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10. 11 12. 13, 14, i ee ONS MAK (~1). SECTION4| : NCERT Liners hoose whether the statement is True (T) or False (F). Inheritance is the process by which characters are passed on from parent to Progeny basis of variation. '90r Mendel, conducted hybridisation experiments on sweet peas for seven years (14 1863) and proposed the laws of inheritance in living organisms. During Mende''s investigations into inheritance patterns, it was for the first time that sta analysis and mathematical logic were applied to problems in biology. [ Experiments conducted by Mendel had a small ‘sampling size, which gave greater credibility to the data that he collected A tue-breeding line is one that, having undergone continuous cross-pollination, shows the Stable trait inheritance and expression for several generations, Mendel selected 7 pairs of true-breeding pea Plant varieties for the experiments. Terminal violet flowers in pea plants are due to dominant traits. In Mendelian monohybrid cross, the tall and dwarf traits in Pea plants were identical to their Parental type and did not show any blending, Mendel called the thing as ‘factors’ that was being stably passed down, unchanged, from Parent to offspring through the gametes, over successive generations. Genes which code only for a pair of contrasting traits are known as alleles. The alleles of the parental pair segregate from each other and only one allele is transmitted to @ gamete gamete containing either allele, due to the process of crossing over. rm The segregation of alleles is a random Process and so there is a 50 per cent chance of a Co Punnett Square is an arithmetic representation to calculate the Probability of all possible co Phenotypes of offspring in a genetic cross. It is not possible to know the genotypic composition regarding the trait showing dominant phenotype. Inatypical test cross an organism showing a dominant phenotype Is cross recessive Moet inctoed of eel croveng 19 8 dominant phenotype Is crossed with the principles or Laws of Inheritance given b 0 18 given by Mendel that are Law of Dominance, Law ‘segregation and Law of Independent Assortment are based on his observations on Sonohybrid crosses, inheritance of flower colour 5 ts ae Lee Jour in snapdragon or Antirhinum sp. is a good example to 1g. Theoretically, the modified allele can be responsible for production of the normal or no enzyme atoll 1g. The modified allele can never be equivalent tothe unmodified alle jlele of a gene produces a n : prea ger 1on-functional enzyme or no enzyme, the phenotype/trat wi fay be dependent on the functioning of the modified alle ‘the modified allele is generally the recessive allele. a ‘2 Incodominance the F1 resembies either of the two parents or is in-between, ‘3. The gene () egarding blood group in human has three alleles 4, # and i The alleles # and /® produce @ slightly diferent form of the sugar while allele i does not produce any sugar ‘24 Multiple alleles can be found only when population studies are made. ‘. \ncomplete dominance can also be seen in pea plant. ze Dominance is an autonomous feature of a gene or the product that it has information for. ‘2. hecordng to the Mendet's Law of Independent Assortment ‘when two pairs of traits are sarinodin a hybrid, segregation of one par of characters is independent ofthe other pir of tharacers’ even the responsible genes are on the same chromosome 2. Mende's approach of using mathematics to explain biological phenomena was to many ofthe biologists of his time. ‘2. Mendel had provided physical proof forthe existence of factors or say what they were made a. unacceptable 30. Water Suton and Theodore Boveri used chromosome movement to explain Mendel’ laws 41. Sutton and Boveri arqued thatthe pairing and separation ofa pair of chromosomes would ead {othe segregation of a pair of factors they carried 2 osophile melanogaster has 2 very few types of Hereditary variations that can be seen with low power microscopes. 38. Mergen caries out several monohybnid crosses in Drosophila to study genes that were sex- linked. to describe the physical association of genes on a ination to describe the generation of parental gene 4 Morgan coined the term linkage chromosome and the term recor combinations Norpan oun ran Drosophls te genes w andy were ver hy Inked and showed only tigraen foun tmbination while genes w and m showed 37.2 per cent recombination. a7 38, a 42 43, 45, 47. 