Enterprises and other Private Org. so, the price is set at 5000 - 10000 tk. Research:
Company provides a range of research services, including marketing research, brand and financial
audit, proposal writing, and documentation and permission services. These services are
specifically targeted towards non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and are designed to provide
support and guidance to NGOs throughout their operations.
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The pricing for these research services offered by Enterprise 360 Limited is customized based on
the workload of each project. The agency understands that each NGO has unique research
requirements, and therefore, the pricing of their services must be tailored to meet their specific

Marketing research involves gathering and analyzing information related to the target market,
competitors, and industry trends. Brand and financial audit services focus on reviewing and
evaluating an NGO's brand identity and financial performance. Proposal writing services help
NGOs to develop proposals for funding or other support. Documentation and permission services
involve managing the paperwork and regulatory requirements associated with the NGO's

The pricing for these services may vary depending on the complexity and duration of the project.
Enterprise 360 Limited ensures that its pricing strategy for research services is transparent, with a
clear breakdown of costs and deliverables outlined in advance.

Overall, Enterprise 360 Limited's pricing strategy for research services reflects its commitment to
providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each NGO. By offering tailored
pricing for research services, the agency is providing a valuable service that helps NGOs to operate
effectively and efficiently in their respective industries.

4.1.4 Promotion
Promotion involves the advertising and communication strategies used by the agency to promote
its services. The agency should use various channels such as social media, email marketing, and
content marketing to reach its target audience.
Page: 19 Social media promotion:

Social media promotion is the process of using social media platforms to increase brand awareness,
drive traffic to a website, or promote a product or service. Social media promotion involves
creating and sharing content on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, LinkedIn, and others.
To effectively promote on social media, it is important to have a clear strategy that includes
identifying your target audience, setting goals, creating engaging content, and choosing the right
social media platforms to reach your audience. It is also important to monitor and analyze your
social media metrics to measure the success of your promotion efforts. Enterprise 360 limited has
its own social media platforms those are given below.
LinkedIn: ltd/

Overall, social media promotion can be an effective way to build brand awareness and engage with
your audience. By creating compelling content and using the right tactics, businesses can
effectively promote themselves on social media platforms. Direct promotion:
Direct promotion is a marketing strategy that involves directly promoting a product or service to
potential customers, without the use of intermediaries.
Direct promotion can take many forms, including direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing, and
face-to-face sales. Direct promotion is often used by businesses to generate leads and drive sales.
To effectively promote directly, businesses must carefully target their audience, create a
compelling offer, and use effective communication techniques to persuade potential customers to
take action.

Some common direct promotion tactics include: Direct mail: Sending promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, or postcards directly
to potential customers through the mail. Email marketing: Sending promotional emails to a list of subscribers who have opted-in to
receive communications from your business. Telemarketing: Using phone calls to promote products or services and generate leads.
Page: 20 Face-to-face sales: Meeting with potential customers in person to present products or
services and close sales. Enterprise 360 limited use only Face to face marketing in direct
promotion. Direct promotion can be an effective way to generate leads and drive sales, but it's
important to use ethical and legal practices, such as obtaining consent and honoring opt-out
requests. Additionally, businesses should carefully measure the effectiveness of their direct
promotion efforts to optimize their strategy over time.

4.1.5 Process
Process refers to the procedures used by the agency to deliver its services. The agency should
ensure that its processes are efficient and effective to deliver high-quality services. In this section
the different process that enterprise 360 limited uses its order fulfillment and transaction process
will be discussed. Order fulfillment:

The order fulfillment process of a consultancy firm may differ from other types of businesses, as
the service offered by the consultancy firm is often intangible and delivered in a customized and
personalized manner. However, the following is an example of the order fulfillment process of a
consultancy firm:

Inquiry: The first step in the order fulfillment process is when a client contacts the firm through
a website, email, phone call, or in-person meeting.

Consultation: Once the inquiry is received, Enterprise 360 may schedule a consultation with the
potential client to better understand their needs and determine how they will provide the solution.

