Half Yearly Report 2022 23

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‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC ‘Tanin Cente, 3 Asad Gate, Mirpur Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh. THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC (CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Unaucited) ‘As at December 2022 Amount in Taka. Ries] [atbeconseramez | [20d az As9e18 ‘Non-Current Assets: 2,790,144,577_ 2,627,085,917 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment 4A 2,396.611,685. 2,342,489,248 Cap Wate Pegs ca] || 2627220 vasa Rgttet se Ass 062 asa ice Financial Assets 6 111,812,520 _ 31,114,385.00_ ‘Current Assets : 1,703,050,013 4,683,200,873 ier osa | | [—aowsamraer] | | [i corsersee Trad snd OterRexheles oa 4503508 sens ‘imo Dp so per A rea044 mame cash Cash Eaves HA maze 205485, TOTAL ASsers Tam aT SHAREMOLDERS EQUITY AND LABIIES: Equity attributable to the owners of the company: 2,744,164,747 2,804,390,765_ shar Coil 2 3248.70 S420 Tex Holy Rene is 4a22310 aaeaito Unrealised Gain on Marketable Securities (AFS) 14 (2,489,983) (685,588)| Fata Eanes wa] || zxzomzeaso| ||| amzersrs Neo Contig nets 188 roses mesa uxBues: Non aren bis: sss7a.8z0 sera16i0 gta Peace 8 T0875 4 0638 Emp Beet Cpe tA arz6r8 rare ese ities 18 750575 arsos7s Deferred Tax Liabilities 19 107,139,176. 117,724 054 Curent abies tuvazersco || ago Shot Tem Fens » 3408862 S201, Care Pern Lrg Tem Farce a1 48408 rassiat0 Lease Liabilities 78 10,701 438 22,085,824 Tae an ter Poa ZA sre635681 sos 06 ‘Unclaimed Dividend A 40,372,368 22,838,182 cme Taxes BA oar seaaud rer TTA SHAREHOLDERS EQUTY AHO LABS Tm aT Net Aut Value NA) Per hae 7 = see aa ome ig a ac, — at 28 sony 203 Mara cr craman Pages 02 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC ‘CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Unaudited) For the Hal-Year ended 31 December 2022, Amount in Taka Forte haltyear(1| For the hafyear || For the Quarter(t |] Forthe Quarter (t Notes || July 20221031 |(1 July 2024 t031|} October 2022 0 || October 2021 to 31 December 2022) | December 2021) ||31December 2022)|) December 2021) REVENUE 2A “4616.117216] 4527895862 |[ 2,161 198868 2162576671 Cost of goods sold mc (2,896,861 835)| _(260.417.822) |) _(.258.408.5¢8) |} _(1.274,47,041) (GROSS PROFIT 4919,255,380| ~ 1,867,418,090 902,730,325, 388,228,620, ‘OPERATING EXPENSES (1,488,799,216)] | (1,381,160,838) || (667,698,001) (625,140,128) Adhinistave expenses A (106,251.974) [ (105,118,961) (66,140,188) (67,888.87) Seling and Distribution expenses BA (1,382,537 842) | (1.276,040,878)|||_ (611.490 403) (57,481,289) (OPERATING PROFIT 450456,164| 486,267,491 236,000,724 269,088,504 Financial charges Ey (22976312)| (24,094,734) (11,351,132) (13,061,621) ‘Other inoome 13997,299 | __ 15,957.48. 7702311 $73,859 Proft before WPF and welfare fund “4ai775,151| 47,519,908 234,444,505, 254,800,742 Workers PP. fund and welare fund z (2,000.390)| 22,826,529) (11038,674) (12513.567) PROFIT BEFORE TAK 420,184 760 454691,366 20,408,078 249,287 475 Income tax expenses BA (91.212690)] [1126 856,209) (25,984.375) (6.254.161) PROFIT FOR THE THE PERIOD 328,972,070, 34485 184,443,659, 185,053,014 PROT LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO: ‘Owners ofthe Company 325.040.1908 —_907, 882,685 184,505,630 108,065 515, Nor-contoting interest (68.069) (48,200) (61978) (2502) 328,972,070, 104443 652 105,033,013, ther Comprehensive Income: Change nf value of Maketabie Securities [_ 29 (2.04884) a70575 (147,180) Loss: Defeod tax 47,858 (14718) Total other comprehensive income for the period, et of tax 450718 ‘Total Comprehensive Income forthe period 328.2685, Total Comprehensive income Attributable to: (Ones the Company 37235744 308,313,389 104,973,168 105455,715, Non-controing intrest (68.089) (48.200) (e178) (92502) SOTAO7 TA 320,265,408 184311,190, 105A25.218, Eamings Per Shere (EPS) DA 10383] 10.48 590 307 [Number of Shares used to Compute EPS ‘sizeaar | [31,248,627 31,248,827 3126827 SS te Tha ony Sey Oe, re oat ona ae iy a ete chaman Page #03 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC. ‘CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (Unaudited) For the Halt-Year ended 31 December 2022 Amott Feces [Patent "TET Teer ere tnd Eres] COS] rt mem aya Tae] ao] TT] TR | — S| STS Bennett pron te Sareea ise rrt conse] aera] am) macs fon de [Dividend for the year 30 June 2021 (146,645,047) (146,845,047) Jean rear oye sree] syncs ios aaoence | smears] —aasto| ease] — aaa | — eae] aesper ee (seoeg] pose | om] ease lonesome oot Jon oer ee vent ete 2 ace) cere \cos-s0%) lBalance as at 31 December 2022 | 312436770 402110] @2asa.sen| 2zeazs.sso| — 2o.set.i2a| | 2.764, 758870 ‘STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (Unaudited) For the Half-Year ended 31 December 2021 ‘Amount in Taka Tax Holiday on Controlling | Particulars id up Capital FVOCI Reserve | Retained Earrings} NO" Total [Balance as 7 July 2000 ‘saas6 270 | 43e2tT0 | taaaD)| 1 480,90,581 we) 777006 [stement of prot or oss ad oer |Compreensive income fo period ssr4se| —aeo,rza380 | (151816)] 480,329,260 fend 30 June 2021 Dion forthe yer 30 une 2020 (casn38 5%) (120,267,958) (120257,964] Issue cry te year 3ec3.160| — 3803,160 [Blanco as a 30 June 2027 rr ae [statement of profit or los and ober |compreensive Income fr pred sor] s2re2e00 (4e.200] 8.208169, lended3t December 2021 Dien forte yor 30 une, 2021 (148,245,007 (146,845 047] (cash75) [Balance as 31 Decomber2021 | 31246270] 4.02110] s75.904| 20t0z63625) —s3032] 230871,101 ee ee ee oe Deted, Dake Managing Dietor = 28 dary 2023 Page #04 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Unaudited) For the Halt: Year ended 31 December 2022 Amountin Tala Half-year ended Half-year ended sisaaiaa || ai22mn1 ‘Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Reoshed fom ever nd obers TORTS) | —TRADABE Payment for operation. expenses & others (4,068,416 643)| (4,083,925 366)| Miclaneus naame 15089 ‘6.900 Cash generated from operations 533 862,364 440,436,236 Ineo tax ps ceozttane] | (114549808 Payment er Faria charges (varasorg | _“(crsex.70) Nat ath rom operating actos BABATT HA HD Cash lowe From Investing Active: Acquisition of property plant and equipment (169,01,378)] (224,248 473)] Pontes ton se of popaty, plat equpron ‘e547 be Invesmentin soko (Sposa) E 0.900000 Acquisition of financial essets (82,503,019)} = Recie Fom ban 581853, +1590 [Net cash used in investing activities, (248,968,270) (164,132,543) Cash Flows From Financing Actes: Payment of dividend (168.727 576)] (148,057,745)] Payment cleat ites (18496660] - ‘Long term finance recelved/(paid) from bank (Net) 2,422,406, (28,942,983)) Stortiem france recsvedpad) fo bark Ne crazasose) |__ ‘Net cash used in financing activities. (305,234, 191) (98,676,565) Increase!(decrease) in cash and cash equivaents (120,344,754)] 40,512,752 Cath and ca equets at uy 2022 (187461760) (87484. os) Balance sat December 2002 sizwazo| ase2ii0| aamoane] —aamamew| _avearre STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUTY (Unudted For the Ha. Year ended 31 December 2021 Anountn Tia Pete Paty cots] "EO ccna nae ms] Te ence aa yD sezweTTo] 4302.0) area] tae | — ae sttonet of prt orbs end cher Japenese comer eid ent 0 sera] asreenzas|serasoste line 2 [Dividend for the period 30 June 2020 (Cash - 138.50%) ((120,287,964)] (120,287,964) [Balance as at 30 June 2021 342,436,270 | 4,392,110 145,087, 1,842,886,521 2,158,859,988, Stioment opr bss doer congeners cone oped ena 31 corr] sama] sosriase Deomoer 201 bite orb yer 0 une 2021 (Case crassascer) (45 15007] lors) Blanca a 1 Boconber 01 Tizeeme | —aano| sea] ae | aaa ee — Ghat Fancal Scr campary Sety Daecer, Fnce Dai Ola vanaf incor caiman 2B lonay 223 Page #08 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC. ‘STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Unaudited) For the HaltYear ended 31 December 2022 Revised Avoantin Ta rertoanatyart || Forthenaert ||Fort curr | Forte cure votes |] “Sutyamatost” || “uyzet est || oxeter ize | oauber 2071 0st ‘December 2022) December 2021) || 31December 2022) || December 2021) revewe a] aera a ec Cost of goods sod 4B (2,386,502,388) (2,327,769,688) |) __(1,1%2,505,526) 098, 696,582) Ross PRoFT Taiariae ||—tenanae||——reamsee || reataoar OPERATING EXPENSES {(1,256,820,487) ‘(1,206,744,379) (852,879,259) (526,374,172) ‘Administrative expenses: 3 ‘(95,844,478)| (90,254,621)| (50,642,889)| (30,685,424)| Selng&Diebonexpnees 2 I cscosrsor9| 116.480758]||| (602236370) || _ erz.s8a748) coPeRaTIg PT SS carsraess || — zirategs || — arene Fil rp a |] conse (etisarsy) |] ctastsaa || caostsen Ober cone ‘em ‘saz ri || sess Prof before WPF and ware ine couaaezt “assse0 || —zraaieers || —aataeeamt Wate PP. non wld a || teaser) comes || _consssey || (estas PROF BEFORE TAK 4998087 easusor0 mares Ca aTeT bone ac eres = Tas) [ay] CT PROFIT RON CONTINUING OPERATION seuordaee misiae) Tsao PROF FROM DISCONTNUED OPERATION 2% : asasot Ase PROFT FORTHE THe PERIOD manaaa tarot _Weomse iene Ot Comprtann cone: Change ita vive! Matai Seats (ron wns (7480 3588 tan Dobra conese 58 Total other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax (1,804,396) Tot Comprehensive come fer pred ae Earnings Per Sta) = aa 0 za tal Earog Pe Sar Cong operation a a2 a 73 Number f Stars use to Comput EPS (seer siane|[_—_saeer | sae as Gj ie Graal ote Congany Sect Drec, Frrcs ai Cr a 28 oun 228 en cheman Page #07 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC ‘STATENENT OF CASH FLOWS (Uneucited) For the Half.Year ended 31 December 2022 Amount jn Taka alryear ended | [ Halr-year ended 31.42.2022 31.42.2024 ‘Cash Flows From Operating Activites: Received ftom revenue and oes TORT SS | [TST Payment or operation expenses & others @5ts642820) | (4026734, Mscalaneous income 115059 85 960) CCash generated from operations 34223607 “aia 245 Cash generated rom discontinued operation (65,3080) Income tax paid (e0,176925)| | (114549508) Payment for Francl charges (18,796,018) (21564870) "Not cash from operating activities 435,250,658 306,206,775 Cash Flows From investing Activites: ‘Acuision of propery, pen and equipment TASES] [TB BTE RED] Precoods om sle of property, plat equpment 1864274 : Investmentinassocites (posal) - 900,000 Investment in Subsisary 45,000.000)| | 60,000,00) ‘Acris of nail assets (25,508,019 : Recs rom bank 234723 27764 Net cash used in investing activites 15,356,367) (188,791.758) Cash Flows From Financing Activites: Payment of