Quality Checklists Design

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NO. X00000
DATE 00-00-0000

Document No.

Revision No.


Points to be checked during Detail Engineering

Design Basis/Introduction

Relevant Codes (including National Annexes), Standards and References available

Secondary beams placement and arrangement meeting all the requirements of other

Material grade adopted meets Project Requirements

Unit weight/ properties of all materials taken correctly in calculation

Limiting Vertical and Horizontal deflection requirement

Method of analysis adopted (limit state/ working stress)

Design tools being used (spread sheet, STAAD Pro., etc)

All members not included in analysis model have been identified and separately designed
(dummy/ fictious members)

Project specific guidelines followed along with codes and standards

1.2 Loading Calculations

Dead loads

Self weight of structure

Weight of grating/conc as per adopted thickness including finishing on concrete

Load of equipment as per data sheet/ from supplier

Wall load (interior/exterior)

Weight of roof waterproofing treatment

Weight of dust on roof

Load from staircase

Load of monorails hoist and lifting load

Hung load for false ceiling, piping, HVAC ducts, cable tray, etc.

Load reaction from all connecting platforms and other cantilever brackets, etc.

Load on sunken slab and permanent formwork if used

Load from parapet walls

Load from roof water tanks and its platform

NO. X00000
DATE 00-00-0000

Monorail lifted loads along with suitable impact factor

Live load

Live load on floors, roof, walkways, stairs as per aprooved DBR

Live load reaction from all connecting platforms and other cantilever brackets etc along with

Live Load from staircase

Any other live loads mentioned in equipment supplier data sheet/ drawing

Other loads

Dynamic loads mentioned equipment supplier data sheet/ drawing

Earth pressure load with suitable pressure co-efficient

Ground water pressure load

Surcharge pressure load

Water/ Liquid pressure load (from inside for water/ liquid reataing structure)

Snow load & Ice Load

Snow load, if any, calculated as specified in applicable code

Snow combination with wind

Snow deposition along the edges/parapets

Snow deposit on exposed elements considered

Ice load if applicable

Ice load and snow loads are combined with corresponding wind on increased area

Temperature load

Temperature load, applied both increase and decrease

Crane Load

Selfweight of crane

Weight of hook, crab, etc.

Lifting weight

Oberloading factor

Impactor factor of crane wheel load

Lateral surge due to wheel load

Weight of crane girder

NO. X00000
DATE 00-00-0000

Wind load

Basic wind speed and method of wind load calculation as per project DBR/ technical

Wind load on members

Wind load on members in local direction for sloping roof members

Wind load along height of structure as per code

For covered buildings, cpi as per opening area

Wind on parapet

Dyanmic effect of wind based on the natural frequency or height to minimum lateral
dimension ratio

Seismic load

Seismic zone

Sructure category, Importance factor

Method of seismic load calculation as per DBR/ Technical specification/ applicable code

Seismic load in both horizontal axes in both positive and negative directions

Load Combinations

Load combinations as per DBR/ relevant code

Separate load combinations for foundation design and deflections

Load combinations considering higher seismic zone requirements prepared

Analysis/Design Input

Structure member type e.g. space frame/ plane frame mentioned correctly

Units mentioned in all the input files

Orientation of all columns is same as planned

Member end releases for all seceondary members

Material Constants and material properties as used by software

Member eccentricities considered due to difference in actual CG line of adjoining members,

if any

Stair support menbers/ load checked

Sufficient head room in stair/ walkways, etc. are checked

All supports have been correctly modeled

NO. X00000
DATE 00-00-0000

Input of various load cases as per loading calculations

Input of all Load combinations with factors in input file

Graphical display of loads checked

Design parameters have been defined

Default values of parameters have been checked for suitability

Effective length factor of members taken as per geometry/ code/ guidelines

The members are to be designed by the software have been checked graphically

Points to be checked after Analysis/Design Input

All load application direction checked for correctness

Special seismic provisions for higher seismic zones have been identified and listed

Damping correction factor, if applicable applied on seismic loads

In time period calculation by software, all applicable masses included

Torsion effects considered in the analysis as per applicable code

Post-Analysis/ Design checking

All the warning messages have been seen and suitable action has been taken

Ensure zero end moments in all secondary beams

Frame equilibrium (reactions=applied load) in both horizontal and vertical direction

Symmetry of support reactions

Typical cases check design of members(beams/columns) with manual checks wherever


Deflection profile generated by software for basic load cases are as expected

Special seismic provisions for higher seismic zone have all been complied with

Check the design output file for the failed members in design

Check graphically interaction ratio of columns are designed by the software

Review of Documents

Check for compliance with Project technical specification/ amendment if any

Compliance with contractual requirements

Quantities are comparable with tender quantities

For all the members not included in analysis model, manual design has been done and

Project specific guidelines (if prepared) followed

NO. X00000
DATE 00-00-0000

Optimisation of members done

Check that all the check points are filled up in the checklist

Ensure that all the requirements/ aggrement, etc. are followed

Checking of all points in above list

Legends: Y-Yes, N-No & NA-Not applicable

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