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42078 –42087, December 23, 2005

© 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.

GPX2, Encoding a Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Glutathione

Peroxidase Homologue, Codes for an Atypical 2-Cys
Peroxiredoxin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae*
Received for publication, August 5, 2005, and in revised form, October 26, 2005 Published, JBC Papers in Press, October 26, 2005, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M508622200
Tomoaki Tanaka, Shingo Izawa, and Yoshiharu Inoue1
From the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University,
Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

We have previously reported that Saccharomyces cerevisiae has organisms. Superoxide dismutase catalyzes the disproportionation of
three glutathione peroxidase homologues (GPX1, GPX2, and GPX3) superoxide anion radicals (O2. ) to O2 and H2O2 and has been found in a
(Inoue, Y., Matsuda, T., Sugiyama, K., Izawa, S., and Kimura, A. wide variety of organisms. Because H2O2 generated by the superoxide
(1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 27002–27009). Of these, the GPX2 gene dismutase reaction is still reactive oxygen species, organisms have been
product (Gpx2) shows the greatest similarity to phospholipid armed with many antioxidant enzymes that can scavenge H2O2. Cata-
hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase. Here we show that GPX2 lase decomposes H2O2 to H2O and O2, whereas peroxidase reduces
encodes an atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin which uses thioredoxin as H2O2 to H2O using various reducing powers. For example, ascorbic acid
an electron donor. Gpx2 was essentially in a reduced form even in is used by ascorbate peroxidase in plants, and glutathione (GSH)2 is used

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mutants defective in glutathione reductase or glutaredoxin under by glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in mammals. We have cloned three
oxidative stressed conditions. On the other hand, Gpx2 was par- GPx homologue genes (GPX1, GPX2, and GPX3) from the budding
tially oxidized in a mutant defective in cytosolic thioredoxin yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1). Phylogenetic analysis of each gene
(trx1⌬trx2⌬) under non-stressed conditions and completely oxi- product revealed that yeast GPxs are similar to mammalian phospho-
dized in tert-butyl hydroperoxide-treated cells of trx1⌬trx2⌬ and lipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) (2). In mamma-
thioredoxin reductase-deficient mutant cells. Alanine scanning of lian GPxs, selenocysteine (SeCys) is conserved at the active site of the
cysteine residues of Gpx2 revealed that an intramolecular disulfide enzyme, whereas in such GPx homologues Cys is conserved corre-
bond was formed between Cys37 and Cys83 in vivo. Gpx2 was puri- sponding to the position of SeCys in mammalian GPxs (1). In the GPx
fied to determine whether it functions as a peroxidase that uses reaction, oxidized SeCys (SeCys-OH) is reduced by glutathione (GSH),
thioredoxin as an electron donor in vitro. Gpx2 reduced H2O2 and and the glutathione disulfide (oxidized glutathione, GSSG) thus formed
tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of thioredoxin, thiore- is reduced to GSH by glutathione reductase using NADPH as a reducing
doxin reductase, and NADPH (for H2O2, Km ⴝ 20 ␮M, kcat ⴝ 9.57 ⴛ power. It has been reported that the conversion of SeCys to Cys in
102 sⴚ1; for tert-butyl hydroperoxide, Km ⴝ 62.5 ␮M, kcat ⴝ 3.68 ⴛ mammalian GPx reduces the enzyme activity drastically (3, 4); there-
102 sⴚ1); however, it showed remarkably less activity toward these fore, the catalytic mechanism of such non-SeCys-type GPx homo-
peroxides in the presence of glutathione, glutathione reductase, and logues, including yeast GPxs, is of considerable interest.
NADPH. The sensitivity of yeast cells to tert-butyl hydroperoxide A series of peroxidases referred to as peroxiredoxins (Prxs) have been
was found to be exacerbated by the co-existence of Ca2ⴙ, a tendency found from lower prokaryotes to higher eukaryotes, and from Archaea,
that was most obvious in gpx2⌬ cells. Although the redox state of and they constitute a large family (5). There are several common fea-
Gpx2 was not affected by Ca2ⴙ, the Gpx2 level was markedly tures of Prxs, i.e. these enzymes do not have redox cofactors such as
increased in the presence of both tert-butyl hydroperoxide and metal and prosthetic group and contain conserved Cys residue(s).
Ca2ⴙ. Gpx2 is likely to play an important role in the protection of Depending on the number of Cys residues conserved, Prxs are basically
cells from oxidative stress in the presence of Ca2ⴙ. divided into two groups, 1-Cys Prx and 2-Cys Prx. In both types of Prx,
the N-terminal Cys is absolutely conserved, which is sometimes called
the “peroxidatic” cysteine (Cys-SPH) (6). In the 1-Cys Prx reaction, Cys-
Compared with anaerobic organisms, aerobic organisms produce SPH is oxidized to cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-SPOH) through the reduc-
energy (ATP) more efficiently because of the electron transfer system in tion of H2O2 to H2O, and the Cys-SPOH formed is reduced to Cys-SPH
mitochondria. At the final step in the electron transfer process, molec- by an unknown reducing agent. In many 1-Cys Prxs, TRX serves as the
ular oxygen (O2) accepts four electrons and is reduced to H2O by cyto- endogenous reducing agent. By contrast to the 1-Cys Prx, the 2-Cys Prx
chrome c oxidase. In the electron transfer system as well as normal has a second conserved Cys in the C terminus, which is sometimes
metabolism in the cytoplasm, a portion of O2 remains in an insufficient called the “resolving” cysteine (Cys-SRH) (6). Because Cys-SPOH is
state in reduction, which in turn is referred to as reactive oxygen species. unstable, it undergoes further oxidation to yield cysteine sulfinic acid
Organisms of all types possess antioxidant systems, and the diversity of (Cys-SPOOH), the formation of which turns 2-Cys Prx inactive as a
the systems is of interest in terms of understanding the evolution of peroxidase. Hence, sulfiredoxin recovers Cys-SPOOH to Cys-SPH.

* This work was supported in part by grants from the Bio-oriented Technology Research 2
The abbreviations used are: GSH, glutathione; TRX, thioredoxin; GPx, glutathione per-
Advancement Institution. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part oxidase; cGPx, cytosolic GPx; PHGPx, phospholipid hydroperoxide GPx; giGPx, gastro-
by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked intestinal GPx; pGPx, plasma GPx; eGPx, epididymis-specific secretory GPx; SeCys,
“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. selenocysteine; Prx, peroxiredoxin; TPx, thioredoxin peroxidase; t-BHP, tert-butyl
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 81-774-38-3773; Fax: 81-774-33- hydroperoxide; AMS, 4⬘-acetamido-4⬘-maleimidylstilbene-2,2⬘-disulfonic acid; WT,
3004; E-Mail: wild type; YPD, yeast extract/peptone/dextrose.

