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No. Alumni University : Mawar Sari Pasaribu No. Alumni Faculty : ..........

A) Place / Date of Birth : …………. B) Name of Parents : ……….. C) Faculty : Animal Science D) Program of
Study : Animal Science E) No. ID Student : F) Date of passed : …………. G) Predicate Graduated : ……… H)
GPA : ………. I) Length of Studies : ………… J) Address : …………..


Mawar Sari Pasaribu, supervised by :

Prof. Dr. Ir. Salam N. Aritonang, MS and Rusdimansyah, S. Pt. M.Si
Livestock Production Science and Technology Department
Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University, Padang (West Sumatera)


This research aimed to determine the effect of giving Soursop (Annona muricata) leaves on the performance of local rabbit
which was manifested in feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion of male local rabbit (lepusnigricollis). The material
used in this research were 20 male of local rabbits with a body weight of ±400-500 grams. This research was an experimental research
using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisted of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment given was supplementary
feeding of soursop leaves in the ration as much as A: 0%, B: 1%, C: 2%, D: 3%, E: 4% of the rabbit's body weight. The results showed a
very significant effect (P<0.01) on feed consumption, while body weight gain and ration conversion did not have a significantly
different effect (P<0.05). Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that giving of Soursop ( Annona muricata) as
additional feed up to a level of 4% in the ration is still safe for local rabbits.

Keywords : Local Rabbits, Feed Consumption, Body Weight Gain, Ration Conversion, Soursop Leaves.

This scription has been defended in front of the team of examiners and has passed on the date : ………… Abstract has been
approved by examiners:


Prof. Dr. Ir.

Rusdimansyah, Penguji 2 Sekretaris
Full Name Salam N. Penguji 1 Penguji 3
S. Pt. M.Si Kompre
Aritonang, MS

Head of Study Program
Animal Science Faculty,
Andalas University

Dr. Ir. Kusnadidi Subekti, S.Pt, MP

NIP. 197907132006041003

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No. Alumni Faculty : Name : Mawar Sari Pasaribu Signature :
No. Alumni University: Name : Mawar Sari Pasaribu Signature :

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