Proposal: Based on the information gathered during the consultation, Enterprise 360 will create a
proposal that outlines the scope of work, timeline, and cost.

Agreement: If the client agrees to the proposal, the firm will create an agreement that specifies
the terms and conditions of the project.
Page: 21

Execution: Once the agreement is signed, the firm will begin executing the project by conducting
research, analyzing data, and providing recommendations to the client.

Delivery: After the project is complete, the firm will deliver the final report, presentation, or other
deliverables to the client.

Follow-up: The firm follow up with the client to ensure that they are satisfied with the work and
offer ongoing support if needed.

Overall, the order fulfillment process of Enterprise 360 limited involves a customized and
personalized approach to delivering a specialized service to clients. It requires clear
communication, collaboration, and a focus on delivering value to the client. Payment & Transaction process:

The payment and transaction process of Enterprise 360 limited is depending on the nature of the
service and the payment methods accepted. However, the following is an example of a typical
payment and transaction process:

Payment Terms: Enterprise 360 limited provides the customer with payment terms, such as the
payment amount, payment due date, and payment method.

Payment Authorization: The customer authorizes payment using the agreed-upon payment
method, which can be credit card, debit card, electronic funds transfer (EFT), or other payment

Payment Processing: The payment is processed by enterprise 360 limited, typically through a
payment gateway or payment processor.

Service Delivery: After payment is received, company delivers the service to the customer.

Service Completion: After the service is complete, the customer confirms that the service has
been delivered to their satisfaction.

Invoicing: The company also provides the customer with an invoice for the service provided,
which includes details such as the service description, payment amount, and payment due date.

Payment Collection: The company collects payment from the customer based on the agreed-upon
payment terms.
Page: 22

Overall, the payment and transaction process of Enterprise 360 limited company involves clear
communication, transparency, and a focus on delivering value to the customer. It is important for
service providers to establish clear payment terms, provide secure payment options, and deliver
high-quality services to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4.1.6 People
People refer to the employees of the agency who interact with customers. The agency should
ensure that its staff is knowledgeable, skilled, and customer-oriented to provide the best possible
service. So, Enterprise 360 limited tries to ensure the skilled full staff by giving training. Employee
Employees of Enterprise 360 limited company play a crucial role in delivering high-quality
services to customers. They are responsible for performing various tasks that ensure the smooth
operation of the company and the satisfaction of its customers. Enterprise 360 limited has 51
employees in various sectors. Some common roles and responsibilities of employees in this
company include:

Customer Service: Employees are responsible for providing excellent customer service by
addressing customer inquiries, concerns, and complaints in a timely and professional manner.
Service Delivery: Employees are responsible for delivering high-quality services that meet or
exceed customer expectations. This includes performing service-related tasks with accuracy and
attention to detail.
Communication: Employees have effective communication skills to interact with customers,
coworkers, and management. This includes listening actively, speaking clearly, and writing clearly
and concisely.
Collaboration: Employees are able to work effectively with others in the company, including
other employees, management, and external partners. This includes collaborating on projects,
sharing knowledge and expertise, and contributing to a positive work environment.
Problem-Solving: Employees are able to identify problems and provide effective solutions that
meet customer needs and expectations. This includes using critical thinking skills, analyzing data,
and taking proactive measures to prevent issues from arising.
Professionalism: Employees maintain a high level of professionalism by adhering to company
policies, standards, and ethical practices. This includes maintaining a positive attitude, dressing
appropriately, and acting respectfully towards others.
Page: 23 Recruitment
Recruiting employees in Enterprise 360 limited company involves several steps to ensure that they
find the right candidate for the job. Here are some steps to follow:

Determine job requirements: Before they start looking for candidates, determine the job
requirements. What are the qualifications, skills, and experience needed for the position? What are
the responsibilities and duties of the job? Then they create an effective job description.
Create a job description: Based on the job requirements, create a job description that outlines the
responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for the job.
Advertise the job: Once they have created the job description, advertise the job-on-job boards,
social media (Facebook, LinkedIn etc), and other relevant platforms. They also ask for referrals
from current employees or colleagues.
Screen resumes: After they have advertised the job, screen resumes to identify candidates who
meet the job requirements. Look for candidates who have relevant experience, skills, and
qualifications. They also look for fresh graduates who have no skills.
Conduct interviews: Once They have identified potential candidates, conduct interviews to assess
their suitability for the job. Ask questions that relate to the job requirements and evaluate the
candidate's skills, experience, and attitude.
Check references: After the interview, check the candidate's references to verify their
qualifications and experience. Contact previous employers or colleagues to get feedback on the
candidate's performance.
Offer the job: If the candidate meets the job requirements and passes the reference check, offer
them the job. Make sure that the job offer includes information on the salary, benefits, and any
other relevant details.
4.1.7 Physical evidence
Physical Evidence refers to the tangible elements that customers use to evaluate the quality of the
agency's services, such as the agency's website or office. The agency should ensure that its physical
evidence aligns with its brand image and communicates its value proposition effectively.

The physical evidence of a service providing company refers to the tangible elements that
customers can see, touch, or experience when they interact with the company's services. Physical
evidence can include any physical aspects of the company's facilities, equipment, employees, or
communication materials that affect the customer's perception of the service. Here are some
examples of physical evidence in Enterprise 360 limited company:
Page: 24

Facilities: The physical facilities of the company, such as the office, store, or showroom, can
influence the customer's perception of the service. Cleanliness, layout, lighting, and temperature
are some examples of physical factors that affect the customer's experience. Enterprise 360 limited
has enough office space for employee, prayers room and also have kitchen for preparing food for
clients and employees.

Equipment: The equipment used by the company to provide the service, such as computers,
machinery, or vehicles, can also affect the customer's perception of the service. Modern, well-
maintained equipment can create a sense of efficiency and reliability in the customer's mind.

Employees: The appearance, behavior, and attitude of the company's employees also be
considered physical evidence. Well-groomed, professional-looking employees with a positive
attitude has in this company.

Communication materials: The company's communication materials, such as business cards, or

signage, can also contribute to the physical evidence of the service. The quality and design of the
communication materials can influence the customer's perception of the company's
professionalism and reliability.

4.2: Promotional Mix:

The advertising mix is a set of tools and tactics used by firms to promote their products and
services. It consists of various elements such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling,
direct marketing, and public relations. Enterprise 360 has adopted a comprehensive advertising
mix to promote their services and build their brand.

4.2.1: Advertising: Enterprise 360 uses various forms of advertising, including online and offline
media. The firm runs PPC campaigns, social media ads, and display ads to attract potential
customers to their website. They also advertise in industry publications and trade shows to reach
a wider audience.

4.2.2: Sales Promotion: Enterprise 360 offers promotional discounts and offers to their customers.
They also offer referral bonuses to customers who refer new clients to them.
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4.2.3: Personal Selling: Enterprise 360 has a team of sales representatives who engage with
potential customers and provide them with information about their services. The sales
representatives also follow up with customers to close deals and maintain relationships.

4.2.4: Direct Marketing: Enterprise 360 uses direct mail and email marketing to reach out to
potential customers. The firm sends newsletters, promotional emails, and other marketing
collateral to their customers.

4.2.5: Public Relations: Enterprise 360 has a strong public relations strategy in place. They engage
with industry experts, participate in industry events and conferences, and contribute to industry
publications to build their reputation as a thought leader in the industry also publish news article
on a regular basis.

4.3: Primary Demand analysis

Primary demand analysis is a process of assessing the demand for a product or service in the
market. Enterprise 360 conducts regular demand analysis to identify potential customers and their

4.3.1: Market Research: Enterprise 360 conducts market research to understand the market trends,
customer preferences, and competition. They use various research methods, including surveys,
focus groups, and online research tools to gather data.

4.3.2: Customer Needs Assessment: Enterprise 360 conducts a needs assessment to identify the
needs and preferences of their target customers. They use customer feedback, surveys, and other
research methods to gather data on customer needs.

4.3.3: Competitive Analysis: Enterprise 360 conducts competitive analysis to assess the
competition in the market. They analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors and
identify opportunities for differentiation.