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin
Yeast strains used in this study
Strain Relevant genotype Source or reference
trx1⌬ trx1⌬::URA3 15
trx2⌬ trx2⌬::HIS3 15
trx3⌬ trx3⌬::TRP1 This study
trx1⌬trx2⌬ trx1⌬::URA3 trx2⌬::HIS3 15
trx1⌬trx2⌬trx3⌬ trx1⌬::URA3 trx2⌬::HIS3 trx3⌬::TRP1 This study
trr1⌬ trr1⌬::HIS3 14
trr2⌬ trr2⌬::URA3 This study
glr1⌬ glr1⌬::URA3 21
grx1⌬grx2⌬ grx1⌬::TRP1 grx2⌬::URA3 15
gpx2⌬ gpx2⌬::URA3 1
gpx2⌬trx1⌬trx2⌬ gpx2⌬::kanMX4 trx1⌬::URA3 trx2⌬::HIS3 This study
gpx3⌬ gpx3⌬::LEU2 1
YGSC, Yeast Genetic Stock Center, University of California, Berkeley.

Alternatively, the Cys-SPOH is attacked by the Cys-SRH of another described in Pearson and Merrill (14). The yeast strains used are sum-
monomer to form intermolecular disulfide bonds, and these disulfide marized in TABLE ONE.

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bridges are reduced by TRX. Due to the reducing agent in the peroxi- The construction of YEp13⫹TRX1, YEp13⫹TRX2, YEp13⫹GRX1,
dase reaction, Prx is also referred to as the thioredoxin peroxidase (TPx). and YEp13⫹GRX2 was described previously (15). To clone the overex-
S. cerevisiae has five Prx/TPx genes, i.e. TSA1, TSA2, AHP1, DOT5, and pression allele of GPX2, the PCR was done with the primers (GPX2–3
PRX1 (7). The first four genes code for 2-Cys Prx, and the last codes for and GPIR-1) (1, 16) and the genomic DNA of wild-type cells. The PCR
1-Cys Prx (6, 8). fragment was digested with SalI, and the resultant DNA fragment was
Delaunay et al. (9) have recently reported that Gpx3 also functions as cloned into the SalI site of pRS413 to yield pRSGPX2–3H.
a redox transducer of Yap1, a transcription factor critical for oxidative Cys Modification with 4⬘-Acetamido-4⬘-maleimidylstilbene-2,2⬘-di-
stress response in S. cerevisiae (10). They proposed that Cys36 of Gpx3, sulfonic acid (AMS)—Cells were cultured in SD minimal medium (2%
which corresponds to the position of SeCys in mammalian GPx (1), is glucose, 0.67% yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids supplemented with
oxidized to Cys36-SOH by H2O2, and Cys598 of Yap1, which is located in the appropriate amino acids and bases) at 28 °C. When the A610 of the
the C terminus cysteine-rich domain (c-CRD) overlapping the nuclear culture reached 1.0, peroxides (0.4 mM H2O2, 0.6 mM t-BHP, or 0.2 mM
export signal of this b-ZIP transcription factor (11–13), attacks Cys36- cumene hydroperoxide) were added. Cells were cultured for another
SOH to form a mix disulfide between Gpx3 and Yap1. Subsequently, the hour at 28 °C, and five A610 units of the culture for the wild type,
intermolecular disulfide bridge is reduced by Cys303 of Yap1, which is grx1⌬grx2⌬, glr1⌬, and trr2⌬ cells or two A610 units of the culture for
located in the n-CRD, and consequently, the intramolecular disulfide trx1⌬trx2⌬, trx1⌬trx2⌬trx3⌬, and trr1⌬ cells were collected by centrif-
bond within Yap1 is formed, and Gpx3 is reverted to the reduced form. ugation. Cells were washed twice with a 20% trichloroacetic acid solu-
Additionally, if Yap1 is absent, the Cys82 within the same monomer of tion and once with the acetone. After removal of acetone, cells were
Gpx3 attacks the Cys36-SOH to form an intramolecular disulfide bond, treated with AMS (Molecular Probes) as described previously (17).
and this disulfide bond is reduced by TRX. As a result, a TRX-dependent Briefly, cells were suspended with 40 ␮l of sample buffer (80 mM Tris-
peroxidase reaction is accomplished. This mode of disulfide bridge for- HCl (pH 6.8), 2% SDS, 6 M urea, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride,
mation during a peroxidase reaction (intramolecular disulfide bond) is and 0.05% bromphenol blue) containing 20 mM AMS. A small portion
the atypical 2-Cys Prx; however, again, the Gpx3 of S. cerevisiae is a (⬃4 ␮l) of 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) was added to adjust the pH of the
homologue of GPx but not Prx. sample, and the mixture was boiled for 2 min. Twenty microliters of the
In the present study we demonstrate that Gpx2 is an atypical 2-Cys sample was subjected to non-reducing SDS-PAGE followed by Western
Prx. We show that the redox state of Gpx2 is maintained by a TRX-de- blotting using anti-Gpx2 antibody to determine the redox state of Gpx2.
pendent system in vivo. We also show that the purified Gpx2 exhibits Western Blotting—After SDS-PAGE, separated proteins were trans-
TRX-dependent peroxidase activity toward H2O2 and t-BHP in the ferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (Immobilon, Millipore).
presence of thioredoxin reductase and NADPH in vitro but exhibits low Anti-Gpx2 antibody and anti-yeast TRX antibody raised in rabbits were
peroxidase activity in the presence of GSH, glutathione reductase, and described previously (15, 18). Anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with horse-
NADPH. The alanine scanning of cysteine residues of Gpx2 revealed radish peroxidase (Sigma) was used as the secondary antibody.
that Cys37 and Cys83 seem to contribute to the formation of an intramo- Alanine Scanning of Cysteine Residues of Gpx2—PCR-based site-di-
lecular disulfide bond as a result of the peroxidase reaction. We also rected mutagenesis was employed to introduce point mutations corre-
show that Gpx2 is important in the response to oxidative stress in the sponding to the Cys residues of GPX2. The first PCR was performed
presence of calcium. with the following primers: GPX2–1 (5⬘-TTACCGTTGTCGACCTT-
GCTCTAC-3⬘) (18) plus the mutagenesis primer (reverse primer; e.g.
Strains and Plasmids—Basically, all S. cerevisiae strains used in this AAGAGGC-3⬘) (1) plus the mutagenesis primer (forward primer; e.g.
study have the genetic background of YPH250 (MATa trp1-⌬1 his3- GPX2-CA1-F). The primers used for mutagenesis were as follows:
⌬200 leu2-⌬1 lys2-801 ade2-101 ura3-5). A trr1⌬ mutant (MATa GPX2-CA1F, 5⬘-GATTTAGAAGCCAAGGACAAGAAAG-3⬘; GPX2-
trp1-1 his3-11 leu2-3, 112 ade2-1 ura3-1 bar1 trr1⌬::HIS3) was CA2F, 5⬘-TTGCCTCCAAGGCCGGCTTCACGCC-3⬘; GPX2-CA3F, 5⬘-

