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Assignment lecture 2

1. Create 2 characters based on 2-dimensional shapes. (human,

animal alien…) Just like the elephant example in the lecture. Start
with simple basic shapes, identify the head, torso and pelvis. Make
sure the two characters each consist of different design shapes.

2. Now take this 2-dimensional design, and make this character look
three-dimensional. Translate the 2d-shapes to volumes, come up
with a clear pose, and think of ways to exaggerate the
dimensionality by using the techniques that were covered in this
lesson. (i.e. perspective, overlap, surface lines, foreshortening…)

3. Draw the characters you just designed from another angle. Try to
think of the design as a sculpture, and imagine walking around it,
and taking a picture from another angle. What would it look like?

tip: Start with the basic shapes. First make sure the foundation of the
basic shapes is strong. Add details later.

Lecture & assignments © wouter tulp • title-illustration © willem lagerwaard

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