Savonius Senzill

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This is the simplest model built. It is a Savonius rotor in which different materials are used, some of them


An empty roll of toilet or kitchen paper.

170 mm of beech round, 6 or 8 mm in diameter. You can serve the stick of some ice cream.
Three screws for solid wood, with a conical head of a star. They must be made of stainless steel or zinc
plated if you want to operate the mill outside.
120 mm pine slats, 120 x 59.
A piece of galvanized steel wire, 2 mm in diameter.
White glue.
Special varnish for outdoor use (if you want to operate the mill outdoors).
Lithium grease for greasing the coupling points.

Savonius simple running


Cut the beech round with the mechanic's saw and the help of sawmills.
With a sharpener, click on one end of the wooden round.
Polish the other end with sandpaper.
With the help of a square and a pencil, mark (loose) the cardboard cylinder in order to divide it lengthwise into two equal parts.
Cut the cylinder with scissors.
Glue one of the halves of the cylinder onto the wooden round. To hold the set while drying you can use two clothes needles. Make sure that the wooden round has free the end at
which you have not punctured, so that you can then mount the clamping wire.
After the first glue has dried, you can glue the second half of the cylinder, facing upside down.
Mark loose, with the square and a pencil, the cuts to be made in the pine slate.
Cut the piece of pine bar as a base with the sauerkraut, making sure it does not break apart. Hold it, while cutting it, with a sergeant. Do not forget to use wood cutouts
between the serjant and the material, otherwise it will be marked.
Polish the cuts in the bar with sandpaper. First maroon, then fine.
Gently trace, with the pencil and graduated ruler, the two diagonals of the base to find the center.
With the barrel, it makes way for the vis that goes to the center of the base.
With a star screwdriver, glue the vis from the base until it protrudes from the wood. The rotor spike will be placed inside the vis star.
Measure approximately the wire you will need, using a flexometer or the graduated ruler.
Use cutting pliers or universal ones to cut the wire you need, trying not to bend it too much.
Bend in a circle in the center of the wire, in order to accommodate the wooden round. It may be useful to use a drill bit the diameter of the wooden round as a support, glued to
the bench screw.
Mark, with a permanent marker, the points where the two folds should go at 90º. To do this, you can present the wire on the base, making sure that the circle coincides with the
place of the vis.
With flat or universal pliers, do both folds at 90º.
Now you will have to make two rings at the ends of the wire. To see where exactly you have to do them you will have to place the mill rotor, put the wire in place and mark on
the wire where the rings go. Use a permanent marker to do this and if you have excess wire, cut it with the pliers.
Then make both rings with the help of tip pliers. It costs a little, they don't have to be perfect, just the head of the minks catches them well.
If you have excessively twisted wire, direct it with your hands and/or a mace.
Try on the whole assembly again and mark with a pencil where the visors holding the wire should go.
Make way for wood with a barrel.
Glue the minks with the screwdriver, putting the wire inside them. Before collaring completely, adjust the position of the wire so that the rotor is vertical.
Grease the coupling between the wire and rotor thoroughly.
Lift the rotor a little and grease the vis star as well.

In case you want to operate your mill outdoors, you must protect it properly with special outdoor varnish. The application of varnish will also give you increased beauty. If you varnish
it, you will also need a brush, turpentine, cloth, newspaper, a jar to store/clean brushes and a flat screwdriver to open the varnish jars. Do not forget to read and follow the
instructions on the varnish jar carefully. You will have a better result!


If you have worked well, the mill will rotate very easily. Blow a little and you'll see him
spin. You can also put it in a place where there is some air or in front of a fan. You can see
that it works whatever the direction of the wind. Why?

The mill seen above

Coupling the rotor with the base

Click here if you want to see a video of the mill


Last updated
on 2001-07-03
Email Search in Bellera

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