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin
TGGGGTTCCCGGCCAATCAGTTCGG-3⬘; GPX2-CA4F, 5⬘-CGG- and passed through a gel filtration column. Hydrogen peroxide (final
AATTTGCGCAGTTGAATTATGG-3⬘; GPX2-CA1R, 5⬘-CTTTCT- concentration, 0.1, 1.0, or 10 mM) was added to the enzyme solution,
TGTCCTTGGCTTCTAAATC-3⬘; GPX2-CA2R, GGCGTGAAGCC- and the mixture was incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. The sample was sub-
GGCCTTGGAGGCAA-3⬘; GPX2-CA3R, 5⬘-CCGAACTGATTGGC- jected to reducing and non-reducing SDS-PAGE, and the gels were
CGGGAACCCCA-3⬘; GPX2-CA4R, 5⬘-CCATAATTCAACTGCGC- stained for proteins with Coomassie Brilliant Blue.
AAATTCCG-3⬘. CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 correspond to Cys10, Cys37, Survival Test—Cells were cultured in YPD medium until the A610
Cys65, and Cys83, respectively. The last letter of each primer name rep- reached 0.5 and treated with 3 mM t-BHP, 200 mM CaCl2, or 3 mM
resents the direction of the primer; i.e. F and R for forward and reverse, t-BHP plus 200 mM CaCl2 at 28 °C. At the prescribed time, a portion of
respectively. The plasmid carrying the promoter, open reading frame, the cell suspension was withdrawn, diluted with a sterilized 0.85% NaCl
and 3⬘-untranslated region of GPX2 in pRS415 (pRS415-GPX2–1), of solution, and spread onto YPD agar plates. Cells were cultured at 28 °C
which the GPX2 gene was cloned by PCR with primers GPX2–1 and for 2 days, and viable cells were counted.
GPIR-1, was used as template DNA. The PCR products amplified by Spot Assay—gpx3⌬ cells carrying pRS413 or pRSGPX2–3H
each primer set were combined, subjected to a second PCR with (pRS413⫹GPX2–3), which carry the GPX2 overexpression allele, were
GPX2–1 and GPIR-1, digested with SalI (the corresponding sequence is cultured in SD minimal medium until the A610 reached 0.5. Cells were
underlined in GPX2–1 and GPIR-1), and then introduced into the SalI diluted with a sterilized 0.85% NaCl solution and spotted on to SD agar
site of pRS415 to generate a series of Cys 3 Ala mutants. The resultant plates containing H2O2 or t-BHP.
plasmids were named pRS415-GPX2C10A-1, pRS415-GPX2C37A-1, Phylogenetic Analysis—The multiple alignment and phylogenetic
pRS415-GPX2C65A-1, and pRS415-GPX2C83A-1. Each mutation was analysis were done using DNASIS Version 3.5 (Hitachi Software
confirmed by DNA sequencing. Engineering).
Expression and Purification of Gpx2 from Escherichia coli—The
GPX2 gene containing a translational initiation codon and a stop codon RESULTS