didend (ERTET STB) [ (148,057 75) Payment of ase ibities (15.46 680] 2 Long tom finance rected pi om bank (Ne 2422406 (22.942,983) ‘Shor term fnance received pid) fom tank (Ns) 120.480;41) 79,318,163 Nit cash usd in francing activities (05 251,187) 8876565) Increase) decrease n cash and cash equivalents Cie] TTS Cash and cash equivalents at 1 duly 2022 238,154480, 733,756 499 Focsign Exchange Fuctuation Gain Los) cn FAD ERQ Acoounts 6973463 x2) ‘Gash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2022 TBE TE 06S BT, NOCFPS ( Note 32) (Chet Financial ter Dated, Dhaka 28 January 2023 Company Secretary Page #08 Capa Director, Finance me Chairman “4 12 24 2 ‘THE IBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC ‘SELECTED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) For the Half-Year ended 31 December 2022 ‘SELECTED EXPLANATORY NOTES: ‘The company and the group ‘The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industy PLC (the “Company’ was incorporated in Bangladesh on 22 December 1983 ‘under the Companies Act, 1913 (replaced bythe Companies Act 1994) and it was converte into a Public Limited ‘Company in 1989, The registered ofce ofthe carpany is at Tarn Center, 3 Asad Gate, Mirpur Road, Monammmadur, Dhaka-1207. The Company is sted wi Draka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE), ‘As the 99.90% shareholder of The IBN SINA API Industy Li, 99.89% The IBN SINA Natural Medicine Lid. and 85% ‘The IBN SINA Polymentindusty Ltd; The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industy PLC started its operation as a group ‘company from 16 September 2019, Hereinafter its refers asthe group as and where applicable forthe purpose ot preparing consoldeted facia statements Nature of business The Company i involved inthe production of pharmaceutical drugs and natural medicines and seling them in both local and international market. Basis of preparation Statement of compliance ‘These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance withthe Intemational Accounting Standard IAS 3: Inte Financial Repotng, the Companies Act 1994, the Secutties and Exchange Rules 2020, Financial Reporting Act 2016, relevant quideines issued by Bangladesh Securiies and Exchange Commission (BSEC’) and oer applicable ans and regulations in Bangladesh, The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except fr financial asses that have been ‘measured at far value where applicable. The financial sttemenis provide comparative information in respect of the revous period and have been prepared on going concer basis. The interim financial statements shoud be read in conjunction with The IBN SINA Phamaceutical industry PLC's annual statutory financial statements as at 30 June 202. Date of authorisation ‘The interim financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 28 January 2028 for publication. Functional and presentation currency “The nancial statements are presented n Bangladeshi Taka (BOT), which s both functional and presentation cuency of The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industy PLC, Significant accounting policies ‘Te same accounting policies and metiod cf computation have been followed in these interim financial statements 2s were apple in the preparation of he audtes francialsttementsof The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industy PLC as at ‘and forthe year ended 30 June 2022. ‘SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS Subsequent events: 'Nomateria events cocumed aftr he reporting date, non disclosure of which coud affect the stakeholders o make rope valuation and decision. Imcrease in eamings per share (eps): ‘Asa esul ol increase in sales reverue and profit, EPS has been increased during curent period over ast reporting tod. Page # 10 34 35 37 38 Increase in net operating cash low per share (noctps}: Net operating cash low per share (NOCFPS) increased during curent priod over last reporting period due to decrease in payment for cost & expenses & thes. Income tax: Income tax expenses decreased due to impact of defered tax. Dividend: Payment ct dividend increase due fo declaration of higher dividend on last year's income during the reporting period Discontinued operation ‘The Boatd of Directors of The IBN SINA Phamaceutcal Industy PLC ints 238" Meeting held on Saturday, May 28, 2022 ended at 4:00 PM atthe Bcard Room ofthe Company has decided to demerge the Natural Meine Division {Uni of the Company by transfering is “Assets and Lables tobe audted” as ane 30,2022 to its 98.90% owned Subsidiary Company named: The IBN SINA Natural Medine Li. in exchange of consideration other than cash as against acquiring of Shares (899% Shares) held by te hldng Company, The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical dusty PLC, for beter management anc ease cf cperaton of is natural mercne producton and businesses subject to pproval by the Shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting ofthe Company ard compliance wth the necessary regulatory requtements in this regard and also BSEC's approval, if any. ‘Considering this fact, the operating rest (revenue, cost of sles, ther expenses an tax expenses) of isconinue ‘operation is presented separately ram continuing operation (face of