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Experiment 10

Transistor Switching Circuits

Switching circuits are used for control applications are introduced. Most digital applications use digital
integrated circuits (ICs), but discrete transistor switching circuits are used when it is necessary to supply
higher current or different voltages than can be furnished directly from the digital IC. Transistor
switches are more reliable than mechanical switches, cost less, provide faster switching times, and can
provide isolation when a load is in a dangerous or remote location.
In switching applications, transistors are normally operated in either cutoff or situation. Cutoff refers
to the condition where the transistor acts as an open switch; saturation occurs when the transistor act as
closed switch. If a transistor is in cutoff, there is no current in the collector circuit; if it is saturated, it
is conducting as much as possible.

Key Objectives:
1. Construct the switching circuit.
2. Test transistor switching circuits for its switching characteristics including the thresholds.
3. Test a switching circuit with hysteresis.

Components Needed:
Resistors: one 100 Ω resistor, One 33 kΩ resistor
Resistors: one 330 Ω, one 1.0 k Ω, two 10 k Ω
One 10 k Ω potentiometer
Two small signal npn transistors (2N3904 or equivalent)

Lab Task:
1. Measure and record the values of the resistors listed in Table Below. R1 is a 10 k Ω potentiometer and is
not listed in the table. RC1 is used in step 4.

No Resistor Listed Value Measured Value

1 RB 10 k Ω
2 RC 1.0 Ω
1 RC1 10k Ω
2 RE 330 Ω

2. Ideally, a transistor switching circuit should operate either in cutoff or in saturation. The circuit shown
in Figure 4-3 is a basic transistor amplifier. It can easily be set for operation at these extremes by varying
the potentiometer (RI). However, it can also operate between cutoff and saturation, a condition not
desirable in a switching circuit. Compute the collector-emitter voltage (VCE) at cutoff and saturation and
the voltage across the collector resistor at saturation and the voltage across the LED and 0.1 V across
Transistor. Show the computed values in Table below.

3. Construct the circuit in Figure 4-3 and observe the effect of varying the potentiometer. Set the
potentiometer to the minimum value and measure VCE at cutoff (the LED should be off). Then set
the potentiometer for maximum (LED on), and measure VCE (saturation). The transistor is saturated
since it can supply no more current in the collector circuit. Record measurement in Table 4-5 and
compare to compound values from Step 02.

4. In this step, you will add a second transistor in a circuit that is like the Application Activity in the
text. The additional gain due to a second transistor causes the switching action to improve
dramatically. The circuit is shown in Figure 4-4. Notice that the 1.0 kΩ resistor is now the collector
resistor for Q2. The circuit works as Follows. When VIN is very low, Q1 is off since it does not have
enough base current. Q2 will be in saturation because it can obtain ample base current through RC1,
so the LED is on. As the base voltage of Q1 is increased, Q1 begins to conduct. As Q1 approaches
saturation, the base voltage of Q2 drops, causing it to go from a saturated to cutoff condition rapidly.
The output voltage of Q2 drops and the LED goes out. Construct the circuit, a test it as described in the
next step.
5. Set the potentiometer so that VIN is a minimum (0 V). Since Q1 is off, the LED should be on. Measure
VIN and VOUT and record the readings in Table 4-6 in the first two rows. Monitor VIN and slowly increase
VIN while watching the LED. You should observe that there is no dim condition for the LED — it will
suddenly go off as the input voltage is increased. Record VIN and VOUT at the threshold where the LED
just turns off. Notice that the output voltage indicates Q2 is either in saturation or in cutoff.

1. Give at least three advantages of transistor switching circuits.
2. Compare the performance of the two switching circuits you worked on.
3. What is the purpose of R B in Figure 4-4?
4. In step 5, the switching threshold was distinct; however, the threshold voltage is rather
low, and it is susceptible to noise on the input. There is another simple improvement you
can make to this circuit by using common-emitter resistor, RE. Draw that circuit and explain
its working mechanism.

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