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was amplified with the following primers: GPX2-Nde, 5⬘-AAGTAATA- Determination of Redox State of Gpx2 with AMS Modification Assay—
ATTCCATATGACCACATCTTT-3⬘; GPX2-Bam, 5⬘-TGTATTATT- If the peroxidase reaction is carried out by Gpx2, the sulfhydryl group of
TATGGATCCGGATAATTGCTT-3⬘. GPX2-Nde and GPX2-Bam the active site Cys would be initially oxidized to cysteine sulfenic acid.
were designed to contain an NdeI site and BamHI site (underlined), To accomplish the catalytic cycle of the peroxidase reaction in vivo,
respectively. The resultant fragment was digested by NdeI and BamHI there are two pathways to regenerate the sulfhydryl group at the active
and cloned into the NdeI and BamHI site of the vector pET-15b (Nova- site Cys, i.e. (i) directly via an endogenous reducing agent such as GSH
gen). The resultant plasmid (pET-GPX2) was introduced into E. coli or TRX, or (ii) by generating a disulfide bond with another sulfhydryl
BL21(DE3). The expression of GPX2 was induced by the addition of group intramolecularly or intermolecularly and, subsequently, resolving
isopropyl 1-thio-␤-D-galactopyranoside, and the His-tagged Gpx2 was the disulfide bridge thus formed with a protein-disulfide oxidoreductase
purified with a Ni2⫹-chelating column. Subsequently, the His tag was such as TRX or glutaredoxin. We determined the redox state of Gpx2 in
removed by digestion with thrombin. The digested mixture was again yeast cells using the AMS modification assay. AMS modifies the sulfhy-
passed through the Ni2⫹-chelating column to purify His tag-free Gpx2 dryl group of a protein irreversibly. Because the molecular weight of
protein. The purified Gpx2 was dialyzed against 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer AMS is ⬃500, the apparent molecular weight of Gpx2 will increase by
(pH 7.4) and used for the enzyme assay. 500 with every modification of a Cys residue in Gpx2. Indeed, because
Thioredoxin Peroxidase Assay—The reaction mixture containing 100 Gpx2 has four Cys residues, the complete modification of all Cys resi-
mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.0), 0.3 mM NADPH, 4 ␮M yeast thioredoxin II dues of Gpx2 with AMS (which means Gpx2 is in the reduced form)
(Calbiochem), 2 ␮M yeast thioredoxin reductase (Calbiochem), and 1 results in an increase of 2000 in the apparent molecular weight.
␮g of purified Gpx2 was incubated at room temperature for 1 min, and To verify the validity of the AMS modification assay, we measured the
then 0.3 mM H2O2 or 0.1 mM t-BHP was added (total volume, 120 ␮l). mobility shift of purified Gpx2 after treatment with AMS in non-reduc-
One hundred microliters of the mixture was transferred to a micro ing SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight of Gpx2 deduced from the amino
cuvette, and the decrease in absorbance at 340 nm (A340) was monitored acid sequence is 18,406. As shown in Fig. 1A, the molecular mass of
for 10 min. For a blank, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.0) was used instead of the unmodified Gpx2 was estimated to be ⬃18 kDa. After treatment with
purified Gpx2. One unit of activity was defined as the amount of enzyme AMS, the apparent molecular mass was estimated to be 20 kDa, sug-
oxidizing 1 ␮mol of NADPH/min using 6.22 mM⫺1 cm⫺1 as a millimolar gesting that all Cys residues of Gpx2 were modified with AMS. We
extinction coefficient for NADPH. confirmed it by titration of remaining Cys residues with 5,5⬘-dithio-
Glutathione Peroxidase Assay—The reaction mixture containing 100 bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Hence, the AMS-modified Gpx2, i.e. Gpx2 in
mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.0), 0.3 mM NADPH, 3 mM reduced glutathione, 8.3 reduced form (Gpx2red), migrated slowly in non-reducing SDS-PAGE.
units/ml yeast glutathione reductase (Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd.), and 1 ␮g Redox State of Gpx2 in Mutants Defective in Glutathione Recycling—
of purified Gpx2 was incubated at room temperature for 5 min, and then In the GPx reaction GSH is used as an endogenous electron donor, and
0.3 mM H2O2 or 0.8 mM t-BHP was added (total volume, 120 ␮l). One oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is reduced by glutathione reductase.
hundred microliters of the mixture was transferred to a micro-cuvette, Therefore, if the recycling of GSH is impaired, the catalytic cycle of GPx
and the decrease in A340 was monitored for 10 min. For a blank, 10 mM will be arrested. S. cerevisiae has a single glutathione reductase encoded
Tris-HCl (pH 7.0) was used instead of the purified Gpx2. One unit of by GLR1 (20), and therefore, the redox ratio of GSSG to total glutathi-
activity was defined as the amount of enzyme oxidizing 1 ␮mol of one in glr1⌬ cells increased 3-fold compared with that of wild-type cells
NADPH/min using 6.22 mM⫺1 cm⫺1 as a millimolar extinction coeffi- due to the impairment of the recycling of GSH (21). However, as shown
cient for NADPH. in Fig. 1B, Gpx2 was essentially in the reduced form in wild-type as well
In Vitro Oxidation of Gpx2—In vitro oxidation of the purified Gpx2 as in glr1⌬ cells even under conditions of oxidative stress. The oxidized
was carried out essentially as described by Ursini et al. (19). Briefly, the Gpx2 (Gpx2ox) in a trx1⌬trx2⌬ mutant was shown as a control (details
purified Gpx2 was first reduced by incubating with 2-mercaptoethanol are described in Fig. 1C and corresponding description). Glutaredoxin is

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin

FIGURE 1. Redox state of Gpx2 in vivo in differ-

ent genetic backgrounds. A, AMS modification of
the purified Gpx2. The purified Gpx2 was treated
with AMS as described under “Experimental Pro-
cedures” and subjected to non-reducing SDS-
PAGE followed by Western blotting. MW, molecu-
lar weight. B, effect of peroxides on the redox state
of Gpx2. Cells were cultured in SD medium to log
phase and exposed to peroxides as indicated in
the figure for 1 h. Subsequently, Gpx2 was modi-
fied with AMS. Strains used in each lane are indi-
cated in figure. CHP, cumene hydroperoxide. C,
effect of peroxides on the redox state of Gpx2 in
mutants defective in TRX and its recycling system.
Cells were cultured and exposed to peroxides as
described in B. Strains used in each lane are indi-
cated in the figure. Because the expression of GPX2
is induced by oxidative stress in a Yap1-dependent
manner (1, 18), the Gpx2 level is increased in cells
treated with H2O2 or t-BHP. In addition, Yap1 is
constitutively activated in trx1⌬trx2⌬ and trr1⌬
cells (15, 26). Basal levels of Gpx2 in these mutants
are higher than those of other strains.