Prof or Loss statement) as note nthe fnancal slalements reference tothe Paragraph 33 of IFRS 6: Non-curent asses had forsale and discontinued operations. ‘The net resut (Profit after Tax) of Naural Medicine Division (disposal group) is shown inthe comparative figures of ‘oft and oss statement. However, the separation of Natural Medicine Division is merely transfering ffom Parent company to Subsidiary ‘company, 80, this shall nt be considered as disposalseparatcn in group perspective. AS such, the operating result (revenue, cost of sales, other expenses and tax expenses) of Natural Medicine Division is considered as continued ‘operation in grcup (consliaton) reporting purposes. ‘Comparative figures: Previous period figures have been re-aangod fo confor to curent period presentation, where considered necessary ‘Trade payable: Trade payable increased duet increase in procurement andthe batanoes remained unpaid a the reporting date. Poet tt ‘3 December 2022] [ 30 June 2022 (04, PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: Cost Opening balance 3,543,836,562 3,221,268,536 aon ding the period rrstessi 322888027 Dsosalijsiment ur the por - Ciosing balance my ‘Accumulted Depreciation: ‘Opening balance 1,054,394,090, (Charge during the period 199,301,082 Disposal/Adjustment during the period “ Closing balance er Closing balance of written Down Value (WOV) “2,200, 141,389 Assets held under disposal group (76,881,940) Tee efron an nd devetcpren03 cna ané bing re pled os sour om ard short tm bank nance lhe company. (04 A, CONSOLIDATED PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMED The SNA Phamacetealinty PLC 2106243087 2260161389 ‘The lBN SNS API nds Ll 656621 2347888 The BN SNA Natal in is 75004677 F ae (051. CAPITAL WORKAN-PROGRESS: {A Coeebucton workin progress (Big) Opening balance 67,054,425 72,540,664 ion dug he port AT82765 878426 ‘Less: Transferred to property plant and equipment (72.548 654) Closing balance ra eros 8) Machinery in transit and installation perigee wars zar2788 Aton deg the yar 75936952 155577138 ‘Less: Transferred to property, plant and equipment 2 (150,870,977) Closing bale aii ae 2055 FT 555 59 1) Some new construction is unde: procs to increase the ovr preducion capac of Te IBN SINA Pharmacevical Industry PLC. The amount in machiern transit represens the avourt for opening te LC forthe procurement of Factory machineries for newy constuced factory bulting and increasing production capacly of exsigfaciory wich ao not received yet by he company. 1 Bulking consructon inthe factory prises has been completed during tis period and hence the construction and associated costs ‘ral fm capital werk in progress to bung under propery, plant and equipment (05.1A CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL WORKAN-PROGRESS: A) Construction workin-progress (Building) poring tno 103051403 3.236000 on dg the paris 8.100281 $2384.29 Les: Traseed to property plant end equipment eee Closing balance see 103.081.4053 B) Machinery in transit and installation (perrg barca among aaa ‘Aion ding the yor seee515 163500169 Les: Transl o property, plant ard equipment (19087057) Closing balance 28040586 A204 216.7720 UA253.306 Pages 12 ‘Amountin Taka ‘Bi December 2022] [ 30 June 2022 05.2 RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS: perng bdence swozszene 62,625,005, ‘ition dig the year ~ 124002887 Disposellcusiment cig the year - (6,304 000) Closing balance aan is 2s 602 ‘Accumulated Depreciation: ineesacaganaie. (pering tence razaes 3,057,823 ‘Aion cing the year 13181009 4.356839 DispselAjument during the year (66,354,000) Closing balance Tea — moa Cloting balance of Wetton Down Value (WO) arr Tae (06, FINANCIAL ASSETS: ‘A Investentin marketable securities (FYOCI) sim Bak Linitos 392000 3,587,000 Fst Sacra Bank i 17,180.00 16,800,000 ‘habla semi Bark Lid 11380,00 4,990,000 ‘Act a Bank Ld zoo 2,560,000 Sodal sani Bank Lis tears 2.128280 Is Bane Bangladesh Lid (BBL) in MPB 4s 4941136 Detalis of Maret Secures have been shown in Anneniee-B zis args ‘The aboveinvesnentinmarkatabe secures ae designated as Far Vee through Other Conpreensve Toone (FVOCI bythe anagem “These are measure ata value and resented 2 nor-curent asset. Unralzed gaoss) Kom he above rwesinent were recognized in other camprebersve income, The shaes of Exim Bak Ld. nd IBEL-NPE ar ited in Dhaka Sock Exchange Lid. ard Ottagen Stock Exchange Lid ‘The wto investment hares of Roh he companies ae in OSE ony. B.Investmont in MTOR 22500000 Total amourt (A*B) 42.520 stra es (6.4. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL ASSETS: {A nvestent in marketable scutes FOC) sqnigsm0 31,114,386 8 Inestnentn MTOR 73500000 - Ti,stzs0. sires 07 INVESTNENT IN SUBSIDIARY : ‘The IBN SINK API Indu Lid ‘5905.00 154,900,800 ‘The IBN SINA Natural Medicine Lid, 138,108.670 90,000,000 Tho IBN SNA Pome Induty Lid 39000000 39000,000 “a7At970 23, 988.800° {) The IBN SINA AP industy Li. is 229.98% owned subsiSary company Tk4.5) crore have been paid es apa of share capa 1) The IBN SINA Natural Medicine Lid i 0 9.99% owned subsidy company. i The IBN SNA Polymer industry LiL. is © 65% owned subir company. 