Yousha Malik - Assessment Task 2

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The Blacktown Local Government Area (LGA) is home to a diverse population of around

400,000 people, facing a range of challenges related to living in an urban environment. These
challenges include issues related to transportation, housing, employment, and access to
healthcare. This essay will evaluate the responses to these challenges, using statistics and
valued information to argue that while progress has been made, much work remains to be done.

One of the most pressing challenges facing residents of Blacktown is transportation. According
to the 2016 Census and the 9HSO class survey, over half of all households in the LGA had
access to two or more vehicles, while around 10% of households did not have access to any
vehicles at all. This lack of access to transportation can make it difficult for residents to access
employment opportunities, educational institutions, and healthcare services. In response to this
challenge, the NSW Government has invested in public transportation infrastructure in the LGA,
including the North West Metro line, which opened in 2019. However, there is still a need for
further investment in transportation infrastructure to ensure that all residents have access to
reliable and affordable transportation.

Another challenge facing residents of Blacktown is access to affordable housing. The median
weekly rent in the LGA was $380 in 2016, higher than the median rent for Greater Sydney as a
whole. This high cost of housing can make it difficult for low-income families to find suitable
accommodation, and can contribute to homelessness. The NSW Government has implemented
a number of programs to address this issue, including the Social and Affordable Housing Fund,
which aims to deliver up to 5,000 additional social and affordable housing dwellings across the
state by 2021. While these initiatives are a step in the right direction, there is still a need for
more affordable housing options in Blacktown.

Employment is another challenge facing residents of Blacktown. According to the 2016 Census,
the unemployment rate in the LGA was 7.5%, higher than the unemployment rate for Greater
Sydney as a whole. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including a lack of job
opportunities in certain industries and a mismatch between the skills of job seekers and the
requirements of employers. To address this issue, the NSW Government has implemented a
number of programs to support job creation in the LGA, including the Western Sydney Jobs
Program and the Western Sydney City Deal. However, there is still a need for more investment
in job creation initiatives to reduce unemployment in Blacktown.

Finally, access to healthcare is a challenge for many residents of Blacktown. According to the
2016 Census, around 10% of residents in the LGA reported having a disability, while around
12% reported having a long-term health condition. These health issues can make it difficult for
residents to access healthcare services, particularly if they are located far away or if they
require specialized care. To address this issue, the NSW Government has invested in
healthcare infrastructure in the LGA, including the Blacktown Hospital redevelopment project.
Additionally, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network has implemented a number of
initiatives to improve access to primary care services in the LGA. While these initiatives are
positive steps, there is still a need for more investment in healthcare infrastructure and services
to ensure that all residents have access to the care they need.
In conclusion, the challenges facing residents of the Blacktown Local Government Area are
significant and require a coordinated response from government and community organizations.
While progress has been made in addressing these challenges, much work remains to be done.
The NSW Government has implemented a number of initiatives to address issues related to
transportation, housing, employment, and healthcare in the LGA. These initiatives include
significant investments in public transportation infrastructure, social and affordable housing, job
creation programs, and healthcare services. However, the high cost of housing, high
unemployment rate, and lack of access to healthcare services continue to pose challenges for
residents. Further investment in these areas is needed to ensure that all residents of Blacktown
have access to the resources and services they need to thrive.

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