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one of the protein-disulfide oxidoreductases that catalyze the reduction Gpx2 was completely oxidized after the treatment with 0.2 mM t-BHP
of disulfide bonds of proteins using GSH as a reducing power. We deter- for 5 min in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells; however, this was not the case in H2O2-
mined the redox state of Gpx2 in a glutaredoxin-deficient mutant treated cells even at higher concentrations and long-term exposure (Fig.
(grx1⌬grx2⌬) in the presence or absence of oxidative stress, although 2). These results suggest that the prooxidant activity of t-BHP is higher
Gpx2 was virtually in the reduced form (Fig. 1B). These results suggest than that of H2O2. In addition, because S. cerevisiae has two catalases
that the redox regulation of Gpx2 is not likely regulated by a GSH-de- (Ctt1 and Cta1), H2O2 may be decomposed in vivo. Furthermore, Col-
pendent system in vivo. linson et al. (26) have reported that glutaredoxins (Grx1 and Grx2)
Redox State of Gpx2 in Mutants Defective in Thioredoxin—Besides exhibit GPx activity in the presence of GSH recycling system, and over-
glutaredoxin, TRX is also a small enzyme that functions as a protein- expression of either GRX1 or GRX2 conferred resistance to H2O2 but
disulfide oxidoreductase. In many Prxs, TRX serves as the endogenous not to t-BHP (26). Taken together, H2O2 may be consumed more effi-
reducing power. In addition, some kinds of GPx have been reported to ciently than t-BHP in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells, and therefore, complete oxida-
use TRX as a reducing power (22, 23). S. cerevisiae has three TRXs tion of Gpx2 was not observed after H2O2 treatment.
(TRX1, TRX2, and TRX3) (24, 25). Both Trx1 and Trx2 are basically Next, we investigated the effect of mitochondrial TRX-deficiency
cytosolic residents (15), whereas Trx3 is located in mitochondria (25). on the redox state of Gpx2. As shown in Fig. 1C, the ratio of Gpx2ox
We disrupted each of the three TRXs and determined the redox states of to total Gpx2 under non-stressed conditions slightly increased in a
Gpx2 in the resultant mutant, although no distinct difference in the TRX-null mutant (trx1⌬trx2⌬trx3⌬) compared with that in the
redox state was observed in a single mutant of each TRX even under trx1⌬trx2⌬ mutant. Intriguingly, Gpx2 was completely oxidized in
conditions of oxidative stress (data not shown, result for trx3⌬ is shown trx1⌬trx2⌬trx3⌬ cells after the treatment with 0.4 mM H2O2 (Fig. 1C),
in Fig. 1C). However, in a cytosolic TRX-deficient mutant (trx1⌬trx2⌬), under which conditions ⬃50% of Gpx2 was in the reduced form in
a small proportion of Gpx2 was in the oxidized form under non-stressed trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells (Figs. 1, B and C). Gpx2 was mostly in the oxidized
conditions, and a large amount of Gpx2ox appeared after the treatment form in 0.6 mM t-BHP-treated trx1⌬trx2⌬trx3⌬ cells, as was the case on
with H2O2, t-BHP, and cumene hydroperoxide (Figs. 1, B and C). trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells (Figs. 1, B and C). These results suggest that the redox
We examined the effect of H2O2 and t-BHP concentrations on the of Gpx2 is predominantly regulated by cytosolic TRX, although mito-
redox state of Gpx2 in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells. As shown in Fig. 2A, Gpx2 was chondrial TRX also seems to contribute. It should be noted that the
oxidized with 0.1 mM H2O2, and at ⬎0.4 mM H2O2, the proportion of cytosolic TRX is a negative regulator of Yap1 (15), and GPX2 is one of
Gpx2ox exceeded 40%. Regarding the redox of Gpx2 in t-BHP-treated the targets of this transcription factor (1, 18), therefore, the steady state
cells, 0.2 mM t-BHP completely oxidized Gpx2 in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells; how- level of Gpx2 increases in cells with the trx1⌬trx2⌬ as well as trr1⌬
ever, Gpx2 was mostly in the reduced form in wild-type cells even if 1.0 background because of the constitutive activation of Yap1 (15, 27).
mM t-BHP was present. At lower concentrations of t-BHP (⬍50 ␮M), Redox State of Gpx2 Is Associated with That of TRX—The oxidized
the proportion of Gpx2ox in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells was gradually increased in TRX is reduced by thioredoxin reductase. S. cerevisiae has two genes
accordance with the concentrations of t-BHP (Fig. 2A, inset). We also coding for this enzyme; i.e. TRR1 for reduction of the cytosolic TRX
monitored the time course of Gpx2 oxidation in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells after (Trx1 and Trx2), and TRR2 for mitochondrial TRX (Trx3). The Gpx2 in
the treatment with 0.4 mM H2O2 or 0.6 mM t-BHP. In both cases Gpx2 a trr1⌬ mutant treated with 0.4 mM H2O2 was mostly in the reduced
was oxidized within 5 min after the treatment with these peroxides form (Fig. 1C), and this was also the case in a trr2⌬ mutant (Fig. 1C).
(Fig. 2B). Meanwhile, Gpx2 was completely oxidized in trr1⌬ cells after the treat-

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin

FIGURE 2. Effect of peroxides on the redox state

of Gpx2 in vivo. A, effect of peroxide concentra-
tion. Cells (WT and trx1⌬trx2⌬) were exposed to
various concentrations of peroxides for 1 h as indi-
cated in the figure, and subsequently, Gpx2 was
modified with AMS. The percentage of Gpx2ox in
total Gpx2 (sum of Gpx2red and Gpx2ox) was plot-
ted against the concentrations of peroxides. The
density of each band in the Western blots was
measured using densitometry. Open symbols, WT;
closed symbols, trx1⌬trx2⌬. B, kinetics of the Gpx2
oxidation after peroxide treatment. Cells (WT and
trx1⌬trx2⌬) were treated with 0.4 mM H2O2 or 0.6
mM t-BHP for different periods, and then Gpx2 was
modified with AMS. The period of peroxide treat-
ment in each lane was indicated in the figure. The
percentage of Gpx2ox in total Gpx2 was plotted
against the period of peroxide treatment. Open
symbols, WT; closed symbols, trx1⌬trx2⌬.

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FIGURE 3. Redox state of Gpx2 in vivo is linked with that of TRX. A, redox state of TRX in vivo. Cells (WT and trr1⌬) were exposed to no chemical (lane 1), 0.4 mM H2O2 (lane 2), or 0.6
mM t-BHP (lane 3) for 1 h, and then Gpx2 was modified with AMS. B, suppression of oxidation of Gpx2 by TRX. Cells of WT, trx1⌬trx2⌬, and trr1⌬ carrying YEp13 (lane 1), YEp13⫹TRX1
(lane 2), or YEp13⫹TRX2 (lane 3) were treated with 0.4 mM H2O2 or 0.6 mM t-BHP for 1 h, and the redox state of Gpx2 in each cell was determined. C, oxidation of Gpx2 is not suppressed
by glutaredoxin. Cells of WT, trx1⌬trx2⌬, and trr1⌬ carrying YEp13 (lane 1), YEp13⫹GRX1 (lane 2), or YEp13⫹GRX2 (lane 3) were treated with 0.4 mM H2O2 or 0.6 mM t-BHP for 1 h, and
the redox state of Gpx2 in each cell was determined.

ment with 0.6 mM t-BHP; nevertheless, Gpx2 was in the reduced form in To explore the correlation between the redox state of TRX and that of
trr2⌬ cells under the same conditions (Fig. 1C). This suggests that the Gpx2 more directly, we determined the redox state of TRX with an
redox status of the cytosolic TRX may influence the redox state of Gpx2. AMS modification assay. As shown in Fig. 3A, cytosolic TRX was virtu-

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin

FIGURE 4. Effect of Cys substitution on the redox

state of Gpx2 in vivo. gpx2⌬trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells car-
rying plasmid-borne Gpx2WT, Gpx2C10A, Gpx2C37A,
Gpx2C65A, and Gpx2C83A were treated with 0.4 mM
H2O2 or 0.6 mM t-BHP for 1 h, and the redox state of
Gpx2 in each cell was determined.