4.4: Segmentation Analysis:

Segmentation is the process of dividing a larger market into smaller groups or segments based on
certain characteristics or traits. For Enterprise 360, segmentation is an essential part of their
Page: 26

marketing strategy, as it helps them to identify and target specific groups of potential customers
with tailored marketing messages and services. In this section, we will explore segmentation based
on profession, needs, organization types, and size of organization.
4.4.1: Segmentation based on profession: Enterprise 360 targets professionals who are involved in
running business enterprises. This includes business owners, executives, and managers who are
responsible for making strategic decisions and managing the operations of the organization. By
focusing on this group, Enterprise 360 is able to provide targeted solutions and services that are
tailored to their specific needs and challenges like build professional website for each individual,
decorate office according to specification.
4.4.2: Segmentation based on needs: Another approach to segmentation is based on the needs of
potential customers. For Enterprise 360, this involves identifying specific challenges or pain points
that business enterprises are facing, such as improving efficiencies, reducing costs, or building
sustainable business models. By understanding these needs, Enterprise 360 can tailor their services
and marketing messages to address these specific challenges.
4.4.3: Segmentation based on organization types: Enterprise 360 also segments the market based
on the type of organization. This includes businesses in different industries, such as manufacturing,
retail, or healthcare, as well as organizations of different legal structures, such as corporations,
partnerships, or sole proprietorships. By understanding the unique characteristics and challenges
of each type of organization, Enterprise 360 can develop targeted solutions and services that are
tailored to their specific needs.
4.4.4: Segmentation based on size of organization: Finally, Enterprise 360 segments the market
based on the size of the organization. This includes small businesses, medium-sized enterprises,
and large corporations. By understanding the specific needs and challenges of organizations of
different sizes, Enterprise 360 can develop targeted solutions and services that are tailored to their
specific requirements and budget.
Overall, segmentation is a critical component of Enterprise 360's marketing strategy, as it allows
them to identify and target specific groups of potential customers with tailored solutions and
services. By segmenting, the market based on profession, needs, organization types, and size of
organization, Enterprise 360 is able to develop targeted marketing messages and services that meet
the unique needs and challenges of each group.
Page: 27

4.5: Target Marketing:

Target marketing is a process of identifying specific customer groups and tailoring marketing
efforts to meet their specific needs. Enterprise 360 uses target marketing to reach out to specific
customer groups and promote their services effectively.

4.5.1: Niche Marketing: Enterprise 360 targets specific niche markets where there is a high demand
for their services. This helps the firm focus their marketing efforts on specific customer groups
and become a leader in those markets. For instance small business owner who

4.5.2: Relationship Marketing: Enterprise 360 focuses on building long-term relationships with
their customers. They provide exceptional service and tailor their services to meet the specific
needs of their customers. This helps the firm retain their customers and generate repeat business.

4.5.3: Cross-Selling and Upselling: Enterprise 360 uses cross selling and upselling to generate
additional revenue from their existing customer base. They offer additional services to their
customers based on their specific needs and preferences.

4.5.4: Digital Marketing: Enterprise 360 uses digital marketing to reach out to potential customers
online. They use social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization to
drive traffic to their website and generate leads.

4.6: Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing has become an essential marketing activity for firms in today's digital age. With
the proliferation of digital channels, including social media, search engines, and email, digital
marketing provides firms with the opportunity to reach a wider audience and engage with them in
a cost-effective manner. Enterprise 360 has adopted several digital marketing strategies to promote
their services to their target audience.

One of the digital marketing strategies adopted by Enterprise 360 is search engine optimization
(SEO). SEO is a technique that involves optimizing the content of a website to rank higher on
search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing their website for relevant keywords,
Enterprise 360 can improve their visibility on search engines and attract more traffic to their
Page: 28

website. The firm has also adopted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to complement their SEO
efforts. PPC advertising involves placing ads on search engine results pages and paying for each
click on the ad. By targeting relevant keywords, Enterprise 360 can attract high-quality traffic to
their website and generate leads.

