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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV

Identifying and describing triangles according to sides and angles. (M4GE-IIIc-16)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
a) Identify the different types of triangles according to sides and angles.
b) Appreciate shapes through identifying triangle- shaped objects in real life.
c) Illustrates triangles according to their sides and angles.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Identifying and describing triangles
B. Reference: Mathematics 4 Learner’s Material
C. Materials: Felt tip pen, cartolina, Manila Paper, Flashcards, ruler, protractor, chalk and
D. Value Focus: Appreciation
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Before we start, ________ kindly lead the prayer. “Our Father in heaven holy be your
name… Amen.”
2. Greetings
“Good Morning Ma’am”
Good Morning Class!!
How are you today?

“Before you take your seat, please pick up some

pieces of papers under your chair and arrange your
chair properly.”
3. Checking of Attendance
“Yes Ma’am!”.
Is everybody present today?
Very Good!!

4. Review / Drill
“Our lesson yesterday was about
Okay! What was our lesson yesterday? Polygons.

Yes, polygon. And when we say polygon. It is what? It is a close plane figure that has sides and

Student 1: “Triangle”
What are the 2 plane figures that we discussed?
Student 2: “Quadrilateral”

Very Good!
B. Developmental Activities

Teacher’ s Activity Pupil’s Activity

The teacher will show some pictures. And the
pupils will identify these objects.

(The pupils will identify the name of the objects.)

Follow-up Question
1. Where can you find these objects? Pupil 1: “It can be found in our houses.”
Pupil 2: “I noticed that they are all triangles.
2.What have you noticed in the pictures?
Pupil 3: “I think that the lesson for today is about
3.What do you think will be our lesson for

Okay, we will find out.

2. Abstraction

 Is a polygon with 3 vertices, 3 angles

(The pupils will listen to the discussion.)
and 3 sides which are straight line
Kinds of Triangles According to Sides
1. Equilateral Triangle- is a triangle with three
equal sides.

2. Isosceles Triangle- is a triangle with two

equal sides.

3. Scalene Triangle- is a triangle with no equal


Do you understand class? Yes ma’am!

Now, Kinds of Triangles According to Angles

1.Right Triangle- is a triangle with a right angle
or an angle that measures 90 degrees.
2. Acute Triangle- is a triangle with three acute
angles or each angles measures less than 90

3. Obtuse Triangle- is a triangle with an obtuse

angle or an angle that measures greater than 90

4.Equiangular Triangle- is a triangle with three

equal angles each angle measures 60 degrees.
An equiangular triangle is a special kind of acute
The total measure of the three angles of a
triangle is equal to 180 degrees.
Do you understand class?
Yes ma’am!

3. Activity

Okay class, I will group you into two (2) groups

and I will give you 5 minutes to finish your
activity. And after that, the reporter will report
their work in front.

But before that, what are the standards or rules (The pupils will raise their right hand to answer.)
to follow in conducting a group activity?
Pupil 1: Choose a leader, secretary and reporter.
Pupil 2: Cooperate with the group.
Pupil 3: Minimize your voice.
Pupil 4: Finish the activity on time.
Pupil 5: Don’t roam around.

Very Good!
Is everybody ready?
“Yes ma’am!”
Your timer starts now.
Direction: Identify the triangles based on the
lengths of their sides. Each triangle will be one
of the following types: Equilateral, Isosceles and
Scalene. Write your answer in the blank.
(Every group will answer the given activity.)

1. Isosceles
Answer: _________________
2. Equilateral
3. Scalene
4. Equilateral

Answer: _________________

Answer: __________________

Answer: ___________________

Direction: Identify the triangles based on the
size of the angles. Each triangle will be one of
the following type: Acute, Right, Obtuse and
Equiangular. Write your answer in the blank.

1. Right
Answer: __________________ 2. Obtuse
3. Acute
4. Equiangular

Answer: __________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _____________________
Okay time’s up! The reporters will report their work in front of
the class.

4. Application
I need 3 volunteers to go to the board to identify
the objects if what kind of triangle it is. And (The pupils will read the situation posted.)
illustrate identified triangle.
Ms. Ariane assigned some of her pupils to
bring different objects with the shape of a
triangle. Jojeania brought a picture of a house,
Mikayseo showed a picture of a traffic sign, and
Realinda prepared a triangular flaglet.
What do we call this plane figure? “Triangle”
How will you describe the different triangular “They differ in sizes and angles.”
Meaning, that triangles can be classified
according to their sides and angles.
“Equilateral, isosceles and scalene”
What are the triangles according to their sides?
“It has 3 equal sides”
What is equilateral triangle?
“Isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides while
How about the isosceles triangle and scalene?
scalene has no equal sides”

Very Good!
Right triangle is an angle that measures 90
What about the triangles according to their degrees. Acute an angle that measures less than
angles? 90 degrees. Obtuse is an angle that measures
greater than 90 degrees and lastly, equiangular
triangle is a triangle with three equal angles each
angle measures 60 degrees.

Did everybody understand our lesson? “Yes ma’am!”

Since everyone understood our lesson, get one
whole sheet of pad paper.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Name the triangle described in each item.
1. It is a triangle which has a right angle.
2. It is a triangle which has obtuse angle.
3. it is a triangle which has 3 acute angles.
4. It is a triangle which has 2 equal sides.
5. It is a triangle which has no equal sides.
6. It is a triangle which has 3 equal sides.
V. Assignment
Directions: Draw the following triangles correctly.
1. Right Triangle
2. Obtuse Triangle
3. Acute Triangle
4. Equilateral Triangle
5. Isosceles Triangle
6. Scalene Triangle

Prepared by: Abbygale Van B. Tulayba


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