FIGURE 5. Property of Gpx2 in vitro. A, purifica-

tion of Gpx2. The His-tagged Gpx2 was expressed
in E. coli, and samples at each purification step
were subjected to reducing SDS-PAGE followed by
staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Samples in
each lane are as follows: lane 1, cell extracts; lane 2,
sample after HiTrap chelating column chromatog-
raphy; lane 3, sample after thrombin treatment;
lane 4, sample after HiTrap chelating column chro-
matography of thrombin-treated Gpx2. The
apparent molecular mass of Gpx2 in reducing SDS-
PAGE was slightly larger than that deduced from
amino acid sequence (18 kDa) as previously

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reported (2). B, redox state of Gpx2 in vitro after
treatment with H2O2. Purified Gpx2 was incubated
with various concentrations of H2O2 as indicated
in the figure for 1 h and subjected to reducing and
non-reducing-SDS-PAGE. A small portion of Gpx2
formed a dimer through intermolecular disulfide

ally in the reduced form in wild-type cells in the presence or absence of expressed in gpx2⌬trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells (Fig. 4). The reduced form of Gpx2
peroxides. On the other hand, small amounts of cytosolic TRX were in (Gpx2red) of the Cys-substituted Gpx2 mutants after the AMS modifi-
the oxidized form (TRXox) in trr1⌬ cells under non-stressed conditions, cation migrated slightly faster than wild-type Gpx2red, which means
and the proportion of TRXox increased after the treatment with 0.4 mM that the number of AMS molecules associated with each Gpx2 molecule
H2O2 (⬃50%) and reached 100% with 0.6 mM t-BHP. These results is decreased (WT, 4 ⫻ AMS; Cys mutants, 3 ⫻ AMS). The band corre-
suggest that the redox state of Gpx2 is linked with that of TRX, i.e. Gpx2 sponding to Gpx2ox was not observed in C37A and C83A mutants after
in trr1⌬ cells treated with H2O2 was in the reduced form because one- the treatment with H2O2 or t-BHP. This suggests that the intramolec-
half of all the TRX was still TRXred under such conditions. Because the ular disulfide bond is formed between Cys37 and Cys83. Consequently,
antibody against TRX we used is not able to distinguish between Trx1 the oxidized form of Gpx2 (Gpx2ox) of the C10A mutant after the AMS
and Trx2 (15), the TRX monitored here is the total cytosolic TRX. modification (Cys37-Cys83 and Cys65-AMS) migrated slightly faster
Next, we expressed TRX1 or TRX2 with a multicopy plasmid in the than wild-type Gpx2ox (Cys37-Cys83; Cys10-AMS and Cys65-AMS),
trr1⌬ mutant. We confirmed that the plasmid-borne Trx1 and Trx2 which was also because the number of AMS molecules able to associate
were functional in terms of the redox regulation of Gpx2 by expressing with each Gpx2ox protein was decreased. However, intriguingly, the
them in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells. As a result, the overexpression of TRX1 and apparent molecular weight of the oxidized form of the C65A mutant
TRX2 was not able to suppress the TRR1-deficiency with respect to the (Cys37-Cys83; Cys10-AMS) was almost the same as that of wild-type
redox regulation of Gpx2 after the treatment with t-BHP (Fig. 3B). We Gpx2ox; i.e. migration was slightly retarded. On the other hand, a faint
also expressed GRX1 or GRX2 in the trx1⌬trx2⌬ and trr1⌬ mutants, band migrating slightly faster than the major reduced band appeared in
although predictably, neither Grx1 nor Grx2 was able to compensate for the C83A mutant.
the loss of TRX and its recycling system (Fig. 3C). Collectively, the redox TRX-dependent Peroxidase Activity of Gpx2 in Vitro—We have dem-
state of Gpx2 in yeast cells is likely to be regulated in a TRX-dependent onstrated that the redox state of Gpx2 is regulated by a TRX-dependent
manner. system in vivo, which implies that Gpx2 behaves as a TPx. To address
Intramolecular Disulfide Bond Formation between Cys37 and Cys83 of this possibility, we purified Gpx2 and measured the peroxidase activity
Gpx2—We could not detect the band shift corresponding to the dimer with the TRX system (TRX, thioredoxin reductase, and NADPH) or
formation of Gpx2 in trx1⌬trx2⌬ and trr1⌬ cells after treatment with with the GSH system (GSH, glutathione reductase, and NADPH).
H2O2 or t-BHP (data not shown); meanwhile, the apparent molecular His-tagged Gpx2 was purified from E. coli and the His tag was
weight of Gpx2 in the AMS modification assay after treatment of cells removed (Fig. 5A). The purified Gpx2 was subjected to a TPx assay.
with peroxides was smaller than that in untreated cells. These observa- Gpx2 exhibited TPx activity toward H2O2 and t-BHP. This activity was
tions suggest that an intramolecular disulfide bond is formed within a dependent on both Gpx2 and TRX. The kinetic parameters are summa-
monomer of Gpx2. To determine which Cys residues correspond to the rized in TABLE TWO. The peroxidase activity of Gpx2 toward H2O2
intramolecular disulfide bond, each Cys residue was substituted with with the GSH system was ⬃10 times lower than that with the TRX
Ala, and the resultant mutants (C10A, C37A, C65A, and C83A) were system (TABLE TWO), and the catalytic efficiency of Gpx2 in the

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin
Kinetic parameters of Gpx2 with the TRX or GSH system
TRX system GSH system
Vmax Km kcat Vmax Km kcat
␮mol/min/mg ␮M s⫺1 ␮mol/min/mg ␮M s⫺1
H 2O 2 2.60 20.0 9.57 ⫻ 102 0.270 170 0.994 ⫻ 102
t-BHP 1.00 62.5 3.68 ⫻ 102 0.295 313 1.09 ⫻ 102