In conclusion, Enterprise 360 has adopted a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote their
services and build their brand. The firm uses a range of tools and tactics such as advertising mix,
demand analysis, marketing mix 7Ps, market segmentation, and target marketing to reach out to
potential customers and meet their specific needs. By adopting these strategies, Enterprise 360 has
become a leader in the industry and has helped numerous businesses become sustainable by
improving their efficiencies.
Page: 29

Chapter 5: Findings

1. Enterprise 360 offers a wide range of services that cater to the needs of various types of
businesses, including digital marketing, enterprise automation and data management,
startup support, personal capability building courses, HR consultancy, training, emigration
consultancy and services, and research and audit.

2. The company has a highly capable team that is continuously developing and improving
systems to help business enterprises improve their operational efficiencies.

3. The training programs offered by Enterprise 360 cover a range of topics, including ERP
consultancy, graphics designing, video editing, and CV writing.

4. The emigration consultancy wing of Enterprise 360, 360 Immigration, has collaborations
with different universities and highly experienced solicitors from several country.

5. Enterprise 360 focuses on sustainable marketing that can ensure maximum return on
investment, with a particular emphasis on using digital channels for promoting products.

6. The company offers personal capability building courses to help individuals develop the
skills necessary to play an excellent role in a team and achieve both individual and
organizational goals like students, entrepreneurs etc.

7. Enterprise 360 provides HR consultancy services that help businesses build capable teams
and provide highly efficient systems and training to ensure the best utilization of
organizational resources.

8. The research and audit services offered by Enterprise 360 provide unbiased data on
economic data, consumer data, competitor data, and market audit reports that enable
businesses to better understand the dynamics of the market and make better decisions.
Page: 30

Chapter 6: Recommendations & Conclusion

6.1 Recommendations:
6.1.1: Expand product line: Enterprise 360 should consider expanding its services to include more
specialized areas, such as Data science, cybersecurity and digital transformation. As the demand
of these sector rising drastically in this artificial intelligence era. We should explore the use of AI
and machine learning technologies to develop more efficient and effective systems for enterprise
automation and data management.

6.1.2: Develop international partnership: today’s market has the existence of global competition
and most of the consumer depend on the foreign countries’ consultancy firm rather than the local
ones. We need to increase the partnership we foreign specialized firm for better performance and
capture local as well as foreign clients.

6.1.3: Target small niche: We company should focus on increasing its marketing efforts to target
small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to hire in-house consultants
or large consulting firms.

6.1.4: Increase Online presence: Enterprise 360 should establish a more prominent online presence,
including an attractive social media content ad to targeted consumers, brand endorsement to a
celebrity and a blog that provides regular updates on industry trends and insights.

6.1.5: Need for new skills personals: the demand of clients changing with the global business as to
there requirements. The project become more complex day by day. To maintain our efficiency we
need to search for skilled and expert in the data analytics field and always search for talents
according to the business industry trend.
Page: 31

6.2 Conclusion:

In conclusion, my internship experience with Enterprise 360 Limited has been extremely valuable
in providing me with hands-on experience in the field of professional services and digital
marketing. Throughout my internship, I have been able to witness the diverse range of services
that the company offers to its clients and how they strive to improve the performance and efficiency
of organizations.

The marketing activities that I have witnessed during my time at Enterprise 360 have been effective
in promoting the company's services and attracting potential clients. Their focus on sustainable
marketing and digital channels is a testament to their commitment to maximizing return on
investment for their clients.

I have also observed the company's emphasis on personal capability building courses and HR
consultancy, which highlights their dedication to not only improving organizational performance
but also enhancing the individual capabilities of their employees.

Based on my experience, I would recommend Enterprise 360 Limited to any organization looking
for professional advice and support in improving their operational efficiencies, implementing
effective digital marketing strategies, and building capable and efficient teams. The company's
commitment to sustainability and innovation, coupled with their highly capable team, makes them
an ideal partner for businesses looking to grow and succeed in the ever-evolving landscape of the
modern business world. Overall, my internship experience has been an enriching one, and I am
grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a dynamic and forward-thinking company.
Page: 32


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