08. INVENTORIES: Raw mate 775065087 301,856 900 Packing matoils oogaeaee 126,762,801 Workin grocess we.itiss@ —_63570,380 Frished goods zrigeiz 302212680 Physio sales 4209956 4,145,856 Pad & trate e959 5,086,249 Spares & stores 245,642 218,892 lncrect materi snare 316,022 Printing & stationery 385,725 349,295 Latortay chemicals 195890 194,360 MteralinTranst szoa0s.411 __ 164,925,529 Tare Torr vento or sa (17,655 032) aes wearers Pogo 13 ‘Amount in Taka 31 December 2022 |[ 30 June 2022 1 Te invertor quant can ot be dicosed as sore of materi consinin ter, soma in pieces, some aren box end same are nkg, a, ‘il gram, ton, ar and ps as such quantity cannot be nsec. I) There sno damage goods sow nov tem inthe iver It i As part of loan condton al ofthe cxmpan inentr are pedged as secu orion finance ofthe company. Iv ventory for aw mater, packing materi, Workin Provss, Fished goods and materi in transit increased during the pert for ensuing sao supply of goots to meetup nceased customer demand 8A CONSOLIDATED INVENTORIES: cy 10. Row mates wozie23 —312,191.912 Packing msterals earm7 1676283 Wrkr-rocess 107590,120 9,570,380 Fished goods swgaag.sea 912.212.6080, Physics’ samples 8323790 4,145,856, Pd & erature sengzg 3.86248 Spares & sores 245,842 218.82 Indrect materials 0476 316 Pring & stationery 43.205 Laborato chemicals 194369 Matra in Trent 04 905.509, TT 67 ‘TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES: Tate receivable 3909.81 Receivatie rom provident und (PF) : 073.348 Divdend rosie 2 1.547.188 thor rocvatle tol charge 6337489 7,506,401 ae Trade receivable held forse 3,6320698) 350 A926 |) Amout ae recevabas tom customers manly diferent hosp, matical cologes, cris, dagnos centers. No amount was ue by the rector (nduting the Menoging Director), managers nd ober ofcers of the company or any ol them ethar severally or ny with any ober person 8) Other receivable increased during the period as last mont ol charge bl remain receabe ‘CONSOLIDATED TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES: Trade receivable a7geasrs 508681 Recetvate from provieat und (PF) : 1073.38 Didend rcoivabie - 1567.189 Bank prot T7835 (ther recevblesol charge 6337489 __7596,101 Ss 8is S58 ‘ADVANCES, DEPOSITS and PREPAYMENTS : a Advances against Salary 3635189 3913,210 Expensesieotsoters susie 9.986.654 Dept rent T9798 BHAT Motor eyes enplyoss Tew 962277 thers 529573 4 Rs aaa Income tax Opening belence sg2t1,28 260522,128 ‘ion eo.1769%6 © _(26670,678 Adjusted ding he period = _(908.961.678) a 8a © Deposits ‘Securty money farses 2331,896 4. Prepayments Value Aeed Tax 6,485,531 a Pogo 4 404 MATURITY ANALYSIS: Realzablladustabe win one yer Realzabeadustable ater ne yea. 410.4 CONSOLIDATED ADVANCES, DEPOSITS AND PREPAYMENTS a. Advances aganst Salary Expensesterisoters Depot rent Motor cydeso employees P| Insti Park Servins Lt Others Income tax Opening batnce ‘aon ‘Aste rng the period Deposits ‘Securty money 4. re payments ‘Value Aes Tax ‘Amount in Taka 31 December 2022] [30 June 2022 317 863,162 712809 1 21,664,000 Baz14 162 28573523 3606.18 3.913210 mssgo7 ——10644,107 7917943 88147 ‘120087 = 902277 000000 25,000,000 580,573 e798 as 00 ts s0382,67 200,907,962 enziise —216,766488 (308.90,678) TESS BOS 196 3,167 tsazgsT 22,331,636 6405.69 tart a a ‘The company di not ive any advance depast and prepayment othe actors of the company, subsigares andthe connected pares and employoes advances ae reals ir oma course of business. ‘11. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: a. Cashnhand Cath atbank imprest cash ‘11,4 CONSOLIDATED CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: a. Cashintand Cath atbank imprest cash 42, SHARE CAPITAL: ‘Authored: '50}000,000Ornary Shares of Te. 10eech Issued, Subseribed & Pait-Up ‘31,243,627 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.eac uly paid up in cash ‘The Shareholdings consistof: Holders Sponsors Inston (168) (Goneral Pubic Page 15 3738.46 2916.99 sves2718 —231587,781 : 3680,000 sei791 963 738.154400 e596 2.916608, 225375148 398,098,786 No. of Holders Total Hos 7 1388312 +53 7.513.003 +2300 886,707 Bast W286 ‘Amount in Taka ‘34 December 2022] [ 30 June 2022 “The dtrnson schetle showing the numberof sae holders and the stare lings es on 29.12.2022 a as ols: Range of Holdings NowotHoldes Tot Hoings Percentage Les ha 0 saree Toa 78562 2378] 500105000 stares 2012 zane. 11365 50010 14000 cbr ‘7 ‘22600 4895 30020000 res ao 1104309 473% 20001030000 shoee a 7,9 200%] 430.0010 4,000 shares xq esr 2.00%| 40001 tos0000 shares ‘q 074] rr toe £0009 stares a zaimor||___ esass] a SDaeaT “ones The shares are fsiod with the Dtala Stock Exchange Lined ard Chitiagorg Stock Exchange Limited. The shares were quoted ‘7206.0 inthe Dhaka Stock Exchange Lined on 29:12.2022 and at T2810 in he Chitogong Stock Exchange Lined on 28:12.202 respecte. 