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A Case Study on the

Google's Employee Reward


Recognition Program

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject

Human Resource Management

2nd Semester, AY 2022-2023

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Title of the Case: Google's Employee Reward and Recognition Program

The Case of the Study:

Google is an American multinational technology company founded by Larry Page and

Sergey Brin in 1998. It is primarily known for its search engine, which uses complex
algorithms to deliver relevant search results. Over the years, Google has expanded its
offerings to include a wide range of products and services, such as Google Maps,
Gmail, Chrome, Drive, Docs, Photos, YouTube, and hardware products. As of this date,
Google remains one of the most valuable technology companies globally, with a
dominant presence in online advertising.

Google faced a challenge in retaining its top talent in the early 2000s due to the
company's rapid growth. The existing employee rewards program did not adequately
address the evolving needs and aspirations of the workforce, leading to a high turnover
rate and potential loss of critical knowledge and expertise. Despite being known for its
innovative work culture, Google realized that employees were not consistently
recognized for their contributions, leading to lower engagement levels and potential
talent attrition.

Problem of the Case:

Google faced challenges in retaining its top talent due to a high turnover rate and
potential loss of critical knowledge and expertise. The existing employee rewards
program did not adequately address the evolving needs and aspirations of the
workforce, leading to lower engagement levels and potential talent attrition.
Cause(s) of the Problem:

1) Inadequate rewards program: The existing rewards program at Google did not
effectively recognize and reward employees for their contributions, leading to
lower engagement and dissatisfaction among the workforces.

2) Rapid growth and evolving needs: Google's rapid growth created a dynamic work
environment, and the existing rewards program did not adapt quickly enough to
address the changing needs and aspirations of the employees.

3) Lack of consistent recognition: Employees were not consistently recognized for

their contributions, which contributed to lower engagement levels and a sense of

Potential solutions to the Problem:

1) Revise the rewards and recognition program: Google can evaluate and redesign
its rewards and recognition program to align with the changing needs and
aspirations of employees. This could include implementing a comprehensive
performance evaluation system, introducing meaningful rewards and incentives,
and establishing regular recognition practices.

2) Enhance communication and feedback mechanisms: Improving communication

channels and feedback mechanisms between employees and management can
foster a sense of belonging and address individual concerns. This could involve
regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and opportunities for employees to voice
their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.

3) Implement a robust recognition system: Google can establish a consistent and

meaningful recognition system that acknowledges and celebrates employee
contributions. This can include regular appreciation events, employee spotlights,
and peer recognition programs.

4) Emphasize professional development and growth opportunities: Google can

invest in robust professional development programs, career advancement
pathways, and mentorship initiatives. Providing avenues for employees to
enhance their skills, pursue meaningful career growth, and engage in challenging
projects can enhance job satisfaction and increase retention.

5) Foster a supportive work culture: Strengthening the company's work culture can
play a crucial role in talent retention. Google can promote a sense of community,
collaboration, and work-life balance through initiatives like team-building
activities, employee resource groups, flexible work arrangements, and wellness

6) Conduct stays interviews and exit interviews: Regularly conducting stay

interviews with employees to understand their needs, aspirations, and areas for
improvement can help identify potential retention strategies. Additionally,
conducting exit interviews with departing employees can provide valuable
insights into the reasons behind their departure and help Google address any
systemic issues contributing to talent attrition.

Identify the Major Solution:

The major solution to the problem would be to revise the rewards program. By
evaluating and redesigning the rewards program to align with the evolving needs and
aspirations of the workforce, Google can create a more attractive and competitive
package that incentivizes top talent to stay within the organization.
Application of the HRM Concepts to the Solutions of the Case:

Google has implemented various solutions to address the challenges of retaining top
talent. Here are some notable examples:

1) Google's Peer Bonus Program: Google implemented a Peer Bonus Program that
allowed employees to recognize and reward their peers for outstanding
contributions. Employees could nominate colleagues who went above and
beyond their regular duties, and the nominated individuals would receive a
monetary bonus as a token of appreciation. This solution aligns with the HRM
concept of employee recognition, as it empowers employees to acknowledge and
reward their peers' exceptional work.

2) Google's "Thank You" Initiative: Google introduced the "Thank You" initiative,
which provided a platform for employees to express their gratitude and
appreciation to their colleagues. Through this initiative, employees could send
personalized messages of thanks and recognition to their co-workers,
highlighting their contributions and impact. This solution promotes a positive work
culture and aligns with the HRM concept of employee appreciation and

3) Google's Performance-Based Stock Grants: In addition to traditional

compensation packages, Google offers performance-based stock grants to its
employees. These grants are awarded based on individual and team
performance, aligning with the HRM concept of rewards and incentives. By
providing stock grants, Google links employee rewards directly to the company's
success and motivates employees to contribute to their fullest potential.

4) Googlegeist: Google implemented an annual internal survey called "Googlegeist"

to gather feedback and insights from employees. This survey allows employees
to provide feedback on various aspects of their work experience, including
recognition and rewards. The data collected through Googlegeist helps Google
identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance
employee rewards and recognition. This solution aligns with HRM concepts of
employee feedback, engagement, and continuous improvement.

5) Google Founders' Award: The Google Founders' Award is a prestigious

recognition program designed to acknowledge exceptional contributions made by
individuals or teams within the company. The award is given to those who
demonstrate extraordinary creativity, innovation, and impact on the company's
goals. By implementing the Google Founders' Award, Google aims to recognize
and reward outstanding achievements, fostering a culture of recognition and

6) Great Manager Awards: Google implemented the Great Manager Awards to

recognize and celebrate exceptional managers within the organization. The
program acknowledges managers who exhibit effective leadership, support the
development of their teams, and create a positive work environment. By
highlighting and rewarding great managers, Google emphasizes the importance
of effective leadership in employee satisfaction and engagement.


So therefore, these real-life solutions implemented by Google demonstrate their

commitment to addressing the issue of inadequate employee rewards and recognition.
By leveraging the power of peer recognition, fostering a culture of appreciation, and
providing performance-based incentives, Google aims to enhance employee
engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

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