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As you observed on your birthplace province, you noted that a bedrock mountain full of

stratifications gave you an idea that it's sedimentary rock from seabed before. You were
amazed how can such rocky mountain was formed in which the beach or sea are
kilometers away. Hypothetically, one of the following is the most acceptable:
There were global warming and ice age before that promoted the dynamic increase and
decrease of sea level
Massive evaporation of sea water forming elevation of sea mountains
Tectonic plates like subduction & collision pushing up one sea crust
Subduction causes volcano formation spitting coral substrates on and in mountains

What type of scientist is most likely to study rocks?


What is that landform in which a depression area is surrounded by mountains?


It is a process beneath the earth such as faulting, folding and volcanic activity:
Exogenous process
Seismic process
Endogenous process
Weathering process

The deepest or lowermost part of the world is the ___________:

Himalaya’s mountain ranges
Mariana's subduction zone
Philippines’ Trenches
Mt. Everest

Sierra Madre is formed due to what plate tectonics?


The most dangerous volcanoes are formed due to ___________:


Volcanic island Arc like Hawaii is formed due to:

Tectonic faults

Amphibolites and the banded iron geological formation are evidences of:

The age of the earth

The early oceans and continents on earth.
Tectonic plates
All of these

The scientific approximation of the age of the planet earth in “years ago unit”:

5 000 000 000

5 000 000 000 000
12 000 000 000
12 000 000 000 000

On one glance of the whole earth, you can see the three phases of ______ --- as gas ,
solid, and liquid:


Planets come from the star dusts. In physical and earth sciences, the reaction that
promotes energy release is the formation of _____________:

The one responsible for the magnetic field of the earth is actually the ____________:

Mass of the planet earth


The earth – right here, right now – is getting bigger, in terms of size. This statement is

TRUE. The above statement is true.

FALSE. Because the earth’s surface is getting dynamically smaller.
FALSE. Because of plate tectonics, earth’s surface is just balanced.
None of the choices here are correct.

Analyze the statement: The earth’s core is composed of carbon and iron elements. This
statement is _____________________:
TRUE. The above statement is true.
FALSE. It is composed of Iron only.
FALSE. . It is composed of magnetic elements.
None of the choices here are correct.

Analyze the statement: The nearest tectonic plate movement with direct contact to the
convection current of heat is the transform zone.

TRUE. The above statement is true.

FALSE. The tectonic should be divergent zone.
FALSE. The tectonic should be convergent Zone.
None of the choices here are correct.

Analyze the statement: Mount Mayon of Bicol Albay is due to the divergent plate

TRUE. The above statement is true.

FALSE. It is due to subduction.
FALSE. It is due to transform fault movement.
None of the choices here are correct.

By understanding how natural forces affect the environment, Earth scientists can
better predict natural disasters
change human nature
prevent natural disasters
change the course of history

Earth scientists help us to better understand the world around us by studying how:
animals interact with humans
natural forces shape our environment
war impacts society
genealogy and astrology impact society

Earth scientists assume that the causes of natural events or phenomena can be
determined by ____________:
careful observation
risking human life and experimentation
using SI units
formulating incorrect theories

Which of the following statements explains how science impacts society?

Science does not affect society as much as people think.
Science creates new technology without creating any problems.
Science creates new technology that benefits society but may also create problems.
Science does not help us to understand the world.

The lower boundary of Earth’s crust --- separating the crust from the mantle --- is called
the ____________:

Because Earth’s interior is warmer than its surface layers, hot materials move toward
the surface in a process called ____________:
energy balancing
energy transfer

What are the four main branches of Earth science?

chemistry, physics, biology, zoology
geography, astrology, phrenology, psychology
geology, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology
sophistry, philosophy, anthropology, neurology

The sun's age is actually:

younger than the earth
older than the earth
as old as the earth
remained as a mystery up to now

Mid-Atlantic Ridge is actually an example of an evidence in _____________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Rift Valley is an example of a formation due to __________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Pacific Ring of Fire is actually an example of an evidence in _____________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

San Andreas Fault, in USA, is brought about by what plate tectonics?

convergence zone between pacific plate and north American plate
transform zone between pacific plate and north American plate
divergent zone between pacific plate and north American plate
convection zone between pacific plate and north American plate

Active and powerful volcanic formations are created by ____________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Volcanic Island Arc is due to ______________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

The formation of the ‘Challenger’s Deep’ is due to what plate movements?

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Philippines is surrounded or innervated by what plate movements?

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Eating of crusts and recycling such ‘likely happens’ in __________:

Atlantic ocean
Indian ocean
Pacific ocean
Arctic ocean

New crust formations happen in ___________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

Earth's plate movements is measured with an average rate of _____ per year:

1-2 centimeters
1-4 inches
1-6 meters
6-8 yards

Eating of old plate or crust/lithospheres happens in ____________:

convergence zone
transform zone
divergent zone
convection zone

The only seismic-earthquake wave that can pass through the liquid core is the
Rayleigh Wave
Love Wave
Primary Wave
Secondary Wave

The fastest seismic-earthquake wave is the ____________:

Rayleigh Wave
Love Wave
Primary Wave
Secondary Wave
CHECK THE BOXES/SELECT IF IT APPLIES: The seismic-earthquake wave(s) that
is/are directly felt by humans is/are:
Rayleigh Wave
Love Wave
Primary Wave
Secondary Wave

The correct literal meaning of Geology is ______________:

The scientific study of earth on its compositions
A study on ways of writing the observations on earth
A combination of geography, topography and social sciences
The holistic study of maps and places

Volcanic eruptions may also accompany earthquakes. What causes these

Movement of magma through pressurized vents
Melting and boiling of rocks inside the volcano
Movement of rock layers along faults
Throwing out of a huge amount of volcano ash

The Nationwide Disaster Program with the theme --- DUCK COVER and HOLD --- is
actually for ___________:
Seismic Episodes
Fault Movements
All of the choices here could be correct

Situation : For the Nationwide Disaster Program DUCK COVER and HOLD, the
synonym word of DUCK is:
Walk like a duck

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