8 are in the sequencing of whoig ‘Traits such as heights and skin colour in human are generally controlled by three or mory [yo ‘genes and are thus called as polygenic traits, The number of each type of alleles in the genotype related to the skin colour in. human determines the darkness or lightness of the skin in an individual. The underlying mechanism of pleiotropy in most cases is the effect of different genes metabolic pathways which contribute towards a particular phenotype. Phenotypic expression of phenyiketonuria is characterised by mental retardation ang 4 > reduction in hair and skin pigmentation, Henking discovered the X chromosome in the somatic cells of many insects, XY or ZW type of sex determination is s chromosomes. n where male and female have different number of In bath the cases, ie., XO type and XY type of sex determination, males produce two different types of gametes. In honey bees, unfertlised egg develops as a worker bee by means of parthenogenesis, Male honey bees do not have father and thus cannot have sons, but have a grandfather and [| can have grandsons. Deletions and insertions of base pairs of DNA do not cause any frame-shift mutations, Pedigree study provides a strong tool, which is uti trait, abnormality or chromosomal disorders. oth chemical and physical factors can induce mutations, ed 10 trace the inheritance of a specific By pedigree analysis one can easily understand whether the trait is linked to the sex chromosome or not. Myotonic dystrophy is an autosomal dominant trait taal Res-areen colour blindness occurs in about 0.4 per cent of males and about 8 per cent of | a A gasghlr wil ck normally be colour blind, unless her mother is a carer and her father UL ‘n haemophilia, a single protein that is a part ofthe cascade of in jotna {| nee Proteins involved in the cling | ‘Sictde-cell anaemia is caused by the substitution of Valine by Gi iat rere fine oomoalobi ee aie by Glutamic acid at he sixth posit Tie dant haemoglobin molec in scke-coll anaemia undergoes depolymerisaion under aE “Thaassamia i a biod 3 ow re bt cnt mnt tom peo ting wen i a jour NCERT " RENE SY a9. ht a Principles of Inhertance and Variation SSSI ‘he defect thalassemia can be due to either mutation or deletion which results in reduced rate [ 5 synthesis of one of the globin chains that make up haemoglobin i « Thalassemia is controled by two closely linked genes present on chromosome 11, while B Thalassemia is controlled by a single gene HBB on chromosome 16. some ofthe features of Down's syndrome are congenital heart disease and retarded physical, \ 2 Seetarneege \ N \ \ \ , S Seychomotor and mental development Individuals with Kiinefelter's Syndrome are sterile as ovaries are rudimentary besides other Beales including lack of other secondary sexual characters, ee. SECTION-II : Assertion-Reason type Inthe folowing questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R) (q)_Hfben Assertion & Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion, then mak (1). (2) both Assertion & Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion, then mark (2). (@) Asserion is tue statement but Reason is fase, then mark (3) (4) Ifboth Assertion & Reason are false statements, then mark (4), In Mendelian experiments, phenotype of F heterozygote is exactly ike the dominant paren in appearance. R: Ina pairof cissimiar factors, one dominates the other while other factor is recessive. The oFginal phenotype is due to dominant ale and the recessive phenotype is due to odie alle R: The dominant allele produces functional enzyme and the modified alleles generally produce non-functional or no enzyme at al When and # are present together, they both express their own types of sugars. R:Aleles A and © show incomplete dominance, ‘As DNAs the carrier of genetic information, tis transmitted from one generation to the ‘ter without any change or alteration A: Arecessive character that is not expressed in heterozygous condition can express when it becomes homozygous. R: Characters segregate during the formation of gametes. ‘A: Mendel when crossed pea plant with yellow Coloured and round shaped seeds. with {een coloured and wrinkled shaped, he found that resulting progeny had yellow ‘Coloured and round shi ped seeds LA ay 10 R A Yellow colour is dominant over green and round shape is dominant over wrinkled. Externally it is not possible to distinguish between the pea plants with the genotypes TT or Tt regarding their heights. Due to the dominance of one trait over the ‘other, 3/4 of the Fe plants in Mendelian monohybrid cross were tall In each pregnancy there is always 50 percent probablity of either a male or a female child Genetic makeup of the sperm determines the sex of a child In Mendel's dinybrid cross, the F) hybrid produces gametes of four different (genotypes, each with a frequency of 25% of the total gametes produced. Genes for the characters considered in ‘Mendelian dinybrid cross are not linked and thus there segregation is independent of each other. Regarding sickle-cell -——_anaemi heterozygous (Hb*HbS) individuals appear unaffected but are carrier of the disorder. Hb*HbS individual has sickle cell trait as there is 50% probabil of transmission of the mutant gene to the progeny. a a

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