reduction of H2O2 with the TRX system was 100 times that with the ties of some of them have been extensively studied. The activity of Tsa1
GSH system (kcat/Km value in the TRX system was 4.79 ⫻ 107 M⫺1 s⫺1, toward H2O2 and t-BHP with the TRX system in vitro (Vmax values with
and that in the GSH system was 5.85 ⫻ 105 M⫺1 s⫺1). On the other hand, H2O2 as substrate were 4.8 ␮mol/min/mg of protein, and for t-BHP, 2.4
the Km value for t-BHP with the GSH system was 5 times larger than that ␮mol/min/mg of protein) (28) was comparable with that of Gpx2
with the TRX system, and the kcat/Km value for t-BHP with the TRX (TABLE TWO). However, because Tsa1 has higher affinity for perox-
system was ⬃10 times larger (5.89 ⫻ 106 M⫺1 s⫺1) than that with the ides (Km values for H2O2 were 3 ␮M and for t-BHP, were 10 ␮M) than
GSH system (3.48 ⫻ 105 M⫺1 s⫺1). Gpx2 (TABLE TWO) and TSA1 is highly expressed throughout the
To confirm whether an intramolecular disulfide bond is formed in growth phase of yeast (29), Tsa1 is most likely to be the major TPx/Prx
vitro, the enzyme was incubated with H2O2 without the TRX system. In in the cytoplasm. On the other hand, a gpx3⌬ mutant was hypersensitive
this experiment, the H2O2-treated Gpx2 was directly subjected to non- to H2O2 and t-BHP, whereas a gpx2⌬ mutant was not (1). Delaunay et al.
reducing and reducing SDS-PAGE, respectively, and the gels were (9) have reported that Gpx3 has TPx activity (9). Although the Vmax
value of Gpx3 to H2O2 (⬃1.29 ␮mol/min/mg of protein) (9) with the

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stained for proteins with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. As shown in Fig. 5B,
the majority of Gpx2 turned into the oxidized form after the treatment TRX system was lower than that of Gpx2 (2.6 ␮mol/min/mg of protein),
with H2O2, which migrates faster in non-reducing SDS-PAGE. Only a the GPX3 gene is constitutively expressed at higher levels in yeast cells
small portion of Gpx2 seems to form a dimer through an intermolecular (1, 29). We then explored whether overexpression of GPX2 can com-
disulfide bond. These results together with the redox state regulation in pensate for the loss of GPX3 in vivo. As shown in Fig. 6C, susceptibility
vivo strongly suggest that Gpx2 functions as an atypical 2-Cys peroxire- to peroxides of the gpx3⌬ mutant was partially suppressed by overex-
doxin using TRX as the endogenous reducing power. pression of GPX2.
Roles of Gpx2 in Oxidative Stress Response in Yeast—Previously we We found that the viability of yeast cells was reduced when CaCl2 and
showed that a gpx2⌬ mutant did not exhibit susceptibility to H2O2 and t-BHP coexisted, and this tendency was much more obvious in the
t-BHP using a spot assay (1). This was confirmed in the present study gpx2⌬ mutant (Fig. 6A). As shown in Fig. 6B, CaCl2 did not affect the
(data not shown). We then determined the susceptibility to t-BHP by redox state of Gpx2, whereas the amount of Gpx2 was further increased
another method, i.e. cells were treated with t-BHP in the medium for a in cells treated with CaCl2 and t-BHP concomitantly. We have previ-
prescribed time, and viability was monitored by counting the colonies ously reported that oxidative stress-induced expression of GPX2 is inde-
on YPD agar plates (survival test). As shown in Fig. 6A, the gpx2⌬ pendent of the regulatory mechanism of Ca2⫹-mediated signaling to the
mutant was slightly sensitive to t-BHP compared with the isogenic wild- GPX2 promoter (16), and therefore, an additive effect in terms of the
type strain. We have also reported that expression of GPX2 was induced induction of GPX2 in the presence of peroxide and CaCl2 was observed
in cells exposed to oxidative stress and CaCl2 (1, 16, 18), and therefore, in the GPX2-lacZ reporter assay (16). We confirmed that this is true at
Gpx2 may have some physiological relevance to the oxidative stress the protein level (Fig. 6B). Taken together, our results suggest that Gpx2
response in the presence of Ca2⫹. We then determined the susceptibil- is important in the oxidative stress-induced response in the presence of
ity to t-BHP in the presence of CaCl2. Interestingly, the susceptibility of Ca2⫹.
wild-type cells to t-BHP was slightly increased when CaCl2 was present, In mammalian cells excessive Ca2⫹ accumulation in mitochondria
and this tendency was remarkable in gpx2⌬ cells (Fig. 6A). We moni- induces opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore,
tored the redox state of Gpx2 in cells treated with CaCl2 in the presence which eventually leads to the release of cytochrome c from mitochon-
or absence of t-BHP, although CaCl2 did not affect the redox balance of dria, an early trigger in the apoptotic cascade (30). By contrast, in S.
Gpx2 (Fig. 6B). cerevisiae, Ca2⫹ alone is not able to raise the permeability of the mito-
Next, to determine whether Gpx2 is able to substitute for Gpx3 as an chondrial membrane, although the co-existence of t-BHP leads to the
antioxidant, we overexpressed Gpx2 in gpx3⌬ cells. Regarding the over- similar phenomenon of opening of mitochondrial permeability transi-
expression of GPX2, we have previously found that the deletion of a part tion pore (31). In mammals, the opening of mitochondrial permeability
of the GPX2 promoter (⫺709 to ⫺306) enhanced the basal expression transition pore is inhibited by many antioxidants (32–36), and the same
level (16), and therefore, the partially promoter-deleted GPX2 (desig- thing can be observed in yeast mitochondria; i.e. Kowaltowski et al. (31)
nated GPX2-3) was introduced into the gpx3⌬ mutant. BecauseYap1 is reported that Tsa1 and catalase protect mitochondria from permeabi-
not fully activated in gpx3⌬ cells, oxidative stress-induced expression of lization induced by Ca2⫹ and t-BHP. We have not yet determined
GPX2 was impaired in the gpx3⌬ mutant; nevertheless, we confirmed whether or not the cell death caused by t-BHP and Ca2⫹ is apoptosis;
that the Gpx2 protein level was high in cells carrying the GPX2–3 allele determination of the physiological relevance as well as intracellular
(Fig. 6C, upper panel), and consequently, the susceptibility of gpx3⌬ localization of Gpx2 in the response to oxidative stress in the presence of
cells to peroxides was partially suppressed (Fig. 6C, lower panel). Ca2⫹ is now underway.
Redox Regulation of Non-SeCys-type GPx—Rocher et al. (3) reported
DISCUSSION that the substitution of SeCys with Cys in murine cytosolic GPx (cGPx/
Roles of Gpx2 as an Antioxidant—S. cerevisiae has five TPX genes GPx1) decreased the enzyme activity 1000-fold. This was also the case
(TSA1, TSA2, AHP1, DOT5, and PRX1) (7), and the enzymatic proper- for PHGPx (4). In the peroxidase reaction of Prxs, the conserved per-