48. TAX HOLIDAY RESERVE: 40010 43e2t10 ‘This represents provision made cut prof of Tx Hokday palo n accordance wih sacton 45 (28) and scion BA 2 of noone Tax Ordnance 1864, 14 FVOCIRESERVE: Csng market value of marketable seis sais 34,18485, Less: Costof martetabe series S4e79.168 ——_31.876,40 ‘nrealzed gan before adjustment of deferred tax 0 SE) Less: Defer tx on unread ga (oss) 276905 8176 ‘Net unrealized gainfloss) on markeuble secures 72.88.803 655.582), 48. RETAINED EARNINGS: Opening Elance 2907685.1561,842886,521 Dvitend pad (187.461,762) (146,845 067) ‘Aid: Net prot uring the peed 301422 __6tt 2406-298696 2.307 508,155 415A. CONSOLIDATED RETAINED EARNINGS: peneg ce zaezmsrs 828008 Duden po (ierastrea) (45645007) Nac rg pos SUN eT ast ass 198, NON CONTROLLING NTERESTS: Te IBN SHA APY m » The NSA Natl dre Ui 200 am Te IN SNA Poy laity Ls (by aN SIA ast igoomo 21200000 Je: Shon of Prelos t2o7m (44008 Bseuias ——mme 16, LONG TERM FINANCE From All an Baki Sesune wasn ware (Unter Prhas Si Ve HPSM) Current natty anaaredocrt aly From srl da Ba Sern ie21 (selena) coset (Und Hre Purse Shi Ml) LONG TE FANGS -net of ret mtr ae ') Loan anount represent the aunts mich would be due for repayment ter 12 (welv) mots fron eda of Statement of Fnenc Postion @ 85% of prot. i) The lan wat taken rom ALAcatah ani Bank is. agen morgage of B83 dcinal and and 63.81 square fet factory bling located at ‘Shafpr,Gazpur to impor capt machinery and ror vehicle under Hre Purchase hikatul Nek 1) HPSN repayable in 84 monthly qual instalent. 1) Curent lof the companys HPSM and cer loans are cassia as standard by te Bank /lflomston regarcing lan fl ue tor fe yeas. Loan fal ue rom 2105 years 295.9420 200,125,109 Loan fal ue fom 6 to more years 94488,599 __75,88,16067 Paget it — ne. 1. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT OBLIGATIONS: (pening Batarce Provision during the priad Less: Paid during the periog ‘T./A CONSOLIDATED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT OBLIGATIONS: Opening Balance Provision ding the prod Less: Pat dung the pod 17.8 LEASE LABILITES: (pening Batarce ‘Adton ding the plod Fares chase Pi uring the prod Closing balance Less: Transfer to curent maturiy (rosea AH Wena 734,704 S788 (9925 34 2575,109 734704 804318 (8.326.349) Sara 95806,700, 4.982.204 (15496.680) 5 AZAD (10701438) TATSOSTS: 1) Te company has lease agains shea fc ands taining center cated at Mohammad, Dhak 1 Lease part supa 31.10.2028 A Mert rertlpeynentisT.1881,270 1M Advance amount paid Tk. 11,661,00 ) Monty adsance eusnertT. 0,00 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY: ooze 97 985,798 325.1 T3474 94.028 97, 985798 (97,325,123, Ts T08 4368520 107361887 6,308,860 (21305.048) 96006,799 (22055824) TATSOSTS, Defered tax asses and faites have been recognized and measured in accordance with the provisions of IAS 12 income Taxes. Raed el tax expensel{ncome) have been dosed in note 18 The components of deloed tax assets ad abilites are given below: Tbe Canyiog | Texbase | (cedactive) Defer tax Particulars ee shes Saray Applicable tax rate | ty teres Foner nam and quent TEASE TRS] — sats | 20a TERE Jseuty aaa] esas] corse] | 200% ‘e150 ese aizeee| weiss — sme] | 2000 1.80825 | ese an oo marta sectien (2765548 eressus| | 100% arp fs at 1 December 2027 Tasers] TORS] se Tes Prose, nt and eqasnat eae] sean] — ease | AOR Teast Jecuty secsome] e751) coxris] | 200% (v8.94) cae rene] sons] @areiea] | 200% 439) nese gan on matte scien cure =| coz] | 1000% 3.179) sat. Jane 2022 Tame] THOTT] — wae irate DEFERRED TAX EXPENSESIINCOME) Cosing tance ote tax ebty weszooue 117724054 pei ttc foes tax abity 17724064 118860318 Teta deere tax exponesiincome) 9940) — (S259) Less: Detores tx (ncone expenses etd oer comprobonsive come (ova) 7858) 594588) ——T9.129 Paget 17 ‘Amount in Taka T1Deceriber2022][ 30 June 2022 49 CONSOLIDED DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY: Tanabe Ccarying | Texbase | (deductie) Deferred ax — amount | value | tmporay | | APP%CH*RY=EM |) aniny ference [Proper pantend opupmant TART] TBST | ST BSTT| TEBE Jcauty enzaonea| sesz6s0| — Garzsra] | 20% to 30% (28,2) Lese zimesss| sao4zes| — 5ar0820 41160525 \eaicedgain on malate ecris cress] = | eres] | 10.00% (276.985 [as at Dscember 2022 Zao rae] aoa] — arse Tar 788, Prone, lant end eauoment 2250.11 385] TasoBsiai | —sxisoHow@] | POO THEBES [say seosieaa] srs) crams] | 2000% (v4. case zaziai] ssamsss| sree] | 20.00% 714438) Uneaed gan on markt secrtis cose] - crete) | 10.0% 6176 at 3 June 202 Taine soe] TaTOTeETT]| i. Tiree CONSOLIDATED DEFERRED TAK EXPENSESIINGOME) : Cong baanc cf deterred tx ibity swrs3a976 117724086 Operrg tlre of defored tax ibiy i754 __ 1186938 Total eferod tax oxpensesi(incoms) TO,SBEra) 1,145 288)_ Les: Deere ix (ncomeY expenses reso citer comprehensive income (zo) 7958) ES ESE 20. SHORT TERM FINANCE : ‘A. From vrais om Bank id ~ Secured az349e62 4201100 (Unie: Cerposit ecitos LONEUTR) —— Be Tae ') Loan aroun represent the amour wich woul be defor repayment win 12(wehe) months fom the date of Statement of Financial Psion 8.50% of prot an 0.25% commission pe quatro be paid 1) Theloon was tan rom A-Aefa san Bank Li. agaist motgage of 809 decnal land an 63,811 square fet actor bling toad at ‘Saf, Gazipur to import Phermacouicals raw ris, imported good and o purchase busihess tons from ral marka under Composte focites LOMPUMPI TRUPAS! Baimuajl agreerent. {Shot tm an is repayable within weve mons 1) Curent al ofthe companys MPVUPAS archer loans ere classified as standard by the Bank 21, CURRENT PORTION OF LONG TERM FINANCE: 1) From Abvefh semi Bank Lié-Secured 55404508 70,181,410 (Under Hire Purchase Situ ok) ea ‘The amounts represent cuent matty fog tern franceotaned fom Abra sli Bark Lid. and tease lity which ave repayable win next 12 (Twehe) months fom te date of Statement of Franc Postion 22. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES: Payable to suppers 2so.sesar7 165814675 ostied expenses seea7ar2 94806462 Seoury money reeves rom employees and others 7888,121 7967 814 ‘Wirtes prot paricpaton und & wetare fund 19240,753___40.94,605, ee ee 2A CONSOLIDATED TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES : as as Payable to supp 2uqgoo2t9 16,176,675 ezrued expenses 96.403.90 sata r12 Securty mney received rom employees and others 7,583,121 7887 814 Worker’ rot parcipaton urd & were und 21990300 40,341,806 =a aT a ats 224 UNCLAIMED DIVIDEND : pening 72638182 53,1047 ‘dion 187,461,782 148 845,047 Pato stare holders (969,727,576) (148108403) Pai to Catal Market Stabisaton Fund - (29.28.78) HES 2688.18 Paget 18 222 UNCLAIMED DIVIDEND : Years teak up ofthe sboveis a flows 2018-18 2019-20 2020-21 m2 23, CURRENT TAX LIABILITIES: Opening blanc Por yer tax assessment edsiment Curent tax provision ‘Adjusted ding the yearpeton 23,8 CONSOLIDATED CURRENT TAX LIABILITIES: Opening lance Por yer tax assesment ajustment “Curent tcexpense Adjusted ding the yearpaion Pages 19 ‘Amountin Taka ‘31 December 2022] [30 June 2022 4orgsss —4azgat8 7s11622 7.99668, 9425122 «10,218486, s9gt7.grt - 3 Bee. ‘wsouz065 — arg70 334 : Batts 3575403 165,042,066 seis 47400378 = __(8.98,678) Sars Tess 185585987 770,296,238 = motte on9sg06s __165,205483 T5554 A74 537,085 = _ (306981 78), FS TESST 24. 2A 248 2c 2A Amount in Taka Forthe halfyear(1]| For the half-year July 20220 34. || (1 July 2024 to 31 December 2022) |/ December 2021) REVENUE: Local revenue 3.975,402,181 4,474,839,196 Expot revenue 82471813, 52,896,656 057,873,794 4527, 835,882. Less: Discontinued INM Sales + (666,142741) ‘CONSOLIDATED REVENU The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industy PLC ‘The IBN SINA Natural Medicine Lt S057 873TH 3,961,005,111 4,057,873,794 —3.981,603,111 558,243,422 586,142,744 616,117,216 4527 895,882 COST OF GooDS SOLD: Materials 1.921,262989—2,173295,288 Factory Overhead 389,855,983 200,850,198 Depreciation 75,384,007 650538 7,386 502,398 2.660,7,622 Less: Discontinued : (937,648,154) CONSOLIDATED COST OF GOODS SOLD Materials 7,586 502,598 2,827,168 668 2,495,646.994 —2,173,235,286 Factory Overead 482,564,283 300,850,198 Depreciation 78,850,618 96,332,338 796,064,895 ‘ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES : Salary, Wages & Allowances 52,887,861 48,096,768, Repairs & Maintenance 8,236,122 4,753,258 Traveling & Conveyence 2396875, 4,547,168 AGM, Fees and Others 1.555477 1,366,832 Depreciation 13779817 17,842,641 Other Expenses 24948416 29,745,724 F083, 513,287 100,482,309 Less: Discontinued operation : (12,807,788) Les: Expenses for INM, API end Poymer (7,588,789) 95,844,478 BO,254621 ‘CONSOLIDATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES : Salary, Wages & Allowances 54,316,622 49,508,607 Repairs & Maintenance 8,236,122 4,753,258 ‘Traveling & Conveyance 2,335,875 4,547,169 ‘AGM, Fees and Others 4555477 1,966,892 Research & Development 66,500 45375 Depreciation 13974816 411,774,987 Other Expenses 25,175,983 30,122,732 i) Salary, wages & allowance increased due to increase in manpower, gratuity payment and salary revision. ij Repairs & Maintenance expense increased due to increase in maintenance of fixed assets to meet business needs. i) Traveling & conveyance increased during the period ve to increase travel Page # 20 rc 8A 8A ‘SELLING & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Salary, Wages & Allowances Traveling & Conveyance Market Survey & Research and Product development Field personnel expenses ‘Sample, Literature & Promotional Expenses Delivery Expenses Depreciation Other Expenses Less: Discontnved operation Less: Expenses for NM, ‘CONSOLIDATED SELLING & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES : Salary, Wages & Allowances Traveling & Conveyance Market Survey & Research and Product development Field personnel expenses Sample, Literature & Promotional Expenses Delivery Expenses Depreciation Other Expenses i) Traveling 8 conveyance increased during the period due to increase trevel. i) Delivery expense during the reporing period increased due to increase in fuel and gas cost and vehicles rent cost. |i) Depreciation expense during the reporting period decreased cue to disposal of ied assets, WORKERS’ PP FUND & WELFARE FUND : INCOME TAX EXPENSES: Curent Tax Less: Discontinued Deferred Taxincomel(expense) ‘Amount in Taka For the half-year (1 For the half-year July 20220 31. |} (1 July 2021 to 34 December 2022) |} December 2021) 679,206 987 805,364,995 2,758,088 2,318,286 1,858,625, 2,538,540 146,033,559 166,208,505 79,048,183 84,697,681 108 569,025, 95,719,519 19,176766 187,819,389 1194470,624 1,278,040, (189,551,120) (33,494,606) : 1196 489,758 823,252732 805,961,995 3,243,696, 2,316,268 2,658,625, 2,533,540 174,283,682 166,209,505 88,899,238 84,697,681 108,569,025 95,719,519 19,427,195 19,249,785 22,828,539 88575423 129,702,648 = (16,217,508) (11,594,598) (2872,200) 76,980,825 110,612,941 Reconciliation of Effective Tax Rate [Types of income Tncome Effective Tax Rate Tax Capital Gain SB STEADS 20.00% 17,715,085 Business income 20.00% 