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Activity 1.

2 Grade 10 Science ║Brainstorming about Volcanic Eruptions & Earthquakes

║Output: Major Post in FB Group ║ 1 week duration to submit on October 15, 2021║50
pts ║Dr. Lopez

Refer to the short videos related to sciences, and to the module. For online learners:
YOU WILL NOT ANSWER THE MODULES but make it as your reference books for
researching your answers. You may do googling and internet searches too.

Make a major post, discussions, and comments/reactions (based technically from the
instructions of Activity 1.1 before, like the number of words, number of feedbacks and
the like).

Pick ONLY one question among the following questions:

Question 1: What is the importance of the topics of module 1 --- first quarter --- to you
as a young Filipino citizen?

Question 2: What is the connection of plate tectonics to the geographical location of the
Philippines? Explain further situations & consequences.

Question 3: Connect plate tectonics to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and geological

topographies here in the Philippines & abroad.

Question 4: Seismology & volcanology may not predict when specific catastrophes will
come but they are very important to us human beings because

Question 5: What to do during and after earthquake and volcanic eruptions and state
the reasons for each action. The steps should be coming from reliable sources of

Pick ONLY one question among the ABOVE questions…

-Dr. Lopez

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