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin

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FIGURE 6. Investigation of the physiological role of Gpx2. A, susceptibility of yeast cells to t-BHP and Ca2⫹. Cells (WT and gpx2⌬) were cultured in YPD medium until A610 ⫽ 0.5 and
treated with 3 mM t-BHP, 200 mM CaCl2, or both for the prescribed period as indicated in the figure, and viability was determined. B, effect of CaCl2 on the redox state of Gpx2. Cells
(WT, trx1⌬trx2⌬, and trr1⌬) were cultured in YPD medium until A610 ⫽ 1 and treated with 0.6 mM t-BHP (lane 2), 200 mM CaCl2 (lane 3), or 200 mM CaCl2, and 0.6 mM t-BHP (lane 4) for
1 h, and the redox state of Gpx2 in each cell was determined. Lane 1, control. C, effect of GPX2 overexpression in gpx3⌬ cells on suppression of peroxide sensitivity. gpx3⌬ cells carrying
pRS413 (vector) or pRSGPX2–3H (GPX2–3) were cultured until A610 ⫽ 0.5, and the Gpx2 protein level was determined by Western blotting (upper panel). Because Yap1 is not fully
activated in gpx3⌬ cells, induction of GPX2 expression was not observed (18). To determine the susceptibility to peroxides, gpx3⌬ cells carrying pRS413 (vector) or pRSGPX2–3H
(GPX2–3) were serially diluted and spotted onto SD agar plates containing H2O2 or t-BHP.

oxidatic cysteine (Cys-SPH) is oxidized to cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys- (Fig. 4). Presumably, Cys37 may function as a peroxidatic Cys, and Cys83
SPOH). Therefore, Cys at the active site of the SeCys-substituted GPx is may be a resolving Cys analogous to Gpx3.
presumed to be oxidized to Cys-SOH by H2O2. cGPx/GPx1 is a Regarding the reduction of Gpx2, TRX, but not glutaredoxin, is the
homotetramer, and PHGPx is a monomeric enzyme. If a disulfide bond preferable reductant to recover Cys37-SH and Cys83-SH in vivo, and
is formed intermolecularly or intramolecularly as a consequence of the GSH is also able to function as a reducing power in vitro even if the
reduction of H2O2 by the SeCys-substituted enzyme, a thiol-disulfide efficiency is lower than that by TRX. Delaunay et al. (9) have reported
oxidoreductase may be necessary for recovery of the active site Cys. The that the peroxidase activity of Gpx3 is strictly dependent on TRX, and
same thing may be applied also to the peroxidase reaction carried out by GSH is not able to serve as the reducing power for Gpx3 in vitro. How-
the “GPx-like proteins” that do not contain SeCys at the active site. We ever, Avery and Avery (2) have reported that Gpx3 showed GSH-de-
have demonstrated here that an intramolecular disulfide bond between pendent peroxidase activity toward t-BHP and phospholipid hydroper-
Cys37 and Cys83 seems to be formed within a monomer of Gpx2 in vivo oxide. Hence, the electron donor for Gpx3 is still controversial.

Redox Regulation of Yeast Gpx2 by Thioredoxin

FIGURE 7. Phylogenetic analysis of GPx. GPxs

from mouse were used as representative of mam-
malian SeCys-type GPx (cGPx/GPx1, giGPx/GPx2,
pGPx/GPx3, PHGPx/GPx4 (shaded box)) and non-
SeCys-type GPx (eGPx/GPx5). Sc and Sp represent
S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, respectively.

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As a result of alanine scanning of Cys residues of Gpx2, the C65A pGPx/GPx3) earlier and is most similar to yeast GPx homologues, includ-
mutant seems to be tolerant to peroxides in terms of the formation of a ing S. pombe Gpx1 (Fig. 7). It should be noted that eGPx/GPx5 is most
disulfide bond, i.e. a portion of wild-type Gpx2 as well as the C10A similar to SeCys-type GPx even though eGPx/GPx5 does not contain
mutant was oxidized in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells without peroxides, whereas the SeCys.
C65A mutant was substantially in the reduced form (Fig. 4). This was Regarding the electron donor for the peroxidase reaction, TRX is the
also the case in H2O2-treated cells. A large part of Gpx2 of wild-type and preferable endogenous electron donor for Gpx2, and therefore, it can be
C10A mutant in trx1⌬trx2⌬ cells was oxidized after the treatment with referred to as a thioredoxin peroxidase rather than glutathione peroxi-
t-BHP, although approximately one-half of the C65A mutant was still in dase, although the yeast GPX genes were phylogenetically separated
the reduced form under the same conditions, suggesting that Cys65 from yeast TPX genes at an early stage of molecular evolution (Fig. 7).
influences the disulfide bond formation between Cys37 and Cys83 of Likewise, the plant non-SeCys-type GPxs (orange, sunflower, and
Gpx2 by a mechanism yet to be determined. tomato) showed extremely lower peroxidase activity when GSH was
Phylogenetic Position of Gpx2 as an Atypical 2-Cys Peroxiredoxin— used as the electron donor (41, 42). By contrast, these enzymes have
Mammalian GPxs are classified into four groups, i.e. classical cellular TRX-dependent peroxidase (TPx) activity (40, 42). Although the redox
and cytoplasmic GPx (cGPx/GPx1), gastrointestinal GPx (giGPx/ regulation of many other GPx-like proteins in plants has not yet been
GPx2), extracellular plasma GPx (pGPx/GPx3), and phospholipid determined, the Chinese cabbage GPx homologue has been reported to
hydroperoxide GPx (PHGPx/GPx4). These GPxs contain SeCys at the make an intramolecular disulfide bond (atypical 2-Cys Prx-type redox
active site (SeCys-type GPx) and constitute the catalytic triad with two regulation) as a consequence of the peroxidase reaction (40). Taken
other conserved amino acids (SeCys47, Gln82, and Trp159; position num- together, the non-SeCys-type PHGPx homologues may constitute a
bers of human cGPx/GPx1). Additionally, in cGPx/GPx1 of mammals, family of atypical 2-Cys Prxs.
the amino acid residues (Arg52, Arg98, Arg179, Arg180, and Lys86; position
numbers of human cGPx/GPx1) that constitute the GSH binding site
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GPX2, Encoding a Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Glutathione Peroxidase
Homologue, Codes for an Atypical 2-Cys Peroxiredoxin in Saccharomyces
Tomoaki Tanaka, Shingo Izawa and Yoshiharu Inoue
J. Biol. Chem. 2005, 280:42078-42087.
doi: 10.1074/jbc.M508622200 originally published online October 26, 2005

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