59283929 200% 76999013, ‘Non Deductible Expenses 3.01% 118576410 Deferred Tax (incomeyexpense “301% (11,594,598) 200% 76980825, ‘CONSOLIDATED INCOME TAX EXPENSES: (Current Tax Defered Taxincomel(expense) Page #21 107,998,086 (129,729,099 (10,785,366) (2.872.200) ‘31,212,601 308 34. A Reconciliation of Effective Tax Rate [Types of income Tncome Effective Tax Rate Tax Capital Gain 1854274 200% 17,715,085 Business Income 418,330,486 20% 1027 50% 73515794 420,104,760 271% 31200879 Non Deductible Expenses 276% 11,576,410 Deferted Tax incomeyexpense 276% (11,504,598) 27% 5212.691 ‘Amount in Taka (CHANGE IN FAIR VALUE OF MARKETABLE SECURITIES : ‘Closing value of marketable securities Opening value of marketable scutes EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS): Basic earings per share has been calculated as flows Eamings attributable to the Ordinary Shareholders (Net profit ater tax) Divided by number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the yearperiod EARNINGS PER SHARE(EPS) CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) : Basic earings per share has been calculated as folows : Earrings attributable othe Ordinary Shareholders (Net proft after tax) ‘Divided by numberof Ordinary Shares outstanding during the yearfperiod ‘CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS): Not Assets Value Per Share (NAV) Eauity atrioutable tothe owners ofthe company Divided by weighed average number of Ordinary Shares cutstanding during the Not Assets Value Per Share (NAV) Net Assets Value Per Share (NAV) increased during the period due to increase in sales, and increase in retained eaming Consolidated Net Assets Value Per Share (NAV): Net Assets Value Divided by weighed average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding ding the Consolidated Net Assets Value Per Share (NAV): [Not Operating Cash Flow Per Share (NOCFPS): "Net cash provided by operating acvies Divided by weighed average number of Ordinary Shares oustanding during the ‘Consolidated Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share (NOCFPS): Net cash provided by operating activites Divided by weighed average numberof Ordinary Shares outstanding during the Paget 22 Forthe half-year (1]| For the half-year July 2022 to 34 || (1 July 2024 to 31 December 2022) || December 2021) (2,766,648) 629,783 (761,764) 161,208 12,004,864) TOSS 308014242 329,740,321 31,243,627 31243627 988 7055 328972070 327,834,465 31243627 31,243,627 1053 1048 2742577032 2,623,828,948 243,627 31,243,627 33.98 ‘expenses growth 2.744164,747 —2,604,300,765 sizegeor 34,243,627, 07.88 83.36, 435,250,858 306,206,776 31,243,627 31,243,627 13.98 9.80 434,854,707 304,321,860 31,243,627 34,243,627 13.92 9874 Amount in Taka For the half-year (1]| For the half-year July 20220 34. |} (1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022) || December 2021) 33. Reconciliation of net profit with cash flows from operating activities: Profit Before Tax (PBT) 384,995067 396,625,070 ‘Adjustment Depreciation 108340310 106,778,755 Defered Tax (11,394,110) (2,872,200) Unrealized foreign exchange loss (6.973483) 8.902 Gain onsale of Motor Vehicles 1958274 4,213,365 Dividend received 4.547.168 : Interest income (294,723) (27,764) ‘Change In operating assets Increase in inventory 5.130800 (87,624,613) Increase in accounts receivables (2,575,260) (1,156,242) Decrease in advances, deposits and prepayments (4,336,287) 7,545,764 Increase!(decrease in rade and other payable 56,029,548 12,571,534 Increasel(decrease in retirement beneft obligation 4,840,309 3,156,731 Finance charge (18,796018) (21,564,870) Tax paid during the period (80,176826) (97,350,658) 495,250,688 — 906,206,775 34, Finance Charge: Finance charge for ong tern nance 18706018 21,584,870 Finance charge for lease 4,082,294 2,529,865 2 24,094,734 34.4 Consolidated Finance Charge: Finance charge forlng tem france 18795018 21,554,870 Faance charge forlease 4,082,294 2 +35, RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE: Relations] Nature of Transaction Sept 2022 une 2022 Name otpary | hip | transaction 3 or. Recelvabe/Payable) |The IBN SINA [Subsidiary | Acquisition of share 45,000,000 199,999,800 154,999,800 Jains is. 20.86%) | Captal |The IBN SINA 208, 169,670 238,169,670 30,000,000 Nara | 125000 125,000 sa any | (99.99%) 7,868,789 [Distibution Expense | 33,494,605 = |The IBN SINA [Polymer In. Ltd. JLease 180,000 180,000 Page #23 36. THEIBN SINA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PLC (NATURAL MEDICNIE DIVISION) ‘STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (UNAUDITED) For the Half Yearly ended 31 December 2024 REVENUE Cost of goods sold GROSS PROFIT OPERATING EXPENSES Administrative expenses Seling & Distribution expenses OPERATING PROFIT Financial charges Other income Net proft from operation Workers’ P.P. fund & welfare fund PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax expenses: Current Tax NET PROFIT AFTER TAX Chief Financial Officer Dated, Dhaka 28 January 2023 “Amount in Taka For the halfyear (1 duly 2024 to 34 December 2021) 66,4274 (332,648,154) 5404567 (172,448,888) (12,887,768) eile st Cae Company Secretary Director, Finanoe Manefing Director Chairman Page # 24

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